Closed Book Questions

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Closed book questions

-best method for NDE used with environmental stress cracking (PT)

-when start operation of piping system (and no information are available

regarding the service) the first thick. Measurement shall be within (3 months)

- About five questions are related to the remaing life of the systems

He give you thickness readings and in some others give you the corrosion rate and
ask you about Remaining life RL or to calculate the long term or short term CR

- If the requirements of API 570 are stricter than the regulatory requirements of the
jurisdiction where the piping system is located, what shall be done? (come in the Armco

-which of the following are not related to API 570 code (and give you some
examples for some services including fuel gas tubing)

- the repir work shop for PRF shall have which requirement ( U stamp or a QA
system for documentation ,..etc)

-if the PRF was stucked due to fouling what is the action required (replace;
dismantle, start a study to if the system can continue working during this

-the max diameter for the CML at 10 inch pipe (3 inch)

-the max fillet welded repair patch shall be ( ½ D) long

-brittel fracture pattern (beach marks)

-a refractory of a cracker duct could be inspected during service using (high temp.
ut,..RT,….or spectrography)

-geometric un sharpness shall be about during inspection of carbon steel (0.01, .

02 , .03,..04) mother fucker question I don’t know its answer till now

-what is the best method for inspection for a S/A corrosion (UT,RT,TOFD,Phsed
Open book

-what is the max temp. for difference between the UT apparatus and the item to be
examined during calibration ( I couldn’t find this answer)

-what is the minimum schedule for threaded 1 ½ inch pipe (sch 80)

- four question he give you a sample WPS & PQR and he ask about the following

#the right value F number of the filler metal

#the qualified thickness rang (correct or false)

#the minimum value for tension test strength value to be accepted

# give you four samples and as for which sample could be used by this WPS

-a steam traced line worked in about 106 c has an observation regarding the CUI
(may be refereed to be from seam tracing leakage)

-one question to calculation of a blind blank thickness

- one question regarding acceptance criteria for a given three types of

discontinuities LOP,U/C,SI and he ask about it its accepted or rejected for each
type alone mother fucker question

Code 571 about three questions on caustic corroision and sulfidation corrosions

- two questions on B16.5 one for rating selection for a given operating
pressure and temp and material
- and one question for the raised face hight for a raised face class 400 flange

-one question for calculation of required minimum thickness using T=

PD/(2SE)(1-Y) go to B31.3 and get the equation

-CML location selection shall be based on (accessibility, or criticality,..)

-if PMI for a repair material are failed the material shall be (replaced according
to a schedule prepared by piping engineer

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