Published Paper - MACM
Published Paper - MACM
Published Paper - MACM
Aluminum metal matrix Metal matrix composites are widely used in engineering applications because of their
composites (AMMC), better mechanical properties. This review focuses on fabrication methods and fracture
Fabrication methods, behaviors of aluminum metal matrix composites (AMMCs). This paper also discusses its
Specimens and fixtures used applications. Based on the review study, it is observed that the properties of AMMC vary
for fracture tests depending on the reinforcement used, fabrication techniques, and reinforcement
disbursement in the matrix material. It is also found that the place where the composite
materials are used and the difficulties behind the manufacturing processes decide the
selection of reinforcements and the types of fabrication method. It is noticed that the
reinforcement of AMMCs is in the form of continuous fibers, short fibers, whiskers, and
particulates. The objective of this review study is to summarize the details about the
techniques used for fabricating aluminum metal matrix composites, the effects of
processing parameters on the mechanical behaviors of composites, the different types of
test specimens, and the fixtures used to apply load for fractures experimentations of
AMMC with the applications of AMMCs in various fields.
DOI: 10.22075/macs.2021.20833.1274
Received 20-07-08; Received in revised form 21-06-23; Accepted 21-11-18
© 2021 Published by Semnan University Press. All rights reserved.
Gururaj et al. / Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 8 (2021) 347-358
The tensile strength of composites was improved called a green body. The density of the green body
up to 149.3 MPa because of the strong bonding should be approximately 85% of the composite.
between the matrix and reinforcement particles. Step4. The green body is then sintered by
The wear rate decreases with the increment of applying heat at a desirable temperature [13].
reinforcement. Then the resultant is called a sintered body. Its
Yan Li et al. [10] investigated the fracture density should be the same as the composite.
behavior of 6092 Al/SiC particulate metal matrix PM Process made a sintered body of Al-Al2O3
composites through mode I loading conditions composites [12]. Here the composite powder of
and reported that interface debonding is the 160-380 µm particle size is produced using a
unique mechanism for increasing the toughness vibration rotary mill. Then the sintering process
of MMCs. This debonding also promotes plastic is carried out inside a graphite container
deformation in the ductile matrix. maintained at a vacuum of 2.67 Pa. The sintered
Doddamani et al. [11] investigated the body is made under a pressure of 15MPa, 910K
Al6061-9% graphite particulate metal matrix temperature for 15min. The microstructure of
composites and presented the composite the composite powder is analyzed through a
fractured specimens' fracture toughness and microscope, and the micrograph is given. In the
micro fractography. Here, the CT specimens were micrograph, as shown in Figure 3, Al2O3 particles
fabricated through stir casting techniques, and are surrounded by the matrix particles.
the fractured surfaces were analyzed using Moreover, the coarser particles are distributed
scanning electron microscopic images. uniformly than, the finer particles. P. S. Bains et
In this review, the fabricating techniques, the al. [14] produced a β-phase titanium alloy by
effects of processing parameters on the employing mechanical alloying with spark
mechanical behaviors of AMMCs, the test plasma sintering process (SPS) and reported that
specimens and fixtures used for loading in the the fabricated titanium alloy has the best
experimentations on fracture, and the different microhardness.
fields of applications are investigated using
inputs from various researches.
2. Fabrication methods of AMMCs
The method of fabrication plays an important
role in determining the properties of composites
[12]. The following are the primary techniques to
fabricate the AMMCs.
a. Solid State Processes
b. Liquid State Processes Fig. 1. Fabrication techniques for making AMMCs
c. Deposition Processes
This review study is confined to the methods
of fabrication based on extensive applications by
many researchers. Figure 1 shows the fabrication
techniques investigated.
2.1. Solid-State Processes
2.1.1. Powder metallurgy (PM Process)
These are mostly used processes to make
AMMCs. Although it is a traditional metallurgy
Fig. 2. Powder metallurgy Process
process, it is later taken to manufacture the metal
matrix composites [12]. It is a desirable process
because even at a lower temperature, the metal
matrix composites can produce. The kinetic
interfaces can be controlled easily by this process.
Alloy compositions of the matrix also can be
varied easily in this process. The following figure
illustrates a step-by-step procedure of powder
metallurgical process (Figure 2).
Step 1. Weighing the composition (Metal
powder, reinforcement, additives, if any)
Step 2. Mixing the above composition.
Step 3. The blended powder is compacted
through a uni-axial press tool. The resultant is Fig. 3. The micrograph of Al-Al2O3composite powder [12]
Gururaj et al. / Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 8 (2021) 347-358
Preetkanwal Singh Bains et al. [15] reported an interlayer [17]. The joints' microstructures,
the analysis and research findings based on the phase compositions, and mechanical properties
fabrication techniques and various machining on were examined using Scanning electron
the MMCs. It is found that the PM method is a microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction analysis,
versatile route of MMC's fabrication because of and shear testing, respectively. The SEM image is
the homogeneous microstructure of the shown in Figure 5.
fabricated MMCs. But the presence of impurities
is the main limitation of this method. 2.2. Liquid state Processes
It is the process mainly for materials having It is the most commonly used liquid state
high heat sensitivity and persistent oxide layers. fabrication process. The matrix material is melted
This process is also used for making composites in the crucible or muffle available in the stir
that are hard to join with the reinforcement casting setup, as shown in Figure 6. The
particles [16]. temperature is given through the electrical
Diffusion bonding is like a pressure welding filament arrangement.
process in which the interatomic bonding will be Then the treated reinforcement particles are
done by applying pressure and temperature. The poured into the molten matrix metal for stirring.
materials which are subjected to the diffusion The stirring is done because of the uniform
bonding process have rough surfaces. In the first dispersion of the reinforcement particles. The
stage, the boding is done by using pressure that casting of the desired shape follows the stirring.
deforms the substrate roughness and disrupts Stir casting is the most economical technique
and disperses the above-mentioned surface when compared to most of the casting techniques
layers. In the second stage, diffusion and grain [17]. The vortex technique is followed for the
growth takes place to form a new material. addition of reinforcement particles. The pre-
Figure. 4. illustrates the diffusion bonding treated reinforcement particles are poured into
process. the vortex of the molten alloy created by the
Alumina (Al2O3/Al2O3) joints and stirrer[18].
alumina/aluminum MMC (Al2O3/Al–MMC) joints
were fabricated using an Al2O3–Al composite as
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. SEM images of Cross-section of Al2O3/Al–Al2O3/Al2O3 composite; (a) at 850°C, (b) at 1000 °C [17]
Gururaj et al. / Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 8 (2021) 347-358
The crucible size, impeller or stirrer size, the c. Stirring time: Higher stirring time results
temperature of molten metal/alloy, time of in inhomogeneous mixing and improved
stirring, stirring speed, and the rate of mechanical properties, but it depends on the
reinforcement pour are the controlling blade profile of the stirrer.
parameters to get the homogenous mixture to d. Melt temperature: It should be at an
cast. The following are the two challenges in this optimum level because higher the melt
process[19]. temperature will improve the wetting ability of
The molten metal does not wet some melt but lower the melt temperature will improve
reinforcement particles. So pre-treatment is the particle agglomeration rate. So it should be at
necessary. an optimum level.
(ii) Due to the density variation of molten e. Stirrer blade design: It is crucial for
metal and reinforcement particles, the creating a vortex and achieving the proper mix.
reinforcement particles tend to float or sink The stirrer blades are coated with Zirconia for
within the molten metal, and hence the uniform reducing the reaction between metal melt at high
dispersion is not at the desired level. temperatures.
Mafi et al. [20] fabricated the aluminum alloy f. Die preheating temperature: The
matrix and TiC reinforced composites differently mechanical properties of MMCs are improved
using the stir casting technique. For fabricating with the die preheating temperature, but it
the composites, 500g of aluminum alloy was reduces the life of the die.
taken in a furnace, and 2 Vol% of TiC metal
2.2.2. Infiltration process
powder was carried in an aluminum foil and
added to the molten alloy during stirring. After In the infiltration process, a preform is
stirring, the mixer is poured into the CI cylindrical prepared with the use of reinforcement material
mold. with high porosity. Then the molten metal is
A. Ramanathan, et al.[21] investigated all the allowed to fill the porosity of the reinforcement
production processes for the fabrication of MMCs. preform. If the molten metal wets the preform,
It is concluded that the Stir casting technique is the external force is not needed to fill the molten
the most suitable process because of its metal in the preform pores. The force of
simplicity, cost of production, and mass capillarity is enough. Otherwise, external
production capability, etc. In this study, the mechanical force is applied against the drag and
process parameters that affect the quality of capillary force. Then the pressure is used on the
MMCs are evaluated. Some notable process filled preform for combining the molten metal
parameters are discussed below. and preform well. Figure 7 illustrates the
a. Reinforcement size: The small size of infiltration process.
reinforcement particles improves the mechanical In an experimental study, an AMMC of pure
properties of MMCs. Aluminum powder as matrix and continuous
b. Stirring speed: The interparticle distance fibers of α – Alumina as reinforcement is made
can be increased by the stirring speed. High with a medium pressure infiltration process. The
stirring speed should not create high resistance micrograph is given for the above AMMC [18].
of particle movement, and low stirring speed Figures 8 (a) and (b) show the cross-section and
should not hold the reinforcement particle in one in-plane section of the in-filtered AMMC.
place of metal melt. So, the exact numerical value
of stirring speed cannot be specified without
matrix and reinforcement particle details.
Gururaj et al. / Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 8 (2021) 347-358
Ferhat Gul et al. [25] studied the effects of the g. Centrifugal infiltration process
reinforcement volume fraction on the dry sliding Here the centrifugal force is used to fabricate
wear behavior of Al–10Si/SiCp composites the composite. The reinforcement is placed inside
fabricated by vacuum infiltration technique. a mould with an elongated runner filled with
Here, an Al–10Si alloy was infiltrated into SiCp, Al, molten metal matrix init. Due to the large
and Mg powders compact. After the rotational or centrifugal velocity, the merge
parametrically controlled fabrication, optical occurs between reinforcement and molten metal.
micrographs of the composite were taken. It is [23].
found from the micrographs that the distribution
of the particles is homogenous. 2.3. Deposition process
d. Ultrasonic infiltration process 2.3.1. Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD)
The ultrasonic sound vibrations create
pressure waves to immerse the molten metal Metal matrix composites are made by this
with the reinforcement. A horn is used to actuate process also. It is a very slow process. An electron
the ultrasonic vibration to produce the acoustic beam is used to vapourize the metal, and the fiber
cavitation inside the molten metal. Infiltration material is passed over the region of high partial
occurs due to the collapse of bubbles created by pressure metal vapours. Metal vapours are
the acoustic cavitation inside the molten metal. condensed over the fiber materials, and hence
The air present inside the preform is entrapped thick coating is done on the fiber. Normally
by the dissolved gases produced by the collapse deposition rate is 5-10 µm. Then the coated fibers
of bubbles. The bubble formation is decreased are arranged as rows and subjected to hot press
with the increment of the diameter of the hole operation for getting metal matrix composites
available in the horn [21]. [27]. The above said method is Electron beam
e. Pressure die infiltration process Physical Vapour deposition. Another method is
In the pressure die infiltration process, the also available, namely the sputtering technique.
molten material is injected into the mould, In the sputtering technique, coating materials are
performed by a piston arrangement. Then the sprayed with ions of the inert gas field over the
molten metal in the mould is allowed to solidify metal piece. The coating material with inert gas
by cooling. After the solidification, the moulded ions broke the metal piece's atoms and coated on
material is ejected using ejector pins. The it.
schematic diagram is shown in Figure 10. 2.3.2. Spray deposition method
Li et al. [26] produced an Al-Cu alloy matrix
with alumina fiber and aluminum particle In this method, the fine droplets of molten
reinforcement by a low-pressure infiltration metal are formed and sprayed over the substrate
process and evaluated the wear properties. It is to make the composite material. There are two
found that the increment of the volume fraction types of spray deposition methods.
of alumina fiber and the aluminum particle a) Osprey method
reduces the infiltration defects. b) Thermal Spray method or plasma spray
f. Lorentz force infiltration process method
It is a unique infiltration process in which In the Osprey method, the fine metallic droplets
Lorentz force (the combination of electric and are made using inert gases and sprayed over the
magnetic force) merges the molten metal with metallic substrate. The quality of the coating
the reinforcement particles. Lorentz force is depends on the following parameters.
created by combining the eddy current with a a) Nozzle to substrate distance (flight length)
magnetic pulse. This force immerses the molten b) Type of atomizing inert gas
metal with the reinforcement.[23] c) Angle of spray
d) Atomizing pressure
e) Rate of the coating.
The thermal spray or plasma spray process, as
shown in Figure 11, is a different technique by
which ceramics, alloys, intermetallic alloys, and
functionally graded materials are coated
[28],[29]. In this method, the rotating mandrel is
used to spray the metallic droplets over the
substrate. Computer programming is used to
control the rotating mandrel to get the desired
Fig. 10. The pressure die infiltration process shape of composite material. Figure.10. shows
the SEM image of Al-Al2O3 composite powders
made by the plasma spraying process.
Gururaj et al. / Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 8 (2021) 347-358
3. Consequences of processing
parameters on the mechanical
behavior of AMMCs
The desirable properties of AMMCs are
a) High modulus of strength
b) High Fracture strength
c) High Compressive strength.
d) Low thermal expansion coefficient
e) Wear resistance
f) Corrosion resistance
The characteristics of AMMCs fabricated using
the PM method are largely influenced by the
volume fraction of reinforcement particles,
dispersion of reinforcement particles, and the
process parameters of the PM method, such as
sintering time and temperature applied.
Rahimaian et al. fabricated Al-Al2O3 composites
by PM technique and studied the effect of particle
size, sintering time, and sintering temperature on
various properties of AMMC [30]. Alumina of
average particle size 3, 12, and 48 µm are used.
Sintering temperature in the range of 500 to
600°C and sintering time of 30 to 90 min is given
for the fabrication. The density is improved for
the increment of sintering time from 45 to 90 min
and the increment of sintering temperature. The
composite density increases first up to a level and
then decreases by decreasing alumina particle
size. Compared to coarse particles, finer alumina Fig. 12. SEM image of Al-Al2O3 composite powders made by
particles give higher hardness, yield strength, the plasma spray process[29]
compressive strength, and elongation at fracture.
In a research work [31], the composites were 4. Test specimens and fixture
fabricated through ARB (Accumulative Roll
selection for fracture studies
Bonding) process. First of all, the specimens were
dropped in a bath of acetone and scratched using Since the 1970s, the control of fatigue crack
a stainless-steel brush. Then the Fe3O4 propagation and damage tolerant theories have
nanoparticles, which are suspended in acetone, been investigated and developed. Initially, Irwin
were sprayed on the scratched specimen. Then was the first scientist who studied crack
the specimen was rolled to reduce the size to half behavior. Based on the direction of application
of its original size. Preetkanwal Singh Bains et al. loads, the fracture toughness is evaluated by
[32] used SiC abrasive particulates mixed EDM oil three modes. The following shows the different
as a flushing dielectric medium with the tool modes of failure (Figure 13).
electrode for improving the surface finish,
including the higher material removal rate and
4.1. Various types of test specimens to evaluate
lower tool wear rate. fracture toughness
Laminated polymeric composites of different
materials are analyzed to evaluate the
delamination strength by applying loads above
modes. Vishnu Prasad et al. [33] assessed the
mode I and mode II inter-laminar fracture
toughness of flax fiber reinforced epoxy
composites through the double cantilever beam
as shown in Figure 14.
Fig. 11. Process of plasma Spray coating process [29]
Gururaj et al. / Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 8 (2021) 347-358
Fig. 17. The fixture used for mixed-mode I-II and mixed-mode I-III Fracture testing [35]
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