Valvulas Cuerpo Soldado KF
Valvulas Cuerpo Soldado KF
Valvulas Cuerpo Soldado KF
BILL OF MATERIALS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1) SCOPE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
2) INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
3) OPERATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
4) MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Instruction and precautions
Keep the ball in open position prior to
installation/welding of KF series WB ball
Place the valve in position by aligning
weld ends to the pipe. Prior to welding
it is imperative that all welding surface
be clean from contamination such as dirt,
dust and grease which may affect weld
Caution: During the welding process, valve
body temperatures should be monitored
around the circumference at a location in
line with the sealant injection fittings. The
temperatures at this plane should be
2) INSTALLATION checked with temperature stick or other
Install valve in system using proper size and type reliable temperature indicator and not
mating flanges and appropriate gaskets (for RF)
allowed to exceed 300°F. This precaution is
or seal rings (for RTJ). Valve design allows for line
necessary to assure that non-metallic seals
flow in either direction.
do not suffer heat damage.
KF Series WB Ball Valves are provided with keyed
stem and large flanges with mounting holes on a Tack weld valve in positions and check for
machined top cover or bonnet surface for proper alignment.
convenient actuator or gear operator mounting. Finish weld following proper weld procedure
Consult factory for location and dimensions of for material grade and condition, and the
these holes. above caution.
Initial Start-up / commissioning BODY CAVITY RELIEVING SYSTEMS
Once the valve has been installed on the line it Trunnion mounted ball valves do have a body
shall be left either in fully open or fully closed cavity where pressure can be trapped into a
position depending on start-up / commissioning closed volume. Under this circumstance any
operation increase of the contained fluid temperature or
any degradation of the contained fluid can result
IMPORTANT! Do not leave the valve in half / in an uncontrolled pressure increase of the
partially open position for a long period of trapped fluid to figures that are above the
time. Ensure that the pipeline is free of any design pressures of the pressure equipment.
debris such as sand, tool, welding slag or
weld splatter and rod ends. This will damage To avoid the above scenario, KF Series WB
the valve ball and seat during start- trunnion mounted ball valves are provided with
up/commissioning operations. body cavity relieving systems.
NORMAL OPERATING ACTIVITY Safety Relief Valve: When both the seats are not
The valves are recommended for on-off service self-relieving type (i.e. both the seats are of the
only. Pressure temperature limits are stated on Double Piston Effect type) the body cavity must
the valve tag. Throttling (partial opening) may be protected from overpressure by means of a
cause excessive and non-uniform wear on the Pressure Relieving Valve (PRV) set to relieve
seats, preventing tight shut-off. Kindly refrain exceeds pressure.
from using the valve neither for controlling flow The standard PRV provided by KF does relieve
in partially open position nor for throttling body cavity overpressure to the atmosphere
service unless this requirement was clearly once it reach a value between 1.1 and 1.33 times
stated on the purchase order for the concerned the design pressure of the pressure equipment it
valve. The valve can be operated from the fully is assembled.
open to fully closed position by acting on the
hand wheel/lever (clockwise to close). Exact 4) MAINTENANCE
closed and open position is determined by the Routine maintenance of KF series WB ball valves
radial location of the stem flats or keyway with consists of periodic grease injections through the
respect to the fluid bore centerline of the body. lube fittings provided on the adapter (closure)
For actuator operated valves refer to actuator flange. General purpose grease, such as Valtex
operating instructions. 2000 (or equivalent), is recommended for this
service. The use of thick, very viscous grease may
Double Block and Bleed Operation:
hamper designed sealing action and make seat
KF Series WB Ball Valves are well suited for
removal during any required disassembly more
sealing fluids, concurrently, at both ends. The
difficult. To extend the life of valve, it shall be
relief valve provides a safe and convenient
lubricated and maintained on regular basis. If
method for checking closed valve seat sealing
the valve is not ROUTINELY MAINTAINED, the
effectiveness as required for Double Block and
general thumb rule is to inject one ounce of
Bleed valves.
grease per inch of bore size into each seat.
Caution: Replace relief valve with pipe plug
Example: 20” bore valve will require 20 x 1 = 20
during hydrostatic shell testing to avoid
ounce of grease per seat.
damage. Reinstall relief valve after test
The best results are achieved by injecting while proceed with sealant injection
the valve is fully open or fully closed position. Check for leak. If sealing is not adequate,
When attempting to seal the valve, if leakage is stroke the valve and repeat sealant injection.
persisting check the valve stops to ensure the
valve is fully closed. Always consult service 5) IN LINE RPEPAIR
manual or factory before attempting any service STEM LEAKAGE
procedure. The stem journals are permanently Stem leakage can be temporarily stopped by
lubricated at the factory and require no routine injecting sealing grease into the stem grease
maintenance. fitting (30). It is also possible to replace the
upper stem O-ring without disassembling the
Note: The bonnet fittings are for sealant bonnet (3).
injection provides temporary sealing in the
For replacement operate as follows:
event of a stem seal failure (Seal weld “Ball
a) Mark in a lasting way, the operation
Valve Sealant” No.5050, available from
Sealweld Corp., Houston, TX or Calgary, device (actuator or gearbox), the internal
Alberta-Canada). Also, in the event of stop plate (8) and the gland ring (12) in
internal seat/ball interface leakage, sealant order to reassemble the component in
may be injected through the two body lube the same position.
fittings to provide temporary sealing, Do not b) Close the valve and discharge the residual
inject Grease into Bonnet fittings as the pressure left inside the body through the
stem requires no routine maintenance. drain valve.
Injection of Grease in this fitting may result c) Remove the gear box or the actuator.
in premature failure. IMPORTANT: If the valve is operated
by an actuator, after removing the
LUBRICATION PROCEDURE – GENERAL studs or the cap screws connected
All KF series WB valves are pre-lubricated prior to with the valve, lift the actuator on a
shipment and are provided with seats and/or straight line until it is completely
stem emergency seal grease injectors. Emergency disconnected from the stem(5) being
grease injectors may be used to stop/reduce careful not to damage either on the
leakage across the seats and/or through the stem stem or on the key (34).
STEM AND SEATS LEAKAGE d) Remove the key cap screw (53) and the
Sealant grease must be injected only when e) Remove the internal stop plate screw (26)
leakage occurs. Prior to injecting grease and the internal stop plate (8).
we suggest in flushing the seats with a flushing f) Remove the gland ring (12) and replace
fluid. Grease/flushing fluid injection pressure the upper stem O-ring (18) and FS packing
shall never be more than 1000 psig above the (13) whenever provided.
line pressure.
IMPORTANT: During the reassembling
Proceed as follows: care must be taken to put the O-ring and
Inject flushing fluid and meanwhile stroke
the FS packing in the correct location.
the valve a few times. SEAT LEAKAGE
Check for leak reduction Seat leakage can be temporarily eliminated or,
Repeat flushing as above and check again at least, considerably reduced injecting sealing
If leak do not disappear, close the valve and
grease when the valve is in closed position. Seat during the operation and subject to scheduled
grease fittings (30) are located either in the maintenance. All maintenance work shall be
adapter for above ground valves or on top of done by qualified personnel. Follow the grease
the stem extension, for buried valves. gun or pump manufactures equipments
guidelines for proper use. Local regulations shall
6) VALVE SERVICING INTERVALS be strictly followed for the safety and health of
Valve shall be inspected regularly during persons involved.
operation and subjected to scheduled
maintenance. The operator is responsible for 7.1) Routine maintenance
servicing the valve at regular intervals. The The valve lubricants are designed for routine
service intervals are determined by media in line, valve maintenance. It consists of injecting
temperature, pressure and number of cycles lubricant/sealant though the groove or
during the operations. High pressure accelerates channel inside the valve leading to seal points
the loss of lubricants. around the ball thus topping off the
LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE CAPACITIES: lubricant/sealant. The “Top Off” quantity can
The insufficient lubricants and build-up of vary greatly due to frequency of valve
decomposed grease residue leads to operation and service conditions. The lubricant
lubrication/sealant determination, Every time is available in stick or liquid from and should
the valve is cycled, a small amount of lubricant be free from heavy agent such as PTFE, clay
is lost downstream. The following table shows and wax. The most widely used lubricant by
the lubrication capacities for Ser. WB valves. manufacturers and users is “HYDROCARBON
Amount per Amount per Valve 7.2) Valve flush
Bore Size
Seat (In Ounce) (In Ounce) Valve flush is a blend of synthetic oils. It works
8” 3 6 through penetration by pressure and often
10” 3 6 successful in softening hardened deposits of
12” 3 6 lubricants and sealants. It forms protective
14” 4 8 coating on the metal surface and impenetrable
16” 4 8 barrier which will withstand high pressure and
18” 4 8 friction in server service demands.
20” 6 12
24” 8 16 7.3) Valve cleaning
30” 12 24 When the valve does not seal properly and
36” 16 32 hard to turn, the valve cleaning is required.
42” 20 40 Valve cleaners are the product that contains
LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE CAPACITIES detergent, sealant and oils. It clears
EXTERNAL SEALANT LINES channel/passage where old grease may have
Inside Diameter of been hardened, Inject cleaner through the
Ounce / Foot of Riser
Riser lubrication channels, leaves it for three-to-four
1/4" 1/2 OZ
hours. If possible, cycle the valve to evenly
3/8 1.3 OZ
1/2" 2 OZ distribute the cleaner in the ball-seat contact
3/4" 4 OZ area. This procedure is often successful in
freeing seized or hard to turn valve.
In order to guarantee efficient valve operation,
the valve shall be inspected on regular basis
3. From the body vent, check for possible media continues to escape thru bleed
seat leakage. fitting, leakage is confirmed.
4. Repeat same operations as per points 2 6. If leakage continues to be observed at
& 3 on opposite side of the valve. bleed fitting, turn gear operator hand
5. Depressurize the valve. wheel clockwise (right) to further close the
ball valve. As hand wheel is turned,
Note: For valve without a body vent or drain observe for change in amount of flow out
connection, it is necessary to install on the pipeline bleed fitting. The objective is to find a
a control system to measure pressure upstream position where flow no longer comes from
and downstream the valve. bleed fitting. At each check position, it is
necessary to allow some time to see if the
8.5) Supplemental Air Seat Test flow changes. If a position is not found to
Valves subjected to an 80psi air seat test stop leakage in the CW direction, turn hand
shall show no signs of visible leakage. wheel CCW to see if the valve may have
been over-closing.
8.6) Double Block and Bleed (DBB) valves
7. If a position is found where leakage stops,
If the valve has DBB, the test shall be
turn the stop-screw CW until it hits snugly
performed as follows:
then tighten the lock nut.
1. With the valve in half-open position, the
8. If a position is not found where leakage
valve shall be completely filled
stops, it can be concluded that the seat
2. The valve shall than be closed and the
insert is damaged and repair is necessary.
valve vent opened to allow excess fluid to
overflow from the cavity connection
3. Apply pressure on both the seats 10) VALVE MAINTENANCE OVERVIEW
simultaneously Establish a valve Maintenance group.
4. Seat tightness shall be monitored from Have a set valve servicing schedule
the cavity connection Service schedule is dependent on the
5. Depressurize the valve. media and the number of times the valve
is cycled.
9) GEAR OPERATOR FIELD Valves should be lubricated at least one
ADJUSTMENT time every six months.
1. Locate “closed” stop adjustment screw on
gear operator. It is the screw on back of 11) LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT
gear case on same side of operator as the Hydraulic hand guns are efficient for 4”
hand wheel. Bore and smaller.
2. Operate ball valve to full closed, “feel” the Hand guns require 50 Strokes to
valve hit the stop. move 1oz of product
3. With pressure on closed ball valve, loosen Air operated guns are the most efficient for
the lock nut on “closed” stop adjustment 6” bore and larger.
screw then back out screw [CCW] 3 or 4
4. Open bleed fitting on side (center) of ball Inside Storage
valve. Ball valves should be in the full open
5. Line media will escape from bleed fitting position.
while evacuating ball cavity. Allow a minute End connection protectors should be tight
or two for body cavity to bleed down. If to prevent ingress of moisture and debris.
Verify leakage (Block & Bleed)
Cycle the valve 3-6 Times
Wipes the ball and often allows trapped
debris to travel downstream
Can free-up a stubborn seat
Adjust Gear Operator/Actuator Stops
Occasionally, a stop set on a gear
operator may loosen causing the valve to
over or under level.
1 BHARATH D K Initial Release 06/12/2015 ELECTRONIC