ABAN - April 15 Activity

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Michelle Layno Aban, LPT.

IMCC Masteral Class - Philosophical & Foundation of Education

Doctor Blair Castillon

April 15, 2021

Give the role and responsibilities of a teacher to the following:



1. PPP 1. There has 1. As 1. Parents 1. They must

(Public to be a educators we must also follow laws

Private professional have to see have a good implemented

Partnership) relationship to it that relationship by the

must be in the every learner with the government

fostered organization shall have teachers and especially

between that where the chance to vice versa. the payment

of the respect must be educated Thus we of the taxes

community, be observed and provide have the so - as this will

the in dealing them with called PTA greatly help

governmenta with each the needed organization improve our

l institutions other. materials to where both Economoy.

and private flourish their parties plea

companies to love for shall be

develop a learning. heard for

safer, nicer their benefit.

and much



for all

especially in

the field of


2. Governme 2.Any 2. Students 2.Parents 2.Corruption

nt officials indecent act must observe should shall not be

in the should be and practice support their encouraged

community prohibited to respect to children and in this

must avoid their elders the plea of platform.

implement tarnishing be it in the teachers

projects and the dignity person or in to improve

activities of the the cyber the child’s

that will company world. pursuit of

protect the that you Respecting education.

environment belong to. ones beliefs,

and its ideas and

people from whatnots

any form of should be

harm. This is observed at

a form of all cost.


to public


3. Justice 3.Political 3. 3. 3.

and fairness Neutrality Responsiven Nationalism Commitment

should shall be ess to their is to be to

remain intact observed by pursuit of observed as democracy.

amongst the those people education well as They have to

public who work in shall be patriotism adhere to

officials the observed at being a idea that the

towards their government all cost. citizen of costumer is

constituents. whether or this country. always right

No act of not one has a They also but they also

any form of relative have to have to

corruption running for a respect the protect

shall be position. As laws themselves

encouraged. colleagues, implemented in cases

respecting at school or where there

ones any other is already

preferences organization abuse in

shall be to be able to such a case.

observed at achieve a After all, we

all times. harmonious live in a

community. democratic

form of a


so we have

to respect

one another

on that note.

4. Any


official must



on the



without any

hint of

corruption as

this is

against the

code of


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