The document lists and defines various Italian musical terms related to tempo, dynamics, articulation, notation, and musical elements. It provides terms for the speed of the music including largo, adagio, allegro, and presto. It also includes terms for the loudness such as pianissimo, piano, forte, and fortissimo. Phrasing, articulation and notation terms such as legato, staccato, slur, tie and fermata are presented. Finally, it defines some basic musical elements like tone, melody, harmony, and interval.
The document lists and defines various Italian musical terms related to tempo, dynamics, articulation, notation, and musical elements. It provides terms for the speed of the music including largo, adagio, allegro, and presto. It also includes terms for the loudness such as pianissimo, piano, forte, and fortissimo. Phrasing, articulation and notation terms such as legato, staccato, slur, tie and fermata are presented. Finally, it defines some basic musical elements like tone, melody, harmony, and interval.
The document lists and defines various Italian musical terms related to tempo, dynamics, articulation, notation, and musical elements. It provides terms for the speed of the music including largo, adagio, allegro, and presto. It also includes terms for the loudness such as pianissimo, piano, forte, and fortissimo. Phrasing, articulation and notation terms such as legato, staccato, slur, tie and fermata are presented. Finally, it defines some basic musical elements like tone, melody, harmony, and interval.
The document lists and defines various Italian musical terms related to tempo, dynamics, articulation, notation, and musical elements. It provides terms for the speed of the music including largo, adagio, allegro, and presto. It also includes terms for the loudness such as pianissimo, piano, forte, and fortissimo. Phrasing, articulation and notation terms such as legato, staccato, slur, tie and fermata are presented. Finally, it defines some basic musical elements like tone, melody, harmony, and interval.
suddenly soft Con Moto – with motion Accelerando – gradually faster Doppio Movimento – twice as fast Simile – the same Fermata – sustain longer than printed Poco a Poco – little by little Caesura – short pause in the music Subito – suddenly Molto – much, very Piu – more Cantabile – in a singing style Non – not Dolce – sweetly Divisi – divide the part Espressivo – expressively Solo – one player Leggiero – lightly Tutti – all, everyone play together Pesante - heavily Tacet – be silent, do not play Maestoso – majestically Tie Slur Ties and slurs (legato) connect two or more notes together. Ties connect notes of the same pitch, forming essentially one longer note. Slurs connect notes of different pitch.
Legato – smooth and connected Tenuto – sustained full value
Staccato – detached, separated Staccatissimo – very short Marcato – strong emphasis and detached Accented – emphasis on the note Sforzando – a sudden strong accent
Tone – a musical sound or the quality of a musical sound
Melody – an arrangement of single tones in a meaningful sequence Harmony – sound resulting from simultaneous sounding of two or more tones Accompaniment - music that goes along with a more important part; often harmony Phrase – a small section of a composition comprising a musical thought Syncopation – rhythmic accents on weak beats or weak portions of beats Ostinato – a repeated melodic or rhythmic fragment Interval – the distance between two tones Chord - three or more tones combined and sounded simultaneously