Cyclic Loading of Underground Cables Including The Variations of Backfill Soil Thermal Resistivity and Specific Heat With Temperature Variation
Cyclic Loading of Underground Cables Including The Variations of Backfill Soil Thermal Resistivity and Specific Heat With Temperature Variation
Cyclic Loading of Underground Cables Including The Variations of Backfill Soil Thermal Resistivity and Specific Heat With Temperature Variation
6, DECEMBER 2018
Abstract—The aim of this paper is to calculate the temperature characteristics in designing underground cables are investigated
distribution of a cable conductor and the soil surrounding the cable in [13]–[15]. References [16], [17] report on moisture move-
under cyclic loading conditions, taking into account the formation ment in the soil surrounding a cable and the current capacity of
of a drying zone in the backfill material. The thermal model of
an underground cable is considered by using the IEC 60853-2 the cable as related to the use of artificial background materials.
method, including the effects of the variations in temperature on IEC 60853-2 [9] included the effect of temperature on conductor
the thermal resistivity and specific heat of the soil. The results are resistance, but ignored the changes in soil resistivity and specific
compared with IEC 60853-2 and thermoelectric equivalent method heat caused by variations in temperature of the conductor due to
calculations. This study is done on eight sandy soil types as backfill load cycling. References [8] and [13] present numerical models
materials, and calculations are carried out by using a 33-kVx cable.
The results indicate that the modifications done on the IEC 60853-2 to measure heat and moisture transfer in the soil surrounding a
method are required to improve its capability to simulate the field power cable during transient conditions using the equations of
conditions during load cycling of power cables. Reference [16]. This paper presents a modified thermal model
Index Terms—Power cables, thermal analysis, thermal resistiv-
for improving IEC 60853-2 [9] calculations. Variations of soil
ity, moisture content, specific heat, dry band. thermal resistivity and volumetric specific heat with moisture
content are investigated and included in IEC 60853-2 calcula-
I. INTRODUCTION tions. Experimental work is carried out in this paper on eight
HE thermal analysis of buried power cables plays major different soil types to consider the relations between moisture
T role when designing underground electrical grid. Cables
should transfer power at maximum current carrying capacity
content and specific heat with soil temperature, and determi-
nation of the temperature where the formation of the dry zone
without exceeding permissible limits [1]. This current is af- occurs for each soil type. The calculations are done on a single
fected by cable design parameters and the properties of the sur- core 33 kV cable and the results obtained are compared with
rounding backfill materials as given in IEC 60287-1-3 [1]. Many those obtained by using IEC 60853-2 [9] and the TEE model.
studies have discussed the important factors that influence the
current carrying capacity of cables under steady state conditions II. EXPERIMENTAL WORK
[2]–[5]. Under load cycling conditions, buried cables generate A. Experiment Setup
varying amounts of radiated heat depending on the amount of
load that is being served. This heat can reduce the moisture level Eight natural backfill materials are tested to determine the
in the backfill material surrounding the cable. This phenomenon thermal behavior and drying band formation of each soil type.
can cause dry band formations in the soil surrounding the cable, Fig. 1 shows the testing arrangement used in the soil thermal
leading to thermal instability of the soil and potential break- analysis. Each soil sample is placed in a plastic cylinder with
down failure of the polymeric insulation of the cable due to a diameter of 100 mm and a height of 120 mm. The heater
over-heating [6]–[8]. Cyclic ratings and thermal analysis of un- that simulates the heat flux generated during thermal loading
derground power cables are studied in [9], [10]. Experimental of the underground cable is placed at the top of the isolated
study and numerical simulation of heat dissipation in under- cylinder. The heat flow is in the downward direction of the
ground power cables are explained in [11], [12]. Power cable testing device and measured using a heat flux meter. The cylinder
thermal analysis, soil model for dynamic thermal rating and soil containing the samples was closed and thermally insulated from
the surrounding environment by O-ring. By this configuration,
Manuscript received February 22, 2018; revised April 12, 2018 and May 23, moisture tension and water content can be regulated. Moisture
2018; accepted June 16, 2018. Date of publication June 19, 2018; date of current sensor is placed in the isolated cylinder to measure the level of
version November 20, 2018. Paper no. TPWRD-00186-2018. (Corresponding the soil moisture that changes with temperature. A number of
author: Ossama El-Sayied Gouda.)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Cairo Univer- junction-K thermo-couples are placed at different distances from
sity, Giza 12613, Egypt (e-mail:,[email protected]; gom3a_osman@ the heat source to measure the temperature variation along the; [email protected]; [email protected]). length of the sample of soil. The characteristics of the samples
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at of soil are shown in Table I. Grain size analysis was done for
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2018.2849017 the clay and sand mixtures using a sieve. The sand and clay soil
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730 (W/m2 ) AND p f = ∞
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Fig. 2. (a) Relation between moisture content and temperature. (b) Relation
between volumetric specific heat and temperature. (c) Relation between mois-
ture content and volumetric specific heat.
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TABLE IV according to the formula given in IEC 60287-1-3 [1]. The matrix
form given in (7), are obtained using the thermal model node heat
balance equations (5). The matrix form given in (7), represents
the thermal analysis of TEE model.
⎡ ⎤
⎡ ⎤ − Q 41T 3 + Q 41T 4 1
θe ⎢ Q T
4 3 ⎥
⎣ θ s ⎦= ⎢ 1
− 1
+ 1 1 ⎥
⎣ Q3 T3 Q3 T1 Q3 T3 Q3 T1 ⎦
θ c 1
0 Q1 T1 − Q 11T 1
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ 1 ⎤
θe Q 4 T 4 . θa
. ⎣ θs ⎦ + ⎣ Q13 . (Ws + Wd2 ) ⎦ (7)
θc Q1 . (W c + W d1 )
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Fig. 6. (a) Conductor temperature using TEE method and IEC 60853-2 and
IEC 60853-2 modified method. Soil sample 1 is backfill material. (b) Soil
temperature using TEE method and IEC 60853-2 and IEC 60853-2 modified Fig. 7. (a) Conductor temperature using TEE method and IEC 60853-2 and
method. Soil sample 1 is backfill material. IEC 60853-2 modified method. Soil sample 5 is backfill material. (b) Soil
temperature using TEE method and IEC 60853-2 and IEC 60853-2 modified
method. Soil sample 5 is backfill material.
are inserted in the program used in the IEC 60853-2 method
calculations. The parameters of theses equations for each soil
sample are given in tables II and III. One important aim of this between each space according to IEC 60287-1-3 [1] and it is
paper is to include the thermal resistivity and specific heat of grounded at both ends. The model in the TEE method is di-
the underground cable and the surrounding variations in the soil vided into a number of zones in order to obtain accurate results.
with temperature changes of the conductor due to load cycling The TEE, IEC 60853-2 and modified IEC 60853-2 calculations
of the cable. The results are compared with those obtained using are carried out using MATLAB (2016b). Fig. 6(a) shows the
IEC 60853-2. The calculations are carried out by using 33 kV transient temperature of the center cable conductor loaded ac-
distribution cable. cording to the load cycle given in Fig. 5(b) using soil sample
1(90% sand + 10% clay with 0.032 per unit moisture content
by volume and initial 0.91 °C.m./W wet thermal resistivity) as
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION backfill material. The transient temperature of the center cable
A. 33 kV Cable Construction and Load Current Cycle surrounding soil is given in Fig. 6(b).
As shown, in Fig. 6(a) the conductor temperature reaches
The construction details of 33 kV cable components are given about 101 °C after 80 hours of loading using the TEE method
in Fig. 5(a). Fig. 5(b) shows the load cycle and ambient temper- and 80 °C and 49 °C using the modified IEC 60853-2 and
ature variations during a four day period. the IEC 60853-2 method respectively. Calculations given in
Fig. 6(b) indicate that the complete formation of drying zone in
B. Simulation Results (Thermal Analysis)
soil sample 1 is formed after 58 hours using the IEC 60853-2
The transient temperature distribution of the cable compo- modified method and 62 hours when the TEE method is used.
nents and the surrounding soil are calculated for a 33 kV single The IEC 60853-2 method indicates that there is no formation of
core, 3phase cable loaded according to the load cycles shown a dry zone.
in Fig. 5(b) using the TEE, IEC 60853-2 and IEC 60853-2 Similar results are obtained by using soil sample 5 (50%
modified methods. Comparisons are made between the results sand + 50% clay + 0.071 moisture content by volume) as
of these methods. The flat formation 33 kV cable used in this the backfill material, having 0.805 °C.m./W wet thermal re-
study is placed at an 800 mm depth with a 142 mm spacing sistivity. As shown in Fig. 7(a), after 80 hours of loading us-
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Fig. 8. (a) Temperature distribution of cable layers and surrounding soil sam-
ple 3 as backfill material (70% sand + 30% clay + 0.05 moisture content)
using FEM and COMSOL multiphysics program. (b) Temperature distribu-
tion of cable components and the soil around the cable using soil sample 6 as
backfill material (40% sand + 60% clay + 0.09 moisture content), using FEM
and COMSOL multiphysics program. (c) Temperature distribution of each cable
layer and surrounding soil sample 8 as backfill material (15% sand + 85% clay +
0.2 moisture content) using FEM and COMSOL multiphysics program.
Similar calculations are done using the same cable, same load
cycling, but with a change of backfill soil surrounding the cable.
ing the same load cycle the TEE calculations gave 131 °C for Table V gives the comparison between calculations done using
the conductor temperature, according to the IEC 60853-2 mod- the TEE, IEC 60853-2 and modified IEC 60853-2 methods.
ified method calculations the conductor temperature reaches From this table, it can be observed that the cable conductor and
to 106 °C, and using the IEC 60853-2 method the conductor soil temperatures in the case of using the TEE and modified IEC
temperature reaches to 46 °C. As shown in Fig. 7(b), using 60853-2 methods, the results are close to each other, but there
the TEE and IEC modified methods, the dry band is formed are big differences in soil and the conductor cable temperature
after about 61 and 57 hours from the start of cable loading, re- compared with the IEC 60853-2 method calculations. Even in
spectively, while no dry band is formed when the IEC 60853-2 the time required to form the dry zones, there is agreement to
method is used for the calculations. some extent between the TEE and the modified IEC 60853-2
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Authors’ photographs and biographies not available at the time of publication.
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