Tcs Agile For Practitioners Assessment Delivery
Tcs Agile For Practitioners Assessment Delivery
Tcs Agile For Practitioners Assessment Delivery
Bethany Basic
Health Share Program
Welcome to Joppa Health Share – A Unified Body that will be Blessed. Joppa Health Share is a
healthcare sharing ministry, a subsidiary of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership
Conference or NHCLC, based on a biblical model. The NHCLC is a not for profit corporation
that is recognized as tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3).
The purpose of Joppa Health Share is to bring Christians together in sharing God’s blessings and
to share each other’s burdens. The concept of “sharing” is not new. For centuries, Christians all
over the world have shared their lives, resources, and blessings as first outlined in the book of
Acts. “All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was
not their own, so they shared everything they had. The apostles testified powerfully to the
resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God’s great blessing was upon them all." —Acts 4:32–33
Each month, Members of Joppa Health Share make fixed monthly contributions to the health-
sharing community according to the sharing level elected. Eligible medical bills are shared with
the funds of Members who faithfully share. The following Guidelines explain the program
requirements and how Joppa Health Share facilitates medical bill sharing.
A. Board of Directors
NHCLC is the Board of Directors – The NHCLC Board of Directors aims to strengthen the
Joppa Health Share program and/or protect its Members. The Board may modify these
Guidelines from time to time. Guideline changes by the Board of Directors must be presented to
the Members.
The NHCLC and Joppa Health Share is not insurance or insurance companies. The payment of
your medical needs through Joppa Health Share or otherwise is not guaranteed in any way. Joppa
Health Share is not, and should never be construed as, a contract for insurance or a substitute for
insurance. There is no transfer of risk for any purpose from a Member to Joppa Health Share or
from a Member to other Members; nor is there a contract of indemnity between Joppa Health
Share and any Member or between the Members themselves.
These are the only exceptions. Otherwise, Members must not certify that Joppa Health Share is
insurance to avoid purchasing insurance required by law, rule, or regulation (e.g. worker’s
compensation insurance or sports activity insurance).
Joppa Health Share is not insurance. Joppa Health Share is a Healthcare Sharing Ministry as
outlined in the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act. Each Joppa Health Share member is
always solely responsible for the payment of his or her own medical bills. Neither Joppa Health
Share nor Members of Joppa Health Share (a.) guarantees payment of a Member’s medical bill,
or (b.) assumes liability for the payment of a Member’s medical bill. Furthermore, no Member
shall be compelled to make sharing contributions. If sharing occurs, the shared medical bills are
paid by the Member that incurred the bill solely from voluntary contributions of Joppa Health
Share Members and not from funds of Joppa Health Share itself.
II. Membership
A. Testimony of Faith
Joppa Health Share Membership is built on a foundation of like ideals agreed upon by the
Members. The peace of mind of knowing the people sharing your contributions are not using
your money for things that conflict with your faith is a blessing many Members enjoy.
Adult Members must affirm the following Member Shared Beliefs to qualify for Joppa Health
Share membership:
4. We believe it is our spiritual duty to God and our ethical duty to others to maintain a
healthy lifestyle and avoid foods, behaviors or habits that produce sickness or disease
to ourselves or others. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
5. We believe it is our biblical and ethical obligation to assist others with medical needs
according to our available resources and opportunity. Gal 6:2
Healthy Lifestyle
Joppa Health Share Members highly value the biblical principle that our physical bodies are
temples of the Holy Spirit and should be kept pure. Members should strive to maintain healthy
lifestyles, as this glorifies God while keeping medical costs down.
• Spouse
A. Dependent Spouse
If the application to add a spouse is submitted and approved before or within 30 days after the
marriage date, sharing in eligible needs, including a pregnancy occurring on or after the marriage
date, will start on the marriage date. The share increase will take effect on the first day of the
month following approval.
B. Adult Children
Unmarried adult children (age 18+) of Members may be part of their parent(s) Member
Household if they are claimed as a dependent on their Parent or Guardian’s Federal Income
Taxes and/or are a full-time student, until they reach age 26* years old.
*Exception: Adult children age 26 years and older who are severely disabled and unable to live or work
outside a special environment, who are still dependent upon and under the care of their parent(s).
It is the responsibility of the Member to notify Joppa when an adult child no longer qualifies as
part of the Member Household. Continuing to submit the Monthly Contribution at the level that
included the adult child does not extend the membership.
Applicants who are 65 or older are ineligible for Joppa Health Share.
D. Non-U.S. Citizens
Non-U.S. citizens who live full-time in the U.S. qualify for Joppa Health Share membership.
Joppa Health Share, as a Unified Body, changes and grows with Members as they go through
life. The following are instances where life changes may call for a Member to take action to
maintain membership1:
i. Adult Children:
a. May be considered a dependent child up to their 26th birthday, unless he or she is
no longer a full-time student and/or is no longer listed as a dependent on their
Parent or Guardian’s tax return, and therefore no longer qualifies to participate as
part of the parent(s)’ Member Household;
b. May apply for an individual membership1 after their 18th birthday
b. A newborn may be a member from birth when the application is submitted within
30 days of birth. If the application is not submitted within 30 days of birth, the
newborn's effective date will be the first day of the month following approval of
the Application to Add-on Family Member(s).
The child may be a member from the time of placement, court order or other legal procedure
when the application to Add-on Family Member(s) is submitted within 30 days of any such
action. When the application is not submitted within 30 days, then the child’s effective date of
membership would begin on the first day of the month following approval of the Application to
Add-on Family Member(s).
b. Divorce – Members who are experiencing a divorce or whose marriage has ended
in divorce should contact Member Services for information regarding making
changes to their Household sharing level.
IV. Pre-Notification
Pre-notification of medical bills does not guarantee eligibility or sharing.
A Member may receive an optional, preliminary determination of whether or not his or her
proposed treatment appears to be eligible for sharing. This is done by requesting a medical
history review to determine if the condition is related to a pre-existing condition. To request a
review, members should call the ‘pre-notify’ phone number printed on the member’s ID card in
advance of their procedure or treatment. Final eligibility determination is always made after the
medical bills are submitted for processing. It is possible a treatment that appeared to be eligible
for sharing during the preliminary review will be determined to be ineligible if:
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a. New information or additional medical records are provided that make the treatment
ineligible due to pre-existing condition(s).
b. New information or additional medical records are provided that make the treatment
ineligible due to lifestyle issue(s).
The number of days required to complete a preliminary review depends on the responsiveness of
the providers who are asked to send in medical records.
The Annual Sharing Maximum is the dollar limit for sharing of Eligible Medical Bills per
member each Program Year. Expense amounts in excess of the Annual Sharing Maximum
amount is the Member’s responsibility. The Annual Sharing Maximum amount resets every 12
months on the Effective Date.
Members may change their Sharing Level, thereby changing their Annual Sharing Maximum
amount, via reapplication of Membership. Members who change to a new Sharing Level with a
different Annual Sharing Maximum will restart their membership at the new Sharing Level as if
they were a new member and the Effective Date resets. Any change in the Bills will be processed
according to the member’s Sharing Level at the time the bills were incurred.
Members who intend to change their sharing level, add, or remove dependents, discontinue their
membership, or change the status of their membership in any way should allow 30 days for the
change(s) to take effect.
C. Visit Fees
It is the Member’s responsibility to pay the applicable visit fee at time of service or upon being
billed by the provider at a later date. The visit fee is an initial payment applied toward the total
office visit charges.
Members should review the Eligible Sharing Explanations and Limitations (Section XX) for
specific healthcare service types.
A. Lifestyle
Members must follow the Christian lifestyle and agree to the Statement of Faith. This is essential
for Eligible Medical Bills to be shared. Examples of behavior that can lead to non-sharing and/or
cancellation of membership include, but are not limited to:
a. Use of Tobacco in any form.
b. Use of Illegal Drugs.
c. Abuse of drugs including legal drugs, such as alcohol, prescription and over the
counter medications.
d. Sexual Relations outside of Biblical Christian Marriage.
e. Participation in Activities that represent a willful disregard for personal safety.
A. Expenses related to non-Biblical lifestyles and choices – including but not limited to:
i. Abortion of a live fetus (baby)
ii. Alcohol and drug-related injuries and illnesses
iii. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including HIV - Exceptions include
innocent transmission via transfusion, rape, work-related needle stick, or sex
within marriage
iv. Illegal acts - Any charges for a condition, disability or expense resulting from
being engaged in an illegal occupation or the commission of or attempted
commission of a crime
v. Intentionally self-inflicted injuries (e.g. suicide or attempted suicide)
B. Alternative Care including, but not limited to:
i. Vitamins/Supplements without a diagnosis of a specific deficiency
ii. Acupuncture
iii. Services from unapproved providers.
iv. Experimental or investigational treatments
C. Behavioral/Mental Health care – including, but not limited to:
i. Psychiatric or psychological care
ii. Special education charges
iii. Counseling or care for learning deficiencies or behavioral problems, whether or
not associated with a manifest mental disorder or other disturbance (e.g. Attention
Deficit Disorders or Autism)
D. Cosmetic procedures – including, but not limited to:
i. Breast augmentation or reduction (exceptions for breast reconstruction after breast
cancer for the affected breast and the non-affected breast if recommended for
purposes of symmetry)
E. Dental and periodontal services – including, but not limited to:
i. Removal of wisdom teeth
ii. Orthodontic/oral surgery (exception for trauma within one year of diagnosis)
iii. Repair or replacement of dentures, bridges, and appliances
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iv. Diagnosis and treatment of temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction or
disease related to the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. This includes, but is
not limited to braces, splints, appliances, or surgery of any type
v. Complications or infections related to dental procedures
F. Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Motorized locomotion equipment (such as
motorized wheelchairs and scooters), exercise equipment and home modifications.
G. Fertility/ Infertility Care – including, but not limited to:
i. Birth control procedures, such as IUD, and/or related supplies
ii. Infertility testing and treatment
iii. Sterilization or reversals (vasectomy and tubal ligation)
iv. Embryo donation or adoption
v. Medication or treatment for sexual health or dysfunction
H. Counseling or consultation expenses including, but not limited to:
a. Dietary counseling
b. Diabetic counseling
c. Lactation counseling
d. Genetic counseling
e. Custodial Care/Long-term Care
I. Educational services and materials including, but not limited to:
i. Lamaze classes
ii. Breast feeding classes
iii. Early childhood intervention
J. Hearing Aids
K. Non-prescription (over the counter) drugs and medical supplies/equipment. Supplies are
defined as medical equipment which is disposable (requiring replacement within six
months) which is purchased by the member for use at home outside of home health
needs. This includes but is not limited to:
i. Diabetic supplies
ii. Supplies for wound care
iii. Ostomy supplies
iv. Podiatric Orthotics (shoe inserts)
XIV. Impartiality
Joppa serves Members who share in the burdens of fellow Christians. Joppa does not gain
financially by determining medical bills are ineligible for sharing among Members. Joppa, as a
subsidiary of the NHCLC, is a not-for-profit corporation, recognized as tax exempt under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Joppa has no owners, stockholders, or investors.
Joppa impartially carries out the wishes of the Members as expressed in these Joppa Health
Share Guidelines.
If resolution of the dispute and reconciliation do not result from mediation, the matter shall then
be submitted to an independent and objective arbitrator for binding arbitration. The parties agree
that the arbitration process will also be conducted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for
Christian Conciliation, with each party to bear their own costs, attorney’s fees, and 50% of the
arbitrator’s fee, and with the arbitration filing fee to be borne by Joppa. Each party shall agree to
the selection of the arbitrator. If there is an impasse in the selection of the arbitrator, the parties
agree that the Institute for Christian Conciliation shall choose the arbitrator.
The parties agree that these methods of dispute resolution shall be the sole remedy for any
Biblical Christian Marriage – A marriage which is a union of one man and one woman.
(Genesis 2:22-24, Matthew 19:5, Ephesians 5:22-32)
Bill Approved for Sharing – An Eligible Medical Bill that meets the criteria for sharing in the
Guidelines and meets the other conditions for sharing, including whether the member’s sharing
limits have not been exceeded.
CMS-The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is nationally recognized and provides
listings for providers, services, procedures, and facilities to ensure they meet specific criteria to
ensure the safety of the beneficiaries receiving these services.
Cancellation Date – The month and day membership end due to the Member’s withdrawal, for
reasons including not following the Guidelines or for nonpayment of monthly contributions.
Effective Date – The month and day membership begin or the month and day of the most recent
Sharing Level change. Effective Date is used to determine when the 12-month period begins and
ends for the purpose of the Member Responsibility Amount.
Eligible for Sharing – Any testing, treatment, procedure, or service that meets the criteria for
sharing as established in the Guidelines.
Eligible Medical Bill – An incurred medical bill that meets the criteria for sharing as established
in the Guidelines. The Eligible Medical Bill will be reduced by any discounts, fees, or other
sources of payment.
FDA – The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public health by
assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products,
medical devices, our nation's food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.
Illegal Drugs – Drugs which are classified as Schedule 1 in Title 21 United States Code
Controlled Substances Act.
Lifetime Maximum Share Amount – The peak amount of eligible medical expenses shared by
Joppa Health Share under the enrolled membership or the member’s life cycle. Expenses that are
ineligible for sharing are not calculated toward the Lifetime Maximum Share Amount.
Medical Necessity – A medical service is generally considered to meet the criteria of medical
necessity when it is considered appropriate, consistent with general standards of medical care,
consistent with a patient's diagnosis, and is the least expensive option available to provide a
desired health outcome. Of course, preventive care services that may be covered under a health
insurance plan are not always subject to the criteria of medical necessity.
Member – Any Member of Joppa Health Share, including each family member participating in a
Member Household.
Member Household – Every member who participates in Joppa Health Share with his or her
immediate family under the same monthly contribution and Maximum Sharing Amount. A single
Member is also considered a Member Household.
Monthly Contribution – The dollar amount that a Member faithfully contributes each month as
his or her Monthly Contribution amount and Monthly Administrative amount. The Monthly
Contribution is subject to change without notice.
• Monthly Contribution amount – The dollar amount of a Monthly Contribution that pays
all or part of one or more of another Member’s Eligible Medical Bills.
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• Monthly Administrative amount – The dollar amount of a Monthly Contribution that is
transferred to Joppa for the payment of its administrative expenses.
Notification of Sharing – The act of notifying the membership of an Eligible Medical Bill that
is approved for sharing.
Pre-existing – A sign, symptom, diagnosis, testing (including labs and/or radiology studies),
medication or treatment of a condition that a Member has before the start of membership.
Referenced Based Pricing (RBP) – commonly known as Cost Plus Pricing, offers self-insured
plans a defined benefit structure based on more economical reimbursement levels designed to be
fair and reasonable to providers based on various pricing data sets, most notably Medicare.
Standard of Care – Treatment that is accepted by medical experts as a proper treatment for a
certain type of disease and that is widely used by healthcare professionals.
U&C (Usual, Customary, and Reasonable) – The amount paid for a medical service in a
geographic area based on what providers in the area usually charge for the same or similar
medical service based on CPT codes and provider zip code.
Visit Fee – The portion of a medical bill that a Member pays at each visit to a medical provider.
The Visit Fee is an initial payment applied toward the total office visit charges.
Services Benefit
Number of Primary Care & Specialist Visits per Program Year (Includes Pediatrics) 4
*Blood Pressure Screening One screening every two years for ages 18 to 39
One Screening per calendar year for ages 40 and over
One screening per calendar year for men 35 and older.
Men under 35 who have heart disease or risk factors for
*Cholesterol Screening
heart disease or women who have heart disease or risk
factors for heart disease
Limit $1500
Colorectal Cancer Screening Cologuard Included 1 Screening every 5 years for adults ages 50-75.
6 month waiting period for Colonoscopies
Screening for depression in the general adult population,
*Depression Screening
including pregnant and postpartum women.
*Type 2 Diabetes Screening Screening for adults with high blood pressure only.
*Diet Counseling Screening for adults at higher risk of chronic disease.
For members at high risk, including members in
countries with 2% or more Hepatitis B prevalence, and
*Hepatitis B Screening US born people not vaccinated as infants and with at
least one parent born in a region with 8% or more
Hepatitis B prevalence.
*Hepatitis C Screening For adults ages 18 - 74
*HIV Screening Screening for adults at higher risk
Listed immunizations are once per membership year.
Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Herpes Zoster
Human Papillomavirus shots up to age 26.
Human Papillomavirus Influenza (Flu Shot) Measles,
Pneumococcal shots for adults 65 and older Shingles
Mumps, Rubella Meningococcal Pneumococcal
shots for adults 60 and older
Shingles, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Varicella
*Latent Tuberculosis Infection Screening for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in
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populations at increased risk
For adults 55-80 at high risk for lung cancer because
*Lung Cancer Screening
they're heavy smokers or have quit in the past 15 years
*Obesity Screening and Counseling
*Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Screening and Prevention counseling for adults at higher risk, includes
Counseling syphilis screening
Adults aged 40-75 years with no history of
cardiovascular disease (CVD) use a low to moderate
statin for the prevention of CVD events and mortality
when they have one or more cardiovascular disease risk
factors and a calculated 10-year CVD event risk of 10%
or greater; screening for cardiac risk may include
assessment of blood pressure, smoking status,
screening for lipid disorders and use of ACC/AHA CVD
to estimate 10-year risk.
*Syphilis Screening For all adults at higher risk
*Tobacco Use Screening Not shareable - based on Membership Agreement
* Acellular Pertussis For children to age 18
* Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis
* Hemophilia
* Hepatitis A
* Hepatitis B
* Human Papillomavirus
* Inactivated Poliovirus
* Meningococcal
* Meningococcal B Vaccine
* Pneumococcal
* Rotavirus
* Varicella
*Interpersonal and Domestic Violence Screening Annual screening for women to obtain a referral to initial
intervention services, which include counseling,
education, harm reduction strategies and referral to
appropriate supportive services.
*Iron Supplements For children ages 6 to 12 months at risk of anemia
*Lead Screening For children at risk of exposure
*Medical History For all children throughout development
Screening for obesity in children and adolescents
six years and older and offer to refer them to
*Obesity comprehensive,
intensive behavioral interventions to promote
improvements in weight status
At risk assessment for your children ages newborn to
*Oral Health
age 10
*Phenylketonuria (PKU) Screening For genetic disorders in newborns