SJKT Kangkar Pulai Rancangan Harian Transisi Minggu - 9

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Date : 14.03.2021
Year : 1 Kathiravan
Subject: English
Theme : Environmental Detective
Sub Theme: Let’s Celebrate
Time : 11.50-12.50
Objectives: By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
 Identify Malaysian Traditional Handicraft
 Read loudly name of traditional handicraft.
BBM : Flash cards, worksheets, colour paper
Pedagogy : Collaborative
Moral Value : Loyalty
1. Pupils will have a look on the flashcards of Malaysian Traditional Handicraft.
2. Pupils will be asked to discuss about the traditional handicraft.
3. Teacher will explain about the “Malaysian Traditional Handicraft”.
4. Pupils will read the name of handicraft loudly.
5. Pupils will be given a colour paper to do a Tanglung.
6. Pupil will follow the flow chart and instruction of teacher to do the Tanglung.

Success Criteria
 I CAN identify “Malaysian Traditional Handicraft”
 I CAN read aloud about “Malaysian Traditional Handicraft”

Impact: __/__ pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives and __ / __ pupils were
not able to achieve the learning objectives.

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