Curvas de Diparo de Fusibles

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Total Clearing Time–Current Characteristic Curves

SMU Fuse Units–S&C “K” Speed

BASIS–These fuse units are tested in accordance with the procedures COORDINATION–These curves represent the total time required for a Do not assume other fuses that do not use S&C’s silver, helically coiled
described in IEEE Standard C37.41, and they are rated to comply with fuse unit to melt and interrupt a fault current, and they should be followed fusible element construction can better resolve a coordination impasse
IEEE Standard Specifications for distribution cut-outs and fuse links, in coordination problems where fuses are applied as “protecting” devices. than the use of another ampere rating in one of the S&C speed options.
C37.42. As required by these standards, the minimum melting current is Any preloading reduces melting time. With respect to the “protected” Such other fuses, including “time-lag” speeds, “super-slow” speeds,
not less than 200% of fuse-unit ampere rating, and the minimum melting fuse, the effect of preloading must be determined and adjustments made and “high-surge” speeds, require the use of “safety-zone” or setback
and total clearing curves are based on tests starting with the fuse unit at to its minimum melting curve when: allowances, and they have larger construction tolerances (plus 20% in
an ambient temperature of 25°C (77°F) and no initial load. • Close coordination is required current; plus 40% in terms of time). The application of these two factors
CONSTRUCTION–Fusible elements for fuse units rated 3K amperes are will give a time interval between the adjusted minimum melting curve
• Regardless of the preciseness of coordination, the protected fuse is
nickel-chrome and under controlled tension; fusible elements for fuse and the total clearing curve greater than in the case of S&C speed options.
subjected to temporary overloads
units rated 6K through 200K amperes are silver and helically coiled. All There are cases where the coordination requirements may be very
are of solderless construction. exacting, for example, in coordinating a transformer primary fuse with a FUSE UNITS AVAILABLE
TOLERANCES–Curves are plotted to maximum test points. All variations secondary breaker and a source-side breaker. The time interval between Fuse Unit kV Nom. Ratings Ampere Ratings
are minus. the operating characteristics of the two breakers may be very narrow.
SMU-20® 14.4 3K through 200K
APPLICATION–As with all high-voltage fuses, these fuse units are Under these circumstances, there must be an extremely short time interval
intended to accommodate overloads, not to interrupt them. Accordingly, between the minimum melting and the total clearing characteristics of
they feature fusible elements designed with a minimum melting current the fuse.
of 200% of the fuse-unit ampere rating (for fuse units rated 100 amperes The fuse units represented by these curves possess this short time
or less) or 240% of the fuse-unit ampere rating (for fuse units rated over interval feature because—having a nondamageable fusible element of
100 amperes). As a result, these fuse units have considerable peak-load precise construction—they require:
capabilities; however, they should never be exposed to loading in excess • As little as 10% total tolerance in melting current compared to the 20%
of the peak-load capabilities listed in S&C Information Bulletin 242-190. tolerance of many fuses (20% and 40% respectively in terms of time)
Because fuse units having nickel-chrome or silver element construc- • No “safety-zone” or setback allowances
tion are not subject to damage by aging or transient overcurrents, it is This narrow time band normally will provide the desired coordination.
unnecessary to replace unblown fuse units of either of these construc- If the selected S&C “K” Speed fuse unit does not meet the coordination
tions in single-phase or three-phase installations when one or more fuse requirements, the selection of another ampere rating for either the pro-
units has blown. tecting or protected fuse usually will satisfy.

June 3, 2019
©  S&C Electric Company 1978–2019, all rights reserved
TCC Number 165-2-2

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