Ginko Biloba NIST LC MS Test
Ginko Biloba NIST LC MS Test
Ginko Biloba NIST LC MS Test
Certificate of Analysis
Standard Reference Material® 3249
Ginkgo Dietary Supplement Suite
Standard Reference Material (SRM) 3249 consists of two bottles each of three ginkgo-related SRMs: SRM 3246
Ginkgo biloba (Leaves), SRM 3247 Ginkgo biloba Extract, and SRM 3248 Ginkgo–Containing Tablets. These
SRMs are intended primarily for use in validating analytical methods for the determination of flavonoids, terpene
lactones, and toxic elements in Ginkgo-containing matrices. These SRMs can also be used for quality assurance
when assigning values to in-house control materials. The materials in the suite of ginkgo dietary supplement SRMs
have been developed to cover a range of natural matrices and analyte levels. See the Certificate of Analysis for
each SRM for additional details.
The development of SRM 3249 was a collaboration among the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST); the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS); and the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER).
Certified Concentration Values: A NIST certified value is a value for which NIST has the highest confidence in
its accuracy in that all known or suspected sources of bias have been investigated or accounted for [1]. The certified
concentration values of flavonoids, terpene lactones, and toxic elements are provided in Tables 1 and 2 in bold
typeface. Values were derived from the combination of results provided by NIST and collaborating laboratories.
The certified values in this material are the equally weighted means of the individual sets of NIST results and the
means of the measurements made by collaborating laboratories; the associated uncertainties are expanded
uncertainties at the 95 % level of confidence [2,3]. Values are reported on a dry-mass basis in mass fraction units [4].
Reference Concentration Values: A NIST reference value is a noncertified value that is the best estimate of the
true value based on available data; however, the value does not meet the NIST criteria for certification [1] and is
provided with associated uncertainties that may reflect only measurement reproducibility, may not include all
sources of uncertainty, or may reflect a lack of sufficient statistical agreement among multiple analytical methods.
Reference concentration values for flavonoids, terpene lactones, and toxic elements are provided in Tables 1 and 2
in normal typeface.
Expiration of Value Assignment: The value assignment of this SRM is valid until 30 November 2014, within the
measurement uncertainties specified, provided the SRM is handled and stored in accordance with the instructions
given in this certificate. Value assignment is nullified if the SRM is damaged, contaminated, or modified.
Maintenance of SRM Value Assignment: NIST will monitor this SRM over the period of its value assignment. If
substantive technical changes occur that affect the value assignment before the expiration of this certificate, NIST
will notify the purchaser. Registration (see attached sheet) will facilitate notification.
Coordination of the technical measurements leading to the certification of this SRM was performed by L.C. Sander,
K.E. Sharpless, and S.A. Wise of the NIST Analytical Chemistry Division.
Acquisition and preparation of the material was coordinated by A. NguyenPho of FDA CDER and K.E. Sharpless
of the NIST Analytical Chemistry Division.
Analytical measurements at NIST were performed by S.B. Howerton, S.E. Long, K.E. Murphy, B.J. Porter,
K. Putzbach, M.S. Rearick, C.A. Rimmer, L.J. Wood, and R.L. Zeisler of the NIST Analytical Chemistry
Division and D. Hancock of the NIST Biochemical Science Division. Analyses for value assignment were also
performed by C. Scriver and L. Yang of the National Research Council Canada (NRCC; Ottawa, ON),
Mariann Sanders at NSF International (Ann Arbor, MI), C. Nelson at Eurofins (Petaluma, CA), and B. Schaneberg
at ChromaDex, Inc. (Boulder, CO). Analyses for toxic elements were also performed by M. Sargent at LGC
(Teddington, UK). Data from an AOAC collaborative study for flavonoids were also included in value assignment;
the directors for this study were D. Gray (Midwest Research Institute; Kansas City, MO), K. LeVanseler and M. Pan
(NSF International; Ann Arbor, MI), and E. Waysek (Caravan Products Company; Totawa, NJ). Thin layer
chromatographic analysis was provided by A. Blatter and E. Reich (CAMAG; Muttenz, Switzerland).
Statistical analysis was provided by J.H. Yen of the NIST Statistical Engineering Division.
The support aspects involved with the certification and issuance of this SRM were coordinated through the NIST
Measurement Services Division.
Storage: The materials should be stored at controlled room temperature (20 °C to 25 °C), in unopened bottles, until
required for use.
Prior to removal of a test portion for analysis, the contents of a bottle of material should be mixed thoroughly. For
certified values to be valid, test portions equal to or greater than those specified in Certificates of Analysis for the
individual materials should be used. See the Certificate of Analysis for each individual SRM within the ginkgo
SRM suite for details. Certificates are available at Test portions should be analyzed as
received and results converted to a dry-mass basis by determining moisture content (described in the individual
Certificates of Analysis) on a separate test portion.
Material Acquisition and Preparation: Approximately 20 kg of minced Ginkgo biloba leaves and approximately
7.4 kg of ginkgo tablets were ground (separately) at room temperature in a Teflon disk mill containing a concentric
Teflon ring and a Teflon puck, and sieved to 180 µm (80 mesh). The sieved materials and approximately 7 kg of
Ginkgo biloba extract, prepared according to the German Pharmacopoeia (non-clinical), were transferred to
ChromaDex, Inc. (Santa Ana, CA) where they were individually blended and then bottled under nitrogen in amber
high-density polyethylene bottles with polypropylene screw caps. After bottling, the materials were irradiated by
Co to an absorbed dose of 12.9 kGy to 15.7 kGy.
Certain commercial equipment, instruments, or materials are identified in this report to specify adequately the
experimental procedure. Such identification does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the
SRM 3249 Page 2 of 18
Analytical Approach for Determination of Flavonoids
Value assignment of the concentrations of flavonoids in SRM 3249 was based on the combination of measurements
from different analytical methods at NIST, at two collaborating laboratories, and in an interlaboratory comparison
using a single analytical method. A total of five sets of measurements was used for the value assignment of the
concentrations of flavonoids. NIST provided measurements by using a combination of two sample extraction
procedures for the leaf and tablet materials; a single sample preparation technique, dissolution, was used for the
extract. NIST provided results using three liquid chromatography (LC) methods with different detection, i.e.,
ultraviolet absorbance spectrometry (UV) and mass spectrometry (MS) as described below. Results for flavonoids
were provided by two collaborating laboratories (NSF International and ChromaDex) and participants in an AOAC
collaborative study. All collaborating laboratories’ results were based on LC/UV. Two collaborating laboratories
analyzed a minimum of six subsamples, one from each of six bottles or two from each of three bottles, and one
laboratory analyzed one subsample from each of three bottles of each of the three materials.
Flavonoid aglycones were measured by using combinations of two sample preparation methods (for the leaves and
tablets) or dissolution (of the extract) and two LC methods with ultraviolet absorbance (UV) and mass spectrometric
(MS) detection. Four independently prepared calibrants were used for each of the methods. Calibrants were
prepared gravimetrically at levels intended to approximate levels of the flavonoid aglycones in the extracts of the
SRMs. A single internal standard solution was used for calibrants and samples. Calculations are based on average
response factors for the calibrants (typically duplicate analysis of four calibrant solutions, n = 8). The purity of the
standards was determined and was used in the calculation of the results. In addition, the water content of quercetin
was also corrected since this standard is hydrated in solid form.
Soxhlet Extraction: Twelve 1 g portions of the leaves or twelve 0.5 g portions of the tablets were weighed into
glass-fritted Soxhlet thimbles, each containing an approximately 1 cm layer of diatomaceous earth (Hydromatrix,
Isco, Lincoln, NE). After stirring the sample, a measured mass of internal standard solution (hesperitin) was
transferred to the Soxhlet thimble. The samples were extracted with approximately 200 mL methanol for 24 hours.
Samples prepared by this approach were hydrolyzed as described below and then analyzed by LC/UV.
Pressurized Fluid Extraction: Twelve 1 g portions of the leaves or twelve 0.5 g portions of the tablets were
placed into stainless steel extraction vessels fitted with a cellulose disk to prevent obstruction of the fritted stainless
steel disk in the end cap. Each vessel was filled to approximately one half capacity with Hydromatrix. After
stirring the sample, a measured mass of internal standard solution (hesperetin) was added, and an additional layer of
Hydromatrix material was added to fill the vessel completely. The extraction vessels were extracted three times
each, with three static holds of 5 min per extraction cycle. A nominal pressure of 13.8 MPa (2000 psi) and a
temperature of 100 ºC were maintained. Samples prepared by this approach were hydrolyzed as described below
and then analyzed by LC/MS.
Dissolution: Approximately 50 mg portions of the extract were combined with a measured mass of internal
standard solution (hesperitin) and were dissolved in methanol with the aid of ultrasonic agitation.
Hydrolysis: After extraction or dissolution, 30 g of the extract was refluxed with approximately 10 g of 25 %
hydrochloric acid solution (mass fraction) to cleave the sugar residues from the various glycosides to produce the
LC with UV Absorbance Detection: A C18 column was used with a binary gradient LC method (mobile phase of
water and acetonitrile, both containing acetic acid) for the LC/UV determination. The aglycones were detected at
370 nm, and the internal standard was detected at 287 nm. Typical separations and methodological details are
provided in Appendix A1 through A3.
LC with Mass Spectrometric Detection: A C18 column was used with an isocratic mobile phase
(water/acetonitrile/acetic acid/trifluoroacetic acid) for the LC/MS determination. Positive electrospray mode was
used for the determination of the flavonoid aglycones. Quantification of the aglycones was based on selected ion
monitoring at m/z 303 (quercetin, hesperetin), 317 (isorhamnetin), and 287 (kaempferol). Hesperitin was used as
the internal standard for LC/MS measurements. Typical separations and methodological details are provided in
Appendices A1 through A3.
Value assignment of the concentrations of the terpene lactones in SRM 3249 was based on the combination of
measurements from two different analytical methods at NIST and at one collaborating laboratory. A total of three
sets of measurements was used for the value assignment of the concentrations of terpene lactones. NIST provided
measurements by using two different methods for sample extraction of the leaves and tablets; a single method
(dissolution) was used to prepare the extract samples. NIST provided results using two different LC methods with
mass spectrometric detection (MS) as described below. Results for terpene lactones were also provided by Eurofins
who analyzed samples using LC with evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD). NIST analyzed single test
portions from each of ten bottles or duplicate test portions from each of six bottles, and Eurofins analyzed single test
portions from each of five bottles.
NIST Analyses for Terpene Lactones: Terpene lactones were measured by using combinations of two sample
preparation methods for the leaves and tablets (Soxhlet and sonication extraction) and one for the extract
(dissolution) and two or three LC/MS methods. Five (Method 1 and Method 3, below) or six (Method 2, below)
independently prepared five-component calibration solutions were used for each of the methods. Calibrants were
prepared gravimetrically at levels intended to approximate the levels of the terpene lactones in the extracts of the
SRM. A single internal standard solution was used for the calibrants and samples. Calculations are based on
average response factors for the calibrants (three injections of the five or six calibrant solutions, respectively).
Soxhlet Extraction: Ten 2 g portions of the leaves or ten 1 g portions of the tablets were weighed into glass-fritted
Soxhlet thimbles each containing an approximately 2.5 cm layer of diatomaceous earth (Hydromatrix, Isco, Lincoln,
NE). After stirring the sample, a measured mass of internal standard solution (limonin) was transferred to the
Soxhlet thimble. The samples were extracted with approximately 200 mL methanol for 22 h. Samples prepared by
this approach were analyzed by LC/MS Method 1 and Method 3.
Sonication Extraction: Twelve 2 g portions of the leaves or twelve 1 g portions of the tablets taken from six
bottles were placed in 50 mL polyethylene centrifuge tubes, followed by the addition of a measured mass of internal
standard solution (hesperitin). Approximately 10 mL of methanol was added to the tubes, and the tubes were
capped. The solid matter was suspended by shaking, and the tubes were placed in an ultrasonic bath for 30 min. At
the completion of the sonication extraction, the samples were centrifuged, and the methanol was removed and
replaced with fresh methanol. The extraction was performed five times, and the five portions of methanol were
combined and analyzed by LC/MS Method 2.
Dissolution: Approximately 20 mg or 1 g portions of SRM 3247 were combined with a measured mass of internal
standard solution (hesperitin or limonin, respectively) and were dissolved in methanol with the aid of ultrasonic
LC with Mass Spectrometric Detection (LC/MS) − Method 1: A C12 column was used with a mobile phase
gradient (water/methanol/acetic acid) for the LC/MS Method 1 determination. Positive ion electrospray mass
spectrometry was used for detection of the terpene lactones. Quantification was based on monitoring ions at (m/z)
344 (bilobalide), 426 (ginkgolide A), 442 (ginkgolides J and B), 458 (ginkgolide C), and 488 (limonin). Limonin
was used as the internal standard. Typical separations and methodological details are provided in Appendices A1
through A3.
LC with Mass Spectrometric Detection (LC/MS) − Method 2: A C18 column was used with a mobile phase
gradient (water/acetonitrile/acetic acid) for the LC/MS Method 2 determination. Positive ion electrospray mass
spectrometry was used for detection of the terpene lactones. Quantification was based on monitoring ions at (m/z)
327 (bilobalide), 409 (ginkgolide A), 425 (ginkgolides J and B), 441 (ginkgolide C), and 303 (hesperitin).
Hesperitin was used as the internal standard. Typical separations and methodological details are provided in
Appendices B1 through B2.
LC with Mass Spectrometric Detection (LC/MS) − Method 3: A C18 column was used with a mobile phase
gradient (water/acetonitrile/acetic acid) for the LC/MS Method 3 determination. Negative ion electrospray mass
spectrometry was used for detection of the terpene lactones. Quantification was based on monitoring ions at (m/z)
325 (bilobalide), 467 (ginkgolide A), 423 (ginkgolides J and B), 483 (ginkgolide J), 439 (ginkgolide C), and
301 (hesperitin). Hesperitin was used as the internal standard. Typical separations and methodological details are
provided in Appendix B3.
The elements of primary interest for SRM 3249 were the potentially toxic contaminants arsenic, cadmium, lead, and
mercury. Value assignment of the concentrations of toxic elements in SRM 3249 was based on the combination of
measurements at NIST using a single analytical method and results from one collaborating laboratory (NRCC) when
available. At NIST instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was used for the determination of arsenic,
isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ID ICP-MS) was used for determination of
cadmium and lead, and cold vapor (CV) ID ICP-MS was used for determination of mercury. For all NIST
measurements, botanical-matrix SRMs with certified values for the elements of interest were analyzed concurrently
as control samples. NRCC used ID ICP-MS for the determination of lead and hydride generation graphite furnace
atomic absorption spectrometry (HG GFAAS) for the determination of arsenic. NRCC analyzed six subsamples of
each of the three materials in SRM 3249.
Arsenic was determined by using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Individual disks were formed
from 100 mg test portions of the SRM using a stainless steel die and hydraulic press. Standards were prepared by
transferring a weighed portion of a solution containing a known amount of arsenic onto filter papers. Disks were
formed from the dried filter papers. Samples, standards, and controls were packaged individually in clean
polyethylene bags, placed together in a polyethylene irradiation container, and exposed to a neutron fluence rate of
1 x 1014 cm-2⋅s-1 for a total of 4 h. Decay times were approximately 4 d to 4.3 d. Gamma rays were collected using
an intrinsic germanium detector with a relative efficiency of 35 % and a resolution of 1.75 keV (full-width at half
maximum peak height for the 1333 keV line from 60Co). Quantification was based on comparison with standards
using the 559-keV and 658-keV lines from 76As.
For cadmium and lead determinations, single 0.5 g portions (leaves), 0.25 g portions (extract), or 0.75 g portions
(tablets) were taken from each of six bottles of the three materials. Isotopically enriched 111Cd and 206Pb spike
solutions were added to the samples prior to digestion in PFA Teflon vessels with nitric and hydrofluoric acids
using a high-throughput microwave system. The analyte concentrations of the spike solutions were determined by
reverse ID ICP-MS using primary Pb and Cd standards prepared from high-purity metals. The microwave digests
were transferred to PFA Teflon beakers and heated to evaporate the acids, after which the residue was redissolved
in 2 % nitric acid. Measurements were made by using quadrupole ICP-MS [5].
Because of potential interference at the Cd masses, a matrix separation was performed on a single sample of each
material to estimate the uncertainty due to interference [6]. The samples were evaporated to dryness with
concentrated hydrochloric acid to convert residual salts from the nitrate to the chloride form. The samples were
redissolved in a mixture of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, separated using anion exchange chromatography,
evaporated, and redissolved in nitric acid. There was a 1 % difference between the separated and unseparated
samples of the leaves, a 4 % difference for the extract, and a 3 % difference for the tablets.
For mercury determinations, a single 0.25 g portion was taken from each of six bottles of the three materials. Isotopically
enriched 201Hg was added to the samples prior to digestion in quartz vessels with nitric acid in a high-pressure microwave
system. Following digestion, samples were diluted and allowed to degas overnight at 4 °C. Measurements were made by
using cold-vapor mercury generation (using tin (II) chloride reductant) coupled with ICP-MS [7].
Moisture content of SRM 3249 was determined by (1) freeze-drying to constant mass over 14 days (leaves, extract,
and tablets); (2) drying over magnesium perchlorate in a desiccator at room temperature for 12 days (leaves),
19 days (extract), or 12 days (tablets); and (3) drying for 24 h in a forced-air oven at 50 °C (leaves), for 24 h at 60
°C (extract), or for 2 h at 80 °C (tablets). Unweighted results obtained using all three techniques were averaged to
determine a conversion factor of 0.9518 gram dry mass per gram as-received mass (leaves), 0.9811 gram dry mass
per gram as-received mass (extract), and 0.9522 gram dry mass per gram as-received mass, which were used to
convert data from an as-received to a dry-mass basis; NIST arsenic data were moisture-corrected by the analyst;
conversion factors are provided in the Certificates of Analysis for the individual materials. A variability-in-
moisture component is included in the uncertainties of both the certified and reference values, reported on a dry-
mass basis, that are provided in this certificate.
The homogeneity of flavonoids and terpene lactones in SRM 3249 was assessed at NIST by using the methods
described above. An analysis of variance did not show inhomogeneity for flavonoids and terpene lactones for the
sample sizes employed. Arsenic appeared to be inhomogeneously distributed in 0.1 g samples of the leaves, ranging
from 86 ng/g to 290 ng/g, as was mercury in 0.25 g samples of the extract, ranging from 0.29 ng/g to 4.5 ng/g;
therefore, values were not assigned. Other measurands were treated as though they were homogeneously
distributed, although homogeneity was not assessed.
Value Assignment
The equally weighted means from each set of data were used to calculate the assigned values. Each NIST mean was
averaged with the grand mean of data provided by collaborating laboratories.
Supplemental Information
In addition to the analyses described above, further characterization of the three component materials of SRM 3249
were provided using thin layer chromatography (TLC). The experimental procedures and the results are provided in
Appendices A1 through A3 in the individual Certificates of Analysis. These results are provided only as
supplemental information to assist in characterizing the SRMs and are not intended for use in identifying materials
containing Ginkgo biloba.
[1] May, W.; Parris, R.; Beck, C.; Fassett, J.; Greenberg, R.; Guenther, F.; Kramer, G.; Wise, S.; Gills, T.;
Colbert, J.; Gettings, R.; MacDonald, B.; Definitions of Terms and Modes Used at NIST for Value-Assignment
of Reference Materials for Chemical Measurements; NIST Special Publication 260-136, U.S. Government
Printing Office: Washington, DC (2000).
[2] ISO; Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement; ISBN 92-67-10188-9, 1st ed., International
Organization for Standardization: Geneva, Switzerland (1993); see also Taylor, B.N.; Kuyatt, C.E.; Guidelines
for Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results; NIST Technical Note 1297,
U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC (1994); available at
[3] Levenson, M.S.; Banks, D.L.; Eberhardt, K.R.; Gill, L.M.; Guthrie, W.F.; Liu, H.K.; Vangel, M.G.; Yen, J.H.;
Zhang, N.F.; An Approach to Combining Results From Multiple Methods Motivated by the ISO GUM; J. Res.
Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol., Vol. 105; p. 571 (2000).
[4] Taylor, B.N.; Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI); NIST Special Publication 811, U.S.
Government Print Office: Washington, DC (1995); available at
[5] Murphy, K.E.; Beary, E.S.; Rearick, M.S.; Vocke, R.D.; Isotope Dilution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
Spectrometry (ID ICP-MS) for the Certification of Lead and Cadmium in Environmental Standard Reference
Materials; Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., Vol. 368, pp. 362−370 (2000).
[6] Murphy, K.E.; Long, S.E.; Vocke, R.D.; On The Certification of Cadmium at Trace and Ultra-Trace Levels in
Standard Reference Materials Using ID ICP-MS; Anal. Bioanal. Chem. submitted (2006).
[7] Christopher, S.J.; Long, S.E.; Rearick, M.S.; Fassett, J.D.; Development of Isotope Dilution Cold Vapor
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and Its Application to the Certification of Mercury in NIST
Standard Reference Materials; Anal. Chem., Vol. 73, pp. 2190−2199 (2001).
Users of this SRM should ensure that the certificate in their possession is current. This can be accomplished by
contacting the SRM Program at: telephone (301) 975-6776; fax (301) 926-4751; e-mail [email protected]; or via
the Internet
Typical chromatograms from the analysis of flavonoids in SRM 3246 by using: (a) LC/UV and (b) LC/MS. For LC/UV, a binary gradient LC
method with a water/acetonitrile (both containing acetic acid) mobile phase was used. A 0.46 cm x 25 cm Xterra (Waters, Milford, MA) C18
column was used with a SecurityGuard precolumn (C18 cartridge) and an inline filter (0.5 μm). A new precolumn and filter were used for each set
of measurements. Column temperature was controlled at 25.0 ºC ± 2 ºC with a circulating-water column jacket and water bath. For LC/MS, a
0.46 cm x 25 cm Xterra C18 column was used at 25.0 ºC ± 2 ºC with a SecurityGuard precolumn (C18 cartridge) and an inline filter with an
isocratic mobile phase (water/acetonitrile/acetic acid/trifluoroacetic acid) at 1.0 mL/min. Positive electrospray mode was used for the
determination of the flavonoid aglycones. Quantification of the the aglycones was based on selected ion monitoring at (m/z) 303 (quercetin,
hesperetin), 317 (isorhamnetin), and 287 (kaempferol). Components are identified as follows: hesperitin (H; the internal standard), quercetin (Q),
kaempferol (K), isorhamnetin (I).
Typical chromatograms from the analysis of flavonoid aglycones in SRM 3247 by using: (a) LC/UV and (b) LC/MS. For LC/UV, a binary
gradient LC method with a water/acetonitrile (both containing acetic acid) mobile phase was used. A 0.46 cm x 25 cm Xterra (Waters, Milford,
MA) C18 column was used with a SecurityGuard precolumn (C18 cartridge) and an in-line filter (0.5 μm). A new precolumn and filter was used
for each set of measurements. Column temperature was controlled at 25.0 ºC ± 2 ºC with a circulating-water column jacket and water bath. For
LC/MS, a 0.46 cm x 25 cm Xterra C18 column was used at 25.0 ºC ± 2 ºC with a SecurityGuard precolumn (C18 cartridge) and an in-line filter
with an isocratic mobile phase (water/acetonitrile/acetic acid/trifluoroacetic acid) at 1.0 mL/min. Positive electrospray mode was used for the
determination of the flavonoid aglycones. Quantification of the the aglycones was based on selected ion monitoring at m/z 303 (quercetin,
hesperetin), 317 (isorhamnetin), and 287 (kaempferol). Components are identified as follows: hesperitin (H; the internal standard), quercetin (Q),
kaempferol (K), isorhamnetin (I).
H (IS)
λ= 287 nm
Relative response
λ= 370 nm
0 10 20
Time (min)
Total ion chromatogram
Relative response
H (IS)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (min)
Typical chromatograms from the analysis of flavonoid aglycones in SRM 3248 by using: (a) LC/UV and (b) LC/MS. For LC/UV, a binary
gradient LC method with a water/acetonitrile (both containing acetic acid) mobile phase was used. A 0.46 cm x 25 cm Xterra (Waters, Milford,
MA) C18 column was used with a SecurityGuard precolumn (C18 cartridge) and an in-line filter (0.5 μm). A new precolumn and filter were used
for each set of measurements. Column temperature was controlled at 25.0 ºC ± 2 ºC with a circulating-water column jacket and water bath. For
LC/MS, a 0.46 cm x 25 cm Xterra C18 column was used at 25.0 ºC ± 2 ºC with a SecurityGuard precolumn (C18 cartridge) and an in-line filter
with an isocratic mobile phase (water/acetonitrile/acetic acid/trifluoroacetic acid) at 1.0 mL/min. Positive electrospray mode was used for the
determination of the flavonoid aglycones. Quantification of the the aglycones was based on selected ion monitoring at m/z 303 (quercetin,
hesperetin), 317 (isorhamnetin), and 287 (kaempferol). Components are identified as follows: hesperitin (H; the internal standard), quercetin (Q),
kaempferol (K), isorhamnetin (I).
λ= 287 nm
H (IS)
Relative response
λ= 370 nm
0 10 20
Time (min)
H (IS)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (min)
Typical chromatograms from the analysis of ginkgolides and bilobalide in SRM 3246 by using: (a) LC/MS method 1 and (b) LC/MS method 2.
For LC/MS Method 1, a 250 mm x 4.6 mm Synergi-Max RP column (Phenomenex, Madrid, CA) and Synergi-Max RP guard column
(Phenomenex) were held at 25 °C ± 1 °C with a column oven. A mobile phase gradient (water/methanol/acetic acid) and a flow rate of
0.75 mL/min were used. Positive ion electrospray mass spectrometry was used for detection of the terpene lactones. Quantification was based on
monitoring ions (m/z) at 344 (bilobalide), 426 (ginkgolide A), 442 (ginkgolides J and B), 458 (ginkgolide C) and 488 (limonin). Limonin was
used as the internal standard. For LC/MS Method 2, a 250 mm x 4.6 mm Xterra C18 column (Waters, Milford, MA) was held at 25 °C ± 1 °C with
a column oven. A mobile phase gradient (water/acetonitrile/acetic acid) and a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min were used. Positive ion electrospray mass
spectrometry was used for detection of the terpene lactones. Quantification was based on monitoring ions at (m/z) 327 (bilobalide), 409
(ginkgolide A), 425 (ginkgolides J and B), 441 (ginkgolide C) and 303 (hesperitin). Components are identified as follows: bilobalide (BB),
ginkgolide-A (G-A), ginkgolide-B (G-B), ginkgolide-C (G-C), ginkgolide-J (G-J), liminonin (L), hesperitin (H). Limonin and hesperitin were
added as internal standards.
Typical chromatograms from the analysis of ginkgolides and bilobalide in SRM 3247 by using: (a) LC/MS method 1 and (b) LC/MS method 2.
For LC/MS Method 1, a 250 mm x 4.6 mm Synergi-Max RP column (Phenomenex, Madrid, CA) and Synergi-Max RP guard column
(Phenomenex) were held at 25 °C ± 1 °C with a column oven. A mobile phase gradient (water/methanol/acetic acid) and a flow rate of 0.75
mL/min were used. Positive ion electrospray mass spectrometry was used for detection of the terpene lactones. Quantification was based on
monitoring ions (m/z) at 344 (bilobalide), 426 (ginkgolide A), 442 (ginkgolides J and B), 458 (ginkgolide C) and 488 (limonin). Limonin was
used as the internal standard. For LC/MS Method 2, a 250 mm x 4.6 mm Xterra C18 column (Waters, Milford, MA) was held at 25 °C ± 1 °C with
a column oven. A mobile phase gradient (water/acetonitrile/acetic acid) and a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min were used. Positive ion electrospray mass
spectrometry was used for detection of the terpene lactones. Quantification was based on monitoring ions (m/z) at 327 (bilobalide), 409
(ginkgolide A), 425 (ginkgolides J and B), 441 (ginkgolide C) and 303 (hesperitin). Components are identified as follows: bilobalide (BB),
ginkgolide-A (G-A), ginkgolide-B (G-B), ginkgolide-C (G-C), ginkgolide-J (G-J), limonin (L), hesperitin (H). Limonin and hesperitin were
added as internal standards.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (min)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (min)
Typical chromatograms from the analysis of ginkgolides and bilobalide in SRM 3248 by using: (a) LC/MS method 1, (b) LC/MS method 2, and
(c) LC/MS method 3. For LC/MS Method 1, a 250 mm x 4.6 mm Synergi-Max RP column (Phenomenex, Madrid, CA) and Synergi-Max RP
guard column (Phenomenex) were held at 25 °C ± 1 °C with a column oven. A mobile phase gradient (water/methanol/acetic acid) and a flow
rate of 0.75 mL/min were used. Positive ion electrospray mass spectrometry was used for detection of the terpene lactones. Quantification was
based on monitoring ions (m/z) at 344 (bilobalide), 426 (ginkgolide A), 442 (ginkgolides J and B), 458 (ginkgolide C) and 488 (limonin); limonin
was used as the internal standard. For LC/MS Method 2, a 250 mm x 4.6 mm Xterra C18 column (Waters, Milford, MA) was held at 25 °C ± 1 °C
with a column oven. A mobile phase gradient (water/acetonitrile/acetic acid) and a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min were used. Positive ion electrospray
mass spectrometry was used for detection of the terpene lactones. Quantification was based on monitoring ions (m/z) at 327 (bilobalide), 409
(ginkgolide A), 425 (ginkgolides J and B), 441 (ginkgolide C) and 303 (hesperitin); hesperitin was used as the internal standard. For LC/MS
Method 3, a 250 mm x 4.6 mm Xterra C18 column (Waters, Milford, MA) was held at 25 °C ± 1 °C with a column oven. A mobile phase gradient
(water/acetonitrile/acetic acid) and a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min were used. Negative ion atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass
spectrometry was used for detection of the terpene lactones. Quantification was based on monitoring ions (m/z) at 325 (bilobalide), 467
(ginkgolide A), 423 (ginkgolides J and B), 439 (ginkgolide C), 483 (ginkgolide J), and 301 (hesperitin). Components are identified as follows:
bilobalide (BB), ginkgolide-A (G-A), ginkgolide-B (G-B), ginkgolide-C (G-C), ginkgolide-J (G-J), limonin (L), hesperitin (H); hesperitin was
used as the internal standard.
Relative response
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(b) LC/MS method 2
0 10 20 30 40 50
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Relative response
H (IS)
0 10 20 30 40 50
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