Carbon Nanotubes, Science and Technology Part (I) Structure, Synthesis and Characterisation

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Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure, synthesis and

Article  in  Arabian Journal of Chemistry · October 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2010.08.022


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4 authors, including:

Ahmad Aqel Kholoud Abou El-Nour

King Saud University University of Florida


Reda A.A. Ammar

Al-Azhar University


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Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2012) 5, 1–23

King Saud University

Arabian Journal of Chemistry


Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure,

synthesis and characterisation
Ahmad Aqel a,*, Kholoud M.M. Abou El-Nour b, Reda A.A. Ammar c,
Abdulrahman Al-Warthan c

King Abdullah Institute for Nanotechnology, College of Science building # 4, P.O. Box 2454, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451,
Saudi Arabia
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, King Faisal University, Hufof-31982, P.O. Box 4710, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
Department of Chemistry, College of Science building # 5, P.O. Box 2455, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia

Received 9 June 2010; accepted 28 August 2010

Available online 7 September 2010

KEYWORDS Abstract Since their discovery in 1991 by the Japanese scientist ‘‘Sumio Iijima’’, carbon nanotubes
Nanotechnology; have been of great interest, both from a fundamental point of view and for future applications.
Carbon nanotubes; Different types of carbon nanotubes can be produced in various ways. Economically feasible
Fullerenes; large-scale production and purification techniques are still under development. Carbon nanotubes
Single-wall carbon nano- are discussed in this review in terms of history, types, structure, synthesis and characterisation meth-
tubes; ods. Carbon nanotubes have attracted the fancy of many scientists worldwide. The unique and
Multi-wall carbon nano- unusual properties of these structures make them a unique material with a whole range of promising
ª 2010 King Saud University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Arc discharge;
Chemical vapour deposition;
Laser ablation;
Characterisation methods

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +96614674198; fax: +96614670662;

Mobile: +966505284007.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A.

1878-5352 ª 2010 King Saud University. Production and hosting by

Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.


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2 A. Aqel et al.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. History of CNTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Types of CNTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1. Single-walled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2. Multi-walled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4. Structure of CNTs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5. Synthesis of CNTs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6. Purification of CNTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.1. Oxidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
6.2. Acid treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
6.3. Annealing and thermal treatment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.4. Ultrasonication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.5. Magnetic purification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.6. Micro-filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.7. Cutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.8. Functionalisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.9. Chromatography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
7. Characterisation of CNTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
7.1. Photoluminescence spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
7.2. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7.3. Electron microscopy (SEM & TEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7.4. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7.5. X-ray diffraction (XRD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7.6. Neutron diffraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.7. Raman spectroscopy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.8. Thermal analysis (TGA/DTG). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7.9. Absorption spectroscopy (UV, Vis and IR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
8. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1. Introduction ous filters, nanowires, nanoparticulate metal oxides, nanopil-

lar, dispersion nanoparticles, nanopin film, polymer
Nanoscience is the study, understanding and control of phe- nanocomposites, and others. . .
nomena and manipulation of material at the nanoscale, so As is the case with numerous important scientific discover-
nanoscience is the world of atoms, molecules, macromolecules, ies, fullerenes were accidentally discovered. In 1985, scientists
quantum dots, and macromolecular assemblies. Research in discovered new material by founding strange results in mass
nanoscience is an interdisciplinary knowledge which means spectra of evaporated carbon samples (Kroto et al., 1985).
that it is a whole knowledge on fundamental properties of Herewith, fullerenes were discovered and their stability in the
nano-sized objects but not limited to physics, chemistry, biol- gas phase was proven. The discovery of fullerenes provided
ogy, medicine, engineering, and materials science. Nanotech- exciting insights into carbon nanostructures and how architec-
nology describes many diverse technologies and tools, which tures built from sp2 carbon units based on simple geometrical
do not always appear to have much in common! Therefore, principles can result in new symmetries and structures that
it is better to talk about nanotechnologies, in the plural (Roco, have fascinating and useful properties (Kroto et al., 1985). Ful-
1999; Dolmer, 2003). lerenes are a class of carbon allotropes (Fig. 1), They are mol-
In recent years, miniaturised products have become increas- ecules composed entirely of carbon, in the form of a hollow
ingly dominant in every aspect of life. The benefits of having sphere, ellipsoid, or tube. Cylindrical fullerenes are called car-
smaller components, and hence a device with enhanced capa- bon nanotubes or buckytubes. Fullerenes are similar in struc-
bilities and functionalities, are obvious from the following per- ture to graphite, which is composed of a sheet of linked
spectives: smaller systems tend to move more quickly than hexagonal rings, but they contain pentagonal (or sometimes
larger systems because of lower inertia of mass, the minute heptagonal) rings that prevent the sheet from being planar.
sizes of small devices encounter fewer problems in thermal dis- Carbon nanotube (CNT) is one form of carbon, with nano-
tortion and vibration, and they consume less power and then meter-sized diameter and micrometer-sized length (where the
cost (Hsu, 2002). Because of these advantages, miniaturisation length to diameter ratio exceeds 1000). The atoms are arranged
of systems and devices has become an active area of research. in hexagons, the same arrangement as in graphite. The struc-
More broadly, nanotechnology includes the many structures ture of CNT consists of enrolled cylindrical graphitic sheet
and techniques at a size scale below 100 nm, including carbon (called graphene) rolled up into a seamless cylinder with diam-
nanotubes, nanocrystals, quantum dots, nanofibers, nonopor- eter of the order of a nanometer. It is understood that CNT is
Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure, synthesis and characterisation 3

Figure 1 The structures of eight allotropes of carbon: (A) Diamond [3D, network covalent structure], (B) Graphite [2D, covalent plates]
(graphene is a single of graphite), (C) Lonsdaleite, (D) C60 [0D, molecules] (Buckminsterfullerene or bukyball), (E) C540 Fullerene, (F) C70
Fullerene, (G) Amorphous carbon, (H) Single-walled carbon nanotube [1D, tubes] (buckytube).

the material lying in between fullerenes and graphite as a quite 200 years later that the next advancements in carbon took
new member of carbon allotropes (Tanaka et al., 1999). place. In 1985, Kroto, Smalley, and Curl discovered fullerenes
Carbon nanotubes are members of the fullerene structural (Kroto et al., 1985), recipients of 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemis-
family, which also includes buckyballs. Whereas buckyballs try for the discovery of fullerenes. A few years later, CNT was
are spherical in shape, a CNT is cylindrical, the ends of some discovered.
CNTs are open; the others are closed with full fullerene caps. The current huge interest in CNTs is a direct consequence
CNTs name is derived from their size, since the diameter of of the synthesis of buckminsterfullerene C60, and other fuller-
a CNT is on the order of a few nanometers (approximately enes, in 1985. The discovery that carbon could form stable, or-
50,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair), while dered structures other than graphite and diamond stimulated
they can be up to several micrometer in length. Commercial researchers worldwide to search for other new forms of car-
applications for CNT have been rather slow to develop, how- bon. The search was given new impetus when it was shown
ever, primarily because of the high production costs of the best in 1990 that C60 could be produced in a simple arc evaporation
quality CNTs. apparatus readily available in all laboratories. It was using
such an evaporator that the Japanese scientist ‘‘Sumio Iijima’’
2. History of CNTs discovered fullerene-related CNTs in 1991 (Iijima, 1991). The
tubes contained at least two layers (multi-walled carbon nano-
Carbon is known to be the most versatile element that exists on tubes MWCNTs), often many more, and ranged in outer
the earth. It has many different properties which can be used in diameter from about 3 nm to 30 nm. They were invariably
different ways depending on how the carbon atoms are ar- closed at both ends.
ranged. For more than 6000 years carbon has been used for A scanning of some MWCNT is shown in 1993; a new
the reduction of metal oxides. Carbon in the form of graphite class of CNT was discovered, with just a single layer. These
was discovered in 1779, and 10 years later in the form of a dia- (single-walled carbon nanotubes SWCNTs) are generally nar-
mond. It was then determined that both of these forms belong rower than the multi-walled tubes, with diameters typically in
to a family of chemical elements. It was not until about the range 1–2 nm, and tend to be curved rather than straight.
4 A. Aqel et al.

Figure 2 Schematic diagrams showing different types of CNTs and other carbon structures: (A) Flat sheet of Graphite, (B) Partially
rolled sheet of graphite, (C) SWCNT, (D) Structures of the three CNT types; SWCNT, DWCNT, and MWCNT, respectively.

It was soon established that these new fibers had a range of 3.1. Single-walled
exceptional properties, and this lead to increase of research
into CNTs. It is important to note, however, that nanoscale A single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) can be consid-
tubes of carbon, produced catalytically, had been known ered to be formed by the rolling of a single layer of graphite
for many years before Iijima’s discovery. The main reason (called a graphene layer) into a seamless cylinder (long
why these early tubes did not excite wide interest is that they wrapped graphene sheets). As stated before, CNTs generally
were structurally rather imperfect, so did not have particu- have a length to diameter ratio of about 1000 and more so they
larly interesting properties. Recent research has focused on can be considered as nearly one-dimensional structure. Most
improving the quality of produced CNTs (Harris, 2003). SWCNTs have a diameter of close to 1 nm. More detailed, a
Carbon nanotubes have been produced and observed under SWCNT consists of two separate regions with different phys-
a variety of conditions prior to 1991. But many believe that Iij- ical and chemical properties. The first is the sidewall of the
ima’s report in 1991 is of particular importance because it tube and the second is the end cap of the tube (Iijima and
brought CNTs into the awareness of the scientific community Ichihashi, 1993).
as a whole. SWCNTs are a very important variety of a CNT because
they exhibit important electric properties that are not shared
3. Types of CNTs by the MWCNT variants. The most basic building block of
these systems is the electric wire, and SWCNTs can be excel-
The two main types of CNT are the single and multi-walled, lent conductors.
but there are some other rare types such as fullerite, torus, SWCNTs are still very expensive to produce, and the devel-
and nanoknot. opment of more affordable synthesis techniques is vital to the
Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure, synthesis and characterisation 5

Figure 3 Structure of SWCNT, DWCNT, and MWCNT in different imaging techniques: (A and B) SEM images of MWCNT (high and
low magnification), (C and D) SEM images of SWCNT (high and low magnification), (E) TEM image of a cross-sectional view of a bundle
of SWCNTs [transverse view shown in (F)]. Each nanotube has a diameter of about 1.4 nm and the tube–tube distance in the bundles is
0.315 nm, (G) High resolution TEM image of an individual MWCNT, (H) SEM image of DWCNT, (I) TEM image of DWCNT, (J) AFM
image of MWCNT’s on gold surface, [with high magnification in (K)], (L) AFM image of the SWCNT, [with high magnification in (M)],
(N) STM image of a MWCNT. Height of the tube is 1.5 nm and the width is 120 nm. [Zoom onto the nanotubes in figure (P)], (O andQ)
Current trace of figures (N,P). One can more easily see the appearance of some underlying (Li, 2003; Ren et al., 1998; Nordström and
Nyrup, 2004; Safarova et al., 2007).

future of carbon nanotechnology. If cheaper means of synthe- ble to apply this technology to commercial scale applications
sis cannot be discovered, it would make it financially impossi- (Collins and Avouris, 2000).
6 A. Aqel et al.

ers of graphite rolled in on themselves to form a tube shape)

with different diameters. The length and diameter of these
structures differ a lot from those of SWCNTs and, of course,
their properties are also very different (Iijima and Ichihashi,
The interlayer distance in MWCNTs is close to the distance
between graphene layers in graphite, approximately 3.3 Å. The
special case of MWCNTs (double-walled carbon nanotubes
Figure 4 Rolling of a single layer of graphite sheet into SWCNT.
DWCNTs) must be emphasised here because they combine
very similar morphology and properties as compared to
3.2. Multi-walled SWCNT. DWCNT synthesis on the gram scale was first pro-
posed in 2003 (Flahaut et al., 2003) by the chemical vapour
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) can be considered deposition (CVD) technique, from the selective reduction of
as a collection of concentric SWCNTs (consist of multiple lay- oxides solid solutions in methane and hydrogen (Figs. 2 and 3).

Figure 5 The 2D graphene sheet diagram showing a vector structure classification used to define CNT structure (Dresselhaus et al.,

Figure 6 Schematic diagram showing the way of formation different CNTs chirality structures.
Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure, synthesis and characterisation 7
4. Structure of CNTs c ¼ jCj ¼ a ðn2 þ nm þ m2 Þ
Where the value a is the length of the unit cell vector a1 or a2.
Carbon nanotubes are sheets of graphite that have been
This length a is related to the carbon–carbon bond length acc
rolled into a tube (Thostenson et al., 2001). A graphene sheet
by the relation:
can be in rolled more than one way, producing different
types of CNTs, (graphene is an individual graphite layer, a ¼ ja1 j ¼ ja2 j ¼ acc 3
Fig. 4).
CNTs are considered as nearly one-dimensional structures For graphite, the carbon–carbon bond length is
(1D buckytube shape) according to their high length to diam- acc = 0.1421 nm. The same value is often used for CNTs (Wil-
eter ratio. Most important structures are SWCNTs and doer et al., 1998). But due to the curvature of the tube a
MWCNTs. A SWCNT is considered as a cylinder with only slightly larger value such as acc = 0.144 nm should be a better
one wrapped graphene sheet while MWCNTs are similar to approximation (Murakami et al., 2003; Saito et al., 2000; Jorio
a collection of concentric SWCNTs. The length and diameter et al., 2001).
of these structures differ a lot from those of SWCNTs and, Using the circumferential length c, the diameter of the CNT
of course, their properties are also very different. The bondings is thus given by the relation:
in CNTs is sp2 and consist of honeycomb lattices and are d ¼ c=p
seamless structure, with each atom joined to three neighbors,
The angle between the chiral vector and zig-zag nanotube
as in graphite. The tubes can therefore be considered as rolled
axis is the chiral angle h. With the integers n and m already
up graphene sheets.
introduced before, this angle can be defined by:
The type of CNT depends on how the graphene sheet is ori-
ented on rolling. This can be specified by a vector (called chiral h ¼ tan1 ðm 3Þ=ðm þ 2nÞ
vector), which defines how the graphene sheet is rolled up.
Fig. 5 showing how a hexagonal sheet of graphite is rolled to Carbon nanotubes are only described by the pair of integers
form a CNT in a vector structure classification. (n,m) which is related to the chiral vector. It can be seen from
The vector is determined by two integers (n,m). Two atoms Figs. 5–7 three types of CNTs are revealed with these values:
in a planar graphene sheet are chosen and one is used as origin.
The chiral vector C is pointed from the first atom toward the  m = 0 for all zig-zag tubes and (h = 30);
second one and is defined by the relation (Dresselhaus et al.,  n = m for all armchair tubes and (h = 0);
1995):  Otherwise, when n „ m they are called chiral tube and
(0 < h < 30).
C ¼ na1 þ ma2
Where: n and m are integers. a1 and a2 are the unit cell vec- The value of (n,m) determines the chirality of CNT and af-
tors of the two-dimensional lattice formed by the graphene fects the optical, mechanical and electronic properties. CNTs
sheets. The direction of the CNT axis is perpendicular to this with |n  m| = 3i are metallic like as in (10,10) tube, and those
chiral vector. For example; to produce a CNT with the indices with |n  m| = 3i ± 1 are semiconducting like as in (10,0)
(6,3), say, the sheet is rolled up so that the atom labelled (0,0) is tube, (i is an integer).
superimposed on the one labelled (6,3). The armchair and zig-zag tubes structures have a high de-
The length of the chiral vector C is the circumference of the gree of symmetry. These terms refer to the arrangement of
CNT and is given by the corresponding relationship: hexagons around the circumference. While the chiral tube

Figure 7 CNTs structure with different chiralities. The difference in structure is easily shown at the open end of the tubes. (A) armchair
structure, (B) zig-zag structure, (C) chiral structure.
8 A. Aqel et al.

structure, which in practice is the most common, meaning that the technique used. The actual growth of the CNT seems to
it can exist in two mirror-related forms. be the same for all techniques mentioned.
The three distinct ways in which a graphene sheet can be The most accepted growth mechanisms are two models: tip-
rolled into a tube are shown in Fig. 6. growth (Iijima and Ichihashi, 1993; Thess et al., 1996) and root
And the CNTs structural types are shown in Fig. 7 (Daenen growth (Saito et al., 1995). In the former, a tubule tip is open
et al., 2003). so that carbon atoms can be added to its circumference, and
The terminating cap of CNT is formed from pentagons and the metal catalyst promotes the growth reaction and also pre-
hexagons. The smallest cap that fits on to the cylinder of the vents the tubule tip closure. One study proposed that fullerene
carbon tube seems to be the well-known C60 hemisphere. molecules would act as the growth nuclei such that the diam-
The smallest experimental value of CNT diameter of 0.7 nm eter of the tubule will determine CNT size (Hafner et al.,
is in good agreement with this cap (Dresselhaus et al., 1995). 1998). The latter model is based on the phase diagram of car-
However, some authors have recently studied CNTs at the the- bon and a metal. The SWCNTs grow as carbon precipitates
oretical limit of 0.4 nm in diameter (Tang et al., 2003; Qin when the molten metal dissolving carbon is cooled and solidi-
et al., 2000; Liang et al., 2002; Sano et al., 2002; Zhao et al., fied. More convincing experimental evidence is needed for bet-
2004; Tang et al., 2003; Agrawal et al., 2004; Machon et al., ter understanding of the growth mechanism (Iijima, 1998).
2002). These CNTs are sometimes capped with a C20 dodeca- There are several theories on the exact growth mechanism
hedron (Qin et al., 2000). for CNTs. One of the most accepted theories postulates that
Specific surface area gives good information of CNT char- metal catalyst particles are floating or are supported on graph-
acteristics and properties. Using some geometrical calcula- ite or another substrate (Sinnot et al., 1999). It presumes that
tions, the theoretical external specific surface area for CNTs the catalyst particles are spherical or pear shaped, in which
have been determined (Peigney et al., 2001). For one side of case the deposition will take place on only one half of the sur-
graphene sheet, the value obtained is 1315 m2g1 but using dif- face (this is the lower curvature side for the pear shaped parti-
ferent multi-walled geometries and nanotubes bundles the va- cles). The carbon diffuses along the concentration gradient and
lue decreases to 50 m2g1. precipitates on the opposite half, around and below the bisect-
The easiest way to visualise how CNTs are built up is to ing diameter. However, it does not precipitate from the apex of
start with graphite, the most stable form of crystalline the hemisphere, which accounts for the hollow core that is
carbon. Graphite consists of layers of carbon atoms. Within characteristic of these filaments. For supported metals, fila-
the layers, the atoms are arranged at the corners of ments can form either by extrusion, in which the CNT grows
hexagons which fill the whole plane (in the idealized case upwards from the metal particles that remain attached to the
without defects). The carbon atoms are strongly (covalently) substrate, or by tip-growth, in which the particles detach and
bound to each other (carbon–carbon distance 0.14 nm). move at the head of the growing CNT. Depending on the size
The layers themselves are rather weakly bound to each other of the catalyst particles, SWCNT or MWCNT is grown
(weak long-range van der Walls-type interaction, interlayer (Fig. 8).
distance of 0.34 nm). The weak interlayer coupling gives Carbon nanotubes are generally produced by three main
graphite the property of a seemingly very soft material, the techniques: arc discharge, laser ablation, and chemical vapour
property which allows using graphite in a pen to write deposition. Though scientists are researching more economic
with. ways to produce these structures.
The nature of the bonding of a CNT is described by applied In arc discharge technique, a vapor is created by an arc dis-
quantum chemistry, specifically, orbital hybridisation. The charge between two carbon electrodes with or without catalyst.
chemical bonding of CNTs is composed entirely of sp2 bonds, CNTs self assemble from the resulting carbon vapour. In the
similar to those of graphite. This bonding structure, which is laser ablation technique, a high power laser beam impinges
stronger than the sp3 bonds found in diamond, provides the on a volume of carbon containing feedstock gas (such as meth-
molecules with their unique strength. CNTs naturally align ane or carbon monoxide). At the moment, laser ablation pro-
themselves into ropes held together by van der Waals forces. duces a small amount of clean CNTs, whereas arc discharge
Under high pressure, CNTs can merge together, trading some methods generally produce large quantities of impure material.
sp2 bonds for sp3 bonds, giving great possibility for producing In general, chemical vapour deposition (CVD) results in
strong, unlimited length wires through high pressure CNT MWCNTs or poor quality SWCNTs. The SWCNTs produced
linking (Yildirim et al., 2000). with CVD have a large diameter range, which can be poorly
controlled. But on the other hand, this method is very easy
to scale up, what favors commercial production (Daenen
5. Synthesis of CNTs et al., 2003).
Laser ablation was the first technique used to generate ful-
The way in which CNTs are formed is not exactly known. The lerenes in clusters. In this process, a piece of graphite is vapor-
growth mechanism is still a subject of study, and more than ised by laser irradiation under an inert atmosphere. This
one mechanism might be operative during the formation of results in soot containing CNTs which are cooled at the walls
CNTs. One of the mechanisms consists out of three steps. First of a quartz tube (Journet and Bernier, 1998).
a precursor to the formation of CNTs and fullerenes, C2, is The CVD and the most current fluidised bed (FB) chemical
formed on the surface of the metal catalyst particle. From this vapour deposition method has shown the most promise in
metastable carbide particle, a rod-like carbon is formed rap- terms of its price/unit ratio due to excellent heat and mass
idly. Secondly there is a slow graphitisation of its wall. This transfer ensuing a homogeneous product, inherent scalability
mechanism is based on in situ TEM observations (Ayumu and comparatively low cost (See and Harris, 2007). CVD
et al., 2002). The exact atmospheric conditions depend on generally involves reacting a carbon containing gas (such as
Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure, synthesis and characterisation 9

Figure 8 Visualisation of a possible CNT growth mechanism.

acetylene, ethylene, and ethanol) with a metal catalyst particle applications, they can lack in the high degree of uniformity
(usually cobalt, nickel, iron or a combination of these such as necessary to meet many needs of both research and industry.
cobalt/iron or cobalt/molybdenium) at temperatures above Table 1 summarises the three most common techniques used.
600 C. Unfortunately, although these methods can produce Currently, a CVD is the most widely used method to pro-
large quantities of CNTs, their cost is still high to make any duce the CNTs, other methods had been recently developed
large-scale applications. for the preparation of CNTs and improving the existing meth-
Carbon nanotubes were observed in 1991 in the carbon soot ods, promising results have been achieved for reaching the bet-
of graphite electrodes during an arc discharge, by using a cur- ter degree of purification and effectively reducing the treatment
rent of 100 amps, which was intended to produce fullerenes time (Liu and Harris, 2008; MacKenzie et al., 2009; Liu et al.,
(Iijima, 1991). However, the first macroscopic production of 2008; Barkauskas et al., 2010).
CNTs was made in 1992 by two researchers at NEC’s Funda- Some of the CNTs preparation methods are more effective
mental Research Laboratory (Ebbesen and Ajayan, 1992). The than others but a problem that all methods face is the ability of
method used was the same as in 1991. During this process, the the CNTs to self align. Many applications of CNTs require
carbon contained in the negative electrode sublimates because controlled growth of aligned CNTs with surface modification.
of the high temperatures caused by the discharge. Because Controlled synthesis of well-aligned CNTs in predetermined
CNTs were initially discovered using this technique, it has been patterns is particularly important in terms of fundamental
the most widely used method of CNT synthesis. studies and applications (Paradise and Goswami, 2007; Dai,
Commonly used gaseous carbon sources include: methane, 2002) (Fig. 9A and B).
ethylene, ethanol, carbon monoxide and acetylene. If both
electrodes are graphite (pure graphite electrodes), the main 6. Purification of CNTs
product will be MWCNTs. But if SWCNTs are preferable,
the anode has to be doped with metal catalyst, such as: Fe, A large problem with CNT application is next to large-scale
Co, Ni, Y or Mo (use a mixture of graphite with metal synthesis and also the purification. In all the CNT preparation
catalysts). methods, the CNTs come with a number of impurities whose
In addition to previous methods, high pressure CO dispro- type and amount depend on the technique used. The most
portionation process (Nikolaev et al., 1999; Bronikowski et al., common impurities are carbonaceous materials, whereas met-
2001), flame synthesis (Ayumu et al., 2002; Vander et al., 2001; als are the other types of impurities generally observed (Ebbe-
Wal et al., 2002), plasma torch method (Alford et al., 2001), sen, 1997).
electrolysis (Hsu et al., 1995), and solar energy (Laplaze The as-produced CNT soot contains a lot of impurities.
et al., 1998) methods have also been proposed to the synthesis The main impurities in the soot are graphite (wrapped up)
of CNTs and specially to the synthesis of SWCNTs. sheets, amorphous carbon, metal catalyst and the smaller ful-
Fullerenes and CNTs are not necessarily products of high- lerenes. These impurities will interfere with most of the de-
tech. laboratories; they are commonly formed in such mun- sired properties of the CNTs. Also in the fundamental
dane places as ordinary flames (Singer and Grumer, 1959), research, it is preferred to obtain CNTs, as pure as possible.
produced by burning methane (Liming et al., 2001a), ethylene In order to understand the measurements better, the CNT
(Liming et al., 2001b), and benzene (Duan and McKinnon, samples also have to be as homogeneous as possible. The
1994), and they have been found in soot from both indoor common industrial techniques use strong oxidation and
and outdoor air (Murr et al., 2004). However, these naturally acid-refluxing techniques, which have an effect on the struc-
occurring varieties can be highly irregular in size and quality ture of the tubes. Purification difficulties are considerable be-
because the environment in which they are produced is often cause CNTs are insoluble and, hence, liquid chromatography
highly uncontrolled. Thus, although they can be used in some is limited.
Table 1 A summary of the major production methods and their efficiency.
Method Arc discharge method Chemical vapour deposition Laser ablation (vaporisation)
Who Ebbesen and Ajayan, NEC, Japan 1992 Endo, Shinshu University, Nagano, Smalley, Rice, 1995 (Jung et al., 2003)
(Ebbesen and Ajayan, 1992) Japan (Morinobu et al., 1993)
How Connect two graphite rods to a power supply, Place substrate in oven, heat to Blast graphite with intense laser pulses;
place them a few millimeters apart, 600 C, and slowly add a carbon use the laser pulses rather than electricity
and throw the switch. At 100 amps, carbon bearing gas to generate carbon gas from which the
vaporises and forms hot plasma such as methane. As gas decomposes CNTs form; try various conditions until
it frees up carbon atoms, which hit on one that produces prodigious
recombine amounts of SWCNTs
in the form of CNTs
Typical yield 30–90% 20–100% Up to 70%
SWCNTs Short tubes with diameters of 0.6–1.4 nm Long tubes with diameters ranging Long bundles of tubes (5–20 microns),
from 0.6 to 4 nm with individual diameter from 1 to 2 nm
MWCNTs Short tubes with inner diameter of 1–3 nm Long tubes with diameter ranging Not very much interest in this technique,
and outer diameter of approximately 10 nm from 10 to 240 nm as it is too expensive, but MWCNT
synthesis is possible
Production Can easily produce SWCNT, MWCNTs. Easiest to scale up to industrial Primarily SWCNTs, with good diameter
SWCNTs have few structural defects; production; long length, simple control and few defects. The reaction
MWCNTs process, SWCNT product is quite pure
without catalyst, not too expensive, open air diameter controllable, quite pure
synthesis possible
Defects Tubes tend to be short with random sizes and CNTs are usually MWCNTs and Costly technique, because it requires
directions; often needs a lot of purification often riddled with defects expensive lasers and high power
requirement, but is improving

References Collins and Avouris (2000), Ebbesen and Ren et al. (1998), Ren et al. (1999), Collins and Avouris (2000), Guo et al.
Ajayan (1992), Masako et al. (1995), Masako et al. (1995), Yudasaka et al. (1999), Eklund
Journet and Bernier (1998) (1997), et al. (2002), Maser et al. (1998),
Sinnot et al. (1999), Jose-Yacaman Bolshakov et al. (2002), Scott et al.
et al. (1993), Ren et al. (1998) (2001), Guo et al. (1995)

A. Aqel et al.
Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure, synthesis and characterisation 11

Figure 9 (A) Scanning electron micrographs of CNTs at 10,000 and 20,000 magnification. (B) Micrographs showing aligned CNTs.

Carbon nanotube purification step (depending on the type oxidation is preferred is that these impurities are most com-
of the purification) removes amorphous carbon from CNTs, monly attached to the metal catalyst, which also acts as oxidis-
improves surface area, increases or decreases mesopore or ing catalyst (Hajime et al., 2002; Borowiak-Palen et al., 2002;
micropore volume, decomposes functional groups blocking Chiang et al., 2001; Xiang et al., 2001; Houjin et al., 2001).
the entrance of the pores or induces additional functional Altogether, the efficiency and yield of the procedure are highly
groups. In case of adsorption of bacteria for example, CNT depending on a lot of factors, such as metal content, oxidation
purification steps such as heat treatment, NH3 treatment time, environment, oxidising agent and temperature.
may be adapted so as to increase surface area and mesopore
volume. Basically, these techniques can be divided into two 6.2. Acid treatment
main streams of separation techniques, namely, structure-
selective and size-selective separations. The first one will sepa- In general, the acid treatment will remove the metal catalyst.
rate the CNTs from the impurities; the second one will give a First of all, the surface of the metal must be exposed by oxida-
more homogeneous diameter or size distribution. Most of this tion or sonication. The metal catalyst is then exposed to acid
techniques used, are combined with other techniques to im- and solvated. The CNTs remain in suspended form. When
prove the purification and to remove different impurities at using a treatment in HNO3, the acid only has an effect on
the same time. These techniques are: the metal catalyst. It has no effect on the CNTs and other car-
bon particles (Hajime et al., 2002; Borowiak-Palen et al., 2002;
6.1. Oxidation Farkas et al., 2002; Kajiura et al., 2002). If a treatment in HCl
is used, the acid has also a little effect on the CNTs and other
Oxidative treatment of the CNTs is a good way to remove car- carbon particles (Hajime et al., 2002; Chiang et al., 2001;
bonaceous impurities (Hajime et al., 2002; Borowiak-Palen Moon et al., 2001; Chiang et al., 2001). The mild acid treat-
et al., 2002; Huang and Dai, 2002; Chiang et al., 2001; Haru- ment (Bandow et al., 1997) (4 M HCl reflux) is basically the
tyunyan et al., 2002; Farkas et al., 2002) or to clear the metal same as the HNO3 reflux, but here the metal has to be totally
surface (Hajime et al., 2002; Chiang et al., 2001; Harutyunyan exposed to the acid to solvate it (Fig. 10).
et al., 2002; Xiang et al., 2001; Kajiura et al., 2002; Moon A review of the literature demonstrates that the effect of
et al., 2001; Chiang et al., 2001). The main disadvantages of key variables such as acid type and concentration, tempera-
oxidation are that not only the impurities are oxidised, but also ture, duration and pressure are not well understood and, due
the CNTs. Luckily the damage to CNTs is less than the dam- to their dependence, must be probed with correct experimental
age to the impurities. These impurities have relatively more de- design to elucidate potential interaction effects (MacKenzie
fects or a more open structure. Another reason why impurity et al., 2009).
12 A. Aqel et al.

Figure 10 Scanning electron micrographs of raw MWCNTs (A) and oxidised MWCNTs with concentrated HNO3, (B) The images were
amplified 25,000 times.

6.3. Annealing and thermal treatment sure time, the tubes will also be chemically cut (Chiang et al.,
2001; Farkas et al., 2002; Chiang et al., 2001).
Due to high temperatures (873–1873 K), CNTs will be rear-
ranged and defects will be consumed (Borowiak-Palen et al., 6.5. Magnetic purification
2002; Chiang et al., 2001; Chiang et al., 2001; Georgakilas
et al., 2002). High temperature also causes the graphitic carbon In this method ferromagnetic (catalytic) particles are mechan-
and the short fullerenes to pyrolyse. When using high temper- ically removed from their graphitic shells (Thien-Nga et al.,
ature vacuum treatment (1873 K) the metal will be melted and 2002). The CNTs suspension is mixed with inorganic nanopar-
can also be removed (Kajiura et al., 2002). ticles (mainly ZrO2 or CaCO3) in an ultrasonic bath to remove
the ferromagnetic particles. Then, the particles are trapped
6.4. Ultrasonication with permanent magnetic poles. After a subsequent chemical
treatment, a high purity CNT material will be obtained
This technique is based on the separation of particles due to (Fig. 11).
ultrasonic vibrations. Agglomerates of different nanoparticles This process does not require large equipment and enables
will be forced to vibrate and will become more dispersed. the production of laboratory-sized quantities of CNTs con-
The separation of the particles is highly dependable on the sur- taining no magnetic impurities.
factant, solvent and reagent used. The solvent influences the
stability of the dispersed tubes in the system. In poor solvents 6.6. Micro-filtration
the CNTs are more stable if they are still attached to the metal.
But in some solvents, such as alcohols, monodispersed parti- Micro-filtration is based on size or particle separation. CNTs
cles are relatively stable (Hajime et al., 2002; Xiang et al., and a small amount of carbon nanoparticles are trapped in a
2001; Houjin et al., 2001; Bandow et al., 1997; Shelimov filter. The other nanoparticles (catalyst metal, fullerenes and
et al., 1998). carbon nanoparticles) are passing through the filter (Boro-
When an acid is used, the purity of the CNTs depends on wiak-Palen et al., 2002; Moon et al., 2001; Chiang et al.,
the exposure time. When the tubes are exposed to the acid 2001; Houjin et al., 2001; Bandow et al., 1997; Shelimov
for a short time, only the metal solvates, but for a longer expo- et al., 1998).

Figure 11 SEM images of MWCNTs synthesised with (A) and without (B) the magnetic field.
Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure, synthesis and characterisation 13

One way of separating fullerenes from the CNTs by micro- dispersed (Farkas et al., 2002) or solvated (Niyogi et al., 2001;
filtration is to soak the as-produced CNTs first in a CS2 solu- Zhao et al., 2001). This can be done by ultrasonication (Farkas
tion. The CS2 insoluble are then trapped in a filter. The fuller- et al., 2002) or functionalisation with soluble groups (Niyogi
enes which are solvated in the CS2, pass through the filter et al., 2001; Zhao et al., 2001). In addition to these purification
(Bandow et al., 1997). techniques, CNT has been purified by treating with basic com-
A special form of filtration is cross flow filtration. In this pounds such as KOH, and NH3 (Chen et al., 2006; Lee et al.,
method the membrane is a hollow fiber. The membrane is per- 2005; Liu et al., 2006; Niu et al., 2007) and gaseous compounds
meable to the solution. The filtrate is pumped down the bore of such as air, CO2, and ozone (Chen et al., 2006).
the fiber at some head pressure from a reservoir and the major With the different techniques for purification, there will be
fraction of the fast flowing solution which does not permeate different results achieved. Care should be taken when the tech-
out the sides of the fiber is fed back into the same reservoir nique is chosen, as the effect on the entire sample will also de-
to be cycled through the fiber repeatedly. A fast hydrodynamic pend on the composition and the amount of the sample. What
flow down the fiber bore (cross flow) sweeps the membrane is desired are techniques that only tear down the carbon impu-
surface preventing the buildup of a filter cake (Borowiak-Palen rities and the metals, without changing the CNTs. Sometimes
et al., 2002; Farkas et al., 2002). extra care should be taken in adjusting the process variables
such as temperature, scale and time. Economically feasible
6.7. Cutting large-scale production and purification techniques are still un-
der development.
Cutting of the CNTs can either be induced chemically (Gu As a concluding remark, the above-mentioned purification
et al., 2002), mechanically (Gao et al., 2000) or as a combina- methods change the structural surfaces of CNTs. As a result,
tion of these (Farkas et al., 2002). there may be change in some of purified CNT properties.
Carbon nanotubes can be chemically cut by partially func- Therefore, the main thrust of the research should be in the area
tionalising the tubes, for example with fluor (Gu et al., 2002). of producing purified CNTs in a single step process to conserve
Then, the fluorated carbon will be driven off the sidewall with the fascinating features of CNTs.
pyrolisation in the form of CF4 or COF2. This will leave be-
hind the chemically cut CNTs. Mechanical cutting of the
CNTs can be induced by ball milling. Here, the bonds will 7. Characterisation of CNTs
break due to the high friction between the nanoparticles and
the CNTs will be disordered (Gao et al., 2000). There are many production methods for CNTs, each produc-
A combination of mechanical and chemical cutting of the ing material that is slightly different: different in diameter,
CNTs is ultrasonically induced cutting in an acid solution (Far- length, chirality, purity, catalysts, impurity species, and de-
kas et al., 2002). In this way the ultrasonic vibration will give the fects. And, although purification methods increase the fraction
CNTs sufficient energy to leave the catalyst surface. Then, in of CNTs in the sample, it also modifies the CNT themselves: it
combination with acid the CNTs will rupture at the defect sites. may open both or one on CNT ends, reduced length, modify
functional groups, and sometimes it cause defects (Hu et al.,
6.8. Functionalisation 2001; Mawhinney et al., 2000).
Carbon nanotubes are nanometric carbon particles with a
Functionalisation is based on making CNTs more soluble than graphitic structure, but it also contains many of the impurities.
the impurities by attaching other groups to the tubes. And this Characterisation of CNTs to determine the quantity, quality,
will make it easy to separate from insoluble impurities, such as and properties of the CNTs in the sample is very important,
metal, this method is usually doing with filtration (Niyogi because its applications will require certification of properties
et al., 2001; Zhao et al., 2001). Another functionalisation tech- and function (Kingston, 2007).
nique also leaves the CNT structure intact and makes them Production of CNTs in a controlled way and in large
soluble for chromatographic size separation (Georgakilas amount encounters problems, which remains to be solved. It
et al., 2002). For recovery of the purified CNTs, the functional is needed to identify all properties of these tubes. In order to
groups can be simply removed by thermal treatment, such as investigate the morphological and structural characterisations
annealing. of CNTs, a reduced number of techniques could be used. How-
ever, to fully characterise CNTs, there are not so many tech-
6.9. Chromatography niques available at the individual level such as scanning
tunneling microscopy and transmission electronic microscopy.
This technique is mainly used to separate small quantities of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is helpful in order to deter-
CNTs into fractions with small length and diameter distribu- mine the chemical structure of nanotubes while neutron and X-
tion. The CNTs are run over a column with a porous material, ray diffraction, infrared and Raman spectroscopy are mostly
through which the CNTs will flow. The columns used are Gel global characterisation techniques.
Permeation Chromatography (GPC) and High Performance
Liquid Chromatography–Size Exclusion Chromatography 7.1. Photoluminescence spectroscopy
(HPLC–SEC) columns. The number of pores the CNTs will
flow through depends on their size. This means that, the smal- SWCNTs could be either metallic or semiconducting type. The
ler the molecule, the longer the pathway to the end of the col- energy gap of the semiconducting tubes is related to the chiral-
umn will be and that the larger molecules will come off first. ity (Ouyang et al., 2001; Lauret et al., 2004) and is approxi-
The pore size will control what size distribution can be sepa- mately proportional to the inverse of the tube diameter (Liu
rated. However, a problem is that the CNTs have to be either et al., 2002).
14 A. Aqel et al.

SWCNTs are generally grouped in bundles and the interac- sample will show various superpositions of distinct Exx transi-
tion between the nanotubes is Van der Waals force. Few CNTs tions which will appear with different wavelengths (Miyauchi
in these bundles are metallic and are similar to nonradiative et al., 2004). As a consequence, the nature (semiconducting
channels. However, photoluminescence from the recombina- or not), the geometries and the diameters could be accessible
tion electron hole pairs at the band gap has to be expected. using the photoluminescence technique. Moreover, the lumi-
In the semiconducting tubes, the luminescence of these bun- nescence spectra seem to be very sensitive to the presence of
dles is relaxed inside these channels. Often, due to this interac- chemical defects and to the purity of the samples (Lauret
tion between semiconducting and metallic CNTs, no et al., 2004).
photoluminescence signal is obtained. In order to observe the
photoluminescence phenomenon, the bundles must be sepa- 7.2. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
rated into individual tubes. Some treatments could be used
to achieve this separation. One of the most popular techniques This technique can give information about the chemical struc-
is the ultrasonication treatment of the CNTs with surfactants ture of CNTs. But the most widely used data refers to the
in water suspension such as the SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) structure modification of the CNT walls due to the chemical
(Lauret et al., 2004; Lefebvre et al., 2004; Weisman et al., 2004; interaction with organic compounds or gases adsorption.
O’Connell et al., 2003; Lebedkin et al., 2003), and zeolite (Guo CNTs have been studied by XPS the incorporation of nitrogen
et al., 2004). into CNTs (Droppa et al., 2002). The tip-shift of the peak be-
Carbon atoms in CNTs have p electrons which give a large fore and after modification, due to the polar character of the
p-electrons system. Fig. 12 show Van Hove singularities in the carbon nitrogen bond, is an evidence of the incorporation of
density of electronic states of these particular p-electrons sys- nitrogen into the CNT structure (Hammer et al., 2000). This
tems. All the optical spectroscopy of the semiconducting tubes technique also proves that carbon nanofiber material is more
to transitions between the corresponding Van Hove singulari- like a carbon oxide than a variety of graphite (Pham-Huu
ties in the valence and conductance band are attributed (Weis- et al., 2002).
man et al., 2004). These transitions are called E11, E22, in the Studying the sidewall functionalisation of SWCNTs by
Figure. fluorination is also performed using XPS, which concludes that
The only possible photoluminescence emission here is with the C1s of undoped SWCNTs is composed of three peaks: sp2
E11 transition while a wide range of wavelength is useful for carbon (peak at about 284.3 eV), sp3 carbon (285 eV) and oxy-
the photoluminescence excitation. The energy of the Van Hove gen-related groups (carboxyl) at about 288.5 eV (similar to
singularities maxima is mainly dependent on the CNT diame- those observed in nanofibers) (Lee et al., 2003).
ter (O’Connell et al., 2003). Thus, different (n,m) SWCNTs in a In another way, some experiments on 15–20 nm in diameter
MWCNTs were also performed (Chen et al., 1999), and re-
vealed the relative differences between the graphite and the
CNTs in the C1s peak energy position, the full width at half
maximum, and its energy loss fine structures. The C1s of
graphite is usually observed at 284.6 eV. However, a negative
shift of 0.3 eV observed in the binding energy of these
MWCNTs was explained by the weaker C–C bonds resulting
from the curvature of the graphene sheets and by the larger
interlayer spacing. With MWCNTs of 30 nm in diameter
aligned along their tube axis and using spatially resolved
XPS, the shift of the C1s binding energy is only about
50 meV between the tips and the sidewalls (Suzuki et al.,
2002). The strong influence of structural defects on the elec-
tronic structure of MWCNTs explains this difference.

7.3. Electron microscopy (SEM & TEM)

Electron microscopy (scanning and transmission electron

microscopy) is an essential tool for characterising any nanoma-
terial; it gives direct observation of size, shape, and structure
(Figs. 13 and 14).
By using the intensity across a CNT section and based on
Lambert’s law model it is clear that TEM technique is useful
for measurement of the outer and inner radius and linear elec-
tron absorption coefficient of MWCNTs (Gommes et al.,
2003). This method was used to study MWCNTs before and
after annealing and noticed a significant increase of the elec-
Figure 12 A scheme of photoluminescence excitation for a tron absorption coefficient; this increase can be explained by
semiconducting SWCNT. The valence and conductance Van Hove a more structured arrangement of the wall material.
singularities are labelled with the sub band index. The dashed lines High resolution TEM images was also used for studying the
show nonradiative transitions for electrons and holes. Optical intershell spacing of MWCNTs (Kiang et al., 1998). The inter-
transitions E11 and E22 are also represented. shell spacing is found to range from 0.34 to 0.39 nm varying
Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure, synthesis and characterisation 15

Figure 13 Electron micrographs of SWCNT (Kingston et al., 2004). (A) SEM of SWCNT. (B) TEM of SWCNT.

troscopic image (Fig. 16B) shows the DOS as measured by a

STM. As these images show, this technique can also be used
to determine properties of intramolecular SWCNT junctions.
In addition, it can also be used for measuring influence of sym-
metry, defects, doping, electronic contacts and so on.
To use this technique, CNTs must be deposited on a flat
conducting substrate such as HOPG (Sattler, 1995; Ichimura
et al., 2002; Lin et al., 1996) or Au (Wildoer et al., 1998; Hassa-
nien and Tokumoto, 2004; Obraztsova et al., 1999; Kim et al.,
2000). STM images give directly the three-dimensional mor-
phology of tubes which are consistent with the structure in-
ferred from SEM (Sattler, 1995). Moreover, STM can
resolve simultaneously both the atomic structure and the elec-
tronic DOS. Thus, this technique is suitable for the CNT char-
acterisation. Experiments to determine atomic structure of
SWCNTs were realised at low temperatures (4.2 K) Wildoer
Figure 14 Electron micrographs obtained in the first report of et al., 1998, and (77 K) (Ichimura et al., 2002; Kim et al.,
CNTs (Iijima, 1991). Parallel dark lines correspond to the (0 0 2) 2000; Odom et al., 1998). The atomic structure of SWCNTs
lattice images of graphite. A cross-section of each tubule is on top of a rope was also obtained by various authors
illustrated. (A) Tube consisting of five graphitic sheets, diameter (Obraztsova et al., 1999; Clauss et al., 1998). These studies
6.7 nm. (B) Two sheets tube, diameter 5.5 nm. (C) Seven sheet confirmed the predicted behaviors of SWCNTs (Hamada
tube, diameter 6.5 nm, which has the smallest hollow diameter et al., 1992; Mintmire et al., 1992; Saito et al., 1992) and re-
(2.2 nm). vealed the sensitivity of the electronic properties to the helicity
and tube diameter.
Using computer simulations, STM images of both metallic
with CNT diameter (Fig. 15A–C). However, these values are and semiconductor SWCNTs with atomic vacancies was pre-
somewhat greater than the graphite interplanar distance dicted (Krasheninnikov, 2001). On STM images, the vacancies
(0.336 nm) (Charlier et al., 1999). This increase is probably resulted in hillock-like features with lateral size of 0.5–0.8 nm
due to the curvature of the graphene sheets which is modified (depending on CNTs chirality) and height up to 0.1 nm. A
by the tube radius. This curvature leads to an increase of the comparison of the electronic superstructure near vacancy can
repulsive force and the size effect is more intense in the small be done with that observed on graphite near point defect.
diameter (below 10 nm).
7.5. X-ray diffraction (XRD)
7.4. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)
This technique is used to obtain some information on the
Studying the electronic properties of SWCNTs, scientists have interlayer spacing, the structural strain and the impurities.
been able to calculate models for energy bands and Density of However, CNTs have multiple orientations compared to the
States (DOS) in SWCNTs. If these models have to be experi- X-ray incident beam. Diameters and chiralities distribution
mentally confirmed, a way has to be found in which atomic are also observed as well as various number of layers for
structures and electron densities can be visualised. STM can MWCNTs. This leads to a statistical characterisation of
do this job as it can display atomic structures as well as mea- CNTs.
sure the DOS (Ouyang et al., 2002). The main features of XRD pattern of CNTs are close to
As is shown in Fig. 16A–C, chirality can clearly be deter- those of graphite due to their intrinsic nature, Fig. 17 show
mined from STM measurements. Combining this fact with the XRD pattern of MWCNT synthesised by CVD method,
the ability to measure electronic properties allows studying a graphite-like peak (0 0 2 l) is present and measurements of
the effect of CNT chirality on electronic properties. The spec- interlayer spacing can be obtained from its position using the
16 A. Aqel et al.

Figure 15 (A) TEM image of a MWCNT (diameter of about 65 nm). These MWCNTs were produced by CVD followed by several
oxidation processes. Contrast of the walls are visible. (B) Enlargement of the walls of the CNT. White lines are used in determination for
the intershell spacing. (C) Mean profile of the intensity levels of the walls showing the fringes of the (0 0 2) layers used in the determination
of the intershell spacing. Here, the value of the intershell spacing is 0.337 ± 0.023 nm and is really close to the graphite one.

Figure 16 (A) STM atomic resolved image of Intra Molecular Junction of SWCNT. (B) STM image measurement representing the
Density of States corresponding to lines in (A), (C) STM image of a SWCNT. The chirality can be determined easily.
Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure, synthesis and characterisation 17

1999), which allow making comparison between neutron dif-

fraction and theoretical data (Giannasi et al., 2004).

7.7. Raman spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is one of the most powerful tools for

characterisation of CNTs. Without sample preparation, a fast
and nondestructive analysis is possible. All allotropic forms of
carbon are active in Raman spectroscopy (Arepalli et al.,
2004). And the position, width, and relative intensity of bands
are modified according to the carbon forms (Ferrari and Rob-
ertson, 2000).
Fig. 18 summarise the most characteristic features of CNTs
in Raman spectrum:

1) A1g breathing mode: A low frequency peak <200 cm1

(or bunch of peaks for polydisperse samples when reso-
Figure 17 XRD pattern of MWCNT synthesized by CVD nating conditions are met) characteristic of the SWCNT,
(diameter of about 60 nm). The incident X-ray wavelength is whose frequency depends essentially on the diameter of
k = 0.154056 nm. The most significant Bragg peaks are noticed the tube;
with Miller indices. The presence of catalysts (Co and Mo) in the 2) D line mode (disorder line): A large structure assigned to
CNT sample is shown by stars. residual ill-organised graphite (1340 cm1);
3) G band mode: A high frequency bunch (between 1500
and 1600 cm1), corresponding to a splitting of the E2g
stretching mode of graphite (Mamedov et al., 2002).
Bragg law, and a family of (hk 0) peaks due to the honeycomb This bunch could be superimposed with the G line of
lattice of single graphene sheet. Consequently, the XRD profile residual graphite (Hiura et al., 1993);
is not useful to differentiate microstructural details between 4) A second order observed mode between 2450 and
the CNTs and the graphite structure but can help to determi- 2650 cm1 assigned to the first overtone of the D mode;
nate the sample purity (Zhu et al., 2003). 5) A combination mode of the D and G modes between
X-ray diffraction show that no (0 0 2) peak can be mea- 2775 and 2950 cm1.
sured with well-aligned straight CNTs on the substrate surface.
In the case of CNTs with tube axis perpendicular to the sub- The active modes for a CNT are (Kuzmany et al., 1998;
strate surface, the X-ray incident beam is scattered inside the Bacsa et al., 2002; Damnjanovic, 1983):
sample and is not collected. Consequently, the intensity of
the (0 0 2) peak decreases as CNTs are better aligned (Cao
et al., 2001).
X-ray diffraction has also been used for studying the effect
of various parameters such as the mean tube diameter, the fi-
nite size of the bundles, and the diameter dispersivity of the
tubes. All these parameters affect to a significant degree the
position and the width of the (1 0) peak (Rols et al., 1999; Kuz-
many et al., 2001). However, this characterisation method is
not a sample destructive.

7.6. Neutron diffraction

This technique is widely used for the determination of struc-

tural features such as bond length and possible distortion of
hexagonal network (Burian et al., 2004). Moreover, contrary
to X-ray diffraction, a wide range of scattering vector Q can
be explored due to the weak decrease of the atomic factor with
Q (Lambin et al., 2002). Many Bragg reflections and the use of
radial distribution function allow obtaining much more struc-
tural features than X-ray.
A distinction between CNTs structural types (armchair, zig- Figure 18 Raman spectrum showing the most characteristic
zag, and chiral) can be achieved for the smallest diameters, due features of CNTs produced by arc discharge method followed by
to the effect of curvature and chirality on the powder diffrac- air oxidation: radial breathing mode (RBM), the D band, G band
tion pattern. and G band. Second order modes are also observed. Spectrum
Various parameters can modify the neutron diffraction pat- obtained from SWCNTs sample (diameter of about 1.07 nm)
tern such as finite size of CNT bundles, number of tubes in mixed with KBr using a Elaser = 1.16 eV (k = 1064.5 nm)
bundles, and CNT diameters polydispersivity (Rols et al., excitation.
18 A. Aqel et al.

cRaman = 2A1g + 3E1g + 3E2g, cIR = A2u + 2E1u . . . for This second way to identify the geometry of a single
zigzag tubes. SWCNT enhances further fundamental research into the
cRaman = 2A1g + 2E1g + 4E2g, cIR = 3E1u . . . for arm- dependence of physical properties on CNT geometry. This is
chair tubes. a prerequisite for detailed engineering of molecular electronics
cRaman = 3A1 + 5E1 + 6E2, cIR = A2 + 5E1 . . . for chiral based on CNTs as CNT structure could be directly linked to
tubes physical properties for single CNTs.
The diameters and metallic/semiconducting features of
Where g and u modes are Raman and IR active, respectively. SWCNTs can be characterised by studying the G band line
In the identification of the different tube geometries the ra- shape although the information obtained is less accurate than
dial breathing mode (RBM), which is a certain type of vibra- that from RBM. The Raman line shape differs between metal-
tion, plays an important role. The RBM is directly lic and semiconductor CNTs thus allowing to distinguish the
dependent on the CNT diameters through the relation: two types. For semiconducting CNTs, the profile of the two
xRBM ¼ A=d þ B components xG and x+G is narrow (Colomer et al., 2001)
and fits to a Lorentzian line shape (Jorio et al., 2003; Alvarez
Where: d is the CNT diameter, A and B parameters are et al., 2000). However, for metallic tubes, the profile of the
determined experimentally (Jorio et al., 2003). However, the lower frequency component xG is broad, asymmetric and
frequency of RBM is not related to the chiral angle h of the can be described by a Breit-Wigner-Fano (BWF) line shape
CNTs (Jishi et al., 1993; Kurti et al., 1998; Sanchez-Portal Jorio et al., 2003; Colomer et al., 2001; Dresselhaus et al.,
et al., 1999). 2002.
Determination of the structure of a single CNT by Raman CNT have proven to be an unique system for the study of
spectroscopy is possible as the density of electronic states is Raman spectra in one-dimensional systems (Dresselhaus et al.,
very large for some energy ranges in SWCNT. The density 2005; Jorio et al., 2004), and at the same time Raman spectros-
of states is an indication for the number of energy states, copy has provided an exceedingly powerful tool useful in the
DN, per energy difference, DE. Every different CNT geometry, study of the vibrational properties and electronic structures
i.e., a different (n,m) pair, results in a unique pattern for the of CNT (Kavan et al., 2001; Alvarez et al., 2000), particularly
density distribution of states which can also be calculated the- for characterisation of CNT’s with respect to their diameters,
oretically. If the photon energy is (almost) equal to the energy and quality of the samples properties (Dresselhaus et al.,
needed for the valence to conduction band transition, an in- 2002; Astakhova et al., 2003).
tense Raman signal is found as a direct result of the strong Raman spectroscopy is considered an extremely powerful
coupling between the electrons and phonons of a CNT under tool for characterising SWCNT, which gives qualitative and
resonance conditions (Dresselhaus et al., 2002). quantitative information on its diameter, electronic structure,
An inversely linear dependence of the RBM feature inten- purity and crystallinity, and distinguishes metallic and semi-
sity on tube diameter exists if one-dimensional physical behav- conducting, chirality (for single SWCNT). However, Local de-
ior is assumed (Jorio et al., 2001). After a theoretical tails such as size, diameter can be obtained by Raman or local
calculation for certain geometry is performed, the RBM mea- electron diffraction but, to investigate CNTs at larger scale
sured can be linked to individual CNT geometry. However, XRD or neutron diffraction is needed.
small differences in intensity and RBM frequency are caused
by difference in CNT length and incompleteness of the theoret- 7.8. Thermal analysis (TGA/DTG)
ical models used. Additional differences arise for signals with
almost the same RBM mode frequency if CNT chirality is dif- Thermal analysis involves a dynamic phenomenological ap-
ferent (Fig. 19). proach to the study of materials by observing the response
of these materials to a change in temperature. Thermal analy-
sis methods are useful for identifying relative changes due to
processing. It is used to study the degree of CNTs purification
(Arepalli et al., 2004).
Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and derivative thermal
gravimetric (DTG) analysis methods controlled oxidation pro-
cess that gives quantitative data on the weight fractions of car-
bon and metal catalyst in the sample, and the temperatures of
bulk oxidation events (Guggenheim and Koster van Groos,
2001) (Fig. 20).

7.9. Absorption spectroscopy (UV, Vis and IR)

Because of their unique electronic structure, CNTs and spe-

cially SWCNT have discrete optical absorptions that do not
occur in other graphitic nanocarbons. Absorption spectro-
Figure 19 Raman spectra for three different spots, showing scopic technique is very useful as a relative purity measurement
different RBMs. Each spot is clearly associated with only one of CNT (Fig. 21).
RBM and thus a single nanotube. The Raman signal of the Si There are 7–9 IR active modes in SWCNTs which depend
substrate is visible at 303 cm1. on the symmetry: chiral, zigzag, and armchair (Kuhlmann
Carbon nanotubes, science and technology part (I) structure, synthesis and characterisation 19

Figure 20 Analysis of CNTs by thermal methods.

Figure 21 SWCNT Absorption spectrum (Itkis et al., 2005).

et al., 1998). The main active modes are the A2u and E1u modes catalytic properties of CNTs (Wang et al., 2004; Pereira
(Kuzmany et al., 1998). With MWCNTs, these phonon modes et al., 2004).
are observed by at about 868 and 1575 cm1, respectively Another study noticed the difference in catalytic activity
(Kastner et al., 1994; Eklund et al., 1995). These modes performance between CNTs, activated carbon and graphite
(around 850 and 1590 cm1) appear in all CNTs symmetry samples in the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene
independently of the diameters (Kuhlmann et al., 1998). Two (ODE). The highest catalytic activity is obtained with
structures around 874 ± 2 and 1598 ± 3 cm1 were shown MWCNTs which are oxidised before the catalytic experiments
in samples containing mostly SWCNTs. However, the frequen- (Pereira et al., 2004). The possibilities of the use of CNTs for
cies deviate from the graphite frequencies to higher values by 5 catalytic removal of NOx (NO, NO2, NO3) were also investi-
and 8 cm1, respectively. gated by FT-IR (Wang et al., 2004).
In characterisation of CNTs, IR spectroscopy is often used Useful techniques used for CNTs. However, these charac-
to determine impurities remaining from synthesis or molecules terisation methods face the following challenges:
capped on the CNT surface. Numerous works are performed
on organic molecules and CNTs: IR spectroscopy exhibits all 1. No single technique can give a complete description of a
the modification of the CNTs structure and reveals the nature CNT sample.
of compounds added to the CNTs. One study characterised the 2. Limits to the conclusions that can be drawn from each
reaction products of MWCNTs chemically modified by amino technique.
compounds (Saito et al., 2002). These works can be classified 3. Sample preparation and measurement protocol can have a
into two groups: characterisation of molecules attached to big impact.
CNTs (He et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2004; Jung et al., 2004; 4. Measurements become more useful when compared against
Xu et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2003; Aizawa and Shaffer, 2003), a reference.
20 A. Aqel et al.

5. Difficult to make direct comparisons between CNT made materials, electronics, chemical processing and energy manage-
by different methods. ment, as it will be seen in the next part.
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