Effects of Reciprocating Extrusion Process On Mechanical Properties of Aa 6061/sic Composites
Effects of Reciprocating Extrusion Process On Mechanical Properties of Aa 6061/sic Composites
Effects of Reciprocating Extrusion Process On Mechanical Properties of Aa 6061/sic Composites
Abstract: A reciprocating extrusion (RE) process was used to improve the mechanical properties of Al-based composite
manufactured using cast and powder metallurgy (PM). AA 6063 cast and AA 6061 powders were used as the matrix materials, and
the matrix was reinforced by 5% SiC (volume fraction) particles. The hardness and grain size of extruded samples decrease with
increasing the number of extrusion pass, while the toughness and ductility increase. As the tensile strength of the samples decreases,
the elongation of the extruded samples increases. Consequently, reciprocating extrusion is an effective method for improving the
mechanical properties of metal matrix composites (MMC).
Key words: reciprocating extrusion; metal-matrix composites; aluminum alloy; mechanical properties
Corresponding author: Veysel ERTURUN; Tel: +90-5357601712; Fax: +90-3524375744; E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(16)64123-7
Veysel ERTURUN, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 26(2016) 328−338 329
properties, rapidly solidified layers and cast billets were The aim of this study is to evaluate the
used as the starting materials in a RE process. The results microstructures and mechanical properties of the
showed that the interfaces between the layers of the reciprocatingly extruded AA 6063 cast and AA 6061
rapidly solidified alloys could be fully eliminated, and powder alloys reinforced by SiC particles, and to obtain
the strength and ductility were both improved as the the refined grains in Al matrix composites by the
number of RE pass increased [11,8]. application of a new severe deformation method. The
Equal-channel angular extrusion/processing (ECAE/ effects of the process parameters on the grain refining
ECAP) is one type of SPD. The research on ECAE and mechanical properties of the processed composites
processing presented an overview of the ultra fine material were investigated.
AA 6061 materials. The best process route for ultrafined
processing of bulk material was identified. Through 2 Experimental
experiment, the best grain refinement was only at
ultrafined level and the finest grain size was 0.71 µm. In 2.1 Materials and MMC preparation
addition, the relationship between the mechanical AA 6063 and AA 6061 were selected for the
properties and the number of pass was compared [12]. As extrusion billets. The 6063 Al alloy was melted in a
an alternative method, ECAP using accommodated back graphite crucible and 5% SiC (volume fraction) particles
pressure was used to reinforce the fine atomized Al with size of 20 µm were added to the melted material by
powder in an another study. The effect of ECAP on the stirring. Thus, the cast billets, either with or without SiC,
consolidation behavior of powders, and the
were obtained as extrusion billets. Additionally, 6061 Al
microstructures and mechanical properties of resulted
powder particles (72 µm in size) were mixed with 5%
compacts was presented in comparison with that of the
SiC particles with 20 µm in size (volume fraction) for
conventional direct extrusion (DE) process [13].
1 h using a shaker-mixer. The mixed composite powders
A new method of SPD for producing bulk
were cold packed at a pressure of 20 MPa as extrusion
fine-grained materials was proposed and called the
billets. These billets were then sintered at 600 °C and a
cross-channel extrusion (CCE) process [14]. The effects
pressure of 10 MPa under an argon atmosphere. All the
of the CCE process on the microstructure and
extrusion billets that were prepared using powder
mechanical properties of AA 6061 alloy were also
metallurgy (PM) and stir-cast methods have dimensions
investigated. After 8 extrusion passes at temperatures
of 29.5 mm in diameter and 42 mm in height (Fig. 1).
ranging from 200 to 300 °C, a fine-grained structure was
observed with a grain size of 0.2−4 µm. Increased The compositions of the materials are listed in Table 1.
hardnesses and tensile strengths were obtained from the
samples extruded at lower temperatures. Moreover, the
dispersion was gradually refined with increasing the
extrusion pass and resulted in increased elongation [15].
The relationship between the microstructures and the
mechanical properties of the CCE processed AA 6061
alloy caused by different heat treatments was
investigated. The results indicated that the post-CCE was
a suitable method for producing Al alloy with improved
strength [16]. Fig. 1 Illustration of billet produced using PM
The microstructures and mechanical properties of
the hot extruded Mg alloy were investigated. The results 2.2 Extrusion process
showed that the use of a rapidly solidified powder could Both the composites and the unreinforced billets
lead to effective grain refinement, which in turn resulted were reciprocatingly extruded using an extrusion press
in an improved mechanical response, especially machine that was specially designed. The RE process is
compared with that of the conventionally extruded cast shown schematically in Fig. 2. The process has a
materials. The ultimate strength, yield strength and symmetrical design comprising two containers: a die and
elongation were also obviously improved [17,18]. two punches. These parts were made of H13 steel with a
Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of reciprocating extrusion: (a) Start of step 1; (b) End of step 1; (c) Start of step 2; (d) End of step 2
hardness of HRC 50 because they were affected by the Minitom low-speed diamond saw. Thin foils were
high temperature and pressure. First, a billet is placed prepared by punching as 3-mm discs and ground to
into Container A and then extruded into Container B thicknesses of ~150 µm. Next, perforation was
using Punch A. Simultaneously, a back pressure lower performed by electro polishing with an electrolyte
than the pressure of Punch A is applied by Punch B to solution of 20% nitric acid and 80% methanol at
compress the extruded material. Thus, the material fills approximately 25 °C and 15 V in a Struers-Tenupol-5
Container B and recovers its billet shape (1 pass). When double jet electro polisher. The samples were
Punch A almost reaches the die, the pressure on Punch A investigated using a JEOL 2100 transmission electron
reduces, and the pressure on Punch B increases to microscope (LaB6 filament) operated at 200 kV and
perform the reverse extrusion. In this case, Punch A is equipped with an Oxford EDS system. Images were
slowly moved backward, and Punch B compresses the taken digitally using a Gatan Model 694 Slow Scan CCD
material into Container A (2 passes). The billets are camera. A JEOL side entry single tilt goniometry was
repeatedly extruded upwards and downwards until the used. Bright field (BF) and selected area electron
required number of pass is reached. However, for the diffraction (SAED) techniques were used to investigate
final extrusion, Punch B is removed to yield an extruded the microstructure. For the digital images, Gatan Digital
rod with 10 mm in diameter. The meaning of 0 pass is Micrograph software was used.
that the billets were inserted into the container and then The Superficial Rockwell hardness values of the
extruded into a rod with a diameter of 10 mm. samples were measured by Superficial Rockwell N scale
In this study, the billets were extruded under under 15 N loads using Rockwell hardness tester with a
17.5 MPa for 0, 1, 5, 9 and 15 passes at 400 °C, for 0, 1, diamond indenter, which has an advanced LCD touch
5, 9 and 13 passes at 300 °C, and for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 screen, automatic measurement procedure, load/dwell/
passes at 200 °C. The extrusion ratios were 10:1 at 400 unload and connects with a PC or SPC network via a
and 300 °C and 4:1 at 200 °C. built-in bi-directional USB2 connector.
Fig. 4 Microstructures of SiC-reinforced AA 6061 samples extruded at 300 °C: (a) Billet; (b) 1 pass; (c) 5 passes; (d) 9 passes
332 Veysel ERTURUN, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 26(2016) 328−338
Fig. 5 TEM images of unreinforced AA 6061 samples (PM) extruded at 300 °C: (a) 1 pass (1.069 µm); (b) 5 passes (1.273 µm);
(c) 9 passes (1.333 µm); (d) 13 passes (1.6 µm)
Recrystallization happened during the treatment that led eliminated at high temperature. It is observed that the
to the increase of grain size and the annihilation of processing temperature plays an important role in the
working hardening effect. Therefore, the extrusion dislocation density of all samples.
treatment was carried out to form a ultra fine grain The TEM images of the 1-pass unreinforced AA
material with the formation of precipitates [16]. 6061 samples are shown in Fig. 7. There are two
The TEM images of 5% SiC-reinforced samples are different sizes of precipitate in these samples. These
shown in Fig. 6. The average grain sizes of the reinforced sizes are the first group of large particles and the second
samples extruded under the same conditions increase group of small particles, which are higher in numbers.
initially similar to the unreinforced counterparts and then The small and large precipitates are marked in the circle
decrease slightly. Because of this difference (due to a in the TEM images. It can be seen that the dislocation
reduction in the transmission of heat by the ceramic density is low in the samples.
particles in the composite), there is no an extreme The TEM images of 5-pass samples reinforced with
difference in the Al grains during the process. However, 5% SiC are shown in Fig. 8. There are also precipitated
coarsened grains are observed after 1 pass. particles with two different sizes. These are a group of
After the TEM analysis of samples extruded at large particles and a group of small particles, which are
300 °C, the following results are obtained. Despite the higher in numbers. The same result was found in the
exposure to severe plastic deformation, no sample shows images of 13-pass samples (reinforced with 5% SiC).
a very high dislocation density. This observation The small and large precipitates are marked in the circle
demonstrates that the samples were subjected to heat in the TEM images. There is a very low dislocation
treatment at high temperature during the deformation. density. The 13-pass samples reinforced with 5% SiC
The differences between the samples were ultimately also have precipitated particles with two different sizes,
Veysel ERTURUN, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 26(2016) 328−338 333
Fig. 6 TEM images of SiC-reinforced AA 6061 samples (PM) extruded at 300 °C: (a) 1 pass (0.8996 µm); (b) 5 passes (1.3222 µm);
(c) 9 passes (1.234 µm); (d) 13 passes (1.014 µm)
1. Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics/Airframes and Powerplants, Erciyes University, Kayseri 38039, Turkey;
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Erciyes University, Kayseri 38039, Turkey
摘 要:使用往复挤压(RE)方法改善铸造和粉末冶金(PM)法制备的铝基复合材料的力学性能。分别使用 AA 6063
铸件和 AA 6061 粉末作为基体,使用 5% SiC(体积分数)颗粒作为增强相制备复合材料。挤压样品的硬度和晶粒
(Edited by Mu-lan QIN)