Questões e Gabarito

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Form 12R


Directions for questions 1-25. You wi11 hear questions on the test tp~e.
Se1ect the one correct answer a, b, d and mark your answer sheet.

1. a. an animal 9. a. book
b. a vegetab1e b. a pas sage
c. a bui1ding c. a name _
d. a fie1d d. a pos'í.t'Lon

2. a. The officer wi11 be here. 10. a. if his c10thes were proper

b. The doctor wi11 be here. b. where he was going
c. The farmer wi11 be here. c. where he 1ived
d. The merchant wi1l be here. d. if his I.D. was va1id

3.a. He paints pictures. 11. a. He is not we11.

b. He repairs old boats. b. He is excited.
c. He grows fruits and c. He is not ca1m;
vegetab1es. d. He is severe.
d. He enforces the 1aw.
12. a. Are your brother and sister
4. a. a gas living there?
b. a liquid b. Are your friends 1iving
c. a metal there?
d, a wood c. Are your sou and daughter
living there?
5." a. a position d. Are your father and mother
b , an attack living there?
c. a support
d. an advance 13. a. What figure did you draw?
b. What passage was in your
6. a. a present mind?
b. a crowd c. What kind of cotton was it?
c. a group- d. What designs were you
d. a department thinking of?

7. a. a type of weapon 14. a. Did you see the sentence?

b. a type of rifle b. Did you look at the sentence?
c. a pub1ication c. Did you reproduce the sentence?
d, a kí.nd of machine gun d, Did you say t.he sentence?

8. a. to love company 15. a. Did he praise you?

b. to love freedom b. Did he goin back of you?
c. to love friends c. Did he sco1d you?
d. to love life d. Did he go in front af you?
ALCPT Form 12R

16. a. Did he decrease it? 21. a. Did you state it?

b. Did he increase it? b. Did you doubt it?
- c. Did he develop it? c. Did you say it?
d. Did he retard it? d. Did you discuss it?

17. a. WRn't you sleep later this 22. a. Did you decide?
a:fternoon? b. Did you forget it?
b. Wop't you coi!í~a.&.ainthis c. Did you get started?
aft~~~on? d. Did you have a clear mind?
c. Won' t YO" rest longer this
afternotm? 23. a. It contains many facts.
d. Won't you drop your work b. The paper has calculations.
this afternoon? c. The paper contains errors.
d. It has many figures.
18. a. What time did you obtain
it? 24. a. He liked to predict the
b. What time did you arrive? future.
c. What time did it arise? b. He built a large machine.
d. What time did you have c. He made a lot of money.
it? d. He met many people.

19. a. Won't you buy a seat? 25. a. Do they have different

b. Won't you get a cha[r ? habits?
c. Won't you bring a chair? b. Do they have different
d. Won't you sit down? buildings?
c. Do they have different
20. a. How hard are tbey ?: inhabitants?
b. How soft are they? d. Do they have different
c. How far are they? costumes?
d. How do they differ?

Directions 26-50. You will now hear statements on the test tape. Select
the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

26. a. I have little time to 27. a. Only the ending was read
wait. to me.
b. I have some time to wait. b. The beginning was read to
c. I have enough time to me.
wait. c. He read the conclusion
d. I have a few minutes only.
to wait. d. The conclusion was read
to me.
ALCPT Form 12R

28. a. He lost the gold. 37. a. He had his car washed.

b. He found the gold. b. His car needs washing.
c. He shaped the gold. C. His car wasnlt washed.
d. He me1ted the gold. d. He wi11 wash his caro

29. a. He produced it. 38. a. It drops down the engine.

b, He sold it. b. It hords up the engine.
c. He worshipped it. C. It covers the engine.
d. He bought it. d, It supp 1ies the engine.

30. a. We wi11 finish them. 39. a. It can be contro11ed with

b. We must finish them. steam.
c. We shou1d finish them. b. It can be frozen into steam.
d. We wonlt finish them. C. It can be changed into'
31. a. He was going to rent it. d. It can be mixed with steam.
b. He was going to se11 it.
c. He was going to trade it. 40. a. He was p1easing his father.
d. He was going to buy it. b. He was bothering his father.
C. He sudden1y remembered his
32. a. He wi11 soon 1eave. father.
b. He wil1 soon come. d. He resemb1ed his father. .
c. He wi11 soon ta1k.
d. He wi11 soon fol1ow. 41. a. It is necessary to regu1ate
33. a. It went around it fast. b. It is necessary to issue it.
b. It 1anded rough1y on it. C. It is necessary to compare
C. It moved smooth1y over it. it.
d. It jumped quick1y away d. It is necessary to upset it.
from it.
42. a. Hels not a nurse.
34. a. He concea Led it. b. Hels not co1d.
b. He showed it. C. Hels not a soldier.
C. He forgot it. d. Hels not awake.
d, He covered it.
43. a. It cou1d not be done.
35. a. We shou1d get permission b. It was hard.
to ~e11 a car. c. It was easy.
b. We shou1d get permission d. It cou1d be done with some
to trade a ca r , difficulty.
C. We shou1d get permission
to buy a caro 44. a. It was interesting.
d. We shou1d get permission b. It was not safe.
to pursue a caro C. It was a good assignment.
d. It was a pretty assignment.
36. a. The explorers sett1ed it.
b. The exp10rers mapped it.
C. They fought for it.
d. They found it.
ALCPT Form l2R

45. a. Ris English is excellent: 48. a. He was a lazy player.

b. He doesn't speak English b. He was a fair player.
at a Ll , c. He was an outstanding, player.
c. He speaks a little English. d. He was an average player.
d. His English is only fair.
49. a. The unexpected storm took
46. a. He had many. many lives.
b. He had some. b. The mild storm took many
c. He had a few. lives.
d. He had seve ra L. c. The lively storm took many
47. a. Therewas a single sound d. The dreadful storm took
of thunder. many lives.
b. There was thunder at the
beginning. 50. a. We had some trouble.
c. There wasn't any thunder. b. We had a great deal of trouble~
d. There was'thunder now and c. We had a bit of trouble.
then. d. We had very little trouble.

Directions for questions 51-60. You will now hear dialogs on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

51. a. The roof is touching the 54. a. It occured just in time.

ground. b. It occurred gradualJ,y.
b. The roof is perpendicular c. It occurred alI at once.
to the ground. d. It occurred tediously.
c. The roof is level with
the ground. 55. a. He would go to toWll.
d. The roof is parallel to b. He has gone to toWll.
-the ground. c. He should go totoWll.
d. He should have gone to
52. a. increase his speed toWll.
b. decrease his speed
c. move very fast 56. a. The student submitted it.
d. take a long time to move b. The student omitted it.
c. The student required it.
53. a. He talked honestly and d. The student accepted it.
b. He talked quietly and 57. a. He gained weight.
slowly. b. He increased his vocabulary.
c. He talked quickly and c. He gained acceIeration.
energetically. d. He improved his speech.
d. He talked calm1y and
thoughtfully. 58. a. that it would snow
b. that snow was possible
c. that it would not snow
d. that snow was impossible
ALCPT Form l2R

59. a. They took a picture of it. 60. a. up the street from the
b. They went there later. drugstore
c. They arrived there at b. inside the drugstore
last. c. across the street from the
d. They finally changed it. drugstore
d. outside the drugstore



Directions for questions 61-100. Choose the one correct answer a, b, c,

or d and mark your answer sheet. DO NO! WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET.

61. The telephone is out of order.

a .. It is working.
b. It is not working.
c. It is not in sequence.
d. It is ringing.

62. The furniture was arranged neatly.

a. It was not arranged at alI.
b. It was arranged in an orderly fashion.
c. It was not carefully arranged.
d. It was arranged toa fast.

63. Those people say"they believe in justice.

a. They believe in fairness.
b. They are one-sided.
c. They are precise technicians.
d. They don't believe in anything.-

64. The students are trying to get ahead.

a. They are lazy. "
b. They don't care about anything.
c. They are not ambitious.
d. They are trying to advance.

65. lf you persist in speaking English, you will learn more quickly.
a. If youstóp speaking English
b. lf you speak English steadily
c. If you listen instead of talking
d. If you speak your own language
ALCPT Form l2R

66. r had rather stay at home.

a. r re fuse to stay at home.
b. r prefer to stay at home.
c. r s~ldom stay at home.
d. r d:'islikestayingat home.

67. He "as about to answer your questiono

a. He was discussing the questiono
1;>. He was talking about answering.
C. He was on the point of answering.
d. He was avoiding the questiono

~8. rt turned out better than r thought it would.

a. The result was good.
b. There was a large group.
C. Many people were refused.
d. lt was our turno

69. The chieI engineer wanted to close down the planto

a. He wanted to return close to the planto
b. He wanted to remove the planto
c. He wanted to stop the operation ofthe planto
d. He wanted to depart from the planto

70. There was nothing left of the target after the first bombing.
a. There was nothing new.
b. There was nothing in addition.
C. There was nothing to the west.
d. There was nothing remaining.

71. rf your teacher sends you to the library, be sure you know how to
use its resources.
a. You should know how to use the library.
b. You should know about your teacher.
C. The teacher should use the library.
d. A teacher should know the resources.

72. ln the display window, Jack saw a nice looking suit which he liked.
a. He liked the window which he saw.
b. He sawa window which he liked.
C. Hé disliked the su t which he saw.

d. He saw a suit in a window.

73. lf there are toa many things to learn, we must try to remember the
most important facts.
a. Everything we hear is importante
b. Only those things which are important are remembered~
C. There are too many things to learn.
d. The most important things should be remembered •.-
ALCPT Form 12R

74. The mechanic did not have the right too1, and as a resu1t he did °not
finish the work.
a. He finished the wark without the tool.
b. The job was not finished because he lacked the right tool.
c. He finished the work with the right tool.
d. He finally found the right tool.

75. There was an accident on the comer.

a. There was much traffic.
b. There was a'meeting.
c. There was a crash , o

d. The two friends met by chan ce ,

76. He threatened the cadet punishmen t .

a. to
b. with·
c. in
d. at

77. It rained a great deal _______ the spring season.

a. on
b. for
c. during.
d. up

78. The doctor started the ambulance but never reached it.
a. Lnt o
b. toward
c. out of
d. by way of

79. I have been waiting for you morning.

a. since
b. for
c. during
d. ago

80. He not on1y questioned, doubted the importance of human

dignity in mano
a. as if
b. because
c. and a1so
d. but also

81. r'll neither use them, will rever remember them.

a. nor
b. or
c. but
d. and
ALCPT Forro l2R

82. Your tent is to ours.

a. alike
b. different
c. like
d. similar

83. They put in time on this project than the last one.
a. less
b . little
c. least
d. the least

84. He difficulty on the test yesterday.

a. is having
b , has
c. had·
d , will have

85. They ali the waste paper baskets early yesterday morning.
a. emptied
b. empty
c. will empty
d. have emptied

86. I a check when he called me.

a. write
b. will write
c. am writing
d. was writing.

87. I to town since the day wearrived.

a. been
b. was
c. had been gone·
d. have not been

88. If I what to do, I will do it.

a. had known
b. have known
c. know.
d. knew

89. I him since the day we meto

a. seen
b. will see
c. haven't seen
d. see
ALCPT Form 12R

90. Wi11 you him tonight?

a. see
b , saw
c. seen
d. seeing

91. Next week,l am to a new training schoo1.

a. wi11 go
b. went
c. gone
d. going

92. Someone a bott1e during the excitement.

a. broke
b . break
c. breaking
d , broken

93. Did my friend to you about the 1essons?

a. ta1ks
b. ta1king
c. ta1ked
d, t al.k .

94. The teacher the students interesting ques~ions.

a. says
b. asked,
c. said
d. te11

95. We a plane before.

a. have f1ew
b. had f1ying
c. had fly
d. have flown

96. Choose the correct sentence.

a. He said that he wanted to know means what the word.
b. He said that he wanted to know what means the ward.
c. He said that he wanted to know what the word means.
d. He said that he wanted that the word means to know.

97. Choose the correct sentence.

a. To go is foolish out in freezing weather.
b. To go out in freezing weather is foo1ish.
c. To go out is foo1ish freezing in weather.
d. ln freezing weather is foo1ish to go out.
ALCPT Form l2R

98. Choose the correct sentence.

a. Walking down the street met he an old friend.
b. Walking an old friend down the street he meto
c. Walking down the street, he met an old friend.
d. He met an old friend down the street walking.

99. Freedom is something that has been won very gradually. ln ancient
times, slaves lived and died wholly in the power of their masters,
their lives being worth practically nothing. ln the succeeding years
men had to fight to gain their freedom.
a. Freedom was won very abruptly by the slaves.
b. Man's freedom has been won only after years of struggle.
c. Men fought so the slaves could get into power.~
d. There was freedom even during the ancient times.

100. Today, trade, or the exchange of goods, is necessary for the existence
of industry on earth. AlI countries are dependent on other countriés
for goods and produce. For example, a country of fertile fields may
not prodace the machines that keep its fields green.
a. Trade is needed because alI countries are independent of one
b. Fertile and green fields are dependent on industries.
c. Goods and produce are necessary for industries.
d. Trade is needed because one country may not have what another


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STUDENT NAME:--->-t""-'--N_U_
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-- 'N',"""O' NAMEnCO,~_A---,-",-,~=-=------:;,x,-- _ ®®®®®®® ®®®




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