The Effect of e-WOM On Destination Image, Satisfaction and Loyalty
The Effect of e-WOM On Destination Image, Satisfaction and Loyalty
The Effect of e-WOM On Destination Image, Satisfaction and Loyalty
ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to examine the causal relationships among eWOM,
destination image, satisfaction and loyalty. A structural model consisted of those variables were developed
based on literature review. This model was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Sample of
150 domestic tourists were collected in major tourism destinations around Denpasar – Bali. Measurement
items were adapted from existing scales found in marketing literature. The result indicates that eWOM has a
significant direct effect on destination image, while it’s indirect effect on satisfaction and loyalty are
completely mediated by destination image. The findings offer important implications for tourism marketing
theory and practice.
Word-of-mouth communication (WOM) has long been regarded as a very important topic for
researchers and practitioners in the field of marketing (Gruen et al., 2005). Some researchers consider WOM
to be a strong and credible influence on consumer behavior (Gupta & Harris, 2010). A similar view was
expressed by Litvin et al. (2008) which emphasize how powerful the influence of WOM in inducing the
action taken by the customers. WOM is also a type of information most often searched by people who have
an affinity for traveling. Recommendations such as these are considered as a source of the most reliable
information for potential tourists (Chi & Qu, 2008).Today, the spread of WOM takes place not only through
conventional means. In particular, the internet has evolved into a resource or means where the electronic
communication for the Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) takes place among the customers (Hennig-Thurau et al.,
2004). As with any WOM, the existing studies show that eWOM has a higher credibility, empathy as well as
relevance for the customers when compared to the resources, which are created by marketers through their
websites (Bickart & Schindler, 2001).eWOM is defined as either a positive or negative statement made by
potential, current and former customers, about a product or company, which is intentionally made to be heard
or seen by a lot of people and institutions through the internet media (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2004) .
Meanwhile, there are four things that differentiate between the eWOM and traditional WOM. First, the spread
eWOM is faster and wider. Second, eWOM communication is more persistent and more accessible. Third,
eWOM communication is measurable. Finally, the electronic properties of eWOM in most of its applications
can reduce the ability of the receivers to assess the credibility of the senders and the messages they send
(Cheung and Lee, 2012).
By scrutinizing the development of the research done by Sundaram et al. (1998) regarding the
motives of WOM communication, Hennig-Thurau et al. (2004) conducted a study on the motives of eWOM.
In his analysis, Hennig-Thurau et al. (2004) found that the factors determine the primary motivation for
consumers to spread eWOM, is because of the social benefits, economic incentives, concern for others, as
well as self-enhancement / extraversion. Of these four factors, social benefits have the greatest
influence.Although WOM has been declared as the most important source of information in destination image
formation (Baloglu & McCleary, 1999), not many studies that specifically analyze the influence of eWOM on
the destination image have been conducted. Some research on the impacts of eWOM, mostly analyzed the
influence of eWOM on the customer loyalty (Kim et al., 2004; Gruen et al., 2006), in which each study also
relates it to the value of the customer (Gruen et al., 2006 ) and the decision to purchase (Kim et al., 2004).
While on the other hand, Zhang et al. (2010) analyzed the the influence of eWOM on the popularity of a
restaurant. The study analyzed the relationship between the satisfaction of the information on the internet with
the satisfaction at the tourist destinations that have also been carried out by Castaneda et al. (2007). However,
studies that specifically link between eWOM and the the satisfaction on the destination image is still very
limited. Based on this fact, this research seeks to analyze the influence that can be generated by eWOM on
the destination image, the satisfaction and loyalty, either directly or indirectly. 22 | Page
The Effect Of e-Wom On Destination Image…
Satisfaction Loyalty
image 23 | Page
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The instrument used to measure the variables of eWOM was developed, based on the measurements
of Gruen et al. (2006) and adapted to the study, in which four indicators, namely information, knowledge,
answers, and reliability, measure the variables. The four indicators used are highly relevant because they
represent eWOM as a communication forum that can provide valuable information for tourists. eWOM
variables are measured through four statements using a Likert scale with a score of 1-5 (1 = strongly disagree
to 5 = strongly agree).
2) Destination Image
Referring to the opinion of Seaton & Bennett (1996), (in this study,) the destination image is defined
as a set of knowledge and impressions held by local travelers of Bali, including information on geography,
population, infrastructure, climate, history and culture, as well as assessment of the attraction, security and so
forth. The instrument used to measure the destination image variables were developed based on the
measurement of Chi & Qu (2008) and adjusted for the study, in which the variable is measured by 9
indicators, namely travel environment, natural attraction, entertainment and events, historic attraction,
infrastructure, accessibility, relaxation, outdoor activities, as well as price and value. The destination image
variables were measured through 39 statements by using a Likert scale with a score of 1-5 (1 = strongly
disagree to 5 = strongly agree).
3) Satisfaction
Based on the opinion of Chi & Qu (2008), it can be stated that satisfaction with regard to the
experience of travelling is a function of satisfaction aboutthe elements of destinations in Bali made up of
experience, such as accommodation, weather, natural environment, social environment and others. The
instrument used to measure the satisfaction variables were also measured with the 7 indicators, based on the
research of Chi & Qu (2008) namely lodging, attractions, shopping, dining, activities and events,
accessibility, and environment. Satisfaction variables are measured through seven statements by using a
Likert scale with a score of 1-5 (1 = very dissatisfied to 5 = very satisfied). 24 | Page
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4) Loyalty
Referring to the opinion of Oliver in Kotler & Keller (2006), in this study, loyalty is defined as a
very deep commitment to make a return visit to the island of Bali in the future. The instrument used to
measure the satisfaction variables has been measured with three indicators, namely possitive things, revisit
intention, and recommend to friends (Zeithaml et. Al., 1996). Loyalty variable is measured by 3 statements,
using a Likert scale with a score of 1-5 (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree). 25 | Page
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Tests on each propositions and hypotheses made by using the results of the structural analysis models as
shown in the following Table 2.:
Standardized P-value
No Path Ratio
Estimate (P)
4,434 0,000
0,739 0,460
0,662 0,508
3 eWOM LOYALTY 0,064
4,154 0,000
3,247 0,001
2,396 0,017
H1 B = 0,064 ; p = 0,508
B = 0,079 ; p = 0,460 (not significant)
(not significant)
B = 0,552 ; p = 0,000
(significant at α=5%)
Satisfaction Loyalty
B= 0,262 ; p= 0,017
(significant at α=5%)
B = 0,585 ; p = 0,000
(significant at α=5%)
image H4
B = 0,467 ; p = 0,001 / B = 0,624 ; p = 0,000
(significant at α=5%)
Based on Table 2. and Figure 2. it is shown that almost all existing direct effects proved significant
with CR> 1.96 and p ≤ 0.05, except for the direct influence of eWOM on satisfaction and loyalty which were
found to be not significant. Thus, in the absence of a significant direct influence of eWOM on satisfaction and
loyalty, it can be stated that the destination image fully mediates the influence of eWOM on satisfaction and
loyalty. Meanwhile, because eWOM does not have a significant direct effect on both satisfaction and loyalty,
it can be stated that satisfaction does not mediate the influence of eWOM on loyalty. It has been proven that
the destination image has a significant direct effect on satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction has a significant
direct effect on loyalty. Figure 2 also explains the existence of a significant direct effect of destination image
on loyalty. To determine the role of mediation played by the satisfaction in this context, a test was conducted
on the structural model without including the satisfaction variable. The goal was to determine the changes in
the value of the effect of the destination image on loyalty. In the structural model without the satisfaction
variable, the amount of the effect of destination image on loyalty is 0.624. This figure is greater than the
effect of destination image on loyalty to the structural model involving the satisfaction variables, namely
0,467. This means that some of the destination image influences on loyalty are absorbed by the satisfaction 26 | Page
The Effect Of e-Wom On Destination Image…
variables. It can be concluded that the satisfaction variables partially mediate the effect of destination image
on loyalty. Thus, it can be concluded that the P1, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H9 are acceptable, whereas H1, H2,
H8 are rejected.
The data obtained show that the majority of domestic tourists who obtain on-line information about
Bali, can be classified as younger age groups. Most of the domestic tourists stated that they are actively
involved in the discussions about Bali via the social media such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as
Blackberry Messenger networks. The younger groups generally have more free time to socialize with fellow
friends. They are also relatively more familiar with the use of internet technology communication devices
such as smartphones and tablet computers. With such characteristics, the young group, deriving from the
middle class on an average, can be considered as a potential market segment for marketing tourism products.
The tourism industry can take advantage of eWOM through popular social media as one means of promotion,
which is effective and efficient. It is assumed that the promotion through eWOM can quickly reach a large
tourist market in a very wide area. Besides, it is also more efficient because of the benefits gained by
promotion through eWOM do not require a vast amount of capital. With the rapid growth of the number of
social media users in Indonesia, the dissemination process of eWOM can certainly further accelerate and
expand tourism in Bali.
The analysis shows that eWOM proved to have a positive and significant influence on destination
image. The knowledge gained through the local tourist eWOM communication can affect their perceptions
and attitudes towards the image of a destination. This finding is in line with the results of the study of
Jalilvand & Samiei (2012), as well as strengthening the theory of Baloglu & McCleary (1999), supported by
Beerli & Martin (2004). In their research, Jalilvand & Samiei (2012) found that eWOM has an influence on
the brand image of a product. While Baloglu & McCleary (1999), state that the information resources play an
important role in the formation of a destination image. When viewed by using the dynamic theory of
knowledge creation of Nonaka et al. (2000), it can be explained that the interactions between the tourists
through conversation in on-line media has been generating knowledge for the tourists. In this case, the
knowledge in question is all the information related to various dimensions of a tourist destination. The
information is then internalized by tourists so that it ultimately shapes the perceptions and attitudes of the
tourists about the image of a tourist destination which is being discussed. The reliability of local tourist
information obtained through eWOM will increase knowledge about Bali. The better their knowledge about
Bali, the better their perceptions of the image of the tourist destinations of Bali.
In contrast to the results of the research of Castaneda et al. (2007), this study found no direct
significant influence of eWOM on satisfaction. Nevertheless, there is a difference between the models in the
research of Castaneda et al. (2007) and the model used in this study. In the research of Castaneda et al.
(2007), there is involvement of the destination variable experience, and Internet experience, which is
moderating the influence of eWOM on satisfaction. The results of these studies indicate that the the influence
of eWOM on satisfaction will be significant if the tourists have never visited the tourist destination, and if
they have extensive experience in the use of the internet. According to this study, tourists who were
respondents, generally have had considerable experience with the tourist destinations of Bali, because the
majority of respondents have visited Bali more than two times. Referring to the results of the research of
Castaneda et al., (2007), it can be understood that the knowledge gained from a visit to Bali in the past, has a
dominant influence on satisfaction; thus, the result from the influence of eWOM on satisfaction becomes
Just as the relationship between eWOM with satisfaction, this study also did not reveal any
significant direct influence of eWOM on loyalty. This fact is in contrast to the results of the research of Gruen
et al. (2005) who stated that there were direct influences of eWOM on loyalty. Because the eWOM does not
have a significant direct effect on the satisfaction and loyalty, it can be stated that satisfaction does not
mediate the influence of eWOM on loyalty.This study also proved that the destination image can provide a
significant and positive effect on satisfaction. This fact supports the findings of Chi and Qu (2007) and
Prayag (2009). This means that the better the perception of tourists of the image of the tourist destination of
Bali, the higher the level of satisfaction that will be felt. Not only the effect on satisfaction, but also the
destination image is relevant to provide a significant and positive effect on loyalty. This finding is in line
with the results of the research of Prayag and Ryan (2011). This means that the better the perception and
assessment of domestic tourists on Bali, the greater their intention to come back, and the greater their
intention to tell positive things about Bali and even recommend it to others. 27 | Page
The Effect Of e-Wom On Destination Image…
As previous studies conducted by Chi and Qu (2007), Prayag (2009), as well as Prayag and Ryan
(2011), have shown, this study can also re-confirm the presence of a significant and positive effect of
satisfaction on loyalty. Satisfaction perceived by domestic tourists when visiting Bali will directly increase
their loyalty to Bali.Although this study found that the direct influence of eWOM on the satisfaction was not
significant, it was revealed, however, that eWOM has indirect influence on the satisfaction with mediation of
a destination image. Besides that, it turns out that the destination image also mediates the effect of eWOM on
loyalty. Thus, eWOM will be able to increase the satisfaction and loyalty rating if eWOM is able to create a
positive image of Bali. The test results found that the destination image also has an influence on loyalty both
directly and indirectly through the mediation of satisfaction. Thus, it can be stated that the effect of a
destination image on loyalty is partially mediated by satisfaction. This means that a positive image of Bali
can directly increase tourist loyalty, as well as through increasing satisfaction during their tour in Bali.
Thus, the results of the study cannot be generalized for the overall tourists, especially for those
foreign tourists who come from the developed countries that are advanced in the use of Internet-based
communication technologies. Therefore, future research should be carried out by focusing on another object
or different respondents such as tourists from USA, Japan, Australia, Europe and others to obtain a better
level of generalization of research results. 28 | Page
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