Lecture 2: The Kelly Criterion For Favorable Games: Stock Market Investing For Individuals
Lecture 2: The Kelly Criterion For Favorable Games: Stock Market Investing For Individuals
Lecture 2: The Kelly Criterion For Favorable Games: Stock Market Investing For Individuals
David Aldous
Today’s topic is “the stock market from the typical investor’s viewpoint”.
Best treatment is Malkiel’s classic book A Random Walk Down Wall
Street. But instead of summarizing that book, I will focus on one aspect,
and do a little math.
There are many different theories/viewpoints about the stock market,
none of which is the whole truth. So don’t believe that anything you read
is the whole truth.
A conceptual academic view: financial markets are mostly about
moving risk from those who don’t want it to those who are willing
to be paid to take over the risk.
The rationalist view: today’s stock price reflects consensus
discounted future profits, plus a risk premium. This “explains”
randomness mathematically (martingale theory). Textbook math
theory starts by assuming some over-simplified random model
without wondering how randomness arises.
Many “psychological” theories say stock prices can stay out of
alignment with “true value” for many years – cycles of sectors
becoming fashionable/unfashionable.
“Fundamental analysis” – see the Decal course Introduction to Wall
Street – seeks to assess “true value” better than the market. The
efficient market hypothesis says this is not practical.
The “just a casino” view emphasizes the fact than most trading is
from one owner of existing shares to another, rather than raising
new capital for a business to start or grow.
Our starting point in this lecture . . . . . .
The future behavior of the stock market will be statistically similar
to the past behavior in some respects but will be different in other
respects – and we can’t tell which.
This is true but not helpful! So go in one of two directions.
1 Devise your investment strategy under the assumption that “the
future will be statistically similar to the past”, recognizing this isn’t
exactly true.
2 Decide (by yourself or advice from others) to believe that the future
will be different from what the market consensus implies in certain
specific ways, and base your strategy on that belief.
Wall St makes money mostly by (2), selling advice or speculating with
their own money.
I’m not going to discuss whether you should invest in the stock market at
all. If you choose to do so, here’s the academic viewpoint.
The default choice is (something like) a S&P index fund, available
with very low expenses.
As a matter of logic, because most investments are made via
professional managers, their average gross return must be about the
same as the market average, so the actual return to an individual
investor must be on average be less than the market average,
because managers charge fees and expenses.
There’s overwhelming empirical evidence (next slide, and course
project: survey the literature) that individual investors on average
do even worse, typically by going in and out of the market, or
switching investments.
In class I ask students
Suppose you invest $1,000 today in the stock market, more
precisely in an S&P500 index fund. What do you guess the
investment will be worth in 10 years?
Converting their answers to annual percentage growth, the spread of
their guesses is shown here.
Table: Student guesses annual S&P500 growth next 10 years, and actual
growth rate over previous 3 calendar years
Answers: (a) The Kelly criterion says something like this curve must
happen for different “good” investment strategies.
(b) Even if future is statistically similar to past, any algorithm will
“overfit” and be less accurate at predicting the future than the past.
(c) No.
Expectation and gambling.
Recalling some basic mathematical setup, write P(·) for probability and
E[·] for expectation. Regarding gambling, any bet has (to the gambler)
some random profit X (a loss being a negative profit), and we say that
an available bet is (to the gambler)
favorable if E[X ] > 0
unfavorable if E[X ] < 0
and fair if E[X ] = 0.
Note the word fair here has a specific meaning. In everyday language, the
rules of team sports are fair in the sense of being the same for both
teams, so the better team is more likely to win. For 1 unit bet on team
B, that is a bet where you gain some amount b units if B wins but lose
the 1 unit if B loses,
One of these days in your travels, a guy is going to show you a brand-new
deck of cards on which the seal is not yet broken. Then this guy is going
to offer to bet you that he can make the jack of spades jump out of this
brand-new deck of cards and squirt cider in your ear. But, son, do not
accept this bet, because as sure as you stand there, you’re going to wind
up with an ear full of cider.
[spoken by Sky Masterson in Guys and Dolls, 1955].
The terminology (fair, favorable, unfavorable) comes from the law of large
numbers fact that if one could repeat the same bet with the same stake
independently, then in the long run one would make money on a favorable
bet but lose money on an unfavorable bet. Such “long run” arguments
ignore the issues of (rational or irrational) risk aversion and utility theory,
which will be discussed later. In essence, we are imagining settings where
your possible gains or losses are small, in your own perception.
Unfavorable bets.
Roughly speaking, there are two contexts in which we often encounter
unfavorable bets. One concerns most activities we call gambling, e.g. at
a casino, and the other concerns insurance. Regarding the former,
mathematicians often say ridiculous things such as
Gambling against the house at a casino is foolish, because the
odds are against you and in the long run you will lose money.
What’s wrong is the because. Saying
Spending a day at Disneyland is foolish, because you will leave
with less money than you started with
is ridiculous, because people go to Disneyland for entertainment, and
know they have to pay for entertainment. And the first quote is equally
ridiculous. Casino gamblers may have irrational ideas about chance and
luck, but in the U.S. they typically regard it as entertainment with a
chance of winning, not as a plan to make money. So it’s worth being
more careful and saying
Gambling against the house at a casino and expecting to
make money is foolish, because the odds are against you and
in the long run you will lose money.
The second context is that buying insurance is mathematically similar to
placing an unfavorable bet – your expected gain in negative, because the
insurance company wants to cover its costs and make a profit. But the
whole point of buying insurance is risk aversion, so this needs to be
treated in the setting of utility theory and psychology of probability (a
later Lecture).
So where can I find a favorable bet?
The wiseacre answer “start your own casino or insurance company” is not
so practical, but a variant of the latter is. For those who can, following
the advice
increase your insurance deductibles to the maximum you can
comfortably afford to lose
is a favorable bet, likely to save you money over a lifetime.
In this lecture we consider investing in the stock market as
mathematically similar to making a sequence of favorable bets (and
letting your winnings ride). Exactly why one could consider this a
favorable bet could be debated endlessly – standard economic theory
asserts that investors need to be rewarded for taking risk rather than
using alternative risk-free investments, while empiricists observe that, in
countries without anti-capitalist revolutions, the historical performance of
stock markets actually has been better than those alternatives.
long term versus short term.
In everyday language, a job which will only last six months is a short
term job; someone who has worked for a company for fifteen years is a
long term employee. Joining a softball team for a summer is a short term
commitment; raising children is a long term commitment. We judge
these matters relative to human lifetime; long term means some
noticeable fraction of a lifetime.
year 0 4 8 12 16 20
simple interest 1000 1,280 1,560 1,840 2,120 2,400
compound interest 1000 1,311 1,718 2,252 2,952 3,870
One of several possible notions of long term in financial matters is “the
time span over which compounding has a noticeable effect”. Rather
arbitrarily interpreting “noticeable effect” as “10% more” and taking the
7% interest rate, this suggests taking 8 years as the cut-off for long term.
Being about 10% of a human lifetime, this fortuitously matches
reasonably well the “noticeable fraction of a lifetime” criterion above.
And indeed in matters pertaining to individuals, financial or otherwise,
most writers use a cut-off between 5 and 10 years for “long term”.
The mathematical theme of this lecture is the nature of
compounding when gains and losses are unpredictable.
The relevant arithmetic is multiplication not addition: a 20% gain
followed by a 20% loss combine to a 4% loss, because
1.2 × 0.8 = 0.96.
Let’s move on to some mathematics . . . . . .
First let us make explicit the type of model used implicitly above. A
“return” x = 0.2 or x = −0.2 in a year means a 20% gain or a 20% loss.
and the law of large numbers says that as n → ∞ the right side
converges to E[log(1 + X )]. We want to compare this to an investment
with a non-random return of r . For such an investment (interest rate r ,
compounded annually) we would have Yn = Y0 (1 + r )n and therefore
n−1 log Yn → log(1 + r ). Matching the two cases gives the conclusion
Mathematics of the Kelly criterion: one risky and one safe asset.
Suppose there is both a “risky” (random return) asset (a “stock”, more
realistically a S&P500 index fund) and a risk-free alternative investment
(a “bond”) that pays a fixed interest rate r .
Suppose we choose some number 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 and at the start of each year
we invest a proportion p of our total “investment portfolio” in the stock
market, and the remaining proportion 1 − p in the bond. In this case our
return in a year is
X ∗ = pX + (1 − p)r
where X is the return on the stock. The long term growth rate is now a
function of p: in the continuous setting
The Kelly criterion says: choose p to maximize growth(p). Let’s see two
examples. In the first X is large, and we end up with p small; in the
second X will be small, and we end up with large p. In these two
examples we take the time unit to be 1 day instead of 1 year (which
doesn’t affect math formulas).
Example: pure gambling.
Imagine a hypothetical bet which is slightly favorable. Suppose each day
we can place a bet of any size s; we will either gain s (with probability
0.5 + δ) or lose s (with probability 0.5 − δ), independently for different
days (here δ is assumed small). Take r = 0 for the moment. What
proportion p of our portfolio do we want to bet each day?
growth rate
2δ 2
2δ p 4δ
Here, for small δ,
There is a nicer algebraic way of dealing with the interest rate r . Set
X = r + (1 + r )X ∗
log(1 + pX ∗ ) ≈ pX ∗ − 21 (pX ∗ )2
to calculate
E[log(1 + pX ∗ )] ≈ pµ − 12 p 2 (µ2 + σ 2 ) ≈ pµ − 21 p 2 σ 2
p = µ/σ 2 . (5)
A memorable quote
The Kelly strategy marks the boundary between aggressive and
insane investing.
How one might expect this theory (based on assuming known true
probability distributions for the future, and on seeking to optimize
long-term growth rate) to relate to the actual stock market is not
obvious, but one can certainly look at what the actual percentages have