Schembechler Family Letter
Schembechler Family Letter
Schembechler Family Letter
Schembechler. You can judge him by his coaching record, the wins and losses give the illusion
of a tidy summary. You could look at him by looking at the caliber of the people he surrounded
himself with over his four decades of coaching, the teams, coaches, and staff who played for and
worked with him, many of whom never fell out of touch with Bo. You could assess him through
the testimonials of many of those individuals who have in recent days spoken out in defense of
his memory and legacy. Perhaps you could get a sense of Bo Schembechler by talking to the
hundreds – thousands more likely – of people whose lives were enriched by his enduring
presence long after their playing days were over.
That Bo Schembechler was, and remains, deserving of our admiration and our love. It is telling
to us that Bo never spoke to any of us about inappropriate behavior by Dr. Anderson. To the
contrary, in our steadfast opinion, Bo was not aware of such conduct and assumed that any
procedures were medically appropriate. As he demonstrated at many points in his career and to
us as a family, Bo had a clear and compelling sense of right and wrong: he would not have
tolerated misconduct, especially toward any of his players, family members, coaches or to
anyone associated with the University of Michigan’s football program. If Bo had known of
inappropriate conduct, we are certain that he would have stopped it immediately, reported it, and
had Dr. Anderson removed from the University.
Some will argue that the absence of proof is not definitive in situations such as these, but it is
noteworthy that a 240-page report done by an outside, independent law firm retained by the
University to look into Dr. Anderson’s conduct examined similar allegations but did not
substantiate those claims.
As painful as the last few days have been, we are confident the facts – and the truth – will
ultimately win the day. We are confident that the veracity of each accuser will be examined, and
that appropriate weight will be given to the sad reality that one of our family members has been
for decades estranged from us and has on numerous occasions made unfounded and false
accusations against Bo and other family members including pursuing legal actions that have been
repeatedly rejected.
Bo Schembechler was father and husband. A devoted Christian. He was inspiring, demanding,
loyal, a fierce defender of his extensive family and a taskmaster who pushed everyone around
him to be better, to be the best version of themselves possible. He pushed himself harder than
anyone. He believed in integrity, honesty and kindness; he despised dishonesty and cruelty. His
accomplishments – and the positive impact he had in the lives of so many people around him –
are examples to study and to emulate. We are grateful to everyone who has stepped forward to
defend his memory. We are proud to bear his name and to bear witness for a life well-lived.