The Employee Retention Practices in Manufacturing Industries
The Employee Retention Practices in Manufacturing Industries
The Employee Retention Practices in Manufacturing Industries
The market value of any organization is depending on the loyal of committed and
talented skillful employees. Employees are back bones for any organizations in meeting
become a huge issue mostly in the private organization. These days employee retention
this in mind, the existing study is expected to find out the factors that are affecting
from manufacturing by adopting single population sample size calculation formula over
through simple random sampling method. Descriptive analysis was run on SPSS software
for finding the correlation of variables. However, Acquiring, Training and Compensation
& Benefits were found to have significant relationship with employee retention.
Table of Content
Table of Content.................................................................................................................2
Significant of Study......................................................................................................5
Research Objectives......................................................................................................5
Chapter 01: Introduction
retention in the organization? Now a days, the employees turnover rate is high, many of
the productive and valuable employees leaved their organization due to unfit for the job,
lack of training and less compensation and benefits. Retaining talent is a very important
to managers and organizations. The annual costs increment is associated with losing
productive employees along with acquiring, training and new employees retention.
Losing employees can also lead to work disturbances, loss of organizational retention
reduced diversity and retention ratio of employees, where other valuable or productive
employees follow the leavers and leave the organizations. Even when tough labor
markets prevent many employees from moving, there is the possibility of restrained
turnover. Furthermore, at that time of job markets improvement, many employees may
start looking for new opportunities. Employee retention is the biggest challenge for all
kind of organization. Organization could not control ratio of workers who leave an
organization and are replaced by new employees. Many Manager and Organizations will
make efforts for retaining employees, some of the Managers and organizations will try to
retain productive and valuable employees by offering healthy increment, promotions and
According the Sial et al. (2011), compensation is a reward for employees in turn
of their services and the reward may be in the form of pay, promotion, benefits,
employers and employees as it also affects employee commitment so that this cause were
play positive role in employee turnover. In this research, we analyze the employee
retention factors as per their perceptions and how the organization can retain their
Significant of Study
The purpose of this study is to review current literature and analyze previous
and practical evidence of employee retention practices already exists. This study will
motivate to the exciting employees and employer to adopt the best practices for getting
high employee retention. The body of knowledge of this study is that this research is
Research Objectives
Chapter 02: Literature Review
Now a days it is widely believed that the most important factor is the way in which
According to Noida (2012), Now ad days attracting good candidates towards your
company is just click away. Internet based acquiring facilitates just-in-time hiring by
simply logging onto the Internet, recruiters can access the database of job portals and find
thousands of resumes of the qualified candidates for jobs at every level. Screening could
be done within minutes, and the potential shortlisted candidates can be contacted
skills, location preference, salary expectations and their availability and further, move on
According to Branham (2005), effective retention practices start with good hiring
practices qualified and motivated people will stay longer, poor hiring practices increase
turnover newly hired employees that are mismatched and disoriented leave the
organization quickly the most of organizations select or hired the right talent by keeping
According to Noida (2012), Acquiring the best talent, planning, sourcing, assessing,
hiring and on-boarding of top talent and retention, this is the challenging work for every
them to apply for existing or anticipated job openings and choosing individuals who have
According to Vlachos (2008), have identified that there is a positive and significant
relationship among human resource management practices and staff acquiring (Acquiring
source, pre selection test, IQ test, structured interview and biographical information blank
organizations are encouraged to attract qualified candidate for survival and growth thus
best meets the selection criteria for a particular position, In this process the right person
chosen for the requisite qualifications and knowledge is placed in the appropriate job
position to decrease the costs and maximum the profits by means of their merit and talent
(Vlachos, 2008).
Attracting, selecting, engaging, developing and retaining employees are the five
main focuses of talent retention (Perrin, 2003). Although pay and benefits initially attract
(Lockwood, 2006). The talent acquiring process is used to control certain events that each
autonomous workforce that have forever changed the workplace (Tucker, Kao, & Verna,
2005). Demographic changes have also caused the workforce to continue to diversify
from age, gender and ethnicity to lifestyles, migration patterns and cultural norms
(Johnson, 2007).
According to Temkin (2008), companies are now faced with the problem of how to
address talent acquisition and retention strategies especially in today’s global economy
where every organizational leader must continually invest in human capital to combat the
talent shortage.
Acquiring the best talent involves the planning, sourcing, assessing, hiring and on-
implementing the Best Practices of acquiring and hiring the best talent available in the
market. This leads to a better employment opportunity through career websites and also
provides more effective recruiting tools for selecting suitable candidates (Noida, 2012).
employee skills through the acquisition and development of a firm’s human capital and
Human capital corresponds to any stock of knowledge or that contributes to his or her
productivity. Acquiring procedures that provide a large pool of qualified applicants will
have a substantial influence over the quality and type of skills that new employees
possess. Providing formal and informal training experiences, such as basic skill training,
on the job experience, coaching, mentoring and management development, can further
turnover rate downward. believes that organizations were not interested in providing
trainings that were generalized in nature, the results shown that when organizations want
to retain their employees that was important to pay attention to the learning of employees,
Letting people do more and learn more of what they were good at will encourage them to
According to the Scott Brum (2007), highlighted that when the employees were
others. The organizations were focusing on specialized trainings which was relevant to a
specific task and make the employees unfit for competitors use. They were limiting
Organizations were finding ways to make the employees specialized rather than a
employees and expect a return in the form of commitment and retention. (Kabir, et al.,
According to Anvari, et al. (2010), It was possible only with the help of planning
training programs that were totally based on needs valuation to achieve commitment and
Training had a potential to change the turnover thoughts and was an important
factor that helped in originating the intentions of turnover, those employees who were
highly committed to the organizations had lower turnover thoughts and the trainings
basically brought association between commitment and retention (Kyndt, et al., 2009).
According to the Golden (2002), the prominence of training was twofold from an
operations and organizational advancement and absence of trained and skilled employees
had prompted organizations to inquire methods of retraining their educated and skilled
employees. However, that is why most organizations thinking was focused of their
According to the Kellie (1999), he’s noted that the corporate sector experienced
is stated Kadiresan, et al. (2012), that compensation was not only money but also known
cash form Pension, life and health Insurance, retirement plans and different allowances
employee retention. More fringe benefits induced more job retention. The purpose of
According to the Sial, et al. (2011), Compensation has positive and strong
the form of pay, promotion, benefits, recognition and motivational factors for retaining
employee because the compensation is most important concern for employers and
According to Bryant (2013), he generally speaking, he likes his job, but lately
he’s been feeling like his boss doesn’t appreciate him, and he is worried about his
opportunities for advancement, he decides to start looking for another job because of his
current earning is low, and his job search targets only opportunities that make more than
their impact on these motivational components, generally speaking, pay systems differ
most in their impact on instrumentality the perceived link between behaviors and pay,
also referred to expectancy perceptions often have more to do with job design and
Compensations for behaviors or outcomes are usually offered as bonuses for high
or improved performance & employee retention. They may have added value to base
salary or provided as bonuses, but bonuses provide a stronger incentive for continuous
compensations which are directly provided by employers for the work performed by the
employees which is divided into two main elements i.e. the base pay which is
compensation given on the basis of some pre-defined rates e.g. amount of time spent on
the job by the employee such as hourly weekly rates and pay contingent on the
employee’s performance e.g. merit increases, incentive pay, bonus pay etc. of this two,
base pay forms the largest component of the total reward package for most employees.
According to Gerhart, et al. (1995), employee compensation plays such a key role
both employees and employers, employees typically depend on wages, salaries, and so
forth to provide a large share of their income and on benefits to provide income and
health security. For employers, compensation decisions influence their cost of doing
business and thus, their ability to sell at a competitive price in the product market. In
employees in the labor market (attract and retain), as well as their attitudes and behaviors
The finding results of the regression analysis of pay element indicate a positive
relationship with employee retention at the findings seem to concur with those of a case
study research which aimed at assessing the impact of employee turnover on customer
Based on the above all the discussion the hypothesis of this study are as follows:
(2005), effective retention practices start with good hiring practices qualified and
motivated people will stay longer, poor hiring practices increase turnover newly hired
(2007), highlighted that when the employees were introduced to more training, they
focusing on specialized trainings which was relevant to a specific task and make the
employees unfit for competitors use. The findings of Sial et al. (2011), Compensation has
retain the employee in organization for a long period. Secondly, we cannot control the
variables and environments because organization would not allow us to write anything
about their organization so in our research, we will use ex post factor. From the third
category we will use communication study design because we will use questionnaire and
interview method to collect the information. In our research, we are using descriptive
method because we are describing our variables in details (Acquiring, Training &
Compensation). Our research based on cross Sectional method because we will collect
data once and then find out the result. In our research we use statistical method because
we collect data, can run SPSS Software. We collect data from actual environment such as
(Practically collect information through questionnaire from people). This is why in our
various organizations was selected. The sample included respondents from both genders
The two, three, four and five sections were aimed at collecting data about four variables
that is Acquiring practices (9 items) were taken from Gadson (2010), Training practices
(6 items) were taken from Dereje (2017), Compensations practices (6 items) were taken
from Sial, et al. (2011), and employee retention (8 items) were taken from Dereje (2017).
Each respondent was personally briefed by the surveyors to ensure accuracy of data and
removal of any unknown fears related to privacy. To measure all variables, we used the
five points scale, ranging from “Strongly Disagree=1” to “Strongly Agree=5” to measure
the response. The demographic section of the questionnaire consisted of 5 items which
Frequency Percentage
Gender Male 38 76.0
Female 12 24.0
Age Between 20 to 30 Years 22 44.0
Between 31 - 40 Years 18 36.0
Between 41 - 50 Years 07 14.0
More than 51 years 03 06
Qualification Intermediate 6 12.0
Graduation 18 36.0
Master's 26 52.0
Occupation Employee 50 100.0
Work Experience Between 0 - 1 Year 3 6.0
Between 02 - 05 Years 14 28.0
Between 06 - 10 Years 17 34.0
More than 11 Years 16 32.0
section. The total data was collected from manufacturing Industries. It shows that the
gender portion of the table shows that 76% of the respondents were male and remaining
The age portion of the table shows that the 44% of the respondents falls between
20 to 30 years age group, 36% of the respondents falls between 31 - 40 years age group,
14% of the respondents falls between 41 - 50 years age group and 06% of the respondents
The qualification portion of the table shows that the 12% of the respondents have
intermediate qualification, 36% of the respondents have graduation qualification and 52%
of the respondents have master’s qualification.
The occupation portion of the table shows that the 100% of the respondents are
The work experience portion of the table shows that the 06% of the respondents
falls between 0 to 01 years of work experience, 28% of the respondents falls between 02
work experience, and 32% of the respondents falls more than 11 years of work
Chapter 06: Conclusion
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Demographic Information
1 What is your gender? 1) Male 2) Female
1) 20 - 30 2) 31 - 40 3) 41 - 50
2 In what age group are you? 4) 51 & Above
1) Studen 2) Employe 3) Businessma 4) Living
3 What is your occupation?
t e n Retired
1) Matric 2) Intermediate 3) Graduation 4) Master’
4 What is your qualification?
Your total professional 1) 0-1 year 2) 2-5 3) 6-10 years 4) 11 years &
experience? years above
Section 1 (Acquiring)
Sr y Disagre Neutra Agre Strongl
. Disagre e l e y Agree
Employee referrals acquiring is affected
6 1 2 3 4 5
Advertisement in local newspapers and
7 internet job posting acquiring method can 1 2 3 4 5
attracting applicants?
Does the company image or branding can
8 1 2 3 4 5
attract applicant?
Does the equal employee opportunities can
9 1 2 3 4 5
motivate the applicants?
Sr y Disagre Neutra Agre Strongl
. Disagre e l e y Agree
Professional development opportunities will
10 1 2 3 4 5
motivate the applicant?
Social support from family and/or friends
11 1 2 3 4 5
can attract applicants?
Does Organization can fair acquisition now
12 1 2 3 4 5
a days?
Company discipline can motivate the
13 1 2 3 4 5
14 Right person for the right job is important? 1 2 3 4 5
Section 2 (Training)
I have many opportunities to learn new
15 1 2 3 4 5
The Organization uses a systematic process
16 for identifying employee development needs 1 2 3 4 5
and implementing solutions?
Employees are continually developed
17 through training, education, and 1 2 3 4 5
opportunities for promotion?
18 Senior managers mentor junior employees? 1 2 3 4 5
My manger assists me to identify my
19 1 2 3 4 5
training and development needs?
20 The training I receive is relevant to my job? 1 2 3 4 5
Section 3 (Compensation)
21 Presence of attractive compensation system? 1 2 3 4 5
22 Presence of equitable internal salary? 1 2 3 4 5
23 Presence of equitable external salary? 1 2 3 4 5
Presence of salary that reflects performance
24 1 2 3 4 5
& employees Retention?
Presence of salary that encourages better
25 1 2 3 4 5
Presence of salary that reflects standard of
26 1 2 3 4 5
Section 4 (Employee Retention)
I am planning on working for another
27 1 2 3 4 5
organization within a period of three years?
Within this organization, my work gives me
28 1 2 3 4 5
If I want to do another job, I would look first
29 1 2 3 4 5
at the possibilities within this organization?
I would choose to work for the company for
30 1 2 3 4 5
the next five years?
The work that I am doing is very important
31 1 2 3 4 5
to me?
If I could start over again, I would choose to
32 1 2 3 4 5
work for another organization?
I would recommend my friends to join this
33 1 2 3 4 5
It doesn’t matter if I am working for this
34 company or another organization as long as I 1 2 3 4 5
have work?
Thank you for your time and responding to this survey.