Hofmann 1997 Nature Oceanic - Volcanism
Hofmann 1997 Nature Oceanic - Volcanism
Hofmann 1997 Nature Oceanic - Volcanism
Mantle geochemistry: the message
from oceanic volcanism
A. W. Hofmann
Basaltic volcanism 'samples' the Earth's mantle to great depths, because solid-state convection transports deep
material Into the (shallow) melting region. The Isotopic and trace-element chemistry of these basalts shows that the
mantle contains several Isotopically and chemically distinct components, which reflect Its global evolution. This
evolution is characterized by upper-mantle depletion of many trace elements, possible replenishment from the deeper,
less depleted mantle, and the recycling of oceanic crust and lithosphere, but of only small amounts of continental
Geochemists began to study the composition and evolution of the differences between MORB and OIB appeared to indicate that the II
Earth's mantle in the 1960s, when it became clear that plate tectonics former come from an upper, depleted layer, whereas the latter rise J
is driven by solid-state mantle convection, which carries deep- from a deeper, undepleted layer (see, for example, ref. 12). This is I
mantle material upwards until it begins to melt (at about 30- the geochemical 'standard model' shown in Fig. 1a. Apparent 1
100 km depth). This melt rises to the surface where it extrudes as support came from geophysical evidence showing a sharp increase II
basaltic lava and delivers a chemical 'message' from the mantle to in the velocity of seismic waves at a depth of 660 km (the 660-km
the geochemist. seismic discontinuity). This indicated that the mantle consists of
When a mantle region melts, it loses incompatible (see Box 1 for two layers, which differ in either chemical or mineralogical com-
explanation of professional jargon) trace elements, such as position or both.
uranium, thorium and potassium, to the melt, which transports This standard model is now untenable because OIB are highly
them to the oceanic or continental crust. The continental crust now variable in composition, so that they could not be derived from a
contains about half of the Earth's total inventory of Th and U, chemically uniform, primitive layer of the mantle. This has led to a
leaving at least the upper mantle correspondingly depleted. This proliferation of speculative models about the origin and dis-
depleted region is sampled globally by basalts along the 60,000-km- tribution of the different types of material in the mantle. Some of
long mid-ocean-ridge system. Other types of volcanism are fed by these have retained the concept of a two-layer mantle (Fig. 1b): the
less depleted or even enriched regions in the mantle. A mantle two convecting layers are kept separate by an intrinsic com-
region can 'remember' its depletion or enrichment history, because positional density contrast or by a negative pressure-temperature
the accumulation of daughter products of radioactive decay records slope of an isochemical phase transition at 660 km (ref. 13). Plumes
the changes in parent-to-daughter concentration ratios which occur originate from the base of the upper layer but may entrain material
during melt removal (or addition). Because of this, isotopic 'leaking' from the lower layer 14 .1 5 • Other models are based on 'whole-
measurements have become the major (though not the only) tool mantle' convection (see, for example, ref. 16 and Fig. 1c). In this
of the mantle geochemist. This allows us to 'map' the geochemical class of models, subducted lithosphere penetrates the 660-km
structure of the Earth's interior by interpreting the isotopic com- boundary, and all plumes originate from the core-mantle boundary.
position of mantle-derived basalts. Thus isotope geochemistry, Recently, hybrid models have been developed in which the two,
having established the chronology of the Earth's accretion and normally separately convecting layers are intermittently perturbed
continent formation, is now beginning to decipher its internal when sinking pieces of subducted lithosphere and rising plumes
differentiation history as well. occasionally penetrate the 660-km boundary (Fig. 1d; refs 5, 17, 18).
I review here the main geochemical evidence bearing on mantle It will be seen further below that geochemical mass-balance con-
structure and processes, and some of the models based on it. I siderations strongly favour some type oflayered convection (models
conclude that much of the chemical heterogeneity evident in in Fig. 1b or d).
oceanic basalts is caused by recycling of oceanic, and to a much
lesser extent continental, crustal material, which resurfaces pre- Geological background
dominantly in the 'mantle plumes' that create volcanic islands. The following geological observations and inferences derived from
Whether these plumes rise from the base of the upper mantle or the them provide a framework for interpreting the geochemical
base of the lower mantle remains a hotly debated issue. Earlier messages from the mantle:
reviews of this and related topics may be found in refs 1- 9. ( 1) Mid-ocean ridges migrate laterally in a pattern controlled
largely by the surface geometry of the plates. Therefore, they should
Overview of mantle models normally 'sample' the uppermost mantle (that is, the
In the 1970s, geochemists developed the idea of a chemically layered asthenosphere), which rises passively under the spreading ridge.
mantle, with an upper depleted and a lower undepleted (also called Occasionally, a migrating ridge intersects a plume, which rises from
primitive) layer, because it was found that there is a fundamental the deeper mantle. When this happens, such as on Iceland, oceanic
geochemical difference between mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORB), crust of anomalous chemistry and thickness is produced.
which come from mantle regions that are depleted in all incom- (2) Mantle plumes are thought to generate about 20- 40 stationary
patible elements, and ocean island basalts (OIB), which are less 'hotspots', which are also used as a reference frame to determine
depleted or even enriched. Ocean islands often form long lines of absolute plate motions. Plumes probably originate from boundary
volcanoes of progressively increasing ages, which are created by an layers in the mantle7' 19' 20, which may be located either above the 660-km
apparently stationary heat source ('hotspot' ) under a moving seismic discontinuity or above the core- mantle boundary (at 2,900 km ).
plate10• Morgan 11 proposed that hotspots are created by narrow In either case, heating from below lowers the density until the layer
'plumes' rising from the deep mantle. The chemical and isotopic becomes unstable and forms a rising column or 'plume'.
220 I
NATURE VO L 385 116 JAN UARY 1997
review article
isotopically 'extreme' types of mantle plume (see below and Figs 3- Two features are noteworthy. ( 1) The Pb data do not form a
6), namely Tubuai, Austral Islands (HIMU) and Tristan-Inacces- simple trend extending from depleted MORE through OIB to the
sible Island (EM-1). (See Isotope taxonomy section, below, for continental crust. Thus, OIB sources cannot be explained simply by
explanation of HIMU, EM -1 and EM-2). Their greater enrichments back-mixing of continental crust (as might have been inferred from
in incompatible elements cause them superficially to resemble the Sr-Nd-Hf data). (2) Given the relative compatibilities ofU and
continental crust, but their Nb and Pb anomalies are similar to Pb from Fig. 2, Pb isotope data in Fig. 4a for MORE should fall well
those of the oceanic crust (=MORE) and opposite to those of the to the left of the 'geochron' (locus of primitive-mantle Pb composi-
continental crust. Thus, except for their grossly different relative tions). In other words, the Pb data are expected to show roughly the
levels of enrichment (which can be explained by differences in the same topology as the Sr-Nd data in Fig. 3, but in fact most MORE
melting process), all these basalt types have fundamentally similar data are roughly centred on the geochron, or even lie on its right-
trace-element patterns. In contrast, the trace-element patterns of hand side. Moreover, the bulk continental crust (located somewhere
EM-2 basalts (not shown for reasons of clarity) differ from those of between UCC and LCC) also lies close to the geochron rather than
other OIB and resemble that of continental crust (see section on
trace-element ratios).
Isotope chemistry. The radioactive parent nuclides listed in Table 1 a MOAB OIB Arc
are all very long-lived, so the daughter isotope ratios reflect the o km
long-term history of the basalt-source reservoirs in the mantle. lithosphere
Figures 3-6 show Sr, Nd and Pb isotope data for over 1,100 samples upper mantle
660 km
of MORE and OlE.
Strontium, neodymium and hafnium. Isotope data for Sr and Nd in
MORE, OIB and continental crust are summarized in Fig. 3. The
MORE points form a relatively tight cluster that defines the upper
left-hand corner of the array. In general, 143 Nd/ 144 Nd correlates
~1 Primitive
lower mantle
negatively with 87 Sr/ 86 Sr, and positively with 176Hf/ 177 Hf (not
shown). The isotopic composition of the primitive mantle,
marked by a square, is normally estimated from this correlation
and the Nd value of meteorites 26 • These correlations are consistent 2,900 km
Liquid outer core
with the relative compatibilities shown in Fig. 2, namely Rb < Sr, MORB OIB Arc
Sm > Nd, and Lu > Hf. Thus, mantle regions depleted in incom- Okm Continental
patible elements have low Rb/Sr and therefore low 87 Sr/ 86Sr ratios, lithosphere
coupled with hifh Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf, and therefore high upper mantle
143 Nd/ 144 Nd and 76 Hf/ 177 Hf ratios. Continental crust, which is 660 km
enriched in incompatible elements, shows the opposite isotopic
signatures. The position of OIB between the depleted MORE source
and the continental crust suggests that the OIB sources might just be Primitive
lower mantle
the result of back-mixing of various types of continental material
into the mantle. It will be seen below that this is, for the most part,
not the case.
Lead. The Pb isotope data (Fig. 4) are more complex than those for
2,900 km
Sr, Nd and Hf, in part because the geochemical behaviour oflead is Liquid outer core
anomalous (see below and Fig. 2). The U/Pb ratio of the Earth c MORB OIB Arc
cannot be inferred directly from meteorite data because the silicate Okm
circulation. The upper layer has been depleted in incompatible elements by the 2,900 km
Liquid outer core
formation of continental crust. The layers are separated by either an endothermic
phase change or by an intrinsic dens1ty contrast at a depth of 660 km. Plumes rise d MORB 018 Arc
from the base of the lower, primitive (or less depleted) layer. The counterflow into 0 km
the lower layer is not specified. (MORB, mid-ocean-ndge basalt; OIB, ocean
Upper mantle
island basalt.) b, Two-layer circulation with nearly complete isolation between
660 km
upper and lower layers. Plumes rise from the base of the upper layer but may
entrain small amounts of material from the lower layer. Plume sources are created
by recycling of oceanic or continental lithosphere, which creates reservoirs that
are enriched in incompatible elements. c, Whole-mantle, single-layer circulation ~1
with plumes rising from the core-mantle boundary. Plume sources are created as Lower mantle
0 .5134
0 0 .5132
cQ) 10
u "<!"
0 .5128
C') 0 .5126
0 Primitive mantle
z 0 .5124
0 .702 0 .704 0 .706 0 .708
~ Th U ~ ~ P ~ TI ~ 8 ~ ~ ~
Ba Nb La Pb Sr Sm Eu Gd Y Lu Ca Si
Figure 3 Nd and Sr isotopic compositions, assembled from literature sources, of
MORB and 0 18, w ith extreme HIMU, EM-1 and EM-2 sam ples marked in red,
Figure 2 Concentrations of selected trace and major elements, arranged in the brown and yellow colours, respectively. Only those samples are shown for w hich
order of ascending compatibility and normalized to primitive-mantle concentra- Pb isotope data are also available (see Figs 4-6). HIMU samples are arbitrarily
tions, in average continental crust'". average MORB4 , average Mauna Loa, defined by having 206 PbJ204 Pb .:; 20 (Fig . 4). EM -1 and EM-2 samples are also
Hawaii 119, and three types of OIB: average Tristan and Inaccessible islands arbitrarily defined by their low 143Nd / 144 Nd and high 87 Sr/ 86Srvalues as shown on
representing EM-1120 ·m , and Tubuai representing HIMU islands49. The patterns this diagram. The arrow points to the com position of average continenta l crust
for MORB and the oceanic island basalts differ by their different enrichments (or ( 87 Sr/86 Sr = 0.72, 143 Nd/144 Nd = 0.5118). A lso marked are the compositions repre-
depletions) in incompatible elements, but they are sim ilar with respect to t heir senting the primit ive mantle (PRIMA) and t he proposed common mantle compo-
positive Nb and negative Pb anomalies. The continental crust has opposite Nb nents of most plumes 'FOZO" ' and 'C' 40 . See Supplementary Information for
and Pb anomalies. A fourth type of OIB, called EM-2, is similar to continental crust references used in compiling Figs 3- 7.
and has been omitted for c larity. (See text for explanations of EM-1, EM-2 and
far on its right-hand side. A solution to this puzzle (the 'lead excellent tracer for recycled basaltic material in the mantle and
paradox' 28 ) will be suggested below. current results have generally been interpreted in this way. Mantle
Correlations between Pb and other isotopes. Figure 5 shows relation- xenoliths from ancient subcontinental lithosphere have consistently
ships between 206PbP04Pb and Sr isotope ratios. Although these lower-than-primitive 1870s1 1880s values36, and this constitutes an
isotope ratios correlate positively in MORB from the Atlantic and excellent potential tracer for recycled ancient lithosphere. However,
Pacific oceans, they do not correlate in MORB from the Indian no such low Os values have been found in oceanic basalts as yet.
Ocean and in the overall OIB- MORB array. This indicates that Noble gas isotopes. The radiogenic nuclides 4He and 40Ar are
U-Pb and Th-Pb systems in the different mantle reservoirs evolve produced by the decay of U and Th, and 4°K, respectively, and
rather differently from the Rb-Sr (and Sm-Nd and Lu- Hf) m ay be degassed from the Earth's interior into the atmosphere. The
systems. accumulation of 40Ar in the atmosphere will be further discussed in
In contrast, the parameter 208 Pb*I 206Pb* (the ratio of the radio- the section on mass-balance considerations. Oceanic basalts also
genic additions to the initial terrestrial lead, defined as ie08 Pbl contain the non-radiogenic isotopes 3He and 36Ar (as well as Ne, Kr
204Pb) - eospb I zo4Pb)init. l I{ eo6pb I zo4Pb) - eo6Pb I zo4Pb)imt. l and Xe). Atmospheric helium is not recycled into the mantle
does correlate with 143Ndi 144Nd (and with Sr and Hf isotopes); see because it is continually lost to space from the atmosphere, and
Fig. 6. This parameter depends primarily on ThiU (and age) but not nearly all 3He now coming out the mantle is primordial, thus
on UIPb or ThiPb. The topology of Fig. 6 is rather similar to that of demonstrating that the Earth has never been completely degassed.
Fig. 3. This means that ThiU correlates with SmiNd (as well as with (This nearly universally accepted view has been challenged by
LuiHf and RbiSr) in mantle evolution, but UIPb and ThiPb do not. Anderson37, who suggested that cosmic-dust-derived 3He has been
This identifies Pb (rather than Thor U) as the anomalous element29 • supplied to the mantle through subduction of pelagic sediments.
Osmium. Recent improvements in analytical methods have made However, high 3Hei4 He ratios do not correlate with other tracers of 1
osmium isotope analyses of oceanic basalts feasible. The primitive- recycled subducted sediments in OIB38 , a fact that seriously weakens
mantle value of 1870sl 1880s (or 1870sl 1860s) is identical or similar to Anderson's argument.)
the meteorite value30 •3 1• This means that the Earth's mantle has the Relative to the atmospheric 3Hei4He ratio (RA CHei4 He).,m =
same ReiOs ratio as meteorites, which is best explained by con- = 1.4 X 10 - 6 ), continental crust has low ratios CHe/ 4 He"'= 0.01 RA)
tinued infall of meteoritic material after the main accretion and core because it is enriched in Th and U, which produce 4 He during decay.
formation of the Earth. Current results indicate the presence of MORB have rather uniform values of (8 ::t: l)RA (ref. 39), and OIB
higher-than-primitive 1870si 1880s in many OIB32 - 35 • Basalts have range from 5 to 30~ (ref. 40). The existence ofhigh-3Hei4He islands
much higher (up to a factor of a hundred or more) ReiOs ratios than (Hawaii, Iceland, Bouvet, Galapagos, Easter, Juan Fernandez,
their mantle sources, so that growth of 1870sl 188 0 s in the oceanic Pitcairn, Samoa, Reunion and Heard islands; see, for example,
crust is quite rapid. Therefore, Os isotopes should furnish an ref. 40) is consistent with the layered-mantle model: plumes
ing isotopically extreme 'mantle components' (Figs 3-5), which 6). All of this provides strong evidel}ce that the different isotopic
contribute to the (usually mixed) sources of oceanic basalts. (1) flavours are not randomly distributed in the mantle but can be
HIMU ('high p.'; p. = 238 U/204 Pb) has the highest Pb ratios and the mapped. Nevertheless, conclusive interpretations are hard to come
lowest 87Sr/86Sr of any OIB (almost as low as MORB). Examples are by because we cannot look into the mantle directly but must rely on
St Helena, Austral Islands, Balleny Islands and the Azores. (2) EM-1 simulations53 or correlations between geophysical and geochemical
('enriched mantle 1')occupies the lower left-hand corner of the Sr- observations. Until recently, the spatial resolution of both geo-
Nd arra& (Fig. 3), and is concentrated in the right-hand cornerofthe physical observations such as seismic tomography and numerical
208 Pb* / 2 6 Pb*- Nd array (Fig. 6), and the upper left-hand corner of convection 'experiments' has been insufficient to 'see' or model
the Pb-Pb array (Fig. 4b). Representatives are the Pitcairn and relatively small features such as plumes. However, this resolution is
Tristan hotspots. (3) EM-2 ('enriched mantle 2' ) has the highest improving rapidly and much progress can be expected within the
87 Sr/86Sr and relatively high 207 Pb/ 204Pb ratios. Representatives are coming decade.
the Societies and Samoa hotspots. (4) DMM ('depleted MORB Quite distinct from the spatial distribution of plume sources and
mantle') is not specifically marked on the figures. It is defined by the other heterogeneities within the mantle is 'Darwin's question': what
most depleted MORB samples with the highest 143Nd/ 144 Nd and the is the origin of the isotopic mantle species? To answer this, we must
lowest 87Sr/86 Sr, 206Pb/204 Pb, 207Pb/ 204Pb and 208 Pb/ 204Pb ratios. consider other aspects of mantle chemistry, in particular the
Many of the isotope data arrays for individual islands or hotspots concentration ratios of highly incompatible elements, which
are roughly linear, indicating that they represent mixtures of a more characterize the different species and should help to identify the
a 15.9 b
.0 .0
0 '<:!'
C\J 0
..._ 15.6 N 39
a.. . .0
15.5 a..
C\J 0
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 36
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
2o6pb I 2o4Pb
Figure4 Pb isotopes forthe samples shown in Fig. 3, using the same colour code. and LCC mark average compositions of upper and lower continental crust,
The solid line labelled " geochron" in a marks the locus of possible primitive respectively '23 .
mantle values assuming an overall age of the mantle of 4.50 Gyr (refs 27,122). UCC
N ATU RE VO L 385 1 16 JAN UARY 1997 223
review article
Table 1 Long-lived radioactive decay series used as tracers
Parent nuclide Daughter nuclide Half-life (yr) Tracer ratio • HIMU o Allan. MOAB
nonradiogenic) • EM-2 • Indian MOAB
>43Nd • EM-1 + OtherOIB
........................ ....... 106 X 109 ' 43 Nd/ 144 Nd
87F{i) 878 ~···
48.8 X 109 .......... . .......s;s ~j86s~....
;;sHf ................. 35 7x iii' ····················· ,y;;Hiii 7'Hi
2j5iJ" ................ ......................... ,_ 0.706
2D7pb (/)
- ~+
with Nb/U and 87Srl6Sr (refs 64-66), confirming the inference that 0.5128
EM-2 OIB, but not other OIB, contain small but significant "0 +. +....+
amounts of recycled material of continental origin. The reasons (")
'<!' 0.5126 0 *
'~ •
for the anomalous behaviour oflead will be discussed in the section
on the 'lead paradox' below. 0.5124
Mass fraction of depleted mantle 0.5122
By calculating how much of the mantle must be depleted in order to 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
account for the incompatible-element enrichment in the continen- 2oaP b* I 206pb*
tal crust, one can estimate how much of the mantle could still be
chemically primitive. The mass fraction of the depleted mantle, Xd, Figure 6 143 Nd / 144Nd versus 208 Pb' / 206 Pb' for the same samples as in Figs 3-5
is given by (Here 21ll Pb"/ 200 Pb' = {("" Pb/204 Pb)- (208 Pb/ 204 Pb), 1}/{(200 Pbi"' 'Pb) - (200 Pbi "" Pb),n1J,
where the subscript 'in it.' designates the initial composition ofthe primitive mantle
Xd = {X, C,(Rd- R,)/(Cr(~- Rr)l - X, 4.5Gyr ago.
where the subscripts d, c and prefer to depleted mantle, continental
crust and primitive mantle, respectively, R is a ratio such as
143 Nd/ 144 Nd or Nb/U, and C is the concentration of the element club, the HIMU source regions with the highest 206PbP 04 Pb values,
in the denominator of R. Initial results based on Nd isotopes (for were formed about 2 Gyr ago. Thus, the timescale observed for
example, re£ 67) indicated depleted-reservoir sizes between 25% 'oceanic' mantle differentiation is likely to be significantly shorter
and 30% of the mantle. This corresponds to the mass of the mantle than the mean age of the continental crust (about 2-2.5 Gyr; re£ 58).
above the 660-km discontinuity and is thus consistent with the
layered mantle model. However, other authors estimated the Evaluation of geochemical mantle models
proportion of depleted mantle to be considerably larger, between The large body of geochemical data reviewed above demonstrates
30% and 90% (for example, refs 1, 68- 70), depending on specific that the Earth's mantle has been partially depleted in incompatible
assumptions about the composition of the continental crust and elements by the formation of the continental crust, which has
depending on the inclusion or omission of the OIB source extracted roughly half of the total budget of highly incompatible
reservoir( s). elements from the mantle. This residual, depleted mantle is chemi-
Perhaps the best-constrained mass balance is that for radiogenic cally heterogeneous on local, regional and global scales. Convective
argon. Approximately 40% ofthe 40Ar produced from 4°K in 4.5 Gyr stirring has not homogenized the mantle, presumably because near-
of Earth history now resides in the atmosphere; only about 1Oo/o is in surface processes such as partial melting and subduction continue
the continental crust and the depleted upper mantle, and the to reintroduce chemical and isotopic heterogeneities. The most
remaining 50% must still be in the lower mantlen. In terms of the highly depleted, and least heterogeneous region is located in the
above equation, this corresponds to Xd = 0.5. This is significantly upper 660 km of the mantle and produces MORB by passive
greater than the mass fraction of the mantle above 660 km (about upwelling and partial melting. Plumes are more heterogeneous in
0.27) but much less than the entire mantle. Thus, although the lower composition and presumably originate from a boundary layer
mantle is certainly no longer primitive, it is substantially less somewhere beneath this upper-mantle reservoir. There is a con-
degassed, and thus probably also less depleted in incompatible tinuing debate about the existence of layered mantle convection.
elements, than the upper mantle (which has lost almost all of its Layering may have been caused by an intrinsic, compositional
40 Ar). This constitutes a strong argument against simple whole- density stratification that originated through crystallization of an
mantle convection, because such a circulation type would be early 'magma ocean' formed during segregation of the core73 •
expected to cause similar levels of degassing throughout the entire Current evidence from mineral physics 74 and experimental evidence
mantle. on crystal-liquid partitioning of high-pressure minerals75•76 does
not favour this model and probably precludes the survival of this
Ages of mantle heterogeneities type of mantle stratification. Layered convection may also be caused
The isotopic heterogeneities shown in Figs 3- 6 require time to by the endothermic nature of the phase change from upper-mantle
develop, particularly in view of the extremely long half-lives of the peridotite to a lower-mantle perovskite-wiistite mineralogy13 • In
parent nuclides. If the parent/daughter ratio and the increase in this case, the major-element compositions of the upper and lower
radiogenic daughter nuclide were known, the age of a heterogeneity mantle may be the same, but the trace element and isotopic
could be calculated. In practice, this is difficult for mantle domains, chemistry of the two reservoirs may differ drastically because of
because the parent/daughter ratios of the mantle sources are crust formation from the upper mantle (see section on mass
generally not preserved in the basalts. Lead is an exception, because fraction of depleted mantle).
the production ratio orz07 Pb/ 206Pb depends only on time, so that the Layered mantle, primitive OIB sources. This is the original
slope of a straight line in 207Pb/ 204Pb- 206Pb/204 Pb space can be 'standard' model (Fig. la) in its simplest form 12•77 • Plumes rise
interpreted to yield the age of a single U- Pb differentiation event. from the primitive lower layer and mix with the upper, depleted
Thus, if the OIB source regions had been formed in a single event, layer on their way to the surface. This model is no longer tenable
the slope of the correlation line in Fig. 4a would mean that this event because ( 1) OIB sources require more than just two source compo-
occurred about 2 Gyr ago. However, continuous differentiation and nents; (2) most OIB have distinctly non-primitive Pb isotopes to the
remixing processes have been shown to produce data arrays with a right of the 'geochron' (Fig. 4a); (3) some OIB sources have lower-
similar slope (yielding an apparent age of 2 Gyr), even though the than-primitive 143 Nd/ 144 Nd ratios (Fig. 3); and (4) Nb/U and Ce/Pb
actual mean differentiation age of the individual mantle sources is (or Nd/Pb) ratios in OIB require non-primitive sources (Fig. 7).
only about 1- 1.3 Gyr (refs 53, 72). Only the oldest members of the Several authors have nevertheless recently proposed that some
topic compositions of Sr, Nd, Hf and Pb (for example, ref. 78), and
some Hawaiian volcanoes have high 3He/ 4He ratios41 ' 79. However, CC mhctures
every Hawaiian volcano investigated so far shows the same Nb- Ta
excess (and Pb deficiency) 80 that characterizes other OIB, and this
precludes the derivation of Hawaiian volcanism from a primitive +
In subsequent variants 14' 15' 81 - 83 of the two-layer model, plumes 00
originate from the base of the upper mantle, but they entrain small .0 /
z ., '0 /
amounts of primitive (or slightly depleted) noble-gas-rich material 0
-- -- --
0> .......... 0 /
from the lower mantle, which imparts the high 3He/4 He and ~
20 Ne/ 22 Ne (Fig. 1b). There are two difficulties with these models.
First it is not obvious why some plume types, particularly the HIMU
types40, should be consistently free of entrained, 3He- and 20Ne-rich
lower-mantle material. Second, the amounts of lower-mantle 10 CONT. CRUST
material calculated from noble-gas evolution models are extremely
low83 and appear to be inconsistent with the mass of the less- -5 0 5 10
depleted mantle derived from most recent mass-balance estimates Avg £Nd
(see above).
Other layered mantle models. Anderson (see, for example, refs 84,
85) has proposed some thought-provoking alternatives to the more Figure 7 Nb/ U plotted against 'Nd· where ' Nd is the deviation, in parts per 104 , of the
143 Nd / 144 Nd ratio of a sample from that of present-day primitive mantle (p): ' Nd =
conventional models. He suggested that the upper mantle is
internally differentiated into a lower, garnetiferous, incompatible- 10,0001< " 3 Ndt' 44 Nd) - ('"' Nd/ 44 Nd)0 J 1 ( 143 Ndt"'Nd)0 • The points shown are
average values for suites of MORB and 0 18 using general ly different samples
element-depleted 'piclogite' layer above 660 km (the MORB
source), and an upper (above 220 km), enriched peridotite layer, but the same colou r coding as in Figs 3-6. EM-1: Pitcairn, Tristan-I naccessible,
the 'perisphere', which is also the OIB source. Evidence for such an Kerguelen islands; EM-2: Society, M arquesas islands; HIMU: Tubuai, St Helena;
enriched layer is found in many young rifts, which typically deliver other 0 18 : Cameroon Line islands, Iceland, Hawaii, Reunion. Comores, MacDo-
OlE-type magmas. However, the opening of the Red Sea shows that nald seamount, Easter hotspot, Bouvet, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Azores, Cape
this enriched rift magmatism is soon replaced by normally depleted Verde, Fernando di Noronha, Trinidade, Madeira, Ascension; MORB: Atlantic
MORB magmatism, suggesting that the enriched perisphere is at MORB 10°- 23° N, Kolbeinsey ridge, Pacific MORB, Galapagos rift. Indian MORB,
best a thin veneer of enriched material that may well produce some Chile ridge segment 3. All these ocea nic basalt suites except EM-2 types have
Nb/ U averages similar to the global average of 47 :+:: 10 given by Hofmann et a/. 54
of the unusual types of OIB, such as the Cameroon Line 'hot line'
using a much smaller set of data. Note that these Nb/ U averages show no
volcanoes59 , but could not sustain voluminous, long-lived, hotspot-
type magmatism such as the Hawaiian- Emperor chain. Further- significant relationship to the degree of source enrichment or depletion as
more, there is scant evidence for the existence of such a perisphere in measured by Nd isotopes. Also, the primitive-ma ntle value lies completely out-
intra-oceanic regions, because laterally moving mid-ocean ridges, side the MORB- HIMU-EM-1 array Only EM-2 type OIB and the segment3 of the
or ridge jumps, generally sample an ordinary, depleted MORB-type Chile ridge appear to be mixtures of MORB- HIMU type ma ntle w ith (recycled)
mantle rather than an enriched perisphere supposedly located in the material. probably sed iments, from the continental crust. For references to this
uppermost mantle region. Finally, recent seismic imaging has traced compilation, see Supplementary Information, except for unpublished data by C. H.
the thermal anomaly beneath Iceland to a depth of 400 km and a Hemond et at. on Atlantic MORB 10°- 23° N, and by E. Klein on the Chile ridge.
diameter of about 100 km (ref. 86), indicating that the Iceland
hotspot represents a mantle plume originating from at least 400 km
depth. These features are difficult to reconcile with the perisphere patible elements and volatiles, until it melts and generates OIB (see
model. ref. 90). Vollmer91 has based a global mantle model on such a
Whole-mantle convection models. In these models, the 660-km mechanism. The effects of metasomatism are certainly evident in
seismic discontinuity represents little or no barrier to convection. many mantle xenoliths92 , but the scale of these processes is unknown
Geophysical support for this comes from evidence for deep, high- and may be small relative to the source volume of OIB80 • The
seismic-velocity structures (for example, ref. 87), interpreted as viability of the plume model has largely obviated the 'need' for
subducted lithosphere in the lower mantle, and from the fixed metasomatic mechanisms to generate OIB directly.
locations of hotspots, which appear to require that plumes originate Metasomatism may also enrich substantial volumes of the mantle
in a lower-mantle region that has a much higher viscosity and moves above a subduction zone. The oceanic crust is hydrated by ridge-
much more slowly than does the upper mantle88. It is also argued crest hydrothermal and sea-floor alteration processes, and it is
that flood basalt provinces, which are erupted during geologically covered by wet sediments. During subduction, this hydrous
very brief time spans and attain enormous volumes and lateral material is heated and dehydrated. The escaping fluids migrate
extent (about 2,000 km), are produced by plume heads that could through the overlying mantle, thereby metasomatizing it. Island arc
have attained such dimensions only by thermal entrainment during volcanism is likely to remove much of the effects of this meta-
plume ascent through the full depth of the mantle89 • Geochemical somatism93·94 (as incompatible elements are partitioned into the
arguments are based on the so-called 'FOZ0' 16 or 'C' 40 isotopic fluid and ultimately into the melt), but some of the metasomatized
component, which appears to be common to many plumes and mantle may be incorporated in the subcontinental lithosphere or
differs isotopically from the MORB source. FOZO is thought to returned to the convecting part of the mantle. In either case, the
reside in the lower mantle where it is entrained by plumes rising metasomatized material may ultimately be recycled through the
from the core- mantle boundary16 • mantle and reappear in intra-oceanic volcanism (see below).
Metasomatic models. Metasomatism has been popular with many A variant of this mechanism is metasomatism by the migration of
workers as a mechanism for enriching the upper mantle in incom- small amounts of melt from the asthenosphere into the oceanic or
low- 206 Pb/ 20 Pb side (caused by low U/Pb) that would be expected if Fig. 7). EM-I sources are the most enigmatic members of the
the sources were produced by purely magmatic depletion processes. mantle zoo. Their slightly subnormal Nb/U, low 206 Pb/ 204Pb and
(For a detailed discussion of the 'best' position of the geochron, see high 208 Pb* / 206 Pb* ratios are consistent with a contribution from
ref. 27.) Continent-derived ocean-floor sediments have 206 Pb/ 204 Pb either recycled, ancient pelagic sediment6 ' 49 or recycled ancient
ratios similar to average upper oceanic crust (Fig. 4), but possess an subcontinental lithosphere 81 ' 107' 116 • Osmium isotopes (see above)
extremely large range ofU/Pb ratiosll2, which will, in time, generate should resolve the issue.
a large range ofPb-isotopic compositions. When such sediments are
recycled through the mantle, they will destroy the correlations Conclusion and outlook
between the U/Pb, Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd ratios that are produced by Although many parts of the story remain controversial and difficult
purely magmatic differentiation processes. This appears to have to decipher, I regard the following conclusions to be reasonably
happened in EM-2 (and possibly also in EM-I) type OIB, as well as robust. Recycling of oceanic crust and lithosphere plays an impor-
in Indian Ocean MORE, which show no correlations between Sr (or tant role in generating mantle heterogeneities. Available geo-
Nd) and Pb isotopes (Fig. 5). In contrast, Pacific and Atlantic chemical mass balances favour compositional layering, which is
MORE show good correlations and appear to be nearly free of maintained by partial or intermittent convective isolation between
recycled continental material. upper and lower mantle.
Role of plumes and mantle layering. Geochemical evidence, The controversy over the issue of convective layering and depth of
especially that derived from noble gases, favours some type of plume sources is likely to be resolved when the so far rather fuzzy
layered mantle convection, but one in which the layers are not seismic imaging of the Earth's interior becomes comparable in
completely isolated. I therefore suggest that plumes may come from resolution to that achieved by geochemical mapping, so that
both the 660-km discontinuity and the core-mantle boundary. geophysical and geochemical data can be more specifically corre-
Small, short-lived plumes and those carrying no enrichment in lated. The origin of the geochemical 'mantle species' will be clarified
primordial 3 He are most likely to have a shallow origin. Large, long- by a rapidly expanding data base of osmium isotopes and high-
lived, 3He-rich plumes, and especially those that have generated quality data for well-established tracer elements such as Nb and Pb,
enormous volumes of oceanic or continental flood basalts, are more as well as relatively 'new' tracers such as E and Sb, and by high-
likely to have come from the base of the lower mantle89 • precision oxygen isotope microanalysis of igneous minerals 117,
This history of deep-plume activity may well have been episodic capable of recognizing a sedimentary or hydrothermal prehistory
and linked to times of high rates of continent formation 18 ' 108 • Several of the magma. 0
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