Cisco DNA Center Appliance Configuration
Cisco DNA Center Appliance Configuration
Cisco DNA Center Appliance Configuration
Static Routes Enter the IP address and subnet mask for
a manually specified route for this
Enter either a single IP
interface, including the gateway IP.
address and subnet mask for
We recommend that you always specify a single static route, or a
at least one static route for the interface space-separated list of
connecting to the fabric underlay. multiple IP addresses/masks
for multiple static routes
(including their gateway IPs.
Cluster Link If you are installing the first node in a Does not apply
cluster: Select the checkbox to indicate
that the port you are configuring is the
link to a DNA Center cluster. If not
installing in cluster mode: Leave this
checkbox unselected. The IP address you
assign to the port must be a physical IP.
Configure IPv6 Address Reserved for future use. Does not apply
HTTPS Proxy Username Enter the username used to access the MyUserName
HTTPS Proxy Password Enter the password used to access the MyPass901&
Cluster Virtual IP Address Identifies the virtual IP address used for
all traffic between the cluster and your
enterprise network.
(Optional) Auto Generated If you choose to enter a seed phrase, the N/A
Password generated password (including your seed
phrase) will be displayed in this field. If
desired, you can either use this password
"as is", or you can further edit this auto
generated password.
You must select Use Generated
Password to save the password and have
it used automatically.
• Reviewed and gathered the information for which the configuration wizard will prompt you. See Review
Cisco DNA Center Configuration Wizard Parameters.
Step 1 Use a browser and the assigned CIMC IP address to log in to the CIMC Setup Utility.
The IP address was set during the CIMC configuration you performed, as explained in Configure CIMC.
The default username for the server is admin. The default password is password.
Step 2 Choose Macros > Static Macros > Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot the host.
Step 3 Review the Welcome to the Maglev Configuration Wizard! screen and choose the Start a DNA-C cluster option
to begin.
Step 4 Enter configuration values for the NETWORK ADAPTER #1 on the host.
The configuration wizard discovers and prompts you to confirm values for the network adapter or adapters on your
Host IP address Enter the IP address for the port that connects the host to
the enterprise network (the first 10Gb VIC port). The
wizard validates the value entered and issues an error
message if incorrect. If you receive an error message, check
that the IP exists and that the port is cabled correctly. If
you entered the wrong IP and get an error, use <<back to
re-enter the IP.
Default Gateway IP address Enter a default gateway IP address to use for the network
If no other routes match the traffic, traffic will be routed
through this IP address.
DNS Servers Enter the IP address of the DNS server for the network
adapter. If entering multiple DNS servers, separate the IP
addresses in the list with commas.
Static Routes If required for your network, enter a space separated list
of static routes in this format:
Static routes, which define explicit paths between two
routers, cannot be automatically updated; you must
manually reconfigure static routes when network changes
occur. You should use static routes in environments where
network traffic is predictable and where the network design
is simple. You should not use static routes in large,
constantly changing networks because static routes cannot
react to network changes.
Cluster Link Select the checkbox to indicate that the port you are
configuring will be the link to a DNA Center cluster. If
not installing in cluster mode: Leave this checkbox
unselected. The IP address you assign to the port must be
a physical IP.
Configure IPv6 Address Reserved for future use. Leave this field blank.
When you are ready, enter next>> to proceed. After entering next>>, the wizard validates the values you entered.
After validation, you are prompted to enter values for each of the remaining adapters, in order of discovery. Repeat the
process you used for the first network adapter, configuring each as per their cabling to their respective networks. When
you are finished with each adapter's settings, enter next>> to proceed.
Step 5 Enter configuration values for any NETWORK PROXY you are using.
HTTPS Proxy Username Enter the user name used to access the network proxy.
HTTPS Proxy Password Enter the password used to access the network proxy.
Cluster Virtual IP Address Enter a virtual IP address to be used for all traffic between
any future cluster installation and your enterprise network.
Re-enter Linux Password Confirm the Linux password by entering it a second time.
Password Generation Seed (Optional) Instead of creating and entering your own
password in the above Linux Password fields, you can
enter a seed phrase and have the wizard generate a random
and secure password using that seed phrase.
Enter a seed phrase and then press <Generate Password>
to generate the password.
Auto Generated Password (Optional) The seed phrase appears as part of a random
and secure password. If desired, you can either use this
password "as is", or you can further edit this auto generated
Press <Use Generated Password> to save the password.
When finished with the password, be sure to save it to a
secure location for future reference.
NTP servers Enter a single NTP server address or a list of NTP servers,
each separated by a space.
We recommend that, for redundancy purposes, you
configure at least three NTP servers for your deployment.
Cisco routers and switches can also be configured as NTP
Cluster Services Subnet Enter a dedicated IP subnet for DNA Center to use in
managing its clustering services.
The dedicated IPv4 Cluster Services Subnet must not
conflict or overlap with any other subnet in use in the
enterprise network, including the DNA Center Services
Subnet. Size recommendation is the same as for the
Services Subnet.
Step 10 A final message appears stating that the wizard is now ready to proceed with applying the configuration.
Enter proceed>> to complete the installation. After entering proceed>>, the configuration wizard applies the
configuration values that you entered above.
At the end of the configuration process, a CONFIGURATION SUCCEEDED! message appears.
The host will reboot automatically and display messages on the KVM console as it applies your settings and brings up
services. This process can take several hours; you can monitor its progress via the console.
What to do next
When this task is complete:
If you are deploying DNA Center in standalone mode only, begin performing the required post-installation
tasks. See About Post-Installation Tasks.
If you are deploying DNA Center in a cluster configuration, review and follow the multi-host configuration
procedure for the second host in the multi-host cluster. See Configure Cisco DNA Center as a Multi-Host
Cluster Using the Wizard, on page 9.
Caution • When joining a host to a cluster as described in the procedure below, there is no merging of the data on
the two hosts. The data that currently exists on the host that is joining the cluster is erased and replaced
with the data that exists on the cluster that it is being joined to.
• When joining the additional hosts to form a cluster, be sure to join only a single host at a time. You
should not join multiple hosts at the same time, as doing so will result in unexpected behavior.
• You should also expect some service downtime when adding hosts to or removing them from a cluster.
Services will need to be redistributed across the hosts and the system will be down for periods during
that process.
• If you have enabled HA (high availability) for the cluster, you must toggle the HA slide button once you
have joined all three nodes. Doing so will rebalance DNA Center services across the three nodes.
Step 1 Use a browser and the assigned CIMC IP address to log in to the CIMC Setup Utility.
The IP address was set during the CIMC configuration you performed, as explained in Configure CIMC.
The default username for the server is admin. The default password is password.
Step 2 Choose Macros > Static Macros > Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot the host.
Step 3 Review the Welcome to the Maglev Configuration Wizard! screen and choose the Join a DNA-C cluster option to
Step 4 Enter configuration values for the NETWORK ADAPTER #1 on the host.
The configuration wizard discovers and prompts you to confirm values for the network adapter or adapters on your host.
Host IP address Enter the IP address for the port that connects this host to
the enterprise network (the first 10Gb VIC port). The wizard
validates the value entered and issues an error message if
incorrect. If you receive an error message, check that the
IP exists and that the port is cabled correctly. If you entered
the wrong IP and get an error, use <<back to re-enter the
Default Gateway IP address Enter a default gateway IP address to use for the network
If no other routes match the traffic, traffic will be routed
through this IP address.
DNS Servers Enter the IP address of the DNS server for the network
adapter. If entering multiple DNS servers, separate the IP
addresses in the list with commas.
Static Routes If required for your network, enter a space separated list of
static routes in this format:
Static routes, which define explicit paths between two
routers, cannot be automatically updated; you must manually
reconfigure static routes when network changes occur. You
should use static routes in environments where network
traffic is predictable and where the network design is simple.
You should not use static routes in large, constantly
changing networks because static routes cannot react to
network changes.
Cluster Link Select the checkbox to indicate that the port you are
configuring will be the link to the DNA Center cluster.
Configure IPv6 Address Reserved for future use. Leave this field blank.
When you are ready, enter next>> to proceed. After entering next>>, the wizard validates the values you entered.
After validation, you are prompted to enter values for each of the remaining adapters, in order of discovery. Repeat the
process you used for the first network adapter, configuring each as per their cabling to their respective networks. When
you are finished with each adapter's settings, enter next>> to proceed.
Step 5 Enter configuration values for any NETWORK PROXY you are using.
HTTPS Proxy Username Enter the user name used to access the network proxy.
HTTPS Proxy Password Enter the password used to access the network proxy.
Maglev Master Node Enter the IP address of the intra-cluster port on the first host
in the cluster (the "Master Node").
Password Enter the Linux Password configured for the first host in
the cluster.
Re-enter Linux Password Confirm the Linux password by entering it a second time.
Password Generation Seed (Optional) Instead of creating and entering your own
password in the above Linux Password fields, you can
enter a seed phrase and have the wizard generate a random
and secure password using that seed phrase.
Enter a seed phrase and then press <Generate Password>
to generate the password.
Auto Generated Password (Optional) The seed phrase appears as part of a random and
secure password. If desired, you can either use this password
"as is", or you can further edit this auto generated password.
Press <Use Generated Password> to save the password.
When finished with the password, be sure to save it to a
secure location for future reference.
NTP servers Enter a single NTP server address or a list of NTP servers,
each separated by a space.
We recommend that, for redundancy purposes, you
configure at least three NTP servers for your deployment.
Cisco routers and switches can also be configured as NTP
Step 9 A final message appears stating that the wizard is now ready to proceed with applying the configuration.
The following options are available:
• [back]—Review and verify your configuration settings.
• [cancel]—Discard your configuration settings and exit the configuration wizard.
• [proceed]—Save your configuration settings and begin applying them.
Enter proceed>> to complete the installation. After entering proceed>>, the configuration wizard applies the configuration
values that you entered above.
At the end of the configuration process, a CONFIGURATION SUCCEEDED! message appears.
The host will reboot automatically and display messages on the KVM console as it applies your settings and brings up
services. This process can take several hours; you can monitor its progress via the console.
What to do next
When this task is complete:
If you are deploying DNA Center in a multi-host configuration and need to add another host: Repeat this
procedure for the third and final host.
If you are finished adding hosts to the cluster: Perform the post-installation tasks needed to get the cluster
ready for use in a production environment. See About Post-Installation Tasks.