A Survey On Long-Term Stability of Stock Standard Solutions in Pesticide Residue Analysis
A Survey On Long-Term Stability of Stock Standard Solutions in Pesticide Residue Analysis
A Survey On Long-Term Stability of Stock Standard Solutions in Pesticide Residue Analysis
DOI 10.1007/s12161-014-9994-4
Abstract The aim of this study was to highlight the need to controlling the farmers compliance to good agricultural prac-
extend the lifetime of stock standard solutions employed for the tices, to facilitate regulatory decisions and to strengthen the
analysis of pesticide residues with respect to the quality control consumers trust towards food safety (European Communities
standards in use. The importance of this survey concerns the 2004; European Union 2009).
possibility to extend the solution lifetime up to year when the Member states carry out official controls on pesticide res-
standard solutions are stored in refrigerator at 4 °C. In order to idues in order to enforce compliance with maximum residue
allocate a solution lifetime up to year, the guideline document levels (European Commission 2011; European Council 2005;
SANCO/12571/2013 was followed. During the time 2010– European Council 2008; Italian Ministerial 1992).
2013, the stability data were collected for 82 different active In the European Union (EU), accreditation in the area of
substances from the Italian National Reference Laboratory food and feed testing (according to ISO/IEC 17025) is a
(NRL) for pesticide residues, accredited to the ISO/IEC prerequisite for the laboratories involved in the official control
17025. A statistical analysis was performed on the overall data. in order to verify the compliance with food regulation
Some aspects have been monitored such as the solvent and (European Parliament and Council 2004). The standard ISO/
detection method used, the relative standard deviations (RSDs) IEC 17025 and the European technical guidance SANCO/
of the mean responses of the old and fresh stock solutions 12571/2013 on Method Validation and Quality Procedures
investigated, the percentage difference of the mean responses for Pesticide Residues in Food and Feed requires to test the
of the old and fresh stock solutions, and finally the uncertainty stability of standard solutions (European Standard 2005;
measurement of the standard preparation. Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs (DG
SANCO) 2013).
Keywords Pesticide residues . Quality assurance . Stability . During the accreditation audit of the analytical laboratories,
Stock solution the inspectors frequently demand experimental evidence of
the stability of the standard solutions; as consequence, the
laboratories have to check their collection of the standard
Introduction solutions. To achieve the data on stability solutions, the labo-
ratories have to replace continuously the stock standard solu-
Pesticide residue analysis plays a crucial role in the evaluation tions with great waste of time and resources, even if sufficient
of the human and environmental exposure to pesticides, for experience exists on a certain stable pesticides following
specified storage conditions.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article In addition, the costs related to the continuous monitoring
(doi:10.1007/s12161-014-9994-4) contains supplementary material, of standard solutions have to be taken into consideration.
which is available to authorized users. Furthermore, the stability information could be obtained not
P. Stefanelli (*) : D. A. Barbini : G. Amendola : T. Generali : only from experimental data but also from literature, even if
S. Girolimetti : P. Pelosi : A. Santilio limited literature data was available, at least in part, on the
Department of Environmental and Primary Prevention, Pesticide
pesticides due to the fact that data collected in each laboratory
Section, National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità),
Viale Regina Elena, 299-00161 Rome, Italy are part of their quality system and so rarely published
e-mail: [email protected] (Berendsen et al. 2011; Tsong 2003; Karinen et al. 2011;
Food Anal. Methods
Avramides 2005). This work provides statistical assessment Technologies 7890A gas chromatograph (Wilmington, DE,
on the standard stability obtained from a planned survey of the USA), equipped with a 7000 GC/MS Triple Quad detector
Italian National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for pesticide was employed. The gas chromatograph was equipped with a
residues. Agilent Technologies 7693 autosampler (Wilmington, DE,
The aim of this study was to provide data on pesticide USA). A Programmed Temperature Vaporising (PTV) injector
standard solution stability collected over the period 2010– was used. Sample injection was carried out using the PTV
2013. In order to reduce the frequency of the quality control solvent vent mode. The mass spectrometer was used in elec-
and the relative costs of analysis, a statistical evaluation of the tron ionization (EI) operating in MS/MS acquisition mode.
overall stability data were performed. The transfer line temperature was kept at 280 °C. Data acquisi-
In this study, the standard solution stability has been tion was accomplished by Agilent Mass Hunter Workstation GC/
checked by comparison of the detector response of a solution MS Acquisition Software, version B.05.00. Data processing was
freshly prepared with the detector response of an existing accomplished by Agilent Mass Hunter Workstation Qualitative
standard solution. To evaluate the solution stability, the mean and Quantitative Analysis Software, version B.03.00 and
measurements (at least in triplicate) for the solutions (old and B.04.00, respectively. A gas chromatograph (Agilent
new) were considered and the average of the replicates should Technologies 6890 Plus, Wilmington, DE, USA) equipped with
not differ by more than ±10 %. The mean of the detector a 5973 Network Mass Selective Detector was employed. The gas
response of the new solution was set up at 100 %. chromatograph was equipped with an Agilent Technologies
Several polar and non-polar active substance stock solu- 7683 autosampler (Wilmington, DE, USA). A split/splitless
tions prepared and diluted in acetonitrile or toluene have been injector was used. A quadrupole mass filter was used with a
investigated by using liquid and gas chromatography-mass transfer line temperature set at 280 °C. The mass spectrometer
spectrometry. was used in electronic ionization (EI) operating in single-ion
A large amount of stability data was presented in this study monitoring (SIM) or full-scan acquisition mode with ionization
even if we cannot considered complete due to the continuous energy of 70 eV. Both data acquisition and processing were
introduction of new active substances in the market. accomplished by Chemstation software. Table 1 shows the oven
temperature program of the gas chromatographs. Figure 1 shows
the instrumental signals of a standard solution.
Materials and Methods
To prepare the primary stock solutions, accurately weigh at
Pure analytical standards of investigated pesticides were pro- least 20 mg (±0.01 mg) of pure standard and transfer it to a
vided by Chemservice (West Chester, PA, USA). Purities for 50-mL volumetric flask, up to a volume of appropriate solvent
all compounds ranged between 95 and 99.8 %. High- to obtain a stock solution between 0.5 and 1 mg/mL.
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-grade acetoni- Working solutions were prepared by dilution of the stock
trile and toluene pure for analysis (Sigma-Aldrich, MO, USA) solution to a final concentration of 10 μg/mL, usually, 0.5 mL
were used. Milli-Q water was prepared using Milli-Q system (V1) was diluted to the final volume of 50 mL (V2), after 1 mL
(Millipore, MA, USA). of this solution were diluted (V3) in 10-mL (V4) volumetric
flask to a final concentration of 1 μg/mL. All solutions were
Apparatus stored at 4–6 °C following the provider’s indication of storage.
Stock solutions for a selection of pesticides were prepared in
A Varian System ProStar HPLC (Walnut Creek, CA), acetonitrile and toluene, respectively.
equipped with a Varian 1200L Quadrupole MS/MS detector,
was employed. The liquid chromatography was equipped with
Table 1 Gas chroma-
a Varian 410 autosampler (Walnut Creek, CA). A Valco valve tography instrumental Oven temperature program
of injection with a loop of 100 μl was used. The injection conditions
mode was partial loopfill. The detection was achieved by mass Temp (°C) Rate Hold (min)
spectrometry equipped with electrospray ionization interface
(ESI). Typical source parameters were as follows: ionization 50 – 0.1
voltage was 1,400 V; capillary voltage was −40 V; and the 70 120 1.8
nebulizer gas was synthetic air at 30 psi. The solvent evapo- 150 25 –
ration in the source was assisted by a drying gas (heater 200 3 –
synthetic at 200 °C at 30 psi). Data analyses were performed 280 8 10
by software Varian MS Workstation version 6.8. An Agilent
Food Anal. Methods
The freshly prepared standard solutions were analyzed with pesticide residue method, the contributions have taken into
the stored standard solutions in the same instrumental se- account introduced by the various acceptance criteria of the
quence. First, the freshly prepared solutions were injected, method. The bottom-up approach, adopted by the
followed by the stored standard solutions. The average peak International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and by
areas of the three replicate injections of each original stored the EURACHEM/CITAC guide, estimates the overall uncer-
standard solution were compared to the average peak areas tainty by identifying, by estimating, and by combining all
generated by the three replicate injections of each freshly sources of uncertainty associated to the analytical result
prepared standard solutions. The results were expressed as (CITAC/EURACHEM 2012; International Organization for
the difference percentage (Δ%) by using Eq. 1. Standardization ISO TC 21748 2010).
The mean of the detector response of the new solution is In order to estimate the overall uncertainty measurement,
taken at 100 %. In particular, the mean measurements (n=3) six main contributions were considered: the uncertainty joined
for the solutions (old and new) should not normally differ by to the precision of method, the linearity, the drift between
more than ±10 %. Table 1S reports the compounds investi- bracketing injections of the same calibration standard, the
gated, in some cases, repeatedly over time. stability of standard solutions, the preparation of stock solu-
All elaborations were accomplished by software SPSS tions, and the sample weight. As concern the first four contri-
Statistics (version 20). butions, we have taken in account the acceptance criteria
established in the document SANCO/12571/2013 for the an-
FRiold −FRinew
Δ% 100 ð1Þ alytical methods employed in the analysis of pesticide residue.
FRinew The standard uncertainty contribution of the weight and
volumetric equipment was assumed to be rectangular distributed
where factor response (FR) is (type B evaluation), and these values are given by the Eq. 3:
FRi ¼ ð2Þ toleranceðaÞ
Conci ua ð%Þ ¼ pffiffiffi ð3Þ
a 3
In order to allocate a lifetime to standard solutions, a
statistical procedure was performed to evaluate all data. In and also from the purity of standard to be a rectangular
particular, descriptive statistics (frequency distributions, cen- distribution.
tral tendency, and box plot of the quartiles) were used to The standard uncertainty contribution of the linearity and the
present quantitative descriptions in a manageable form. The instrumental drift were assumed to be triangular distributed
descriptive statistics permit to simplify large amounts of data (type B evaluation), and these values are given by the Eq. 4:
in a sensible way to reduce lots of data into a simpler summa-
ry. In fact, the control charts as the only statistic tool, could not toleranceðaÞ
be sufficient for an accurate analysis. ua ð%Þ ¼ pffiffiffi ð4Þ
a 6
trends should be detectable together with a practical review of economic feasibility. Moreover, to assess the long-term stabil-
the results (Bertoni Olivares and Antunes Lopes 2012; Egea ity of the stock standard solutions, the accredited laboratory
Gonzales et al. 2004). The process of internal quality control is routinely employs control charts as monitoring tools for each
based on a description of the parameters of an ongoing ana- internal quality control.
lytical system in normal operation. These internal quality In this study, the descriptive statistics have been added in
strategies are mandatory for accredited testing laboratories in order to outline the spread of the data collection and to assess
order to assure that the analytical process remains stable, with the whole population. These specific statistical controls could
statistical control data. The implementation of the internal be considered as additional monitoring tools of the current
quality assurance allows to demonstrate the performance of protocol of the analysis.
the tests, as well as to avoid mistakes (Stefanelli et al. 2013; Moreover, the stability of stock solutions has been checked
Konieczka 2007). The same reference materials should be by preparing a new solution and comparing the detector
checked by using procedures valid for their technical and responses from freshly prepared solutions of old and new
very limited cases exceeding the acceptance criteria. These instead of a systematic bias (Thompson and Wood 1995).
cases could be imputed to run effect exemplifying by a ran- Unacceptable case improvement was observed (group 3)
dom deviation of the analytical system during a particular run when the storage time exceeded 12 months, particularly in
Total m (std) Purity stand V1 V4 V2 V3
Food Anal. Methods
positive side. These patterns also reflect the measure of dis- 30 % of our repeatability data did not exceed the value of 1 %
persion observed in Fig. 3. with a good precision. Although the data of this study are
According to the evaluation used, a positive percentage referred to a limited selection of active substances, the assess-
difference could indicate evaporation of solvent from the old ments could be applicable to most pesticides. The survey
stock solution. In group 3, these cases are frequent and corre- supports the suggestion to prolong the expiry date of stock
spond to trans-Chlordane; Chlorobenzilate; trans-HEPO, + standard solutions up to 1 year.
10 %, and Chlorpyrifos, +12 %, whereas only one case has In conclusion, the laws of propagation for combining the
been verified in group 2 (alpha-HCH +19.1 %). Evaporation uncertainties were used to calculate the uncertainty on the
of solvent during the storage occurred in particular for stock standard preparation. The combined uncertainty associated
solutions prepared in toluene in order to perform the analysis to the calibration standards was a value of 3.2 %. All the
in gas chromatography. A negative percentage difference uncertainty components for determining the standard uncer-
could indicate degradation of pesticide in the older stock tainty from standard preparation are shown in Fig. 7.
standard solution. The data set of group 3 reports again the Concerning standard preparation, the contribution of the
most frequent cases. uncertainty on the weighing procedure (labeled as m (std) in
In Table 1S, specific and important additional information Fig. 7) was the main and the purity standard is similar. The
have been reported such as the solvent and detection method uncertainty on the volume of the flask (50 ml) has virtually not
used, the RSDs of the mean responses of the old and fresh influenced on the overall uncertainty (labeled as Total in
stock solutions, and finally the percentage difference of the Fig. 7). The m (std) component was calculated as a type B
mean responses of the old and fresh stock solutions. In case of evaluation with the Eq. 3, and it involves the weighing;
more than one time interval, the longest period has been consequently, this contribution has a potential uncertainty
reported or if the acceptance criteria were exceeded, the cor- source identifiable with the balance. In addition, the purity
responding period has been reported. The RSDs of our tripli- of standard was assumed a rectangular distribution and was
cates did not exceed the value of 5 %, with the exception of six usually quoted in the supplier’s certificate as >95 %. The
cases with higher values in the range 6.24–12.1 %. About tolerance on purity was given by the manufacturer and was
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