Name: Bibek Biswakarma Date: 6

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Name: Bibek biswakarma Date: 6th Feb 2021

Student no: 19-2-02464 Course: BS biology(3-1)

Assessment 1

Answer the following guide questions about carbohydrates. 

1. Fructose found in fruits does not undergo hydrolysis. What class of
carbohydrates is fructose?
 Fructose found in fruits does not undergo hydrolsis as fructose is
monosaccharides which is basic unit of carbohydrates.

2. What is a monosaccharide? Give at least three common examples. Draw

each example in their open chain form, Fischer projection and cyclic form,
Haworth formula (simplified).
 A carbohydrate that cannot be hydrolysed further to give simpler unit of
polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone is called a monosaccharide. The three
examples are Glucose, fructose, and Galactose.


3. What is a disaccharide? Give the three common examples. Draw the
structure of each using simplified form.
 Carbohydrates which upon hydrolysis give two molecules of the same or
different monosaccharides are called disaccharides. The three examples
of disaccharide are Maltose,Lactose and Sucrose.
4. Identify the monosaccharide that fits each of the following description.
Glucose a.  Also called blood sugar
Galactose b.  Not metabolized in galactosemia
Fructose c.  Also called fruit sugar
Fructose d.  The sweetest of the monosaccharides
Glucose e.  High blood levels in diabetes
Galactose and Glucose f. Obtained as hydrolysis product of lactose
          Glucose g.  Important in the cellular membranes of the brain and
nervous system
Ribose h.  Sugar in RNA
D-ribose i.   Sugar in DNA
Glucose j.   Obtained as hydrolysis product of maltose

1.    Identify the disaccharide that fits each of the following description.

Sucrose a.  known as table sugar

     Lactose b.  found in milk and milk products

     Maltose c.  also called malt sugar

      Lactose d.  upon hydrolysis gives galactose and glucose

      Sucrose e.  not a reducing sugar

      Maltose f.  compose of two glucose units

      Lactose g. also called milk sugar

   Sucrose h. upon hydrolysis gives glucose and fructose

    Maltose i.  has α(1:4) linkage

      Sucrose j.  has α(1:2) linkage

2. Draw the cyclic form of the following:

3.    Identify the polysaccharide described by each of the following:

Cellulose a.  Not digestible by humans
Starch b.  The storage form of carbohydrates in plants
Glycogen c.  The most highly branched polysaccharide
Glycogen d.  The storage form of carbohydrates in animals
Starch e.  Produces maltose during digestion

4. What disaccharide or polysaccharide is/are present in each of the

following substances?
Sucrose a.  cane sugar     Lactose f.  ice cream  
Cellulose b.  cotton         Starch g.  rice
Starch c.  potato          Sucrose h.  celery
Lactose d.  milk            Starch i.   beans
Starch e.  corn       Sucrose j. sweet potato   

5 .What is the difference if any, between the amylose and amylopectin
forms of starch in terms of the following:

a. Relative abundance
 Amylose can be hydrolyzed with α amylase and β amylase enzymes completely.
Amylopectin cannot be hydrolyzed with α amylase and β amylase enzymes

b. Length of polymer chain

Amylose consists of a linear, helical chains of roughly 500 to 20,000 alpha-D-
glucose monomers
Amylopectin contains numerous amylose-like chains of up to 30 glucose

   c. Type of glycosidic linkages present

 Amylose has α 1-4 glycosidic linkages.
 Amylopectin has α 1-4 glycosidic linkages and α 1-6 glycosidic

d. Type of monosaccharide monomers present

Both are composed of D-glucose units

6. Write worded equation showing the hydrolysis products of the following:

a. Lactose
c. Sucrose

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