Spells 010810
Spells 010810
Spells 010810
An Introduction To Spell Casting……………………………………………………………
Conjuring Raw Energy…………………………………………………………………….....02
Herb Jar To Enhance Your Powers Mentally And Physically…………………………02
Understanding Magickal Energy………………………………………………………………
Appealing Reveal…………………………………………………………………………………
Changing Eye Colour 1…………………………………………………………………………
Changing Eye Colour 2…………………………………………………………………………
Chronos Retrurnius trevailius…………………………………………………………………
Control Someone’s Volume……………………………………………………………………
Duplication Spell…………………………………………………………………………………
Falling Spell………………………………………………………………………………………
Levitate Objects…………………………………………………………………………………
Materialization Potion……………………………………………………………………………
People Pusher……………………………………………………………………………………
Psychic Abilities…………………………………………………………………………………
Reveal What Someone Thinks Of You………………………………………………………
Silence A Dog………………………………………………………………………………………
Simple Teleportation……………………………………………………………………………
Third Eye Open……………………………………………………………………………………
Videre Meus Non…………………………………………………………………………………
Who They Really Are……………………………………………………………………………
Blood Stop Magick………………………………………………………………………………
Compression Wave………………………………………………………………………………
Death By Ice………………………………………………………………………………………
Divide An Object…………………………………………………………………………………
Doru Petras…………………………………………………………………………………………
Drawing In Magickal Energy……………………………………………………………………
Fulguratio Albicans………………………………………………………………………………
Ill Doing……………………………………………………………………………………………
Making Shields……………………………………………………………………………………
Mental Combat 1…………………………………………………………………………………
Mental Combat 2…………………………………………………………………………………
Mental Combat Defense 1………………………………………………………………………
Psychic Vampire Attack………………………………………………………………………
Take Someone's Power…………………………………………………………………………
The Lemon Curse…………………………………………………………………………………
Tornado Control……………………………………………………………………………………
Turn Energy Into A Weapon……………………………………………………………………
Lunarkinesis ………………………………………………………………………………………
Kinesis All…………………………………………………………………………………………
POWDERS …………………………………………………………………………………………
Gem Elixirs…………………………………………………………………………………………
If you feel it is enough to just light a candle and meditate and call it a spell, then
you are right, it is enough. That is the simplest sort of spell: Lighting a candle,
tying a knot, waving a wand, singing a chant. All of these are "spells," assuming
you visualise properly. If you want to get a little more involved than this but don't
wish to go through the large- production- type spell of twenty steps as in some
spells, here is a simplified version made up of eight steps, with the "bulk" cut out
and the most essential parts emphasised. This is for those who are not interested
in making a giant production out of it and prefer simplicity. They are listed and
then explained in more detail.
Set up
What will you do to symbolise your need being met? You should decide at this
point what kind of spell you want to do and find out what sorts of materials, if you
want to use any, will help you. You can look in your Book of Shadows if you have
one, on the Internet, in books, ask friends . . . and try to decide what you will do
to make this spell different from simply thinking about your need being met. If you
want to give a friend peace, will you make a clay doll of her and sprinkle it with
some sort of peaceful herb? Research appropriate colours for the clay and the
type of spice you will use. If you want to encourage fertility, you light a candle
and carve a rune. Research appropriate colours for the candle and appropriate
runes for your purpose, and get an idea of what you should carve the rune with.
Will you use a crystal? What kind? Something else? Also research if there's a
good time of the week, month or day and place...inside, outside, under a tree, by
the sea, to do your spell. Look through reliable sources or just listen to the
symbolism in your own mind.
Most spell workers use circles for their sacred space. You can learn to cast a
proper circle, but you can make the boundary of your space with a cord or salt or
whatever you like, then seal the space off from the outside world with your own
energy and/or whatever outside influences you like to complete your space (many
"call in" the north, east, south, and west elements to form their circle, along with
their own energy).
If you live near a beach, take a small amount of seaweed home and place it in a
jar. Fill the jar with whiskey and place it in a sunny window. Shake it everyday.
Say goodbye to poverty with this spell that is popular in the Caribbean and with
spell weavers who live in the southern states of the USA. You will need:
A small bowl
An open safety pin
Fill the bowl with equal amounts of sugar, salt and rice. Put the open safety pin in
the middle of the bowl. As you do so use your own words to ask the elements or
the deities you believe in to ensure that no matter how long you live you will
always have food in your stomach, money in your pocket and a roof over your
head. If you have a garden, put the bowl in a sheltered spot. Or if you live in a flat
you can put it on a sheltered window ledge. When the contents of the bowl are
gathering dust, they can be replaced with suitably consecrated ones whenever
Place a photograph of the person who owes you money on a plate. Use a piece of
paper with the person’s name on it if you do not have a photo. Sprinkle with
powdered sweet flag, licorice and bay berry. Light a green candle on top of the
powdered photograph and burn it. See your debtor paying you back with ease and
good grace while the candle burns.
A spell to draw money towards you. Items you will need A green candle, A small
green bag or purse, Your wand, Some grains of rice on a dish, A coin, Your stone.
place your coin in the center of the dish of rice and say this three times:
Sky above and earth below, See my money grow and grow.
Tap the coin with your wand. Sit quietly imagining the money coming to you in
normal ways. Be very clear about the amount you want and keep it sensible.
When you have invisiged all you can put the coin in the bag/purse with most of
the rice. Leave about 1/6th of the rice to scatter outside. Keep the bag under your
pillow when you sleep and keep it with your stone in throughout the day.
Repeat the chant once a day until your money comes. When your money does
come to you then just scatter the rice outside or bury it.
Get a fresh piece of green paper. Write on this what your dream job is – be very
specific. What you would be doing, what you would be paid, who you would be
working for, where you would be working – again be very specific Anoint it with a
few drops of basil essential oil Carry it around with you and focus on visualizing
as if you have your dream job already.
One part sandalwood oil One part patchouli oil One part clove bud oil One part
frankincense oil One part nutmeg oil
Herbal charms kept in your purse or pocket are good ways to carry magic with
you to interviews. Sprinkle a little sage, lavendar, dill, basil, and parsley into a
green cloth and add a tiger's eye chip. Tie it with a gold ribbon. Carry this to bring
prosperity while radiating wisdom and knowledge.
Before you perform the opening rituals, soak the basil leaves in the water for
about an hour, stirring it clockwise occasionally. Now consecrate the herbal water
and visualize your office or workplace. Starting in the east, walk round the circle,
sprinkling the consecrated water as you go, and saying the following three times:
May business prosper, May my dealings flow,
May my business be successful, May my business grow.
After the third time say, ‘And let it be done, that it harm no one.’
Now offer the citrine to the four elements. Do the same with the corn, the rice and
the mint. Bring the ritual to an end in the usual way. When you return to your
workplace put the citrine in the same drawer as your cheque book, and sprinkle
the corn and the rice where it will not go unnoticed by the cleaners! Carry the
mint leaves in your wallet, replacing them with fresh ones when you next feel it
appropriate to do the spell.
This is an old habit in India to become wealthy and is very simple: Get a coin
(nickle or dime). Take the coin and bless it by fire (heat it in a flame), bless it by
wind (blow on it), then water (drop it in water that you have empowered and
purified), then earth- bury it next to your front door.
Rub the essential oil all over the tigers eye, rocks and shells. Using the pointy
shell or feather, write your name and what you want in essential oil by dipping
your writing utensil in it. Don't use too much! Put the oil on the wicks of both
candles. Charge everything under the moonlight for at least 3hours. Arrange five
of the rocks into the points of a five point star on the floor, large enough for you
to sit cross legged in the middle. Light both candles in front of you. Be careful,
the oil might make them flare up. If you can't actually light them imagine them
burning. Take the piece of paper with what you wanted written on it and tear it
into 13 pieces. Make 1 bigger than the rest, big enough to draw something small
on it. Put every piece other than the larger one in the non silver candle. Then on
the larger piece draw a symbol that you thinks represents what you want on it
using a mixture of ink and oil. It should be a thin mixture. Put that piece in the
silver can del and let it burn. Durring the burning, chant:
Relese my dream into the sky, spirits, know that it is mine.
The night of the full moon my dream will be real, I thank you
for your guidance, spirits, before you I kneel.
This actually works. I use it for everything, love, money, popularity, beauty.
Sprinkle dried powdered ginger in your pocket or purse to increase your finances.
AND Bury whole ginger roots in Earth to draw money towards you. For added
intensification, arrange in auspicious patterns such as a diamond or pentacle.
If you are unlucky enough to break a mirror, collect all the pieces, put in a glass
jar and stand on you window sill, the shards deflect all the bad luck away from the
If you write your wish on a sage leaf then sleep on it, your dreams will tell you if
your desire will come to pass.
There was more to ‘Jack & The Beanstalk’ than you may realise. Sometimes fairy
tales do come true – and beans are actually thought to be a tremendous source of
wealth in the magickal world. Collect 3 yellow or gold beans, murmur your desires
over them and charge them with your energy of your commitment to your goals.
Carry the beans with you in a charm bag along with a lodestone.
String three coins together. Place them on or under your telephone to stimulate
prosperous business.
String 3 coins together or purchase them already linked
Place these strung together coins on top of a yellow or golden cloth
Sprinkle magnetic sand over the coins
Anoint with bergamot essential oil
Roll and fold the cloth toward you so it forms a packet
Tie securely with red silk ribbon
Place this packet inside or near your cash register, phone, computer –wherever
you do business – for increased business and wealth.
Items needed: 5 old pennies, 5 dimes, 5 quarters (or, five each of three
denominations of your country's coin currency, if outside the United States), 5
kernels of dried corn, 5 sesame seeds, 5 cinnamon sticks, 5 cloves, 5 whole
allspice, 5 pecans.
Place each item into a thin, tall bottle, such as a spice bottle. Cap it tightly.
Shake the bottle with your projective hand for five minutes while chanting these or
similar words:
Herbs and silver, Copper and grain; Work to increase My money gain.
Place the money spell bottle on a table somewhere in your house. Leave your
purse, pocketbook, wallet and/or checkbook near the bottle when at home. Allow
money to come into your life. It is done.
The bottles consist of a container, usually glass, filled with various objects of
magical potency. All are concentrations of energy, created and empowered for
specific magical purposes. YOU WILL NEED: Tall, thin glass bottle, 5 cloves
5 cinnamon sticks, 5 kernels of dried corn, 5 kernels of dried wheat (or 5
teaspoons of wheat, flour), 5 pennies, 5 10p pieces, 5 20p pieces, 5 sesame
seeds, 5 pecans, 5 whole allspice.
METHOD: Put the ingredients into the bottle, making sure the top is secured
tightly. Shake the bottle for five minutes while chanting words such as:
Money gain, silver and herbs
Copper and grain hear my words.
Place the money bottle on a table somewhere in your house. Leave your purse or
wallet near the bottle when at home so that the power is transferred. You should
find that money will come to you, perhaps in unexpected ways. The number five is
used to effect change. In financial matters it suggests movement into another
phase of material gain. You can if you wish bury this bottle close to your home
rather than actually keeping it indoors. If you do this however it is a good idea to
acknowledge it in some way every time you pass it. You can do this by leaving a
small gift such as a pretty pebble or some wildflower seeds.
Take a dish of water into the Moonlight, catch the Moon's reflection on the water,
and dip your hands into the water. Leave this on the hands until they dry and you
shall receive money from an unexpected source within 28days. This spell should
be performed during the waxing moon.
Light a green candle at night and concentrate on it. then repeat the following
phrase over and over until u feel it starting to work: "I will the energy contained
within this candle to heal, harmonize, and balance my being.may the magic of
money flow freely through my life. I attract money like a magnet. I am open and
receptive to all prosperity.may light and love surround and protect me in all of
me.endeavors" as I will it........so mote it be..........
Sesame seeds are said to have the power to open locks, reveal hidden passages
and to find hidden treasures. They also are used in magic to induce lust. However
here they are used in a much more mundane way, to attract money.
YOU WILL NEED: A pretty glass or ceramic bowl, Handful of sesame seeds.
METHOD: Place the sesame seeds in the bowl. Put the bowl somewhere near the
door of your home in a safe space. Each time you pass the bowl on the way out,
give it a stir with your Apollo finger (the ring finger) of your right hand. Change
the seeds every month, and dispose of the seeds by burying them or throwing
them into running water. When going for a job interview try to ensure that you
have some sesame oil. Decide what salary you want, then touch a little of the oil
on the pulse spots on your wrists. Be confident in asking for the required sum.
Take three small jars and nine garlic cloves, and a number of thorns from a white
rose. Stick the thorns into the garlic cloves and place three cloves in each jar.
Each jar should be buried within sight of a church porch while you say the Lord's
4 drops patchouli, 1 drop clove oil, 1 drop basil, 3 drops Oakmoss bouquet Mix
with oil and anoint body and hands daily.
Draw a topaz though a flame of a yellow candle and say over it: "Find me to be
compatible in all ways" Carry or wear the topaz and expect good fortune to follow!
Highly Recommended for beginners of magic (Good magic only). This spell is for
small things like to get warmer on a cold day, this is an easy thing to do it will
99.99% guarantee. You need to know what you want.
You say '' I wish ___________.''
You then snap your fingers at least once or as much as you want.
To make the wish stop all you say is ''Release'' and snap your fingers at lease
twice and no more than five. The wish can take few minutes before it starts to
work on longer than 15 minutes.Theses wishes can last a really long time
depending on the users magic ability.
Gather together several small stones from the beach. Watch until the waves
recede, then, working quickly, use the stones to form a rough outline of your new
home. The outline itself isn't as important as your visualization: see yourself in
your new home. Stand back, the water will rise. As the wave hits the stones and
tosses them, they release their energy and send it speeding towards
Stick a vanilla bean into a tightly sealed canister of sugar. The aroma will infuse
the sugar: use it in your cooking and feed it to your family, to instil feelings of
peace, contentment and happiness.
A sprig of vervain kept in your wallet or purse acts to keep money there.
Vervain is considered the friendliest botanical. Unlike other botanicals, which are
said to display an ambivalence towards people, vervain is believed to love us and
crave our presence and delight in bestowing us with good fortune.
Surround the home with it. Vervain’s magickal protection is desirable, plus you’ll
always have a fresh supply.
Create infusions by boiling water over vervain and sprinkle this liquid throughout
the house to maintain happiness and good cheer.
Combine brown sugar, ground cinnamon and ground coffee. Add powdered
(confectioner’s) sugar, carnation petals, garlic chives and cherry blossoms (or
apple blossoms or blossoms from any flowering fruit tree – leave out if you can
not find them). Grind all of the ingredients together. Burn outside your front door
of your home or business to attract wealth. Leave the ashes alone for 24 hours to
radiate their power, then dispose of them in nature or in living running water.
A small piece of paper--wishing incense (bay leaf, cinnamon, ginger)Write your
wish on a piece of paper and put some wishing incense on top. Lift the corners of
the paper and tightly twist them together to form a sack.Light the wish sack while
visualizing your wish coming to fruition. If the paper burns entirely, expect wishes
to come true immediately. Having to relight the paper once or twice signifies
positive results but only after obstacles clear. Having to re-light the paper any
more than twice is an indication that either your wish won't come to pass or that
what you wish isn't good for you
Take a blank piece of paper. Write whatever you want to take place, on this paper
in large letters.Fold the paper 4 times and burn paper over a bowl/cauldron, while
visualizing what you want to take place.Take ashes outside/toss into the wind. If
there is no wind, simply toss into air and allow ashes to fall to the ground (or
scatter the ashes in your back garden) Then say: So mote it be.
Take a small piece of paper, approximately 10cm by 10cm.Upon it, in liquid ink,
write down your wish, in detail.Over the most important words of your wish, drop
your favorite color candle's wax.While the wax is still warm, press a piece of your
hair you have found (do not pull it out, it must be a piece that you have found on
your person) into it. Fold the paper in half and in half again, chanting an
invocation similar to:
"May the Goddess and God of light and love,
Grant me my wish and quiet my heart.
I place my desire in your hands,
For you to do as you will and as I deserve. So mote it be."
This is a basic spell to locate anyone no matter where they're at. You will need:
* 4 blue candles * a goblet filled 3/4 of the way with water * jasmine incense * a
quite, undisturbed place. Put the 4 candles around you- one north, one south, one
east, one west. Light the candles and the incense. Sit in the center of the
candles, facing west. Put the goblet in front of you. Invoke the element of water.
Repeat 4 times: "Let the water show the location of (person's name)"
This spell should be used to cause someone with whom you have lost contact to
contact you. It is not manipulation so much as an astral call for contact when you
have no other way to reach them that you know of. You will need: White candle
anointed w/ sandalwood oil, Sandalwood incense, photo of the person, small
glass of water, salt. Light the white candle and the incense. Place the picture of
the person on your altar. Put 2 heaping tablespoons of salt in the palm of your
right hand. Let a small amount of salt trickle into the glass while making the sign
of the equal armed cross of the elements. Make this cross 3 times. Say " Call me"
three times as you do this. Then set the glass on the altar and say "Get in touch
with me, please." They should contact you by the time the water has evaporated
from the glass.
To help find someone… Items you will need think of the person or people. Say
''Goddess of fate,
God of dieretion,
send the lost one or ones,
in our direction.
Light a green candle for luck and prosperity. Charge a small green stone with
your desire to find your "property" that eludes you. Chant the following 3 times: I
Pray to the Moon when she is round Luck to me shall then abound. What I seek
for shall then be found. In sea or sky or solid ground. Remember, like energies
attract, think of positive times spent with this lost treasure and mentally/
emotionally call the lost one home.
Wait until the tide turns and tip the water back into the sea, saying:
Lady Ocean, Mother Sea, I return what is yours, send mine back to me.
Cast flowers on the water, sending a silent message to the person you have lost
or whoever now has your missing item, asking for its safe return, if it’s right to be.
This spell can be used to neutralize the power of those who intend to hurt your
reputation, in any way pose a threat to your security, or who want to do you
physical harm. This is a method that we got from our grandparents, that really
works. Take a clear glass and fill with clean water. Set it on a dresser in front of a
mirror, on top of a Bible. Then take a Lighted Kerosene lamp and put it between
the water and the mirror. Make the glass of water high enough where the flame
can be seen through the water. Sit with your back to the water, and with a small
mirror look over your left shoulder at the reflection of the glass of water in the
hand mirror. Sit and be still and very quiet for a few minutes and you will start to
see images in the glass in the reflection. I know that this works. I myself saw my
future wife. And when I met her I knew I had seen her.I just thought that I would
pass this on. It could be of some use to someone.
Difference between a banishing spell and a binding spell:
Banishing Spell – remove something or more frequently someone from your
presence, often permanently
Binding Spell – attaches something or more frequently someone to you with
great intensity, often permanently
Alum magically ‘eats’ negativity.
Place Alum in dishes.
Discreetly arrange to eliminate negative feelings and behavior.
Replace at least once a week.
Do not consume the alum yourself and keep out of reach from children & animals.
This is a very simple spell that is bound to get rid of any stalker, any one who
causes harassment, or simply is being a pain in the ass. Items you will need
picture of that person
Summon all your hate All, your anger, All you your emotions! Let all that has been
bothering you as a result of this person be replayed in your mind!
Then just SPIT!!! on the ''dummy''.
Ill luck is sure to visit this person shortly and will occupy his/ her mind in such a
way that he/ she will no longer be a bother for you. I repeat!! REMEMBER the
warning!! The curses like these are very easy to cast. They have an instant effect.
If the curses are misused, they will back fire! What ever you send out-you get it
back- And its back times three!
Arrange blue crystal gemstones strategically around your home or the area you
wish to protect. This creates a magickal boundary to keep out evil.
This is just a simple banishing spell. It's for when you continue to let the past run
your future and the like.
Materials: a white piece of paper, no lines, any size is fine. A writing utensil. A
Write the name of the person who is constantly in your thoughts three times on
the sheet of paper followed by an affirmation, such as "I will no longer allow you
to have control over my life." Read the affirmation out loud to yourself. While
continuing the affirmation, burn the piece of paper.
This spell is really quite easy. You can use computer paper, a pen, and even a
match if you don't have a lighter.
To stop another person from bothering you. Items you will need Knife or scissors
Picture of the person you want to banish, (optional) 2 black candles
Light the black candles if you have them, and place the picture in between them.
Say this chant, touching the edges of the picture and focusing on it. Replace the
blank with the name of the person you want to leave you alone.
Goddess of fate hear my plea
_____ I hate, and wish not to see
May he/she be bound away from me
Paths not to cross when we're walking free
One onion.Take your onion and wash it in fresh spring water (purchased also from
the witches' friend, the local supermarket). This spell is best performed during a
waxing moon. Wear earth colors to ground you and, if you wish, burn some
sandalwood oil or incense.By the light of a black candle (black absorbs negativity,
remember!) peel your onion at midnight. As the tears come, take away a layer of
the pain you are feeling with each layer of the onion that you peel away. Onions
represent Mars, which represents war and feelings of angst and anger at our
enemies, so peeling through the onion will open the heart chakra, allowing you to
experience the feelings you have been hanging on to, and layer by layer, release
them. This spell is all about not wishing to get even, or to obsess any longer over
those who have harmed you. After you have peeled your onion, place the peels on
a plate (stainless steel or silver) and put on a window ledge in the kitchen where
overnight the moon's energy will draw away the negativity banishing it from your
environment for good. Complete this simple spell with a long, languid bath into
which you have emptied three handfuls of sea salt. This will purify, protect, and
strengthen you further. As you lie there, think of how much better you feel now
that the desire to get back at someone has dissipated.
This spell uses the powers of earth to banish you no longer need in your life that
is slowing you down: What you need: Fresh soil, outdoor place where you can
throw dirt around without getting put in the loony bin. What to do: Think over the
reason for this banishment. Do you really want to banish it? If so, proceed. Relax.
Grab a clump of dirt in your hand. Feel it between your hands. Visualize what you
want to banish, bring up the emotions and send it all into the clump of dirt. Do
this for 5 minutes and then throw the dirt as hard as you can at the ground and
say: "(What was banished) is out of my life NOW!" Turn around, walk away and do
not look back.
Take a handful of earth and gaze into it. Put all your troubles and thoughts of
distress into it. State exactly what it is that's troubling you. When finished, throw
the dirt behind you and walk away without turning around to look at it. Also works
with rocks.
Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the bottle and pour some into the sink drain and
rinse the bottle again. Saying:
Anger cease, go in peace.
Note that you have neither attacked anyone nor even returned the spite. You will
probably find that the other person may be more positive on the next encounter. If
you are suffering from an emotional vampire who drains you emotionally, add
powdered garlic to the mix. It really works.
Grind the following ingredients together: Black peppers, Cayenne Pepper,
Cinnamon, Sea Salt, Sulfur.
This spell is for binding a violent or dangerous person from doing harm. Photo of
person to be bound OR a piece of white parchment paper with their whole name
written on it in black ink or dove's blood ink. 18 inches or so of black silken cord
or black thick string, like embroidery floss. A small glass jar w/ cork lid. A small
white candle A small black candle Light both your candles. Write the name on the
paper or take the photograph in hand. Fold the paper or photo into as small a
rectangle as possible. Take the cord in hand and begin to wind it around the
rectangle, for a total of nine loops, saying aloud in a clear, strong voice: I (insert
your name here), bind thee (insert name of offending person here) from causing
harm to (insert name of victim here), from exerting control over this person, from
influencing this person. I bind you from making further plans with this person. I
call upon the angels, Auriel, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael (or any other guides
or deities you prefer.) to assist me in this righteous cause! as I will, so mote it be.
Place the paper into the jar. Urinate into the jar & cork. Seal all around the cork
with the black candle wax. Let the candles burn themselves out safely. Place this
jar in a place where no one will disturb it. Bury it if you must. I prefer to keep it on
my altar (no one has any idea what it is) and send my energy to it regularly.
This spell is an Advanced Binding spell to keep them from harming thou. Items
you will need 1: Item of Your Enemy (Hair, Ect.) 2: Concentration. 3: Meditation.
(The Punishment's are as Follows Depending on your Element you wish them to
Earth: This Element will Cause an Enemy different Afflictions. Using the Element
of Earth You enemy will be cursed by Earth. Once this is done your enemy may
suffer from, Loosing his/her Home, In the worse case depending on how Evil or
how Karma play's, You enemy may find themselves 6 feet below. [To Preform this
Punishment you must bury Bound Object and Speak the Binding spell.]
Fire: This Element will cause an Enemy to Loose money, This can cause your
enemy to Be Enraged, Angry, or Ill Tempered by affecting there attitude. Also this
in worse case may cause them to die by fire or loose something to the Flames of
Vengeance. [To Preform this Punishment, Burn Bound Object and Speak the
Binding spell]
Wind: This Element will cause Storms, Lightening, Wind, Rain or Harmful weather
to your enemy and may also Inflict the Passing of a Relative or Friend, possibly
by loosing them or Worse. [To Preform this Punishment by First burning the
Bound Object and scattering the Ashes into the wind.]
Water: This Element will cause Drowning In Sorrow, Guilt, Sadness or Something
they have done, Perhaps water will become there downfall. [To preform this
Punishment throw bound object into a stream river or ect.]
It's best done just after the Full Moon, or at least while the moon is waning, and
needs to be renewed every month or when the person starts bothering you again.
Write the name of the person you wish to prevent from harming you on a piece of
paper (if you have their signature that would be even better). Gaze at the paper
and visualize the face of the person in question; see their face vividly imprinted
on the paper. Then, fold the paper three times. Tie it up with black thread or
string, and put into a small watertight container (baby food jars are ideal and so
are those zip up clear baggies for the freezer). Fill the container with water, and
place in a nook of the freezer where it's unlikelyto be disturbed freezer (this
prevents them from taking any energy against/towards you), saying 'Stay there
and freeze as long as I please'. "Chill out!"You can write something quite
personal to cover your need and intention. If you want to sweeten them up add
sugar or honey to water. Leave it in your fridge for as long as it takes. If you
decide you no longer need the spell, then - and only then - throw it all away far,
far away from your house or toss the foil in a fire saying: My wish is no more, This
person is free, Undo this spell without hurting thee.
Take a piece of paper and write the name of the person that is to be bound on a
3"x3" piece of paper, using a black ink pen or a pencil. While you do this visualize
the face of the person on your mind. When you have written the name cross it
with an inverted pentacle (5 pointed star within a circle). Fold the paper twice and
take a rubber band and tie the paper with it. Raise it to your temple and chant
three times the following...
"To be protected from you, This magic charm i will do,
With this words i bind thee, For you to let me be,
To be protected from your harm, I now seal this charm".
Now place the paper on your right shoe and slam your foot on the ground nine
times (doesn't have to be so loud that everyone hears it) As you slam it the ninth
time say...
Focus on the door/gate you want to stop people coming in and out of and
envisage a pentacle on it (upright) if you focus hard enough it will stop people
entering the door/ gate in question.
Point your wand at the door and say: Reppello muggletum. People may come and
knock but they will not come in on you. It works until you open the door.
These nine herbs provide protection against all manner of evil. Feature them in a
garden to surround you with spiritual and magickal protection:
Chamomile, Chervil, Crab-apple, Fennel, Mugwort, Nettles, Plantain, Watercress,
Visualize anger, hatred, and all other bad emotions into a glass.Making sure
you're far back enough as to where you won't be hit, hurl the glass into a wall or
on the floor as hard as possible. Good for stress. Preferrably do this in the open
away from your home.
Place the candle into the black bowl. Fix it using the wax drippings from the
candle itself, such that it stands alons. Now fill the bowl to the rim with fresh
water, without wetting the wick. Breathe deeply for a couple of minutes. When
your mind is clear, light the candle. Visualise the power of the spell cast against
you as living within the candle flame. As the candle burns down, it will splutter
and go out as it touches the water. As it is extinguished by the water, the spell is
broken. Finally dig a hole in the ground, pour the water into it, then bury the
This spell is designed to request that the target either reforms or leaves
Using castor and olive oils as a base, add patchouli and vetiver essential oils.
Rub this on the door knobs of your target’s home.
We are constantly pulling energy into ourselves. This function is unconscious and
often undiscerning. When you are among a group of people, you will draw upon
the ambient energy that is generated by that group. Occasionally, there is a
quality to the energy of a group that you may not wish to take into yourself. This
is especially true if many of the individuals in the group are tainted in some way,
as with illness, intoxication, or drug-use.
Rather than shielding yourself and thus blocking yourself off from all the energy in
the room, you may set up a filter. Less rigid and opaque than a true shield, a filter
allows you to sort through all that you take in and block certain elements of that
energy out. A filter may target certain emotions which you do not wish to
vicariously experience or they may filter out the taint of alcohol, drugs, or disease
so you do not draw these things into yourself during a general crowd feed.
Target the specific energy that you do not wish to take in. Visualize a filter, like a
porous shield, that will allow everything to pass through except this particular
energy. If you are actively drawing from the crowd around you, simply be
selective in what you pull into yourself through nets or tendrils. Isolate the
unwanted energy from everything else and discard it before you actively pull the
rest through. All this requires is an awareness of yourself and your surroundings
on the subtle level.
A filter can also be used to take only a specific sort of energy in. Simply isolate
that element among the ambient energy, focus on it, then draw upon it to the
exclusion of all else. As the subtle and the physical are intricately interwoven,
this can work on chemicals present in your target's system. Though physical
contact facilitates this technique, it can be done with effort from a distance. In
this way, you can focus on the drugs in someone's system and pull them away,
thus robbing them of their high. Treat the drugs as you would any intrusion on the
subtle level, grabbing onto them with your subtle body but not pulling them into
If you grab onto the drugs or alcohol present in another's system in this way and
pull them into yourself, you will experience the effects of the drugs vicariously.
Sometimes this is desirable. Simply focus on someone who is suitably intoxicated,
focus on the element present in their systems that is responsible for the
intoxication, and draw it into yourself. Once again, this is most efficiently done
with person to person physical contact, but can be effected in a group or long-
distance draw.
Because you have the ability to manipulate energy on such a level, you can also
consciously burn the resulting intoxication out of your system whenever you
choose. Simply extend your awareness within yourself, focus on the intoxicant,
gather it up and cast it away. This works to a certain degree even it you have
physically imbibed the intoxicant.
Have you been cursed or know of anyone who has been cursed you can help
him/her out with this. All that you have to do is to write the name of the person on
the egg 7 times and leave the egg for 7 days.on the 7th day take the egg and
smash it the closet and wait for the result.
When this spell is cast upon an item, people who you focus on when casting the
spell wont be able to touch the item!
With the first and middle fingers trace a Pentagram over the object to be
protected. Visualize electric blue or purple flames streaming from your fingers to
form the Pentagram. Chant this as you trace:
''With this Pentagram I lay
protection here night and day
and the one(s) who should not touch
let his/her/their fingers burn and twitch
I now invoke the law of three
this is my will, so let/mote/may it be!''
Write a problem on the sole of an old shoe. Put the shoe on, stamp on the
problem three times, then take the shoe off and burn it in a fire. Another method
is to write your problem on a piece of parchment paper. Dig a hole, place the
paper inside, and bury it along with a piece of copper, a piece of iron, and some
zinc. The simplest remedy is to write your problem on a piece of parchment paper
and throw it into a fire.
This spell is so simple to do that it has to work. It is best done at the time of the
Waning Moon, and makes use of the Elements to symbolize completion.
YOU WILL NEED: An old shoe (usually the right one), Pen, A fire, natural running
water or the sea.
METHOD: Write your problem on the sole of the shoe. Put the shoe on and stamp
three times. As you do so, say: Begone, troublesome times.
Either, throw the shoe into the fire and ensure that it burns properly.
Or Throw the shoe into the stream of water and watch it disappear.
Or Throw the shoe into the sea and walk away.
As any of these happen, visualize the problem getting less and less until it
disappears. Often during this time inspiration may come to you as to how you can
deal with the difficulty. The reason that you use the right shoe is because this is
considered the more positive and assertive side of the body, which is normally the
one needed. However, if it feels more natural to use the left shoe the result will
usually be more passive and nonconfrontational.
When you suspect someone of having the evil eye, place a small steel nail
between the second and third fingers of your right fist so that the point of the nail
projects a small distance beyond your fingers. When you fear that you are being
looked upon by the evil eye, point the nail at the person and murmur under your
breath: The eye is pricked. The eye is full of blood. The eye is blind. This will turn
the power of the evil eye away from you and prevent misfortune.
Before you begin, pour one type of sand into the bottle until it's just over half-
filled. Empty this sand into one dish. This will be referred to this as Sand No.1
throughout these instructions. Clean the bottle (if necessary) and repeat with the
second type of sand, emptying in into it's own bowl. This is Sand No. 2.
Now you're ready. Hold your projective hand over Sand No. 1. Look down at it.
See it humming and writhing with protective, projective energy. Touch the sand.
Caress it. Visualise it emitting sparks of bright white light that ensnare negativity
and draw it inward. Charge it with personal power. Repeat with Sand No. 2. Place
the bottle before you. Scoop out a level spoonful of Sand No. 1. Pour this into the
jar while saying the following words:
"Trap of sand, Trap the ill. Trap the bane and evil will."
Fill the spoon with the same amount of Sand No. 2. Carefully pour this into the jar
over the layer of Sand No. 1, saying the same rhyme. Continue alternating layers
of sand and the chant. Repeat until the jar is completely filled. You should put so
much sand into the jar that, when the top is on, the contained sand shouldn't
move. When you've finished, you'll have a jar filled with bands of different colored
sand. Hold it between your hands and say once again, while visualising:
"Trap of sand, trap the ill. Trap the bane and evil will."
Push power into the sand trap. Place outside your home hidden among plants,
buried in the earth or inside a flowerpot filled with earth. If this is impossible,
place the jar in a sunny window. It will do its work.
Hematite is the all- purpose grounding (energy-balancing) stone, not to mention a
beautiful ornament. Tell, or charge all your troubles to or into the rock, then put it
on the ground overnight, so that the negative energy will soak into the Earth and
become neutral.
If you ever feel that someone is putting negative energy or an outright curse upon
you, this will break it and return it upon them. If you are not sure who your enemy
is - it does not matter - this spell will return only negative thoughts and hexes
directed at you.
Items: A sprig of rosemary - A piece of yellow paper - A red pen - Scissors - A red
clothe-Paprika or red pepper-A piece of red cotton string.
Time: Midnight on a Saturday night.
Ritual: While you are performing this spell - carry a piece of rosemary with you at
all times. Write the person's name on the piece of yellow paper. If you are not
sure of the person's name who is sending all of this negativity to you, simply
write, "Enemy Mine" . Using the red pen, draw a figure of a doll shape around the
name and then cut out the shape with your scissors. Lay the paper doll face down
on the red cloth and sprinkle with the paprika or red pepper (your choice). Tie a
string around the middle of your doll, then wrap up the doll tightly with the red
clothe and hold in your hands and repeat these words:
"Enemy Mine your power is gone. The hex is broken the spell undone.
The eye has been turned away. Enemy mine you've gone away.
So shall it be from this day this spell is cast - the spell will last
until your apology sets you free by me. This is my will so mote it be!
Perform this spell for 7 consecutive nights at midnight, on the next Sunday night,
unwrap the paper doll and tear it into nine pieces then burn it. Scatter the ashes
FAR away from your home and throw the red cloth into the garbage. You will see
an improvement in your mental awareness and no more feelings of being attacked
within a week.
Sprinkle cayenne pepper throughout the home to break any malevolent spells.
Sprinkle chamomile around the perimeter of your home and property to break any
spells against you.
For what better purpose could magic be made than to bless a move to a new
home? Before the spell is cast (and before you consecrate the area you are going
to set aside in which to do your magic) sweep each room thoroughly with a birch
broom. (Vacuuming might be easier, but even the most powerful Dyson, magical
though it is in its own way, doesn’t have the same effect!) Sweep clockwise into
the centre, imagining as you work that it’s not just dust that you are sweeping up.
Unseen psychic remains left over by previous owners are also swept away. When
you have finished, put all the sweepings into a large paper bag and either burn it
in the garden or scatter them in the wind. This spell should only be cast on a
Sunday and it is best to start before noon and finish after the clock has passed
twelve. The spell can be done when the moon is waning, but is not as powerful
then as it is when cast during a waxing moon. You don’t have to cast a circle to
do this spell as you will be working around the house.
You will need: Sea salt, A small bowl, Rose geranium essential oil, An
aromatherapy burner, A white candle, Spring water, A few grains of rice
(organically grown if possible), A 15 cm (6 in) square of golden fabric.
Consecrate an area in which you can bless all the ingredients. Starting in the
room at the top of the house (or the room immediately to the right of the front
door in a flat), sprinkle a pinch of salt in each corner and on all corners of each
window and door. As you sprinkle the salt say:
Please remove negative and unnecessary forces from this space,
And make this room a special place.
And let it be done, that it harm no one.
Moving clockwise from room to room, repeat the ritual until the whole house has
been purified by the salt. That done, light the candle and holding it in one hand
and the rose geranium oil in the other, proceed from room to room in the same
order as before. Put the candle in the centre of each room and anoint all doors
and windows with a little oil. As you do this, say:
Please bless this home to which we move
And fill the hearts that enter it with love.
And let it be done, that it harm no one.
That done, set the candle in the middle of the living room. Fill the aromatherapy
burner with spring water, light it and add six drops of the rose geranium oil to the
water. Sit focusing on it, visualize the fragrance banishing negativity and
replacing it with love. When the candle has almost burned down, extinguish it with
a snuffer or between finger and thumb. Anoint the stump with more rose geranium
oil, working away from you, and sprinkle some rice on it before wrapping it in the
gold cloth. Place it as close to the front door as possible, maybe under the
doormat if you have one. As you do so, say:
May all who pass through this door be blessed.
And let it be done, that it harm no one.
Before moving from a home, try this ritual. Take a wand and walk counter-
clockwise around each room, twirling it counterclockwise while visualizing all the
good energy and memories of this place. Add some salt to a small bowl of water,
saying, “I bless this representative of water with the representative of earth.”
Walk clockwise around each room, sprinkling the walls, windows, and doorframes
with the water, while saying, “I cleanse this room with the elements of water and
earth.” Light some incense, and say, “I bless this representative of air with this
representative of fire.” Walk clockwise around each room while saying, “I cleanse
this room with the elements of air and fire.” When you get to your new home, walk
clockwise around each room with the wand, visualizing all the happy memories
unraveling into the new space.
Oregano is believed to keep meddlesome in-laws away. Greek oregano is
believed to be the most powerful variety of the species. Rather than cooking with
the oregano for your spouse’s troublesome parents, sprinkle it around the
premises instead. You may also want to sprinkle it on their photos as well.
Take the picture and/or personal item of the subject and lay it on the mirror. If
you wish, you can explain to the item why it is what they are doing is wrong and
let them know you will help them overcome this fault. Then lay the symbol of what
they are doing wrong over them and cover with the glass bowl. Place the 4 items
representing the 4 elements at the appropriate points of the compass, asking
each element or symbolizing entity to help the subject realize the error of his/her
ways by returning the ill to his/her doorstep. Take the mirror containing all the
items out in the sunlight for a couple of hours, or in the moon/starlight all night.
After that is done, thank the spirits of the stones, mirror, and glass for helping
you and disassemble the spell, you may want to cleanse things to remove any
negativity they picked up. Wait a few days and see if the person isn't starting to
learn, if not, repeat the spell again in a month. Some people need the spell
renewed several times before they start to see the pattern and want to change.
Sow a clean square - shaped cloth together. You can use any color you'd like. I
recommend black or white because they're simple and pure. You may use any
type of fabric, as long as its clean and soft, yet strong. Sow the fabric into a small
pouch with an opening in the top by bending it in half and sowing up the sides.
Don't forget to turn the cloth inside out, so the stitches will be on the inside.
Once you have your pouch ready, begin putting the herbs in. Blessing each one
with a written chant so its personal. Put them inside the pouch, once inside, tie
the bag closed with some string of the following colors: Green for Earth. Yellow or
White for Air. Red for Fire And Blue for Water. Tie the pouch closed and light two
or more candles and sit before them with the herb pouch in your hands. Focus on
the flame of the candles and clear your mind and chant the following three or
more times:
''Demons and spirits flee from me.
Gone and harmless you shall be.
Stay from my dreams. from my mind and sight.
I ask you to leave in both day and in night.''
Lastly, close your eyes and take a deep breath or two until you're calm. Blow out
the candles and set the pouch on the Altar, tap your wand on it three times,
repeating the following: ''It has been said, do as you have been told.''
Hang the bag above or beside your bed to protect your dreams.
Cloves, garlic, basil mixed with base oil.
You can buy this is Occult shops but why not make it! Below refers to bought
Essential oils they are often at New age or Health Food shops. 3 drops Clary
Sage 3 drops Lavender 2 drops Pine 3 drops calamus rots or use (marigold
leaves) Optional: Roll candle in Mugwort and/or Nutmeg. Blend and swirl and
anoint candle in spell. Wear near the person you want the truth from. They do not
stand a chance of lying so it is so handy to have.
Good for breaking curses and hexes. Items you will need Vetivert, Lavender,
Galangal, Burnt knotted shoelacecolor: black
Confuses one who is trying to cast a spell on you. Good for breaking curses and
hexes. Works very well.
Place three drops of this oil on another's shoe.To have better control over a
situation or person, write the situation or the person's name on a piece of paper,
place the paper under a purple candle dressed with this oil. Burn daily until the
candle is consumed and your dominance over the situation or person should be
established. *Two tablespoons of calamus are added to two ounces of oil. (olive
or other carrier)*
Get a pot, fill it with water and feel the hate for the person and pout it into the
water. See the water turn black or red. Get something of the persons or just write
their name on paper. Put the pot on the stove and let the water boil. Pour in a
some milk so the water turns white. Pour some vinegar, salt, and ashes. To get
the ashes, just write on a piece of paper the name of the person, pour some hate
in the paper and sit it on fire…over the pot and let it drop. When all that is done…
throw in the paper with the persons name on it and you can say an incantation
with it or just let it boil for half an hour.
Preparation: Mix together 1 part salt to 3 parts water. The salt can be any variety,
if you have an affinity to the ocean, use sea salt. Pure spring water is
recommended, but tap water will do if that is all you have.
Ritual: Circle the area to be protected splashing the salt-water as you go around.
Do this three times. While doing each circle, repeat three times,
"Thrice around and thrice repeat, all evil does this ring defeat."
See the shield come up as you finish the last circle. It is done.
This spell should be done after the area to be protected has been cleansed and
purified in some fashion.
If you feel in danger or threatened, prepare this charm. Fill one jar small enough
to carry with you with fennel seeds, marigold, bay leaves, nutmeg and mustard
seed. Whenever you feel threatened, inhale the charm deeply. You will be
protected. A Word Of Caution: This charm doesn't exactly smell like a spring
Items you will need You will need: 4 tbsps Frankincense or Myrrh, 4 tbsps Black
powdered Iron, 4 tbsps Sea Salt, 4 tbsps Orris-root Powder (or oak moss), 1 white
candle, 1 bottle with a cork or lid, Mortar and pestle, Parchment Paper, Black Ink
or black ballpointpen, Black thread.
Used to neutralize the power of those who intend to do you physical harm, or hurt
your reputation, or in any way pose a threat to your security.
Mix the sea salt, orris-root powder, and the iron in a bowl. Then cut a piece of
parchment to fit inside your bottle and write on it with black ink: I neutralize the
power of (name of adversary) to do me any harm. I ask that this be correct and for
the good of all. So mote it be!
Roll up the parchment, tie it with a black thread to bind it, and place it in the
bottle. Fill the bottle with the dry ingredients. Then take the white candle and
while turning the bottle counterclockwise, drip the wax over the cork to seal it.
Last, secretly bury the bottle in a place where it will not be disturbed and no
animals or people will dig it up. This spell is like a genie in a bottle. It should
never be unleashed or the power of the spell is lost.
Protection against malicious spirits. Items you will need Glass, Ceramic, Stone or
Metal Bottle do not use plastic, Salt, 3 pins, 3 needles, 3 nails, 3 Drops of Blood.
Place 3 pins, 3 needles, 3 nails inside the bottle. Fill the bottle with salt. Add 3
drops of blood (letting three drops of blood flow into the bottle). Seal the bottle
securely and bury it under the hearth or next to your home
This spell to make all the bad things that will occur to you, to go inside the bottle
and it protects you.
Items you will need a small to medium sized jar or bottle (a large spice bottle
works well), sage, or other purifying herb such as rosemary, a black candle, sea
salt, parchment paper (or other “nice” stationary), dragon’s blood ink, rusty nails,
broken glass, needles, other sharp, objects, dead bugs, some of your favorite
food nicely molding, other “gross” things, some of your hair, finger or toenail
clippings, some of your semen or menstrual blood, some of your urine, a handful
of earth, or potting soil, a black cotton cloth.
Perform this spell alone at night. On a night before the dark moon (women will
need to adjust the timing to coincide with their menstrual cycle) gather your items
together to perform this spell. Ground and center. Mark a circle on the ground
around you with the sea salt, moving clockwise beginning and ending in the North.
Burn your herb as an incense and allow the smoke to waft over you and your
area. Hold the bottle over the smoke and make sure that some gets inside it. Light
the black candle saying:
From the darkness I conjure light
from the light I summon force,
from the force I invoke the power
to trap that which intends me harm.
On the parchment write the following with Dragon’s Blood Ink:
Your full name (your magickal name will do if you identify with it.), Your birthdate.
(Month, day, year, and time if possible) The symbol for your astrological sun,
moon, and rising signs. Any other symbol that you feel represents the real ‘you’.
Now smear some of your semen or menstrual blood onto the paper. Draw a circle
around the whole thing and draw a pentagram over it, feeling that to do so is an
act of power; that when the star is completed you have erected a field of
protection around you. Roll up the parchment and place inside the bottle.
Now begin to fill the bottle with the other items: your hair and clippings, nails,
glass, bugs, etc. You will want to fill the bottle about halfway. Say:
Insects from beneath a rock,
needles, nails rusting fast,,
Keep all harm inside and locked,
within this dungeon made of glass.
Now fill the jar as far as possible with your urine, which is from your body in the
act of release. This will provide a link for the energy to follow into the jar and
remain. Add the handful of earth, feeling it’s connection to the planet and it’s
ability to transform waste into fertility. Add three pinches of sea salt to the
mixture. Cork the bottle or attach the lid and seal the edges with drippings from
the black candle. Hold the bottle in both hands before you and in front of the
candlelight so that the light shines through the bottle. Feel the power of the
candle permeate your bottle, charging it with power and purpose. Say:
I charge you, bottle, to trap all harm.
Keep me safe away from danger.
Inside darkness calls to darkness,
to be carried below into the grave.
Take three deep breaths and exhale all your stress, worry, doubt fear, pain, etc.
into the bottle. On the last breath ‘hear’ the power in your breath ring and
resonate with the bottle. Wrap the bottle carefully in the black cloth and open your
circle in the normal way. Go outside to bury the bottle in a place where it will not
be disturbed. Should the bottle ever be disturbed or broken, rest assured that the
negativity will not then return to you as it has already been neutralized by the salt
and the handful of earth, but the bottle will cease functioning. If you end up
burying it in a place that you cannot check up on its well- being, you then may
want to perform this spell at different intervals, perhaps once a year on a certain
date. This of course is up to you.
The Witch's Bottle Protection Against Enemies. It is possible for the nicest person
the have enemies. Some people may be jealous of you; misunderstand you; just
dislike the way you do your hair! Many people have said, ''I don't need protection.
I don't have any enemies.'' But there are the above-type ''enemies'' that you
wouldn't even know about. They may well be as sweet as pie to you, to your face,
but be bitterly jealous, or whatever it may be, behind your back. How do you
protect yourself against their negativity? How to you protect yourself against a
warped individual who decides to work magick against you? You don't want to hurt
them, but you certainly want to protect yourself.
To make a Witch's Bottle, take a regular jar such as a 6 oz instant-coffee jar. Half
fill it with sharp objects such as broken glass, old razor blades, rusty nails and
screws, pins, needles, etc. When the jar is half-filled with these objects, urinate in
it to fill it. If a woman is preparing her bottle, she might also want to get some
menstrual blood into it. Now put the top on the jar and seal it with tape. It should
then be buried in the ground, at least twelve inches deep, in an isolated spot
where it can remain undisturbed. If you live in a city, then it will be worth a trip
out of town to find some remote spot to bury it.
So long as the bottle remains buried and unbroken, it will protect you from any
evil directed against you. This applies whether the evil is directed by an individual
or a group of people. Not only will it protect you, but it will reflect back that evil
on the sender(s). So the more he/she tries to harm you, the more he/she will be
harmed her/himself.
Such a bottle should last almost indefinitely, but to be on the safe side, I'd
recommend redoing the ritual one a year. With the present rate of housing
development you never know when your bottle may be dug up or inadvertently
Lay the fires, but do not light them. Next to each, place enough fuel to keep them
burning at least half an hour. Walking up to the south first, light the fire, shouting
these words as you do:
Nothing from the south can harm me!
Move to the west. Light the fire and say:
Nothing from the west can harm me!
Then to the north and repeat, and finally the east.
Snatch up a burning stick from the southern fire and thrust it at the sky above
you(be careful of burning sparks and ashes) and say:
Nothing from above can harm me!
Next throw the flaming wood on the earth and say:
Nothing from below can harm me!
Replace the stick in the southern fire and sit in the center of the circle, watching
the fires burn. As necessary, add more fuel. Know that the fires are literally
burning away all that comes to harm you, on every level.
Firmly implant in your mind the sight of the fires burning around you, the feel of
their heat(which can become intense), their light, and their protective qualities.
When the fires begin to die and you feel the power ebbing, bury the fires with
earth or sand, douse with water, and obliterate the circle you've drawn on the
Leave the area but retain the fiery circle of protection within your memory, so that
it can be recalled at any time you feel the need for protection: physical, spiritual,
or mental. If you are prevented from performing this ritual outdoors, substitue four
large red candles for the fires. Proceed with the spell above, lighting the candles
rather than fires, until all four are lit and you have said the words. Then, instead
of taking a burning stick, pick up the southern candle and hold it carefully over
your head. Say the words, then place the candle on the ground, saying those
words. When the ritual is done, pinch out the candles, beginning with the west
(never blow them out).
Iron provides protection 24 hours a day, whether you are asleep or awake.
Bend a used horseshoe nail into a ring
An iron bracelet reinforces the magickal protective capacities of the hand
String iron beads and wear around your neck and ankles
For protection while you sleep, slip a knife or a horseshoe under your pillow
Or a sword or fireplace poker under the bed
Or sleeping in a bed crafted from iron creates an island of safety, reinvigorating
health, creativity and fertility while you sleep.
Bath in water infused with Vetiver essential oil. This is believed to create a
magickal aura of protection against harm.
Hoodoo formular to make somebody leave you alone. Items you will need Ground
Cinnamon, Ground Nutmeg, Powdered newsprint (prefereably from the targets
favourite publication or even a newspaper that has been in their possesion), Plus
the tabacco from one cigarette (ideally from the person, or their favorite brand).
Blend the ingrediants together and use powder in any of the following ways:
Sprinkle where your target is sure to sit on it or step over it
Sprinkle to create a boundary of safety for yourself
Carry it in a mojo bag as a protective talisman
Items needed: 1 obsidian (should be at least 1"), 1 rose quartz (size doesn't
matter here). This is well done during the waning (dark) of the moon, but any time
will work. You will want to do this when you are at home alone or somewhere
where a great deal of noise will not attract undue attention.
Hold the obsidian in your right hand (I am assuming that your right hand is your
power hand....). Begin to think on your negativity and its roots. Trace it as far
back as you can. *NOTE* Do not try to analyze the whys and wherefores of
this....do not feel guilty for feeling angry at anyone person or thing....let yourself
be mad! Feel all your anger and sadness and depression and guilt and all other
emotions begin to boil. Let yourself get rompin'stompin' mad! Scream...jump up
and down...spit....curse...yell... do what ever it takes to emotionally explode! As
you are doing this...focus all of this outgoing force into the stone. Do not worry
about harming the stone....obsidian likes to absorb negative junk. When you feel
you are 'empty' of the pain, throw the obsidian as far from you as you possibly
can. *NOTE* if you are inside, it is best not to throw stones :->. Place it in a
brown paper sack and toss it in a river later. Now, turn your back on the stone.
Don't worry about someone else finding it and getting all your stuff....the obsidian
will leach it back into the Earth and it will be transformed. Of course, you don't
want to retrieve the stone. Once you have turned your back....take a deep breath.
Place the rose quartz in your receiving hand (left, if you are right handed). Sit
down, lie down...get comfy. Think about the color of the quartz in your hand.
Remember that everything has a purpose...and that you are a good person.
Remind yourself that this rose quartz is a physical representation of your heart
and pour love into it. Tell it all your loves and dreams and hopes. When you are
done, place the rose quartz in a safe spot...maybe your pocket? and have a cup
of tea!
Items: Mint - Small moonstone
Time: Waxing Moon - Weekends
Ritual: Place a fresh mint leave in a wallet, purse or briefcase wrapped around a
small moonstone or your sign stone as a lucky charm. (This encourages
prosperity too).
First you make a doll of this person and while you sew up the dolls lips you chant
"If nothing but ill from your lips can fall, then let there be nothing from them at all"
This spell will make the person stop gossiping and make them not talk to you.
This spell utilizes representational magic and is a way to stop malicious gossip. It
is useful in a workplace environment where almost inevitably factions arise and
people become embroiled. All that is necessary is to identify the ring leader.
YOU WILL NEED: A sample of the person’s handwriting (failing that, a piece of
paper which has been handled by them), A jar with a screw top lid, Wax to seal it
METHOD: Place the sample of handwriting or paper in the jar and screw it tightly
shut. Carry this away from the offending person. If the badmouthing does not stop
immediately, take the jar and seal it with the wax saying:
Gossip and ill- feeling begone Trouble us no more.
This should have the desired effect. When the difficulty is clearly past remove the
paper from the jar and burn it. Do not use the jar again for magical purposes.
Remember with this spell that you are not binding the person, you are stopping
their specific action, so releasing the paper means you are indicating that you are
no longer involved with, or troubled by, them. They must be free to go their own
way. Also try to make sure that you do not get involved in other gossip.
Grind and powder the botanicals, sprinkling onto lit charcoal or burn the bruised
botanicals in a cauldron.Burn the incense in the room where opposition is most
likely to occur.
Quickly clear your mind and say this. It will increase your physical strength.
"Strength of Day, Strength of Night, Give me strength, Beyond my sight."
Write the names of all adversaries or potential ones, on individual pieces of
paper. Include the judge, attorneys, opponents and their witnesses etc.
Place these individual pieces of paper on a dish.
Cover with honey, strawberry syrup and nine lumps or spoonfuls of white sugar.
Carve a purple candle and dress it with Commanding Oil.
Place the candle on the dish and burn it.
When the candle has burned completely bury all of the remnants including the
pieces of paper in the Earth.
If you are facing a judgment in court, write down all possible verdicts on a piece
of paper. With scissor or a knife, cut out only the desired conclusion while
focusing your mind on a positive outcome. Carefully burn the unwanted portion,
until nothing but ash remains. Release or bury this ash so it is symbolically "lost"
to you. Carry the other piece of paper into court, wrapped in gold cloth, as a
protective amulet.
This spell is designed to put a stop to gossip, slander and testimony against you.
For the best results perform this spell at the center of a crossroad or standing at
a window. A sudden gust of wind is an extremely auspicious sign. Blend a pinch
of white sugar, pinch of flour and a pinch of fine ground salt. Hold the powder in
the palm of your hand whilst visualizing your desired outcome. Chant: I am
innocent of all accusations, Protect me… [you can call on the spirit/deity of your
choice). Allow the powders to fly out of your hand
War Water is Iron Rust in water along with other ingredients that are added
according to the desires of the Spellcaster. Mars...the Roman God was the God of
War and his metal was Iron.
Write the name of the person to whom the spell is being directed on the paper and
put this in the jar. Use a honey dripper to drizzle honey into the jar (if you try to
pour it in, honey has a tendency to go anywhere but where you want it to). As the
jar fills, visualize the other person being kind to you as you would like him or her
to be. When the jar is full, put the lid on and seal it with the molten wax from the
pink candle. Keep the jar on your altar or in a place where it will not be touched
by anyone else. The energy of the spell is recharged every day by putting the jar
in a sunny spot. After six months bury the jar and recast the spell if you need to,
but by then, the other person should have been especially kind to you. (If you
want people in general to display kindness to you, then simply write ‘All Mankind’
on the paper before putting it in the jar.)
If you have an obsession that you would like to get rid of. Items you will need
Chili pepper, paper, pen, Your Saliva. Take the pen and write on the paper the
obsession that you would like to get rid of. Put some of your salive on the paper.
Sprinkle a pinch of chili pepper over the paper, focusing on how your life will be
after the obsession is gone. Fold the paper until you can't fold it anymore. Bury
the paper outside, away from your home. It is done
You will need: A sapling tree or a young shrub that will grow to a fair size in
maturity, An unused hatchet, Ribbons of the astrological colours appropriate to
each member of the family or those involved in the friendship, A strand of hair
from each person, A spade.
Dig a hole deep enough to support the sapling or shrub and drop the hairs into
the bottom. As each one goes in, visualize the ill feeling in that person (not
forgetting your own) evaporating and being replaced by good will. Now tie the
ribbons round the hatchet and ask everyone to form a circle round the hole. Pass
the hatchet counter-clockwise round the circle asking each person to hold it for a
few moments: they can remain silent or say any appropriate words that come into
their heads before passing it on to the next person. This done, lay the hatchet on
the upturned palms of each person’s hands before putting it into the hole. Now
everyone takes a gentle hold of the tree or shrub and puts it into the ground, on
top of the hatchet. As the hole is filled, visualize the argument being buried for
good, along with the hatchet. And if some suitable words come to mind, don’t be
afraid to say them.
Every color has the capacity to heal. Each color has specific magickal powers
best suited for certain ailment or physical conditions.
Expose yourself to concentrated doses of the color(s) most powerful in their
healing properties for your ailment. Surround yourself with this color, wear it,
gaze and meditate upon it.
Black: physical and mental exhaustion
Blue: emotional imbalance, post traumatic stress, throat disorders, speech
disorders, headaches, toothaches, insomnia
Brown: vertigo, disorientation
Green: physical healing, cancer, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart trouble
Orange: bowel and digestive disorders, arthritis, asthma, fevers, bronchitis and
related bronchial ailments
Red: physical disabilities, blood disorders, HIV & AIDS, anaemia, vitamin
deficiency, impotence, infertility
Yellow: stomach problems, skin disorders, depression due to heartache
Light a fire of oak wood, if possible. When much of the wood has been reduced to
glowing pieces of charcoal, pick up one carefully with a pair of tongs or shovel &
throw it immediately into a stream or pot of cold water. It will sizzle & pop. As it
does visualize the disease leaving the body of the afflicted person. Repeat this
operation three more times.
This spell makes it amazingly easy to stop eating sweets. Take a piece of cake, a
cookie, or a chunk of chocolate, whichever sweet you are trying to banish from
you life, and bury it in a pot or in the garden. Plant three cloves of garlic on top.
The cloves will purge you of your craving by the time the garlic has grown.
A spell to help you lose weight. Items you will need a dash cinnamon, 1 cup
(crystal), a dash salt (any type), 1 teaspoon vinegar, 1/2 cup water. Mix all the
ingredients together in a crystal glass. Start with the water, then trickle in the
vinegar, while doing so say the following:
Add to this class from which I’ll drink
The vile taste one’s surely think.
The throw in a pinch of salt saying:
And a bit of salt to kill the taste
Of my life I shall not waste
Then toss in a bit of cinnamon saying:
And finally a touch of spice
To make my body slim and nice
Then swirl the entire mixture around with the cup in both hands. Hold it above
your head and say:
With this potion that I drink
I’ll lose the weight that I think
I need to lose and then some more
This magic potion born of war.
Then drink the entire glass.
Items you will need 1 Pink Candle, 1 Brown Candle, Oil of your choice, Waning
Meditate during the waning moon. Light a pink candle for self-love. Anoint it with
the oil of your choice. Next light a brown candle, engrave the number of pounds
you want to loose on it. Then visualize banishing the excess weight. Runes can
also be carved on the candle if you wish and incense can be burned. Visualize the
smoke taking the excess pounds away!!
Play a CD or Tape of some romantic music that means something to you. Make
sure that the music does not include songs that you associate with another
person. It is important to keep specific people out of your mind performing this
spell. On a sheet of cardboard, light a candle of your favorite color to represent
you. Then, light a red or pink candle to represent whoever your new love may be.
Using a red magic marker or crayon, draw a heart around the red candle. Every
day for at least a week, relight the candles in the evening, and as soon as you
light the candles, move them slightly closer together, so that on the last day, the
candles are as close together as possible.
Attract the boy that you love. Items you will need 1 picture of him, 1 heart shaped
locket, 1 pink candle, 1 permanent marker
Light the pink candle and stare into the flame for 10 seconds. Write his first and
last name on the back on his picture in the permanent marker. Burn the picture in
the candle and put the ashes from the picture in the locket. Put out the candle
and pick up the locket. Kiss the locket for good luck and them put it on.
Then put all the roses in the vase in your bedroom and when they die repeat the
spell if necessary.
Wiccans will approach the rose with reverence and ask its permission before
removing the petals. Then they will thank it for its generosity. As you are plucking
the petals, visualize someone who has all the qualities you think are necessary in
the ideal partner – humour, generosity, compassion, whatever. Take the petals to
a stream or river, hold them in cupped hands and, again visualizing the qualities
you are looking for, let them drop into the flowing water, saying:
As this bloom is taken downstream
May I find the love of which I dream.
And let it be done, that it harm no one.
Items Needed: A Small Pot, Basil Seeds, Soil from your loved- ones track. Sow the
seeds in a small pot thinking loving thoughts about your love. Put the pot in a
warm place and water them frequently. Keep them in a warm safe place.
Eventually the person will start to show feelings for you and the spell has worked!
Do not let the plants die, for with them, so will the love if it is not yet firmly
Take a red color lipstick and draw a lip print on a piece of white paper, then take
a red candle and burn the paper while chanting : kiss me when we meet, Kiss me
{mention persons Full name } Greet me with your lips , and say you missed me.
But most of all kiss me. Dont forget to visualize the person you want to kiss you,
and conjure love. This is a good spell it worked for me, I even tried it on a
married guy to see if it would work well he stared at me the whole time I was by
him and then when I walked away to go to my car he followed me , and grabbed
me and kissed me . I asked him why he did that , and he said I really dont know I
just had too .
If you are madly in love and wish it to go full steam ahead into handfasting
(Wiccan Marriage) make him this excellent supermarket-ingredient love potion.
Get yourself some orange juice, some spring water, some rose water and a dash
of nutmeg-oranges are very potent symbols of love-if your partner brings you one
you can be sure he adores you. Anyway, blend a beautiful refreshing drink from
the above (don't overdo the nutmeg) and drink it with your lover-you don't have to
tell him what it's for. Look into his eyes-you'll see the truth there about your
future once he's downed this powerful concoction. This spell also work male to
Things Needed..- 1Piece of Paper.-1 orange.- 1 lemon.- 1 tbsp chocolate syrup.-1
tsp honey.On the day of a full moon, write down who you want to attract on a
piece of paper. Slice an orange in half, round a small hole in the center of one
half, roll the paper, and stick it inside. Then put the orange back together to make
it whole. Squeeze the juice of a lemon on top of the orange, and drizzle it with the
chocolate syrup and honey. Lick the mixture ( to prove your potion means no
harm), then go outside and place the orange underneath the tree..Now saw this
mantra seven times, "Moon shining Oh so bright, please attract my wish tonight!)-
Oranges and chocolate are foods of love and increase the posotive energy
emanating from your heart. Lemon helps to purify to ensure you don't attract
things you dont want. And honey makes things stick. so the person your wishing
for will stick around!!- WAIT ABOUT 28 DAYS FOR HE/SHE TO MAKE A MOVE!
To turn a sexual relationship with a man into something more:
Pick up his shoes as soon as he takes them off.
Place your own shoes inside his, you left inside his left, your right inside his right.
Buckle or tie them together as securely as possible
Leave them like this until morning.
You will need: a clear mind and focused goal, special paper such as hemp,
cotton, real parchment, whatever you deem special, a ritual writing instrument
such as quill, fountain pen, favorite ball- point, etc. in whatever color ink desired,
moon incense, charcoal or a small ritual fire Timing: any time, preferably after
dark during the waxing moon. The timing is more flexible with this working for
many reasons; the nature of the work, and the full moon energy contained in the
moon incense which is an incense of Increase or drawing.
Reinforce your personal circle/aura and prepare for workings in your usual
manner. Using the ritual pen and special paper, write words of power that will call
the most perfect partner to you at this time. Do not include specific names, and
avoid thinking of a specific person. If you can't find quite the right words, use the
"If there be a perfect match, this work tonight will surely catch.
the perfect one who is meant to be, shall find His/Her way home to me.
In perfect love and perfect trust, I send this out, but not from lust,
This spell will guide us to unite, free will remains with us tonight."
When you are finished, read over what you wrote and confirm that everything you
want to say is included. When you are certain it is as you wish, spend some time
meditating on your goal while you light your ritual fire or the charcoal. When you
get "that feeling" (the one when you know everything is right, your will is focused,
you know it is certain, you know the feeling...) prepare to begin the physical
aspect of the ritual. When the fire has become coals, or the charcoal is glowing
happily, read aloud your writing, repeating it three times. As you read, or as you
come to the end of each repetition, sprinkle a small handful (about a Tablespoon)
of the incense on the fire. You will want to be practiced at this for the best effect
as well as safety, so make up a full recipe of it and accustom yourself to its
nature prior to the rite.
Fold the paper and keep it near you for three days. Keep it under your pillow,
mattress, or pinned to your night clothes (if you aren't sky/star clad) while you
sleep. After three days, light another ritual fire, repeat the C.O.P., reading and
incense procedure and this time, burn the paper when you are done. OR you can
keep the paper in a special spell box if you use this method. Many Witches have
special containers to keep finished workings in. These are usually decorative and
personalized with engravings or painting on them that echo their contents. For
example, a heart shaped heartwood box with runes and magickal symbols of love
on it for this spell. Usually only similar spells are kept together, or each spell is
kept in its own box.
Light a candle (I tend to use a blessed white tea candle) and place it by the
window sill at night. This is you calling out to your love.
Many people who have cast this little spell have said that, despite its simplicity, it
has a high success rate in having the unspoken love you feel for someone
acknowledged. It can also be cast with no one particular in mind. You will need:
Two leaves that can be drawn on, Green thread, A needle, Seven pennies.
Draw a picture of yourself on one of the leaves and a picture of the person you
want to return your love on the other. If you have no one special in mind and are
casting this spell simply to bring love into your life, as well as an image of how
you would like your lover to look, you could also add a list of the characteristics
he or she should have. Sew the two leaves together with the green thread and
knot it tightly. Take the leaves to a tree that you are fond of, one with a natural
crevice within which you can hide them. Making sure that they will not blow away,
gently push the leaves into the crevice, saying as you do so:
Earth,Water, Air and Fire,
Bring me *****’s true love as I desire.
And let it be done, that it harm no one.
Now bury the coins around the base of the tree and trust to the elements to make
your magic work.
Write your first name and the first name of your jaded lover on the paper. If it is
the sexual aspect of your relationship that needs stimulation draw a square round
the two letters. If you are certain that this is the person with whom you wish to
spend the rest of your life, then draw a circle round them. Holding the paper in
both hands, close your eyes and with a picture of the other person in your mind’s
eye say:
If it be right, please let things be, As joyous as they used to be.
And let it be done, that it harm no one.
The words said, cut out the shape you have drawn and when the circle has been
closed, slip the paper under your pillow.
Slice the apple in half without cutting through the seeds. If you are casting the
spell for yourself, write your own name and the name of the other person on the
paper. If you are casting it on behalf of another couple, write their names on the
paper. In either case, make sure that the names take up less than the width of the
apple. Now cut out the names and put the paper bearing them between the two
halves of the apple. Bring them together and visualize harmonious relations
restored. Fix the two halves together with the two pins, inserting the first pin
diagonally right to left and the second one diagonally left to right. Focus your
thoughts on the skewered apple, trying to picture your love taking wing, flying to
the person or people concerned and watching it being returned.
This spell takes time to cast its magic but if, after a week or two, the person
whose affections you are trying to win does not seem to be responding then
perhaps the fates are advising you to look elsewhere for love.
You will need: An onion, A new flowerpot, Potting compost, A bolline or burin (The
bolline is the knife traditionally used by witches. It normally has a white handle
and a curved blade. It is used to cut plants and herbs, wands and the other things
that need to be cut as part of making magic. When something has to be cut from
a living plant it should be done very gently – indeed some Wiccans ask the plant’s
permission before cutting and thank it for its generosity afterwards. A burin is a
sharp-pointed instrument for inscribing candles and other magical objects and is
often more practical than a bolline, especially when inscribing candles.), Jasmine
essential oil, Patience.
Scratch the name of the person you are in love with on the base of the onion with
the bolline or burin and plant it in the flowerpot. Focus on the flowerpot for a
moment or two, then say:
Plant take root and grow shoots. Shoots grow into leaves.
May a flower bloom among them. And as the flower blooms,
May *******’s love for me Take root, bloom and flower.
And let it be done, that it harm no one.
Close the magic making in your usual way, before putting the pot on a window sill
that faces the direction in which your love lives. Repeat the incantation every day
until the first flower appears and if by then there has been no reaction then look
to pastures new.
Try this: while menstruating, masturbate to orgasm and preserve the resultant
fluids.You should be concentrating on your desired result at the point of orgasm.
Take some of the resultant fluids and insinuate a bit of them into the food or drink
of your prospective victim.
1 tsp. Yohimbe 1 tsp. Damiana 1 tsp. Patchouli 1/2 tsp. Cloves 1/2 tsp. dragons
blood 1/2 tsp. Oakmoss
The original spell required a candle, but water symbolizes emotions as well. So
fill a pot with water and put some of your sexual fluids in the water. What would
make it more potent if you fantasize you and that person doing something exotic
and kinky that turns you on and masturbate to it. Make a poppet of the person,
while doing this think of them and you and that person having relations, etc. say
“All that I do to this figure, I do to__________” breathe on it and say “so mote it
be” after that put the pot on the stove and let the water boil, before you put the
poppet in the water to symbolize the person boiling in lust think of that person
doing something sexual that turns you on or whatever then throw in the poppet.
Leave it on the stove for 2 hours and have faith.*something that also came to me
now what if you did what I instructed but also have a red cinnamon candle
anointed with your fluids as well and have it burn with the pot for 2 hours
6 drops of Patchouli oil 6 drops of Sandalwood oil 6 drops of Rose oil 6 drops of
Clove oil 6 drops of Nutmeg oil 6 drops of Olive oil. Wear as a perfume whenever
you'll be in the presence of the person you're trying to attract. Be careful, this
stuff is really potent. And don't be surprised if you find others eyeing you as well.
I find it's pretty effective for getting a man's attention. I would probably suggest
substituting amber oil for the rose oil in order to attract a woman.
Seven drops rose oil, Seven drops sandalwood oil, One clove, Seven drops
lavender, Seven times that measure of sweet almond oil
Try pure essential oil of sweet pea. It draws people to you. Diluted with perfume
diluant and used on the clothing it will help you pick up girls in bars. It is very
nice, but it draws all kinds of people.
1/2 cup oil 1 pinch catnip 1 pinch ginseng 1 red rose petal
1/4 oz. olive oil 35 drops orange oil 20 drops carnation oil 15 drops citronella oil
10 drops rose geranium oil orange flowers garnet
2 drops ylang ylang oil 2 drops sandalwood oil 2 drops clary sage oil. To attract
love, rub Romance Magnet Oil onto a pink candle and then burn it for three hours
a day, every day, until the person makes an advance.When used for an existing
relationship, the ritual may be ended when harmony is established or resumed. If
you have no one special in mind, burn the candle until a potential lover appears.
The candle should be snuffed rather than blown out, the reason being that a spirit
resides in the flame and to blow it out would blow your prayer or wish away.
This spell is made to help you pick up the pieces and get on with life after love
has died, however hard this may be. Cast when the moon is waning, or in the first
day or two of a new moon. The spell calls for a root of bittersweet, or woody
nightshade. This is toxic and should be treated with great care. Spellcasters who
do not wish to use it, may prefer to use a substitute.
You will need: A photograph of your former lover, A fireproof dish, A root of
bittersweet, A red velvet bag (velvet is best, but another cloth can be used).
Put the photograph in the fireproof dish and set it alight. As it burns, see all the
pain you have experienced flowing from you, marrying with the smoke and
vanishing into the ether. As they drift off say some suitable words, such as:
Leave my heart and set me free. Please take all pain away from me.
As my love now burns to dust, Help me make the moves I must.
And let it be done, that it harm no one.
Continue repeating the words until the picture has burned to ashes. Now, very
carefully take the bittersweet in your hands and hold it against your solar plexus.
Visualize your residual negative feelings flowing into the root. When you feel that
it now contains all these emotions, very gently touch your forehead with the
charged root as a way of indicating that bad feelings have gone and have been
replaced by good ones. Finish by wrapping the root and the ashes of the paper in
the red bag, and next time you are going to be a distance away from home, take it
with you and bury it. As you do so, bring a picture of your old lover to mind and
take a minute or two to send thoughts of friendship and peace to him or her.
This spell is for energetically disguising yourself so that you are hidden, kind of
like an invisibility spell.
To successfully cast the spell, take your wand or your right hand and choose any
wand/index finger maneuvre as long as when you say: ''Disguise'', you point at
yourself w/ your wand or index finger. As you do the maneuvre, say: ''Lies, Guise,
Give me a disguise!'' And point at yourself with your wand or your index finger as
you say: ''Disguise.''
To undo the spell, do your maneuvre of choice (or a different one than the one
used to cast the spell) while saying: ''Lies, Guise, No more a disguise!''
P.S. when doing the undoing part of the spell, you still have to point at yourself w/
your wand or your index finger as you say: ''Disguise.''
This spell is for duplicating any object that you want to duplicate. To cast the
spell, you must hold the object in your dominant hand, close your eyes and think
of the object as two. Than say: ''That which is one now becomes two. That which
is two forever will be. That which will be shall appear to you (me).'' This spell
takes time and will show when you least expect it.
An easy harmless spell that makes people fall down. Items you will need
wand/fingure a voice. Chant the following:
You can fall, As you can see
You will fall, So mote it be!
A spell to let you make objects levitate with a wipe of a hand. Items you will need
apple juice, milk, pepper, something long example: long candle or stick. Mix the
liquids and spice together and dip something long (long candle or stick) in the
potion and point it at the object you want to make levitate. Then keep pointing the
long object and keep pointing it at the object and recite the following:
I take this object that's so long
the power in my hand,
make it make the object in the range
levitate from land
Potion that helps all sort of toughtforms and spirits to meterialize. Much like
ectoplasma, or firm medium in alchemy. Items you will need - Aloe - Wood Aloe
(optional but suggested) - Ditany - Rosemary - Shafroon - Acacia - pomegranatte
- Mortar (and pestle)
Mix equal parts on Saturday, in midnight. Aloe, Wood aloe, Ditany, Pomegranate
seeds, Rosemary (dry), Shafroon, Acacia in a mortar or bowl, grind it as fine as
possible, then add small ammount of vine, some blue tourmaline essence and
three drops of own blood and recite over it seven times:
Esse erat cruor tui, apparate in formae homi, te ordo in nominis Potentiae
Then pour in deep plate to make a spirit apear during invocation or spray where
they might be present to make them visible.
This spell, if applied correctly, will physically ward off people. (IE: people will
walk around you, as opposed to right into you.)
For this you need build- up, or a charging. Once you have a small overflow of
energy, magik, or whatever medium of your choosing, gather a feeling of
seclusion. Then, in your mind, or aloud, sat Repulse, emphasizing it as REpulse,
instead of rePULSE. The incantation in the opposite emphasis has no effect when
I do it. If it works for you, then cast away.
Beginner Psi Techniques :
Psi Balls : Cup your hands and visualize your mind's energy flowing into the ball.
The longer you do this the stronger the psi ball will be.
Programming Technique 1
Programming is a cool skill used to control your psi. First, make a good solid psi
ball and make your intent clear. Now visualize the event of the psi ball doing what
you want it to do over and over again.
Programming Technique 2
Make an good, solid psi ball like you would, and visualize text saying what you
want it to do going into the psi ball. Then let it go.
Programming Technique 3
Make a good psi ball, solid and good, and visualize the center point on the psi
ball. Now visualize the event going into the psi ball and going what you want it to
Programming Technique 4
Make a psi ball (you should know to do this by now) and visualize a drop down list
appearing from the psi ball with options, now visualize your selected option
appearing on the list. Visualize the option you want being selected, now let go of
your psi ball.
Swinging on a String : Cut a piece of thread about 10 inches long. Tie a wide
object to it, like a needle, a toothpick, or a short piece of a wooden rod. Hang the
string so that you can sit comfortably in front of the hanging object. Sit far enough
away from the string so that you know you aren't making the object spin with your
breathing. Let the object come to a complete stop, not turning at all in midair.
Take a deep breath. Focus all your attention on one side of the object, right or
left, it doesn't matter which. Imagine the object slowly turning as if your mind was
really pushing against that side of it. You can use your fingers to ''point'' your
energy, but do not touch the object. Once it starts to turn, and who knows how
long it will take you to get this far, imagine that your energy pushes it faster so it
speeds up. It should turn with greater momentum. Practice this. Once you get the
hang of it, keep using this method to get the object to swing instead of just spin.
Good luck practicing.
Psychic Message
Look at the person whom you are wanting to speak to and see their mind as a
Black hole thats sucking in anything. Now visualize your mind as a White shinning
star and reach out with your Psi, make a Connection with that person but seeing a
bridge between your mind and theirs. Make it like an electrical current, like a volt
of lighting thats transfering thoughts constantly, or see a blue tube made of chi
connecting you two through the minds. Send your message word by word into
their mind and when it hits the black hole visualize it going down into them . Make
the words Thicker to make them heard louder, such as '' Be at peace '' as normal
but for shouting more of '' SILENCE ! ''. ( Ive learned that many people are
natural * recievers * and some are natural * Speakers *, meaning some people
wont hear you as well because they are used to either speaking instead of
Psi Shapes
Psi shapes can be done the same way as psi balls, VISUALIZATION. Or you can
mold them into the shapes you choose with your mind and hands.
Psi Shield
To make a shield you need to direct your energy to form around you in the shape
of something that makes you feel safe.While you are doing this focus on the
thought that it will protect you from what you want it to protect you from...most
likely other energy...it can be used to protect from physical attacks but it requires
an enormous amount of energy. After you have a good amount of energy, focus it
to become solid then let go. Ther are many more ways to make psi shields,
experiment and see which works best for you.
Psi Sword
Hold out your hand and close your hand enough so it looks like you're holding
something small such as one of those bats for little kids. Now pull psi from your
third eye by visualization and make it flow down your arm and into your hand
forming a sword. The more energy you add to it the stronger the sword will be.
Try stabbing something with the sword and program it to stay in the object and
not to fade away or dissipate, then try pulling the sword out.
Psi Manipulation
Psi manipulation requires practice. Psi energy is your mind's energy, it originates
in your nervous system. Some people are good at psionics, others need alot of
practice with it. Meditation is a requirement for psi practice, it's a mind exercise.
Meditate alot while practicing psi manipulation, it will do wonders. Because Psi is
your mind's energy and your doing a mental exercise. Psi manipulation is
something everyone can do, it's a gift everyone holds, it just takes practice to
harness your special energy. Believe you can do it, it CAN be done, people do it
all the time.
Write the name of the person you are wondering about on a piece of paper. Fold
the paper in half, then half again. Draw an eyeball on the outside of the folded
page. Slip the page under your pillow and before bed repeat...
''With dreamers eyes I seek to see
What this person thinks of me.
Be it good or be it ill
Reveal to me as is my will''
Close your eyes and picture this person sitting across a crowded room. The room
is all a buzz with conversation you cannot hear clearly. This is gossip about you
that this person started. It may be good things and/or it may be bad. As you move
towards the person let yourself fall asleep. When you wake, jot down what you
heard in your dream, particularly anything s/he said or did. Your answer will
reveal itself. If you do not get the answer to your questions, consider what was
revealed to you instead. Perhaps there is a truth you are missing that is more
compelling then the one you seek.
This spell is designed to help you transform into an animal of your own desire.
This spell requires alot of dedication.
I recomend you choose an animal that has few predators (a mouse is not a good
choice for your first transformation). Something like a dog, wolf, bear, or cat
would be fine.
The next step is to try to contact the animal you have chosen. If there is a
particular god/dess assigned to that animal, ask them for assistance also.
Now we will try to shapeshift only on the astral plane. Confront the animal and
make sure they are clear of your intentions. Watch the animal and how it moves
until you feel comforable enough with the animal. Now merge your body with that
of the animals until you are looking through their eyes. When you are 'one' with
the animal you have succesfully shapeshifted in the astral plane. To some this
may come natural and to others this my seem impossible, but I assure you it is
I recomend you spend the first couple of sessions only shapeshifting in the astral
plane so you can learn how to move and and be as the animal you choose.
When you are ready to make the physical shapeshift you will need to set an
amount of time that you wish to be the animal.
With your eyes open, perform the previous instructions as before. Do not use a
physical animal to merge with, only work with the astral animal. If you have an
eye for seeing spirits, etc. , this may come easy. Instead of staying in place you
will have to physically move around the animal until you merge with it. When you
merge, your body should be positioned in a propper position to align with that of
the animal.
When you are one with the animal, you should have forgotten all human fears and
such. Your mind has become altered and your entire way of life is different.
This will take intense practice to fully shapeshift in the physical realm.
If you desire to reach the full shapeshift, make sure that you have set an amount
of time in which you will transform back to human no matter where you are. A
simple chant beforehand stating the duration will work fine.
Also, it is not rare for you to come into contact with another animal. Do not fear or
runaway from the animal unless it is a natural predator towards you.
If you want to silence a dog... this is a simple spell that is effective if cast
properly...First you need to locate the dog or dog you want to silence... it is
important that you know where it is at or it will be pointless to even try this spell...
when you are ready to silence a dog get your hand ready in a pointing action at
the dog... if you use a wand point it at the dog or dogs... chant this about twice
''the key in silence undetected,
make sure my ears are serverly protected
with me power I ask these dogs extremely silent
and no more violent
by the power of three times three
so mote it be.''
Focus your wand on dog and visualize the spell sweeping over the area of the
dog(s)... i dont know how long the spell last but it works... ~repeat if necisary..
This spell will get you to rooms and such in your house. It's simple, nothing
needed for it to work, but you can't just suddenly go to Asia. Now, read on.
Close your eyes. Think of the room you're in now. Collect all details; wall colors,
objects within the room, anything near you. Now imagine either of the two:
1. The room is twisting and turns faster and faster.
2. You suddenly fall into blackness.
After thinking of those two, think of the room you'd like to be in. Also include all
objects, wall colors, etc. in that room. It should look like the room has suddenly
changed to that room. Replay this as many times as you can in your head, and
say the following spell:
''Walking is a burden. Now the walls are turning.
Twist and change, This room is a pain.
Go to (room name here) in time, Faster than when I flip a dime.
Be there now, Be there yet.
Teleport me there, Now I can go anywhere.''
Repeat as many times possible. You may or may not feel the room change. But be
very calm when doing this, be relaxed and settle. This may take a while, a few
minutes maybe, but after time to time and with practice, you can teleport even
faster. Next time, try teleporting in school; that'll get some ohhhs and ahhhs, but
make sure nobody sees you... yeah...
Also, when doing this spell, make sure to include WHERE you'd like to be when
you enter the room. You don't want to teleport and find that your lower body has
turned into a couch! But that's RARE, I highly doubt it'll happen. In fact, I doubt
it'll happen at all. Also, remember, make sure you include EXTREME detail! You
may just think of the word living room, and find yourself at the next door
neighbor's house! Be careful!
This free magical telepathy spell will be a great help to those of you that already
have the knack for reading minds. This magical free spell will help enable you to
continue on the mind reading path. This telepathy spell will help you in the day to
day routines of reading individuals minds and be able to communicate without
using voice to those other people who have the same ability as you possess. We
offer many free and magical spells here all for your spell casting needs.
Do this spell before going to bed. A quick relaxing meditation before helps. While
burning a white candle, and a purple candle, side by side, chant this three times,
and envision your mind opening up. Then blow out the candles, and go to bed.
''As it be thought in the mind of others
both familiar and strange
both sisters and brothers
may it be heard in mine own head
loud and clear as if it'd been said.''
Repeat the spell at least once in the morning, while envisioning your mind
opening up. Remember, other peoples thoughts will almost seem like your own.
You can't pull them out of people either. Over-concentrating will screw this up.
Just have an open mind.
In the average person, the pineal gland is atrophied and dormant. The following
exercise will change that. Please read this thoroughly, as much of the exercises I
write of are very advanced and can cause problems if one does not do them
correctly. The pineal gland is like a grape in size; like a raisin in most people
where it remains dormant.
Faster, easier learning and retention Marked increase in intuition Increased
creativity Psychic gifts develop and become remarkedly stronger and more
intense ability to see human auras Clairaudience (psychic hearing) opens up. This
is a very powerful exercise and as with all powerful practices, your body will go
through discomfort in order to adapt.
Then point your finger at the person. This is not a joke to play on someone, this
person has to have done something terrible to you for it to work. It might backfire
if you use it just because you feel like it.
Stop the blood kill the target. Firstly you need hate and lots of it you need to
create a ball of any energy that can destroy next you need to control it by sending
it into your target and making it go into their chakra points then when they are
motionless make the orbs go into the heart or by the large veins inside it if you
put them inside the heart try to make it block the heart not explode it, you dont
want any magical agency after you do you? you can make the orbs block the veins
by the heart to kill the target or just make them useless in the combat.
Use psi to knock people off of there center of balance. Create a ball of psi
between two hands then hit someone in the center of their chest. It should knock
them back or make them fall down.
This is for dark energy users. Visualize a recurring waves of energy emanating
from your third eye. You have to have your third eye open to use this. Visualize
these violet energy waves focusing on what you want to expel.
This spell is nothing to fool about. I really works. It made my cousins friend
commit suicide. BE Careful. Items you will need A Refrigerator, A glass cup
(plastic works too, but you won't be, able to know if your spell worked), Hair or a
picture of the victim, water, Voice, Hatred.
Fill the glass with water (tap water works the best) place the picture or hair into
the water Recite:
For a death from ice and snow, to my enemy I will show
As the spirits twist and turn. My enemys soul will forever burn!
Place the glass cup in the freezer check the cup in the morning, if it cracked, your
spell has worked.
This spell is for masters of the Dark Arts only, only to be used as a last resort.
[WARNING]:This spell can kill you if you are not strong enough to hold it, once
started you Can Not stop it. What you do is, desperation, while fighting a hated
foe, you swirl your hand high in the air and shout:
Divide Asunder!
As you say this you bring your hand down fast and in the center of your opponent,
then he/she should stop as if sliced in half, then repeat until they split in half and
then the spell has been completed.
This spell creates a sear of stone that perces your foe
To Teichos Dierxasth Doru Petras
This spell throws out a ball of destructive energy that explodes outwards into a
disruption pulse. The effects of this spell include on a target include loss of
balance and sense of direction, extreme general destruction, a lingering sense of
disorientation and random fluctuations in gravity.
Create a standard psiball of above-average size and strength. Speak the following
incantation as you charge it with energy.
The ball will begin to charge with chaos energy. Once you feel it become heavy,
powerful and difficult to control, thrust your palm foward, facing your target, and
speak the following command to release the energy
sphere: ??????????????????????
?????? ?? ????????????????????!
The Dysnomia Sphere should rocket foward, leaving a wide radius of destruction
in the wake of the blast.
To cast a fire from your hand or wand. Absorb energy from anything near
you.Imagine a red fire glowing in your hand. Close your eyes and tell your brain to
make a fire (you must hypnotize yourself this time). Feel warm in your hand. And
a fire will in your hand.
A powerful blast of electricity from the caster's palm. It is very powerful against
living targets, but not as effective against inanimate objects.
Unus Fulgor Concidens Noctem, in Mea Manu Ens Inimicum Edat Fulguratio
Write the name of the victim on parchment paper. Make a slit in the back of a doll
made of black cloth and put the paper in it. Put cayenne pepper in the slit with the
paper and sew up the doll with black thread. Tie the doll's hands at the back and
place in a kneeling position in a corner that is untrafficked. As long as the doll is
undisturbed, the person represented will be "kept down." You may subject it to
other indignities - kick it, blindfold it. Corresponding problems will befall the
This spell will allow to start flames. Concentrate very hard. Tense your hands, but
no other part of your body. Imagine flames. When you try this, You will never get
it the first few times. Thats because many times, a humans brain has many
nagging doubts. Banish them from your mind, and, when they are gone, this
should be easier. Origin: This Spell came from my namesake, Ashtia. She was a
fire master, and had banished all doubts from her mind.
Because of what we are, we have little need for shields ourselves. Shields are, by
definition, antithetical to our nature. We are constantly taking energy into
ourselves. To close ourselves off from this would be to close ourselves off from
what sustains us. Selective shields, or filters, which allow only certain things
through, are more useful to us by far.
Our best defense against energy intended to do us harm is simply to fall back
upon our essential nature. It is our nature to devour, and so we merely take it all
in, good energy, bad energy, tendrils, missiles, all of it. While we rarely gain any
actual benefit from taking such energies in, neither are we harmed by them.
If you are attacked by something, grab onto it on the subtle level and pull it into
yourself. Break it down into neutral energy as you would process anything else.
Though in general the assimilation of energy is an unconscious process, in cases
of attack, you may actually have to concentrate on the process. Just will the
energy to break down. Purge it of any specific charges or intents and make it a
part of you. You may also purge it, process it, then throw it back in the direction it
came as a response to whoever attacked you.
If such an attack is clearly being directed by another, trace the attack to its
source as you would travel down one of your own tendrils. Then reverse the
attack and drain through your enemy's connection to you. The attacker will usually
be so surprised by this response as to cut the attack off immediately.
To attack someones defended mind. (dont bother if their mind isnt defended,this
is to shatter a mind-defense. if target has not trained accordingly and/or isnt
physic they will not notice this.
Gather energy and bring it into your mind. mold it into a spear. (a simple spear
not a fancy piece of art) put a LOT of energy in to it. now throw it out of your mind
through your third eye chakra (3rd eye does not have to be developed,but it helps
a little) and see it hit targets mental armor. if you do not see it shatter in
mindseye keep trying or try the other methods i will soon list. (depending on when
you do this defines soon
Imagine coldness (in the form of the color blue) around your mind. imagine
targets mind about one foot from yours. imagine the blue (the cold) getting more
intense,then let it envelope and freeze around targets mind. this will stun target.
this method can also be used in defense to freeze an enemy attack. In most
aspects being creative is the key to winning a mental struggle.
To attack! Items you will need 3 drop of victim's blood, 1 knife/dagger, 2 white
candles, 1 piece of paper, and something to dig with
Dig a hole outside, somewhere where there are as little of interference as much
as possible. Wrote the name and date of birth of your victim onto the piece of
paper. Then take their blood and drip it on top of the dagger, and pierce the
dagger through the piece of paper. Drop it into the hole and bury it.
Never, EVER, do more than one curse such as this within 3 months, and try to do
as much good thing as possible within these months. If you don't, then karma
might sent it straight back at you! And make sure not to it alone, or after dark,
because it can rebounce and hit you directly. Trust me, it's quite painful to be hit
with your own curse. NOTICE: Use with caution, only if neccessary.
Visualize that there is a blue light around your target and capture that light in
your hand.
Light the candle! Cut a slit into the lemon. Place the picture of the person inside
the slit. Take one if the nails and feel your anger rise. Visualize your anger.
Pierce the nail into the lemon. Do the same for the remaining nails. With each nail
your anger should rise for this person getting blacker and blacker. When you
reach the last nail, place the lemon in the bowl. Pour cursing oil onto the lemon
filling the bowl until the lemon is half covered (with oil.) Let the lemon rot in this
bowl on your alter. As the lemon rots, so too will the life and luck of the person!!
Remember, curses are only used when you have been wronged and cannot come
up with a fix!! Don’t curse people for the fun of it!!
This spell is for experts at energy manipulation and advanced elemental benders
only. What you need to do, is get into a deep meditation, (I reccomend you turn
on a song of sorts that relaxes your body and strengthens your subconscious)
then extend your subconscious to the area where the Tornado is, feel its power,
feel its flow and the energy flux about it, then using your hands as if to shape
energies within, then try to make it do whatever you wish it to do. To destroy a
tornado. [WARNING] Backlash is heavy. First try and reverse its flow, start slow
then go fast, using your hand motion in connection unto it, if that does not work,
then cup your hands as if underneath it, and lift then push upward evoking great
strength, and you should by now feel a heat in your mid section, and feel your
body begin to shake, if you stop you shall have to start over again, so continue to
push upward until you feel it go back into the sky. Once back in the sky I suggest
you take two fingers (index and middle are best) and with both hands shove an
energy up into the center of the vortex's flux, then chant.
Kahum Kolpah!- Draconians Divide Asunder!-Humans or Other
Message me if your backlash does not end in one days time.
This will aid you to the way of learning the art of controling the weather. Go out
and stand in a place where you can watch the sky clearly. channel your
energy.nowclose your eyes and visualize on what kind of weather do you want.Try
to hear the wind,smell the rain, feel the change in temperature, what ever.Then,
imagine sunlight pouring into you. Let it build up in your solar plexus and when
you're ready, release it into the sky through the tool you've chosen. It might aslo
help if you literally tell the energy what to do as you release it.
To control cold!
What is cryokinesis? Part ice element, and part psychic. An example of powerful
cryokinesis is sub-zero, from mortal combat. It literally is the manipulation of, and
control over, ice. Here are some abilities that will come from practicing
1. Drop temperatures in a room.
2. make someone cold, but nobody else.
3. create frost.
4. turn water to ice.
5. create ice.
6. project ice at an opponent.
7. cause an opponent to suffer from hypothermia.
8. metabollic freezing if someone/thing(turn to ice)
Those are a few of the main things people aim for. Here are a few techniques
Proper preperation-
Your body needs to be in the right condition in order to be able to safely perform
cryokinesis, for if one is propperly conditioned, he/she is immuned to the effects
of ice. Start out by Taking a peice of ice and holding it in both your hands. Keep
your fist clenched around the ice, and don't let go, no matter how much it hurts.
Time yourself for one minute. After a minute, you may release the ice cube. Do
this five times a day. After a week, extend the time to two minutes. After another
week, extend it to three minutes. Then after a month, keep the ice cube in your
hand untill it melts. Make sure you condition both hands equally. During this two
month period, also begin taking cold baths. Lower the temperature of the water,
every week that you extend the time you hold on to the ice cube. After this
training period of about two months, you body should be conditioned to withstand
hostile temperatures. You can only manipulate ice as much as you body can
It is the art of controlling the earth and ground. It is also commonly referred to as
Tetrakinesis or Terrakinesis. It's all the same though.
-Tochi Tate-
''Earth Shield.'' This is a lot like the other elemental shield techniques. Get into a
ready stance, and summon ki around your body in a power up. Now start
gathering earth energy, make it swirl around inside your ki flame. Keep loading up
your ki flame with earth energy until you feel it is fairly strong. Now, send all that
energy that is swirling around you to the front of you, and use your mind to make
it form something such as a brick wall- type shield. Keep adding earth energy to it,
and program it to whatever you want...Just remember that you CANNOT shield
from phsyical objects.
-Earth Fuse-
Fuse your ki with the energy of the earth, so that you are more adapted to the
energy and can understand it better. To start, get into a comfortable position, like
for grounding. Close your eyes, and picture the energy from the earth floating all
around you and glowing beneath the surface under you. Now, send some of your
ki, in the form of string-type streams down into the earth, connecting the earth
with your Dan Tien. Now picture your ki fusing with the earth's energy, and
absorbing some of it into your Dan Tien. When it seems to be fairly full, (this part
is optional.) perfom a ki flame-type power up, picturing the two energies fusing
together all inside of you.
-Earth Punch- Warning: Can be dangerous.
This is kind of like a Ki Flame punch, although this is designed to feel much
harder than a normal punch. You may want to perform an Earth Fuse before doing
this, so that you will already be in contact with the Earth's energy. Now, power up
as you normally would, but take in earth energy with it. Swirl the earth energy
with your own ki. Now, bring you hand back, make a tight fist, and use the earth
energy to surround your hand, and picture it making a big rock around your fist, or
turning your fist to stone. Send the last of that earth energy into your fist, and
take a big step forward and smash your foe with all your might, and picture the
stone braking on them.
-Earth blades-
Make a fist and then put your fist so you knuckles are faceing the ground.Then
put earth engery 1 inch above your knuckels and then slowly visulize a green
blade coming out filled with the earths engery.
The ability to influence the motion of groups of atoms in their liquid state. Unlike
pyrokinesis, nothing is created. The talent merely allows the psionic to influence
the motion of liquids (but cannot control the motion of the atoms/molecules to
heat up or cool down the liquid). Requires line of sight to manipulate an object.
The exercise to learn this technique is very similar to that of regular PK abilities. I
am speaking of the old cork in water exercise, only this time we are not trying to
move the cork, we are trying to move the water in which it sits. The only purpose
of the cork is to indicate movement in the water. OK, so you may say ''isn't this
just PK with water?''. Well it can be. But if you want it to be true hydrokinesis, you
must establish a real connection with water, and not just the physical substance,
but the Element itself. If your natural Element is water then you will probably find
this easier than most because you already have an advantage. Spend time in
meditation and contemplation, thinking of nothing but the properties, associations,
and real feel of water. Totally surround and submerge yourself in it if need be.
Take it into your being. Become a master of water. Become water. Once you fell
you are ready to try true hydrokinesis, do the following:
Take a medium - large bowl and fill it with water. If the bowl is glass this may be
easer because you can see all of the water within. Now place a cork or something
similar which floats in the bowl and wait for it to settle. Once it has settled, close
your eyes. Sense the water in front of you, feel its energy and merge it with
yours. See in your mind's eye the link between you and the liquid. Feel its
smoothness, its cool healing properties. Now try to mimic those feelings within
your own energies. You and water are one and the same. Just as you have control
over your own energies, so too do you have control over water.
Open your eyes. Look at the substence within the bowl. You are a part of it, and it
is a part of you. Keeping in mind your connection with it, will the water to move,
just as you would with your own energy. Make it start to swirl in the bowl, always
getting stronger, always gaining speed. It is you. Continue to do this until you feel
you have succeded or are in need of rest. Don't over do it on the first few tries.
Have a mental rest, you need it!
These techniques may be dangerous, so be careful. Practice them at your own
risk. I am not being held responsible if you get injured or if you make a 'big
mistake'. Dedicated to the manipulation of the darkness...
Negative Energy Summon To use negative energy, you need to learn how to
summon it first. Feel out the psi in your body. Now begin to think of feelings that
strongly anger you. Also think of things of evil (demons, vampires, etc...). Now
picture all those thoughts spreading out of your mind and creating a coat around
your body. Now use the psi flame power up so that your psi has to pass through
the coating. As it does, picture the coating changing the color of your psi to a
dark purple or blue. You have summoned negative energy.
Dark Ball Make a psi ball in a darkened room. Absorb the dark energy in the
room. Visualize it like the psi ball is attracting the dark psi. Then make a psi ball
with that energy.
The Ghostly Scream Power all of your dark energy into your palm. Focus all of
your hatred into a psi ball. Finally scream and shoot it out.
???? Draw energy from something dark and let the lunar psi flow throughout your
body for a while. After you get used to having a lot of dark energy in you, move
the dark psi into your hands. The fire it like a 'kamehameha? while you yell.
Dark Bomb First take all of your energy and convert it into darkness, if you dont
have energy then you should draw mana from the darkness. Then lift your hands
over your head and pull all the darkness energy into your hands. You should do
this until it is feeling very heavy. Then make it unstable by making it to where it
will explode on contact. To do this simply imagine it like a bomb. Then throw it
hard against a target or down on the ground. It will hurt you and everything else
in its way.
Energy Steal Grab someone and visualize roots from your palms attaching to the
person's body. Visualize the roots sucking the energy/psi from them. Also, this
takes practice so it probably wont work first time. It is basically grounding using
your hands and somebody else's energy
What you are about to read next is dangerous material. I've contacted admin so
this article won't be edited after I finish it. Everyone has the right to know this
information. Necrokinesis is the ability to modify or incur death. There are
different ways to make this happen, but they all require an extreme amount of
mental power. Think about it this way: moving an object is relatively simple
compared to killing someone.
Facts: -The smarter the organism, the harder it's to kill it. You can easily provoke
an ant's demise but it might take you a decade of training to kill a person. -This is
very dangerous for obvious reasons and you should only use it for self-defense.
-You should start by learning Telekinesis and practicing every exercise to
increase your mental power. Don't jump straight ahead into necrokinesis as this is
the hardest of all kinesis.
Exercises: The way you can kill an organism depends. All organisms have
weakness, for example if you deprive us of oxygen for just a few minutes we'll
die. If some connections in our brain fail, we will die. If our heart stops we'll die...
and so on. Necrokinesis focuses in those weaknesses. With your brain power, you
should be able to stop any vital process of an organism and incur death. As you
can probably imagine this is extremely difficult so you need a very ample
knowledge of how our body works. If you want to stop a heart from working, start
by knowing how the heart functions so you know what to stop. In telekinesis you
focus all your mind power in trying to move an object. It's the same here: focus all
your mind power in stopping a vital process. Focus everything you have in your
target's heart to stop. If done correctly, the person will begin to look in pain and
eventually die. This is very dangerous knowledge so use it AT YOUR OWN RISK.
This knowledge is like a personal gun: You can use it for bad, but they are
supposed to be for self-defense.
Other aspects of necrokinesis Some people argue that necrokinesis is the ability
to make ''dead people'' move. While this may be possible, it's EXTREMELY
DIFFICULT. Think about all the mind power you need to move every single muscle
of a person. Moving an object is relatively simple because you only have to move
it one way, but humans have thousands of muscles and bones and you'd have to
somehow move them all in coordination. Even though this is not impossible, it
won't happen anytime soon.
To control fire. All you have to do is light a candle and sit in frot of it. Now relax
and clear your mind. Focus on the candle. Nothing else exists besides you and
that candle. Blend your energys together. Tell the flame to grow taller. Now
shorter. Tell it to move to the left and right. Visualize all this happening in your
mind. To make the flame go out visualize the flame dying down. It sounds simple
but it may take weeks to learn. To relight the candle imagine the energy
surrounding the candle getting hotter and hotter untill you feel an incrediable urge
to tell the candle to relight. Make a motion...snap your fingures....wave your
hand....something. If your visualization is strong enough it will work.
INTRODUCTION: I have known for a long time that we could check the chakra
system with the use of a pendulum but it was early one morning recently that I
held my hand out and placed a pendulum over it to check the flow of energy in the
chakra. after a short time I thought to myself would it be possible to stop the
pendulum much to my surprise when I focused on stopping the pendulum it
stopped from there I tried swinging the pendulum forwards and backwards then
left to right. at that point it occurred to me that energy had consciousness and
that I could control the flow of energy using telepathy. Knowing this I went about
my business but held that thought in mind for the day. As I was thinking about the
natural flow of the chakra in the right hand is in a clockwise motion. So I thought
to myself could that natural flow of energy be reversed. later that day I tried the
technique below again, stopping the pendulum moving it from left to right,
forwards and backwards then a short time later I tried reversing the flow of energy
and the motion of the pendulum knowing that its natural flow was in a clockwise
motion much in my surprise when I focused telepathically on the energy in my
hand the pendulum slowed and changed direction. it had started moving counter
clockwise and this is how I came to write this technique it is my belief that if i
learn to control energy with empathy and telepathy in mind then I would gain
greater control over my telekinetic ability. Focus on the new clairsentience
technique it will help with both of thses techniques.
Get comfortable and relax.
Now focus your mind on your energy and hold a pendulum in your left or right
Then hold the pendulum over the other hand and watch it spin in a clockwise
motion just above the palm of that hand.
After a few moments bring your attention upon the spinning pendulum and with
your mind and energy system commanded the pendulum to stop.
Once the pendulum has stopped hold it there for a moment then in your own time
try swinging the pendulum backwards and forwards over the hand. take a few
moments to notice the motion of the swing and the energy in your hand.
Then focus your thoughts again and try swinging the pendulum across your hand
from left to right and hold that motion for a couple of minutes
Then in your own time stop the pendulum and hold it there for a moment or two.
Now trying spinning the pendulum in a reverse motion to how the chakra in the
hand spins in other words when you start if the chakra is spinning in a clockwise
motion then spin the pendulum in a counter clockwise direction.
After you have spun the pendulum in the reverse direction focus your mind on the
pendulum and return the natural spin to the chakra.
Try this technique with both the right and left hand.
Once you have learnt how to move the pendulum over the chakras in the hands
try the same technique holding the pendulum over the major chakras of the body
and see how you go. And try feeling the movement when changing the flow of
energy dont always think about moving the pendulum.
Make sure you always return the chakra when you are finished working on this
technique back to it natural flow and direction of the chakras natural spin.
Spiraling technique
After you have mastered the technique above try this technique what we are going
to attempt here is to form a inter-dimensional spiral and wormhole in the fabric of
both time and space so make sure you take note of everything with your
experience of this technique.
Get comfortable and relax.
Now focus your mind on the energy in your right hand.
Feel the power and the flow of that energy. be that energy, breath that energy
become one with that energy.
As the energy changes and forms the wormhole feel the the flow of this new
energy breath this energybecome this energy.
Then in your own time expand this wormhole by pushing it out of your hand to a
point about one meter in front of you and hold it there.
Now in your own time feel the wormhole expanding till it is the same size as you
and when you reach the apparent size hold the wormhole steady and
telepathically command the wormhole to open.
This may happen or it may not it takes time to open portholes and see them but if
you focus on the subject at hand you never known.
Then in your own time focus on a destination in the same room or a room nearby
do not try any distance to far away and don't worry if you cant see the wormhole
because you will know where you projected it.
Now with that destination in mind walk through the wormhole and notice
everything thing i when I first tried this technique could feel the wormhole as I
walked through it even if I didn't move to the destination that I held in my mind
but I at least known that the wormhole had form and I just needed to develop my
technique in opening wormholes
You have finished with this technique draw the porthole back into your hand and
make notes on every sensation and feel that you had when you walk through the
porthole. and remember to have fun with this technique and measure all that you
have learnt here and feel free to leave your experiences on the message board in
you wish i look forward to reading them. And remember this is new to me as well
so we all start at the same point. But I have faith in my ability as a wingmaker
Vitakinesis is the use of ki, chi, coloured energy and vibrations to heal. Results
range from instant (for example, stopping a nose bleed some basic pain like a
headache) to long term (for example, helping wounds to heal faster or without
scarring. The patient can be present in the room with the healer, or absent (I will
go into this later.) obviously, the techniques here can be changed slightly in order
to cause astral harm to someone (immunokinesis, not infectokinesis as in an
article I read here), but I will not go into this. I may do sometime in a future
article on it, but not now. I’ll wait and see how many requests I get for it first.
PRELIMINARY: Before you can perform most of the exercises in this article, you
will need to be able to do the following with a reasonable amount of ease: Open
and close your charkas (including the seven main ones, the palms, the soles of
the feet, and the gold one a foot above your head (the one like a halo)) Channel
energy quickly and efficiently through the body, especially the palms. Be able to
make a ki/jing/chi ball (I will write a quick technique for this first, for those who
don’t know) By the way, I distinguish between KI, CHI and JING. The difference
being: KI is within living beings, humans especially. CHI is the passive energy
that flows in the air and environment (like in the rocks and air and earth.) and
JING is a type of powerful energy only created when KI is put under certain
conditions (subject of another article, as it mainly used to cause pain and sudden
changes in one’s own physical/Psionic strength )
KI BALL: Open up your chakras using your preferred method. (There are techs for
doing this dotted all over the net and bookstores). Once open, imagine a glowing
ball of golden energy floating about a foot above your head. Feel its radiance and
warmth. See it shine. Then, allow this energy to flow down, into your crown
chakra, and down through your arms into your hands. Do not let it out of your
hands yet. Let it build up pressure a while. Place your hands, relaxed, about
20cm apart. Then, when the time feels right, and I assure you, you’ll know when,
let the energy seep into the gap between your palms. See it like a liquid light
source. Let it slowly form a glowing ball of energy. How does it feel? Good? Now,
once you have it in your hands, visualise your chakras on your palms creating an
invisible membrane around the outside of the ball. This will stop the energy just
dissipating into nothing when you try to use it. With this ball in your hands… have
a play around with it!! Everyone’s energy acts differently. E.g. I can hold my ki
ball in one hand and take chunks off them with the other (like removing bits of
blue- tac from the main ball of it) and throw them. When I throw the bits, mine fly
in a straight line in the direction I throw them. A friend of mine throws his, and
they fall straight to the floor without bouncing on impact. EXPERIMENT. When
you are finished, let the ki ball dissipate, and close down all your chakras.
HEALING TECH 1: PAIN: When you feel pain, open up your palm chakras, but not
the others. Gather golden energy from the surrounding environment (suck golden
chi from the air) and let it gather within your most prominent hand (may be
different to your normal best hand; I’m right handed in life, but left handed
psychically.) place your hand on the area of trouble. Let the golden energy seep
slowly into the area. Feel the pain being washed away by the warmth of the
energy. Repeat as necessary, but be careful not to overwork yourself, as psionic
tiredness is much worse then three night’s cramming for an exam without caffeine
drinks (shudders at the thought of repeating that ordeal.) Once done, close down
all open chakras and feel the glow of the newly healed area.
HEALING TECH 3: PLANTS: Yes, you did read that right. Plants. Plants can need
healing too. If a plant is suffering from a disease, you can heal it over a couple of
days. Just gather energy in your best hand, then, holding your palms parallel,
create a beam of energy between them, and let that energy flow around your arms
and shoulders like a circuit. Make this beam flow through the plant (put your
hands either side of the plant) and see any negative energies in the plant being
dragged away by your stream. When finished, let all the energy drain into the
earth to be cleansed and close the chakras. Repeat at least once a day.
HEALING TECH 4: HEALING OTHERS: Either: Repeat the same technique as for
plants, but place the hands nearby the area of pain on the other person and
imagine the energy flowing through the painful area. Sweep the energy away
along with the pain. Or: Make a ki ball and tell it to heal the other and let it
dissipate into the painful area on the other person’s body. Let it heal them without
really thinking about it.
SOME EXTRA NOTES- The techs should only be performed when you are in a
relaxed, yet happy (-ish) state. Never perform any techs under the extremes of
emotion. I have done this a few times almost without thinking about it. My power
just flew off the handle. I was once in the middle of a pyrokinesis tech, when a
person angered me. Three people in the surrounding 10 meters vomited within
two minutes of the incident (for no apparent physical reason) and two didn’t come
near me for a couple of weeks in case something similar happened to them. I will
not be held responsible for the effects of your own powers, no matter how you
choose to use them. I think this will tide you all over for now. I’ll write an article
on adapters and presence sensing another time. Any questions or requests should
be sent to me at [email protected] I am not opposed to any form of
Majick or psionic power. I am a chaote, a practitioner of chaos magic. (if you want
to know what chaos magic is, look it up on www.wikipedia.org .I don’t think you’ll
get any results for the word chaote though. And it’s not as evil as it sounds.)
The following things I know to work for me (in no particular order) feel free to ask
about any of them:1. Telekinesis (object movement) 2. Extra Sensory Perception
(ESP – mind reading and past/ future telling) 3. Clairsentience (sensing or
‘feeling’ spirits) 4. Clairvoyance (seeing spirits) 5. Thermokinesis (pyrokinesis
and cryokinesis) 6. Chronokinesis (controlling perception of time) 7. Vitakinesis
(or healing) 8. Diving (entering other people’s minds to find out how to help them
(or hinder them!)) 9. Basic mind manipulation/control (changing others’ feelings or
thoughts) 10. Inward Mapping (one I discovered myself, and my speciality. It is
seeing a world within yourself from which you can work on your powers and
explore your own mind. This world is huge and as large as the real world. The
only difference is that regular physical laws don’t always apply: corridors may
change shape; fields may merge into a room; rivers may run on the ceilings of the
room you’re in; anything! It also allows you, eventually, to meet and work with
your spirit guides. You cannot force that event. They will meet you there when
you are ready.) 11. There are more, but I cannot remember them. Ask me and I’ll
tell you if I know about any others. Until our paths cross again my friends
The ability to control colours. Focus on what object colour you want to change.
Feel the energy of sun colours. Feel the energy of sun and moon plus sea
colours. Embrace the colour you want to change it to. Means become one with it.
Feel the movements inside that object. Now, open your third eye, then close your
two other eyes. Then energie UP that colour of the object. Here is where you
need to EXTRA FOCUS! Now. Visualize a magical bubble embracing you and that
colour of that object. Embrace the colours that you will change to. Now, here’s the
EXTRA ULTRA HARD PART! Visualize some energy magnets summoning the
colours to the object. Hold the object that you will be changing colour. Then feel
the energy and warm and coolness. Now open all eyes and close your third eye,
look, the colours have been changed! BY YOU!
This is little dangerous, some of this takes lots of memory out of you.
This is the HARDEST kinesis of all~ And necrokinesis is hardest, too. This one
can kill you, so you have to focus to not kill you, wich is hard. So, this is the
rarerest power and HARDEST I really meen HARDEST KINESIS OF ALL IN THE
Ajunekinesis = Control Brightness
Atmokinesis = Control Atmosphere
Audiokinesis = Controll Noises
Chronokinesis = Controll Time
Closokinesis = Controll a Clock
Cryokinesis = Control ice elements
Dayseenkinesis = Control to day or night
Findaykinesis = Control Languages
Finickinesis = See vary far away
Fireekinesis = Control someones bones
Groadinkinesis = Make plants bend without touching
Hokokinesis = Hook Minds
Hydrokinesis = Bend water without touching it
Jaydaykinesis = Curse people with your mind
Lilakinesis = Control Months
Lunakinesis = Control Moon
Minoalinekinesis = Control someones mind
Necrokinesis = Kill living things
Noturalkinesis = Control Nature
Psychokinesis = Move objects with no looking at it or being near it
Pyrokinesis = Bend a flame with your mind
Rokokinesis = Control Speed
Sayemkinesis = Make people say what you want
Solokinesis = No what someone will say
Soonoakinesis = Control Sun
Stakinekinesis = Burn things with your mind
Taydaykinesis = Control Days of the weak
Telekinesis = Move objects with your mind
Thermokinesis = Control Temperature
Vyrokinesis = Control Colours
Best made in Mortar and pestle because this way we energise and put our
intention in work. Obviously we well use coffee grinder especially when we deal
with roots or barks. But even the when we get separate powders we blend them in
mortar. Powders can also be made by adding e. oils to corn stretch base or flour,
or baby powder. We deploy powders in many ways
- sprinkling rooms , bedsheets, items
- deploying powders walking backwards
- putting them in food or drink
- blowing towards subject
- burning on charcoal
- throwing into fire
- laying lines with powder ( look at my Red brick dust article )
and others. Now on recipes:
This powder from Hoodoo is used to attract love by dusting the body with it before
going out or for luck in gambling by dusting the hands before gambling. Vanilla
Oil, Patchouli, Cinnamon.
This is also from Hoodoo. The silver magnetic powder can be purchased at occult
stores and botanicas . Lavender, Silver Magnetic Powder, Ylang Ylang, Musk.
This Hoodoo powder is used to overcome inhibitions and increase pleasure when
sprinkled on your lover. Sandalwood, Rose, Melon Oil.
Hoodoo morale booster for those who need confidence and inspiration. Sprinkle
on the person to increase their creativity, optomism and confidence. Pine, Lily,
Hyacinth, Clove.
A Hoodoo powder to increase determination, will power and concentration. Orris
Root, Sweet Flag oil.
The best of the Hoodoo blessing and protection powders. Galangal, Rosemary,
Jalop (High John the Conqueror), Orris.
A Hoodoo powder used for financial gain, purification, and overcoming hexes.
Sprinkle powder around your home. Galangal, Nasturtium Seeds, Patchouli.
Sprinkle this Hoodoo powder on the head of anyone seeking healing of an illness,
overcoming bad luck or just looking to have a more positive outlook. Orris,
Vanilla, Clove, Lavender.
Sprinkle this Hoodoo powder on the newlyweds before they leave for their
honeymoon to increase understanding and bring peace and love. Gardenia, Lilac,
Muguet (Lily of the Valley), Lily.
Despite it's name, this Hoodoo powder is intended to stop infidelity from starting
or continuing in a marriage. Supposedly if the person is truly in love with the
"other" woman or man it won't work, but if it's just for the sex it will. Lime,
Orange, Peach Blossom oil, Melon oil, in a base of yellow talc.
Odd name for this Hoodoo powder intended to give you added physical strength,
vitality and enthusiasm. Rub it on your arms and legs or sprinkle it on your altar
during ritual. Basil, Rum, Bay, Thyme, Aloe.
A powerful Hoodoo uncrossing powder which removes hexes and protects.
Jasmine, Violet, Citronella.
Sprinkle this Hoodoo powder around your home if you have been fighting with
your partner, or the house is upset and chaotic to calm things down again. Lemon,
Rose, Lilac.
Rub this Hoodoo powder on your hands, sprinkle around your home or business,
or circle a green candle in a prosperity ritual. Allspice, Patchouli, Myrrh,
Cinnamon, Sandalwood, Orris, Orange Peel.
This Hoodoo powder is used to protect against hexes, negativity, bad moods, you
name it. Sprinkle it around your home and in your bedroom. Vetivert, Vervain,
Galangal, Peppermint, Rue, Cinnamon.
This Hoodoo powder is used to break up with someone either a relationship or a
business associate. It creates animosity. Chili powder, Cinnamon, Galangal, Black
Pepper, Iron Filings, Vetivert
This is a Hoodoo powder to discover who has stolen something from you. You
sprinkle it around the scene of the crime and the thief will be revealed to you.
Galangal, Vetivert, Poke Root, Hydrangea.
Rub this Hoodoo powder on your hands and then touch someone you feel is lying
to you. They will be forced to apologise and stop lying, if they are that is. Mint,
Rose, Nutmeg.
Sprinkled on your clothes this Hoodoo powder makes you more attractive to the
opposite sex and attracts a lover. Rose oil, Lavender oil, Violet oil, Musk oil,
Amber oil, in a base of pink talc.
A useful Hoodoo powder to make you more adaptable, creative, quick thinking and
increase your potential for success. Rum, Peach Blossom, Lilac, Cinnamon.
This Hoodoo powder helps your dreams and wishes to come true. Sprinkle on
yourself before going to bed or meditating, or use in rituals designed to achieve
your dreams. Sandalwood, Orris, Allspice, Deerstongue, Musk.
Most of these recipes can be converted between oils, incense, and bath salts.
Just pick the form you are most comfortable using and mix it accordingly. Of
course, the herbs and/or plants must be available in oil form to combine them for
oils or bath salts. Drops of oil can be converted to parts for dry materials.
one part Myrrh resin
one part ground Cinnamon
two parts Galangal
2 oz of Olive Oil (herbs are half the oil volume)
Mix together.
8 parts Cinnamon essential oil
4 parts Myrrh essential oil
2 parts Galangal essential oil
7 parts Olive oil
Mix together.
To make an oil that will help attract the attention of others, mix together twenty
drops of synthetic musk, two drops of jasmine, and one drop of ylang ylang in a
small bottle and leave where the full moonlight can strike it for three nights. Be
sure to bring it inside before the Sun can find it. Meanwhile, leave a rose petal, a
small piece of crystal quartz, and 1/8teaspoon of powdered cinnamon in a place
where the Sun can see them, making sure to move them before moonlight can
strike them. On the fourth day, mix together the two sets of ingredients and leave
in a dark place.Wear when you wish to draw love and admiration to yourself. It
will also enable your employers to see what they love about your work for them.
4 ml Frankincense
2 ml Myrrh
1 ml Cedar
Anoint the altar with this oil at regular intervals, calling your Deity (Deities) to
watch over it. Mix with 4 oz base oil. Recipe is for a year of 13 Full moon phases,
keep the blessing oil in tightly capped dark glass bottle.
The olive is sacred to Athena, so use pure olive oil as an anointing oil in
particular, rub between the palms of your hands and anoint your feet, forehead
and lips.
1 oz (30gm) cedar wood chips
1/2 oz (15gm) camphor
7 drops musk oil
Female sweat (as much as possible)
6 olives unstuffed and preferably black
Blend the first four ingredients well, at the full moon, and add the olives. Put in a
jar and leave for one month to mature. Then remove the olives (Which will have
imparted their essence to the rest) and throw them away. Stuffed olives, both
black and green, are an obvious food for a ritual of Athena, also stuffed vine
leaves, a very Athenian dish. If possible, of course, the wine should be Greek -
especially retsina, though that is an acquired taste.
5 drops Sandalwood
3 drops Cedar wood
1 drop Orange
1 drop Lemon
Mix with 4 oz. of carrier oil. Use for general ritual anointing purposes. Recipe is
for 12 or more uses.
5 drops Myrrh
2 drops Cinnamon
Mix with 4 oz. of carrier oil. Recipe is for 12 uses or more.
5 parts Frankincense
5 parts Cedar wood
4 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Myrrh
Add to 4 oz. carrier oil. Add a tiny Amethyst crystal to the bottle Used to bless
candles before a ritual.Working outwards, coat the entire candle with oil from the
middle to each end, while visualizing your magical intent. For purification &
cleansing, use to wipe down your altar or ritual area. (Spellwork- use on candles;
add to incense; in purification bath water).
3 drops Patchouli
2 drops Cinnamon
1 drops Verbena
Add to 2 oz. carrier oil.
Take a glazed pan half full of grease or olive oil. Put in sweet mint leaves bruised
(or whatever you like). Place pan in hot water bath. Stir occasionally. After four or
five hours pour into linen bag and squeeze grease through into pot again and fill
with fresh leaves. Some people even use coffee filters or paper towels in a pasta
strainer to filter. Repeat until grease is strongly scented. Do same with marjoram,
thyme and pounded dried patchouli leaves.When strongly scented, mix all the
greases together and keep in a well sealed jar.
5 drops Cypress
2 drops Cinnamon
a small piece of dried Orris root
Add the true essential oils and the Orris root to an olive- oil base. Anoint your
body to bring a love into your life.
5 drops Lavender
1 drop Cypress
1 drop Patchouli
Wear as a personal oil to increase your own powers.
Apple Blossom - 1/4 oz
Vanilla - 1/4 oz
Cherry - 1/4 oz
3 drops Frankincense
1 drop Ginger
1 drop Black Pepper
1 drop Petitgrain
Wear as a personal oil to increase your own powers.
Mix equal parts of Lovage Herb, Grated Lemon Peel or Lemon Flowers.
A small piece of lodestone is added to each bottle.
Add 2 Tbls. of this mix to 2 oz. of oil.
You can add tincture of benzoin to keep to any oils listed to keep them from going
Lovage Root Chips (for love)
Cinnamon Chips (for money)
Lemon Peel, grated
Essential Oil of Sweet Orange
Essential Oil of Lemon
Piece of Lodestone
Piece of Pyrite Top
Add to Almond oil which has been dosed with Vitamin E to prevent rancidity. Use
a "glurp" of same to each gallon of almond oil and mix well.
Blend equal parts
Rose oil Lavender oil Vanilla oil Sandalwood oil
Touch to pulse points when in the presence of the one you want to attract.
7 drops rose oil
7 drops sandalwood oil
1 clove
7 drops lavender
7 times that measure of sweet almond oil
1/2 oz. olive oil
15 drops pine essential oil
12 drops rue essential oil
10 drops peppermint oil
7 drops pepper oil
Add crushed black pepper corns and an obsidian or black onyx chip. Mix during a
waning moon for best result.
4 drops Lily Of The Valley Oil
2 drops Violet Oil
2 drops Honeysuckle Oil
Pinch of Lemon Balm
Mix with 2 oz olive oil and tightly bottle. Anoint your altar and candles.
5 drops rose oil,
2 drops Dragon's blood,
3 drops coriander oil.
Use almond oil as a base.
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Benzoin gum.
Add 2 tablespoons of this mix to 2 ounces of oil. To Purify-bless altar and tools.
1 to 4 lavender blossoms --2 drops each sage, basil, patchouli essential oil,
Carrier oil (can be olive used for protection, almond, sunflower, etc.) Choose a
small dark vial. Place all but the oil in the vial together, then add enough oil to fill
the bottle. Shake thoroughly. Use for anointing ritual candles, self, consecrating
tools, etc. Lavender is there for purification, happiness, love, and peace; Basil
brings protection and love; Sage brings purification, protection, healing, wealth,
longevity; Patchouli brings prosperity, wards off evil and negativity, aids
divination. All of these are desirable generic attributes so makes a good blend for
general purposes. Great for keeping on your personal altar for magical workings.
Calendula oil usually has to be made yourself, unless you pay an arm and leg for
it. It is very easy to make: Steep Calendula (marigold) petals in sweet almond oil
over very low heat for a long time. The long the better, but be careful not to burn
it. It should smell like toast sort of. It is a pleasant aroma. If you want it to be
stronger, then strain the oil off and add it back to the pan with more Calendula
3 drops Vetivert
2 drops Cypress
1 drop Patchouli
Wear as a personal oil to increase your own powers.
Rose - 1/4 oz
Musk - 1/8 oz
Violet - 1/4 oz
2 parts of Rue Herb
1 part of Guinea Pepper.
Add 2 Tbls. of this to 2 ounces of oil
Mix equal parts of the following:
To Rosemary & Five-Finger grass (Cinquefoil Herb), add gardenia petals, crush.
Add two tbsp of mixture to 2 oz of oil. Add High John the Conqueror Root to each
3 drops Ginger
1 drop Black Pepper
1 drop Clove
Wear to increase your courage, especially before being introduced to people,
prior to public speaking, and other nerve-wracking situations.
Jasmine - 1/4 oz
Verbena - 1/8 oz
Dragons' Blood - 1/8 oz
2 fl. oz.(60cc) tincture of myrrh
1 fl. oz.(30cc) oil of cinnamon
1/4 fl. oz.(7cc) Queen of the Night Oil
1 fl.o z.(30cc) oil of rose
Blend, bottle and shake well.
7 Drops Jasmine Oil
2 Drops Chamomile Oil
3 Drops Patchouli Oil
1 Drop Sandalwood Oil
3 drops Myrrh
2 drops Vetivert
1 drop Oakmoss Bouquet
Anoint to attract money and for the successful completion of your protections and
dreams. Also wear when planting, tending, harvesting or working with herbs and
plants to ensure a fruitful yield. Helps us tune in with the energies of the Earth.
musk oil
ambergris oil
Divination oil will open up psychic vision for clarity and increased eyesight. Used
as anointing oil on the forehead (third eye) and the temples for discernment.
For Rituals, Spellwork, and to anoint Candles, Charms & Talismans. Remember to
visualize your intent while blending your ingredients. You can also speak a charm
to enhance magical properties of your recipe. Enchanting your oil and herbs will
impart your personal power into the mix. Small amounts of these oils are very
effective. Both fragrance and magic are quite strong when properly prepared.
Base= 1 oz of either Sweet Almond or Hazelnut oil
Part= 1 drop essential oil (not fragrance oil)
Include a pinch of dried plant, resin, or powder if available- to enhance.
Grounding, Prosperity, Protection & Defense
spell work to re-align your spiritual & psychic powers
to attract good fortune, success, and financial gain
defensive magic to dispel negative influence, exorcism
4 parts Myrrh
1 part Patchouli
1 part Vetivert
6 parts Rose
Communication & Solutions, Learning, Visual Ideas
divination spells to discern truth and gain understanding
as warming oil, clarify & enhance mental powers for study
enhance creativity & mental clarity; opens power of 3rd eye
6 parts Lavender
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Rosemary
Power, Courage, Faith, Honor, Passion, Confidence
defensive magick, enhance power spells, charms & talismans
spell work for success, encouragement, keenness & trust
discernment in relationships, affection, fascination & obsession
4 parts Orange
1 part Clove
2 parts Frankincense
Dreams, Psychic Ability, Sensuality, Intensify Emotions
retain clarity and manifest dream experiences; dream divination
enhance spiritual attraction, intensify psychic experience
increase attraction, inflame lust, intensify mutual sexual passion
1 part Bergamot
1 part Jasmine
1 part Myrrh
Acacia - 1/8 oz
Wisteria - 1/4 oz
4 drops Orange
2 drops Lime
1 drop Cardamom
Wear when feeling depleted, when ill, or just to strengthen your own energy
reserves. Especially useful after heavy magickal ritual to recharge your bodily
1/4 ounce almond oil
15 drops lemon oil
5 drops rose geranium oil
9 drops orange oil
1 drop cinnamon oil
4 drops thyme oil
14 drops lavender oil
2 drops ginger oil
flower: thyme
gem: clear quartz
(wear on Midsummer's Eve to increase chances of Faerie encounters)
1/4 oz. almond oil
11 drops violet
10 drops gardenia
7 drops lemon grass
7 drops lemon
7 drops rose geranium
7 drops jasmine
7 drops ylang ylang
5 drops lavender
jasmine flowers
violet flowers
13 drops of sandalwood essential oil
9 drops of vanilla essential oil or extract
3 drops of jasmine essential oil
1 drop of rose essential oil
Mix prior to a full moon. Charge in a clear container or vial in the light of the full
moon. Use to anoint candles or yourself for full moon rituals or just when you feel
like you need the moons energy.
4 drops Lavender
1 drop Peppermint
1 drop Lemongrass
1 drop Sweet Pea Bouquet
Wear as a personal oil to increase your own powers.
1/2 teaspoon dried yarrow
1/2 teaspoon dried sweet basil
1 teaspoon powdered myrrh
3 drops rose oil
3 drops lavender oil
1/2 cup olive oil
Pour into a clean sterilized jar and add the oils as listed above. Swirl to mix and
1/2 tsp dried yarrow
1/2 tsp dried sweet basil
1 tsp powdered myrrh
3 drops rose oil
3 drops lavender oil
1/2 cup olive oil
Pour into a clean sterilized jar and add the oils as listed above. Swirl to mix and
label .
1/2 tsp dried yarrow
1/2 tsp dried sweet basil
1 tsp powdered myrrh
3 drops rose oil
3 drops lavender oil
1/2 cup olive oil
Pour into a clean sterilized jar and add the oils as listed above. Swirl to mix and
label .
Myrrh - 1/4 oz
Lotus - 1/4 oz
Lily - 1/4 oz
Frankincense - 1/16 oz
Heliotrope - 1/4 oz
Cinnamon - 1/32 oz
Bay - 1/8 oz
This oil can be worn by any couple regardless of their marital status. It is one of
the few magical oils which includes a dried herb mixed in with the essences. This
is often given to Witch couple on the evening of their Handfasting.
The Formulae:
Gardenia (for peace & harmony)
Musk (for Passion & Courage)
Jasmine (for continuing love)
Rose (for protection against adversity)
Blend together (using an eyedropper) a drop at a time until the scent seems
perfect. Make two ounces or so. Then add one pinch dried Yarrow. Yarrow is used
in love and marriage spells since it has the power to keep couples together for
seven years. Seven is the number of Venus, the Planet of Love. When finished,
pour into twin crystal jars. One of these is given to each pair in the married
couple. Every night the couple should anoint one another, using their own jars.
When seven nights have passed, the oils should be blended together, poured into
one of the jars, and the other jar should be hidden in some secret place.
4 drops Rosemary
2 drops Juniper
1 drop Sandalwood
Wear to speed healing.
3 drops Eucalyptus
1 drop Niaouli
1 drop Palmarosa
1 drop Spearmint
Another like the above.
In 1/2 oz of base oil (jojoba, almond, grape seed ,etc.)
5 drops Lavender oil 5 drops Camphor oil
5 drops Eucalyptus oil
5 drops Orange oil
3 drops Rosemary oil
2 drops Pine oil
4 drops Sandalwood oil
3 drops Myrrh
2 drops Cypress
1 drop Patchouli
1 dried Mint leaf
Mix the essential oils in a base of sesame oil or almond oil. Add the dried mint
leaf to the blend.Wear during rituals of defensive magick. Also wear during the
Waning Moon in honor of Hecate, Goddess of the Fading Crescent.
2 drops each jasmine, rose, chamomile, lemon, and lavender.
This oil blend combines Ginger, Clove and Rosemary, representing the elements
of fire, with Cypress, associated with the astrological sign of Aquarius. To make
Imbolc Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. Add the following:
3 drops Ginger
2 drops Clove
1 drop Rosemary
1 drop Cypress
As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this
oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.
3 drops Frankincense
3 drops Myrrh
1 drop Sandalwood
Use for mystic initiation ceremonies and also to increase your awareness of the
spiritual realm.
Sandalwood - 1/4 oz
Cinnamon - 1/16 oz
Frankincense - 1/4 oz
5 drops camphor
7 drops hyacinth oil
7 drops rose oil
9 drops myrrh oil
1 myrrh nugget
1/4 oz. olive oil
21 drops lotus oil
14 drops cypress oil 14 drops frankincense
21 drops rose geranium oil roses amethyst
7 drops oil of rose
2 Drops oil of Camphor
2 drops tincture of myrrh
3 drops oil of blue hyacinth
Blend the oils of rose, camphor, and blue hyacinth during the waxing moon. Bottle
and keep till the Moon wanes New. Add Myrrh after the blend has fully matured.
3 drops Petitgrain
1 drop Orange
1 drop Lime
Wear as a personal oil to increase your own powers.
4 drops Rose Geranium
2 drops Ylang- Ylang
2 drops Palmarosa or
1 drop Rose absolute or otto
1 drop Cardamom
Wear as a personal oil to increase your own powers.
7 drops Palmarosa
5 drops Ylang- Ylang
1 drop Ginger
2 drops Rosemary
1 drop Cardamom
Wear this on your body to draw love. Anoint pink candles and burn while
4 TBS Sweet almond or Safflower oil
1/2 tsp. Evening Primrose essential oil (optional)
1/2 tsp. carrot seed essential oil (optional)
12 drops Sandalwood essential oil
6 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
4 drops Clary Sage essential oil
2 drops Rose oil (for dark hair and skin)
2 drops Neroli oil (for light hair and skin)
Mix the oils with warm safflower or sweet almond oil in a shallow dish. Apply to
the body in small amounts using a comfortable pressure and working toward the
heart. Avoid the face and genital area.
In a small red bottle put:
12 red rose petals a small sprig of peppermint 3 cinnamon- basil leaves, a small
sprig of parsley. Grind in a mortar:
1/2 tsp. caraway seed
1/2 tsp. cloves
1/2 tsp. Rosemary
1/2 tsp. Yarrow 1/2 tsp. catnip
Add these to the bottle and fill the bottle 3/4 full with olive oil. Now add:
6 drops vanilla oil
6 drops rose oil
6 drops lemon oil 6
drops jasmine oil
6 drops orange oil
Add dried lavender buds until the bottle is full. Cork and steep.
1 dram Jasmine Oil
1/2 dram Orange Oil
1/2 dram Apple Oil
5 Coriander Seeds
5 dried Rose Petals
Blend in an enamel pan over very low heat. Let cool and place in a small bottle
with a lid.
On a Friday evening when the Moon is waxing gather a little orris root, an earthen
bowl and a quantity of pure olive oil. If you are a woman also have a vial of
jasmine oil; patchouli will do for. Lay a pink cloth on the altar. Light pink candles.
Pour the orris root into the earthen bowl, then add about half a cup of olive oil.
Stir with the forefinger of your strong hand seven times clockwise. Now add the
essential oil, no less than three drops, no more than seven. Place the bowl on the
altar. Gaze into it, infusing the oil with your desire for love. Enchant it by saying:
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
Simple and to the point, right? You might want to substitute a favorite love poem
or sonnet. Pour the oil into a jar and cork it tightly. Leave in a dark place,
surrounded by the pink altar cloth, for 7 days. Upon the next Friday night uncork
the bottle, strain and then store in the same bottle until needed. Love oil should
only be worn by its creator.
Base oil 1oz
Lavender 1drp
Orange 1drp
Rose 1drp ~Optional
Cinnamon 1drp (may cause skin irritation for some, so be carefull)
Ylang Ylang 1drp (may cause headaches in some people.)
2 drops bergamot
2 drops damiana
2 drops jasmine
2 drops rose
2 drops cinnamon
2 drops clove
2 drops rosemary
2 drops camphor
2 drops damiana
2 drops sweet pea
2 drops bay
2 drops jasmine
2 drops jasmine
2 drops rosemary
2 drops sweet pea
4 drops cinnamon
1 drop patchouli
3 drops rose
4 drops sandalwood
10 drops jasmine
5 drops lilac
5 drops lotus
2 drops rose
4 drops violet
7 drops carnation
5 drops geranium
2 drops jasmine
1 drop lilac
1 drop orange
2 drops rose
2 drops violet
5 drops carnation
5 drops hibiscus
10 drops honeysuckle
8 drops poppy
10 drops rose
10 drops carnation
5 drops citronella
10 drops geranium
5 drops orange
5 drops jasmine
3 drops lavender
2 drops rose
4 drops Sandalwood
2 drops Camphor
1 drop Lemon
Wear to invoke the Goddess within.
1/4 oz. olive oil
35 drops orange oil
20 drops carnation oil
15 drops citronella oil
10 drops rose geranium oil
orange flowers, garnet
3 drops cinnamon oil
3 drops clove oil
Mix with small amount of carrier oil.
1/2 cup oil
1 pinch catnip
1 pinch ginseng
1 red rose petal
Mix with some carrier oil.
6 drops of Patchouli oil
6 drops of Sandalwood oil
6 drops of Rose oil
6 drops of Clove oil
6 drops of Nutmeg oil
6 drops of Olive oil
Wear as a perfume whenever you'll be in the presence of the person you're trying
to attract. Be careful, this stuff is really potent. And don't be surprised if you find
others eyeing you as well. I find it's pretty effective for getting a man's attention. I
would probably suggest substituting amber oil for the rose oil in order to attract a
1 part Hazelnut Oil
1 part Almond Oil
1 part CrushedWalnut Shell
Tsp of Marigold Leaves
Add small Yellow Agate or golden crystal (optional). Anoint your altar and
4 drops each Rosemary and Frankincense oil
2 drops apple oil
1 drop chamomile oil.
Use almond oil as a base and add oils.
for anointing candles, amulets, and so forth
1/4 c extra virgin olive oil
1 lodestone ( or magnet if you cannot find a lodestone)
Begin on the New moon.
Place both in a small covered jar, and place in a windowsill.
Once a day shake the jar... first day clockwise, next day counterclockwise -
repeat. When the moon is new again, remove from the windowsill, remove the
stone and store in a dark place.
Lotus - 1/4 oz
Narcissus - 1/4 oz
Orris - 1/8 oz
1 dram Hazelnut Oil
1 dram Fir Oil
1 pebble from a cave
1 sprig sacred oak from England which has been struck by lightning, but you may
use any Oak sprig.
2 dramas Hazelnut Oil
1 pinch Seaweed
1 small pebble
1 Seashell
A pinch of Sea Salt
Warm all ingredients in an enamel pan. Let cool. Pour into tiny bottles or jars and
use it to anoint candles and in spells.
To make Money Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. Add the following:
5 drops Sandalwood
5 drops Patchouli
2 drops Ginger
2 drops Vetivert
1 drop Orange
As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this
oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.
8 drops dill
13 drops bergamot
21 drops nutmeg
9 drops tonka
6 drops clove
20 drops chamomile
20 drops cedar
20 drops patchouli
13 drops clove
21 drops patchouli
14 drops chamomile
7 drops cinnamon
7 drops cedar
3 drops basil
3 drops bergamot
3 drops cinnamon
4 drops oakmoss
5 drops vetivert
3 drops basil
5 drops patchouli
7 drops ginger
2 drops basil
5 drops bergamot
3 drops cinnamon
7 drops ginger
7 drops cinnamon
2 drops basil
2 drops bergamot
3 drops oakmoss
3 drops basil
3 drops bergamot
3 drops sage
5 drops sage
5 drops vetivert
3 drops ginger
5 drops patchouli
3 drops basil
2 drops sage
2 drops vetivert
2 drops sage
2 drops basil
2 drops bergamot
3 drops basil
3 drops bergamot
3 drops cinnamon
3 drops oakmoss
3 drops patchouli
3 drops vetivert
3 drops sage
1 drop Jasmine
1 drop Sandalwood
1 drop Rose
Wear to induce psychic dreams, to speed healing, to facilitate sleep, to increase
fertility and for all other Lunar influences. Also wear at the time of the Full Moon
to attune with its vibrations.
Allspice - 1/16 oz
Ylang Ylang - 1/4 oz
Cinnamon - 1/16 oz
Galangal - 1/4 oz
Heliotrope - 1/4 oz
Sandalwood - 1/8 oz
Violet - 1/4 oz
1 part Almond Oil
1 part Violet Oil
1 part Elder Oil
1 part Patchouli Oil
1 part Lavender Oil
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
Cinnamon - 1/16 oz
Myrrh - 1/8 oz
Vetivert - 1/4 oz
Clove - 1/16 oz
3 drops Patchouli
2 drops Juniper
1 drop Pine
1 drop Oakmoss Bouquet
1 drop Cedarwood
Wear to be infused with the spirit of Pan. Ideal for magickal or ritual dancing,
musicmaking, singing and so on. Also for attuning with the Earth.
3 drops Ylang- Ylang
3 drops Lavender
2 drops Chamomile
1 drop Rose absolute or otto
Wear when nervous or upset to calm you down. Stand before a mirror, and while
looking into your eyes, anoint your body.
Lemon - 1/8 oz
Lavender - 1/4 oz
Bay 1/4 oz
3 drops Ylang- Ylang
3 drops Sandalwood
1 drop Jasmine
Wear as a personal oil to increase your own powers.
4 drops Orange
1 drop Ginger
1 drop Pine
To infuse yourself with additional power during potent rituals, anoint with Power
Base Oil 1oz
Jasmine 3 drops
Rose 1drp
Put in an oil infuser, or on your temples before you go to sleep.
Sandalwood - 1/4 oz
Allspice - 1/8 oz
Myrrh - 1/4 oz
Cinnamon - 1/16 oz
Sun Gold
Allspice - 1/8 oz
Juniper - 1/4 oz
5 drops Petitgrain
5 drops Black Pepper
Wear for protection against all kinds of attacks. Also anoint windows, doors and
other parts of the house to guard it.
4 drops Basil
3 drops Geranium
2 drops Pine
1 drop Vetivert
Another like the last.
Use a base oil like sweet almond oil, jojoba, sesame, etc. Add to it any three of
the following: rue, rosemary, angelica, bay, basil, fennel, sage, mugwort, vervain.
Use either the whole herb or a pure essential oil. Allow the herbs to mix and steep
in the oil for 1 week. Handle the bottle frequently, projecting protective energy
into the mixture. Recommend you make this oil during a waning moon but you can
also make your own timing judgment.
Protection Oils are used to anoint any manner of objects in order to enhance the
purity of spiritual vibrations. This one is best made on The Dark of the Moon.
1 dram-sized bottle
1/2 dram Sweet Almond Oil
3 drops Amber Oil
1 drop Jasmine Oil
7 drops Dark Musk Oil (Plain Musk may be substituted)
5 drops Rue Oil
3 small pieces Dragon's Blood Resin
1 pinch coarse Sea Salt
Add the ingredients and shake, to mix well, after each addition.
1 dram Patchouli Oil
1 dram each of Frankincense Oil & Myrrh Oil
1 tsp. broken pieces of Mandrake Root
3 heaping tsp. coarse Sea Salt
Simmer over a low-heat in an enamel pan. Let cool. Pour into small bottles and
1 T of any base carrier oil
4 drops primrose, cinnamon or sage oil
4 drops lavender or rose
2 drops sandalwood oil
To make a personal protection oil blend together the oils of rosemary, rose
geranium, and cypress. This oil is also used to anoint candles and is added to
protective cleansing baths.
1/4 cup base oil, such as olive or jojoba
1 tbsp. castor oil
1 clove of garlic
3 whole dried bay leaves
1 tsp. kosher salt
Fine tip felt pen,
black Glass or enamel pot
Wooden spoon
Strainer or cheese cloth
Bottle or container
Pour your base oil into your pot and put it on the stove on low heat. Crush the
garlic with the flat side of a knife. Remove the skin. Put the garlic clove into the
pot of oil. Draw the symbol of the pentagram, a powerful ancient symbol of
protection, on each of the bay leaves using a fine tip felt pen. Place them into the
pot. Add one tbsp. of castor oil and 1 tsp. of kosher salt to the mixture. Stir the oil
mixture clockwise with a wooden spoon. Do not allow the oil to simmer or boil;
just heat it for approximately 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Take the mixture off
of the heat and allow it to cool. Strain it through a strainer, or two layers of
cheese cloth, into a container. It can be stored for up to 6 weeks in a cool, dark
4 ml Basil oil
3 ml Rose Geranium oil
2 ml Pine oil
1 ml Vetivert oil or 1/2 tsp herb
Blend with 4 oz Sesame oil.Wear for protection against all kinds of attacks. Also
anoint windows, doors and other parts of the house to guard from bad influence.
1/8 cup jojoba or almond
5 drops black pepper
4 drops petitgrain
1 drop clove
2 drops bergamot
2 drops black pepper
2 drops clove
2 drops cypress
2 drops geranium
2 drops juniper
3 drops palmarosa
4 drops patchouli
2 drops geranium
4 drops patchouli
2 drops palmarosa
3 drops geranium
3 drops black pepper
4 drops patchouli
3 drops bergamot
3 drops cypress
3 drops juniper
3 drops neroli
2 drops palmarosa
5 drops juniper
1 drop geranium
2-4 Cups of SpringWater, as a base
1 tbs. Powdered Iron or Iron Shavings
1 tsp. Vervain
2 tbs. Sea Salt
2 tbs. of each frankincense & Myrrh
A pinch of Wolf's hair from a live, shedding Wolf (ask a local Zoo keeper)
1 Tonka bean
3 parts bergamot oil
1 part Vetivert oil,
1 drop pineapple oil
sweet almond oil
Put Tonka bean in a bottle. Fill 1/2 the bottle with almond oil. Add the other oils,
mix well. Store in cool, dry place.
1 drop geranium
1 drop frankincense
1 drop rosemary
2 drops camphor
2 drops cinnamon
2 drops eucalyptus
3 drops grapefruit
4 drops juniper
3 drops lavender
3 drops lavender
2 drops lemon grass
2 drops lemon verbena
3 drops neroli
2 drops orange
2 drops peppermint
3 drops pine
4 drops lavender
2 drops lemon grass
3 drops grapefruit
3 drops lemon grass
3 drops orange
2 drops peppermint
2 drops lemon verbena
2 drops camphor
2 drops peppermint
2 drops eucalyptus
1 drop camphor
4 drops cinnamon
1 drop camphor
1 drop cinnamon
1 drop eucalyptus
1 drop lavender
1 drop lemon grass
1 drop lemon verbena
1 drop lime
1 drop neroli
1 drop orange
1 drop peppermint
1 drop pine
4 drops Frankincense
3 drops Myrrh
1 drop Sandalwood
Add to the bath or wear to be rid of negativity.
4 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Camphor
1 drop Lemon
Another recipe like the last one.
3 drops Frankincense
2 drops Myrrh
2 drops Sandalwood
1 drop Orange
1 drop Lemon
Add to an olive- oil base and wear toWiccan Sabbats
2 drops Pine
1 drop Ginger
1 drop Cinnamon
1 drop Sandalwood
Add to any base oil. Another like the above.
1 tsp. Frankincense, powdered
1 tsp. Myrrh, powdered
1 tsp. Benzoin, powdered
Add to 1/4 cup olive- oil. Heat slowly over low flame until the gums have melted
into the oil. Cool and apply sparingly as you would any oil for theWiccan Sabbats.
Equal parts frankincense, myrrh and sandalwood, and equal half parts cinnamon,
lemon peel and orange peel mixed in with your favorite carrier oil.
3 drops Frankincense
2 drops Sandalwood
1 drop Cinnamon
Blend in 1 oz. almond oil. Anoint your body prior to religious rituals to stimulate
spirituality. Also, anoint others during mystical and religious group rites.
Juniper - 1/4 oz
Lemon - 1/8 oz
Bergamot - 1/4 oz
Dragons' Blood - 1/4 oz
Myrrh - 1/16 oz
Bergamot - 1/4 oz
Cedar - 1/32 oz
4 drops Rosemary
2 drops Oakmoss Bouquet
1 drop Clove
Wear as a personal oil to increase your powers.
4 drops Pine Oil
2 drops Frankincense oil
2 drops Patchouli oil
2 drops Lavender oil
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
3 drops each :
Apple oil
2 drops Patchouli oil.
3 parts Musk Oil - To call the powers of the God.
Charge by visualizing yourself as the animal, running through the woods, feel the
male sexual power coursing through your veins as you inhale the fragrance of the
3 drops Pine
2 drops Cardamom
1 drop Black Pepper
Wear as a personal oil to increase your powers.
It is said that this oil will help you seduce anyone you may choose when worn as
a perfume. Anoint behind the ears, under the left armpit, in the back of the neck
and between the thighs. Use two tablespoons of cloves in 2 ounces of oil.
5 parts musk oil
5 parts civet oil
1 part ambergris oil
1 part patchouli or cassia oil
2 drops Rose
1 drop Mace
Anoint the temples, neck, pulses of both wrists, soles of the feet. It brings on
natural sleep.
2 drops Rose
1 drop Jasmine
1 drop Chamomile
Use as the above.
To Induce sleep, you will need:
1/2 oz carrier oil
12 drops bergamot
3 drops lavender
3 drops cypress
Directions: In 1/2 oz of carrier oil (I used apricot kernel, sweet almond would also
be good). To increase the benefits of your sleep, apply a few drops behind your
ears, spreading the excess out over your jaw line. Do this immediately before
bed. This is a good oil blend for people who have trouble falling asleep at night,
or for people who sleep restlessly.
Patchouli - 1/4 oz
Galangal - 1/4 oz
Dragons' Blood - 1/4 oz
Myrrh - 1/4 oz
Pine - 1/16 oz
4 drops Frankincense
2 drops Cinnamon
1 drop Petitgrain
1 drop Rosemary
Blend with carrier oil of your choice. For healing, vitality, strength, promotions,
and all Solar influences
1 tsp. Cinnamon, ground
1 tsp. Juniper berries, mashed
1 Bay leaf, crumpled
a scant pinch genuine Saffron
Gently heat over low flame in 1/4 cup base oil. Strain and use for the above
4 drops Oakmoss Bouquet
2 drops Cardamom
1 drop Ylang- Ylang
Wear as a personal oil to increase your powers.
4 drops Frankincense
2 drops Rosemary
1 drop Bay
1 drop Sandalwood
Add to 1/2 oz carrier oil.Wear during religious rites, those designed to promote
spirituality, "temple workings" and so on.
2 drops patchouli
2 drops honeysuckle
1 drop sage
1 drop balm of Gilead
4 drops Oakmoss Bouquet
2 drops Patchouli
1 drop Cypress
Add to 1/2 oz carrier oil.Wear as a personal oil to increase your powers.
4 drops Lemongrass
2 drops Bay
1 drop Nutmeg
Add to 1/2 oz of carrier oil. Anoint the forehead to produce psychic awareness
Vanilla - 1/8 oz
Gardenia - 1/8 oz
Violet - 1/4 oz
4 drops Tonka Bouquet
1 drop Vetivert
Add to 1/2 oz of carrier oil.Wear to attract wealth in all forms. Also anoint candles
and burn while visualizing.
1 cup catnip
3 cups rose
3 cups camphor
2 cups marjoram
1 cup lavender
1 cup thyme
1 cup yarrow
1 cup clove
1 cup fennel
2 cups black pepper
1 cup ginger
1 cup onion
3 cups sweet pea
2 cups calendula
2 cups jasmine
1 cup mimosa
3 cups mimosa
3 cups jasmine
1 cup mugwort
2 cups oak sawdust
3 cups frankincense
1 cup crushed juniper berries
4 drops orange oil
1 cup rosemary
1 cup apple blossom
1 cup sweet pea
1 cup water lily
1 cup neroli
2 cups orange
3 cups apple blossom
1 cup basil
1 cup bergamot
1 cup neroli
3 cups apple blossom
2 cups orange
1 cup water lily
2 cups sweet pea
1 cup clove
2 cups cypress
2 cups hops
2 cups pine
3 cups eucalyptus
1 cup sandalwood
2 cups spearmint
1 cup coriander
3 cups myrrh
2 cups spearmint
1 cup clove
2 cups cypress
3 cups carnation
2 cups pine
4 cups garlic
3 cups lemon
3 cups lavender
3 cups garlic
3 cups garlic
3 cups clove
4 cups cypress
2 cups lavender
1 cup carnation
1 cup spearmint
4 cups eucalyptus
3 cups garlic
3 cups lemon
2 cups lavender
3 cups thyme
3 cups rue
1 cup carnation
2 cups lemon
1 cup thyme
1 cup rose petals
3 cups lavender flowers
2 cups apple blossom
2 cups carnation
2 cups freesia
2 cups iris
2 cups yarrow
2 cups water lily
3 cups vanilla
3 cups lavender
2 cups jasmine
1 cup hyacinth
3 cups gardenia
3 cups iris
2 cups lemon verbena
4 cups lilac
3 cups vanilla
2 cups cardamom
2 cups coriander
2 cups freesia
2 cups ginger
2 cups hyacinth
2 cups jasmine
2 cups lemon verbena
2 cups meadowsweet
2 cups narcissus
3 cups plumeria
4 cups rosemary
2 cups iris
5 cups vanilla
3 cups tuberose
4 cups ylang- ylang
3 cups lilac
1 cup apple blossom
1 cup rosemary
3 cups lavender
2 cups lilac
2 cups frankincense
2 cups rosemary
2 cups sage
2 cups cinnamon
2 cups sandalwood
2 cups chamomile
3 cups frankincense
2 cups sandalwood
3 cups myrrh
3 cups frankincense
2 cups chamomile
1 cup clove
3 cups sage
2 cups coriander
3 cups rosemary
3 cups lily of the valley
1 cup sage
2 cups apple blossom
2 cups bergamot
2 cups chamomile
2 cups catnip
3 cups freesia
4 cups gardenia
2 cups white ginger
3 cups jasmine
3 cups jasmine
3 cups lavender
3 cups lily
3 cups lily of the valley
4 cups rose
2 cups ylang- ylang
3 cups lavender
3 cups freesia
5 cups apple blossom
2 cups water lily
3 cups lavender
2 cups jasmine
3 cups marjoram
4 cups lemon balm
3 cups chamomile
4 cups bergamot
4 cups catnip
4 cups lemon balm
4 cups lily of the valley
3 cups freesia
3 cups sandalwood
2 cups patchouli
1 cup orrisroot
1 cup dragon’s blood
1 cup lemon grass
3 cups bergamot
4 cups cinnamon
4 cups honeysuckle
3 cups basil
3 cups vetivert
3 cups black pepper
3 cups pine
2 cups clove
3 cups pennyroyal
3 cups cumin
3 cups peppermint
2 cups garlic
2 cups cumin
3 cups parsley
2 cups clove
3 cups onion
3 cups cumin
2 cups garlic
1 cup parsley
1 cup bay
1 cup celery
1 cup cereus
4 cups bay
3 cups camphor
2 cups dill
3 cups eucalyptus
3 cups garlic
4 cups dill
2 cups lilac
2 cups hyssop
3 cups hyssop
1 cup eucalyptus
3 cups juniper
1 cup lemon verbena
1 cup orange
1 cup pine
2 cups lime
3 cups neroli
1 cup lemon
1 cup lemon grass
1 cup lemon verbena
1 cup lemon balm
1 cup lime
1 cup tulip
1 cup bay
1 cup dill
3 cups garlic
4 cups dill
1 cup lemon verbena
2 cups garlic
2 cups ginger
3 cups juniper
2 cups lilac
4 cups lime
1 cup ginger
2 cups vanilla
1 cup jasmine
1 cup jasmine
2 cups vanilla
1 cup sandalwood
2 cups rose
1 cup vanilla
1 cup ylang- ylang
2 cups patchouli
1 cup ginger
2 cups vanilla
1 cup bergamot
1 cup chamomile
1 cup celery
2 cups hops
2 cups marjoram
2 cups hyacinth
2 cups bergamot
4 cups lavender
3 cups jasmine
2 cups chamomile
2 cups hyacinth
4 cups lavender
1 cup salt
4 drops rose
4 drops musk
8 drops jasmine
4 drops lavender
Throws back an object. The name of the object can be stated, though it is often
unnecessary; a "Banishing Charm."
ah-BLAH- terr-oh
Causes the victim to babble incoherently and incessantly.
ab-loo- DIFF-ih-kus
When cast on an item, prevents anyone from "cheating" with that item. Often cast
on exam quills.
ahk-ah-LAN- thus
Temporarily transfigures an object into a giant canary.
AK- ee-oh
Summons an object. The name of the object can be stated, though it is often
unnecessary; a "Summoning Charm."
AK- eh-tus
When cast on a person, everything they eat or drink tastes like vinegar.
ak-RESS- ko mo-MEN- tum
Increases the speed of a falling object.
Magically reads writing aloud.
ah-DES- koh fer-IK-yoo-lum
Encourages bread to rise.
ah-DES- koh MEM-brum
Gives the victim an erection. Ineffective on the fairer sex.
ad-ESS- ay
Causes the subject to suddenly raise their hand.
ad-HEER- oh
Adheres two objects together.
ay-NAY- us
Turns an object to bronze.
Strikes an object, as if it were punched.
agg-ih- TAN-tus
Causes a person to feel as if they are being constantly followed.
AGG-nih- fors
Transfigures an object into a lamb.
ag-RESS- tus
Transfigures an object into a random barn animal.
AH- gwa-MEN-tee
Conjures a jet of clear water from the caster's wand.
ah-LAR- tay as-en-DAR- ay
Causes an object to shoot up into the air.
ah-lek- tee-PLEK- tus
Produces a parachute from the end of one's wand.
al- o-ho-MOR-ah
Unlocks an object.
al- VAY-us
Hollows an object.
al- VOOZ-ee-oh
Creates a sizable hole in an object.
Causes the victim to misplace the first object they come in contact with, or are
ah-NAK- ah-tus
Dazes the victim.
ah-NAP- nay-oh
Clears the target's airway, should it be blocked.
Prevents an object from being stolen.
Causes the victim's wand to produce ducks whenever a spell is cast.
AHN- ee-mum pul- SARR- ay
Stabilizes a heartbeat.
AHN- ee-mum kwee- ESS-kay
Slows down or, if so desired, halts the heartbeat. Not as dangerous as Avada
Kedavra, as it takes time and can be easily reversed.
Sobers a person.
an-suh-LAK- tus
Causes an object to sprout handles.
an-SERR- us
Causes the victim to honk like a goose.
ah-PAR- ee-oh
Causes an invisible item to become visible.
Makes invisible ink visible.
AP- ih-cus
Conjures a bee, or swarm of bees.
AP- see-us
Rakes leaves.
Transfigures an object into a large spider.
ar-AHN- ee-ah EKS-oo-may
Casts a spider backwards.
AR- bah VAIR-toh
Transfigures an object to wood.
ar-BUS- toh
Causes a tree to suddenly sprout from the ground.
AR- koh
Locks a lock.
ARK- us
Shoots an arrow, or arrows, from the caster's wand.
ah-RES- koh
Dries an object.
ah-RESS- to mo-MEN-tum
Slows the descent of a falling object.
ah-RET- ik-ah
Throws a net from one's wand.
The "Bucking Bronco Hex," causes an object to attempt to throw a person off of
itself. Can be cast on chairs, rugs, brooms, animals.
ah-RON-kal- us
Causes the victim to snore. When cast on a snorer, causes the snoring to cease.
ah-SEN- dee-oh
Causes the caster to shoot upwards.
as-TRAP- ihk-us
Causes lightning to strike an object, or person.
AH- terro
One of the two "Backfiring Jinxes." Causes the victim's wand to either explode or
snap in two, should the victim cast another spell.
AHK- tus
Enlarges an object.
AHR- ays rad-IK-yoo-lay
Causes radishes to fall out of the victim's ears.
ah-VAH- dah kah-DAH- vruh
The "Killing Curse"; foremost of the unforgivable curses.
Transfigures an object into a bird.
AH- vis
Conjures a flock of small, twittering birds.
ba-LAT- us
Causes the victim to bleat.
BAR- byoo-lus
Causes the victim to grow a thick beard.
Causes the victim to sprout a mustache.
BAR- ik-us
Transfigures the victim's head into a that of an elephant.
BLITS- iff-ai
Known as the "Shock Spell," produces a small arc of electricity from the caster's
wand. Used as a form of mental illness therapy. Similar to Electrify.
bom-BAR- dah
Blasts open a door.
BRAK- tee-us
Conjures a hard, thin sheet of metal.
bree-AR- oh
Causes an arm to sprout from an object, or person.
boo-MASS- tus
Causes vines to spring from the earth and bind the victim.
KAY- ko
Gums up the victim's eyes.
Turns an object blue.
ca-LASS- ee-oh
Encloses the victim in a steel cage.
ca-LATH- us
Conjures a wicker basket.
cal- ih-CRASS- us
Forms concrete blocks around the victim's feet.
cal- ESS-koh
Heats an object.
cal- oh-sell-ASS- ma
Transfigures an object into a group of snakes.
Flattens uneven terrain.
ca-PAHK- us
Causes an object to be easier to grasp; a "Gripping Charm."
ca-PAKS- oh
Increases the internal dimensions of the target object without affecting the
external dimensions.
CAP- rih-fors
Transfigures an object into a goat.
ca-PREE- pays
Transfigures the victim's legs into that of a goat, much like a faun.
CAR- pay re-TRAKT- um
Pulls an object toward the caster, or vice versa.
Thickens hair.
CASS- tree-oh
Causes a blow to the crotch. Generally only effective on males.
Increases the intensity of weather, i.e. turns a drizzle into a torrential downpour
or turns snowfall into a blizzard.
CAH- vay in-ih-ME-cum
An "Intruder-Repelling Charm." Prevents unwanted persons from entering a
certain area.
Conjures wax.
SIR-vih- fors
Causes antlers to sprout from the victim's head.
sir-AHT- us
Curls hair.
cla- RESS- koh
Removes the effects of anything that impedes the subject's senses. This includes
stuffed noses preventing smelling, ringing ears preventing listening, or any variety
of magical impediments.
CLAW- dik-us
Causes the victim to limp.
cla- VES-koh
Conjures a copy of a random existing key in the world. Practically useless, due to
the extremely low chance of conjuring the needed copy.
clep- ZEE
A summoning charm unnoticeable by theft-preventing magic. The name of the
summoned object can be stated, though it is often unnecessary. Widely untaught
and discouraged.
COK-li- fors
Transfigures an object into a snail.
cok-LASS- us
Places a bubble over the caster's head, so that they may breathe clean air; the
"Bubble- Head Charm."
Heightens the caster's senses. The "Supersensory Charm."
co-lair-ESS- koh
Covers the victim's eyes with a thick white paste.
col- oh-POR- tus
Seals a door.
com-PLEKT- us
Strengthens the caster's grip on his wand.
com-PRESS- us
Compresses an object, or objects.
con-CORE- soh clep-toh
Allows the caster to gain control of an animated object, or otherwise sever the
magical link between animated object and animator. An upper-level spell.
cond-oh-LES- co
Causes the victim to experience a splitting migraine.
con-FRIN- joh
Causes an object to violently explode.
con-FUN- doh
The "Confundus Charm," confuses and/or disorients the victim.
con-JEKT- ee-oh
Causes an object to be thrown in a random direction.
con-junk- tih-VITE- us
The "Conjunctivituis Curse," blinds the victim.
con-seh-NESS- koh
Heals wounds.
con-tra-LEK- tus
Throws the victim from their seat.
CON-vell- oh
Wrenches one object away from another.
CORN- if-ors
Causes the victim to sprout horns.
Topples an object.
COR-ih- cus
Conjures a sand-bag.
Conjures a basket of fruit.
Causes an object to grow uncontrollably in size.
An "Unforgivable Curse"; tortures the victim.
Conjures blood.
Strips ripe fruit from a tree and arranges them gently in a waiting receptacle.
de-DAK- tus
Removes fingers.
deh-DEZ- dus
Prevents anyone from apparating into a certain area.
def-en-ESS- tra
Prevents anyone from looking through a window from the outside.
def-LEKK- toh
A defensive spell that rebounds magic. Less effective than Protego, and requires
more precision.
Causes the victim to become completely hairless.
Carves deep gouges in an object.
Removes leaves from a plant.
de-FUN- do
Causes it to rain.
Splits something down the middle.
de-LEE- tree-us
Deletes, or erases, something.
del- ee-TESS- koh
Moves an object out of view.
desk-uh-LESS- tus
Reverses the effects of character-altering magic; potions, spells, etc.
de-VESS- toh
Rips away the victim's clothing.
def-er-VESS- koh
Stops a liquid from boiling.
Causes a plant to wither.
deh-LAK- err-oh
Rips an object to shreds.
Cures stuttering.
den-SAW- jee-oh
A hex to enlarge the teeth of a person.
deh-PAS- koh
Causes the victim to become insatiably hungry.
de-PELL- oh
Causes the victim to flee.
dee-PEE- see-us
Causes the victim's legs to suddenly give out.
deh-PESS- tee-may
Causes a Muggle device to malfunction.
Strips a bird of its feathers.
DEH- pree-moh
Causes an intense downward pressure.
deh-PULS- oh
Throws an object backwards; a "Banishing Charm."
Unstraightens an object.
de-SEN- doh
Causes an object to move downward.
de-sik-AHT- ee-oh
Removes liquid; useful for drying. When cast on a living thing, however, it
severely dehydrates it.
DES- pee-us
Causes the victim to drool uncontrollably.
de-TAB- yoo-lus
Makes an object unplottable.
Causes the victim to panic and flee.
de-TREK- toh
Causes sharp, intense pain to anyone touching the target of this spell.
de-VINS- ee-oh
Ties, binds, or fastens an object.
dih- KATT-er-oh
Prevents the victim from swearing; replaces any uttered swear word with a
random, silly substitution.
Causes a quill to write anything that is dictated to it.
dih- FIN- doh
Rips an object, or causes two objects to separate.
dim-in-yoo-EN- doh
Shrinks an object to the size of a toy.
dih- REPT- us
Trashes a room.
dih- SEM-in-oh
Causes a receptacle to spread it's contents over a certain area, e.g. pours a bag
of fertilizer across a field or applies a bucket of fly repellent to livestock.
di- SOH- shee-oh
Moves two things apart.
Opens an object.
Transfigures an object into a small dragon.
Covers an object with thorns.
dur-ESS- koh
Hardens an object.
Turns an object to stone.
eb-URN- ee-us
Transfigures an object into ivory.
eh-FAS- mus
Conjures spider webs.
EF-lee- oh
Casts a concentrated burst of gale-force winds from the caster's wand.
Gouges out an item, e.g. an eye, or entrails.
eff-UN- doh
Pours a liquid- bearing receptacle (a cup, pitcher).
ee-LEK- trif-ai
Shocks the victim. The intensity of the shock is determined by the caster. Similar
to Blitsify.
Causes the nose to spew out its contents.
An "Engorgement Charm," causes the target of the spell to enlarge, or swell up.
Preserves food; prevents spoiling.
ep-ASS- tus
Removes hunger.
ep-ee-LEP- tus
Causes an object to rapidly flash different colors.
Heals minor wounds, e.g. a broken nose.
ee-POCKS- ee-myze
Magically glues objects together.
eh-RAD- ik-us
Pulls up a plant by its roots.
e-REK- toh
Erects a structure, e.g. a tent.
er-pih-TES- koh
Transfigures an object into a snake.
Covers the victim with small spines, much like the quills of a hedgehog or
porcupine. The "Erinaceous Hex."
Rips an object out of the ground.
ee-RUP- toh
Causes a geyser of hot earth to erupt from the ground. Can bring magma to the
surface under certain conditions.
Throws a random fruit or vegetable (inclusive of grapes, pumpkins, tomatoes)
from the caster's wand. The fruit in inedible -- it evaporates when eaten.
ev-in-ESS- kah
Causes the uttered object to disappear. For instance, Vipera Evanesca
disappears a snake, Mensa Evanesca a table, Mura Evanesca a wall, Vesta
Evanesca clothing, etc.
ev-in-ESK- oh
Causes an object to vanish.
Conjures a magical fist that strikes the victim.
ee-VER- tay STAH- tum
Throws the victim backwards.
eks-KRES- koh
Causes a geyser to erupt from the ground.
Causes the victim to suddenly and violently loose their bowels. The eloquently
named "Poo Hex."
Conjures a large spider web.
Removes bones from the victim.
ex-PEKT- oh pah-TRONE- um
Conjures a patronus.
ex-pelli- ARM-us
Disarms, or throws back, the victim.
Awakens a sleeping individual.
Reverses the victim's knees.
Throws the caster's wand from his hand.
eks-PULS- oh
Causes an object to violently explode.
ek-SPUN- joh
Erases text.
eks-tah-SPEKT- us
Prevents anyone from noticing or seeing an item. It does not cause the item to
disappear, but it appears invisible to anyone other than the caster. It remains
wholly tangible.
eks-tah-BESK- oh
Causes an object, or a person, to disappear and then reappear somewhere else.
The reapparition of the victim is anomolous and random; they can reappear
inches from where they once were, or thousands of miles away. Largely
dependent on the skill of the caster.
The infamous "Entrail- Expelling Curse." Functions as advertised.
eks-SEK- ra-cus
Causes the victim to spew random insults; also can be cast on quills. The victim
does not notice the spell's effects.
Causes insects to be intensely attracted to the victim.
Extinguishes something, typically a fire.
EKS- oo-vay
Skins an animal.
FASH- ee-us
Conjures bandages.
Issues a steady stream of small flame from the tip of the caster's wand, creating
an effect similar to a torch.
FAIR-uh VAIR- toh
Transfigures an object into a goblet.
Conjures a wooden rod.
fer-VEN- sus
Intensely heats an object. Often used to cook food, though it can be used as an
offensive spell.
FET- ee-oh
Causes an object to emit a horrible smell.
fin-EE-tay in-can-TAH- tem
Reverses, or ceases, the effects of a spell. May be shortened to Finite by the
more skillful.
FLAH- bro
Conjures a loud gust of wind.
flah-GRAN- tay
Causes an object to burn human skin whenever touched.
flah-GRAH- tay
Enables the caster to draw lines of fire with their wand.
FLEK- toh
Bends or curves an object.
Gives the victim club foot.
flih- PEN-do
Strikes an object with mild intensity.
Causes a plant to grow.
Transfigures an object into a flower.
FLUK- toh
Causes an object to float. The "Buoyancy Charm."
Throws soot from one's wand.
fo-TORR- ee-oh
Causes the victim to smell incredibly bad; the "Stinking Hex."
FREN- doh
Magically grinds a blade, sharpening it.
Chills an object.
Produces smoke from the caster's wand.
fun-ESS- tus
Causes the victim to feel extremely sad.
fyoo-NEEZ- ee-oh
Ties a knot in an object, typically a rope or chord.
fur-NUNK- yoo-lus
Causes the victim to sprout boils all over.
FUSS- koh
Fogs glass/mirrors/etcetera.
Causes an object to become brittle.
gel- ESS-koh
Adheres the victim's feet to the ground.
jeh- MIN-ee-oh
Duplicates an object.
GLAY-shee- us
Freezes an object.
Causes a flight of stairs to flatten, forming a type of ramp or chute.
GLAA-bih- fors
Spell which pours colorful non-bursting bubbles out of the caster's wand.
Generally for decorative purposes.
Encases the victim's head in a pumpkin.
grah-VESK- oh
Causes an object to become unbearably heavy.
ha-RUN- doh
Causes reeds to shoot out of a body of water and bind the victim.
HOR-ih- fors
Transfigures the victim's head into that of a hawk.
he-DAIR- ah
Causes ivy to grow from, or on, an object.
Speeds the growth of a plant. Does not, however, cause an otherwise ungrowing
plant to grow.
heh-noo- LAY-us
Transfigures an object into a deer.
Transfigures an object into a fish of comparable size.
HOM-eh-num reh-VEL-ee-oh
Reveals human presence in the vicinity of the caster.
Causes a Werewolf to revert to human form for a few seconds.
ho-MUNK- yoo-lus
Shrinks the victim.
ig- NIK-yoo-lus
Throws a spark from the end of the one's wand.
ih- LEJ-ih-bil- us
Causes text to become gibberish. Reversed by Legibilus.
Freezes objects where they are.
Either freezes or throws back the victim.
im-PEER- ee-oh
Allows the caster of obtain control of the victim. An "Unforgivable Curse."
Creates a barrier that sounds, objects, and people cannot cross.
im-PERR- vee-us
Makes an object resistant to water.
in- anni-MAH-tus
Inanimates a magically animated object.
in- CAR-ser-us
Summons ropes that immediately bind the victim.
in- SEND- ee-oh
Casts a fireball.
in- FEN-sus
Enrages an animal, or person.
in- FRAJ-ill- us
Makes an object unbreakable.
in- FREN- dee-oh
Removes teeth.
in- loo-too-LEN-tus
Dries mud into earth.
in- OPS-oh
Causes the victim to stutter.
in- SID- ee-oh
Prevents the victim from disapparating.
in- teh-PES- tus
Causes the victim to vomit uncontrollably.
iv-RESS- us
Intoxicates the victim, causing them to act inebriated. Countered by Aniskey.
lay- TIFF-ih- cus
Causes the victim to act exceedingly happy.
LAY- shee-us
Casts a rope from one's wand, which can be coiled or ensared around something.
lah- pih-DOH-sis
Summons a cloud of stones that hurl themselves incessently at the victim.
Causes the victim's tongue to be glued to the top of their mouth.
le- JILL-eh-bus
Makes jumbled text legible. Counter-spell to Illegibilus.
leg- ILL-ihm-ens
Allows the caster to read the victim's mind, albeit with no control over what is
seen. Non-verbal. Legilimency is a more precise practice.
len- TES-koh
Softens an object.
LEH- pih-fors
Transfigures an object into a rabbit.
lev- ee-CORP-us
Dangles the victim in mid-air from their ankle.
lib- AAH- jee-oh
Causes the victim's lips to swell in size.
lib- erra-CORP- us
Frees a suspended body. Counter-spell to Levicorpus.
lin- GAA-jee-oh
Causes the victim's tongue to swell up.
Irritates the victim's eyes.
lo- KO-mo-tor MOR-tis
Causes the victim's legs to lock together. The "Leg-Locker Curse."
loo- MOS
Causes the caster's wand to emit light, similar to a torch. May be extinguished by
the spell Nox.
luh- tuh-LEN- tus
Turns earth into mud.
Causes the victim to foam at the mouth.
Causes an object to glow.
mah-DEE- dus
Drenches the victim with water.
man-ih-FES- toh
Returns a transfigured object to it's original state. Also works on Animagi.
Transfigures the victim into a statue.
Transfigures something into marble.
MASS- ah-lus
Replaces the victim's teeth with a set of dentures.
Seals a wound.
MELL-ih- cuss
Causes the victims to suddenly act as if they are in a musical. They will break out
in song and dance for as long as the charm is not reversed.
Makes a person feel better; does not heal anything.
men-da-FLES- koh
A "Flame- Freezing Charm." Causes flame to tickle the caster, rather than burn.
When cast on a container, conjures a parchment listing the container's inventory.
mer-DESS- koh
Causes the victim to excessively produce excrement.
mee-tee-OH-lo-jinks re-CAN-toh
Halts most meteorological spells.
Blends a concoction.
Trails a kite from the end of one's wand.
Moves the uttered object. Popular variations include Mobiliarbus and
Causes small flashes of light to burst around the victim's feet, inflicting moderate
pain. The socalled "Toe Biter Hex."
mo-NAY- oh
Reverses minor memory-altering magic.
Casts the Dark Mark.
muf-lee- AHT-oh
Fills the ears of anyone near the caster with an unidentifiable buzzing, making it
difficult to hear things.
Calms an animal.
Sweetens food.
MUS-kih- fors
Transfigures an object into a mouse.
MUSS- oh
Prevents the victim from speaking any louder than a whisper.
Transfigures an object into a ferret.
Conjures ants.
NAA- jee-oh
Causes the victim's nose to grow in size.
neh-FASS- tus
Causes the victim to suddenly vomit and defecate profusely.
nem-ESS- koh
Conjures a short burst of wind.
Causes the victim to forget their name.
NEH- pa-cus
Transfigures the victim's hands into lobster claws.
One of the two "Backfiring Jinxes." Typically causes harm to the caster, although
the produced effect is totally random. Effects are inclusive of (but not limited to)
the caster growing a mustache, turning blue, shrinking, transfiguring, shooting
into the air, disapparating, frowning, exploding violently, losing appendages, and
even dying. A common result is that their wand breaks, as in Attero.
Shrouds an area in a thick fog.
niv- AY-us
Conjures snow.
no-BISK- us
Enchants an object to follow the caster, or another person.
Conjures coinage that disappears after a period of time, similar to "Leprechaun's
Causes skin to grow over the victim's mouth, preventing speech.
NAA- sis
Removes bones.
no-VAK- yoo-la
Throws a dagger from one's wand.
Extinguishes illumination magic produced by the caster's wand, particularly
Barricades something, usually a door or window.
ob-SAY- pee-oh
Rigs the target area with an alarm.
Erases something (e.g. footprints; writing).
Erases memory.
Causes something to stiffen. Useful on hands.
oh-BREW- oh
Causes everything in the vicinity to be thrown at the victim.
ob-SKYUR- oh
Blindfolds the victim.
ob-VALL- ee-oh
Causes a wall to erupt from the ground.
Increases the magnification of an object (such as a pair of omnioculars,
binoculars, a magnifying glass, spectacles, or even human eyes).
on-KORR- ee-oh
Repels insects.
Plugs a hole.
Causes something (typically animals) to attack the victim.
oh-PUNK- oh
Bends or perverts an object.
Throws a small ball of light from one's wand. Often used to illuminate long
Conjures flowers from the caster's wand.
Conjures a charmed skeleton.
Packs assorted items into an object.
pah-LES- koh
Causes an object, or person, to become pale.
pah-MESS- toh
Covers an object with a tarp.
pan-KRES- tus
Conjures a skeleton key.
PAR- mee-oh
Emblazons an object with a target.
PAT- err-ah
Conjures a bowl.
ped-ik- yoo-LOHS- is
Infests the victim with lice.
Conjures a sponge.
peh-PEN- dee
Causes gravity to pull excessively hard on the victim.
per-pa-TESS- ko
Causes an object to sprout legs.
per-PESS- us
Hardens skin.
per-PLEK- tus
Conjures a thick, nigh- impenetrable spider web.
per-VAKT- us PASS- us
Allows the subject to walk on any surface, regardless of the pull of gravity. Useful
for walking on walls or ceilings.
pe-TRIF-ih- cuss to-TALL-us
The "Full Body- Bind Curse." Causes the victim's body to become entirely rigid,
and immobile.
fa-LESS- koh
Coils, or rolls up, an item, e.g. rope, a carpet, parchment.
Conjures a magpie, or magpies.
pik- ASS-ik-us
Causes the victim to become intensely attracted to shiny objects.
peer-TOH-tum loh-koh-MOH-tor
A high- level spell that animates a great number of inanimate objects.
pih- LOH- sus
Causes thick busy hair to grow all over the victim's face, including out of the nose
and ears.
Plumps an item, or creature. Commonly used on farm animals, or pillows.
Causes an object to sprout small wings, and fly about.
pin- OH-kee-oh
Causes the victim's nose to grow substantially.
Causes the victim's mouth to burn. Also known as the "Pepper- Breath Hex."
PLEK- troom
Conjures a quill.
plor-AT- us
Causes the victim to bawl, or cry.
poynt me
Causes the caster's wand to point North. The "Four-Point Spell."
Stretches an object.
POR-ih- fors
Causes the victim to sprout leeks from their ears.
Turns an object into a Portkey.
PRAK- tus
Sharpens something.
prai-RUP- tus
Smooths an incline, similar to Glisseo.
pree-OR in-can-TAT-oh
Causes a wand to reveal the last spell it performed.
pro-SELL- oh-sus
Causes a sudden gust of air to rush up from the ground.
Causes an object to increase in length.
pro-PATCH- yoo-lus
Opens an object.
Creates a magical shield to deflect spells. Can also be used to physically impede
pro-TAY-go horr-IH-bih- lis
Protects an area from dark magic.
pro-TAY-go toh-TAL-um
Disallows physical -- as well as most kinds of magical -- entry into an area.
The "Protean Charm." Magically binds objects to the target object. Any change in
the target object is subsequently reflected in the binded objects.
pul- ULL-oh
Causes a pole to shoot up from the ground.
PUL- vin-eks-PUL- soh
Banishes dust from an object.
KWAM kel-AIR-ee-may
Speeds something up.
Decreases the volume of a sound, typically one's voice. Useful for negating the
Sonorus charm.
Skewers something with a stick. Useful for making kebabs.
Pours wine from one's wand.
RAP- nee-oh
Removes theft-preventing spells.
Reduces an object's size. Useful for negating Engorgio.
re-DUK- to
Blasts an object apart.
ref-er-VESK- oh
Boils liquid.
re-LASH- ee-oh
Casts a sharp blast of heat from one's wand, often accompanied by sparks. Can
be used to sever or force objects apart. Underwater, produces scalding bubbles.
REH- ner-vate
Revives an unconscious person.
re-PAR- oh
Repairs an object.
re-PEL-oh mug-LEE-tum
Causes Muggles entering an area to suddenly remember an important
appointment and leave.
REP- lee-oh
Refills an object, typically goblets.
reh-SEK- tus
Prunes a plant. The "Pruning Charm."
Removes personality- altering magic.
re-STINKS- ee
Sprays a fire-smothering foam from the caster's wand.
re-VOH-kah SPEK- toh
Reverses moderate memory-altering magic.
REV- oh-mai
Causes the victim to burp uncontrollably.
Causes the victim to laugh uncontrollably; the "Tickling Charm."
Causes an item, creature, or person to take on an amusing appearance.
Particularly useful on Boggarts.
ri-NESK- us
Causes mucus to excessively pour out of the victim's nose.
ROB-ih- goh
Causes something to rust.
roh-STRA- tus
Causes the victim to grow a beak.
roo-BES- koh
Causes a person to blush.
sah-BUR- ah
Throws sand from one's wand.
SAK- ee-oh
Transfigures an object into a handbag.
sah-KAH- kee
Puts the victim in a straitjacket.
sah-LAY- oh
Causes a geyser to erupt from the ground.
sall- sah-MEN-tus
Causes something to taste excessively of salt.
SAL- vee-oh HEKS- ee-ah
Protects an area from hexes.
SAY- pee-oh
Causes a fence to sprout from the ground.
SOR-ih- fors
Transfigures an object into a lizard.
SAKS- ih- fors
Transfigures an object into a stone.
SKAN- dee- oh
Throws a grappling hook from one's wand.
SKAF- ee-um
Conjures a bowl and places the target object inside the bowl.
sca-TUR- ee-oh
Causes a liquid to bubble over.
sklerr-ESS- koh
Conjures a cloud of noxious gas.
SKOP- ih-kuh
Prevents an object magically endowed with flight (ie, a broom) from flying.
SCOR- jif-ai
Cleans an item; a "Scouring Charm."
SKUH- tuh-kiss
Casts a flagellum from one's wand.
Slashes the victim.
sin- EKT-us
Causes the victim to appear dramatically aged. This spell has no effect on the
seh-PEL- ee-oh
Causes the victim to sink into the ground.
Conjures a snake.
ser-per-ASS- trah
Bandages something.
seh-RASS- mus
Conjures piranhas.
A "Drought Charm," causes a body of water (from puddles to ponds) to dry up.
si-LENS- ee-oh
Silences the victim.
Causes something to suddenly jump into the air.
sin- GUL-toh
Causes the victim to have hiccups.
Conjures a boulder.
Conjures parchment.
SNA- tih-cus
Causes the victim to sneeze uncontrollably.
Causes the victim to fall suddenly asleep.
Increases the volume of one's voice.
SPATH- a-cus
Transfigures the caster's wand into a sword; effect is reversed by repeating the
spesh-ee-AL- us rev-EL-ee-oh
Reveals any properties hidden by magical means.
SPLIN- jee-oh
Causes a thorn to sprout from the victim's tongue.
SPUN- jih- fy
Causes an object to become springy, like a trampoline.
STAK- ta
Throws oil from the caster's wand.
Prevents the victim from disapparating.
stil-AH- toh
Causes the victim to drop whatever they are holding.
Stuns the victim.
sub-lih- VAY- shee-us
Considerably lightens an object, in terms of weight. The "Sublivacious Charm."
Causes a person to spontaneously scream in pain.
Causes the victim to sweat profusely.
Transfigures an object into a pig.
suff-LUH- fors
The "Braking Charm," causes the victim to suddenly brake. Often used when the
victim is atop a broomstick, or a similar mode of transportation.
Causes an object or person to inflate and float away.
suf-FUSS- cuss
Darkens the tone of an object; usually skin.
sup-LAN- toh
Trips the victim.
sus-KEN- sus
Sends the victim into a fit of rage.
Lowers a person's voice volume to that of a whisper.
Causes an area to become overcast, or cloudy.
Spills small red sparks from the tip of one's wand, in an effect similar to Muggle
Turns ground into quicksand.
Causes the victim's legs to dance uncontrollably.
ta-RASS- us
Silences an alarm.
TAR- tar-us
Creates a deep pit.
Transfigures an object into a bull.
TEL- ah-kess-koh
Forms a web between fingers and toes, for swimming.
Removes all light from an area.
tep-ESS- koh
Cools an object.
TER- jee-oh
Siphons something into one's wand. Used for cleaning purposes.
ter-ROH-dee- oh
Infests wood with termites.
The "Scything Charm," reaps cereal cops and similar.
thai-ELL- ah
Makes it windy.
Tickles the victim.
tawn-DES- koh
Shaves hair.
Lathers an object with soap suds.
Locks the victim's jaw shut. The "Lockjaw Hex."
ter-BAY- oh
Causes an object to spin like a top.
ved-ee-LEK- tus
Dispels gas, e.g. clouds, fog, and noxious vapors.
vel- ah-MENN-tus
Causes an umbrella to sprout from the end of the caster's wand.
vep-REK- yoo-lus
Throws a number of small thorns from one's wand.
Conjure worms.
Charms a broom to sweep a certain area.
ves-PAS- ick-us
Conjures a swarm of stinging insects, e.g. wasps or bees.
VIH-vih- fors
A charm which causes an object to spring to life for a short amount of time. The
animated object can be commanded by the caster to do his/her bidding.
Causes the victim to speak in a ridiculous French accent.
vo-LAKT- us
Causes an object to become capable of flight. Most commonly used on brooms.
vol- RAP-tus
Counters theft-preventing magic.
wair- TAIR-boh ven-TREK- tus
Scrambles organs.
win- GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa
Levitates an object.
Inscribes upon an object whatever the caster wills -- letters, symbols, drawings,
Transfigures an object into a swordfish.
Photocopies a document.
The essences of crystals can be imparted into water and consumed. Water by its
very nature being fluid can mutate and will take on and hold the energy signature
of a crystal creating a gem elixir.
Therefore in simple terms, gem elixirs are made when water is imbued with the
healing properties of a crystal. Water will also hold the energy patterns of a
crystal for a long time. An incredible way enjoy crystal healing.
This energized water, crystal essence, is a very easy way to quickly absorb
the healing energy of crystals. Drinking this fluid enables the bodies' subtle
energy system to very easily balance itself to the healing frequency of the crystal
from which the elixir was made.
According to Dr. Masaru Emoto in his book The hidden Messages in Water, the
average human body is 70 percent water.
"We start out life being 99 percent water, as foetuses. When we are born, we are
90 percent water and by the time we reach adulthood we are down to 70 percent.
If we die of old age, we will probably be about 50 percent water. In other words
throughout our lives we exist mostly as water.
So what is water? You first answer might be that it is Life Force. If we lose 50
percent of water in out bodies, we can no longer maintain life. Water, carried by
the blood and bodily fluids, is the means by which nourishment is circulated
throughout our bodies. This flow of water enables us to live active lives. Water
therefore serves as the transporter of energy throughout our bodies."
Crystal essences, based in water, are not only effective for humans but animals
and plants also respond well to this kind of vibrational healing. For animals add a
few drops to their food or rub into their coats and for plants add a few drops to
their water or spray their foliage with the elixir.
When masterfully prepared, the gem elixirs clear the subtle channels so that the
divine blueprint of consciousness is free to express the intelligence of the soul.
Homeopathy proposes that the greater the dilution of natural remedies, the
greater the effectiveness. Yet the logical conclusion would be that the greater the
density of natural remedies, the more effective the remedy would be.
So this brings us to the conclusion that instead of the effect of the matter being
used to get rid of the cause of dis- ease, the information copied to the water is
being used to cancel out the information of the cause of the dis- ease.
During a healing session a few drops may be placed on the chakras or key points
of the body. A few drops may be placed on the hands of the therapist who then
brushes the aura. Sometimes the elixirs are in small remedy bottles that are
placed around the body in exactly the same way as crystals. Drops of elixir can
be placed in the bath, added to aromatherapy oils or sprayed into a room - all with
very good effect.
Remember to check for toxicity before deciding to make gem elixirs by the Direct
Method. If in doubt choose a crystal from the table in Crystal Recipes or use a
crystal from the quartz family or use the Double Container Method.
2. Cover a cleansed quartz crystal with spring, distilled or bottled water in a clear
glass bowl and place in full sunlight for two to three hours.
3. It is important to minimize direct physical contact with the crystals and water so
as to prevent the crystal energy from absorbing your own energy and affecting the
elixir therefore if possible remove the stones with a spoon.
4. Pour the charged water, mother essence or stock, into a dark glass bottle, blue
or brown work well.Mix with an equal amount of pure vodka of at least 40%
alcohol (US 80 proof) which will act as a preservative and also help to "fix" the
vibration. Seal the bottle. Vinegar can be used as a substitute for the alcohol.
5. Carefully decant small amounts of the mother crystal essence into a smaller
dark glass bottle with a dropper.
2. Place your crystal in a small sealed glass container which you will then place in
a larger glass container of water and place six of the same crystals around the
container being charged.
3. Instead of the six crystals around the container you can also use Clear Quartz
points, points facing inwards, to amplify and direct the energy of the crystal you
are making an elixir with into the water.
5. It is important to minimize direct physical contact with the crystals and water
in order to keep the crystal energy from absorbing your own energy and affecting
the elixir so you may wish to remove the sealed glass container holding the gems
with tongs or a spoon.
6. Pour the charged water, mother essence or stock, into a dark glass bottle, blue
or brown work well. Mix with an equal amount of pure vodka of at least 40%
alcohol (US 80 proof) which will act as a preservative and also help to "fix" the
vibration. Seal the bottle. Vinegar can be used as a substitute for the alcohol.
7. Pour a small amount of the mother crystal essence into a smaller dark glass
bottle with a dropper.
Take care! Only use sufficiently hard, non-water soluble, non-toxic stones to
make crystal (gem) waters and essences. Members of the quartz family are ideal.
If in doubt, check a mineralogical textbook.
Never use: Realgar, Orpiment is arsenic, Stibnite, Galena, Copper which would
include Azurite and Malachite or other compounds of Mercury, Arsenic or Lead
and Cinnabar as it contains Mercury.
Gem elixirs can also be made using seashells, amber or petrified wood. This
would be using elements that would be classified as being organic of origin.
All gem elixirs can be used undiluted or diluted. The term "diluting" may be
somewhat confusing because it is generally held that adding water to the mother
essence does not reduce the quality or effectiveness of the elixir, this is a matter
of opinion, trust you intuition and do what is right for you.
Whether you use the elixirs diluted or undiluted is your choice. Some people feel
that you benefit best from the undiluted elixir for the first month and there after
the elixir can be diluted.
You can use muscle testing or a pendulum to help with evaluating the potential
usefulness of gem elixirs as well as meditation and intuition.
Fill with fresh spring water cover and leave overnight. In the morning remove the
crystal with a spoon, and sip the water throughout the day.
The water will keep in a refrigerator for a few days. Use this water for your
animals or your plants.
Remember to check for toxicity before deciding to make gem essences by the
Direct Method. If in doubt choose a crystal from the table in Crystal Recipes or
use a crystal from the quartz family or use the Double Container Method.
Elixir Recipies
Here are some of the recipes for crystal essences. As with all the crystal energies
trust your intuition and use what feels right for you at the time.
These particular essences are predominantly used for emotional healing but one
may use the appropriate elixirs for any other purpose as well, check in with your
intuition and the crystal guide to give you a better idea of which elixir will be best
at the time.
Amber Used for despair, ready to assist you in removing obstacles, real and
imaginary; also for aura protection.
Amethyst Used for those who strongly resist any interference with their freedom
to make their own decisions and plans, for balancing and self protection. It also
raises vibration to more spiritual level.
Aquamarine Use for over enthusiasm, tenseness, stress and strain. It brings a
calm, quiet clarity to an over active mental body and increases one's ability to
achieve a neutral, serene state of mind.
Aventurine Helps with mental rigidity, high mindedness, pride and aloofness.
Strengthens and stabilizes us during growth experiences; helps us move into and
through new experiences with grace, stamina and perseverance; good for spiritual
trailblazers and pioneers.
Black Tourmaline Helps us exchange old unwanted energies for fresh, clean,
neutral energy; a precision tool for the release of toxic energy from the mind,
emotions, and especially the physical body. Use for protection and grounding and
for restlessness.
Citrine Use to point you in the right direction by balancing and stimulating
Diamond Harmonizes divine and personal will; helps us activate personal will in
its highest form; strengthens our ability to act in alignment with divine purpose.
Emerald A universal heart cleanser and balancer; energies of the Divine Mother
and the Divine Feminine; gently coaxes the heart to open to allow a greater
experience of love in the physical body.
Fluorite Works to bring increased energies into the physical body by breaking up
blockages in the etheric body.
Garnet Works to remove negativity and stimulate the flow of new ideas.
Gold Enables us to access and bring forth into physical reality the highest
aspects of our personal identity; helps us tap into our inner truth, joy, and wisdom
as a source of creative power.
Green Jasper Reconnects body rhythms with earthly rhythms when there has
been a disruption to the natural flow; helps us connect to the wild feminine;
restores earthly sensuality and healthy sexuality.
Jade For those who require help in being realistic about their ideals. For
becoming the practical mystic a vibration of peace, balance, and timeless
simplicity; helps us stay centred in the moment with an awareness and
acceptance of our true essence.
Lapis Lazuli Amplifies the ability to hear information from physical and non-
physical sources; clears confusion between hearing and knowing. Also used to
enhance spiritual development, promoting self-awareness and honesty.
Pearl Promotes the release of layers of irritation in the mental and emotional
bodies that are seen in the physical body as hardness and inflexibility; helps one
turn antagonism for oneself or one's illness into awareness and acceptance for
emotional excitement associated with fear. Awakens compassion.
Rose Quartz For lack of self discipline. Fear of responsibility. Love and inner
peace opens, softens and soothes the heart; helps one connect to and nurture the
inner child; harmonizes the heart forces so one is able to maintain intimacy with
oneself and others.
Quartz Rutilated For those who overemphasize sensuous luxury. Promotes
precision alignment with higher sources of energy and inspiration helps us
physically anchor the ability to access, synthesize, and communicate information
from other dimensions.
Quartz Smoky For fear of emotional interaction with others. Grounding and
calming; synchronizes body energy with earth energy; regulates and stabilizes the
detoxification of unwanted energies from the physical, emotional, and mental
Ruby Supports the ability to ground spiritual energy into the physical body; works
with the lower chakras to awaken higher impersonal love.
Sapphire Devotion to divine purpose; helps synchronize our energy system with
our higher purpose; intensifies the qualities of loyalty and responsibility to our
true work on the planet.
Star Sapphire Promotes trust in the universe; helps us focus our awareness on
what is necessary for the soul's progression in life; supports the formation of
energetic connections that support the realization of our life goals.
Sugilite Brings depth and a physical richness to our spiritual lives; helps us
physically manifest a warmer, more feminine quality of spirituality; promotes an
easy acceptance of rather than a hard striving for the spiritual realm.
Sodalite For overcoming a desire for inappropriate action. For rage and a need
for negative attention.
Tigers Eye For those who are afraid of success. Self empowerment; strengthens
the energetic boundary between our true natures and our emotional experiences;
helps us maintain a strong sense of self identity when dealing with powerful
emotions such as anger, fear, and jealousy.
Topaz Assists in joyfully showing us another way, releasing creativity and the
ability to trust ourselves.
Tourmaline Use to balance out those fears and restore self confidence.