Cca MD
Cca MD
Cca MD
Course Code:
2. NP-LBEF004
3. Name(s) of academic staff: Ms. Sweta Tuladhar
1. Contribute to the achievement of the Learning Outcomes specified for the student’s award
at Level 1
2. Provide an introduction to the involvement of students through participation.
3. Meet the prerequisite requirements of modules at Level 2 of study
4. Identify the Student’s participation in extracurricular activities.
5. Understand the link between the activities and their practical implementation n day-to-day
6. Introduce students to various tasks and activities via which they will learn skills like team
work and thinking out-of-the-box.
Co-Curricular Activities
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation
The following employability skills are introduced (I), developed (D) and/or assessed (A):
Innovate (I, D)
Communicate (I,D,A)
Manage their own study time (I,D)
Learn (D)
Work in teams (I)
The module comprises activities and tutorials and involves individual skills within
the assignment.
Co-Curricular Activities
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation
The purpose of this module is to maximize the involvement of students in various activities
which will help them work together in groups. From a Particle perspective it is very
important for the students to understand the various diversities in the community/society.
Module like this will help students bridge the various gaps between then through working in
harmony and unity.
Topics covered in the module will be totally relevant to their activities required for critical
thinking and also their day-to-day lives. (e.g. Case studies and their respective group
discussion. Preparing online magazine/newspaper for the institute, movie and articles
review, etc.) from: introduction to the University learning
Mode of Delivery:
Lecture, Library Review and Tutorial
Assessment Methods and Types
● Understanding of Team
● Movie Review / Documentary
● Article Review-I
● Article Review-II
● Group Competition
● Debate Competition
● Excursion – I
● Case Study and group discussion
● Online Newspaper
● Attendance/ active class participation /
TOTAL 100 Marks
Co-Curricular Activities
Mapping of the course/module to the Program Aims :
Refer to the Program Specification
Stress Management
Conflict Management
Co-Curricular Activities
4 Article Review-I 2 2 1 1 10
5 Article Review-II 2 1 1 1 10
6 Group Competition 2 1 2 1 10
7 Debate Competition 2 2 1 10
8 Excursion –I 2 2 2 1 10 +10
10 Online Newspaper 3 2 2 5
Co-Curricular Activities
Attendance/ active class participation / presentation 5
TOTAL 21 1 16 6 100
Co-Curricular Activities