SM Spring 21 Mid Final IRM 6 Sem
SM Spring 21 Mid Final IRM 6 Sem
SM Spring 21 Mid Final IRM 6 Sem
Teacher’s Name
Student’ Name Roll #
1. Attempt all questions and read carefully before answering.
2. Complete your paper within prescribed time (i.e. 3 hours. One extra hour is given for downloading,
converting file into PDF and submission through email).
3. Answers should be “HAND-WRITTEN” on any A4 size paper sheet
4. Students should scan the answer sheets or take photos of the answer sheets and submit the same to the
concerned teacher in “SINGLE PDF FILE” through email. (multiple files, multiple mails, files other
than PDF format will not be entertained – strictly follow the instructions and submit only one PDF file
through email
5. Students must ensure to write “Name”, “Roll Number”, “Program of Study”, “Semester” and “Title
of the Course” AT THE TOP OF ANSWER SHEET and in SUBJECT of the email.
6. Strict disciplinary actions may be imposed upon any student found to be guilty of cheating or any
academic dishonesty.
7. All questions carry equal marks. Total Marks = 80
8. Five pages A4 size single side can be used to answer paper
9. PDF file name should be Roll number e.g. E19MBA000
10. Email subject: Strategic Management Spring 21 M19MBA000
11. Oath should be handwritten at the end of the paper
12. Five marks will be deducted in case student fails to follow instructions provided aforementioned.
13. Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Examination
1. Restaurant chain put a new restaurant in a small town but had little money to do the usual advertising
2. Landscape company in a 100,000 person small city had been doubling sales each year until they got
to the $6 million range. In order to grow more they decided to sell their business operating system and
custom storage system on trucks to the other landscape companies who were in other areas of the
3. One of the top-selling online retailer in Pakistan was totally booked so far as the number of hours they
wanted to work, but they wants to make more money.
4. Overnight delivery company wanted to increase sales even though they were charging up to 30 times
more than the cost of postage.
I solemnly state that I have not taken any help from anyone, and neither have I helped anyone either
directly or indirectly, in answering the various questions in this examination. Allah SWT is my witness--
May Allah SWT punish me if I am lying. Amen.
Name:______________________ Signature:_____________________