Minimally Invasive Treatment of Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures
Minimally Invasive Treatment of Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures
Minimally Invasive Treatment of Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures
Treatment of Displaced
Intra-Articular Calcaneal
Brandon G. Wilkinson, MD, John Lawrence Marsh, MD*
Displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures Minimally invasive Limited approach
Percutaneous reduction
Outcomes of minimally invasive surgical techniques are well documented and show good
articular reductions and functional outcomes and have a very low incidence of wound
complications and surgical site infections.
Minimally invasive techniques can be applied broadly but have particular advantages in patients
with higher than usual risk to soft tissues.
Early timing for surgery plays a role in the effectiveness of minimally invasive surgery as mobile
fracture fragments and ligamentotaxis are crucial to the success of indirect reduction and
Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, University of Iowa, 200
Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
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Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures 3
Kikuchi and colleagues14 showed that the Bohler Correct patient positioning and
angle was successfully restored and calcaneal fluoroscopy
width was narrowed with low soft tissue compli- Percutaneous fracture reduction
cation rates. Nosewicz and colleagues15 showed Percutaneous noncannulated screw
good joint reduction and no loss of reduction at fixation
final follow-up on computed tomography scans Postoperative care
by use of a mini open sinus tarsi approach. In a
randomized controlled trial, Xia and col- Step 1: Correct Patient Positioning on
leagues16 compared the extended lateral Fluoroscopy
approach with limited sinus tarsi and percuta- Patient positioning and ensuring the ability to
neous plate fixation. Their results showed obtain clear fluoroscopic views are imperative
decreased surgical times and fewer wound com- to this approach:
plications in the sinus tarsi approach. Most
importantly, functional scores and radiographic The patient is placed in the lateral
parameters were equivalent at final follow-up. decubitus position on a radiolucent
These findings have been corroborated by operative table with a long foot
many other studies in the literature.17–19 overhang (Maquet or 4085 bed)
accommodating for large C-arm access.
The well-leg is positioned down and
anterior, with the operative extremity
Authors’ Preferred Surgical Technique
posterior and elevated on a ramp of
Minimally invasive percutaneous reduction and
firm blankets or Bone Foam ensuring
screw fixation.
a perfect lateral position of the
operative foot and ankle. The operative
Preoperative Planning
extremity is subsequently prepped with
Thorough planning with assessment of fracture
ChloraPrep scrub, and draped with a
characteristics with appropriate imaging are
down drape, impervious “sticky U”
crucial to intervene successfully. Adequate imag-
drape, and 2 large U extremity drapes.
ing of the calcaneus including lateral, Broden,
The operating surgeon is positioned
and hindfoot view are imperative for under-
posterior to the patient enabling optimal
standing of the fracture characteristics and
position for fracture reduction and screw
displacement. These images will be used fluoro-
placement (Fig. 1).
scopically during the procedure so understand-
Three basic fluoroscopic views are
ing them ahead is critical. Contralateral
required to do this procedure.
calcaneus films will be of help during intraopera-
Fluoroscopic views should be confirmed
tive determination of restoration of calcaneal
before prepping and draping of the
pitch, Bohler angle, and confirm surgical restora-
tion of calcaneal height and alignment to the
contralateral side. Advanced imaging with
computed tomography scans in semi-coronal
and axial planes increases the ability to under-
stand the fracture fragments. Some surgeons
also use 3-dimensional images.
Expedited operative intervention is necessary
with preference within 7 to 10 days to ensure
fragment mobility, as closed manipulation of
fracture fragments through the percutaneous
approach becomes increasingly difficult with
longer delays. Indirect fracture reduction after
2 weeks is difficult through the authors’
preferred technique. Given minimal soft tissue
insult with this technique, swelling and ecchy-
mosis should not disqualify a patient from early
intervention with this technique.
Patient Positioning/Approach/Procedure
There are 4 essential steps to the percutaneous
approach, including the following: Fig. 1. Patient and surgeon positioning.
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4 Wilkinson & Marsh
patient. Positioning the fluoroscopy unit are placed parallel from posterior into the
angling in approximately 45 from the facet fragment taking care to avoid the
anterior and caudal aspect of the patient Achilles insertion and angled anteriorly in
affords easy access to the lateral, lateral line with the fragment deformity (Fig. 5A).
oblique (Broden) view, with fluoroscopy They should be advanced inferior to and
in the vertical position (Figs. 2 and 3). to the level of the distal portion of the
Visualization of the subtalar joint is best displaced facet on the tongue fragment.
obtained by the lateral oblique view (see When seen on the Harris view, the
Fig. 3) with the C-arm rolled back Steinmann pins will be aligned parallel and
approximately 30 with slight cant in the central body of the calcaneus
toward the foot of the bed. Posterior spaced by approximately 2 to 3 cm
facet and subtalar joint visualization can (Fig. 5B and C).
further be fine-tuned by differing Using the inserted Steinmann pins, the
amounts of rotation and canting. With posterior fragment is reduced with
the fluoroscopy unit angled 45 to the downward pressure, valgus, and
foot of the bed, easy access to the apposition of the fragment firmly against
hindfoot view (Harris view) (Fig. 4) is the articular surface of the talus (Fig. 6).
obtained by rolling the fluoroscopy unit A hemostat is often used under the
back and beneath the corner of the anterior portion of the fragment, lifting
table to the horizontal position with the it, to facilitate this reduction. Through
surgeon holding the foot in dorsiflexion. this maneuver, the posterior facet is
These simple movements of the C-arm reduced, which also reduces the small
allow excellent views of the calcaneus tuberosity fragment, eliminating the
and subtalar joint without need for need for manipulation of this fragment
manipulation of the foot or leg, which separately. The medial wall should be
can potentially compromise provisional reduced. When the facet fragment is a
reduction and fixation throughout the tongue-type, the tuberosity fragment is
procedure. small. Provisional fixation is with long K-
wires inserted into the anterior calcaneus
Step 2: Percutaneous Fracture Reduction under fluoroscopic control. Occasionally,
Percutaneous techniques for both joint depres- the Steinmann pins are inserted into
sion and tongue-type calcaneal fractures are dis- the talus when there is inadequate
cussed separately, as they are different entities anterior calcaneal bone to hold the
and require different reduction techniques. tuberosity reduction. This happens in the
setting of exceptionally large tongue-
Tongue-type fractures type fractures. The Steinmann pins can
be left in place for several weeks for
Two large (4-mm) threaded Steinmann pins fractures with significant displacement.
are used for reduction of the posterior Screw fixation is described later in this
tuberosity fragment. The Steinmann pins article.
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Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures 5
Fig. 4. (A) Fluoroscopy in the horizontal position to obtain the hindfoot (Harris) view. (B) Hindfoot view. Surgeon
aids in view by dorsiflexing the patient’s ankle.
Fig. 5. (A) Steinman pin placement. (B) Fluoroscopic view of Steinman pin placement (lateral view). (C) Fluoro-
scopic view of Steinman pin placement (hindfoot view).
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6 Wilkinson & Marsh
Fig. 6. (A) Tongue-type tuberosity reduction maneuver (position 1) (Yellow arrows indicate direction of surgeon
force for manipulation of fragments). (B) Tongue-type tuberosity reduction maneuver (position 2) (Yellow arrows
indicate direction of surgeon force for manipulation of fragments). (C) Fluoroscopic view of tongue-type tuberosity
reduction maneuver (position 1). (D) Fluoroscopic view of tongue-type tuberosity reduction maneuver (position 2).
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Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures 7
Fig. 7. (A) Corkscrew insertion. (B) Corkscrew insertion illustrating slight superior angulation on insertion. (C) Fluo-
roscopic view of corkscrew insertion (lateral view). (D) Fluoroscopic view of corkscrew insertion (hindfoot view). (E)
Arrows indicate reduction forces applied by the surgeon. The surgeon places a laparotomy sponge at the base of
the corkscrew to assist in distraction. With a combination of distraction, medially directed force, and valgus, the
surgeon corrects length, lateralization, and varus malalignment of the calcaneus.
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8 Wilkinson & Marsh
Fig. 8. (A) Curved hemostat is used to elevate the articular surface (white arrow illustrating unreduced position). (B)
Yellow arrow illustrating the reduced position after hemostat manipulation. (C) Hemostat reduction of articular sur-
face on lateral oblique view (white arrow illustrating facet in unreduced position). (D) Hemostat manipulation leads
to reduced facet (yellow arrow) and provisional fixation with K-wire.
confirmed on all fluoroscopic views to ensure wall and possible injury to the flexor
proper placement and avoidance of joint pene- hallucis longus tendon. Partially threaded
tration. The authors prefer noncannulated screws with usual length of 35 to 45 mm
screws, as the drill bit provides superior tactile are placed from lateral to medial
feedback facilitating appropriate screw trajec- capturing the facet fragment and
tory and then placement: compressing it to the sustentacular
fragment (Fig. 9). The lateral view
The facet fragment is addressed first facilitates correct screw entry point,
using 3.5-mm or 4.0-mm partially while the lateral oblique view allows
threaded noncannulated screws. As accurate navigation of the screw into the
mentioned previously, the tactile sustentaculum. Screw length is best
feedback of the 2.5-mm drill is depicted with use of the hindfoot view.
particularly helpful in identifying The tuberosity is then fixed with long fully
entrance into the sustentacular piece, as threaded 3.5-mm screws (minimum of 2,
well as minimizing breach of the medial maximum of 4 screws) (Fig. 10). It is
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Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures 9
Fig. 10. Screw fixation of facet and tuberosity fragments on (A) lateral view and (B) hindfoot view. White and yellow
arrows indicate facet screws and tuberosity screws respectively.
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Table 1
Summary of results of limited minimally invasive approach techniques
Type IV 30%
Kikuchi et al,14 Type II 36% Limited sinus tarsi 43 14 8 Restoration of Bohler
2013 Type III angle and calcaneal
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Table 1
(continued )
Kline et al, Less invasive: Less invasive Less Less Less No difference in Foot
2013 Type II 61% vs extensile lateral invasive: 46 invasive: 21 invasive: 28 Function index, VAS,
Type III 39% Extensile Extensile Extensile or satisfaction rates.
Extensile Lateral lateral: 42 lateral: 15 lateral: 31 No difference in Bohler
Type II 53% angle. Significant decrease
Type III 47% in wound complications and
secondary procedures in
less-invasive group.
Weber et al,19 Less invasive: Limited sinus tarsi Less Not reported Less Decreased surgical time in
2008 Type II 83% vs extensile lateral invasive: 43 invasive: 31 sinus tarsi group,
Type III 17% Extensile: 40 Extensile: 19 equivalent functional
Extensile lateral outcomes. Increase ROH
Type II 77% in sinus tarsi group.
Type III 23%
Sivakumar et al,10 Type II 56% ARIF 45 22 18 AOFAS 89% good-excellent.
2014 Type III 11% fair-poor.
Type IV 22%
Woon et al,11 Type II 100% ARIF 43 22 24 Residual intra-articular
2011 incongruity less than 1 mm.
Improvement in Medical
Outcomes Study 36 SF,
Gavlik et al,12 Type II 100% ARIF 40 15 14 No wound complications.
2002 AOFAS 93.7.
No loss of reduction at final
Abbreviations: AOFAS, The American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society; ARIF, Arthroscopic assisted Reduction and Internal Fixation; ROH, removal of hardware; SF-36, short form 36
question survey; VAS, visual analogue scale.
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