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Alcpt Form 139

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Directions for items 1-66. You will hear statements or questions.
Select the best answer and mark your answer sheet, a, b, c, or d.

1. What did he want to know?

a. how to raise animals
b. how to sing and dance
c. how to make sick people well
d. how to design roads and bridges

2. Did Donald wreck the truck?

a. Yes. He changed the tire.
b. Yes. He paid ten dollars a day.
c. Yes. He carried some soldiers.

3. What will Jane do with her new cabinet?

a. She'll keep cups and plates in it.
b. She'll wear it in the rain.
c. She'll drive it to work.
d. She'll stay in it on her vacation.

4. Are they thirsty?

a. Yes, may I have something to eat?
b. Yes, I'd like to rest for a while.
c. Yes, would you get me a glass of water?
d. Yes, I feel older than I did at twenty.

5. What does Mr. Stone do?

a. Mr. Stone pays attention to his friend's opinions.
b. Mr. Stone disregards his friend's opinions.
c. Mr. Stone accepts his friend's opinions.
d. Mr. Stone admires his friend's opinions.

6. Where do we get on the bus?

a. Where do we get a bus ticket?
b. Where do we board the bus?
c. Where do we see the bus?
d. Where do we leave the bus?
Directions for questions 7-31.You will now hear statements on the
test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer

7. It felt like a Canadian winter.

a. It was heavy.
b. It was busy.
c. It was loud.
d. It was cold.

8. He noticed the mark right away.

a. He saw it.
b. He smelled ed it.
c. He heard it.
d. He tasted it.

9. Barbara considers her work a pleasure.

a. She misses it.
b. It worries her.
c. She likes it.
d. It bores her.

10. The father was severe with his child.

a. He was strict
b. He was pleasant
c. He was happy
d. He was angry

11. Joe's eyes were badly damaged.

a. He couldn't walk
b. He couldn't talk
c. He couldn't see
d. He couldn't hear

12. He could go with us if he wanted to.

a. He went with us
b. He will go with us
c. He can go with us
d. He must go with us

13. The wire is twisted.

a. It is broken
b. It is straight
c. It is insulated
d. It is not straight
14. His stomach is full.
a. He is hungry
b. He has eaten
c. He has been sick
d. He is tired

15. The volume of air is going to increase.

a. It will become visible.
b. It will expand.
c. It will settle.
d. It will become moist

16. The fire spread.

a. Everyone ran to see it
b. It stopped burning
c. It was hot in one place
d. It grew larger

17. Stick to your studies.

a. Avoid your studies
b. Continue your studies
c. Cancel your studies
d. Drop your studies

18. She is going to sing again.

a. It is a nice song
b. She hasn't sung yet
c. It is not very far
d. She has already sung

19. The box is made of aluminum.

a. It is heavy
b. It is dirty
c. It is clear
d. It is metal

20. Mrs. Smith was looking for a new dress.

a. She was trying to find one
b. She was admiring one
c. She didn't want to look at one.
d. She bought one

21. On this flag, each star stands for a state.

a. Each star control a state
b. Each star reduces a state
c. Each star represents a state
d. Each star brings a state
22. Mr. Kendall keeps his tools in an orderly manner.
a. The tools are neatly arranged
b. The tools are numbered.
c. The tools are placed together.
d. The tools are scattered.

23. The water was transformed.

a. It flowed down the river.
b. It was poured into glasses
c. It was changed into steam
d. It pumped through the pipes

24. Many people settled in America.

a. They studied in America
b. They visited America
c. They came to America to live
d. They came to America for business

25. Bob felt like a stranger at the meeting.

a. He was comfortable
b. He was not well
c. He did not hear very well
d. He did not know anyone.

26. We were told to think it over before we decided.

a. We were told to be aware of it
b. We were told to consider it
c. We were told to delete it
d. We were told to expect it

27. He was disturbed by the noise.

a. He couldn't speak clearly
b. He completed his work
c. He could think well
d. He was unable to concentrate

28. Susan was carrying her baggage.

a. Susan was going on a trip
b. Susan was going to the movies
c. Susan was going to the office
d. Susan was going for a walk

29. The commander observed a weakness in the enemy's defense.

a. He broke the Enemy's defense
b. He encountered the enemy
c. He saw a weakness
d. He looked for a weakness
30. Don't bother about a receipt.
a. I already have change
b. I don't need it
c. Don't give it to me now
d. Please type a duplicate

31. The school has a new system for teaching students how to type.
a. It has a new method
b. It has a new typewriter
c. It has a new instructor
d. It has a new textbook

32. What are they talking about?

a. a storm
b. a regulation
c. a fire
d. a fight

33. What are the man and woman probably talking about?
a. music
b. clothing
c. airplane
d. food

34. What are the man and woman probably talking about?
a. sandwiches
b. pencils
c. envelopes
d. books

35. What must they do?

a. be seated
b. move quickly
c. wait in line
d. climb stairs

36. When does John start his work every day?

a. at five o'clock
b. in a factory
c. eight hours
d. at nine o'clock

37. What does the man have to do?

a. hang up the parts
b. measure the parts
c. put grease on the parts
d. adjust the parts
38. Why don't they go in?
a. The man won't let her
b. The door is locked
c. No one is there
d. She has forgotten how

39. What did the man mean?

a. He has enough
b. He does not like vegetables
c. He want more
d. He would like something else

40. What is the woman saying about Oscar?

a. She thinks highly of him
b. He is always wrong
c. She hopes he will learn more
d. He says nothing new

41.What did the man say?

a. He doesn't care what he eats
b. He doesn't want to eat
c. He wants very little to eat
d. He is eating

42. What did he do?

a. He left his unit.
b. He assumed control.
c. He found his unit.
d.He lost control.

43. In other words?

a. Do you know when it left?
b. Were you there when it left?
c. Were you on it when it left?
d. Did you miss the bus?

44. How far do you have to go to get to work?

a. It's about a ten minute drive.
b. I always walk to work.
c. I go to work by car.
d. I ride to work with Bill.

45. Can you help me locate Room two-forty?

a. Can you help me paint Room 240?
b. Can you help me find Room 240?
c. Can you help me clean up Room 240?
d. Can you help me put a lock on Room 240?
46. Do you have to go?
a. Yes, I go.
b. No, I haven't.
c. Yes, I have to.
d. Yes, he has to.

47. How is traffic?

a. fast
b. light
c. dark
d. heavy

48.. When will the train leave?

a. at noon
b. just at dark
c. at 2400 hours
d. tomorrow night

49. What does primary mean?

a. last
b. secondary
c. wrong
d. most important

50.. What did he mean?

a. " I am. "
b. " I see. "
c. " I stand. "
d. " I can. "

51. What does an industrial area contain?

a. farms
b. residences
c. factories
d. parks

52. What must he do tomorrow?

a. begin
b. stop
c. finish
d. improve

53. What did he pay?

a. his dues
b. his bill
c. his billfold
d. his room
54. How did the child feel?
a. delighted
b. hungry
c. afraid
d. pleased

55. How do you like your steak?

a. well done
b. good done
c. nice done
d. best done

56. What did he mean?

a. It is expensive.
b. It is boring.
c. It is enjoyable.
d. It is bad.

57. Why?
a. so as not to seek a cold
b. so as not to bring a cold
c. so as not to cure a cold
d. so as not to catch a cold

59. What must we do?

a. reduce them
b. increase them
c. improve them
d. eliminate them

60. How do they feel?

a. tense
b. nervous
c. at ease
d. tired

61. How is the weather?

a. stormy
b. threatening
c. damp
d. fair

62. How was the trip?

a. bumpy
b. wavy
c. smooth
d. tough
63. What happened?
a. A prize was gave to him.
b. He gave a prize.
c. He gives a prize.
d. A prize was given to him.

64. What did she want?

a. a list of men
b. a group women
c. a list of the food available
d. a list of members

65. What did he mean?

a. He is broken.
b. He has no money.
c. He is sick.
d. He is thirsty.

66. What kind of wire was it?

a. inoculated
b. insulated
c. live wire
d. coiled wire



Directions for items 67-100. Select the best answer and mark your
answer sheet, a, b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET.

66. The instructor said to Mary, "You'd better look over this
lesson again."
The instructor wants her to _____.
a. skip in the lesson
b. review the lesson
c. forget the lesson
d. postpone the lesson

67. I put _____ that I can't drink it.

a. in this coffee much sugar so
b. sugar so much in this coffee
c. in this coffee much so sugar
d. so much sugar in this coffee

68. Students in many countries are interested _______.

a. of the American Indian
b. in the American Indian
c. at the American Indian
d. on the American Indian

69. He asked the operator to hold the phone while he searched for
more change.
a. He asked her to take the receiver
b. He asked her to hang up
c. He asked her to wait a minute
d. He asked her to dial a number

70. Do you think you'll need a blanket tonight?

a. Yes, it would be nice to get cleaned up
b. No, I am not very hungry
c. Yes, it's going to be cold
d. No, I like the rain on my face

71. Is there any way to adjust the temperature?

a. Yes, we have air-conditioning controls.
b. Yes, you learn to like it in time
c. No, it cannot be measured
d. No, it never does

72. The singer is very popular.

a. The singer sings badly
b. Many people like to listen to the singer
c. The singer sings folk music
d. Only poor people like her singing.
73. It is obvious that the plane is in trouble.
a. It is easy to see that something is wrong
b. It looks like the flight is smooth
c. It doesn't look like anything is wrong
d. It isn't likely that there is trouble

74. Bill will go to the university to take up engineering.

a. He will study to be an engineer
b. He will teach engineering at the university
c. He will work as an engineer at university
d. He will pick up his friend who is an engineer

75. Though Jane likes to swim, she is not a good swimmer.

a. Jane is a good swimmer and likes to swim.
b. Jane is a good swimmer, but doesn't like to swim.
c. Jane doesn't like to swim and she can't swim well
d. Jane is not a good swimmer, but she likes to swim.

76. Where can I buy ______ toothpaste?

a. one
b. some
c. a
d. any

77. She plans to take a job as a receptionist _____ graduation.

a. since
b. past
c. after
d. when

78. They were not able to put out the fire quickly enough to save
the house.
a. They were not able to start the fire
b. They were not able to see the fire
c. They were not able to stop the fire
d. They were not able to feel the fire

79. A city is usually very _____.

a. small
b. quiet
c. busy
d. new

80. School was over at 3:30. The teacher has not seen the student
_____ then.
a. until
b. since
c. for
d. to
81. The exam will be ____ to the students tomorrow.
a. gave
b. give
c. giving
d. given

82. We tightened the band around the radiator hose so the water
would not leak.
a. We removed the band
b. We placed grease around the band
c. We increased the pressure applied by the band
d. We loosened the band

83. He divided the money ____ the two boys.

a. between
b. among
c. into
d. at

84. ______ are likely to lecture a great deal.

a. Children
b. Animals
c. Machines
d. Professors

85. When water is boiled it changes to ____.

a. vapor
b. waves
c. liquid
d. solid

86. She prepares breakfast for ____ and her husband.

a. himself
b. hers
c. she
d. herself

87. Joe has two pencils. One is _____ than the other.
a. more long
b. longer
c. longest
d. long

88. You should _____ athletic equipment everyday.

a. check out
b. checking out
c. checked out
d. do check out

89. Choose the correct sentence.

a. Did dance John at the party with Mary?
b. Did Mary at the party with John dance?
c. Did John dance with Mary at the party?
d. Did at the party John dance with Mary?

90. He _____ me yesterday what the instructor said.

a. told
b. tells
c. will tell
d. will have told

91. I _____ write my mother a letter tonight.

a. do
b. will do
c. want
d. have to

92. How far away an aircraft should you stand while ____?
a. smoked
b. to smoke
c. smoke
d. smoking

93. We told Mr. Johnson about the accident because we wanted him
_____ about it.
a. know
b. knew
c. known
d. to know

94. The students ____ do their homework every day or they won't do
well on their tests.
a. may
b. must
c. might
d. might to

95. The blackboard was so small that it was hard to ____ .

a. pack
b. write on
c. live in
d. build

96. On a hot, rainy day, steam seems _____ from the ground.
a. rise
b. to rise
c. rose
d. risen

97. I enjoy _____ very much.

a. go swimming
b. swimming
c. to swimming
d. swan

98. Water _____ of hydrogen and oxygen.

a. consisting
b. in consisted
c. consists
d. has been consisted

99. Please ______ the answer sheet for wrong answers.

a. to check
b. are checked
c. check
d. is checking

100. Food satisfies one of man's basic needs

a. requirements
b. hopes
c. troubles
d. questions

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