AVT 2217 Module 1 - Airport Design and Operation
AVT 2217 Module 1 - Airport Design and Operation
AVT 2217 Module 1 - Airport Design and Operation
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
CLO • 2: Explain factors affecting the number, orientation, placement of runways, taxiways, gates,
ramp areas, and terminal facilities including performance limits of aircraft and how they
affect airport design.
•1: Demonstrate and explain the elements that affect an airport's normal
•2: Demonstrate understanding of the component role of airports.
MLO •3: Solve any fundamental problem involving normal airport operations
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
1.0 History and Development of Airport..................................................................................6
1.1 Airport Designation and Naming.......................................................................................6
1.2 International Air Transport Association.............................................................................7
1.3 International Civil Aviation Organization...........................................................................7
1.4 Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines.........................................................................8
1.5 Commercial Service Airport..............................................................................................8
1.6 Cargo Service Airport.......................................................................................................9
1.7 Reliever Airports...............................................................................................................9
1.8 General Aviation Airport...................................................................................................9
2.0 Types of Airport................................................................................................................9
2.1 Airport Categories...........................................................................................................10
2.2 Airport Components........................................................................................................10
Modular Activity No. 1 ..........................................................................................................13
Honesty Clause....................................................................................................................15
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
This module includes a sequence of discussions; workshop activity at the end of the topics;
separate online assignments and quizzes through Google Classroom, covering the key
points of its topic. The key assignment questions and quizzes are put to assess your
understanding of the concepts discussed. Following confirmation of the activities carried
out, the answers for your clarification are provided. Other course requirement for your
interpretations and discussion will be present on the first day of classes.
In these modules, the responsibility for matters refers only to your instructor. You will be
encouraged to appropriately address any errors, inconsistencies or suggestions, as this
manual might be intended for improvements.
The rubrics on the last page are used to evaluate the activities and assignments given.
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
An airport is a facility where passengers are connected to air transportation from/to ground
transport. It is possible to subdivide airport descriptions into landside and airside. Landside
descriptions cover how passengers arrive/depart from the terminal building at the airport
and move to board the airplanes through the terminal building. The movement of aircraft on
the surface of airports is described by Airside.
An airport consists of one runway (or helipad) at the very minimum, but hangars and
terminal buildings are other common components. In addition to these, a range of facilities
and infrastructure may be available for an airport, including fixed base operator services, air
traffic control, passenger facilities such as restaurants and lounges, and emergency
Sample infrastructures of typical airports. Larger airports usually contain more runways and terminals.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airport
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
The earliest airplane landing sites were simply open, grassy fields. The airplane could
approach at any angle which offered a favorable wind direction. Early airfields were often
constructed for the purpose of entertainment. These aerodromes were composed of a
grassy field with a hangar for aircraft storage and service, and visitor observation stands.
Increased aircraft traffic during World War I led to the construction of regular landing
fields. These had to be approached from determined directions by airplanes. This has
resulted in the development of approach and landing slope guidance navigation aids.
Some of these military airfields added commercial facilities to handle passenger traffic
following the war. One of the earliest such fields was Le Bourget, near Paris. The first
international airport to open was Croydon Airport, in South London.
In 1922, Königsberg, Germany, became the first permanent airport and commercial
terminal built solely for commercial aviation. A paved "apron" was used by the airports of
this era, which allowed night flying as well as heavier airplanes to land.
The first lighting used at an airport was during the later part of the 1920s; illumination
came into use in the 1930s. These indicated the direction and angle of proper descent. In
the 1940s, the slope-line approach system was enacted. This consisted of two rows of
lights that formed a funnel indicating an aircraft's position on the glide slope. Improper
direction and altitude were indicated by additional lights.
Following World War II, airport design began to become more sophisticated. Passenger
buildings were grouped together on an island, with runways organized in groups around
the terminal. This arrangement enabled the facilities to grow. But it also implied that
passengers had to travel further to reach their airplane.
Airports are often named in many countries after a prominent national celebrity, generally
a politician, e.g. John F. Kennedy International Airport, or Charles de Gaulle International
Airport at India Gandhi International Airport.
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
IATA support airline activity and helps formulate policy and standards. It is headquarters
in Montreal, Canada with Executive Offices in Geneva, Switzerland.
Travel Agent accreditation is available for travel professionals. Full accreditation allows
agents on behalf of all IATA member airlines. Cargo agent accreditation is similar
program. IATA/IATAN (International Association of Travel Agents Network) ID card is
globally recognized industry credential for travel professional.
IATA also runs the Billing and Settlement Plan, which is a 300 billion dollars plus
financial system that looks after airline money. And it provides a number of business
intelligence publications and services.
Simplifying the Business was launched in 2004. This initiative has introduced a number
of crucial concepts to passenger travel, including the electronic ticket and the bar coded
boarding pass. Many other innovations are being established as part of the Fast Travel
initiative including a range of self service baggage options.
IATA regulates the shipping of dangerous goods and publishes the IATA Dangerous
Goods Manual (DGR)
Additionally it also defines the protocol for air accident investigation followed by transport
safety authorities in countries signatory to the convention on international Civil Aviation in
respective countries.
Chicago Convention
The Chicago Convention (AKA as the Convention on International Civil Aviation),
established the ICAO a specialize agency of the United Nations charged with
coordinating and regulating international air travel. The Convention establishes rules of
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
airspace, aircraft registration and safety, and details the rights of the signatories in
relation to air travel; it also exempts air fuels from tax. The convention was signed by 52
states on December 1944 in Chicago, Illios, U.S. and came into effect on 4 April 1947.
Is the national aviation authority of the Philippines and is responsible for implementing
policies on civil aviation to assure safe, economic and efficient air travel.
The agency also investigates aviation via its Aircraft Accident Investigation and Inquiry
The law defines airports by categories of airport activities, including commercial service,
primary, cargo service, reliever, and general aviation airports, as shown below:
Many international airports also serve as HUBS or places when non-direct flights may
land and passengers switch planes.
Typically equipped with customs and immigration facilities to handle international flights
to and from other countries.
Such airports are usually larger, and often feature longer runways and facilities to
accommodate the large aircraft.
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
Domestic airports don’t have customs and immigration facilities and are therefore
incapable of handling fights to or from a foreign airport.
These airports normally have short runways which are sufficient to handle
short/medium haul aircraft.
Airports vary in size, with smaller or less-developed airports often having only a single
runway shorter than 1,000 m (3,300 ft). Larger airports for international flights generally
have paved runways 2,000 m (6,600 ft) or longer. Many small airports have dirt, grass, or
gravel runways, rather than asphalt or concrete.
Airports are divided into landside and airside areas. Landside areas include parking lots,
fuel tank farms and access roads. Airside areas include all areas accessible to aircraft,
including runways, taxiways and ramps. Access from landside areas to airside areas is
tightly controlled at most airports.
Passengers on commercial flights access airside areas through terminals, where they
can purchase tickets, clear security, check or claim luggage and board aircraft. The
waiting areas which provide passenger access to aircraft are typically called concourses,
although this term is often used interchangeably with terminal.
The area where aircraft park next to a terminal to load passengers and baggage is
known as a ramp. Parking areas for aircraft away from terminals are generally called
aprons. Both large and small airports can be towered or uncontrolled, depending on air
traffic density and available funds. Due to their high capacity and busy airspace, most
international airports have air traffic control located on site.
1.8.1 Runway
A runway is the area where are an aircraft lands or take off. It can be grass, packed dirt,
or a hard surface as asphalt or concrete. Runway have special marking on them to help
a pilot in the air to tell that it is a runway (and not a road) and to help when they are
landing or taken off. Runway markings are white.
Most runways have number on the end. The number is the runway’s compass direction.
(for example, runway numbered 36 would be pointing north or 360 degrees). Some
airports have more than one runway going in the same direction, so they add letters to
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
the end of the number R for Right C for Center and L for left. The other end of the
runway is pointing in the opposite direction, so it gets a different number. The runway
called 36 would be called 18 (for 180 degrees) if you where looking at it from the other
These building house all the necessary facilities for passenger to check-in their
luggage, clear the customs and have lounges to wait before disembarking.
The terminals can house cafes, lounges and bars to serve as waiting areas for
passengers. Ticket counters, luggage check-in or transfer, security checks and customs
are the basics of all airport terminals.
Large airport can have more than one terminal that is connected to one another through
link ways such a walk-ways, Sky Bridge or trams.
Smaller airports usually have only one terminal that houses all the required facilities.
1.8.3 Apron
Aircraft apron are the areas where the aircraft park. Aprons are also sometimes called
ramps. They vary in size, from areas that may hold five or ten small planes, to the very
large areas that the major airports have. Unlike the runaways or taxiways, vehicles can
use aprons.
Watch out for aircraft that moving and yield the right of way to them. Don’t assume the
pilot will see you and stop. He or she may be busy with other things like radio
communication of checking the aircraft instruments.
Every year there are many accidents involving vehicles and aircraft that result in
property damage, personal injury, and in some cases, death?
1.8.4 Taxiway
A taxiway is a path on an airport. Connecting runways with ramp, hangars, terminals
and other facilities.
They mostly have a hard surface such as asphalt or concrete, through smaller airports
sometimes use gravel or grass.
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
After your class schedule your appropriate response to these activity works
through the Google Classroom platform. (The submission deadline will be posted
on Google Classroom)
- End of Module –
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
Format and Paper disorder Paper complies Most of the The paper follows Paper follows the
References made of lacks of with some guidelines go most guidelines and exact designated
elements guidelines. through paper. includes incorrect guidelines and
incorrect Included are Borderlines, size of spacing between correctly includes
formatting this borderlines, paper, text lines, using complete
include as such: paper size, inappropriate ink different font sizes references.
borderlines, inappropriate used and 3 with 4 references.
paper size, ink used and 2 references are
improper ink references. included.
used, overlap
text, copied
plagiarized or
prepared by
another person
with 1 reference
are included.
Grammar Language Paper made Grammar rules, Grammar rules, Grammar rules,
Punctuation utilizes few mistakes in usage is followed usage is followed usage are fully
and Spelling misleading grammar and and spelling is and spelling is followed, spelling is
conversional spelling, correct. correct. The correct. Language
tone, made of language lacks Language is clear language is very is very clear and
numerous clarification or and precise; clear and precise; precise; sentences
grammatical and includes some sentences display the structure of consistently display
spelling errors. misleading varied structure phrases is strong, varied
The activity was conversional consistently strong. consistently strong structure.
submitted two tone. The activity was and varied. The activity was
weeks late. The activity submitted four days The activity was submitted on time
was submitted late. submitted two days
one week late. late.
Total Points (%)
Points earn
Total Points (%) X 100
Total points
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
Honesty Clause
This honesty clause establishes a fundamental social contract within which the College
community agrees to live. This contract relies on the conviction that the personal and
academic integrity of each individual member strengthens and improves the quality of life
for the entire community. It recognizes the importance of honesty, trust, fairness, respect,
and responsibility and wishes these principles to be a defining part of Philippine State
College of Aeronautics
The Institute of Engineering and Technology values and fosters an environment of
academic and personal integrity, supporting the ethical standards of the engineering
profession, where we design and build for the benefit and safety of society and our
I agree that the submission of any academic work shall constitute a representation on my
part both that such work has been done, and its submission is being made, in compliance
with honesty and integrity. Furthermore, my responsibility includes taking action when I
have witnessed or am aware of another’s act of academic dishonesty.
Students Name Over Signature
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities
Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Aviation Electronics Technology Department
MODULEs Airport & airways Flexible Modalities