TPS 4000 5000
TPS 4000 5000
TPS 4000 5000
Now some wholly new standards apply
The TPS 9000 puts out up to 900 A of power Welding two different materials is easy - using
and is designed with automated and robot twin wirefeeders.
welding applications in mind.
Perfection is the
measure of all things
Wirefeed forwards:
Wirefeed stop: Wirefeed backwards: Wirefeed backwards: ignition is complete –
Wirefeed forwards short-circuit recognition pilot arc is ignited arc-length is set pulsed arc starts up Metal transfer
Multifunctional, in terms of both arc and process
With digital machines, all sorts of things become In addition, the SyncroPuls function was developed for
possible. They adapt to any and every task. Particularly the TPS machines. This function superimposes a low-
in the case of the arc, very different requirements may be frequency pulse over the normal pulse, resulting in seam
made, depending on the application. The digital inverter quality that is comparable with that of a TIG weld, and
power sources permit tailor-made solutions here. When it ensuring immaculate weld-seam appearance.
comes to pulsed arcs, for example, there is a special
All digital power sources are multiprocess-capable,
pulse-form to go with every material. The machines
meaning that they are just as suitable for MIG/MAG
function so precisely that only one single droplet of filler
welding as they are for TIG and MMA. The machines
metal is detached for each current pulse. This results in
come with a particularly interesting TIG-welding function:
virtually spatter-free welding, and means that for the first
TIG Comfort Stop. This cures the arc of its annoying habit
time, precision working is possible at the lower end of
of breaking at the end of welding. A defined movement of
the power range: a 0.6 mm aluminium sheet can be
the welding torch causes the welding current to drop
welded under a pulsed arc using a 1.2 mm wire electrode
automatically, uninterrupted gas shielding is ensured, and
with no difficulty at all.
the end crater is filled to perfection.
The digital arc-length control opens up wholly new
perspectives as well. It works with such speed and
precision that the arc length remains constant at all
times; even when the stick-out changes, there is hardly
any spatter.
1 2 3 4
Constant arc length despite varying stick-out - thanks to digital Metal transfer with a pulsed arc: One droplet per pulse.
weld process control.
Start-up program for aluminium
There is an extra ignition variant for aluminium: In order
to prevent fusion defects, the base metal has to start
being melted right away, in the start-up phase. For this
reason, ignition is effected at considerably higher power.
After this, the welding power is lowered again. However,
in order to avoid any risk of drop-through, it is also
possible to immediately lower the welding power down
to the crater-fill current.
Plug & Weld:
Make your choice, and off you go A system with efficiency built in
Right from the product-development phase, the overriding Investing in a digital power source is worthwhile in every
principle at Fronius is to make the machines as easy as way. Thanks to their multi-process capability, you can
possible to handle. The result is power sources which are weld using any welding process, be it MIG/MAG, TIG or
pleasant for everyone to work with. Even the complex MMA, all with one and the same machine, and always
digital machines, then, are operated using the practical with superlative quality. Also, you save gas every time
“synergic-mode”: One dial is all you need, to control you weld. Firstly, because of the loss-free gas supply to
everything. Select the material and the sheet thickness – the torch, and secondly, due to the intelligent gas-flow
that’s all. Then off you go! The digital power sources now control. On top of this, there are the savings from the
automatically access their integrated expert knowledge great reductions in welding spatter, the automatic
and control the entire welding process. For instance, cooling-unit cut-out, low open-circuit power, high
when you specify the sheet thickness, the correct efficiency, modular (and thus highly flexible) system
matching parameters are all called up immediately. principle, ease of access for servicing, updates via laptop
…. As we said, a system with efficiency built into it.
Memory Material selection Operating Weld JobMaster welding torch with integral remote
button mode process control and weld-data display.
The success package
4-roller drive for precision, abrasion-free wirefeed. “PT-Drive” push-pull welding torch. The drive force is applied across
a large area, ensuring superb wirefeed - even with very soft
aluminium wires.
Robot welding torches In the front line
for reliable current transfer with Robacta Drive
The Robacta robot welding torch comes with a brilliantly Robacta Drive is a torch with an integral wire drive for
ingenious feature: Forced contacting. This ensures a robot welding. It is mounted directly on the front axis of
defined, reliable current transfer, as the welding wire is the welding robot. In this way, the master drive is where
guided through the contact tip at an exactly defined the action is, ensuring absolutely uniform wire travel and
angle. Random, punctual current transfers are now a thing thus the very highest precision in the welding process.
of the past. The result: consistently high welding quality. Even with long hosepacks.
Forced contacting for exactly defined current transfer. The welding Robacta Drive with external wire guidance system: Inner liner can be
process achieves greater precision, and there is less wear-and-tear. changed very quickly, downtime is minimised.
Everything is thinkable,
everything is doable
Maximised intelligence:
RCU 5000i
The RCU 5000i is an extremely easy-to-use, comfort-
feature-laden remote-control unit with a full-text display.
A real innovation. You can place it right next to the
Main menu weldment, so that you can create and manage all jobs
and characteristics “on the spot”, as well as monitoring
all the welding data. It really couldn’t be easier. The RCU
5000i gives you concrete assistance every step of the
way – as you need it. The other thing is that the guidance
menu is structured in the same way as PC software, with
a main menu, sub-menus etc. All very clearly laid out and
Special 2-step
RCU 5000i
Weld-data management:
Welcome to WeldOffice System example: Robot welding
With Fronius WeldOffice, you can aggregate the data Important:
from all your power sources at one central point. And by
- perfect co-ordination of all system components, from
“data”, we don’t just mean the welding data, but also all
the power source to the wirefeed and the welding
the telemetry data – i.e. all the data relating to the status
torches, and including weld-data monitoring and
of the machines. These data can then be visualised and
archived on a computer. All the power sources can be
given their own TCP/IP addresses and networked, - remote control with user privileges
creating the best possible basis for efficient weld-data - flexible interfacing with the robot interface
RCU 5000i
2 5
ROB 5000 4
Robot 7
- FK 4000 - VR 4040
Water cooling unit for manual welding. 40 kg unreeling device for aluminium wires. End-of-wire
watchdog, heating and internal lighting. Perfect for robot
- FK 4000 R
Water cooling unit for enhanced cooling performance;
e.g. with long hosepacks or in robot-welding - VR 7000
applications. Portable, enclosed wirefeeder for D300/K300 spools. For
wirefeed speeds of 0-12, 0-22 and 0-30 m/min, as per
- FK 9000 R
user requirement.
In high-performance applications, the FK 9000 R ensures
optimum cooling. Equipped as series with a thermostat,
flow-watchdog and water filter.
TR 4000 C RCU 4000 Rob 5000 Robacta TC 1000
- RCU 5000i
And as if all that weren’t enough…
Innovative LCD remote-control unit. Straightforward,
logical user guidance, geared to the workday needs of When we talk about a system, we really do mean an
various different user groups; with user administration entire, complete system. Which is why there are many
and weld-data monitoring. other components as well, which you can obtain at any
time, to match your individual system configurations.
Like the PickUp or Trabant trolleys, floor-mounted base
stands, twin-head mounts, the “Human” hosepack boom,
The end-product
is satisfaction
General Optional
4-roller drive Synergic operation Manual operation Constant-amperage / constant-
voltage mode
Arc-break monitoring Thermostat controlled fan Motor current
Crane hoisting lugs
Automatic burn-back control Touchdown ignition Operating mode and process
Automatic cooling-unit cut-out Welding-circuit alignment Overtemperature Current-flow signal
(resistance, inductivity) End-of-wire watchdog
Basket-type spool adapter Service codes
Burn-back impulse (perfect wire- Sheet thickness Gas economiser valve
end, optimum re-ignition) Operating modes Keylock switch
Welding amperage and voltage
Can be extended a module at a time 2-step mode (actual and guideline values)
PullMig mode
Continuous adjustment of welding 4-step mode Welding speed
current directly from torch Robot interface, analogue / digital
Aluminium welding start-up (special Wirefeed speed
Digital weld-process control 4-step mode) Spatterfree ignition
Earth leakage detection Special 2-step mode SyncroPuls
Adjustable parameters
Feeder creep Spot welding TIG Comfort Stop
Arc-force dynamic
Feeder inching, without gas or Twin-head mount
current Arc-length / droplet-detachment
Digital display o correction Weld Process Data (WeldOffice,
Energy-saving inverter technology JobExplorer)
“a”-dimension Burn-back time
Gas-test function
Arc-force dynamic, arc-length and Continuously adjustable welding Weld-data monitoring
Job mode droplet-detachment correction power
Welding programs from databank
Microprocessor control Globular (intermediate) arc Crater-fill current
Overtemperature protection “Hold” function Gas pre/post-flow time
Remote-controllable Job number Hot-Start
Mains voltage monitoring
TS 4000 TS 5000 TS 7200 TS 9000
TPS 4000 TPS 5000 TPS 7200 TPS 9000
Mains voltage 3 x 400 V 3 x 400 V 2 x 3 x 400 V 2 x 3 x 400 V
Mains voltage tolerance +/- 15 % +/- 15 % +/- 10 % +/- 10 %
Mains fuse protection (slow-blow) 35 A 35 A 2 x 35 A 2 x 35 A
This document may not be copied or otherwise reproduced, whether in part or in its entirety, without the express prior written consent of Fronius International GmbH.
Primary continuous rating (100 % d.c.) 12.7 kVA 15.1 kVA 2 x 12.7 kVA 2 x 15.1 kVA
Cos phi 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
Efficiency 88 % 89 % 88 % 89 %
Welding-current range MIG/MAG 3 - 400 A 3 - 500 A 3 - 720 A 3 - 900 A
TIG 3 - 400 A 3 - 500 A 3 - 720 A 3 - 900 A
Electrode (MMA) 10 - 400 A 10 - 500 A 10 - 720 A 10 - 900 A
Welding current at 10 min/25° C 75 % d.c. 400 A 75 % d.c. 500 A - -
100 % d.c. 365 A 100 % d.c. 450 A 100 % d.c. 720 A 100 % d.c. 900 A
10 min/40° C 50 % d.c. 400 A 40 % d.c. 500 A - -
60 % d.c. 365 A 60 % d.c. 450 A 60 % d.c. 720 A 60 % d.c. 900 A
100 % d.c. 320 A 100 % d.c. 360 A 100 % d.c. 640 A 100 % d.c. 720 A
Text and illustrations technically correct at time of going to print. We reserve the right to make modifications.
Open-circuit voltage 70 V 70 V 70 V 70 V
Operating voltage MIG/MAG 14.2 - 34.0 V 14.2 - 39.0 V 14.2 - 34.0 V 14.2 - 39.0 V
TIG 10.1 - 26.0 V 10.1 - 30.0 V 10.1 - 26.0 V 10.1 - 30.0 V
Electrode (MMA) 20.4 - 36.0 V 20.4 - 40.0 V 20.4 - 36.0 V 20.4 - 40.0 V
Degree of protection IP 23 IP 23 IP 23 IP 23
Dimensions L x W x H mm 625 x 290 x 475 625 x 290 x 475 2 x 625 x 290 x 475 2 x 625 x 290 x 475
Inch 24.63 x 11.43 x 18.72 24.63 x 11.43 x 18.72 2 x 24.63 x 11.43 x 18.72 2 x 24.63 x 11.43 x 18.72
Weight 35.2 kg / 77.4 lb 35.6 kg / 78.3 lb 2 x 35.2 kg / 2 x 77.4 lb 2 x 35.6 kg / 2 x 78.3 lb