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Name: John Elijah R. Carvajal Section: 2-B Date: 15/03/2021 Score: ………/50

Title of Reading Selection: Website Redesign Proposal

Direction: Write a one-paragraph (approximately 10 sentences) summary of the reading selection. It should include the title of the reading
selection, the author’s name, author’s thesis, and supporting points.

The “Website Redesign Proposal” is a project proposed by the New Signature Creative Technology with The Stanford Center for Internet
and Society for the redesign of website. New Signature is known for their creative design that won awards through their
high-quality work. They developed their own simple 4 methods which is: Discovery, Incubation, Implementation, Delivery. In addition to their
methodology, they also organized an approach to the project. The management approach, which means using a set of policies, processes, and
procedures. In the development process comes in the detailed procedure on how they will redesign the website. Considering the amount of
procedures and work that they will do, they submitted a fixed-fee that will cost up to $25,000. With the consideration of the high-quality work
that will be produced, the project team is full of well-trained programmers, software engineers, strategists, and designers.

Direction: Write a one-paragraph (approximately 10 sentences) response to the reading selection. It should include your reaction to the
author’s thesis, and assessment of author’s achievement of the text’s purpose, clarity, and objectivity.

This proposal is well researched in terms of their approach. The method is well-prepared and is specific with their goals. Making sure
that they establish long-term relationships with their clients is a good quality within a company. Their ideas and concept brought enlightenment
to the project because of their organized procedures. When it comes to the developmental process, the details in their procedures are specified.
The purpose of redesigning the website is also stated in the text where users will be more comfortable in using the website, also to have a
unique and powerful impact that can emphasize the usage of the website. The estimated cost is well-prepared and clear. The client would not
have any trouble considering the cost of redesigning a website, in that way the process will continue smoothly. The team also stated their
experiences and awards which is also good at gaining trust with the client you are working with.

Prepared by: Helen C. Raymundo 06/25/2020

Name: John Elijah R. Carvajal Section: 2-B Date: 15/03/2021 Score: ………/50

Title of Reading Selection: Website Redesign Proposal

This reader response will be evaluated based on the criteria below:
Criteria 6-10 Points 1-5 Points Score
Comprehensio Summary demonstrates understanding of main idea Summary contains inaccurate information.
n and supporting points in the source text
Critical Reading Response demonstrates sound reasoning in reacting Response contains one or more logical fallacies.
to author’s thesis and in justifying analysis and
assessment of the text’s communicative value
Clarity Ideas in sentences are clearly stated. Ideas in sentences are not clearly stated.
 Provides pertinent details of the text (i.e., title,
author’s name, some publication details) in an
introductory sentence.
 Uses transitional devices and accurate words
Completeness Important ideas/information from the text are quoted Lacks ideas/information from text which is necessary to
to prove reader’s reaction/rhetorical analysis. prove reader’s reaction/rhetorical analysis.
Conventions Writing displays correct grammar, spelling, and Writing displays incorrect grammar, spelling, and
mechanics. mechanics.

Prepared by: Helen C. Raymundo 06/25/2020

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