Co CMD 2021
Co CMD 2021
Co CMD 2021
Course Description
This course provides students the basic knowledge of curriculum, syllabus development, material
analysis, method to develop instructional material, technique of how to demostrate English
materials in teaching and learning based on a certain lesson plan, and evaluation. It also provides
the students with the ability to analyze text book in order to ease them creating a module to teach.
The Objectives
- Students are able to master the basic principles and components of curriculum
- Students are able to understand the basic principles of K-13 syllabus to develop lesson plan
- Students are able to map effective day to develop prota and promes
- Students are able to develop evaluation to assess skill activities, or project and portfolio.
- Students are able to analyze English text book to create a module to help them to teach.
- Students are able to create an English module to teach high school
Learning Experience
The learning experience in this course involves brief lectures, group discussion, and
individual, pair, or group work. The students are also assigned to do take-home assignments and to
deal with final project either in group or individually.
Learning Materials
The basic principles of curriculum, the development of curriculum in Indonesia, and 2013
Some tools to support them teaching includes syllabus, prota, promes, and lesson plan
The concept of evaluation to support them assess any English activities or tests done in
teaching learning process
Text book analysis
Some steps to create teaching module
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2016 Tentang Standar Proses
Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 24 Tahun 2016 Tentang Kompetensi Inti
dan Kompetensi Dasar Pelajaran pada Kurikulum Kurikulum 2013 pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan
Brown, J.D. 1995. The Element of Language Curriculum: A Systematic Approach to Program Development.
Boston: Heinle & Heinle
Graves, K. 2000. Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers. Canada: Heinle & Heinle
Richard, J. 2000. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional
Woodward, T. 2001. Planning Lessons and Courses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Konsep dan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Tahun 2014.
Learning activities
Scoring System
1 Presence 10%
(The students have to fulfill minimum 75% of the presence to
get this score)
2 Participation 20%
(Activeness in discussion and presentation)
3 Quiz 15%
4 UTS 20%
5 Final Project 35%
(the students have to fulfill 75% of the total presence to allow
to submit the final project and to get the score of the final