Marge Thielke
tthe age of 22, Marge Thike was a witness to the horrific explosion ofthe
Hindenburg on May 7, 1937
Inthe hand-written letter she sent to me she describes an article
Bbouta man written in 2005,
"his man, who had just died was thought to be the ast survivin witness of
the Hindenburg disaster He was actually a grounds man whose job was
to pullthe massive airship and secure it after fight.
‘n 2009, Thicke, red this article and called the newspaper who published
‘explaining that both her and her brather were til ving.
Her brother was 1¢ and she was 1.
In 2015, atthe age of 2, her brother died
‘This means the Marge Tielke has the distinction af being the last
known surviving witness ofthe Hindenburg cater,
She sent the signed photos and accompanying litera the age
‘The eter arrived Api 2017,
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