Midterm Review STA216: Generalized Linear Models: I I I I I I
Midterm Review STA216: Generalized Linear Models: I I I I I I
Midterm Review STA216: Generalized Linear Models: I I I I I I
1. GLM Basics
yi θi − b(θi )
f (yi ; θi , φ) = exp + c(yi , φ) ,
ηi = g(µi ) = x0i β,
where ηi is the linear predictor, g(·) is the link function, and xi are
2. Basics of Frequentist Inference
approximation at MLE.
(d) For variable selection, stepwise procedures are often used - forward,
3. Basics of Bayesian Inference in GLMs
4. Latent Variable Models for Binary Data
5. Using Hierarchical GLMs for Correlated Data
6. Survival Analysis
standard relationships.
(d) Cure rate models - definition and data augmentation trick for pos-
terior computation
7. Missing Data
tifiability issues.
8. Discrete Time Survival Analysis
9. Alternatives to Hierarchical Models for Multivariate Binary
10. Interval Censored Data
(b) How to analyze data of this type using a discrete time Bayesian
survival analysis.
the analysis.
11. Bayesian Variable Selection and Order Restricted Inference
(c) Define a mixture prior for addressing this problem and describe pos-
(d) How does this approach relate to variable selection via SSVS algo-
12. Poisson Log-Linear and Logistic Regression Cases
(a) Now suppose data are Poisson distributed counts following a log-
linear model.
(e) Modify this prior for variable selection and inferences on ordered
categorical covariates.
13. Bayesian Generalized Additive Models with Constraints
(a) Focusing again on the normal or underlying normal data cases, con-
(b) Define a generalized additive model, and place a prior on the un-
Example Exam Problem Set
Question 1:
Suppose that 2500 pregnant women are enrolled in a study and the outcome
clude age of the woman, smoking, socioeconomic status, body mass index,
bleeding during pregnancy, serum level of dde, and several dietary factors.
the GLM, including the link function and distribution (in exponential family
form). Describe (briefly) how estimation and inference could proceed via a
frequentist approach.
Possible Solution:
yi ∼ Bernoulli(πi )
θi = log , b(θi ) = log(1 + eθi ), a(φ) = φ = 1,
1 − πi
and c(yi , φ) = 0.
Link function:
Any mapping from < → [0, 1]. A convenient choice is the canonical link,
ηi = θi = log ,
1 − πi
which is the logit. The probit and complementary log-log are alternatives.
Frequentist Estimation:
Frequentist Inference:
One can select the important predictors to be included in the model by step-
Alternatively, one can just fit the model with all the predictors and then do
inferences based on the MLEs and asymptotic standard errors. For example,
details) to test for significant differences in fit between the nested models
Question 2:
Women are enrolled in a study when they go off of contraception with the
to achieve a pregnancy, whether or not they smoke cigarettes, and their age
statistical model within a Bayesian framework and outline the details of model
fitting and inference (including the form of the posterior density, an outline
of the algorithm for posterior computation, and the approach for addressing
Discrete time survival analysis:
350 T rij
x0i β)yij {1 x0i β)} ij
Φ(αj + − Φ(αj +
i=1 j=1
We complete a Bayesian specification of the model with prior densities for
α = (α1 , . . . , αT )0 and β,
1(α1 > α2 > . . . > αT ) N (αj ; α0j , σα2 j ) N (β; β 0 , Σβ ),
where the order constraint models the selection process where more fertile
derlying normal variables. In particular, let yij = 1(zij > 0), where zij ∼
N (αj + x0i β, 1) are independent. Posterior computation can then proceed via
2. Sample zij , for all i, j : rij = 1, from its full conditional density, which is
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until apparent convergence and calculate posterior sum-
Our primary goal is to address the question: Is cigarette smoking related to
time to pregnancy.
Based on the Gibbs iterates, we can estimate Pr(β1 < 0 | data). If this poste-
rior probability is high (say, greater than 95%) than we have strong evidence
that the hazard of conception is lower for smokers than non-smokers (at least
in the population).
This implies that smoking may be associated with an increased time to preg-
Question 3:
different birth defects. A physician working with you on the study notes
that certain children have several birth defects, possibly due to defects in im-
latent variable model for analyzing these data and outline (briefly) the details
of the algorithm for posterior computation, and the approach for addressing
Multiple binary outcomes:
yi = (yi1 , . . . , yi5 )0 , where yij = 1 if child i has jth defect and 0 otherwse
Note that we don’t need to assume probit, we could use other link functions.
To assess the effect of alcohol intake on the different defects, estimate the
For defects having high values of Pr(βj1 > 0 | data), we have evidence of a
Question 4:
of the sickness of each pup in each litter, with 1 = healthy, 2 = low birth
weight but otherwise healthy, 3 = malformed, and 4 = dead. The goal of the
study is to see if dose is associated with health of the pup. Describe a model
Let yij ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} be the outcome for the jth pup in the ith litter, and let
A possible model for relating the ordinal ranking of pup health to dose while
sion model.
3. Proceed with posterior computation via Albert and Chib (1993) - provide
some details.
The parameter of primary interest is the slope parameter, β, which is inter-
increase in dose.
One assumption being made is that one parameter can be used to characterize
Potentially the shape of the distribution may be completely different and one
Another assumption is that we have non-informative cluster size - that is, the