3.5 Mean Annual Runoff Depth: Map Structures
3.5 Mean Annual Runoff Depth: Map Structures
3.5 Mean Annual Runoff Depth: Map Structures
Precipitation is intercepted by plant surfaces, flows into the receiving water in the form of Fig. 3 Selected catchment areas Fig. 4 Observed and calculated discharges for
surface runoff or infiltrates the subsoil immediately. Part of the infiltrated or intercepted water different catchment areas
can re-enter the atmosphere by evaporating from the soil, transpiring from plants or
evaporating from intercepting surfaces, the remainder seeps away. on annual runoff time series. This new version aims to be considerably more precise, as made
The seepage water, which accumulates in less permeable layers, emerges again in the form of clear by the more extreme variation in runoff formation from one grid field to the next – in
interflow on the surface or in receiving water depending on the surface gradient. Only the part line with the land cover and soil. However, due to the different methods used and the
of the seepage water which enters the groundwater reservoir (Map 4.5) contributes to the improved background data, the runoff depths calculated cannot be compared directly.
groundwater recharge (Map 5.5). The groundwater discharge ultimately feeds into the
receiving water even in low-precipitation periods. The capillary rise from the groundwater
reservoir can help improve the supply of water to vegetation in areas close to groundwater
Map Structures
Map 3.5 shows the mean annual runoff depth in grid cells representing 1 km2 each for the
To calculate the long-term average, the total runoff depth R below the evaporation-influenced period 1961–1990. The values are below 100 mm/a in north-east Germany and over 2000 mm/
range is defined as the difference between the hydrometeorological factors “corrected a in the higher regions of the Alps. The class amplitudes shown are 50 mm/a for the values
precipitation depth Pcorr minus actual evapotranspiration depth ETa” for selected units of area. below 200 mm/a, 100 mm/a for the values up to 1000 mm/a and 500 mm/a for the classes
Sprinkling on agricultural irrigated areas is added to the precipitation at the relevant points. above 1000 mm/a.
Changes in the water stocks in the reservoir are not taken into account.
Despite the actual evapotranspiration depth ETa (Map 2.13) varying significantly within a
R = Pcorr – ETa (in mm/a) (1) small area, the large-scale differences in the corrected precipitation depth Pcorr (Map 2.5)
With area units of 1 km2, it can be assumed that the land-surface runoff, interflow and determine the overall runoff depth. This is made particularly clear by the high values on the
groundwater discharge are largely contained in the total runoff of the unit. The mean runoff ridges of the upland regions and the Alps with its special status due to its snowpack and a
depth at the measuring point in the receiving water results in the arithmetical mean of the partial absence of vegetation. Within the areas with lower runoff values in the low-precipi-
values of the total runoff depth of all area units in the related catchment area. tation north-east region of Germany, where, for instance, the groundwater recharge in the
unconsolidated sediments of the glacial valleys is limited by the runoff depth and where the
The runoff process can be illustrated in terms of space and time (down to daily intervals) using groundwater is often discharging through evapotranspiration when it is close to the land
rainfall-runoff models. After runoff concentration in the catchment area, the variably simu- surface, there are urban “pockets” of high runoff values. Leeward of the upland regions (east
lated total runoff depth, consisting of land-surface runoff, interflow and groundwater dis- of the Harz Mountains, Thüringer Becken), the climatic influence (low precipitation depths
charge, corresponds to the temporarily variable channel runoff of the receiving water as with high values of grass reference evapotranspiration) on the runoff generation becomes very
recorded at the measuring point. The volume of water which flows into or out of the individual evident.
area can only be roughly estimated because it is not possible to measure the groundwater
discharge in the aquifers. This error becomes negligible as the catchment area grows in size. 1600
mean annual runoff depth
There are currently over 4000 gauging stations in Germany which are used to measure the 1400 climatic water balance
water level resp. the discharge (Map 3.1). The readings allow the overall effect of all
influences on the discharge to be seen for the entire catchment area. A more refined
representation of runoff depth R, as carried out in Map 3.5 for grid cells of 1 km2 as an average 1000
annual total, on the other hand, provides more detailed information on the total runoff 800
Viewed over several years, the total runoff indicates the volume of the potential water
resources. Its usability is limited by many factors, such as yield, quality, ecological aspects and
storage capacity. But the values are relevant for examining the water resources in small areas 200
The total runoff depth is limited by the corrected precipitation. In areas of low precipitation -200
and in regions with groundwater close to the land surface, the evapotanspiration can exceed 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0
the corrected precipitation which means that negative runoff values point to discharge areas. W longitude E
Fig. 5 West/east section of mean annual values of runoff and climatic water balance for the
reference period 1961–1990 at latitude 51° 50’ north
mean annual runoff depth
In order to calculate mean annual runoff depths by accounting the precipitation and evapo- 1400 climatic water balance
transpiration values, the latter two values must be precisely determined. For precipitation,
which has largely been determined for specific regions based on measured values, the
corrected values in Map 2.5 are used. The actual evapotranspiration is calculated using the 1000
BAGLUVA method presented in Map 2.13 and based on the modified Bagrov equation, with 800
ratios derived at the site being applied to the overall area (GLUGLA et al. 2002).
Figure 2 shows the HAD Maps and informations used to produce Map 3.5. It also demon-
strates the close connection between the key parameters and the fact that they are the primary
factors that influence the evapotranspiration and runoff depths. 200
In order to verify the method, the values for mean annual runoff calculated using Equation (1) 0
for catchment areas of different size, land use, soil properties and geomorphological and -200
climatic conditions were compared with the runoff depths based on measurements at the gau- 54.5 54.0 53.5 53.0 52.5 52.0 51.5 51.0 50.5 50.0 49.5 49.0 48.5 48.0 47.5
ging stations concerned (Fig. 3). N latitude S
To calculate the runoff depth, two values which are of similar size in some areas are subtracted Fig. 6 North/south section of mean annual values of runoff and climatic water balance for
from one another where the individual errors could accumulate and thus result in a large the reference period 1961–1990 at longitude 10° 10’ east
relative error in the case of low runoff values. Figure 4 shows the dispersion of the calculated
runoff depths in relation to the values based on measurements. The average differences are The resulting values for the territory of Germany are:
below 5 % but can be as much as 30 % in some areas, e. g. due to anthropogenic influences R (327 mm/a) = Pcorr (859 mm/a) – ETa (532 mm/a)
(discharge and inflow of water, intake, sprinkling) and problems
in determining the catchment area to which the water belongs R’s maximum range of fluctuation extends from -258 mm/a in the
(JANKIEWICZ & GLUGLA 2002). Orohydrography Soils Land Cover discharge areas in north-east Germany to 3344 mm/a in the higher
Map 1.1 Map 1.3 Map 1.4 regions of the Alps.
The land-surface runoff (direct runoff component) was not
explicitly considered in this method since it is a phenomenon Average Duration of Snow Cover Mean Annual Potential Evaporation As in Map 2.13, Figures 5 and 6 show west/east and north/south
which occurs on a small scale. A large part of the surface runoff, Depth as Grass Reference sections for grid cells indicating the runoff depth and climatic
which is most relevant in higher locations, seeps away again in Map 2.10 Map 2.12 water balance (Map 2.14); the two lines cross at the summit of the
the valley floors. The influence on the runoff characteristics of Harz Mountains. The runoff depths reflect the climatic water
Mean Corrected Mean Corrected balance CWB = corrected precipitation Pcorr – grass reference
the vertical and lateral delay due to snowfall resp. snow thawing Annual Precipitation Depth Precipitation Depths
has yet to be clarified. of the Summer Half-Year evapotranspiration ET0 especially in the north/south section, and
Map 2.5 Map 2.6 hover around this value depending on the type of land cover and
The method used here is the same for the whole of Germany. the soil properties. In the west/east section, the continental
In the Hydrological Atlas of the Federal Republic of Germany climatic influence leeward of the Harz Mountains affects the
(1978), the runoff depth map was based on a regression method. Mean Annual Actual Evapotranspiration Depth climatic water balance, which is sometimes negative. The runoff
The N-A-U-Atlas (“Precipitation-Runoff-Difference = Evapo- Map 2.13
depths are also lowest here.
transpiration”) published for the GDR in 1958 was also based
Mean Annual Runoff Depth
Map 3.5