Retro Ornament Throw: What You Will Need
Retro Ornament Throw: What You Will Need
Retro Ornament Throw: What You Will Need
Color Sequences
Saver®, Art. E300
Throw Make 84 ornaments in the
following color sequences:
available in solid color
7 oz (198 g), 364 yd (333 m);
This festive throw takes a spin into the sixties with Ornament 1 (make 5): B, E, and D
prints, multis and heathers 5 oz a pattern that resembles glass ornaments. The Ornament 2 (make 5): C, B, and E
(141 g), 236 yd (215 m), flecks 5 oz Ornament 3 (make 6): D, C, and B
(141g), 260 yds (238 m) skeins
ornaments are joined into strips with the light Ornament 4 (make 5): E, D, and C
background setting off the bright colors. Tails from Ornament 5 (make 5): E, B, and D
the strips are gathered into tassels.
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RHC0502-018111M | LAST
inspiration: AUGUST 1, 2019 RETRO ORNAMENT THROW | CROCHET 1 of 3
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Round 1 (right side): Working across first dc of Strip A and first dc after ch-2 space of Repeat with F, G, H, and I, threading
edge, slip st in 3rd tr of any 4-tr group of Strip B, sc in each dc across to ch-2 space through ch-2 spaces of Strips B, D, F, H, J,
THROW first ornament, slip st in next 24 sts, *ch of Strip A, skip ch-2 space; working in back and L. Trim tassels evenly to desired length.
Ornament (make 84 as shown in Color 5, slip st in 3rd tr of any 4-tr group of next loops only, sc in last 14 dc of Strip B; leave Weave in ends.
Sequence) ornament, slip st in next 24 sts; repeat from ch-1 space unworked—210 sc. Fasten off.
With first color, ch 4; join with slip st in first * 4 times, ch 5, slip st in 3rd tr of any 4-tr Joining Row for Strips B and C: With ABBREVIATIONS
ch to form a ring. group of first ornament, slip st in next 24 wrong side facing and working in front A, B, C = Color A, Color B, Color C, etc.; ch
Round 1 (right side): Ch 3 (counts as first sts, ch 2; working across other edge, slip st loops, join A with sc in first dc after ch-1 = chain(s); dc = double crochet; hdc = half
dc), 11 dc in ring; join with slip st in top of in each st across same ornament, slip st in space of Strip C, sc in next 13 dc; hold Strips double crochet; sc = single crochet; st(s)
beginning ch—12 dc. bottom loop of next 5 ch, **slip st in each st B and C together, working through both = stitch(es); tr = treble (triple) crochet;
Round 2: Ch 3 (counts as first hdc and ch 1), across next ornament, slip st in bottom loop thicknesses and in inner loops (back loop of ( ) = work directions in parentheses into
hdc in next st, [ch 1, hdc in next st] 10 times, of next 5 ch; repeat from ** 4 times, slip st in Strip B and front loop of Strip C), sc in first same st; [ ] = work directions in brackets
ch 1; change to 2nd color; join with slip st in each st across last ornament; join with slip st dc after ch-2 space of Strip B and next dc of the number of times specified; * = repeat
2nd ch of beginning ch—12 hdc and 12 ch-1 in first ch—380 slip sts, 30 ch, 1 ch-1 space, Strip C, sc in each dc across to ch-2 space whatever follows the * as indicated.
spaces. and 1 ch-2 space. Fasten off. of Strip C, skip ch-2 space; working in back
Round 3: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in Round 2: With right side facing, join A loops only, sc in last 14 dc of Strip B; leave See next page for assembly diagram and
same st as join, working in front of first ch-1 with dc in ch-1 space, 2 dc in same space, ch-1 space unworked—210 sc. Fasten off. alternate photo
space, dc in next st 2 rounds below, [2 dc in *[dc2tog] twice, [dc in next 5 sts, 2 dc in next Repeat last 2 rows to join remaining Strips
next st, working in front of next ch-1 space, st] twice, dc in next 5 sts, [dc2tog] twice, dc as follows:
dc in next st 2 rounds below] 11 times; join in next 5 ch, repeat from * 5 times, [dc2tog] Strips C and D, E and F, G and H, I and J, K
with slip st in top of beginning ch—36 dc. twice, [dc in next 5 sts, 2 dc in next st] twice, and L: work Joining Row for Strips A and B
Fasten off. Weave in end. dc in next 5 sts, [dc2tog] twice, (2 dc, ch 2, Strips D and E, F and G, H and I, J and K:
Round 4: Join 3rd color with Bphdc around 2 dc) in ch-2 space, **[dc2tog] twice, [dc in work Joining Row for Strips B and C
any st, Bphdc around each remaining st; join next 5 sts, 2 dc in next st] twice, dc in next
with slip st in top of beg Bphdc—36 hdc. 5 sts, [dc2tog] twice, dc in each of next 5 FINISHING
Round 5: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc), hdc in ch, repeat from ** 5 times, [dc2tog] twice, Edging With right side of unworked edge
same st as join, hdc in next 2 sts, [2 hdc in [dc in next 5 sts, 2 dc in next st] twice, dc in of Strip A facing and working in back loops
next st, hdc in next 2 sts] 3 times, (hdc, dc) next 5 sts, [dc2tog] twice, 3 dc in ch-1 space, only, join A with sc in first dc, sc in each
in next st, dc in next st, 2 tr in next 2 sts, dc ch 1; join with slip st in first dc—392 dc, 1 dc across. Fasten off, leaving a long tail.
in next 2 sts, [2 hdc in next st, hdc in next 2 ch-1 space, and 1 ch-2 space. Fasten off. Weave tail through end of Strip. Repeat on
sts] 4 times, (hdc, dc) in next st, dc in next st, unworked edge of Strip L.
2 tr in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts; join with ASSEMBLY
slip st in top of beginning ch—34 hdc, 8 dc, Arrange Strips as shown in Assembly Tassels
and two 4-tr groups. Fasten off. Diagram. Leave a long tail at beginning and Cut six 24” (61 cm) strands of each of B, C,
end of each row. D, and E. Make 6 hanks, each containing 1
Strip (make 12) Joining Row for Strips A and B: With right strand of each color. With right side of Strip
Refer to Assembly Diagram for ornament side facing and working in back loops, join A facing, thread each end of hank between
placement. Hold each ornament with right A with sc in first dc after ch-1 space of Strip first 2 dc on each side of ch-1 space of
side facing. Leave a long tail at beginning A, sc in next 13 dc; hold Strips A and B with Round 2. Pull ends to close space and with
and end of each round. wrong sides together, working through both A tails held with hank, tie an overhand knot.
With A, ch 1. thicknesses and in inner loops (back loop of Repeat with each hank in end of Strips C, E,
Strip A and front loop of Strip B), sc in next G, I, and K.
9 13 10 14 11 15
1 5 2 6 3 7
10 14 11 15 12 16
2 6 3 7 4 8
11 15 12 16 9 13
3 7 4 8 1 5
12 16 9 13 10 14
4 8 1 5 2 6
11 15 12 16 9 13
3 7 4 8 1 5
10 14 11 15 12 16
2 6 3 7 4 8
9 13 10 14 11 15
1 5 2 6 3 7
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inspiration: AUGUST 1, 2019
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