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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 68 Issue 7 - July 2020

Quantum Text Steganography Using Numeric

Handwriting of Indian Regional Language
Dr. Indradip Banerjee#1, Kaustav Bandyopadhyay*2, Dr. Anand Mohan^3, Prof.(Dr.) Ashok Kumar$4
Department of CSE, University Institute of Technology, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, India.
Department of CSE, MIET, Bandel, India.
P.G Dept. of Physics C.M. Science College, L.N Mithila University, Darbhanga, Bihar, India.
M.L.S.M College, LN Mithila University, Darbhanga, Bihar, India.

Abstract — Secure & Hidden transmission over the challenge in the text steganography and thus this
public media is literally known as Steganography. category is beautiful as well as difficult.
Extensive capa city of work in this area of research
has been recognized by different research group on A. Quantum Steganography
steganography. In this contributions, a quantum Very little amount of research work has been done
based text steganography mechanism has been in quantum steganography. The idea of hiding secret
designed which can work in handwriting of Indian messages as the error syndromes of a quantum error-
regional language Bengali. Here the quantum correcting code (QECC) was introduced by Julio Gea-
approach has been integrated before the embedding Banacloche [3]. In this development the three-bit
algorithm and mathematical function has been repetition code has been used to transmit messages
incorporate for encryption & decryption technique between Alice and Bob using the concept of shared
with this effort to enrich the security level. Text secret key. Alice put the errors deliberately to create
steganography together with mathematical function the noise and transmit it to the channel, and then Eve
& quantum approach based on the use of notices the errors which have been applied from
handwriting characters in Bengali language with sender zone and extract the messages by the receiver.
mapping truth table of quantum gate have been He assumes that a binary-symmetric communication
developed in this contribution. channel has been share in the established model by the
help of Alice and Bob. This contribution does not
Keywords — Text Steganography, Numeric report that the errors would resemble a believable
Handwriting and Security, Quantum Steganography. channel or it considers the case of the existence of
essential noise. Super-dense coding modification
I. INTRODUCTION technique developed by Natori [4] gives a mechanism
Information smacking is the ability to prevent or of quantum steganography in a simple behavior.
hidden certain aspects from being accessible to others Bennett and Brassard's developed protocol named as
excluding authentic user. It has various sub Quantum key distribution (QKD) which has been
castigations. Steganography is the term which is most used by Martin to develop a notion of quantum
catching sub disciplines in the universe of information steganography communication based on a variation of
hiding [1] which is imitative from a work by Johannes QKD to hide a communication channel [5]. There are
Trithemus (1462-1516) titled it "Steganographia" and three different types quantum steganography protocols
the word comes from the language of Greek which have been developed by Curty [6].
literally means "covered writing". Steganography is
B. Quantum gate:
the ancient art of hidden information through any
cover and communication channel or an algorithm Quantum circuit model of computation in quantum
which is used for creating a stego without cover etc, computing, a quantum gate or quantum logic gate is a
so that will not possible to trace as well as suspect by basic quantum circuit which operates on qubits.
an eavesdropper. Steganography is the concept has Classical logic gates have been used by the
been emanates from cryptography in the sense that conventional digital circuit’s and here the qubits are
where cryptography is the concept to keep the content termed as the building blocks of quantum circuits.
secret by encryption technique, whereas the These are uses the logic gates which are called
steganography is the mechanism to secret the message Quantum logic gates (QLG), the QLG are reversible
within the channel by hiding technique [2]. like other classical logic gates. However, the
Different researchers have been used diverse reversible gates have been used by the classical
media like text, image, video, protocol, music and computing only. Quantum gates fundamentally can be
sound etc to develop the concept of steganography. symbolized as like matrices. A gate can be
Now the beautiful category is text, because this is the represented as 2kh x 2kh unitary matrix where kh is the
difficult kind of category in the terminology of qubits. The number of qubits in the input and output
steganography. Lack of redundant information is the of the gate is equal. There are various types of

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 68 Issue 7 - July 2020

quantum gates are represent the qubits. The well- otherwise has no effect. The C-NOT gate is well-
known quantum gates used by various researchers are known as XOR gate, since the exclusive OR operation
Phase shift gates, Hadamard gate, Fredkin gate, Pauli- has been performed by the help of the two input bits
Z gate, Pauli-Y gate, Pauli-X gate, Controlled gates, and composes the output to the second bit.
Swap gate, Toffoli gate, etc. Here we use Controlled The Controlled NOT gate (also C-NOT or CNOT)
gates to represent the qubits and control the operations. is a quantum gate that is an essential component in the
construction of a quantum computer. The proof of
C. Reversible Classical Logic: operation [7] is given below:
Theories of reversibility of computation were
introduced in the year 1970. Logical and physical  1  0  
reversibility, these two issues are the main part and Let  0    , 1     be
both the topics were intimately connected. Logical  0  1  
reversibility technologies are taken the input from the the orthonormal basis.
output of that gate function or by same computation
technique. The NAND gate is explicitly irreversible, it Let   x 0  y 1   
has two inputs and one output, while the NOT gate is  y
reversible (it’s own inverse). In Physical reversibility  y
issues the NAND gate has been used and that has only and   y 0  x 1    .  be the flip
one output, in the design of the process it has been x
observed that one of the inputs of the gate has qubit of  .
effectively been erased, whose evidence has been
permanently vanished. The modification in the value Recall
of entropy that can be associated with the loss of one that        , …(1)
bit of information is ln 2, which, thermodynamically,
corresponds to an energy increase of khTm ln 2, where i. In case of 0 control qubit
kh denoted as Boltzman’s constant and Tm stands for
First, it can be prove that: CNOT 0 ,  0 ,
temperature. The heat degenerate at the time of
running the process is usually taken to be a sign of Before the phase of computation, it has been noted
physical irreversibility, that the microscopic physical that the specific definition of CNOT assumes an
state of the system cannot be restored correctly as it eigen basis of
was earlier the course took place. By the support of 1  0  0  0 
inputs and outputs it can be understood that the        
0 1 0 0
Reversible logic gates are symmetric. The reversible 00    , 01    , 10    , 11   
0  0  1  0 
NOT gate, whose truth table is given in Fig. 1. It can        
also write this in the form of a matrix, or as a graphic. 0  0  0  1 
The matrix arrangement gradients the shapes of truth Then, it's not difficult to verify
table and the gradients are shown in the form x 
 
of 0 , 1 . The matrix fields are written in the form that y ….(2)
0 ,  x 0 0  y 0 1   
of 1's and 0's such that each vertical line or in 0 
horizontal line has exactly a single 1, which has been  
0 
understood as a one-to-one plotting of the input to the
output. A two-bit gate closely related to the NOT gate Then
is the two-bit Controlled-NOT (or C-NOT) gate. 1 0 0 0 x   x 
Controlled-NOT gate shows in Fig. 2, performs a     
0 1 0 0 y y
CNOT 0 ,          0 , …(3)
NOT on the second bit if the first bit is 1 , but 0 0 0 10 0
    
0 0 1 00  0 

Therefore if the first qubit is 0 then CNOT doesn't

Figure 1: NOT Gate Truth Table change the  qubit.

ii. In case of 1 control qubit

Now, it shall prove that CNOT 1,   1,  ,
which means that the CNOT gate flips
the  qubit.
Figure 2: NOT Gate Truth Table

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 68 Issue 7 - July 2020

Similarly to the first demonstration, we this method the researchers generate their own cover
0  texts by their algorithm. Character sequences method
  can hide the information within the character
have 0 .
1 ,   
x 
  iii. Linguistic methods [8]: The prosperity of
y  electronic documented information was available in
1 0 0 00  0  0  the world as well as the application of serious
      
Then 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 … (4) linguistic analysis makes this interesting medium for
CNOT 1 ,      x   y 
0 0 0 1 x 0  1  information hiding.
       Fig. 4 shows the mechanism of text steganography.
0 0 1 0 y  
1 0  At the beginning of the system, a secret message can
0  0  embed to a cover-text through an embedding
As we can see that   and   ,
0 0 algorithm and after that form a stego-text. Next step
1 ,1    1, 0   
0  1  is entitled transmission, transferred the stego-text to
    the receiver via a communication channel.
1  0 
using these on the equation above gives Secret Secret
Message Message
CNOT 1,  x 1,1  y 1, 0  1  x 1  y 0   1,  … (5)
Therefore the CNOT gate flips the  qubit Cover Text
into  if the control qubit is set to 1. A simple way
to observe this is to multiply the CNOT matrix by a Embedding Recovering
column vector, noticing that the operation on the first Algorithm Algorithm
bit is identity, and a NOT gate on the second bit.
D. Text Steganography

Based Stego Channel Stego
Text Text

Statistical Figure 4: Mechanism of Text Steganography
In this paper, an approach of Quantum Text
Steganography has been projected based on the use of
Figure 3: Types of Steganography Numeric Handwriting of Indian Regional Language.
Indian regional language Bengali has been used in
Text is the prehistoric and difficult media used in
Fig. 1. this study. Here the quantum truth table also mapped
the literature. Letters and telegrams in the earlier time
to increase the security level and complexity. A new
used to hide the secret messages within their texts i.e.
code representation mathematical function has been
before the electronic era comes. Text steganography
anticipated here to achieve high level of security.
mechanism used for hiding any type of information
Before the embedding operation each character of the
inside the text i.e. character-based messages. There
secret message has been encoded using this
are three basic categories of text steganography have
mathematical function by means of passkey and then
been proposed by different researchers illustrated in
embeds into cover text by the proposed text
Fig. 3. Three categories are termed as format-based,
steganography method to form the stego text. In this
random as well as statistical generation and linguistic
method the length of the stego and the cover are
technique. [8]
identical, so prediction of existence of message is
i. Format-based methods [8]: In this method the
complicated in view of that distinctiveness. This is
physical formatting of text has been used to hide the
the Bengali language method which can work in
secret information. Format-based methods generally
different languages and has been developed in this
adjust existing text for hiding the steganography text.
steganography approach.
ii. Random and statistical generation method
[8]: This method can avoid the plaintext where as in

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 68 Issue 7 - July 2020

Figure 5: GUI Representation

The proposed development has been designed and
implemented from a previous work [9] which has A. Solution Methodology
been developed and published on English language The proposed system involves two windows i.e.
methods. The novel quantum approach has been SENDER and RECEIVER. The user will be someone
incorporated in this research and The Revised SSCE who will have adequate knowledge of steganography
Value has been used to increase the security level. systems. The user first select the Bengali language
Organization of the paper is as follows: At first the handwritten characters and plain text message from a
proposed model has been furnished in Section II. file or enter text in specified area of software, another
Section III shown some of the algorithms of text to be used as the carrier (cover text) which is in
developed processes. Mathematical Analysis has been Bengali language and put a Revised key as password.
designated in section IV. Section V is for the analysis Then with the help of proposed embedding technique
part of the results and the last section deals with the the message has been hidden in the handwritten
conclusion of the work. Bengali numeric character. At the receiver zone the
receiver receives the mapping technology as well as
II. THE PROPOSED MODEL the mapped Bengali handwritten numeric characters
This paper exactly deals with text steganography, which are required to extract the message. Then the
uses Indian regional language Bengali handwritten mathematical function used for decrypt the
text as the medium where to hide information. Here information. Fig. 5 displays one of the GUI
the explanation of text steganography remains wide in Exemplification of the mechanism.
order to differentiate it from the more specific
“linguistic steganography”. Text steganography can
involve anything from changing the ASCII character III. ALGORITHMS
from the specific position of an existing text. In this section, algorithms for different processes
The input messages can be in any digital form. used both in the sender side and receiver sides are
The input message encrypted using mathematical described which are furnished below:
function & passkey and it is treated as a bit stream.
A. Algorithm for Message Encryption / Decryption
Pick two pair of this bit stream of message and
transfer to its math function equivalent value with the  Select Passkey (Password), message and
help of passkey. Then select the handwritten Bengali pick one by one character then convert to its
Indian Regional Language Text as cover and map it ASCII equivalent.
accordingly. Then a matrix formed with the help of  Change ASCII code to our generated code
message length and map the C-NOT truth table from from Mathematical Function and add
left most corner in a sequence (vertically or Passkey to produce a Function value which
horizontally), after that start embedding one by one if is depending on Passkey. Convert to its
the mapped value showing not ‘1’ value. character equivalent.
Subsequently the embedding process continues with
the secret message and the cover text in Bengali B. Algorithm for Message Embedding
Regional language to generate the stego text based on  Select the message and encrypt the message
the algorithm. By the help of replacing technique the with Mathematical Function. Then select the
stego length are being same as cover. The receiver Indian Regional Language Bengali
side runs the reverse algorithm and do the reverse handwritten numeric character as cover.
operations to get back the information send by the Check whether the selected text is capable of
sender zone. embedding. If not possible repeat this step
otherwise continue.

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 68 Issue 7 - July 2020

 Map the quantum C-NOT gate to the matrix 1. Interchange row mi and mj (Rmi < −− > Rnj)
MATMSG (N x N) vertically or horizontally 2. Multiply row mi by s, where s ≠ 0 (sRmi −− >
& Put the message value by replacing ’0’ in Rmi)
the matrix MATMSG. 3. Add s times row mi to row nj (sRmj −− > Rnj)
 Check the message sequence and pick first Column Operations
two bit sequence (MSG). Start from the first 1. Interchange column mi and nj (Cmi < −− > Cnj)
character of the cover text (TX).
2. Multiply column mi by s, where s ≠ 0 (sCmi −
 Start checking & embedding.
−> Cni)
 Repeat the above step for the remaining bit
sequence of the message and prepare the 3. Add s times column mi to column nj (sCmj −− >
stego text. Cnj )
Now for SSCE value we perform a column
C. Algorithm for Message Extracting operation on matrix MA. After performing a column
 Select the stego text put in MATMSG (N x N) operation on MA[mi, nj] it produce MA′. MA[mi,
matrix and map the quantum C-NOT gate to nj] → MA′[mi, nj]
the matrix vertically or horizontally. After that transpose the MA ′ [mi, nj] matrix and
 Extract the message value from ‘0’Th formed MA′T [mi, nj].
position of C-NOT. Pick values one by one Now it is transformed to an array i.e. place in an
from MATMSG and create MSG. orderly arrangement in a linear order.
 Select the stego text TX and extract using Then add Passkey (known as password) Pi with
Bengali handwritten character MA′T [mi, nj] transformed matrix and produced Pi.
MA′′T [mi, nj].
Encryption and Decryption: The entry that lies
in the mith row and the mjth column of a matrix is
typically referred to as (mi, nj)th entry of a matrix MA V. RESULTS ANALYSIS
is most commonly written as MA[mi,nj] or mami,nj . There are mainly three phases that should be
MA = [mami,nj]mi=1,2,....,mi and nj=1,2,....,nj reserved into account when discussing the results of
Row and Column operations are ways to change the proposed method of text steganography with the
matrices. In this function three types of Row and three help of Bengali Handwritten Languages. The authors
types of column operations have been occurred, which simulated the proposed system and the results are
are furnished below – shown in the Fig. 6, 7 and 8. This method hides two
Row Operations bit per word in the cover text which reflects the high

Figure 9: Graph of Input and Output Message

Figure 10: Graph of Cover Text and Stego Text

ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 46

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 68 Issue 7 - July 2020

embedding capacity of the system. Although the likely to similar then no one can understand the
embedding capacity of the proposed method is activity. So the Correlation method has been used for
depends upon the characters of Bengali Handwritten measuring similarity between original and
Languages. In this method the length of the stego and transmitting message.
cover are same and unchanged. So due to the said
reason the steganalysis part can also handle. TABLE I:


10 0.99976
50 0.998787621
100 0.997577235
200 0.995159513
300 0.992745838

Figure 6: Cover Text in Proposed Text 400 0.990336183

500 0.987930524
Steganography Technique
600 0.985528835
700 0.983131092
800 0.98073727
900 0.978347344
1000 0.975961289

If we have a series of n measurements of X and Y

Figure 7: Message in Proposed Text Steganography written as cxi and cyi where i = 1, 2, . . . n. After that
Technique the sample correlation coefficient used in Pearson
correlation cr between two variables i.e. X and Y. The
sample correlation coefficient is written

 ( cx i  cx )( cy i  cy )
i 1
cr  ……… (6)
( n  1 ) CS

CS cy

where cx and cy are the sample means of X and Y,

CScx and CScy are the sample standard deviations of X
Figure 8: Stego Text in Proposed Text Steganography and Y. The number of different sequence order
Technique matching characters divided by two defines the
number of transpositions. The Correlation score of
A. Similarity Measure: comparing cover text and stego text is shown in Table
Similarity comparison is the most important in this 1 and the chart in Table 2 represent the Correlation of
type of research because if the stego and cover are different stego of various length of message.

Figure 11: Representation Correlation values of Cover and Stego

ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 47

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 68 Issue 7 - July 2020

Message Length (In Character) Computation Time (in Second)
Stego Generate (A) Message Generate (B) Difference (B-A)
10 0.1404009 0.1872012 0.0468003
50 0.6552042 0.6864044 0.0312002
100 1.2168078 1.3572087 0.1404009
200 1.9344124 3.0576196 1.1232072
300 2.7144174 3.3228213 0.6084039
400 3.5724229 4.3836281 0.8112052
500 4.5396291 5.616036 1.0764069
600 5.6940365 7.0512452 1.3572087
700 7.4256476 8.4864544 1.0608068
800 10.4208668 10.8576696 0.4368028
900 9.5784614 10.8888698 1.3104084
1000 9.3288598 11.4192732 2.0904134

Figure 12: Representation Computation Time values of Stego & Message

Method Text Steganography Text Steganography by Text Steganography Proposed Text
Name by Changing Words Inter-word Spacing and by Using Letter Steganography
Spelling. [10] Inter paragraph Spacing Points and
Approach. [11] Extensions [12]
Details of In this method the In this method, the lines or In this method the In this method the Bengali
the author proposed a paragraph of the text are Arabic language is language is used to embed
Method: method for vertically shifted to some used to embed any any secret message by
embedding the secret degree (for example, each secret message by making some changes in
message by placing line shifts1/300 inch up or using the pointed some of the English letters to
the US words for down) or the words of any letter to hold 1 and hold 00,01,10,11. A quantum
hiding the bit 0 and line are shifted un pointed letters to approach has been used to
UK words for hiding horizontally and hold 0 increase the level of security.
the bit 1. information is hidden by
creating a unique shape of
the text.
No of single(0 and 1) single(0 and 1) single(0 and 1) double(00,01,10,11)
Changes In Word(US for 0,UK In Lines, Word or In Letter(pointed In Letter(changing the letter
Occurred: for 1) Paragraph.(one space for letter for 0,unpointed pattern)
0,two space for 1) letter for 1)
Embedding The embedding Greater than Method 1 Greater than Method Greater than the previous
Capacity: capacity of this but lesser than Method 1 and Method 2 but three method because one
method is the lowest 3,Method 5 because here lesser than Method 4 change of letter embed two
compared to other 4 increasing the white and Method 5 bits simultaneously.
methods because it spaces embedding because it changes a
used a whole word to capacity can be increased single letter to
embed bit 0 or bit 1. but this increasing can embedding a bit 0 or
also be done at some bit 1.
extent. Otherwise it will
be easy to trace the
changes made in the text.
Similarity Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 0.99

In Fig. 10 it has been observed that the cover and from this view also we can proof our technique. In
stego graphs both are remain same. The Fig. 9 shows Table 2 shows the computation time of Stego and
that the Input and Output messages graphs are same; Message generation and graph shows in Fig. 12. To

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 68 Issue 7 - July 2020

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