Mantle Plumes and Continental Tectonics
Mantle Plumes and Continental Tectonics
Mantle Plumes and Continental Tectonics
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Mantle plumes and plate tectonics, the result of two distinct modes of convection within the hot-spot tracks that may have formed from
Earth, operate largely independently. Although plumes are secondary in terms of heat plume heads and tails during the past 250
transport, they have probably played an important role in continental geology. A new plume million years. However, extrapolation
starts with a large spherical head that can cause uplift and flood basalt volcanism, and may (14) from the fluid dynamics experiments
be responsible for regional-scale metamorphism or crustal melting and varying amounts on composition-driven plumes showed
of crustal extension. Plume heads are followed by narrow tails that give rise to the familiar that the volume of the head of such a
hot-spot tracks. The cumulative effect of processes associated wfth tail vokcanism may also plume formed in the mantle will be rela-
significantly affect continental crust. tively small [diameter of -300 km for a
plume having a density contrast Ap of 0.1
g cm-3 and rising from the CMB (14)]
compared with the extent of CFB provinces
Plate tectonics, the "quantitative descrip- observations can provide an important test (diameters of -2000 km).
tion of the kinematics of the lithosphere" of the model. Plumes can result also when a layer of
(1), has provided a conceptual framework fluid becomes buoyant upon being heated,
of the processes that operate at the mar- Historical Development and experiments have shown that the heads
gins of the tectonic plates that cover the of thermally driven plumes enlarge consid-
Earth's surface. This framework has, how- Wilson (11) was the first to suggest that erably more during ascent than those of
ever, proven less useful when it comes to lines of ocean islands such as the Hawaii- compositionally driven plumes. Enlarge-
processes operating away from plate Emperor chain formed when the Earth's ment occurs because the plume entrains a
boundaries (1). mobile surface passed over a fixed region of boundary layer heated by its passage (Fig.
Two prominent features that have defied relatively hot mantle (a hot spot) where 1A); the heads of thermal plumes are esti-
a plate tectonic explanation are the oceanic large amounts of magma were produced. mated to reach diameters of about 1000 km
volcanic (or hot-spot) chains and continen- Morgan (6) showed that hot spots on sev- if they start at the CMB (4, 15). These
tal flood basalt (CFB) provinces. Both may eral plates had not moved discernibly rela- results have been used to argue that the
contain basalts derived through the melting tive to each other and suggested that these plumes that give rise to both the CFBs and
of mantle that is unusually hot relative to were regions where plumes of hot material ocean islands arise from a thermal boundary
the mid-ocean ridge source and thus are ascended from the core-mantle boundary layer at the base of the mantle (5). Further
likely to result in large part from tempera- (CMB). He noted also that some hot spots support for this suggestion comes from the
ture rather than compositional variations incould be traced back along volcanic chains correspondence between the measured heat
the mantle (2). The CFB provinces and to often distant flood basalt provinces, a content transported by plumes and the in-
their oceanic equivalents, the basaltic oce- number of which appeared immediately to ferred heat flux across the core-mantle
anic plateaus, which were erupted at rates precede continental rifting. Early fluid dy- boundary (8).
possibly as high as 22 km3/year (3), are namics analog experiments (12) showed
arguably the most spectacular magmatic that a low-viscosity plume initiating in
features on the planet. A model of mantle Earth's mantle would ascend as a spherical A B
plumes (4) appears to explain successfully a pocket of fluid fed by a pipe, that is, that
wide range of observations relating to both the earliest stage of a plume would be the
ocean island chains and flood basalt prov- development and rise of a large-volume
inces (5). Mantle plumes most plausibly head, which would be trailed by a narrow
arise from a hot thermal boundary layer and at possibly long-lived conduit (or tail)
the base of the mantle (6-8), whereas through which buoyant source material
plates are part of the cool thermal boundary could be added continuously to the ascend-
layer at the top of the convecting mantle ing head (see Fig. IA).
(9). Plates and plumes are thus complemen- Morgan (13) suggested that flood ba-
tary, each driving a distinct form of mantle salts formed through melting of the heads
convection (8), and seem to operate largely of new (starting) plumes whereas the hot-
independently (10). spot chains were derived through melting
In this paper we assess the importance of of hot material rising in the long-lived
mantle plumes in initiating thermal and tails that trailed and ultimately superseded Fig. 1. Photographs of a starting plume in
structural reworking of the continents and the starting-plume phase. This suggestion, glucose syrup. (A) effects of entrainment into
use the geological record to infer the extent which was based on the results of experi- the rising vortex immediately before the onset
of near-surface spreading; (B) the plume after
of any interactions between plumes and ments on plumes driven by buoyancy re-
lateral spreading has approximately doubled
plates. We then use an example from con- sulting from compositional (and thus den-
the head diameter. In these experiments hot
tinental geology to illustrate how geological sity) differences between the plume source source material was dyed blue, and appears
layer and overlying fluid (12), was taken black or dark gray in the photographs, while
The authors are with the Research School of Earth
Sciences, Australian National University, Post Office up by Richards et al. (14), who identified entrained surrounding material remains light-
Box 4, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. ten couples of flood basalt provinces and colored (4).
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head include the flood basalt provinces of voluminous) basaltic volcanism, whereas preted in terms of the starting plume model,
the Karoo of southern Africa, the Deccan melting of the much hotter material that such as the Deccan and the North Atlantic
of westem India, and the North Atlantic ascended in the axial conduit produced the Tertiary Province (resulting respectively
Tertiary province (5, 13, 14), and the Late komatiites. Conduction of heat upward re- from initiation of the Reunion and Iceland
Archean granite-greenstone terranes of the sulted (after a time delay of -25 million hot spots (5, 13, 14). We infer that this
Yilgarn Block of Westem Australia (21, years) in the production of crustally deriveddifference is a consequence of the earlier
22); plume tail provinces equate with the melts. This first anatectic episode, which extraction of low-melting components from
familiar hot-spot tracks such as that associ- produced both the early (2685 to 2690 Ma) the lower and middle crust of these regions.
ated with the Yellowstone plume or with granites and volcanic rocks, was volumi- The magmatic records of the Yilgam and
lines of volcanic islands such as the Hawaii- nous but apparently of brief duration, per-Karoo differ fundamentally from those of
Emperor chain. haps only several million years. Continued consumptive margins (that is, island and
Plume head provinces. Of the plume head conduction of heat into the crust resulted in continental arcs) (Fig. 3). The key features
provinces, the Yilgarn and Karoo, in par- the production of later anatectic melts, of the Yilgarn craton are its equant form;
ticular, have extended magmatic histories including a second major episode having scale (>800 km); presence of komatiites;
consistent with conductive heat transfer high SiO2, K20, and Na2O contents, low magmatic sequence of basalt, granite, and
upward from the top of plume heads that mafic mineral abundances, and negative Sr later diverse magmatism; the occurrence of
had presumably ascended to near the base and Eu anomalies, all interpreted as indi- brief but voluminous episodes of magma-
of the crust. Both are clearly plume-related cating derivation from originally structural- tism separated by periods of quiescence; and
because of the high mantle temperatures ly higher material that underwent partial the evidence that the felsic rocks were
implied by the presence of either komatiitesmelting at lower temperatures and pressures derived through partial melting of conti-
(Yilgam) or picrites (Karoo). than those prevailing during the first epi- nental crust rather than from subducted
In the southeastern Yilgarn province, sode. The youngest granites have character- oceanic crust.
eruption of a thick (to 8 km) sequence of istics (they are alkali-rich, water-poor, and These features contrast with the situa-
basalts that contains komatiite and komati- may contain fluorite or alkali pyroxenes) tion in magmatic arcs clearly associated
itic components began at -2715 million often interpreted as indicating a high-tem- with subduction, which usually have an
years ago (Ma). The basalts are underlain perature origin (25). The end result of Late elongate form; lengths of thousands but
by felsic volcanic rocks that were erupted at Archean reworking has been the produc- widths of only a few hundreds of kilometers;
2940 Ma. These rocks provide direct evi- tion of typical internally differentiated, lay- no clear evidence for the presence of high-
dence that the basalts were erupted onto ered stable crust (26). Later episodes of temperature mafic magmas; a magmatic
continental crust (22). Further evidence for basaltic magmatism (for example, during continuum from gabbro through granite,
the presence of continental basement emplacement of a widespread suite of gab- with more or less simultaneous eruption of
comes from the presence of xenocrystic broic dykes at -2400 Ma) are not associat- compositionally diverse rocks for tens of
zircon in felsic volcanic rocks, granites and ed with important crustally derived magma- millions of years; and an inferred origin for
basalts; and from lead isotope compositions tism, presumably because components with the more mafic rocks through dehydration
of granites, and from ores from the basaltic low melting points had been removed from melting of amphibolite [Fig. 3 (31, 32)].
sequences (22, 23). The basaltic rocks are the crust in Late Archean time (22, 27). Although some rocks that may have formed
overlain by felsic volcanic rocks, which The presence of Late Archean granites through dehydration melting of amphibo-
began erupting at 2688 ? 8 Ma, and vol- throughout the Yilgarn craton shows that lite (the so-called tonalite-trondjemite-
canogenic sedimentary rocks. Both basaltic this crustal reworking event (22) affected granite suite) do occur in Yilgarn craton,
and felsic volcanic sequences are intruded profoundly an approximately equant area they are of only minor importance and may
by granites of similar (2685 to 2690 Ma) age -800 km across. If this was the result of a have formed through partial melting of
to the felsic volcanic rocks; felsic magma- plume event, and if plumes commonly play buried greenstones rather than through
tism was followed by minor mafic magma- an important part in initiating continental melting of subducted oceanic crust (22).
tism. This history provides direct evidence breakup (13, 28), then this is likely to be a Other continental magmatic terrains
that there was a thermal anomaly in the fragment of an originally larger area. such as the Mid-Proterozoic magmatism of
mantle that overlapped in both time and The much younger Karoo sequence of the United States midcontinent and of
space with the production of large volumes southern Africa has many similarities. A northern Australia (33) and the Late Cale-
of felsic melts. More granite was emplaced brief period of basaltic volcanism at 193 ? donian granites of Scotland and Australia
during a second major period of felsic mag- 5 Ma (29, 30) produced thick sequences of (34) (Fig. 3), which are difficult to interpret
matic activity 2660 to 2665 Ma, and small, picrites near the inferred position of the in plate tectonic terms, have similarities
isolated granitic intrusions have ages as plume track (5). In the Lebombo area, the with the Yilgarn (in particular, geographic
young as 2600 ? 10 Ma. The overall time basalts are overlain by felsic volcanic rocks form, scale, and derivation through partial
scale for magmatism is thus -100 million of crustal derivation; these have ages of melting of older continental crust). We
years. Derivation of the granitic rocks -177 Ma (29) and are interbedded with, suggest that reworking above plume heads
through partial melting of preexisting con- and overlain by, basaltic rocks. Small syen- deserves consideration as a potentially im-
tinental crust now appears to be accepted ite intrusions are as young as 130 to 135 Ma portant process in the evolution of the
by most workers (22, 24). Evidence for this (29, 30). Felsic volcanism is only important observed continental crust.
includes lead isotope compositions, the dif- off the craton, presumably because the low- Plume tail provinces. The most obvious
ficulty of producing large volumes of K-rich er part of the relatively young crust that feature of plume tail provinces is the pres-
granite directly from the mantle, and the encircled the craton had not been stripped ence of a time-progressive chain of volcanic
presence of old xenocrystic zircons in a of anatectic components and also possibly centers that may be many thousands of
number of samples (22). because the thinner lithosphere beneath kilometers long, corresponding to plume
These observations have been interpret- this younger crust permitted easier ascent of tails that may have persisted for as long as
ed as follows (21, 22). Partial melting in the hot plume head (28). 200 million years (13). The longevity of the
the bulk of a rising and spreading plume Felsic magmatism is much less important main volcanic interval at any given site on
head resulted in an early period of (often in many other areas that have been inter- the chain is predicted to be related to the
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rate at which the overlying plate passes inces (Yellowstone, Afar, Iceland, Reunion, years [see (40) for details]. For comparison,
across the hot-spot conduit. The province Tristan, Tasmania-Ferrar, Karoo, Siberian inclusion of an extra 16 small (R = 800 km)
resulting from the Yellowstone plume (the traps) have risen beneath predominantly plumes decreases the estimated repeat time
Snake River Plain) provides one on-land continental crust during the past 250 millionto 500 million years. Sixteen new plumes
example. The Plain is a volcanic-filled gra- years; another eight, probably smaller, ex- rising beneath continents in 250 million
ben atop a broad arch (35). Early rhyolitic amples (East Africa, Raton, Eastern Austra- years implies a global total of 43 (Fig. 4) if
volcanism is followed by basaltic volca- lia, Trindade or Martin, New England, Me- we assume that plume initiation is indepen-
nism, a main phase of crust-derived mag- teor-Discovery-Bouvet, Australian North- dent of near-surface processes (10). Al-
matism, and a final episode of plain-flood- west Shelf, Fernando) have also been sug- though the values for plume head radius used
ing basaltic volcanism. The entire volcanic gested (39). The actual number of new in these calculations derive from the fluid
history takes -8 million years at any one plumes could be considerably greater thandynamics experiments, the close correspon-
locality (36), consistent with passage of this. Our assessment is meant to be indica- dence between predictions and the observed
North America at 25 km per million years tive rather than definitive; we use these bestdimensions of one of the inferred surface
over a plume conduit 200 km across. examples to show the likely bounds that manifestations of plume heads (the CFB
Although lateral spreading of material might be placed on the repeat time (40). provinces) is taken as indicating that the
from the top of the conduit may result in the Eight large (radius R = 1200 km following major uncertainties in estimating the repeat
production of a strip of hot plume material near-surface spreading) plume heads in 250 time result not from poor estimates of plume-
-1000 km wide (8, 37), a striking charac- million years implies a repeat time for the head radii but from incomplete knowledge of
teristic of continental plume tail provinces rise of a plume head beneath a particular the rate of plume initiation and of the
(as well as of oceanic hot-spot chains) is the spot on the Earth's surface of 1300 million size-frequency distribution of plume heads.
restriction of major tectonism and magma- years; addition of a further eight medium- A reasonable estimate is thus that a piece
tism to a narrow (commonly <200 km) sized (R = 1000 km) plume heads brings the of continental crust will be affected by a
volcanic- and sediment-filled trough atop a estimated repeat time down to 800 million plume head event on average every 500 to
broad arch. Thermal subsidence of the arch
may result in later and much more wide-
Plume head Continental margin
spread sedimentation. Formation of the gra-
ben associated with the Snake River Plain Peninsular Sierra
Eastern Ranges Nevada Lachlan
has been suggested to result from removal of Karoo Yilgam batholith batholith fold belt
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Fig. 4. Diagram showing the rela- Total number of plumes initiated derived from a thermal boundary layer at
tion between frequency of plume in past 200 million years the CMB (5, 8, 44, 45), although this is
initiation and plume repeat time 100 50 40 30 20 15 also controversial, and to carry through the
(40) for a range of inferred plume mantle -6% of the heat ultimately lost at
head diameters. 200 Ma is cho-
the Earth's surface (8, 37). When the plume
sen for comparison because it is -
head plus tail fluxes are combined (2.8 to 3.3
approximately the age of the m 2000
x 1012 W, or 5.2 to 6.5 mW/M2), the total
longest lived present-day plumes /
(13, 28). Radii (R) are for plume 0 8 large continental amount of heat transported through the
heads before initiation of lateral O plumes in 250 mantle by plumes is equivalent to 7 to 9% of
spreading, which approximately million years the mantle-derived surface heat loss [38 x
doubles the plume head diame- E . . 1012 W; 74 mW/M2 (8, 37)].
ter. Details of the calculation are CD The ultimate driving force for plate tec-
given in (40); see text for discus- 1000 tonics is loss of heat from the mantle, where-
sion. The repeat times shown c as plumes appear to be driven by heat loss
here correspond to the time re- /C/
from the core (8, 9, 37, 44, 45). The areally
quired for plumes to affect 63% of 8 large and 8 medium averaged heat fluxes estimated for the two
the area under consideration. continental plumes
boundary layers [18 to 22 mW/M2 for the
3g 2 plumes l CMB; 74 mW/M2 for the mantle component
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 of surface heat flow (8, 37)] differ by only a
Average time interval between plume factor of 3 or 4. Their tectonic manifesta-
initiation events (in millions of years)
tions are so different because of the temper-
ature dependence of mantle rheology. The
800 million years (Fig. 4). The geochrono- the upper mantle by plumes. For plume hot boundary layer above the core has re-
logical record of the continents shows appar- heads these are V = 2 x 103 m3/s, M = 6.6 duced viscosity, which gives rise to plume
ent episodicity, with periods 100 to 200 x 106 kg/s, and Q = 0.5 to 1.0 x 1012 W heads and tails, whereas the cool surface
million years containing many dated samples (1.0 to 2.0 mW/M2) for a repeat time of 500 boundary layer forms stiff plates that subduct
separated by much longer periods of mag- million years; and V = 1.4 x 103 m3/s, M as sheets and drive the plate-scale convec-
matic quiescence (41). Although these data = 4.6 x 106 kg/s, and Q = 0.4 to 0.7 x tive flow. The poor spatial correlation be-
are usually interpreted as measuring the 1012 W (0.7 to 1.4 mW/M2) for a repeat tween hot spots and plate boundaries (10)
times of continental growth, we suggest that time of 800 million years. This compares indicates that the two modes of convection
the geochronology of the continents records with estimates of V = 2.2 x 103 m3/s, M = operate largely independently.
the combined effects of crustal growth 7.3 x 106 kg/s and Q = 2.3 x 1012 W (4.5 However, the geological record indi-
(which occurs predominantly at consump- mW/M2) for plume tails (8, 37). The repeat cates that there is at least some interaction
tive plate margins) and crustal reworking, times for heads are less than for tails; total between plumes and plates. The clearest
including that above plume heads. heat flux is also less, and volume and mass example is the observation that continental
Crustal reworking above plume tails is fluxes are comparable. Much of the differ- breakup is often immediately preceded by
likely to be much less important. The ence in estimated heat fluxes between heads the development of flood basalt provinces
methodology of Davies (8) can be used to and tails results from a lower estimated (6, 13, 46). Data from a number of such
estimate that plume-related features are average temperature for plume heads. provinces shows that there is a continuum
produced at a rate of about 106 km2 per If the total mass flux (heads plus tails) for (Fig. 5), from those where initiation of a
million years. The mean age of oceanic plumes estimated on the basis of the record new spreading ridge followed soon after
crust (area: 310 x 106 kM2) is 53 million of the past 250 million years (1.2 to 1.4 x basalt eruption (for example, North Atlan-
years (38), so that --15% of the present 107 kg/s) is representative, then the plume tic Tertiary Province; Deccan; Parana-
ocean floor has been affected by hot-spot flux alone is capable of turning over the Etendeka) through those where a new
activity (or, 1% of the oceans is affected by upper mantle (mass = 1.27 x 1024 kg) on a ocean basin formed only after a significant
hot-spot activity every 3 million years). If time scale of 3000 million years. (15 to 40 million year) time lag (for exam-
the preserved record is representative, and ple, Afar, Karoo, Newark-Palisades) to sit-
if continents are as likely to be affected as Plumes and Plates uations where no new ocean formed (for
are oceans, then the calculated repeat time example, the Siberian traps).
of 300 million years is in broad agreement One further question is the extent and Observations suggest that for the modem
with earlier estimates (42). However, these nature (if any) of the interaction of plumes Earth the rise of a plume by itself cannot
values are calculated for the entire area with the convective system driving. the initiate continental breakup. But in situa-
inferred to be underlain by plume material, tectonic plates. Although there is still tions where the plate-scale motions are suit-
the width of which is much greater [up to much controversy regarding the origin of ably arranged, the extra horizontal devia-
about 1000 km (8, 37)] than the width the forces that move the plates, models of toric stresses generated by uplift above a
(commonly <200 km) of any major geolog- whole-mantle convection driven by the rising plume may at times be of sufficient
ical feature clearly related to the underlying negative buoyancy of a cold, rigid surface magnitude to allow rifting to either proceed
hot spot. Because of this, the repeat time for boundary layer (principally the oceanic more rapidly or result in transfer of the axis
significant reworking above a plume tail is lithosphere) are consistent with a wide of spreading to as near as is possible to the
probably of order 1000 to 2000 million years; variety of observations (44). Regardless of plume center. For example, spreading within
plume tail provinces are thus predicted to be the details of the driving mechanism, this the South Atlantic propagated rapidly north-
a less important feature in the geological plate-scale convective mode is responsible ward following the rise of the plume head
record than plume head provinces. for most of the heat loss from the mantle, which gave rise to the Parana-Etendeka CFB
The estimates of repeat time can also be and >80% of the heat loss from the Earth province. Examples of plume-initiated ridge
used to calculate (43) the flux of volume (9, 44). The plumes that give rise to hot- jumps (28) include the opening of the North
(V), mass (M), and heat (Q) carried into spot chains (plume tails) are inferred to be Atlantic following ascent of the Iceland
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. ge
that predates the inferred times of plume in plume-lithosphere interaction, is needed Inter. 33, 304 (1983).
8. G. F. Davies, J. Geophys. Res. 93,10467 (1988).
arrival that this area was already underlain for more precise modeling.
9. _ , ibid., p. 10451.
by unusually hot (and thus low-viscosity) Finally, we have as yet only a poor 10. M. Stefaniac and D. M. Jurdy, ibid. 89, 9919
uppermost mantle. The low value of 1 to 2 understanding of the likely extent of the (1984); D. M. Jurdy and M. Stefaniac, Geophys.
Res. Lett. 17, 1965 (1990).
x 1020 Pa s calculated from the observed interaction between a rising plume and
11. J. T. Wilson, Can. J. Phys. 41, 863 (1963); J. T.
time interval is one commonly associated subduction. The geological record of the Wilson, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. A 25,
with unusually hot mantle (51). This ac- continental margin of the northwestern 145 (1965).
cord between the calculated viscosity and margin of the United States does give some 12. J. A. Whitehead and D. S. Luther, J. Geophys.
Res. 80, 705 (1975); J. N. Skilbeck and J. A.
the likely low value inferred from the geo- idea of one possible situation where a plume Whitehead, Nature 272, 499 (1978).
logical observations provides support for the head rose through a subduction zone, one 13. W. J. Morgan, in The Sea, C. Emiliani, Ed. (Wiley,
starting plume hypothesis, and suggests that expression of which is the Cascades mag- New York, 1981), vol. 7, pp. 443-487.
14. M. A. Richards, R. A. Duncan, V. E. Courtillot,
further application of the model in an matic arc, developed for at least the past 50 Science 246, 103 (1989).
attempt to unravel the forces responsible for Ma as the Juan de Fuca Plate has been 15. R. W. Griffiths, J. Fluid Mech. 166, 139 (1986);
the past 40 million years of geological evo- subducted beneath western North America Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 78, 435 (1986); Phys. Earth
Planet. Inter. 33, 304 (1986).
lution of this region may be productive. (53). A postulated Yellowstone plume head
16. A. Chopelas and R. Boehler, Geophys. Res. Lett.
An alternate mechanism for large-scalenearing the top of its ascent 17 to 18 16,1347 (1989).
continental reworking is that of Hima- million years ago must have reached the 17. R. W. Griffiths and 1. H. Campbell, J. Geophys.
layan-type continent-continent collisions. Res. 96, 18295 (1991).
upper part of the descending slab. At about
18. R. W. Griffiths, M. Gurnis, G. Eitelberg, Geophys.
Although this may result in the structural 18 Ma the rate of magmatic activity within J. 96, 477 (1989).
and thermal reworking of broad areas many this arc slowed considerably, and when it 19. G. Houseman and P. England, J. Geophys. Res.
thousands of kilometers across (1, 52), it increased again 4 million years later, mag- 91, 719 (1986).
20. M. A. Richards, D. L. Jones, R. A. Duncan, D. J.
might not be expected to include the sub- matism had shifted to more mafic composi- DePaolo, Science 254, 263 (1991).
stantial and early basaltic volcanism that is tions (53), consistent with the introduction 21. I. H. Campbell, R. W. Griffiths, R. I. Hill, Nature
a common characteristic of plume head of hot material from the plume head into 339, 697 (1989).
provinces. Other features (52) of Hima- the mantle wedge overlying the downgoing 22. I. H. Campbell and R. I. Hill, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
90, 11 (1988); R. I. Hill, I. H. Campbell, W.
lyan-type events (for example, maximum slab. Geometric considerations suggest that Compston, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53,1259
temperature attained within the crust and part of the plume head may have spread (1989); R. I. Hill, I. H. Campbell, R. W. Griffiths,
Explor. Geophys. 22,185 (1991); R. I. Hill and 1. H.
relative timing of major structural and mag-westward as far as the Juan de Fuca ridge.
Campbell, Aust. J. Earth Sci., in press; , B.
matic events) are also likely to differ signif-This example suggests that a better knowl- W. Chappell, in The Archaean: Terranes, Crustal
icantly from those associated with plumes. edge of plume-slab interactions may lead to Processes and Metallogeny, J. Glover and S. E.
In summary, each mechanism for initiating a better understanding of the tectonic and Ho, Eds. (Geology Department and University
Extension, University of Western Australia, in
large-scale thermal reworking of continen- magmatic complexities of some arcs. press); R. I. Hill, B. W. Chappell, I. H. Campbell,
tal crust is likely to have a characteristic The apparently successful application of Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh: Earth Sci., in press.
combination of time scales and magmatic the mantle plume model to the origin of 23. V. M. Oversby, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 40,
817 (1976); W. Compston, I. S. Williams, I. H.
evolution that could allow identification. continental flood basalt provinces, oceanic Campbell, J. J. Gresham, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
Three areas of uncertainty limit detailed plateaus, and hot-spot tracks carries the 76, 299 (1986); J. C. Claou6-Long, W. Compston,
application (or evaluation) of the plume implication that mantle plumes may play an A. Cowden, ibid. 89, 239 (1988).
24. W. K. Witt and C. P. Swager, Precambr. Res. 44,
model. First, improved resolution of the important role in continental geology. We
323 (1989); K. F. Cassidy, M. E. Barley, D. I.
predicted time interval between uplift and suggest that further candidates for plume Groves, C. S. Perring, J. A. Hallberg, ibid. 51, 51
initial magmatism requires better knowl- head provinces include the Trans-Hudson (1991).
edge of the values and variability of upper orogen of the North American Proterozoic, 25. W. J. Collins, S. D. Beams, A. J. R. White, B. W.
Chappell, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 80,189 (1982);
mantle viscosity, as well as a better under- the Proterozoic anorogenic magmatism of J. B. Whalen, K. L. Currie, B. W. Chappell, ibid.
standing of the process by which plumes the American midcontinent and of north- 95, 407 (1987).
penetrate the lithosphere [see (17) for a ern Australia, and the 'Late Caledonian' 26. B. J. Drummond and C. D. N. Collins, Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett. 79, 361 (1986); B. J. Drummond,
discussion]. The latter point in particular is granite terrains of Scotland and of south- Precambr. Res. 40/41, 101 (1988).
at present poorly understood. Plume pene- eastern Australia. The Midcontinent Rift 27. I. H. Campbell and G. T. Jarvis, Precambr. Res.
tration may involve thermomechanical ero- of North America may be a candidate for a 26,15 (1984).
28. R. I. Hill, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 104, 398 (1991).
sion, heat transport by magma, and the Proterozoic hot-spot track. Mantle plumes
29. F. J. Fitch and J. A. Miller, Geol. Soc. S. Africa
development of gravitational instabilities in may also exercise considerable control over Spec. Publ. 13, 247 (1984); H. L. Allsopp, W. I.
the lower part of the lithosphere. Indeed, the properties of the top half of the subcon- Manton, J. W. Bristow, A. J. Erlank, ibid. 13, 273
although both the compositions of inferred tinental upper mantle. (1984).
30. H. L. Allsopp, J. W. Bristow, C. T. Logan, H. V.
plume-derived basalts and the observed Eales, A. J. Erlank, ibid., p. 281.
time intervals between initial basaltic mag- REFERENCES AND NOTES 31. T. H. Green and A. E. Ringwood, Earth Planet. Sci.
matism and the beginning of voluminous Lett. 1, 307 (1966); Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 18,
1. P. Molnar, Nature 335, 131 (1988). 105 (1968); C. W. Burnham, in Geochemistry of
crust-derived magmatism appear to require 2. J.-G. Schilling, ibid. 242, 565 (1973); D. McKen- Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, H. L. Barnes, Ed.
that the top of the plume head ascends to zie, J. PetroL. 25, 713 (1984); and M. J. (Wiley, New York, ed. 3, 1979), pp. 71-136.
within a short distance (-10 km) of the Bickle, ibid. 29, 625 (1988); C. Langmuir, paper 32. A. R. McBirney and C. M. White, in Andesites:
presented at the Caltech Conference on Mantle Orogenic Andesites and Related Rocks, R. S.
base of the crust (22), the mechanism by Plumes, Pasadena, CA, 2 to 4 May 1991. Thorpe, Ed. (WNiley, New York, 1982), pp. 115-
which this is accomplished is unknown. 3. J. A. Tarduno et al., Science 254, 399 (1991); M. 135; L. T. Silver and B. W. Chappell, Trans. Roy.
Second, calculation of the uplift and F. Coffin, paper presented at the Caltech Confer- Soc. Edinburgh Earth Sci. 79, 105 (1988).
ence on Mantle Plumes, Pasadena, CA, 2 to 4 33. L. 7. Silver et al., Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Prog. 9,
extension history of crust above a rising
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plume head is limited by knowledge of the 4. R. W. Griffiths and 1. H. Campbell, Earth Planet. Zietz, Geology 14, 492 (1986); M. E. Bickford,
temperature-dependence of rheology (19). Sci. Lett. 99, 66 (1990). Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 100, 1375 (1988); L. A. I.
5. I. H. Campbell and R. W. Griffiths, ibid., p. 79. Wyborn, Precambr. Res. 40141, 37 (1988).
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6. W. J. Morgan, Nature 230, 42 (1971); Mem. Geol. 34. Writing about the Late Caledonian (430 to 390
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crustal rocks, and of the processes involved 7. D. E. Loper and F. D. Stacey, Phys. Earth Planet. N. Halliday [Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Earth
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Sci. 75, 259 (1988)] commented that "The rela- 46. R. White and D. McKenzie, J. Geophys. Res. 94, 54. L. T. Silver, H. P. Taylor, Jr., B. W. Chappell, in
tionship of these late granitoids to the collision 7685 (1989). Mesozoic Crystalline Rocks, P. L. Abbott and V. R.
process is obscure, and hitherto their ages and 47. A. J. Froelich and G. R. Robinson, Jr., Eds., U.S. Todd, Eds. (Guidebook, Geological Society of
compositional variations have not accorded with Geol. Surv. Bull. 1776 (1988). America, Denver, 1979), pp. 83-1 10; J. H. Chen
those predicted by various plate models." B. W. 48. G. Schubert and D. Sandwell, Earth Planet. Sci. and J. G. Moore, J. Geophys. Res. 87, 4761
Chappell and W. E. Stephens (ibid., p.71), com- Lett. 92, 234 (1989). (1982); M. D. Barton et a/., in Metamorphism and
paring granites of similar (Late Caledonian) age in 49. W. E. Galloway, Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull. 73, Crustal Evolution of the Western United States, W.
Scotland and southeastern Australia with the 143 (1989). G. Ernst, Ed. (Prentice-Hall, Englewood, NJ,
Mesozoic continental margin batholiths of western 50. D. P. Elston and R. A. Young, J. Geophys. Res. 96, 1988), pp. 110-178; P. G. Stuart-Smith, R. I. Hill,
North America, concluded: "The Paleozoic gran- 12389 (1991); K. M. Campion, S. R. Morgan, J. M. M. J. Rickard, M. A. Etheridge, Tectonophysics, in
ites show little evidence of such a direct relation- Lohmar, Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Prog. 23,11 (1991); press.
ship to subduction." See also A. N. Halliday and J. M. Lohmar and S. R. Morgan, ibid., p. 74. 55. R. G. Bohannon, C. W. Naeser, D. L. Schmidt, R.
W. E. Stephens, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 35, 89 51. Recent estimates of average upper mantle vis- A. Zimmerman, J. Geophys. Res. 94,1683 (1989).
(1984); M. Owen and D. Wyborn, Austral. Bur. cosity range from -5 x 1019 to 5 x 1020 Pa s; the 56. D. Rowley, personal communication.
Min. Res. Bull. No. 204 (1979). lower values come from tectonically younger re- 57. Our geochronological work in Western Australia
35. J. Suppe, C. Powell, R. Berry, Am. J. Sci. 275A, gions such as the Pacific Ocean, and southern has received substantive support from Australian
397 (1975). and eastern Australia. This latter region, the site of Consolidated Minerals, Aztec Exploration, BP
36. R. L. Armstrong, W. P. Leeman, H. E. Malde, ibid. intermittent and scattered basaltic volcanism for Minerals, Central Norseman Gold Corp. Ltd., Hill
275, 225 (1975). the past 70 million years, yields an estimate of 2 to Minerals, Pancontinental, Placer Exploration Ltd.,
37. N. H. Sleep, J. Geophys. Res. 95, 6715 (1990). 3 x 1020 Pa s. M. Nakada and K. Lambeck, in West Coast Holdings, and Western Mining Corpo-
38. B. Parsons, ibid. 87, 289 (1982). Glacial Isostasy, Sea-Level and Mantle Rheology, ration. R.I.H. acknowledges support from an Aus-
39. Evidence for many of the inferred plume heads is R. Sabadini, K. Lambeck, E. Boschi, Eds. (Kluwer, tralian Research Council Fellowship. We are
Dordrecht, 1991), pp. 79-94. grateful to W. Compston for access to the
from [5, 6, 13, 14, 20, 28, 461, R. A. Duncan [J.
52. P. C. England and A. B. Thompson, J. Petrol. 25, SHRIMP ion microprobe. We thank N. T. Arndt, B.
Geophys. Res. 89, 9980 (1984)], and N. H. Sleep
[J. Geophys. Res. 95, 21983 (1990)]. We infer that 894 (1984); S. M. Peacock, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. W. Chappell, W. Compston, M. A. Richards, A. E.
magmatism -124 Ma in the White Mountains and 101, 476 (1989). Ringwood, S.-S. Sun, J. S. Turner, and D. Wyborn
Monteregian Hills resulted from the plume head 53. A. R. McBirney, J. F. Sutter, H. R. Naslund, K. G. for discussions, as well as D. L. Anderson for
phase of this hot spot. Tracks for Discovery- Sutton, C. M. White, Geology 12, 585 (1974); E. D. organizing the Caltech Mantle Plume Conference
Bouvet-Meteor are presented by R. A. Duncan; Verplanck and R. A. Duncan, Tectonics 6, 197 at which a number of the ideas incorporated in
White and McKenzie (46) link basalts in the Cape (1987); G. R. Priest, J. Geophys. Res. 95, 19583 this paper were first presented. We thank S. B.
Basin to Bouvet, and we infer that initiation of this (1 990). Shirey and N. H. Sleep for thorough reviews.
plume family resulted in the extended period of
kimberlite eruption in southern Africa that began
about 128 Ma [see also S. T. Crough, W. J.
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