Henry & Honey Bumblebee

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Bee measures about 4¼" [11 cm] long. to complete stitch.

Carry color not in

use along the inside of the piece until
Special Stitch next needed.
sc2tog (single crochet 2 stitches 7. Take care to attach safety eyes before
together) = [Insert hook in next stitch, head opening becomes too small. Do
yarn over and pull up a loop] twice, yarn not use safety eyes if toy is intended
over and draw through all 3 loops on for a child 2 years of age or younger.
EASY 1. Before beginning, separate the Note: Before beginning, choose a
different color sections of the yarn colorway and refer to colorway lists to
as follows: Pop the center color out determine when to change yarn color.
by pushing gently on the center of
Designed by Michelle Wilcox the ball so that it comes out intact. Colorway #1: Work Rounds 1-11 with A,
Find the point where the color Rounds 12-14 with B, Rounds 15-20 with
What you will need: changes and cut the yarn. Repeat A, and Rounds 21-31 with B.
this process for the remaining yarn
RED HEART® Amigurumi:
colors by carefully pushing the rings Colorway #2: Work Rounds 1-11 with B,
1 ball 9247 Bumble Bee
of color out of the larger ring and Rounds 12-15 with A, Rounds 16-18 with
Susan Bates® Crochet Hook: cutting. Wind each color into a ball B, Rounds 19-27 with A, and Rounds 28-
2.75 mm [US C-2] to prevent tangling. You may find 31 with B.
that one color appears both in the
Stitch marker, four 20 mm center, and on the outside of the ball, Beginning at top of head, ch 2.
safety eyes (two for each wind together or separately. In the Round 1 (right side): Work 6 sc in
bee), stuffing, yarn needle pattern instructions, the yellow color 2nd ch from hook; do not join, work in
is referred to as A, the black as B, the continuous rounds (spiral)—6 sc.
Optional: Knee high stocking
white as C, and the silver as D. Place a marker in the last sc worked to
and plastic pellets for
2. Bee is made from 9 pieces: Head/ indicate end of round. Move marker up
weighted stuffing
body, 2 wings, and 6 legs. as each round is completed.
GAUGE: 28 sts = about 4" 3. Head/body and wings are worked Round 2: Work 2 sc in each of next 6
[10 cm]; 32 rounds = about in continuous rnds (spiral) with right sts—12 sc.
4" [10 cm] in single crochet side always facing. Legs are worked Round 3: [Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] 6
Use any size hook to obtain
Henry & Honey in one row.
4. Pieces are sewn together using yarn
tails or yarn scraps.
times—18 sc.
Round 4: [Sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next
st] 6 times—24 sc.
the gauge.
Bumblebee 5. Pattern contains instructions for
making two identical bees in different
Round 5: [Sc in next 3 sts, 2 sc in next
st] 6 times—30 sc.
Round 6: [Sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next
colorways, colorway #1 and colorway
Henry & Honey are always out and about #2. st] 6 times—36 sc.
RED HEART® looking for pretty flowers! Get your honey 6. Yarn color is changed to form stripes continued...
Amigurumi, Art on bee's body. To change yarn color,
jar ready, they’ll fill it in no time!
E885 available in work last stitch of old color to last
3.5 oz (100 g) 239 yds (219m) yarn over. Yarn over with new color
cakes and draw through all loops on hook


Find more ideas & inspiration: redheart.com

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of 22
Rounds 7–24: Sc in each st around. LEGS (make 6 for each bee)
Using photograph as a guide to With B, ch 6.
placement, attach safety eyes between Row 1: Sc in 3rd ch from hook and in
Rnds 8 and 9 on opposite sides of head. next 3 ch.
Round 25: [Sc in next 4 sts, sc2tog] 6 Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing
times—30 sc. leg to body.
Round 26: [Sc in next 3 sts, sc2tog] 6
times—24 sc.
Begin filling body with stuffing or a FINISHING
combination of optional knee high Referring to photograph as a guide to
filled with plastic pellets, and stuffing. placement, sew the following pieces
Continue stuffing as work progresses. together.
Round 27: [Sc in next 2 sts, sc2tog] 6 1. Sew wings to top of bee.
times—18 sc. 2. Sew legs to underside of bee, sewing
Round 28: [Sc in next st, sc2tog] 6 3 legs along each side.
times—12 sc.
Rounds 29 and 30: Sc in each st around. Weave in and trim any remaining ends.
Round 31: [Sc2tog] 6 times—6 sc.
Fasten off, leaving an 18" [45.5 cm] tail. ABBREVIATIONS
Weave tail through stitches of last round A, B, C, and D = Color A, Color B, Color
and pull to close opening. Do not weave C, and Color D; ch = chain; sc = single
in or trim yarn tail. crochet; st(s) = stitch(es); [ ] = work
Stinger: Using attached long yarn tail as directions in brackets the number of
working yarn, insert hook through end times specified.
of bee and draw up a loop of the yarn
tail, ch 4, slip st in 2nd ch from hook and
in next 2 ch, slip st into end of bee.
Fasten off.

WINGS (make 2 for each bee)

Use C for colorway #1 bee and use D for
colorway #2 bee.
Ch 2.
Rounds 1–4: Work same as Rounds 1–4
of head and body—24 sc.
Round 5: Sc in each st around.
Round 6: [Sc in next 3 sts, 2 sc in next
st] 6 times—30 sc.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing
wing to body.

Find more ideas & inspiration: redheart.com

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