Estidama Villa Manual English

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Pearl Villa

Instruction Manual for Owners, Consultants, Contractors and Suppliers

About this Manual About Estidama Your Pearl Villa You and Your Team Resources for Your Team

About this Manual

About this Manual

This manual provides an overview of the Estidama Pearl Villa Rating System (PVRS) and its application for new and existing users. It responds to stakeholder feedback on streamlining implementation for the benefit of Villa owners, consultants, contractors and suppliers. This manual covers the following topics: Estidama and the Pearl Villa Rating System (PVRS) The Need for Estidama Local Challenges Process and Procedures Team Member Roles Summary of Resources and Tools to Achieve Sustainable Villas

Overview Performance Criteria Guides

Owner Guide Consultant Guide

Estidama Villa Manual

Pearl Villa Rating System

Contractor Guide*

Supplier Guide*

Assessor Guide*

This manual also introduces a simplified compliance procedure for product selection. This new procedure will bring significant benefits to you by reducing costs, design times and documentation requirements. This results in quicker processing of your application. Using this manual, you will learn where to find valuable information to be more informed about the inter-relationship between documents, tools and resources (See Figure 1). You will understand your role and what to expect from others. An owner will appreciate the key choices to be made, understand how to select materials and the best way to query and question Consultants and Contractors. Consultants and Contractors will understand the needed skills, what they will produce, and the benefits of both the Estidama Villa Product Database (EVPD) and the Estidama Villa Construction Detail Suite (EVCDS). Finally, Suppliers will understand the importance of engaging with procurers and listing their products in the EVPD.

Tools and Resources


PVRS Submittal Templates

Contractor Toolkit*

ETCP Database* Construction Details*

These tools are currently under development

PVRS Calculators

Simplied Workbook*

Figure 1: Estidama Villa Tools and Resources

& the Pearl Villa Rating System

About Estidama

Estidama and the PVRS

What is Estidama?
Estidama means sustainability in Arabic and is an initiative developed to achieve the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyans dream to guide Abu Dhabi as a more sustainable Emirate. It establishes directives and recommendations for all types of building projects (including Villas) to ensure that they are designed to be resource efficient and comfortable to inhabit. Estidama covers multiple facettes of the Emirates development: urban design, environmental health and safety, building development, zoning and planning. The mission is to preserve our cultural, economic, social and environmental resources for future generations while improving the lives of the current citizens of Abu Dhabi.

What is the PVRS?

A central initiative of the Estidama program is the Pearl Rating System (PRS), a set of sustainable building standards specific to Abu Dhabi. The PRS suite addresses three types of developments: Villas, Buildings and Communities. In May 2010, the Abu Dhabi Executive Council mandated that all new projects comply with the Pearl Rating System. As of September 2010, all new developments were required to achieve at least a 1 Pearl Rating. This means that every project reviewed by the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) or requires a building permit from a Municipality will have to achieve required credits.


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The Pearl Villa Rating System (PVRS) implements Estidama by specifically addressing how Villas are designed and constructed. It contains a series of credits, some of which are required and some that are optional. Villas that achieve the required credits are compliant at a 1 Pearl level. Villas that achieve the required credits plus 30 additional points are compliant at the 2 Pearl level. The highest distinction is 5 Pearl level, for achieving a total of at least 70 additional points. The PVRS measures and rewards the development of a Villa at two key stages: design and construction. Project teams must produce an application, to be reviewed for compliance by the relevant municipality, at both stages. The Estidama process is linked to the municipal permitting process, which also follows two key stages: Building Permit Application and the Application for Certificate of Completion. The PVRS outlines performance criteria under the following categories: Integrated Development Process: Encouraging crossdisciplinary teamwork to deliver environmental and quality management Natural Systems: Conserving, preserving and restoring critical natural environments and habitats Livable Villas: Ensuring quality of outdoor and indoor spaces Precious Water: Reducing water demand and encouraging alternative water sources Resourceful Energy: Targeting energy conservation through passive design measures, energy efficiency and renewable sources Stewarding Materials: Ensuring consideration of the whole-of-life cycle when specifying and disposing of materials Innovating Practice: Encouraging innovation and cultural expression in building design and construction to facilitate market and industry transformation.

To assist with implementation, a series of guides, that include tools and resources, have been created to summarise the submittal processes, calculations and product selection. For more information, please refer to the last section of this manual entitled Resources for Your Team and visit the Estidama website at

1 Pearl 2 Pearls 3 Pearls 4 Pearls 5 Pearls

required optional




credit points
Figure 2: Estidama Thresholds to achieve Pearls

Estidama and the PVRS

Why do we need Estidama and PVRS?

Abu Dhabi is evolving and you play a significant part in its evolution. If we continue to build and consume the way we are now, economic prosperity, quality of life, cultural richness, social integrity and environmental systems will decline. This is why we need Estidama. Vast resources are required to generate and sustain this growth. Metal, concrete, glass, wood and stone, all of which are expensive to produce and require large amounts of energy to create, assemble and transport. Demand for water will also continue to increase. Estidama is a system that promotes sustainable development, encourages us all to think differently about how we design, build, consume resources and influences the choices we make all to reach a more sustainable and comfortable standard of living.

Local Challenges
Abu Dhabi receives just 100mm of rainfall per year. With minimal rainfall and limited groundwater resources, Abu Dhabi, out of necessity, obtains much of its drinking water from the sea through the desalination process. This process requires large amounts of energy and results in salt being pumped back into the sea. This disturbs the delicate ecology of the Arabian Gulf which is a key resource for food. How we use this water is fundamentally important. The region has one of the highest water consumption rates per person in the world. Abu Dhabi also has extremely high temperatures which regularly exceed 40C. Without cooling the air, these temperatures would be unbearable and could greatly impact our productivity. Large amounts of energy are currently required for lighting, appliances and air conditioning our homes. Implementing Estidama requirements will help conserve energy by ensuring they consume less to meet the daily needs of residents.

What are the Benefits?

Estidamahas many benefits for Abu Dhabi. These include:

Reduce the demand for materials and consumption of energy and water. Protect, enhance and restore fragile ecosystems in the region. Reduce ground, air and water pollution to protect our health and well-being along with that of the environment. Develop a proactive response to climate change through reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Increase returns on investment for Pearl developments. Reduce operational and maintenance costs. Improve quality of life and enhance productivity. Improve tenant retention and higher rental yields. Rated

Create cohesive neighbourhoods with mosques, schools, clinics and shops within each community. Encourage sustainability on all scales, such as community recycling, efficient use of landscaping and public transport. Raise awareness and promote sustainable development and living.

Revive Abu Dhabis tradition of achieving maximum benefit from minimal resources. Maintain Abu Dhabis unique identity and cultural heritage.

Your Pearl Villa

What Makes a Pearl Villa?

The Estidama Pearl Villa program drives the overall Villa design to enhance the quality of spaces created, ensure efficient use of natural resources and minimise negative environmental impacts. This is achieved by: 1. Promoting cross-disciplinary teamwork which encourages a new design approach with an emphasis on our consumption, the way we build, the way we live and the choices we make. 2. Setting performance criteria and minimum targets which relate to natural systems, energy, water, materials, waste and indoor and outdoor quality.

Business as Usual
Leaky envelope with low levels of insulation Inefcient systems and appliances Wasteful water xtures Poor indoor air quality and ventilation Ineffective and untidy waste management area Water-intensive landscaping favouring exotic species Hazardous and toxic materials, and off-gasing

Estidama 1 Pearl
Estidama PVRS Performance Targets

Beyond 1 Pearl
Air-tight envelope with good thermal performance Energy and water-efcient systems and appliances Low-ow water xtures Comfortable indoors that can be naturally ventilated Effective and tidy waste management area Landscaping promoting native low-water consuming species

Figure 3: Estidama PVRS Performance Targets

How does Estidama Measure Performance?

The PVRS includes credits that set performance criteria and targets related to all seven categories of Estidama. These include: IDP - Integrated Development Process NS - Natural Systems LV - Livable Villas PW - Precious Water RE - Resourceful Energy SM - Stewarding Materials IP - Innovating Practice
Enable natural ventilation through the provision of openable windows in all occupied spaces and size mechanical ventilation appropriately

Livable Villa
Protect important natural assets identied on site such as Ghaf trees and design your villa in harmony with the natural elements

The mandatory criteria set for the 1 Pearl rating level are shown in Figure 4.

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Install low-ow water xtures and tting and ow regulation systems; choose water efcient appliance and meter outdoor water usage

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Integrated Design Process

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To encourage cross-disciplinary teamwork to deliver environmental and quality management

Figure 4: Estidama PVRS Categories

arding Materials Stew

Avoid the use of hazardous materials such as asbestos and CCA-treated timber; recycle construction waste and provide a waste strong facility in your villa

This category gives designs an opportunity to showcase innovation in response to cultural, regional and environmental opportunities.


Build airtight, thermally insulated walls, oor and roof; use energy-efcient, non-polluting AC units, lights and appliances and install a solar hotwater system


How to ensure compliance?

A Pearl Villa follows the same key design and construction stages as a conventional Villa. The introduction of the 1 Pearl performance criteria requires Consultants and Contractors to consider a number of basic sustainability issues.

Space Planning
The Consultant must preserve valuable fauna and ora species (e.g. Ghaf tree) The Consultant is encouraged to shape building form to respond to the sites natural characteristics (solar orientation, exposure to wind, topography and hydrology) The Consultant must accommodate an external waste room designed to meet access, sizing, security and hygiene criteria set in the PVRS.

Facade Design
The Consultant must size windows and distribute glazing in a way to balance: (1) access to daylight, (2) provision of ventilation and (3) reduction of solar heat gain. The Ventilation Calculator can be used to show compliance .

System detailing & Sizing

The Consultant must detail the sections of walls, roof(s), exposed oor(s) to meet the thermal performance (u-value) criteria in the PVRS. Use sections from the Estidama Robust Details Catalogue or test your proposed sections using the U-Value Calculator. The Consultant must size mechanical ventilation to meet the ow rate criteria in the PVRS. The Ventilation Calculator can be used to show compliance. The Consultant must design articial lighting to meet the minimum lighting densities (watt per m2) criteria in the PVRS.

Material Selection
The Consultant must select building mateirlas and systems that can signicantly reduce Energy and Water use in the Villa: Insulation products, Air Conditionning Systems, Windows, Water xtures, and Solar Hotwater Systems. Select pre-conrmed products from the Estidama Techncially Compliant Materials database or use the appropriate calculators (U-Value Calculaor, Water Calculator) and undertake your own product research to show compliance

Material Procurememt
The Contractor must procure products and systems in compliance with the drawings and specications and design. When submitting alternatives, select pre-conrmed products from the Estidama Techncially Compliant Materials database or use the appropriate calculators (U-Value Calculaor, Water Calculator) and undertake your own product research to show compliance

The Contractor must preserve valuable fauna and ora species (e.g. Ghaf tree) The Contractor must not use any hazardous materials such as asbestos and CCA-treated timber The Contractor must recycle construction and demolition waste and divert a minimum of 30% of waste by weight or volume- from landll. The Consutant and Contractor must jointly verify that the integity of envelope and systems installed after installation

Figure 5: Estidama Pearl Villa development

How do I select products?

During product selection, Consultants and Contractors must consider many aspects of the design: Size Technical performance Quality Cost Aesthetic Sustainability performance

About the Simplified Villa Product Selection Pathway

Based on preliminary implementation feedback received from key stakeholders, the UPC has created a Simplified Villa Product Selection Pathway for Consultants and Contractors. This pathway helps simplify the product selection process and accelerate application processing. The Simplified Villa Product Selection Pathway process relies on two items: 1. A suite of typical wall, roof and floor construction details referenced in the Estidama Villa Construction Detail Suite (EVCDS) 2. The Estidama Villa Product Database (EVPD) which reference the following classes of products: Air Conditioning Systems Water Fixtures (taps, showers, toilets and bidets) Windows Solar Hot Water Systems Insulation Products and Insulation Systems for Walls, Roofs and Floors

Sustainability performance is principally addressed in Estidama. Products are evaluated based on their resource usage and environmental impacts. In Estidama, there are two pathways to product selection: 1. The Simplified Villa Product Selection Pathway, which requires products and systems referenced in the Estidama Villa Product Database and the Estidama Villa Construction Detail Suite. 2. The Conventional Villa Product Selection Pathway, which allows more flexibility and requires Consultants and Contractors to undertake product research and perform calculations using the provided Estidama Calculators. Further details can be found in the Pearl Villa Consultant Guide. The PVRS and associated Tools & Resources help Consultants and Contractors with product selection. The quality and integrity of these selections are the ultimate responsibility of the Consultant and Contractor.

Further information is available in the Tools & Resources section of this document and on the Estidama website: (

Figure 6: Flow Chart of Product Selection

Identify local suppliers

Figure 7: Approach to development of EVPD

Estidama workshop

Advise Tech Criteria

Suppliers Submit Product Data

UPC compiles

Estidama List

How was the Estidama Villa Product Database (EVPD) created?

From Municipality and Consultant feedback, several Supplier groups have recently participated in workshops regarding their products for Estidama technical compliance. Data has subsequently been submitted to the UPC for review prior to inclusion in the database. A summary of the approach to the development of the EVPD is provided in Figure 7. The database is open to all suppliers and manufacturers subject to meeting Estidama criteria. Please note, this does not mean products are certified by the UPC, it only means that aspects of their technical performance have been deemed to be Estidama technically compliant.

How to use the Simplified Villa Product Selection Pathway during submission
In order to prove compliance with the minimum 1 Pearl requirements, Consultants and Contractors are required to demonstrate that materials and systems used on the project meet the criteria set in the PVRS. Typically, project teams are required to perform calculations and supply manufacturer and testing information in order to prove compliance (as per the Conventional Pathway). With the Simplified Villa Product Selection Pathway, the only document required is a simple checklist listing the products used and confirming that they are listed on the EVPD.

Benefits of the Simplified Pathway

Benefits to Owners: Easy product comparison - performance, cost, warranties Competitive costs (no overpricing) Quicker application processing Benefits to Consultants and Contractors Pre-confirmed products and systems save time No additional documentation required to confirm compliance. Benefits to Suppliers Competitive advantage Greater market success.

You and Your Team

Key Roles
Villa Owner
Communicate Your Vision Ensure that you set a vision for your Villa. Your Consultants must understand your functional and budget requirements and the level of sustainability performance you are targeting. Guide Villa Design Villa layout and design can influence comfort levels while making it more energy efficient. Make sure that you are discussing the optimum orientation and local climate conditions (such as prevailing winds) with your Consultant. Consider the impact of your Villas interior layout as it relates to views and daylight. And make sure your Villa does not use hazardous materials. Influence Product Selection Use products listed in the Estidama Villa Product Database. This will ensure products and materials selected for your Villa are compliant and accelerate the permitting process. Influence Construction Best Practices Ensure that the Contractor recycles waste onsite and keeps the site tidy. Design to meet 1 Pearl Requirements Consultants must follow the technical criteria included in the PVRS, which balances performance criteria with optimal design. Prepare Estidama Design Application Consultants must follow the permitting procedure set by the relevant Municipality. The Estidama Assessors provide Consultants with Checklists and Credit Submission Templates for the application. Communication with Contractors Consultants must handover all relevant design documentation to the Contractor highlighting Estidama compliance. Supervise the Contractor Implementation The Consultant can ensure that the appointed Contractor is meeting the 1 Pearl requirements on site and is maintaining submission information within the Villa Contractor Toolkit. Provide an Occupant Handbook The Contractor must issue an Occupant Handbook to the Owner to highlight the key sustainability features of the villa and inform them about maintenance and operational requirements. Verify the Building Performance Verify all systems and the villa envelope are built to meet the design intent and comply with the 1 Pearl requirements. Prepare Construction Application Contractors must follow the permitting procedureof the Municipality. The Estidama Assessors provide Contractors with Checklists and Credit Submission Templates to assist them in the preparation of the application. Build to meet 1 Pearl Requirements Contractors must follow the design documentation provided by the Consultant and ensure the technical criteria included in the PVRS are met.

Design Consultant
Familiarise yourself with the PVRS The rating system, guides and tools can be downloaded for free from the Estidama website. Consultants may also attend an Estidama Villa training session and take the PVRS Professional quiz.

Familiarise yourself with the PVRS The rating system, guides and tools can be downloaded for free from the Estidama website. In addition, Contractors can attend an Estidama Villa training session and take the PVRS Professional quiz.

Familiarise yourself with PVRS The rating system, guides and tools are all downloadable for free from the Estidama website. The website contains a dedicated section describing the Estidama Villa Product Database (EVPD) and the process for Suppliers to have their products included in the database. Get products listed on the EVPD All product suppliers and manufacturers can apply to be on the EVPD database. They will be required to attend a workshop at the UPC and submit appropriate documentation on their products to demonstrate compliance.

If you would like to be featured on the EVPD, ensure that your products and materials comply with Estidama technical requirements by completing the Estidama tools (e.g. Water or U-value Calculator).

Villa Owner
As the Owner, you play an important role in ensuring that your Villa achieves a 1 Pearl rating. You can influence decisions made about your Villa and guide your team in its design and product selection. Your Villa team should help in ensuring all Estidama requirements are met. You will need to employ a Design Consultant early in your process to guide you in making decisions. Your Design Consultant must fully understand and appreciate the values of Estidama, and successfully incorporate its requirements into the Villas design. Once the design is complete, your Contractor will take the project to completion. Like Consultants, a Contractor must also understand the values of Estidama, and implement its requirements from site set-up through to the Villa completion.

What should you expect from your team?

Your team should help guide you through the entire Estidama process including the following: The preparation of an Estidama submission as per your municipality process. Verification of construction through testing and commissioning. Designing and constructing a 1 Pearl compliant Villa.

What are the Benefits of a Pearl villa for You and Your Family?
Living in a better quality Villa that is healthier and more comfortable A Villa that uses less water, electricity and air conditioning Lower utility bills Help distinguish Abu Dhabi as a place at the forefront of sustainability efforts around the world

How much will it cost?

The costs for designing a Villa to be 1 Pearl compliant are minimal if Estidama is considered early in a project. Ultimately, the long-term cost savings should be greater than the initial costs and, in the end, you will save money over the life of the Villa. The UPC has introduced the Estidama Villa Compliant Products Database, which will help reduce costs even further. Manufacturers and distributors submit their products to the UPC for a rigorous screening process, to assess their technical compliance as part of a list available to all parties. This will save owners time and money when selecting products. Consultants and Contractors have access so that they can also save time, and ultimately cost by selecting correct products. The database includes various sizes of materials, different types of products in a category, and average costs. It offers a one-stop location to compare products, before making selections for the Villa design.

How do I select a suitable Design Consultant and Contractor?

By selecting a qualified Consultant and Contractor, you are forming a team that has the technical and process expertise to meet the PVRS. To appoint qualified Consultants and Contractors, you should look for the following: Have they attended and successfully completed the Estidama Applying the PVRS Course? Does the PVRS Professional have a qualification certificate? Do they have proven Estidama experience? Have they been successful in previous Estidama Design Submissions? Do they have Arabic speaking capability within the organisation?

Where can I find support?

Contact your local municipality Estidama helpline number: +971 (0) 800 555 Estidama email: [email protected] Estidama website:

Resources for Your Team

In this section, you will find information on the documents referenced in this manual. This section provides information on locating the information necessary for a successful PVRS submittal. You will find in this section a summary of the documents and tools, how to locate them and a description of how they will help the process. Rating System
Pearl Villa Rating System (PVRS)

What is Estidama? Guide for Villa Owners Pearl Villa Guide for Consultants

Scorecards and Submittal Templates Calculators Estidama Villa Compliant Products Database Contractor Toolkit

PRS Training Program

Rating System
Pearl Villa Rating System (PVRS)
PVRS v1.0 The Estidama PVRS Version 1.0 (PRS v1.0) is the framework for submitting your project for Estidama rating. It describes all categories and associated credits you will need to make your Villa sustainable. To achieve the 1 Pearl Rating, you will need to achieve all the required credits; adding optional credits to your submission will help you reach higher rating levels. Projects currently under review either at UPC or at the municipalities can continue to use PVRS v1.0. Other projects can choose to use either PVRS v1.0 or PVRS V2.0 until the end of 2011. On 1 January 2012 PVRS V2.0 will be mandatory. PVRS V2.0 Following a year of implementation and market adaptation, the UPC has updated the PVRS. PVRS V2.0 represents a positive change in the continual evolution of Estidama. It continues the categories and credits from PVRS v1.0, and has made them more user friendly. The Pearl Rating System V2.0 is easier to understand and apply to a variety of project typologies.


What is Estidama? Guide for Villa Owners

This document outlines the benefits of Estidama and the Pearl Rating System. The role of the Owner is also summarised. Villa strategies are provided in an easy to read format showing a typical Villa and site design. The different stages of the Villa development process include: Organise Team and Work Understand Site Context Design Outdoor Spaces Design Indoor Spaces Design Buidling Systems Build Villa Verify Performance

Pearl Villa Guide for Consultants

This Pearl Villa Guide complements the Pearl Villa Rating System. This document provides guidance to your design team to ensure the required credits are achieved. Key features of the document include information for the project teams Engineer, Contractor, Architect and Owner. The document also includes a section on credits related to indoor and outdoor strategies, building systems, and submissions during the building permit design stage and construction stage.

Submittal Checklists and Templates
The UPC and the local municipalities (Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Western Region) are involved in evaluating PVRS submissions. Individual Villas aiming for 1 Pearl and projects with less than 10 Villas are evaluated by the Municipalities as part of their already established building permitting process. At this time, project teams that submit an application for Pearl Rating can choose to apply either the PRS v1.0 or PRS V2.0.

Contractor Toolkit
The UPC has developed a Villa Contractor Toolkit to help ensure compliance records are prepared and maintained during the life of construction. The Toolkit also provides a recording template for the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan, which is required during construction. The toolkit includes information on the following phases: Set-up plan Procurement Log Photo Log Close-Out and Owners Guide

Each municipality has a specific process for Estidama PVRS applications. Please refer to your local municipality for their process and templates.

Waste and Water Calculators

The waste and water calculators must be used by teams to demonstrate compliance with credits related to waste and water.

Ventilation Calculator
The ventilation calculator will help evaluate the natural and mechanical ventilation requirements in the Villa.

U-value Calculator
The U-value calculator will assess the Villa to ensure compliance with the Estidama Requirements.

Tools and Resources

The Estidama Villa Product Database (EVPD)
The EVPD offers an alternative submission for credits associated with specific credit calculators a database accessible for all Consultants, Project Teams and Municipalities. The UPC outlines technical information and documentation from each Supplier to have their products included in this database. The categories include: Air Conditioning Systems Water Fixtures (taps, showers, toilets and bidets) Windows Solar Hot Water Systems Insulation Products and Insulation Systems for Walls, Roofs and Floors.

The Estidama Villa Construction Details Suite (EVCDS)

A set of standards known as the EVCDS has been developed to complement the Estidama Villa Product Database. The information will provide a technically sound platform for submissions and better information for review criteria and costs. Further questions? [email protected]

Further information on Sustainable Materials can also be found on The Future Build website:

PRS Training Program

The PRS Training Program provides specially crafted courses for a wide range of stakeholders. The courses are divided into three main categories: Understanding/Awareness The Understanding/Awareness courses provide overview of Estidama and the Pearl Rating Systems. Application The Application courses are designed for professionals that are working on projects and are specific to either the Building or Community Rating Systems. Administration The Administration courses are designed for UPC and Abu Dhabi government agency professionals involved in evaluating PRS submittals. More information on course can be found through the Estidama Training Portal. an

62221 .

Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council P.O.Box 62221 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Tel: +971 2 409 6000 Fax: +971 2 443 9443

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