Horizontal and Vertical Social Mobility

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SPP 4052

Sosiologi & Profesionalisme Pendidikan


Name Pensyarah : En. Shahrin Hashim

Kuiz 2

Ho See See SX070855PHJ01

Structural mobility
Structural mobility is a kind of vertical mobility. Structural mobility refers to mobility which is brought about by
changes in stratification hierarchy itself. It is a vertical movement of a specific group, class or occupation relative
to others in the stratification system. It is a type of forced mobility for it takes place because of the structural
changes and not because of individual attempts. For example historical circumstances or labor market changes
may lead to the rise of decline of an occupational group within the social hierarchy. An influx of immigrants may
also alter class alignments -especially if the new arrivals are disproportionately highly skilled or unskilled.
Patterns of social mobility
Several patterns of social mobility are possible:

• Horizontal mobility involves moving within the same status category. An example of this is a
nurse who leaves one hospital to take a position as a nurse at another hospital.

• Vertical mobility, in contrast, involves moving from one social level to another. A promotion in
rank in the Army is an example of upward mobility, while a demotion in rank is downward
• Intragenerational mobility, also termed career mobility, refers to a change in an individual's
social standing, especially in the workforce, such as occurs when an individual works his way up
the corporate ladder.

• Intergenerational mobility refers to a change in social standing across generations, such as

occurs when a person from a lower-class family graduates from medical school.
Sociologists in the United States have been particularly interested in this latter form of mobility, as it
seems to characterize the “American Dream” of opportunity and “rags to riches” possibilities.

Horizontal And Vertical Social Mobility

A distinction is made between horizontal and vertical social mobility. The former refers to change of
occupational position or role of an individual or a group without involving any change in its position in
the social hierarchy, the latter refers essentially to changes in the position of an individual or a group
along the social hierarchy. When a rural laborer comes to the city and becomes an industrial worker or a
manager takes a position in another company there are no significant changes in their position in the
hierarchy. Those are the examples of horizontal mobility. Horizontal mobility is a change in position
without the change in statue. It indicates a change in position within the range of the same status. It is a
movement from one statusto its equalivalent.But if an industrial worker becomes a businessman or lawyer he
has radically changed his position in the stratification system. This is an example of vertical mobility. Vertical
mobility refers to a movement of an individual or people or groups from one status to another. It involves change
within the lifetime of an individual to a higher or lower status than the person had to begin with.

Forms Of Vertical Social Mobility

The vertical mobility can take place in two ways - individuals and groups may improve their position in the
hierarchy by moving upwards or their position might worsen and they may fall down the hierarchy. When
individuals get into seats of political position; acquire money and exert influence over others because of their new
status they are said to have achieved individual mobility. Like individuals even groups also attain high social
mobility. When a dalit from a village becomes an important official it is a case of upward mobility. On the other
hand an aristocrat or a member of an upper class may be dispossessed of his wealth and he is forced to enter a
manual occupation. This is an example of downward mobility.

Inter-Generational Social Mobility

Time factor is an important element in social mobility. On the basis of the time factor involved in social mobility
there is another type of inter-generational mobility. It is a change in status from that which a child began within
the parents, household to that of the child upon reaching adulthood. It refers to a change in the status of family
members from one generation to the next. For example a farmer's son becoming an officer. It is important because
the amount of this mobility in a society tells us to what extent inequalities are passed on from one generation to
the next. If there is very little inter-generational mobility .inequality is clearly deeply built into the society for
people' life chances are being determined at the moment of birth. When there is a mobility people are clearly able
to achieve new statuses through their own efforts, regardless of the circumstances of their birth.

Intra-Generational Mobility
Mobility taking place in personal terms within the lifespan of the same person is called intra-
generational mobility. Intergenerational mobility is that which compares your socio-economic status
with that of your parents/previous family generations, whereas intragenerational mobility compares how
your socio-economic status has changed over the course of your lifetime.

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