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electric & hybrid vehicle technology international

July 2009

Case studies
Bentley Continental Supersports
Mitsubishi i MiEV | BYD e6
GM hydrogen fuel cell

The inside track on

July 2009

tomorrow’s eco-friendly
vehicles from Mercedes
Exclusive interview with Christian Mohrdieck,
head of fuel cell and battery drive
system development, Daimler

The future for hybrids

Is the game already over for
diesel hybrid powertrains?
Development technologies
A look at how testing programs Interviews
are evolving to encompass Dr Ulrich Eichhorn
hybrid and electric vehicles Head of engineering, Bentley
UKIP Media & Events Ltd

Green motorsport Thomas Fritz

Director of engineering,
The story behind the Fisker Automotive
world’s first ever zero- Mathias Wechlin
carbon grand prix Senior product manager,
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Cover story:
Christian Mohrdieck, head of fuel cell
and battery drive system development
at Daimler, reveals what eco-friendly
engine technologies Mercedes is backing

what’s new? features:

04: Bentley Continental Supersports 14: BYD e6
Volkswagen’s exclusive British China’s fourth-largest OEM 26
marque has taken its first step has stolen a march on rivals in
to reduce emissions output claiming to have developed a
mass-production electric sedan
with a massive 250-mile range

08 16: Mahindra Scorpio

The Indian OEM has aspirations
to grow sales in the USA, so a
diesel-hybrid SUV is on the cards
18: New product focus 26: diesel hybrids
A look at Opal-RT’s high-tech It’s make-or-break time for the
TestDrive simulation technology powertrain often referred to as
the optimum eco-friendly solution
20: picture perfect for the automotive world
What lies beneath Fisker
Automotive’s Karma sedan? 32: Green powertrain development
08: Mitsubishi i miev E&H investigates the latest
Having perfected its lithium-ion development technologies
battery pack, Mitsubishi is ready and techniques for the next
to launch its first city electric car generation of powertrains
10: KERS in crisis 40: MOTORSPORTS
Doubts remain over the use of The story behind the world’s
new hybrid technologies in first ever zero-carbon grand prix
Formula 1. E&H investigates and how Kingston University in
12: GM hydrogen fuel cell the UK fared at the event
The US car maker continues to 70: the electric surge
push forward with tomorrow’s A rundown of the key players in
technology, despite being the electric vehicle world and
financially challenged today their future development plans


July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


electric & hybrid vehicle

Power lines
July 2009

gy international
case studies
Bentley Continental
Mitsubishi MIeV sports

GM hydrogen fuel e6

July 2009
The inside
tomorrow’s ec track on
44: DR ULRICH EICHHORN, HEAD ■ This issue of Electric & Hybrid Vehicle vehicles from o-friendly
view with Chris rcedes
Exclusive inter

OF ENGINEERING, BENTLEY Technology International is very special: For tian Moh

head of fuel cell
system developmbattery drive
the first time in the 15-year history of the ent, Daimler

publication, E&H will transform from being

50: CHRISTIAN MOHRDIECK, HEAD OF FUEL an annual to a bi-annual, thus reflecting
CELL AND BATTERY DRIVE SYSTEM the ongoing efforts of a global automotive
DEVELOPMENT, DAIMLER industry that’s in pursuit of emissions
reduction, fuel consumption optimization, The future for
Is the game alrea rids
diesel hybrid powdy over for
and the Holy Grail: achieving true ertrains?

56: THOMAS FRITZ, DIRECTOR sustainable transportation.

Development tech
A look at how testi nologies
are evolving to encong programs
hybrid and electric mpass
OF ENGINEERING, FISKER For so long it’s been the mass car
vehicles Interviews

UKIP Media & Events

Green motorsp Dr Ulrich
ort Head of engineering,Eichhorn
The story behind Bentley
world’s first ever the
AUTOMOTIVE manufacturers – Toyota, Honda, VW Group, carbon grand prix zero - Thomas Fritz
Director of engine
Fisker Automotive

PSA Peugeot Citroën, GM and Ford – that Mathias Wech
Senior product mana lin

have been credited for bringing to market

63: MATHIAS WECHLIN, SENIOR PRODUCT powertrain technologies that cut NOx, CO2
MANAGER, CONDUCTIX-WAMPFLER and PM, as well as further developing and torque, but without high fuel
engine innovations for tomorrow’s world. consumption and emissions output. In
67: MICHELLE DUHADWAY, SENIOR Well, here’s some news to digest: the terms of size, we can never say never, but
legislators are also flexing their muscles at what is important is the number of
ACCOUNTS MANAGER, BOSCH REXROTH those car makers that associate themselves cylinders. A lot of our customers like V8
with the super rich, super fast and super and V12 engines, but it’s not necessary to
OPINION exclusive. Yes, that’s right, Bentley,
Lamborghini, Ferrari, Aston Martin and
use all the cylinders all the time. We’re
working on cylinder deactivation and on an
22: MATT DAVIS Porsche are all implementing (or set to engine with this technology; maybe we’ll
implement) plans to firstly reduce emissions have completed this in two years’ time.”
24: GREG OFFER and secondly enhance fuel economy. Proof then that the top tier of the
Speaking to AMG’s head of engine and automotive industry is very concerned
powertrain development, Friedrich Eichler, about emissions and fuel economy. Keeping
at this year’s International Engine of the Year companies such as AMG on their toes is a
Awards, it become apparent very quickly fast-expanding pool of eco-friendly,
that even Mercedes’ high-performance exclusive car makers – Fisker, Tesla and
automotive division has to be seen to be Venturi, to mention just a few.
120: LAST WORD doing their bit for the environment. The automotive world is changing, but
Raf Schuermans, senior “Of course we care about emissions and what exactly the future holds for these high-
manager, drivetrain design, fuel economy – that’s really important for end, V-engine loving car makers remains
Toyota Motor Europe us,” insisted Eichler, who then dropped a unclear. I’m willing to bet, though, it’s going
heavy hint that downsizing might soon be to be a lot of fun finding out!
embraced by AMG: “The special challenge
PRODUCTS AND SERVICES for the future will be to have great power Dean Slavnich editor

78: New hybrid architecture

82: Test automation
84: Energy-efficient production Editor Dean Slavnich Contributors Brian Cowan, Matt Davis, Contact us
Chief sub-editor Alex Bradley Adam Gavine, Max Glaskin, Maurice Glover, Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology
87: Turbo-hybrid demonstrator
Sub-editor William Baker Burkhard Goeschel, James Gordon, International
90: Time-to-market optimization Editorial assistant Bunny Richards Graham Heeps, Jonathan Lawson, Mike Abinger House, Church Street, Dorking,
Proofreaders Frank Millard, Magda, Jim McCraw, Greg Offer, Keith Surrey, RH4 1DF, UK
91: Conformal coatings Christine Velarde Read, John Simister, Saul Wordsworth tel: +44 1306 743744
92: Advanced vehicle cooling Art director Craig Marshall fax: +44 1306 742525
Art editor Ben White CEO Tony Robinson editorial fax: +44 1306 887546
93: Power solutions Design Team Louise Adams, Andy Bass, Managing director Graham Johnson email:
Anna Davie, James Sutcliffe, Nicola Turner, Sales and marketing director web:
94: Battery packs
Julie Welby Simon Edmands
95: Fast charging systems Production manager Ian Donovan International sales Annual subscription
Production team Joanna Coles, Lewis Matthew Vale £66 for two issues
96: Driveline energy Hopkins, Carole Moyse, Emma Uwins Circulation manager Adam Frost
98: Virtual vehicles
100: Test solutions for EVs and HEVs
The views expressed in the articles and technical papers are those
102: Next-generation cell systems Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology International of the authors and are not endorsed by the publisher. While every
104: Innovative components magazine, ISSN 1460-9509, is published twice a year by care has been taken during production, the publisher does not
UKIP Media & Events Ltd, Abinger House, Church Street, accept any liability for errors that may have occurred. This
106: New flywheel capacitor update Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1DF, UK.
publication is protected by copyright ©2009. ISSN 1460-9509
Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology. Printed by William Gibbons &
108: New propulsion technology Sons Ltd, Willenhall, West Midlands, UK.

110: Secure lithium for better vehicles published by

112: Products and services in brief UKIP Media & Events Ltd

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

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Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

Bentley Continental supersports

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July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

■ At first glance, you’d think
that the fastest, most powerful
road-going Bentley ever to have FIRST BENTLEY THEN LAMBO…
been produced has no place in Italian supercar maker Lamborghini plans to achieve a 35% reduction in its total vehicle CO2 emissions
E&H. After all, 621bhp output by 2015, following in the footsteps of Bentley’s announcement last year to reduce emissions
combined with 800Nm of output by 15% across its entire range over the next three years.
torque hardly screams Around US$40 million is being earmarked for the project, which will involve harnessing the
‘sustainable transportation’. eco-friendly powertrain expertise from within the VW Group. Among the raft of measures that will
But it would seem that enable the niche car maker to reduce CO2 emissions by more than one-third in a six-year period,
emissions – and more Lamborghini powertrain engineers are thought to be looking into decreasing vehicle mass, improving
combustion, reducing friction, implementing start/stop systems, developing hybrid drivetrains, and
specifically the plight of the
studying use of biofuels.
planet in terms of global
“Lamborghini is committed to its policy of environmental management, as we are well aware of the
warming – have become a
great opportunities that derive from it,” says Lamborghini president and CEO, Stephan Winkelmann.
concern for those with a taste “We have an objective to reduce CO2 emissions to the greatest possible degree.
for fast, expensive, and “We have also set compulsory annual goals that are part of an integrated approach, considering the
exclusive cars with large- automobile as an element that is more considerate of the environment in terms of emissions and the
displacement engines. use of resources, and the accomplishment of a series of corresponding measures such as
And there’s more to E&H than modifications to our factory. This is an important action for Lamborghini and a central opportunity for
hybrids, fuel cells, EVs and our long-term corporate and product development.”
downsizing, and Bentley – for
so long an advocate of gas-
guzzling, emissions-spewing
engines – is now undertaking its
Eichhorn. “This really is a
properly developed, thoroughly
“We’ve always had gasoline or biofuel. And the
Continental derivative has been
own CO2 clean-up operation.
Ladies and gentlemen,
produced car. It’s far more than
a tuner’s job.
a lovely overrun engineered by Eichhorn’s team
to boast 20bhp more than the
Bentley presents the Continental
Supersports, a key biofuel
“We’ve run this car in
temperatures of 50°C and in
burble, now we get ‘standard’ Continental. Torque
has been increased by 15Nm.
product in the company’s drive
to reduce total fleet emissions
parts of the world where it gets
as cold as -30°C. It’s done all the
a fantastic, almost “This revised power mainly
comes from the increased
by 15% over the next six years.
And don’t be fooled into
testing and development we do
with all our cars. We’re really
burping noise cooling and increased
intercooling capacity,” explains
thinking this is some sort of not just sticking a few new with every upshift” Eichhorn. As a result of the
marketing stunt by the Crewe- components into the engine.” power surge, bigger air intakes
based car maker. “Supersports Due to be launched by had to be designed to enable
is the result of two years’ hard the third quarter of 2009, more air to flow into the
work,” says Bentley’s head Supersports is the first Bentley intercoolers, which gives the
of engineering, Dr Ulrich capable of running on either Supersports higher air density
and better boosts. Similarly, this
The Supersports is capable of hitting Continental spin-off, has new,
a top speed in excess of 200km/h. specially designed flared rear
Driving power to the wheels is a heavily wings that accommodate the
tweaked eight-speed ZF transmission 50mm wider rear track.
The fuel system on the 6-liter
twin-turbocharged W12 engine
has all-new O-rings, seals,
gaskets and pipes. Increased
fuel flow is achieved through a
returnless fuel system and twin
variable flow fuel pumps. The
use of bioethanol also means
that the W12 requires new valve
coatings and a hardened valve-
seat material for additional
lubrication. In addition to this,
Supersports employs a new
closed-loop fuel-rail design with
a pressure sensor for higher
fuel-flow rates, and new spark
plugs with a wider heat range
for slower combustion.
A fuel-quality sensor from
Continental has been placed
between the vehicle’s tank and
the injection system and this
sensor monitors the balance
between ethanol and gasoline
Biofuel will play an important role to Bentley in real time. With up-to-the-
as it attempts to reduce emissions and improve minute data being processed by
fuel economy, but will Supersports be the only the Conti component, the Bosch
Bentley to be able to run on an E85 blend? engine management system and

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

Bentley Continental supersports
standard 50/50 front/rear torque
split is replaced by a 40/60 split
with a rear bias.
“We worked really hard on
the transmission,” recalls
Eichhorn. “I think it’s probably
the best gearbox of its time –
much quicker shifts with more
precision. This split means less
understeer coming out of the
bends – so the driver can get on
the gas even earlier – and it
gives better throttle steering,
even on a 4x4 car that weighs
more than 2,000 tons.”
Along with modifications to
the transmission and engine, the
Two of VW’s most exclusive marques – chassis has also been retuned:
Bentley and Lamborghini – are embarking Supersports features new
on an emissions reduction program
bushings, damping and tweaks
on the anti-roll bars. Weight
engine controller has the
capacity to adjust fuel and spark
ever biofuel, flexfuel engine.
The Bentley engineer says that “This really is a savings on the chassis include a
new wheel that weighs 10kg less
maps to the fuel that the sensor
is monitoring in real time.
the use of E85 biofuel can offer
a reduction of up to 70% in CO2
properly developed, per car and standard carbon
brakes that save 20kg on
“So the customer will never
have to worry about what sort
emissions on a well-to-wheel
basis. But on paper alone, fuel
thoroughly produced unsprung weight. In total, the
Supersports is 110kg lighter
of fuel is in the tank,” says
Eichhorn. “Power and torque
consumption and emissions do
not make such good reading.
car. It’s far more than the standard Bentley. E&H

remain constant whatever the

ratio of petrol and bioethanol.
The combined mpg is rated at
17.3 for fuel economy and CO2
than a tuner’s job” Turn to page 44 to find out more
about Bentley’s powertrain plan to
“We cut fuel and spark during is estimated to be around 388g/ drive down emissions output and
the upshift, but ironically the km. Still, it’s slightly better than Electric and Hybrid_84 x improve
130 mm:Layout
fuel economy1 07.11.2008 15:41
engine still accelerates the car the Continental GTC with its
through the upshift because it 16.5mpg and CO2 of 396g/km.
starts at 6,500rpm and slows Driving the power – the full
down to 4,500rpm through 621 horses are generated at
the clutches, therefore still 6,000rpm; 800Nm of torque is :COMPONENTS FOR
accelerating the car through the developed between 1,700rpm :HYBRID ELECTRICAL
upshifts,” he explains. and 5,600rpm – is a revised ZF
“This is not only interesting Quickshift transmission that :SYSTEMS
from an acceleration point-of- halves shift times and helps the
view, but also in terms of noise: Supersports race to 100km/h in
we’ve always had a lovely just 3.9 seconds. Top speed is
overrun burble, now we get a 329km/h (204mph). Together
fantastic, almost burping noise with ZF engineers, Bentley’s
with every upshift. We had a lot transmission team further ROTOR POSITION SENSOR (RPS)
of fun developing this car.” strengthened the ZF 6HP26 so for PMSM control
It’s clear that Eichhorn is very that it could cope with the � insensitive to magnetic

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Eichhorn was keen to ensure Continental Supersports was a two-seater sportscar |

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


PSA steps closer to realizing
diesel-hybrid powertrain goal Motor type: Permanent magnet synchronous
Motor max power: 47kW
After unveiling its Hybrid4 diesel-electric
Max torque: 180Nm
powertrain last year, PSA Peugeot-Citroën
has launched pilot-production projects of Drive system: Rear-wheel drive
the technology at the company’s Mulhouse Battery type: Lithium-ion
and Sochaux manufacturing plants. The Total voltage: 330V
French car maker has made no secret Total engine: 16kWh
of its desire to bring to market a diesel Length: 3,395mm
hybrid passenger car by 2011 in an effort Width: 1,475mm
to rival the likes of the Toyota Prius and Height: 1,600mm
Honda Insight models. PSA chiefs hope Weight: 1,080kg
that the pilot production projects will help
the company to keep costs at an optimum
level when the technology goes into mass

The RC Hybrid4 concept show car from Peugeot

features PSA’s innovative diesel hybrid engine
It looks as though Mitsubishi will be one of the first car makers
to launch an EV intended to be more than just a niche product
Electric agreement
In a separate PSA Peugeot-Citroën
announcement, the French car maker has ■ Based on the ‘i’ minicar’s rear-midship
confirmed plans to step up development layout platform, the i MiEV – and the electric
powertrain technologies it harnesses – is ACTING LOCAL,
of electric vehicles with Mitsubishi Motors.
The two car companies already enjoy a Mitusbishi’s take on how to achieve a drastic
successful partnership in manufacturing reduction in total automotive emissions
compact SUVs – the Outlander, C-Crosser output by 2011. It’s not just Mitsubishi that’s working
and 4007. According to the new Like all electric cars, the i MiEV does away on the further development of electric
agreement, PSA will launch an electric with the conventional IC engine, gearbox, vehicles. Toward the end of 2008,
vehicle next year that will be based on the Renault-Nissan alliance signed
and fuel tank, and instead relies on a lithium-
Mitsubishi’s i MiEV city car. EV development agreements with
ion battery system, motor and inverter.
several interested parties, including
The high energy density lithium-ion battery
Israel, Denmark, Portugal, Japan’s
Delphi cuts its carbon footprint pack consists of four cells and 22 modules. Kanagawa Prefecture, and the US state
Delphi claims to have stopped more than Because of the specific structure of the of Tennessee. According to the deal,
6,000 metric tons of CO2 being emitted modules, which enables them to be installed the alliance will supply an EV based on
from its plants in Europe during 2008. in either a vertical or transverse position, the Z.E. Concept by 2012. Rolling off
“This reduction is equivalent to emissions each high-capacity battery pack can fit under the same line as the Kangoo, the Z.E.
generated by 1,200 European cars each the floor of the i MiEV – a key design feature will feature a lithium-ion battery and an
driving more than 30,000km a year,” said of Mitsubishi’s city car. The battery pack advanced electric motor. Peak output is
Delphi’s program leader for climate weighs 200kg, which is around 20% of the rated at 95bhp, and continuous power is
change activities in Europe, Thomas Stier. total weight of the vehicle. 50kW. Renault says maximum torque is
“We exceeded our goal by 20%.” More
The batteries, which have a 10-year life, or well over 225Nm
than 40 plants in Austria, the Czech
Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, a 93,600-mile warranty range, are supplied
Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, by Lithium Energy Japan, a JV company that provides power that’s superior to the
Slovakia, Spain and the UK have was established in 2007 between GS Yuasa, gasoline, turbocharged 660cc engine in
benefited from Delphi’s global initiative Mitsubishi and MMC. With GS Yuasa being the ‘i’, which is just as well, because being
to reduce CO2 emissions. the only mass producer of large lithium-ion designed for urban city driving, the i MiEV
batteries in Japan, the JV will produce has to marry emissions-free output with
batteries with improved performance and a lively performance: the ability to accelerate
better range. According to Mitsubishi, the JV in built-up areas is essential for the car to be
company’s production lines are capable of successful in cities such as Tokyo, London,
manufacturing 200,000 cells per year, and Paris and New York. As a result, the motor
these production lines have been installed has a 47kW power output with total voltage
within GS Yuasa’s head office plant in Kyoto. of 330V. The power is supplemented with
The lightweight, highly efficient permanent 180Nm of torque, enabling a 0-62mph
Delphi has improved its global emissions footprint magnet synchronous motor in the i MiEV acceleration time of 13 seconds – some 1.2

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Although i MiEV is still in its infancy,
there is no doubt that Mitsubishi’s
future is all about electric vehicles.
Following on from the announcement
of i MiEV, Mitsubishi has also
taken the covers off a stunning
open-top EV called the Sport Air
Concept. According to a Mitsubishi
spokesperson, in order for EVs
to play a key part in achieving
sustainable transportation it’s vital for
A high-tech quick charge system in Japan can refill the the eco-friendly cars to be fun, sporty
Mitsubishi i MiEV with 80% of power in only 30 minutes and desirable. And although there are
no firm production plans for the Sport
with i MiEV. When it finally goes on sale,
Air, the concept “signals the direction
the small eco-friendly city car will cost
in which Mitsubishi EVs may take in
up to US$33,000. With such an eye-
the future”.
watering ticket price, how many people
will be able to buy into Mitsubishi’s green
transportation solution in these tough
economic times? But despite the
unconfirmed pricing of the vehicle,
Mitsubishi is planning to push ahead with
the project and get it on sale in Japan and
the UK before the end of 2009. Rollout
will then hit 10,000 units next year and
The plan is for Mitsubishi to roll out i MiEV in the UK the opening of a new manufacturing
and Japan first, with a global market launch to follow facility in 2011 will see i MiEV production
double by 2012. E&H

seconds quicker off the mark than the i

MiEV’s gasoline-powered cousin. Top speed
for Mitsubishi’s innovative EV is 87mph. The
extended wheelbase provides space for high-
capacity lithium-ion batteries under the floor.
The rear-midship layout enables the motor
and inverter to be installed in the space that
used to house the engine and transmission.
In fact, i MiEV is deceptively large, and at a
tight push it can accommodate four adults.
The i MiEV accepts three types of battery
charging systems: 100V and 200V household
charger systems for charging at home or in
a parking lot, and the quick-charger system
for speedy charging (although this system is
available only in Japan). The quick-charge
system refills the i MiEV with 80% of power
in a mere 30 minutes.
Yet for all its green credentials, there is one
major hurdle that Mitsubishi must overcome

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


Audi gets clean
Having seen its chief German rival BMW
encounter much success with its
EfficientDynamics marketing campaign –
which includes the use of Bosch’s stop/
start system across the 1 and 3 Series
product range – Audi has announced it
plans to follow suit and introduce the same
technology in its car lineup by the third
quarter of 2009. The new system will make
its debut in the A3 1.4-liter TFSI product,
as well as in the Audi A4 and A5 2-liter
models. Audi says that early tests have
shown the stop/start system will help to Flybrid systems has finished development
reduce CO2 emissions by around 5g/km. of a 2009-spec flywheel KERS for Formula 1

With the F1 season well under way, E&H asks what next for KERS?
■ The kinetic energy recovery system So far, the FIA has been careful to try to
(KERS) has not played the key role that was frame the regulations so that different KERS
expected of it during the 2009 Formula 1 systems do not prove more advantageous
Audi will debut a new stop/start system in the A3
season, and as a result doubts are being than others. The weight of a KERS system
placed over the technology. can be accommodated given the amount of
So far, KERS has been an option for F1 ballast most teams carry, but the possible
Magna on electric wave teams, and although its main proponents negative implication may be the effect on
insist that they will continue to develop it, weight distribution. Toyota’s senior general
Magna Electronics, an operating unit of
Magna International, has announced the others are planning to steer clear. Max manager for engines, Luca Marmorini,
acquisition of BluWav Systems, a developer Mosley should have realized by now that the explains, “It is expected that our car with
of electric and energy-management only way to get teams to play ball is to make KERS would still be at the minimum weight
systems for hybrid electric vehicles, plug- rules and enforce them. Not everyone can yet as defined in the rules, because at the
in hybrid vehicles, and battery electric see the value in adopting such systems in moment our car is much lighter than the
vehicles. Located in Rochester Hills, order to establish the sport’s green credentials. 605kg minimum, but we comply with the
Michigan, BluWav will enhance Magna The two concepts most likely to see the regulations by using ballast.”
Electronics’ position as a supplier of light of a racing day are the electric Along with weight, safety has also been an
components and systems to the emerging
supercapacitor system under development at issue with KERS. Toyota’s technical director,
market for electric and hybrid vehicles.
BMW, and the Magnetically Loaded Pascal Vasselon, addresses the issues of
Composite Flywheel Energy Storage System battery fires and explosions. “Going through
(MLCFESS) being tweaked by Williams the possible failure modes of the KERS
Fiat to start/stop with Bosch Hybrid Power. “For us, KERS is an extremely system is just what we have to do,” he says.
Bosch’s innovative start/stop system – exciting project and a great opportunity,” says “We will all be trying to overheat or
which is already used by BMW, Mini and BMW Motorsport director Dr Mario overcharge batteries. We will all be trying to
Kia – is next to be deployed in Fiat Theissen. “We are standing at the threshold crash flywheels for those who will use
vehicles after the Italian OEM signed a between a conventional package of engine flywheels. We just have to do that, so it will
deal with the German supplier. The first and independent transmission and an be all about making sure that we keep these
Fiat car to feature the technology will be integrated drive system. KERS will see F1 failures under control on the test bench, and
the award-winning 500, driven by a 1.2- take on a pioneering role for production later on the track. So for sure, yes, you will
liter engine. technologies going forward.” hear about battery fires and things like that,
In April last year, Williams F1 acquired a simply because we will have to gain
shareholding in Automotive Hybrid Power experience in this direction.”
Limited. Renamed Williams Hybrid Power And there is no question that KERS will
Limited (WHP), the company, led by increase costs at a time when teams are
engineer Ian Foley, is developing a hybrid looking at ways to reduce them. That’s why
system based on a composite flywheel some believe it should be mandatory, rather
rotating at up to 100,000rpm, which will than optional, because then all would be in
capture energy generated under braking. “At the same boat. “Inevitably, a new technology
AHP, we had begun to develop our own of this kind requires resources in order to
advanced flywheel system for application in develop a safe and effective solution,”
vehicles. As Williams Hybrid Power, we will confirms Marmorini. “Costs have been high
make use of the higher profile and F1 with KERS because it is a new technology
development program to bring it to market for F1 and there are a number of potential
Fiat will use Bosch’s stop/start system in the 500 more quickly,” says Foley. solutions that had to be investigated.” E&H

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

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Total ethanol efficiency
Engineers at Ricardo have developed a
new technology that optimizes ethanol-
fueled engines to a level of performance
that exceeds gasoline engine efficiency.
The new technology, called Ethanol
Boosted Direct Injection (EBDI), takes
full advantage of ethanol’s very best
properties – higher octane and higher heat
vaporization – to create a renewable
scenario that is independent of the cost
of oil. “This all means we can use a high
level of turbocharging to achieve the high
cylinder pressures that ethanol enables,”
explains Rod Beazley, director of Ricardo’s
gasoline product group. “Add in some Emitting only water vapor, GM’s HydroGen4 fuel cell
vehicle represents the future for the auto industry,
other advanced technologies such as
but the technology is at least five years away
direct injection, variable valve timing,
optimized ignition and advanced exhaust
gas recirculation, and we’re squeezing out
more power than is possible with gasoline.”
The EBDI technology is currently being
applied to a 3.2-liter V6 engine, and
Ricardo says it could ultimately serve
as a replacement for a large gasoline or GM’s fuel-cell program is a decade old, but never before has the
turbo-diesel engines in a large SUV. Other
involved in
US car maker’s emissions-free technology been so advanced
project EBDI
■ GM’s HydroGen4 is the product of 10 vehicle packaging and lower the center of
include Behr,
Bosch and years’ and US$1 billion R&D. The Chevy gravity. An electric-turbo compressor rather
Delphi. Equinox body may not look a billion dollars, than a screw type is used at the cathode to
but beneath the humdrum contours lies one provide the fuel cells with oxygen, increasing
of the most advanced powertrains in the world. efficiency and aiding the acoustics.
EBDI has been “HydroGen4 is powered by GM’s most The fuel-cell is supported by a 1.8kWh
applied to a 3.2-liter sophisticated fuel-cell system and marks NiMH buffer battery fitted under the floor in
V6 prototype engine an important milestone on the road toward the center of the vehicle, which improves
completely emissions-free, competitive driving performance by covering electrical
New Indian base for Romax fuel-cell technology in the automobile,” says peaks in the vehicle’s load demands.
Carl-Peter Forster, president of GM Europe. The buffer battery creates further efficiency
Romax Technology is scheduled to open a
Under the hood, the fuel-cell stack improvement over the vehicle’s predecessor
center of excellence for CAD and CAE
later this year, in Pune, India. With India’s (developed in-house) comprises 440 series- as it enables regenerative braking. When
automotive and transmission markets connected cells, producing up to 93kW. braking, or driving downhill, the electric
continuing to grow, Romax plans to Traction is provided by a 73kW/100bhp motor reverses to generator mode and uses
expand its existing highly skilled team to synchronous electric motor, good for the electrical energy produced to charge the
more than 50 employees within the next acceleration from zero to 100km/h in 12 battery. If the driver has to brake hard, the
few years. seconds due to 320Nm of instant torque. A ESP system will also brake-blend using
top speed of about 160km/h is achievable. conventional hydraulics.
AVL continues with innovation The hydrogen-storage system, developed Road testing revealed that the system gives
AVL has announced it plans to forge by Quantum, comprises three 700bar high- the brakes a very ‘wooden’ feel, and that they
ahead with advanced R&D work, despite pressure tanks made from carbon-fiber need a lot of foot pressure to operate. This
the global financial downturn. “Innovation composite material, holding 4.2kg of problem is presently being addressed by GM
is an essential value within AVL and we hydrogen. This capacity gives the vehicle engineers as part of its efforts to make
strongly drive this forward,” commented a range of 320km. HydroGen4 drive just like a regular car.
AVL CEO, Helmut List. The Austrian Whereas HydroGen3 featured vertically Thermal insulation, water management,
firm has revealed that it was granted 60
stacked cells, the cells of HydroGen4’s stack and a revised operating strategy were put in
invention patents in 2008, making it one of
the most innovative suppliers, and in
are now positioned horizontally to improve place to achieve start and run in subzero
recent times AVL has focused a lot of temperatures – one of the key usability
its research work on the optimization needs for the new model. A further such
of battery technology and other eco- requirement was a short start-up time, so
friendly green powertrain innovations, GM engineers strived to provide full power
such as turbo-hybrid systems and range within 6-8 seconds of turning the key.
extender units. The first of the prototypes are now on the
road in the USA as part of GM’s test program.
AVL headquarters
in Graz, Austria
In Europe, the company has 10 HydroGen4
vehicles in the Clean Energy Partnership
program. Drivers with differing profiles are
testing the HydroGen4’s everyday suitability,
Developed by Quantum, the hydrogen-storage system in and GM engineers are already using the
Equinox is made up of three 700bar high-pressure tanks feedback for the fifth generation model. E&H

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

Working hard to improve fuel efficiency and lower emissions?



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Full charge ahead
Valence Technology has announced it
has supplied over 200,000 Li-ion batteries
to the automotive industry in less than
four years. The news supports market
forecasts that predict that Li-ion
technology will become the main battery
type for electric vehicles in the long term,
surpassing NiMH systems that can be
found in the current Toyota Prius and
Honda Insight models. “The 200,000
battery installations is an important
e6 features a lithium-iron phosphate battery pack and two electric motors, all of which have been developed in-house
milestone that demonstrates that our
large-format batteries, incorporating our

safe chemistries, intellectual property and
customized solutions, meet the needs of
a wide range of vehicle makers,” said
Alastair Johnston, Valence Technology’s
UK-based vice president for global sales.

BYD Auto has taken the covers off an all-electric crossover vehicle
that the Chinese car maker claims has a range of 250 miles
■ There’s no doubt that electric vehicles further develop so the cars will be sold to
were a hot topic at January’s NAIAS in government offices and big corporations for
Detroit, and the Geneva Motor Show in fleet trials in big cities. It’s hard to say exactly
Valence Technology helped to power a bike March. But while the Congress-friendly EV what the production numbers will be; a few
in the world’s first zero carbon Grand Prix
concepts from the likes of Chrysler and GM hundreds perhaps.”
were to be expected, a battery-electric vehicle The e6 features regenerative braking and
Longer battery life from China’s BYD Auto was not. the claimed range is an astonishing 250
A new high-energy cathode material that BYD hit the headlines in 2008 with its miles. Instrumental to that is the enormous
is capable of greatly increasing the life of F3DM plug-in hybrid sedan. Now the e6 LFP battery pack slung under the central
Li-ion batteries has been developed. represents the company’s vision of an all- tunnel of the crossover, from front to back.
The breakthrough was a result of an electric future. BYD sales executive King Kaid LFP batteries are said to provide higher
international collaboration of researchers Hu told E&H that the e6 features a lithium- resistance to thermal runaway compared to
led by the US Department of Energy’s iron phosphate (LFP) battery pack and two lithium cobalt oxide batteries and longer
Argonne National Laboratory and South electric motors (one front, one rear for cycle and calendar lives, but the penalty for a
Korea’s Hanyang University. “The basic
AWD). These and up to 90% of the car’s new battery is lower specific energy, resulting
idea behind our novel approach is to
design a particle that has a very high-
other components and subsystems are made in a bigger battery for the same capacity. “The
energy composition at the bulk and an in-house by BYD, which began making battery is relatively big,” Hu concedes. “But
outer layer composition that is very stable batteries in 1995 and claims to be the world the important thing is that the capacity is still
against any reactivity with electrolyte,” number one in rechargeable batteries, with huge for a similar size and weight to other
explained Khalil Amine, manager of the 30% of the cell phone Li-ion battery market. technologies. The technology also provides
advanced battery technology group at Under development for more than three good safety – we’ve done testing under all
Argonne. “These two design features will years, the e6 shown at Cobo Hall was a kinds of conditions – and the cost is lower
be able to greatly improve the life and pre-production car, according to Hu. “We than other Li-ion technologies, so it’s the
safety of lithium battery materials, and envisage a Chinese market launch in the perfect battery for an EV.” The automotive
offer very high-energy characteristics for
second half of 2009,” he said. “The market world now waits with baited breath for the
possible use on PHEVs.” The innovative
cathode development could help the US in China is small because of the high price official launch of the e6 later this year, which
government to realize its goal of one of the car compared to a gasoline vehicle, will be covered in the January 2010
million PHEVs by 2015. and the limited infrastructure for electric issue of Electric & Hybrid. E&H
vehicles. It’ll take time for the EV market to
Battery deal sealed
Johnson Controls-Saft and Azure
Dynamics have announced a new, five- JUDGE AND JURY
year supply agreement that will see both
partners provide advanced lithium-ion We weren’t able to drive the e6 but did take a good look over the Detroit
hybrid battery technology to power showcar. It’s far from finished, but BYD is to be admired for pushing ahead with the
commercial vehicles in North America. development of such an advanced vehicle. We have some reservations however, chiefly
the vehicle’s packaging. The battery pack is slung very low; the e6 needs to be a high-
riding crossover just to get sufficient ground clearance. BYD says the car is designed
for urban use, but we’re not convinced the cells would survive too many speed bumps
in Europe. Inside, the e6’s has a reassuringly conventional cabin and while headroom is
good, the rear floor feels much too high for comfort, and trunk space isn’t vast.

JCI has further expanded its battery business

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

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Tata invests in EV supplier
The UK subsidiary of Tata Motors has
bought a 50.3% holding in Miljø Grenland/
Innovasjon, a Norwegian-based high-tech
company that specializes in developing
solutions and components for electric
Can India’s second-largest car manufacturer build a high-
vehicles. It’s thought that the investment
will cost the Indian OEM more than quality and environmentally friendly SUV for the US market?
US$1 million. Miljø will help Tata to bring to
market the company’s first electric vehicle, Scorpio during a recent trip to Mumbai. The
the Indica EV (scheduled for launch in bluff-faced and slab-sided Scorpio isn’t as
Europe in 2009), which Tata Motors huge as it appears in photos. At 4,495mm
claims offers improved practicality and long, it is roughly the same size as a Land
acceleration on existing EVs.
Rover LR-2 or Honda CR-V. However, the
Scorpio’s 1,975mm height makes it more
than 250mm taller than either.
A key part of Mahindra’s sales strategy rests
upon its new 120bhp 2.2-liter turbocharged
and intercooled ‘mHawk’ diesel engine. In
Above and below: Mahindra’s all-new Scorpio SUV is the USA, this motor will be fitted to a six-
likely to benefit from Bosch’s stop/start technology
speed automatic transmission. Fuel economy
An electric-powered Indica will soon be launched ■ Mahindra & Mahindra is betting that US should average 30mpg. Mahindra has also
car buyers aren’t quite ready to abandon the introduced a diesel-powered micro-hybrid.
Reva expansion once-loved SUV market. The Mumbai-based Developed in cooperation with Bosch,
auto company arrives in the USA later this Mahindra’s Stop/Start hybrid turns the engine
In an effort to meet increasing global
year, with two- and four-door versions of its off when the vehicle is idling or in neutral,
demand for its electric vehicles, Reva
has announced that it is building a new rugged-looking pickup model. An as-yet- and the engine restarts once the clutch is
assembly plant in Bangalore, India. The unnamed version of Mahindra’s Scorpio SUV pressed. For now, the micro-hybrid is offered
new facility, which will start rolling out is scheduled to arrive stateside in 2010. only on selected models of the company’s
models later this year, will have an annual As chief executive of Global Vehicles USA Bolero. Mahindra claims the system provides
production capacity of 30,000 units. (the Atlanta-based import company tasked a 5-10% fuel economy improvement.
with bringing Mahindra to the US market), Dr Arun Jaura, Mahindra’s outgoing CTO,
John Perez believes Mahindra has done its confirmed that the micro-hybrid will soon
homework in terms of tailoring the vehicles appear in Indian-market versions of the
INDIA to US tastes. A fleet of US-spec vehicles are Scorpio and new Xylo crossover. “As a diesel-
being put through up to 3.2 million miles of centric company, it was natural for us to get
road tests before the US launch, says Perez, into diesel hybrids,” he explains. “But
who adds that it is Mahindra’s attention to ultimately, technology itself will not have a
detail – and willingness to listen – that made lot of traction. Technology that is affordable
him a believer in the brand. and seamless is what is needed.”
In February 2006, soon after US sales Jaura believes that developing a hybrid
plans had been given the green light by Dr culture in India remains top priority. “Our
Pawan Goenka, president of the automotive primary goal is to get hybrids into the Indian
Lithium investment sector at Mahindra & Mahindra, Perez says marketplace [so that we can] educate and
Despite having to make cutbacks in he and 14 dealers paid a visit to the build hybrid awareness with the public.”
other business areas, Conti chiefs have company’s factory in Nasik, India. Located After proving the technology at home,
given the green light for the company’s 120 miles northeast of Mumbai, the plant Mahindra will then consider marketing it
powertrain division to spend almost US$4 has an annual capacity of 200,000 units. The outside of India. E&H
million on upgrading its Nuremberg state-of-the-art factory provides employment
production facility, which started series
to more than 3,700 workers and 1,300
production of lithium-ion batteries late last
year. Discussing the outlay, Dr Karl- engineers within its 0.5km2 plant site.
Thomas Neumann, Conti CEO, said, “This “Mahindra gave [the dealers] the opportunity
underlines our claim that by developing to critique what they saw,” says Perez, who
and manufacturing state-of-the-art drive admits dealers were stunned at Mahindra’s
systems, we can contribute to a great openness to criticism. Comments were made
reduction in fuel consumption.” about the cup holders (they were too small
for US super-sized drinks), the seats,
dashboard materials (a higher quality was
requested), and the cargo hooks in the
pickup bed (a change of location was
suggested). Safety features such as
multiple airbags, ABS, and electronic
stability control will also be added
to US-spec models.
Not ones to wait, the Electric &
Hybrid Vehicle Technology team
Continental has upgraded its Nuremberg facility
climbed aboard an Indian-spec

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

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INDUSTRY UPDATE Right: Opal-RT’s TestDrive enables

engineers designing hybrid vehicles
Strategic alliance to and power electronic motor drives to
power tomorrow’s vehicles speed up their development process

Engineers at Li-Tec are working to further develop

advanced lithium-ion cells that will power EVs

Li-Tec Battery, a JV between Evonik

Industries and Daimler, has become a
leading European supplier of large size
Li-ion cells for stationary and mobile
applications. The aim of the strategic
alliance is to drive forward research, Based on Opal-RT’s flagship simulation technology, TestDrive is
development and production of battery
cells and battery systems. Based in
Kamenz, Germany, Li-Tec uses crucial
helping to improve ECU quality throughout the production phase
battery components made by Evonik to
produce highly efficient lithium-ion cells ■ Prior to making use of a motor controller for customers requiring high-performance
that will help the electric mobility segment with a real motor drive, it is now a common real-time simulation.” Opal-RT has expanded
gain momentum. Due to their technical engineering practice to test the controller the capabilities of TestDrive by integrating
concept featuring the ceramic separator against a motor model being simulated in reconfigurable FPGA boards based on
Separion, today’s Li-Tec cells are one of real time. This has several advantages, as the Spartan-3 FPGA technology from Xilinx with
the most suitable for electric vehicles. The simulated motor drive can be tested with the same modular, plug and play functionality
flat cell, which leads the field, boasts a borderline conditions that would damage of Opal-RT’s OP5000 family of I/O boards.
high energy density combined with a real motor, which often is a costly The Spartan-3 family of field-programmable
compact dimensions and outstanding
prototype. The motor may also be under gate arrays is specifically designed to meet
safety levels.
development in parallel to the controller and the needs of high-volume, cost-sensitive
therefore not available for testing. electronic applications. The Spartan-3 family
During testing, a controller is interfaced builds on the success of Xilinx’s earlier
GM execs sign energy study with the real-time simulated motor drive Spartan-IIE technology, used in previous
through a set of proper I/Os, an approach versions of TestDrive, by exponentially
GM Europe and global energy provider
Iberdrola are to begin a feasibility study widely used by engineers known as increasing the amount of available logic
into the recharging infrastructure for plug- hardware-in-the-loop simulation. Such motor resources and the capacity of internal RAM.
in electric vehicles. The agreement, which drive simulation is required by hybrid vehicle Through the use of Spartan-3 FPGAs,
was signed in Madrid, will focus on the OEMs and other power electronic motor TestDrive can provide support for up to 298
viability of plug-in electric vehicles. drive makers to speed up development and user-defined digital I/Os. Furthermore, in
testing time by using real-time simulation addition to TestDrive’s existing support of
before conducting tests on physical the SignalWire communications link, with
prototypes. At the production stage, HIL throughput of 625Mbps, the use of Spartan-
simulation can also be used to verify code 3 FPGA provides support for PCIe serial
integrity with automated correlation tests. communications operating at 2.5Gbps.
To facilitate such testing, a growing The integration of Spartan-3 with
number of OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers have TestDrive also enables users to develop more
turned to the TestDrive simulation platform powerful applications using Xilinx XSG
from Opal-RT Technologies. Based on Opal- libraries connected to MATLAB/Simulink
RT’s simulation technology, RT-LAB, TestDrive models. Real-time performance is improved
GM is aiming to develop a charging infrastructure is a powerful system for improving ECU since the Spartan-3 FPGA can conduct faster
quality throughout the entire production local data manipulation in place of the user’s
process through the use of real-time open- or primary PC-based simulation application.
Hybrid bus partner closed-loop simulation. TestDrive’s modular TestDrive provides a combination of
design enables test and control engineers to onboard signal conditioning for direct
Roush Technologies has begun to provide conduct the design process in a complete interfacing with ECUs and peripherals at the
support to the UK’s Wrightbus on a hybrid virtual environment by replicating all the highest performance levels. Hybrid programs
drive performance and optimization
loading and sensory feedback of an actual can benefit by incorporating on-chip models
project. The project involves optimizing
series hybrid drive systems through a
hybrid vehicle under realistic conditions. of finite element motors, resolvers or other
detailed analysis of generator-load According to Nadeem Ahmad, manager for parts requiring ultra-small step sizes. These
patterns, and is part of the company’s HIL and test automation at IAV Automotive FPGA models can run in parallel with a rest-
rapidly expanding activity in hybrid Engineering, “Opal-RT’s RT-LAB toolset of-vehicle simulation running on Opal-RT’s
projects. facilitates ECU development and validation eDRIVEsim Real-Time Simulator. E&H

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


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Could the Karma from Fisker Automotive become the most
important EV development yet? E&H takes a closer look at the
technologies attracting the rich and famous who want to be green 1

1 Powetrain configuration: Dual rear

motors, rear-wheel drive with a mid-
mounted battery pack and front/mid-
mounted internal combustion engine
2 Range: In sport mode, Karma’s is
good for more than 300 miles (483km)

3 Sun seeker: Karma has the world’s

largest continuous formed glass solar
panel roof. When the car is switched
on, the electrical system will make
use of all available solar power

4 Suspension: A fully independent 4

short/long arm architecture

5 Engine: A turbocharged 2-liter DI

Ecotec GM unit, developing 265bhp.
The electric drive motors contribute a
further 403bhp and 1,300Nm of torque

6 Performance: Karma gets to 100km/h

from standstill in 5.8 seconds. When 5
in sport mode, the green sedan has
a top speed of 200km/h (125mph)

7 Chassis: Four-door, four-passenger

sedan with a lightweight extruded
aluminum spaceframe. Karma
also has composite body frames

Length: 4,987mm
Width: 1,984mm
Height: 1,330mm
Wheelbase: 3,160mm 6

“More than 60% of the USA’s 200

million drivers travel less than
50 miles per day. With Q-Drive 7

technology, the Karma can do that

range without using a drop of gas”

Go to page 56 to find out more about the future plans of Fisker Automotive

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

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It is slowly dawning, even on the US
customer, that the old swaggering
belief of ‘there’s no substitute for
more large-capacity horsepower’ is
losing its good-ol’-boy glow

■ ‘Downsize’ remains a leading battle cry, but it’s a It is slowly dawning, even on the US customer, that
reflection of the times that the number one recurring the old swaggering belief of ‘there’s no substitute for
word in corporate speak today is ‘cut’. Once the more large-capacity horsepower’ is losing its good-ol’-
product plans (not to mention entire divisions) have boy glow. The pockets of cultural resistance to this
been axed, lift up that surface layer, and you see that unstoppable trend are massive, but there’s no turning
the real cuts are being made to engine programs and back to the V8 as ‘the heartbeat of America’.
R&D budgets. Although I stand by my thinking that Why US auto makers can basically only cut, cut, and
out of such difficulties come the real genius cut again is that they haven’t had a homegrown small-
innovations, things are not pretty out there right now. engine strategy or small-car strategy since the early
One could easily say that forced downsizing (not the 1970s oil crisis. All the rest of the world – and even
voluntary move, as it was until about 12 months ago) Holden-loving Australia – has long ago embraced small
is a brilliant consequence of the recession. I love this, motors as an outstanding solution to minimizing the
too, and the VW 1.4-liter Twincharger may just be my sense of feeling beholden to oil imports.
personal Jesus. I haven’t met a single engine expert This is the current chief frustration about the USA:
who can wholeheartedly deny that he or she will miss the market, mind-set, and corporate thinking are
big motors once there isn’t a vehicle left in any arcane by any standard whatsoever. All new ideas in
driveway carrying anything larger than a 3.5-liter V6. the region are actually reactionary copycat thoughts.
This sapping of old-school testosterone leads me to No longer can the continent lead by any example in
predict brisk business in the future for performance automotive circles. And now they’re cutting so much
exhaust systems and fiber-optic acoustic enhancers. that soon I won’t refrain from overuse of the nose-to-
Tied in with recent cuts, not only is Chrysler forced spite-the-face metaphor.
to accelerate its exit from the Hemi strategy, but GM Something problematic is happening, too, with
has put a lid on the inspiring 4.5-liter V8 diesel sans long-approved product and engineering that has the
traditional intake and exhaust manifolds. This latter misfortune of launching today. I refer particularly to
tough call hurts the most, if I have to choose, because the 6.2-liter LS3 V8 in the new Chevy Camaro SS. A
it’s based purely on a desperate need to cut anything year ago we were all falling over ourselves at this
that isn’t turning a profit right at this instant. perceived savior of the brand – come to think of it,
The fact that, in GM’s case, it’s all being done with much in the vein of the Pontiac Solstice that went
a government gun to the head makes me fret all the flaccid, too – but now the whole Camaro franchise is
more about long-term consequences. In the meantime, probably destined to be snuffed out really soon in its
GM’s rival Ford is coming off as the smart guy for second life.
committing early and often to the EcoBoost strategy These old-tech engines (don’t argue with me over
(which, for the USA, is rebranding of long-existing this – they are old tech) will be gone for good by
European small-displacement turbocharged direct- 2013, if not sooner. I love them dearly, but they must
injection technology). go away forever and as quickly as possible. It’s not my
preference but a necessity, and the USA needs to get
Matt Davis is one of the world’s leading motoring journalists. Davis 100% more serious about it. Cut away, gentle folk,
not only writes for several automotive titles, but he also sits on but invest big in perfecting anything with up to six
the judging panel of the International Engine of the Year Awards
cylinders. E&H

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

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The biggest feather in the EV cap
versus other alternative engine
technologies is that the refueling
infrastructure already exists,
with power sockets everywhere

■ Electric vehicles will save the world – or at least number of different sizes for small, medium and large
that is the message many are keen to convey. But is it vehicles so that an OEM can play with energy sources
true? And why do so many well-informed engineers and design, thus allowing for flexibility in vehicle types
seem to think that EVs are the savior? with complete interchangeability. For city cars, I would
Perhaps it is because electricity can be generated boost the batteries to give a reasonable range of up to
from numerous sources and therefore breaks the 60 miles. For those who might be put off because of
stranglehold that the oil industry has on the transport battery range limitations, I’d develop a range-extender
world – a future that can’t come soon enough for me. system that’s similar to GM’s E-Rev technology.
Electricity is also cheap, and EVs are very efficient. A great example of this is the PML Mini QED, which
Even when electricity is produced from fossil fuels, the has batteries and supercapacitors giving it a range of
energy cost per kilometer is at least half that when up to 250 miles and four 120kW electric motors, and
compared to a combustion engine. But the biggest then a small petrol generator giving a range of 932
feather in the EV cap versus other alternative engine miles with fuel economy of 80mpg.
technologies is that the refueling infrastructure already Once the costs of range extender technologies, such
exists, with power sockets in every building. So it as fuel cells, have decreased to a profitable level, these
would seem EVs are a win-win solution for all can be easily inserted into existing vehicle platforms
concerned – except, of course, the oil companies. with minimal integration problems. Mercedes seems to
But there has to be a but, and there is a major ‘but’ have realized the benefits of such an approach, and is
to discuss: battery technology. The biggest challenge is producing an electric version of A- and B-Class models.
low energy density, which means that for a reasonable The MB BlueZero has a 120-mile range (a two-hour
range, batteries are large, heavy and expensive. This is charge gives 60 miles) with a 100kW electric motor
a fundamental problem because energy conversion and giving 320Nm of torque. MB says it will launch this
energy storage are coupled in a single device, which model within 18 months with a three-cylinder petrol
means if you want to double the range, you also end engine to give a range of 370 miles. Very impressive.
up doubling the power, weight and cost – a ‘no-no’ in My personal favorite is the Ford Edge, which uses a
today’s economic climate. HySeries Drive powertrain with a fuel cell generator
So, what would be my ultimate vehicle to achieve and Li-ion batteries. The only downside is it is
sustainable transportation? I’d build an electric modeled on a gas guzzler, so is heavy and delivers
powertrain with modest batteries, and perhaps throw 41mpg, but with zero emissions and 80mpg in electric
in a few supercapacitors to handle high-powered mode that can last up to 50 miles a day, the technology
acceleration and braking. It’s key to keep it all simple is more than impressive.
and make no more than four common platforms in a For those that are still keeping their electric and fuel
cell programs separate, my advice is to combine the
Gregory Offer is a fuel cell scientist and engineer at Imperial College two. I would regard as foolish any attempt to deliver a
London. With a PhD in electrochemistry, Offer was a parliamentary zero emissions vehicle that is capable of delivering all
advisor before joining Imperial College. our capricious consumers’ demands with a single
technology. You have all been warned. E&H

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

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Last chance
Most agree that diesel hybrid powertrains are the optimum solution
for car makers obsessed with fuel economy and emissions.
But will the technology ever become production-ready?
Words: Dean Slavnich

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Late last year, the Citroën Hypnos was unveiled. The concept
features a diesel hybrid engine, called HYmotion4, which
the French car maker will be using in 2011 production cars

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

■ The automotive industry is great resources into refining its Toyota, the world’s richest car engine hybrid vehicles feature
inching ever closer to launching gasoline hybrid technology to maker, is also backing the higher fuel efficiency and even
its first mass-production diesel the point where the company gasoline hybrid horse for the lower emissions, and they also
hybrid application, having has now launched the Insight, passenger car sector. The have an enhanced appeal
flirted with the idea for over a an affordable hybrid product. A company boasts a raft of such because of their ability to drive
decade. Or is it? Despite the company statement declares: hybrids across the Toyota and on purely electric mode for
obvious benefits, there are ‘The increasing margin between Lexus ranges, and Gerald some distance in densely
many who now believe that the cost of diesel and petrol at Killman, director of powertrain populated areas. We believe
the technology has missed its the pumps means that the cost for Toyota Motor Europe, says, the gasoline-engine hybrid will
chance. Plug-in hybrids, range- benefits associated with small “The key issue for diesel engine be a key technology for the
extender systems, and full diesels are ever decreasing. The vehicles is exhaust emissions, 21st century.”
electric vehicles are all the rage beauty of gas hybrid technology and Toyota’s high-performance So it would seem that Japan’s
now around the world. is that it delivers low CO2 and DPNR catalytic converter system two largest car makers have
Honda is a good example. low NOx while being easy-to- can be used to achieve cleaner turned their backs on diesel
The car maker has invested use, versatile and efficient.’ emissions. In contrast, gasoline- hybrid passenger car vehicles
for the time being. Despite
selling a diesel hybrid truck, the
“Only Europe is focused on diesel for passenger cars. The Dyna, in Japan, Killman says

USA and Japan are almost completely petrol orientated and

there are four reasons why the
world’s largest car producer

this limits the potential number of sales of a diesel hybrid”

does not currently offer diesel
hybrid passenger cars: “The first

Toyota at present has no plans to develop a diesel

hybrid passenger car. The new Prius, for example, goes
on sale later this year with a new 1.8-liter powertrain

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Honda is focusing all efforts on creating eco-friendly powertrain technologies.

The Japanese OEM recently scaled-down its IMA unit in size and cost to create
an affordable hybrid model. There’s no mention of a diesel hybrid powertrain

a diesel engine are much diesel engine is far more Killman’s four-point attack developed a diesel-hybrid
stronger during starting and expensive than a petrol engine. makes for a compelling case system powering a Citroën
stopping of the engine than for A simple hybrid system is a against diesel hybrids. But four Berlingo that achieved 76mpg
a petrol engine. This would more expensive transmission years ago, PSA Peugeot Citroën on combined mode and a tank-
make the change from electric than a normal automatic boldly announced that it to-wheel CO2 emissions rating
vehicle drive to engine drive transmission or manual planned to launch such a of 99g/km. The car featured a
less comfortable, and therefore transmission, so adding two passenger car by 2010, and that 1.6-liter HDi diesel engine, a
we see stronger diesel hybrid expensive units – diesel and it would cost just US$2,500 permanent magnet synchronous
application potential for hybrid – would make it difficult more than a standard diesel motor, a Li-ion electric motor
commercial vehicles.” for the customer to recoup the Peugeot/Citroën model. with inverter, and a 228V DC/
The second factor for Toyota higher cost of the car in overall “Diesel hybridization is the DC converter. The results of
is based on the environment, fuel savings.” only short-term available project Efficient-C were
as Killman explains: “Diesel And the final hurdle for solution capable of bringing a impressive, and in a parting shot
engines still cannot achieve the Toyota is simply based on considerable breakthrough in to those that are pushing
same emissions levels as petrol markets: “At the moment, only terms of consumption and CO2 forward with gasoline hybrid
engines, and even with our Europe is strongly focused on emissions in the European technology, Peugeot adds, “It
D-Cat system, where NOx diesel technology for passenger market,” believes Robert must be said clearly that the
emissions are drastically cars,” says Killman. “Other big Peugeot, PSA vice president. petrol hybrids available today
reduced, NOx is still higher markets, like the USA and Peugeot completely disagrees reach homologated consumption
than with petrol engines.” Japan, are almost completely with statements from Honda fairly close to that of an
Killman says another reason petrol orientated, and this limits and Toyota. In a recent research equivalent vehicle fitted with a
for Toyota not offering a diesel the potential number of sales of project, Peugeot, along with modern diesel common-rail
hybrid car is to do with cost: “A a diesel hybrid.” partners Ricardo and QinetiQ, engine, which actually leads to

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


Tech spec: Peugeot Prologue

Diesel engine: 2-liter HDi FAP, 161bhp
Electric motor: synchronous with permanent
magnets, maximum power 27kW (36bhp)
Transmission: electronically controlled
six-speed manual
Acceleration: 0-100km/h in 8.8 sec
Maximum speed: 130mph
Prologue HYmotion4 is the clearest
Urban cycle fuel consumption: 4.7 liters/100km indicator yet of how Peugeot’s
CO2: 109g/km diesel hybrid technology will
Battery: 200V Nickel Metal Hydride, capacity 5.5Ah look when it is released in 2010

a very narrow advantage in CO2 the rear electric motor, front- 2012 or 2015, there will be a
emissions at a significant cost.” mounted high-voltage alternator price to pay for overall CO2
But therein lies the problem. and power electronics. reduction,” he says. “Clearly, as
Bringing down cost is a hurdle But it’s not just PSA and commercial organizations,
that PSA is finding very difficult Bosch that are championing the automotive manufacturers will
to overcome. The car maker has diesel hybrid cause. UK-based want the most cost-effective
pushed back its goal to launch a consultancy, Ricardo, has routes to making that CO2
diesel hybrid car by at least one experience in this area dating reduction, and the quickest
year on the original 2010 back to 1999, when it undertook “I don’t think the ways of them achieving this is
timeframe, despite unveiling the a project with Valeo to develop a actually around less headline-
Peugeot Prologue and Citroën mild-diesel hybrid. Following need for diesel grabbing processes, thus doing
Hypnos concept cars at last his involvement in project small things that added together
year’s Paris Motor Show. Efficient-C with PSA, David hybrid powertrains make a real difference.
At the turn of this year, PSA Greenwood, chief engineer for “I don’t think the need for
joined forces with Bosch in an technology at Ricardo, is well has gone away” diesel hybrids has gone away,
effort to push forward the diesel qualified to comment on diesel but, because of the cost
hybrid project. The German hybrids: “If you look at the DAVID GREENWOOD, RICARDO involved in securing the benefits
supplier will provide PSA with proposed CO2 legislation for CHIEF TECHNOLOGY ENGINEER of diesel hybrids, it’s not one of

COUNTING THE COST expensive in terms of generating a hybrid powertrain module,

With cost being identified as the main obstacle, there are some but some of the challenges of gasoline hybrids are also present
systems available to help diesel hybrid powertrain developers in diesel hybrids, such as cooling systems that have to be
keep on top of budgets. One such technology is Flowmaster’s designed for two modes of operation.
V7.6 simulation software, which was launched in October last “If a company does more work earlier on in the development
year and delivers new tools in HVAC and thermal management cycle, you increase the amount of information that’s available for
solutions. Morgan Jenkins, product and marketing director at the design and development teams, and that therefore enables
Flowmaster, explains, “A greater use of simulation technologies more informed decisions to be made as to what route you might
can reduce the costs of development, and obviously companies take,” he adds.
that have a greater use of simulation technologies are in a much “This therefore allows engineers to solve those specific
better position. problems earlier and, as a result, the engineers can be more
“Flowmaster can add value in the diesel hybrid area for the focused. Simulation technologies such as ours provide a mecha-
same reasons we add value to gasoline hybrid development nism to generate the type of information that will allow people to
projects,” continues Jenkins. “Obviously diesel is more make informed decisions.”

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Diesel hybrids have found a niche

in city bus applications in the USA
Although the concept of diesel hybrids in the passenger car
sector is struggling, the technology might just have found itself
a niche in the US commercial vehicle industry, and specifically
utility applications such as city buses and garbage trucks.
City buses powered by diesel hybrid systems have been
running in cities such as Chicago since 2003, and today there are
5,000 such vehicles in operation across the country. Although the
numbers might not seem huge, the bus sector is taking the lead in
using diesel hybrid technology, as Roe East, hybrid business
manager at Cummins, explains: “One of the big drivers in North
America is that the US government subsidizes these products by
80%, so the end buyer only pays around 20% of the total cost.”
This setup, says East, allows there to be a good economic
equation for bus operators who would not be able to afford the
technology without the government subsidy. But although
hybridizing a Cummins diesel engine for a city bus application will
improve the fuel consumption by up to 30%, the added cost to
develop such a system could be as much as US$70,000.
“It’s still an evolving and emerging technology, and the cost
remains too high in many cases for the end user to really see a
good return on investment,” says East. “Even with fuel savings,
customers won’t receive a really good investment because the
cost is so high, which is why the government subsidies are so

the first things an OEM will today are powered by nickel- will give better power and a crossover point between 2010
introduce.” metal hydride (Ni-MH) overall energy levels.” and 2011 where the cost of the
So regardless of which side of batteries, and that’s really But the real problem is that battery pack is about the same
the diesel hybrid fence one sits, because of their power density, lithium-ion is far more whether you go for Li-ion or
the underlying issue is always energy density cost and expensive than the Ni-MH Ni-MH, and that could be
the same: cost. Up to 66% of durability. Essentially, Ni-MH is technology: “If you wanted to the trigger for diesel hybrids.”
the total outlay in hybridizing a well understood, is relatively put a production hybrid on the Yet despite the financial
powertrain is spent on the mature as a technology, and road in niche volumes, you’ll downturn in the global
battery, with the remaining although it is not cheap – typically be paying US$2,000/ automotive industry, and having
expense going on components typically you’ll pay around kWh of Li-ion battery capacity,” been developed over a decade
such as the motor and power US$800/kWh of battery energy Greenwood continues. ago, Greenwood does not think
electronics, says Greenwood. – it is reliable and also robust. “Now, the advantage of the that diesel hybrids are a
“If we’re looking to see diesel “The successor to Ni-MH is Li-ion battery is that it has the technology that history will
hybrids achieve penetration in lithium-ion, and we’re tracking opportunity to see costs reduced show as an almost-ran: “I really
Europe, the real key will be something like 43 different as production volumes increase. do feel that diesel hybrid
getting acceptable battery costs,” Li-ion chemistries at the So, we do see the potential technology has not missed the
emphasizes the Ricardo moment. It is this family of for that to come down to boat. I’d just say that the boat
engineer. “Most of the hybrid chemistries that will drive the US$1,000/kWh for mass- has left a little later than people
vehicles you see in production next-generation of batteries that production vehicles. We expect expected.” E&H

The Efficient-C project highlighted the benefits of a diesel hybrid engine: the Berlingo VW engineers placed the NiMH battery in the trunk of a diesel hybrid concept Golf.
demonstrator vehicle emits 99g/km of CO2 and is good for 76mpg on combined mode Weighing 45kg, the battery pack supplies the E-machine with 202V of energy

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


rent a

u acce l
gy is close

C dol o ev er
d metho future
an th e
ology , bringing
Words: Keith Read
ch n
in test te and FCVs
tra s,
st power EVs, HEV
ate nt of
The l pme
the d

The in-house designed fuel cell test

facilities at Ballard’s headquarters
in Canada are a hotbed of activity

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


■ There are blast-proof

rooms and some of the latest
AeroVironment (AV) test
equipment at Ricardo’s gleaming
new multimillion-dollar,
state-of-the-art, battery-systems
development center on the
company’s Detroit technology
campus. In EV testing, modules
carry voltages far above the
60V that is traditionally
regarded as safe.
“We’re talking about the
potentially lethal voltages up to
750V – quite a departure from
the normal automotive 12, 24
or even 42V,” says Ricardo’s
Murray Edington, chief engineer
for control and electronics,
based at the company’s high-
tech science park facilities in
Cambridge, UK.
“Access [to test areas] is
restricted by swipe cards and
locks to all but those who have
been suitably trained and
assessed.” In addition to the
safety guards, training provides
a key level of protection,
isolating staff from tests.
In Detroit, DC test systems
have the flexibility to implement
virtually any test. A full power
range (±5kW to ±250kW) of
bidirectional DC equipment
means its EV test systems can
now handle virtually any DC
supply or load requirement,
from lead acid and the latest Li-
ion batteries, to fuel cells with
integrated power electronics.
A lot of virtual design takes
place before EVs are tested.
The AV systems are capable
of emulating any drivetrain
component, which enables the
accurate and realistic testing of
individual parts or partial
drivetrains, allowing hardware-
in-the-loop (HIL) testing.
“We make extensive use of
HIL systems to simulate a
complete vehicle – including the
driver,” says Edington. “We can
plug our modules in at a very
early stage and subject them to
almost real vehicle conditions.
It’s similar to what we’d do for
an engine management system
for an IC car, although there
are lots of extra functions within
an electric vehicle module.”
Ricardo also undertakes
considerable battery lifecycle

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

testing. “The battery is the most
critical part in any electric
vehicle,” says Edington. “You
can validate the expected
lifetime of a battery by doing an
accelerated test, coming up with
a simulated cycle, and repeating
it endlessly. Over the course of
six to eight months you can
effectively cycle a battery over
its equivalent life, which would
be a 10-15 years timespan or
100,000 miles.
“We also do lifecycle testing
of the parts of hybrid drives that
stop and start and come under
varying degrees of thermal
stress,” he explains. “We run BMW’s fuel cell systems undergo extensive testing using the very latest equipment
the modules under various

“The battery is the

voltages, torques, speeds, and but you’ll never get rid of the
temperatures on a semi-random physical testing.”

most critical part in

basis. We’ll run those for 1,000 His view is shared by Dr
or 1,500 hours, and have cold François Girard, manager of

any electric vehicle”

and hot chambers where we testing at the Canadian Research
can run as low as -40°C up to Council’s Fuel Cell Innovation
+125°C. Components are cycled Institute, a US$20 million
up and down, putting major facility where a range of hybrid
stresses on them. This gives us vehicles, fuel cells, and even
a good idea as to whether they unmanned aircraft have been
will last on the vehicle.” thoroughly tested in its
And how does Edington see impressive and large hydrogen
the future of EV testing? “It will environmental chamber (HEC).
continue to develop, especially “The HEC is unique in North
when volumes of production America,” he explains. “We can
vehicles increase,” he says. control temperatures from –
“Virtual testing will increase, 60°C to +120°C, with the heat-


For two decades Lotus cope, we have to be cautious about humidity
has worked on EVs and getting into components in EVs and possibly
HEVs. Last year it created causing a dangerous short circuit.”
a group that looks solely EV testing has, he says, come a long way.
at the two technologies, Much has been learned in recent years and
and is currently working rarely – if ever – is a problem encountered
on five hybrid and three that hasn’t been seen in the past and
electric projects, as well mitigated. “We don’t see the mishaps that
as the Tesla sports car. we might have seen in the early days, but we
Richard Hill, Lotus
chief engineer
Richard Hill, chief engineer for still have to take sensible precautions.
vehicle development, says However, just because it’s an EV doesn’t
there’s not such a chasm between testing mean that we don’t push it to the extreme.
EVs and conventional IC vehicles.“The design We test up to the edges of their operational
verification plan is still largely the same in that envelope, and beyond. That means taking
it has to be validated to its full operational cars to territories such as Death Valley in the
envelope wherever it is being operated. There USA. But we have to do it differently to the
are some differences that require a slightly way we’d do it for an IC car. For instance,
different approach. EVs have a lot of electrons we have to tune the test cycles to make sure
flying around, and wading tests, for instance, the car won’t suddenly run out of volts,
become interesting. We drag an EV through a stranding the crew in that heat.
wading trough to ensure there are no major “We have to consider the electrical load we
leaks that could compromise electrical safety put on to the vehicle with all the instrumenta-
before it is driven through. tion. In an IC vehicle it’s not a problem. But in
“In hot and cold testing we have to be an EV, electrical load substantially reduces the
mindful of the degradation of materials,” he range.” Running a separate power supply for Using a Ford Escape as a demonstrator
continues. “In an IC vehicle this would simply the instrumentation overcomes the problem, vehicle, engineers at World Energy
mean that it stops working. But in an EV it says Hill, who tends to modify EV durability Solutions have developed a ‘tri-brid’
could lead to an electrical short. Humidity test cycles to reflect their typical usage. High- powertrain that features an innovative
testing is another potential problem area. speed testing is reduced, while city-cycle hybrid hydrogen-oxygen system
Where IC vehicles and their systems usually testing is increased.

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009



World Energy Solutions claims to have successfully developed
and tested a ‘tri-brid’ vehicle at its R&D lab in Florida. The
company says that the tri-brid concept applies its HHO (hybrid
hydrogen-oxygen) system to a hybrid engine to produce
greater fuel efficiency and emissions reduction.
Conversion to the HHO System (the development tri-brid
is a Ford Hybrid Escape SUV) enables the prime fuel to be
replaced with hydrogen and oxygen molecules.
Ben Croxton, World Energy’s CEO, says, “The concept
works extremely well. We increased the mpg of the prime fuel,
and are now embarking on a sophisticated testing program to
find the best combination of gasoline and gases to provide the
optimum increase of mpg while maintaining the engine’s
torque and horsepower.”
World Energy has developed an electronic means of
regulating the hydrogen and oxygen gases in a way that
permits the Escape’s computer control system to remain
intact while creating greater efficiency in the Atkinson Cycle
IC engine.
In separate testing, the company’s engineers tested a
Honda vehicle, which showed that hydrocarbon emissions
were reduced by more than 99% and carbon monoxide
emissions by 92%. Particulate emissions were almost all
eliminated. These greatly reduced emissions are all well within
federal regulations for emissions reduction, and the increase in
mpg is compatible with proposed legislation.

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

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The chamber operates in a
dynamic mode, with the air
The alliance of science
coming in at the correct Leading US battery and advanced materials
temperature, meaning a uniform companies, with support from one of the
temperature across the chamber. country’s largest national labs, have formed
This is different to typical cold the National Alliance for Advanced
chambers. Transportation Battery Cell Manufacture
(the ‘Alliance’), to manufacture lithium-ion
“Low temperature is a
battery cells for transportation applications in
problem for fuel cells, although
the USA. Today, the USA depends upon foreign
the industry has made some
suppliers – mostly in Asia – for such cells.
important advances, and in Founding Alliance members include 3M,
recent tests we found that the ActaCell, Altair, Dontech Global, EaglePicher,
fuel cell behaved pretty well, EnerSys, Envia Systems, FMC, MicroSun,
while all the ancillary systems Mobius Power, SiLyte, Superior Graphite and
around it had issues with colder Townsend Advanced Energy, with more
temperatures! expected to join. The US Department of
“The HEC can simulate Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, a An Alliance engineer carefully inspects a lithium-ion cell
altitudes of up to 3,000m, and national research laboratory and leading because lacking current orders for advanced
humidity, depending upon developer of battery technologies, has been transportation batteries, no US-based battery
temperature, from 5% to 95%,” active in encouraging the Alliance and will companies can assume the risk of making
he continues. “A new feature continue to serve in an advisory role as it such an investment.
is a vibration table, able to take begins operations. “A fragmented battery industry will not long
a 1,360kg load, so we can The Alliance seeks to develop one or more survive in the face of determined Asian
simulate earthquakes and road manufacturing and prototype development competition,” says Ralph Brodd, a consultant
vibration. The chamber also has centers in the USA, which will be shared by to battery manufacturers. “Other countries are
a two-wheel-drive dyno.” members. Developing the capability to mass- investing heavily in the manufacture of lithium-
With hydrogen for fuel cells, manufacture advanced battery cells is ion cells. Those countries understand that
anticipated to require investment of US$1-2 whoever makes the batteries will one day
safety in the test chamber is
billion over five years. Most of that investment make the cars.”
critical. “Hydrogen has a lot in
is expected to come from the government,
common with natural gas,” says
Girard. “Our facility is equipped
with hydrogen sensors and
flame detectors because you technology, took the decision protocols, especially for
cannot see the hydrogen flame many years ago to design, “The concerns for accelerated lifecycle testing,”
itself. There is an automatic develop, and build its own test says Pozzi. “For example,
shutdown should any gas or equipment. The main reasons hydrogen are very certain tests run over 2,000
flame be detected. were to gain flexibility, to save hours can show what is likely
“But the concerns for costs, and to avoid giving away overrated. Yes, it’s to happen to the fuel cell in
hydrogen are very overrated,” clues as to how it develops its 40,000 to 50,000 hours of life.
he says. “Yes, it’s reactive – but products, therefore protecting reactive – but then Faster testing will help to reduce
then any fuel is reactive, its associated intellectual product costs.”
otherwise it wouldn’t be a fuel. property rights. As a result, any fuel is reactive” Pozzi says that engineers have
And because of hydrogen’s Ballard boasts the most up-to- to be aware of the potential
ability to dissipate in the date and sophisticated fuel cell hazards when testing fuel cell
atmosphere, I would say it’s less test equipment in the world, vehicles (FCVs): “The size of the
dangerous than gasoline in according to Silvano Pozzi, hydrogen molecule is so small
terms of combustion or even director of Ballard’s test and that all the connections and
the explosion.” reliability department. leaks have to be treated in
Ballard, one of the best- “We have also invested totally different ways. The
known names in fuel cell heavily in designing our own reality of having a high-pressure

General Motor’s high-tech Fuel Cell Development Center in Honeoye Fall, New York State A gasoline processor is being prepared for rapid testing at GM’s Rochester facility

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

but when we need a certain
program we modify standard
FERROUS ADVANCES equipment to allow us to play
Chinese auto maker BYD has revealed a around with profiles.
potentially game-changing technology that it “We use thermal imaging to
claims will enable battery-electric cars to have monitor cell temperature.
a range of 250 miles (see page 14). Everything is computer-checked
This ferrous battery technology is similar to and validated for safety at every
Li-ion technology, but allows more heavy-duty
single stage. However, we tend
use. The batteries can be recharged to 50% BYD chairman Wang Chaufu says, “We
to use phosphate-ion chemistry,
capacity in just 10 minutes. will start to develop sales and distribution
which is much safer than the
The ferrous design can be recycled more networks in North America. Our goal is to
easily than other battery types. It is also very
batteries in laptops. It’s a little
introduce BYD electric vehicles in the USA in
durable – BYD estimates the battery packs are 2011, and set up our manufacturing facilities
heavier, but it’s safer.”
good for up to 2,000 charge cycles, or there when appropriate.” “Mileage accumulation
potentially 10 years of use. Many Chinese companies have made failed durability testing is a challenge,”
BYD has developed a concept electric five- US launches in the past, but the auto industry he adds. “You don’t have the
seater MPV, the E6 (pictured), which is is taking BYD seriously because of leading US luxury of filling the tank, doing
powered by these batteries. BYD is also using investor Warren Buffett’s position as a 500 miles (805km) and refilling,
the technology in its two plug-in hybrid shareholder. Buffett’s MidAmerican Energy as you do with a gasoline-
models, the F3DM and F6DM. The F3DM went Holdings Company has invested US$230 powered car.” But with test
on sale in China in December, making it the million in BYD, and MidAmerican chairman engineers seeking ways to get
first mass-produced plug-in hybrid vehicle in David Sokol has a seat on the BYD board. back on the road quickly, Reva
the world. has optimized algorithms for
fast charging that does not
shorten battery life.

“I am sure that a few

vessel inside the vehicle imposes nail-penetration test is just part Some 80% of whole-vehicle
some special test routines that of ensuring everything is safe.” testing is done ‘on the road’

years from now we

are unique to this technology.” But not everything Reva does where, according to Maini,
Manufacturers of hydrogen is low technology. “Batteries are the majority of conditions of

will be testing fuel

tanks carry out several tests very sensitive to temperature, to temperature and vibration can
to well-established world the way they’re charged, and to be found. The balance is made

cell technology in a
standards, including drop, how they’re driven,” states up from bench testing. Some
fire-resistance, leak potential, Maini. “A lot of effort goes into simulation and modeling at cell

very different way”

and over-pressure tests, and battery testing and simulating level can be done.
even resistance to gunshots, to drive cycles on test benches “It takes you to a certain
gain certification. Today’s from actual data collected from point,” Maini says. “But
testing of new fuel cells and cars under different climatic beyond that, because of the
FCVs is quite mature. conditions. Battery testing is a complexities of temperature,
“The tanks have a tremendous key focus for us, but not in the changing chemistry, and driving
safety margin,” says Pozzi. way people typically do it, with characteristics, it is quicker to
“However, I am sure that a few a constant discharge current and carry out physical road tests
years from now we will be so on. It’s much more complex. because you need real data.
testing fuel cell technology in “A lot of the equipment we However, I believe our second-
a very different way. use here is custom-made,” he and third-generation vehicle
“We’ve come from the R&D continues. “Of course, we also programs will make use of more
type of environment to use standard items such as modeling in order to shorten
standardize and become chambers and discharge units, the testing cycle.” E&H
comparable to what the current
industry does,” Pozzi continues.
“Now we are going beyond that
and starting to develop what is
unique to fuel cells. In the not-
too-distant future we’re going
to move a lot faster in the
product development cycle.
We’ll do this by testing fuel cells
in a more specific way and not
by mimicking the way that
industry does testing nowadays.”
In contrast, at the Reva
Electric Car Company in India,
a joint venture between the
Maini Group of Bangalore and
California-based AEV, testing
can be basic and somewhat
barbaric. “We literally hammer a
nail into the cell and completely
short it internally,” says deputy
chairman and chief technical
officer, Chetan Maini. “The Critical data development research takes place at the National Research Council of Canada’s Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Dream TT
The world’s first zero-carbon grand prix took place during the Isle
of Man TT in June 2009, and there was much technology to see.
E&H hitched a ride on the UK’s Kingston University entry

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


■ Meet Azhar Hussain. He For 41-year-old Brandon,

may not possess the sporting whose team entered an electric
genius of eight-time MotoGP bike that they nicknamed
World Champion Valentino ‘the lean green machine’, the
Rossi, who made his Isle of TT offered a window of
Man TT debut in June 2009, or opportunity for the team to
the flamboyance and charisma showcase the technology and
of Giacomo Agostini, who won ultimately roll out the bikes
the TT a record 10 times, but on the world’s roads.
Hussain’s achievements are no “Our ultimate goal is to
less remarkable. So much so expand the viability of ultra-
that in years to come, when TT low-emission bikes,” he says.
aficionados debate legacies, he “Having designed a solution for
will be remembered as the a course as demanding as the
founder of the world’s first Isle of Man TT circuit, we have
clean emissions grand prix. further increased the impetus
On June 12, 2009, 19 drivers to bring cost-effective, clean
from 17 teams, traveling from transport technologies to the
six different countries, each general public.”
boarded a zero-emissions bike The bike cost a shade under
– some powered by pneumatic US$29,000 to build. It runs off
engines, others by ammonia or a custom-built battery pack
hydrogen, and some charged that powers a brushless DC
by an electric battery – and motor that Brandon says is “the
battled it out in the TTXGP (see kind of motor you find in a
And the winner is… box). For Scalextric car”. At 160kg, the
Hussain, the race offered an bike is 30kg heavier than its
exciting glimpse into the petrol-powered rivals, but
TT’s future. But for Paul according to Brandon the
Brandon, a professor of electric-powered motor is
motorcycle engineering capable of averaging 70mph
at London’s Kingston throughout the 37.7-mile
University, and his team race course.
of six students, the race “We considered various
represented much carbon-free options before
more. deciding to develop an electric

Words: James Gordon

The Kingston University bike (above), which is

powered by a lithium-ion phosphate battery,
undertakes final testing in preparation for
the gruelling Isle of Man TT circuit (right)

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

bike,” explains the Kingston of the battery, Brandon et al
academic, whose team began quickly discovered that the
working on their entry in packaging didn’t fit the bike
October 2008. “We looked into chassis. “Standard battery packs
installing a pneumatic engine are rectangular, but a bike frame
driven by compressed air is curved,” he says. “We realized
and also an engine powered that the packaging needed to be
by a hydrogen fuel cell. the diameter of a toilet roll tube
Unfortunately, these solutions for the bike to work.”
weren’t cost-effective, nor could But there wasn’t time to
they be realized in the limited construct a bespoke frame, and
timeframe.” after much painstaking research,
Installing the battery, which the team decided to use an old
was supplied by LiFeBATT Honda production bike chassis
Corporation, a global provider Right, below and bottom: The teams at to house the battery.
of LiFePO4 battery solutions TTXGP developed a range of advanced “We used the frame of a 20-
(see page 102), and the team’s technologies to power their bikes. The year-old Honda NSR250 GP
Kingston entry featured a custom-built
main sponsor, presented the battery pack from LiFeBATT, which bike. It’s light – it weighs just
University with its greatest powered a brushless DC motor that is 60kg – and most importantly it
challenge. Having taken delivery capable of powering the bike to 70mph provided us with a platform to
house the battery.” The team
used a lithium-ion phosphate
battery that weighs 92kg, cost
US$20,000 to produce, and
combines energy and power
density in equal measure. The
charge time is 40 minutes and
when a road version is produced
in 2010, the battery pack will
charge from flat to full in 3.5
hours from a standard 230V
13A socket.
The battery is also one of the
safest on the market today. It’s
been designed in such a way
that it’s not combustible and will
not explode if overcharged,


Due to technical problems, the Kingston University entry failed to
finish at the TTXGP. “Unfortunately, we had a motor failure during
the race,” Brandon explains. “However, we were the only university
team to officially qualify for the race, although the organizers
allowed all teams with a running bike to take part.
“If we were to race a conventional internal combustion engine
bike,” he continues, “we would strip down the engine before it was
raced, and ‘blueprint’ it. This means that we would inspect every
component and make sure every item was set to within its
recommended tolerance. For the TTXGP, we took the motor on
face value, mainly because we had not had enough experience
with these items – remember, we are a group of mechanical
engineers. In the future I would make sure the team gained the
necessary product knowledge to enable us to critically examine
and blueprint any equipment we bought in. Our gearbox, which
was designed and built in-house, was a roaring success!”
The winning team was AGNI X01. Rider Rob Barber completed
the course in a time of 25 minutes and 53 seconds. Second place
was taken by Thomas Schoenfelder from XXL Racing Team,
finishing over three minutes behind Barber.
Completing the podium line-up was Brammo
and rider Mark Buckley, who finished in just
over 30 minutes. The highest placed
academic entry was the Brunel X-team,
which completed the course in 56
minutes 27 seconds.

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


It is one of the oldest race festivals, undoubtedly
the most challenging and demanding circuit, but
the Isle of Man TT is also the world’s most innovative
bike race. The fact that it hosted the world’s first
zero-carbon grand prix is a case in point.
The race is the brainchild of Azhar Hussain, a
British entrepreneur and co-founder of Mavizen.
Hussain’s electronics firm is most famous for producing MP3
players, but it has recently started to design and manufacture
electric bikes, one of which was entered into the 2009 TTXGP.
Hussain says he came up with the idea in 2008, and after
presenting a business case to the Isle of Man government and the
race organizers in June of that year, he was given permission to
organize two 37.7-mile races.
The top riders compete in a professional class race, but Hussain
also laid on an open class event for innovative teams who are
experimenting with alternative energy sources for the first time.
The 2009 event was a great success, but will it prove to be a
one-off? “We are already in talks with the organizers about staging
an event next year,” reveals Hussain. “The challenge now is to grow
the TTXGP. We have had a lot of interest from teams as far afield as
China and Malaysia, and in 2010 the race will be extended to two
laps. There are plans to introduce a five-minute pit-stop facility, so
teams can change battery packs.
“But we can’t forget that the race is in its infancy,” he continues.
“I think this year the challenge for most teams was simply to finish
the race. However, I believe that in five years’ time, the technology
will become so advanced that we will have caught up with the
petrol-powered bikes.”

punctured, or crushed. But

getting the best performance
aspects out of it was far from
easy, admits Brandon. “It is an
extremely intricate system.
“It consists of 200 cells,
which are monitored in groups
of four on 50 circuit boards. For
the bike to function at optimum
capacity, the power must range
from 2.5-3.5V. The Kingston University team (above)
“When we tested the bike, we came up with several ideas and
really needed to focus efforts concepts (left) during development of
the ‘lean green machine’ for the TTXGP
on every cell, so we attached a
monitoring control box to the
rider’s back. After testing we

“When we tested the bike, we really needed

plugged the control box into a
computer and were able to

to focus on every cell so we attached a

make the final adjustments
before the race.”

monitoring control box to the rider’s back.”

In Taiwan, Ian Goodman,
managing director of LiFeBATT
UK is also making technical Paul Brandon, a professor of motorcycle engineering at London’s Kingston University
adjustments. Not to a battery,
but to a presentation that he composite materials. He says, was used on a daily commute
hopes will convince a Taiwanese “The bike could be put into that didn’t exceed 40mph, it
bike manufacturing company to production now. If the factory would be capable of traveling
produce affordable electric bikes were to produce just 20,000 108 miles before it needed to be
for the masses. He says that if bikes a year, each one would recharged. With a lifetime of at
he can broker a deal, Kingston cost less than US$25,000.” least 3,000 cycles, the bike
University will be responsible But for Goodman, it’s the would exceed 300,000 miles.
for providing the design bike’s durability, range and low And best of all, the running cost
solution, and the Taiwanese running cost that excites him would work out at less than
company will produce the most. “The top speed would be US$0.10 per mile.” It’s hardly
bikes, which will have frames 60-70mph, and the range would surprising that Goodman is
made of lightweight carbon be over 100 miles. So if the bike excited about the future. E&H

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


Ulrich Eichhorn, Bentley’s head of

engineering, says the onus is on mass
production car makers to make a
difference when it comes to emissions

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


are important.
Even to us
here at
Words: Dean Slavnich

■ You could be forgiven for maker to the healthy place it

thinking that manufacturers finds itself in today.
nestled in the exclusive top tier “We’ve always met EURO 3,
of the automotive world don’t 4, and 5 legislation, long before
care very much about fuel it was mandatory. Nowadays,
economy and emissions when people talk about
legislation. Surely the term emissions, they refer to CO2
‘sustainable transportation’ is alone. In reality, emissions
something that the likes of include much more than this,
Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, and it is all of these different
Aston Martin, Rolls-Royce aspects of emissions that we
and Bentley – all with their are working on – and solving.”
large-displacement engines – Having been in the industry
do not consider? for nearly two decades – the
“I can’t talk for others, but last six years with Bentley –
emissions have always been Eichhorn has some forthright
important to us,” insists Dr views on car makers and
Ulrich Eichhorn, Bentley’s emissions targets: “We are
head of engineering and the working on emissions, of
man credited for helping to course, but Bentley does not
drive the prestigious British car contribute much to overall

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


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automotive emissions output,”
he states.
“There are 70 million cars
sold every year – perhaps that
number will be a few million
down this year – and we only
build 7,000 Bentleys. That
makes a very, very small
contribution to emissions, and
typically our vehicles are not
driven a lot.”
Eichhorn’s engine team has
calculated that the emissions
contribution from all Bentleys
ever built is so miniscule that it
cannot be measured. “I think
the best analogy is of a few
droplets of water in an Olympic-
sized swimming pool,” says
Eichhorn. “Bentley does not
have any influence on total
CO2 emissions output on a
worldwide scale.”
With his sharp designer
Italian suit, exclusive Breitling
watch, a preference for a
Lamborghini Miura, and an Above and below: In addition to the Nobody can even measure this system harnessed from within
almost politician-style polished new flexfuel engine in the Supersports, amount of emissions.” the VW Group? The man
argument, Eichhorn presents a Bentley is said to be also working on a Over the last six years Bentley shaping Bentley’s engineering
hybrid powertrain for future products
compelling case that the onus is has reduced CO2 output by future is tight-lipped: “I can give
not on the exclusive automotive 15%. The aim for the next you full details of it in 2011,” he
top tier to make a difference: three years is to further reduce laughs. Rumor has it, though,
“I’m not looking for a cop-out; emissions across the Bentley that Bentley is going down the
my analogy merely puts things range by another 15%. This will hybrid route.

“We think electric

into perspective,” he argues. be done through two plans of In contrast, Eichhorn is
“We obviously need to do our action: a flexfuel (biofuel) certainly well versed on

cars have a future,

bit, but if a ship has two leaks, engine that drives the alternative powertrain
and one is huge and the other Continental Supersport (see technologies, having joined VW

but the problem is

tiny, the concentration would page 04), and an all-new Group from Ford in 2000 as
not be on plugging the small powertrain that promises to executive director of research.

the batteries are

leak! The contribution to deliver a 40% fuel-economy There’s also no doubt that the
emissions from all luxury car improvement over Bentley’s Bentley man sees mileage in

not quite there yet”

makers is 0.00007%. How can existing engines. Will it be a electric vehicles and is aware
you argue against that statistic? downsized IC unit or a hybrid that in recent times car makers
have shifted away from biofuels.
“We think electric cars have a
future, but the problem is the
batteries are not quite there yet,”
says Eichhorn. “In the short to
medium term, to make an
impact over the next 5-10 years,
there is no way around biofuels,
especially the second-generation
“We suspect there might be a
fuel cell future, but I think that’s
at least 20 years away, and the
problem with fuel cells is that
we have a chicken and egg
situation: we need hydrogen but
there’s nowhere to fill up. This is
something that is not really a
problem with biofuels.”
Eichhorn is a big fan of
second-generation biofuels, and
flexfuel engines are playing a
key part in Bentley’s emissions
reduction program.
“Second-generation biofuels
use a closed CO2 cycle, taking

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

all-newhere please caption
powertrain here
from the please
based carhere please
maker caption
is due to be here please
incaption herenew
2011. The please
unit promises to
deliver a 40% improvement in fuel
economy over Bentley’s current engines

“A flexfuel vehicle
CO2 from crops, and then the the notion that cars are run on reiterates. “In the USA, where
car burns it back out into the crops that could feed starving they grow corn for biofuels, you

does away with the

environment. We’re not people in the developing world) may argue they should ship this
claiming it to be 100% CO2 still concerns Eichhorn. “That crop to make tortilla chips, but

chicken and egg

neutral, as some fuel is used in statement was never really true, that cycle has also been broken
the logistics chain, but, once but not entirely untrue either. because it’s been proved that the

problem because
enough biofuel is produced so Biofuel is typically grown on price of oil drives the price of
that it can be used in plowing wasteland, where nothing was food. We are advocating second-

essentially the car

and logistics, we can claim this grown in the first place,” he generation biofuels because the
to be a 100% CO2 neutral explains, pointing to Brazil, entire plant can be used.”

can run on either

solution. We’re not there yet.” where graze land was set aside Out of all the biofuels Bentley
But the bad press (see Offer’s for the biofuel business. “No could have opted for, ethanol

ethanol or petrol”
column on page 24) that first- food for humans was grown was the logical choice. “It is
generation biofuels got (from there, only food for cows,” he capable of running in a
modified petrol engine,” says
Eichhorn. “There is also an
industrial-scale production and
distribution system behind
ethanol, whereas for most
other biofuels the support
infrastructure is lacking.
“A flexfuel vehicle does away
with the chicken and egg
problem because essentially the
car can run on ethanol, petrol or
any mix of the two. This means
you’re not relying on petrol
stations that might, or might
not, sell ethanol, as there’s
always a petrol backup.”
Eichhorn says around 70
billion liters of bioethanol has
been produced to date. It’s this
staggering statistic, combined
with the fact that a large number
of vehicles can run on E85, that
has led to Eichhorn’s underlying
confidence in flexfuel engines
Despite building only 7,000 cars a year, Bentley is having to adapt to market needs and develop eco-friendly powertrain solutions for Bentley. E&H

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Electric avenues
The S400 BlueHybrid sedan is just the start of Daimler’s assault on the emerging
electric- and fuel-cell vehicle market, says research chief Christian Mohrdieck
Words: Graham Heeps

■ Mercedes-Benz’s satisfaction much earlier point in time and you always have to go through
at getting the S400 BlueHybrid have to redo many of the the same processes in order to
to market later this year might development cycles.” have a reliable product. Once
be tempered by the knowledge Up to the C-samples – the you have solved the functional
that the car’s battery technology final development units before issues with the technology, such
is already some months behind production – all the prototype as cold-start and total lifetime,
the cutting edge, because of production was done by then you have to go through the
the lengthy testing and quality Daimler engineers in house, Mercedes-Benz presented Concept systematic process of making a
engineering processes of the following a development BlueZero earlier this year: three tech system suitable for automotive.
automotive sector. program with cell-supplier Saft. demonstrator vehicles that prove “Our industry is very different
“Being an engineering guy at The technology was then Daimler is exploring three different to aerospace, for example – we
routes to sustainable transportation.
heart I always want to do better handed over to Continental for Pictured above is the electric vehicle
require very high numbers with
than I can do today,” admits manufacturing and production. the same high quality. In an
Christian Mohrdieck, head of Daimler began lithium-ion aircraft you can afford to have
fuel cell and battery drive research projects as early as redundancy, but the cost rules
system development at Daimler 1994. Mohrdieck still sees the that out in cars.”
Corporate Research and technology as immature in The S-Class hybrid sedan is a
Advanced Engineering. “At automotive terms, but he milestone for Mercedes-Benz,
some point in time you have thinks it’s the best bet for the but Mohrdieck considers that it
to fix the technology and then near future. is just the beginning for Daimler’s
work exclusively on quality and “At this time I don’t see any electric- and fuel-cell vehicle
maturity. Otherwise you can other technology giving the future. The Concept BlueZero
never guarantee an automotive- same performance in terms of trio of battery-electric vehicle,
type of maturity in a vehicle. power, energy density, and range-extended battery-electric
“The lithium-ion technology cold-start capability, which is vehicle, and fuel-cell vehicle, is
in the S-Class project was fixed a clear advantage of Li-ion indicative of the company’s
some months ago and we are versus NiMH batteries,” he three-pronged future strategy.
now in the very final phase of says. “However, for high-power “No single one can address all
development – so we’re doing hybrid batteries, we need a few the customers’ requirements,”
things like reliability testing more years of development to The hybrid powertrain in the upcoming argues Mohrdieck. “The battery-
S400 BlueHybrid features a disc-shaped
and quality engineering,” he reach the same level as NiMH electric motor that serves as starter
electric vehicle is excellent
continues. “The Continental/ batteries, especially because and alternator. During acceleration, the for urban
Johnson Controls-staffed high-energy batteries require a motor provides a torque boost of 160Nm
production line for this lithium- specific safety concept.
ion cell was implemented some “Maturity takes time,” he
two years ago; but we’re not in a continues, “and
position to change that because
then we’d start at a

S400 BlueHybrid features a lithium-

ion battery pack from Continental

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


“The lithium-ion technology in the

S-Class was fixed some months
ago and we are now in the very
final phase of development”

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology



At January’s North American International Auto Show 2009 in At the rear, the BlueZero E-CELL PLUS has the same 1-liter
Detroit, Mercedes-Benz showed a modular drive concept for turbocharged gasoline engine as the Smart Fortwo as a range
electric vehicles in the form of three Concept BlueZero cars. extender. This three-cylinder powerplant has an output of 50kW at
Measuring 4,222mm in length, all BlueZero models are practical, a constant 3,500rpm. If required, it can recharge the 17.5kWh
full five-seaters with a payload of around 450kg and a luggage lithium-ion battery by means of a similarly rated alternator.
compartment capacity of over 500 liters. The cars are described Meanwhile the BlueZero F-CELL’s fuel cell gives a range of over
by MB as ‘near-series’. “We have not decided when a vehicle with 400km. The concept’s powertrain is shared with the B-Class F-
the particular shape of BlueZERO will be launched,” Christian CELL that goes into limited production later this year, followed by
Mohrdieck told E&H at the show. “But it is indicative of a future small-series production in 2010 and 2011.
model. The top hat isn’t so important; the core of the technology is Mercedes says its powertrain engineers have put together a
the FWD, sandwich-floor architecture that enables all different modular system for the concepts that comprises several drive
drivetrains to be accommodated. That’s a synergistic approach.” components that can be combined in a flexible fashion. These
Each variant houses a different drivetrain in its floor. BlueZERO include the liquid-cooled lithium-ion batteries with a storage
E-CELL has a battery-electric drive with a range of up to 200km; capacity of up to 35kWh and the compact electric motor with a
the BlueZero E-CELL PLUS adds an internal combustion engine to maximum output of 100kW (continuous output 70kW), which
extend to 600km with an electric-drive range of 100km. develops a peak torque of 320Nm.
Using a normal household 7kW charging capacity, the pair’s According to Mercedes, all three BlueZero variants accelerate
lithium-ion batteries require two hours of charging time per 100km. from zero to 100km/h in less than 11 seconds.

driving with short ranges. If you battery technology, which batteries and battery systems for test rigs but there are now
want to go longer distances and means range-extended vehicles automotive applications, the standards for doing certain
have to refuel during the day and fuel-cell vehicles.” staff levels at Nabern are likely testing, such as accelerated
then you need longer range and Advanced work continues to increase slightly. Daimler lifetime testing using increased
shorter refueling time, which apace on all three options at already has a joint-venture temperature. The key is
essentially means fuel-cell Mohrdieck’s base in Nabern in with Ford following the two calibration because you have to
vehicles. Then there’s the fact suburban Stuttgart, where more companies’ acquisition of extrapolate; you need to know
that batteries are likely to than 400 people are at work on Ballard’s acclaimed automotive what final conclusion you can
remain restricted to A- and B- fuel-cell and battery-electric fuel cell business in 2007. draw from certain test results.
Class-sized vehicles because of drivetrains that will one day be Mohrdieck’s powertrain “After a lot of investigation
the batteries’ weight and size. So driving Mercedes-Benz vehicles. engineers have already we believe we’re in a position
if we want to continue making He says that following Daimler’s achieved much on the process to say that, for example, the S-
vehicles the size of the C-Class acquisition of a stake in Evonik development side to get robust Class hybrid battery will meet
and bigger – and those are our subsidiary Li-Tec in late 2008, batteries into automotive its specification by lasting 10
core vehicles at Mercedes – then and the formation of a joint- production, but he’s keen to years. That’s good for a start but
we need to look at other venture company with Evonik see further advances. “We’ve not long enough; I’d rather see
technical solutions besides to further develop and produce had to build a lot of our own 15 years.” E&H

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

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(700A Duty Cycle)
Working: 16 sec Rest: 24 sec Cycle: 8

Charge Time
(Unit: 1 sec)

Application Product Lines

◎ Li/MnO2 battery
Entadespanuung bei verschiedenen SOCs, bei RT, lmax=700A
Giant Lion 12V/26Ah
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198 sec

From SOC 20% Up To 83%

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EngineExpo09 - 004
Uninterruptible Combustion System (UCS) NT
For Idle-Stop
ϥ Possible solutions of the Energy Independence and Security Act
Feature without UCS

auxiliary electric storage device.

Preventing degraded performance of ignition or
injection device by battery voltage drop due to
for automobile, boat...


(Traditional) Battery Voltage

Start Battery Terminal Voltage in Engine starting
w/o ESD w/ ESD

10 20 30 40 50 60 cycle

Start Battery Terminal Voltage (w/o ESD) Start Battery Terminal Voltage (w/ ESD)
Voltage Voltage
Start Batterry Terminal Voltage in Stand by Start Battery Terminal Voltage in Stand by Terminal voltage of
12 12 auxiliary E.S.D.
Start Battery Terminal and Ignition or for ignition or injection
Injection Device Voltage in Starting device (CVI)
6 6 Start Battery Terminal
voltage in starting state

Time (sec) Time (sec)

5 10
5 10
Engine Start
Engine Start

Sta rtin g tim e H C re d u c tio n

In s ta lla tio n C ost
needed va lu e
E n g in e C o m b u s tio n S ys te m
Longest 0 % Ё Ё
w ith b e tte ry
E q u ip p e d w ith U C S S h o rte r Ѝ 20% Easy Low
E q u ip p e d w ith U ltra
S h o rte r І 20% Easy H ig h
C a p a city
E q u ip p e d w ith D o u b le
S h o rte r І 20% Easy M e d iu m
B a tte ry C a p a c ity


EngineExpo09 - 005

Untitled-2 1 2/7/09 16:56:14


Ka A t
k er Aut
o f


a sma
e of

u t



hybrid ham Heeps
s cars

Fritz is

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


■ In an era when nearly all not plan to be a particularly

car companies and their low-volume OEM: a swift
suppliers are regularly being ramp-up to 15,000 cars a year,
sold, downsized or closed possibly as soon as 2011,
altogether, a successful start- is the goal after the first
up is an all-too-rare good production Karma four-door
news story. Fisker Automotive coupe leaves the line at
is confident that it has not Valmet Automotive in Finland
only the vision and the in late 2009.
financial backing, but also the In order to get this and
engineering resources and subsequent cars into
technical know-how to bring a production – a convertible,
luxuriously appointed, plug-in the Karma S, is scheduled for
hybrid sports cars to market. launch in 2011 – Fisker
USA-based Fisker’s setup is has gone ahead and hired a
a far cry from the low-volume number of experienced
start-up sports car companies ex-OEM engineers, including
that come and go with very director of engineering
predictable regularity, Thomas Fritz, who, like
particularly in Europe. To Fisker, has had stints at BMW
begin with, the company and in Ford’s now-defunct
founded by Danish car Premier Automotive Group on
designer Henrik Fisker does his resumé.

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

hybrid-electric propulsion systems that
weigh a fraction of what you’d expect,
yet are powerful enough to move you
wherever you want to go.
Although headquartered in
Irvine, California, Fisker has
established its engineering and
development center in Pontiac,
Michigan, to be the focus of test
and development activity. “In
California we do a lot of the
design and powertrain work,
but Detroit has everything
for car development and
production, which is why we
have our engineering center
here,” Fritz explains. “Michigan
is also a more central working
location for us: it’s three hours
to California, and seven to our
production facility in Finland,
with a good time overlap.” Q DRIVE technology will provide a base for all
The 3,200m2 facility brings future derivatives from Fisker Automotive
together up to 200 engineers
and designers from Fisker and

its supplier base, which includes calibration work, particularly in

Valeo, Michelin, Hydro and the fields of powertrain and
SEEN BUT NOT HEARD Magna (another of Fritz’s former electronics. As well as leveraging
“We’re not going to be world leaders in trunk size or interior employers). For a small, if the knowledge and facilities of
space,” acknowledges Thomas Fritz. “But we will be leaders in growing, start-up OEM, the its suppliers, Fisker has
design, powertrain, and other areas where the car industry is not expertise of its supplier base is supplemented the extensive use
at this time.” One of these areas is in the Karma’s broadcasting crucial: “We have a critical mass of CAE in house for activities
of sound from external loudspeakers when at low speeds in of core Fisker Automotive team such as crash analysis and
zero-emissions mode, to alert people to the car’s presence. “It’s members, but have also engaged vehicle dynamics development
predominantly a safety feature, being friendly to the people and a lot of critical suppliers we’ve with time at third-party physical
environment around our car, but we will use it as part of our known for a long time. Our test facilities. As Fritz says, “Of
DNA,” he explains. “All car makers have their sounds, but we network has been very course, we are outsourcing part
had to create one that is, in a way, artificial. When we tested the important for us in getting the of the work because we don’t
sounds we got very excited about the possibilities. We quickly right skill set of suppliers, want to have everything
narrowed it down to a very specific sound and we’re currently whether it be the engine or internally [in terms of test
fine-tuning that sound, the frequencies, and the loudness at other parts and systems. equipment] and then not use it
certain speeds over certain distances. “Our own team is growing some of the time.”
“People tell us it’d be great to download their own sounds to
day-by-day and it’s important The company is tight-lipped
personalize the vehicle, but we don’t want to do that because
that those people too have good about exactly which facilities
we want the car to sound how we want it to sound. It has to
skill sets and leadership and locations are being used,
have its own DNA. As well as that it has to blend with the
exhaust note from the gasoline engine as at times the two will be
qualities,” he adds. “They must although many are in California
emitted simultaneously.” also have a passion for cars and and Michigan and are known to
must understand cars – they include a number of proving
must be car guys – because we grounds, climatic engine test
work almost 24/7. It’s not a cells, and a wind tunnel to
standard working day, there’s tweak the design of the front air
still a lot of work to do.” intakes and spoiler to reduce
This is, after all, still a startup drag for better fuel economy.
company with an ambitious The latter task had to be
new product that demands large accomplished without spoiling
amounts of integration and the lines of Fisker’s original
design concept for the Karma.
Below: Fisker and his team have worked
hard to match powertrain innovation
As Fritz explains, “It’s part of the
with very contemporary design cues DNA of the Fisker brand that
exterior design is very nicely
proportioned. We have 22in
wheels on the car. Henrik is a
car design guru and big tires
speak a lot for the language
of the car. We will not be
competing with anyone doing
mass-market vehicles so we
would accept certain comfort
limits – 22in tires may not give
a super-comfortable ride.”
Karma offers the driver two driving modes: Stealth Drive, which is Fritz talks a lot about the
the quiet economy mode for optimal relaxed and efficient driving,
importance of the Karma in
and Sport Drive, which will access the full power of the vehicle
establishing the DNA of the

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

OEM Interview: Fisker Automotive

Power to the karma

The Karma’s powertrain is unusual if not unique, and brings its
own development challenges. The gasoline DI engine from the
Pontiac Solstice is tied to the generator set, providing 130kW of
continuous power, 170kW at peak. There are two rear traction
motors rated at 300kW, although according to Paul Boskovitch,
manager of engineering, powertrain and electrical at Fisker
Automotive, “They’re actually much better than that”. The
motors are geared down through the Quantum-supplied Q-
Drive. Stealth and Sport modes are available, with the Karma
resorting to its IC engine at 25% charge in Stealth mode, or at
50% in Sport mode, to make additional energy available.
“Any type of hybrid is a big integration exercise, specifically
controls integration and vehicle characteristics integration,”
explains Boskovitch, who previously worked on advanced
powertrains at GM and Ricardo. “We’ve got fairly complex
algorithms that are constantly optimizing the energy in the entire
vehicle, continuously making trade-offs. That then goes down to
the motor control software, the generator, and engine controls.
The second thing is integration of this type of driveline into the
vehicle itself – the NVH issues, packaging aspects and EMC.”
Powertrain development is being done through a mix of in-
house Fisker personnel and facilities, and outsourcing. “We
do have capabilities through our powertrain provider Quantum,”
he notes. “We’re not going to be a General Motors where you
have almost all your equipment in-house. For the future, the
critical rigs we’ll need, we’ll bring in. And for the ones where we
Karma uses Q-DRIVE plug-in hybrid technology, developed exclusively for Fisker by feel it’s more effective to leave them outside, then we will leave
Quantum Technologies. A fully-charged Karma burns no fuel for the first 50 miles them outside.”

fledgling Fisker brand that’s

already benefiting from much “We’ve eliminated bureaucracy and made
media attention from around
the globe. Fortunately, though, quicker decisions, while meeting the OEM
he can draw on previous
experience, having led a similar standards that are out there today”
exercise in determining brand Thomas fritz, director of engineering
identity at Rolls-Royce after
BMW took over. He recalls, “I
had to understand what made If the first customers for the
a Rolls-Royce – was it the US$87,900 car do indeed
proportions, the NVH, or the receive their cars in late 2009 –
acoustics? You have to know and the company insists it is on
where you can cut corners, and track to deliver then –
where you cannot. This was then the Karma’s
a very helpful experience.” development will
have taken a
little under two
years, which is
impressive by
any standards.
“The reason it’s
fast is because
the people
working on The Karma uses an
the engineering aluminum spaceframe from
activities have done Hydro in Denmark. The structure has
this before, and with over-achieved on the torsional stiffness
this type of technology,”
Fritz reasons. “The Henrik
Fisker approach is to get
as many experts on it as shortened the process by are out there today. We know
possible. As well as that, we’ve eliminating pieces that are that there will always be times
streamlined the process and our important. We’ve eliminated when sparks will fly, that there
decision-making is much bureaucracy and made quicker will be things we didn’t plan for.
With electric motors driving the wheels quicker than it would be for a decisions in a lot of areas, while But that’s the same for all car
directly, Karma needs no transmission standard OEM. But we’ve not meeting the OEM standards that manufacturers.” E&H

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

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IPT’s revolutionary battery management

system helps to ensure buses in both
Genoa and Turin consistently run on time

Bus breakthrough
Buses that consistently run on time? Such a radical concept might soon become a reality
due to new and advanced battery technology being pioneered by a German company
■ One of the greatest journalists volumes. It is the body language Words: James Gordon bus manufacturer EPT. The
of the 21st century, Ryszard of passengers unaccustomed to technology enables 25 buses in
Kapuscinski, once remarked delay. And it’s all due to the Turin and eight in Genoa – each
that people standing at bus Inductive Power Transfer with a state-of-the-art onboard
stops look the same the world Charge system (IPT) pioneered battery management system –
over. Kapuscinski observed by Conductix-Wampfler, a to run for long periods without
that those waiting for buses leading supplier of energy a break. The system is a
everywhere from Vienna to supply and data transmission contactless power transfer unit
Vanuatu carry the same tired systems, which helps to ensure that enables the battery to be
and defeated expressions on passengers are not kept waiting. Mathias Wechlin, senior product charged without any mechanical
their faces. The German company, part of manager at Conductix-Wampfler, is contact or intervention.
But the Pole, who died in the Conductix-Wampfler group now working hard to install contactless The IPT charge system
power transfer units in vehicles
January 2007, probably never with over 1000 staff members, reduces the need for overnight
had time to visit Genoa or is headquartered on the banks or daily charging due to an
Turin. If he had done so he of the Rhine. However, it chose underground IPT charge system
might have noticed the five Italy as the testing ground to that transmits electricity to the
passengers waiting to board the launch the technology that bus every time it stops at a bus
number 23 bus on Via Colombo could revolutionize bus travel, stop.
Cristoforo in downtown Turin. not to mention boost sales, One man with an in-depth
Somewhat curiously, their faces which last year exceeded understanding of the IPT
display none of the negative US$309 million in the group. technology is Mathias Wechlin,
characteristics that Kapuscinski The IPT system, which has a senior IPT product manager
describes. An elderly woman now been functioning in the who has worked for Conductix-
smiles at her friend across a northern Italian cities of Turin Wampfler for 18 years. Speaking
street, and a teenager sits and Genoa since 2002, is the by phone from the USA,
serenely on the bench beside result of a partnership between Wechlin, who was educated
her. Their body language speaks Conductix-Wampfler and Italian in Germany and Switzerland,

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

was only too happy to discuss energy and the battery could
a system that he hopes one day overheat, not enough and the
will be rolled out in cities across bus would be unable to
Europe. “Each time the bus function properly.”
stops to drop off passengers, the Now, however, Wechlin and
battery management system his team have new goals to
determines exactly how much strive for. “The big challenge
energy it needs and sends a now is to universalize the
data signal to the track supply,” technology. Over the next few
he says. years we have to work closely
“The track supply then with the OEMs to make sure the The battery management system determines
transfers the energy through a IPT system can be successfully exactly how much energy the bus needs
series of subterranean feeding implemented globally. We are
cables to a primary coil that is also working hard to install the
buried under the ground at each system in cars.
bus stop. The primary coil in “The IPT system will work in
turn transmits the electrical exactly the same way,” he says,
energy via inductive power “but the primary coil is inserted
transfer to a secondary coil that at parking facilities, eliminating
has been installed underneath the need for drivers to charge
the bus. From there energy passes their cars at night. We also
to a rectifier unit and finally to want to install the IPT system
the energy storage device. in electric-powered delivery
“The IPT charge system has vehicles. Opportunity charging
been up and running in Turin points at loading and unloading
since 2002, and we’re extremely zones would mean that the
happy with the technology.” delivery firms could make more
But seven years ago, Wechlin drop-offs.”
and his team faced a number of But the greatest difficulty, he
challenges when developing and predicts, will be to cope with Above: The principle workings behind OEM. I cannot talk figures or
testing the technology. “We demand. With the global oil the advanced battery management timeframes, but I can say it is
system from Conductix-Wampfler
encountered hurdles, but no price climbing steadily once very exciting news. And it is
major obstacles. For example, again (a barrel of oil costs particularly satisfying and
in the early stages we had to US$71) the multinationals are heartening that we are at our
closely monitor the relationship once again knocking on busiest in the worst recession
between the onboard battery Conductix-Wampfler’s door. since the 1930s. But that is the
system and track supply to “We’ve never been busier,” adds time when major OEMs look for
ensure that the bus was Wechlin. “Regarding IPT, I can cutting-edge, cost-effective
receiving the optimum level of confirm that we are in advanced technologies. It’s our job to
electrical energy. Too much talks with a major multinational provide them.” E&H


Waiting at the airport baggage carousel after a trip away is truly
depressing. It’s the moment every jet-lagged air passenger
dreads – and the moment they realize that their holiday is over.
Conductix-Wampfler may not be able to rid passengers of
their holiday blues, but the company is currently working on
developing bespoke Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) technology
for airport vehicles. If successfully implemented, Mathias
Wechlin believes that the technology could lead to reduced
waiting times for passengers at arrivals halls. “Opportunity
charging will enable airport vehicles such as baggage reclaim
Above and below: The IPT charge system trucks to work for long periods without charging breaks,
has been up and running in Turin since 2002 meaning that the airport managers should be able to clear
baggage reclaim areas more quickly,” he says.
Wechlin thinks there is scope to install the technology in a
number of airport vehicles, including passenger stair vehicles,
lavatory servicing and portable water supply vehicles, air cargo
tractors, and passenger transit vehicles.
Nancy Gautier, a spokeswoman for the Airport Council
International (ACI), the voice of European airports, adds, “The
technology that is being proposed is of great benefit to airports.
Not only is it cost-effective, but it will enhance the experience of
With many of the world’s airports facing a bleak future, it
may not be long before airport managers come knocking on
Conductix-Wampfler’s door.

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


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Bosch Rexroth’s HRB system

is being tested on refuse trucks
in New York City and Berlin

Cash for trash

“We’re excited to be at the
field trial stage of testing,” she
says. “We’re fortunate that the
system is being tested in a
variety of settings. This will
obtain more real-world data that
shows the HRB can provide
Bosch Rexroth is helping to keep major city centers around the world considerable fuel savings, and
emissions reduction.”
clean with innovative powertrain technology for garbage trucks The vehicles will undergo a
Words: James Gordon series of trials including braking
■ One man’s trash is another State Energy Research and tests, acceleration tests, route
man’s treasure, or so the Development Authority. collections tests and dyno
saying goes. So perhaps it’s no But even before the field testing to evaluate emissions,
coincidence that Bosch Rexroth trials began last month, Bosch and DuHadway explains why
AG, a company that employs Rexroth and its partners had the refuse industry is the perfect
more than 35,000 staff and one reason to be optimistic. That’s arena to trial the HRB braking
that generated sales of US$8.3 because initial testing conducted system: “The HRB system is
billion last year, has chosen by its global team revealed that ideal for sanitation vehicles
to test its new Hydrostatic the HRB system can reduce the because refuse trucks are always
Regenerative Braking (HRB) fuel consumption of vehicles stopping and starting. Instead of
system on refuse trucks in New in the class 7 and 8 categories allowing braking energy to be
York City and Berlin. (heavy-duty vehicles weighing lost as heat, HRB converts it
Last month, New York City’s more than 11,800kg) by as into hydraulic energy and stores
Department of Sanitation much as 25%. it. The next time the vehicle
(DSNY) began a period of Michelle DuHadway, account accelerates, the stored energy is
extensive trials that will last up manager for Bosch Rexroth’s fed back into the drive line,
to a year. A number of vehicles Parallel HRB system, says Bosch relieving the load on the engine.
in the DSNY fleet have been first began developing this The technology is designed in
equipped with the Bosch technology in the USA six years such a way that the more
Rexroth HRB technology, which ago with a team of just intensive the start/stop cycle,
has been installed onto a Crane 20 engineers. But, she says, the greater the reduction of fuel
Carrier chassis company, an the HRB system has advanced consumption using HRB.”
Oklahoma-based OEM, and considerably since it first Rexroth’s DuHadway says that the HRB DuHadway, who worked as
partly funded by the New York came into being in 2003. system is ideally suited for refuse trucks a production manager for an

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


It’s the ‘city that never sleeps’, and certainly the garbage
produced every day by New York’s eight million residents
gives the city’s refuse collectors ample opportunity to work
late into the night.
Every day more than 2,230 garbage trucks patrol New
York’s five boroughs, collecting over 12,000 tons of
residential and institutional refuse and recyclables a day
– and that’s just the bags the collectors pick up at the side
of the road.
“It’s a real challenge to keep the garbage at bay,” says
Rocco DiRico, the DSNY’s deputy commissioner, “so
when Bosch Rexroth came to us and suggested we field
test its HRB system, we were delighted. We hope that the
technology can improve efficiency, and it represents an
important step toward achieving the commercialization
As well as targeting sanitation vehicles, Bosch Rexroth engineers are also working of heavy-duty hybrid hydraulic vehicles. That has to be a
hard to adapt HRS for bus applications and other commercial truck applications
good thing.”
advertising agency before But DuHadway is confident Although nobody is sure exactly how cost-efficient the
joining Bosch in 2006, says that that the HRB team can succeed technology will prove to be, Michelle DuHadway thinks
making the transition from the with the support it receives from that the HRB system could help DSNY to reduce brake
off-road to the on-road market Bosch Rexroth. “We are very maintenance costs on its large fleet of vehicles. “On
presented the company with its excited about the future,” says average DSNY replaces brakes approximately once a
greatest challenge. “Taking DuHadway. year,” she says, “which takes the truck out of service for
proven parts and hydraulics “When the testing is at least two days. We hope to improve that figure by at
knowledge and applying it to successful we would like the least 50%.”
the on-road market has been a technology to be rolled out in She concludes, “We should have a clearer idea how the
rewarding challenge. states across the USA. And I can trial is progressing by the end of this year.”
“Additionally, having the confirm that we are involved in
support of our parent company, advanced talks with a private

“I can confirm that

Robert Bosch, which is a market sanitation fleet in California. hydraulic hybrid system for
leader in the on-road market, Beyond this, we want to make medium-duty applications,” she

we are involved in
has been a great asset. But if the system universal.” says. “This is an infinitely
the technology is to be globally And so while Bosch Rexroth’s variable transmission (IVT) that

advanced talks with

successful, one engineering primary market is developing replaces the conventional
hurdle must be overcome. We HRB technology for refuse transmission and driveline with

a private sanitation
must ensure that older vehicles, applications, the system is also a propietary high effciency
which have been equipped with available for bus applications pump and motor technology.”

fleet in California”
standard braking equipment, and it is being further developed By then it is likely that the
have the opportunity to upgrade for other commercial markets crippling global recession that
to the HRB system. Therefore, around the world. has altered the USA’s automotive
we’re currently investigating a “In the next few years, we landscape, bankrupting US car
retrofit strategy.” also plan to unveil a series giants Chrysler and General
Motors, will have eased. But
even in this most difficult of
financial times, Bosch is
committed to injecting a great
chunk of capital back into its
research and development
budget. This year alone,
DuHadway says, Bosch will set
aside more than US$5.7 billion,
or 8% of its sales revenue for
research and development. She
also confirmed that the Tier 1
supplier will invest a large
portion its R&D expenditure
on products that protect the
environment and conserve
resources. “We’ve been very
fortunate to keep our team
together. However, the HRB
technology we are working on
now is in great demand. And it
makes me proud to know that
we are working on solutions
Instead of allowing braking energy to be lost during the journey of a garbage truck, the HRB system converts braking energy
that can help US businesses in
back into hydraulic energy and stores it. The next time the vehicle accelerates the stored energy is fed back into the transmission this severe downturn.” E&H

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


FEVT and European Batteries scale up energy storage solutions

for the automotive industry
FEVT, Finnish Electric Vehicle Technologies, European Batteries is producing
is a developer and producer of lithium-ion new prismatic large-format 40-400Ah
energy storage solutions. European Batteries lithium-ion batteries. Lithium iron
manufactures lithium-ion cells and batteries. phosphate (LFP) batteries are proven
These companies are scaling up their to offer high energy density and safety
lithium-ion battery and battery management for vehicle purposes. Since 2002, FEVT
production in Finland by opening a new has been in the lithium-ion energy storage
state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. business with a unique battery manage-
ment solution Cell Control System (CCS).
This modular system offers safety as well
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High voltage
Never before has EV development been so popular. E&H takes a look at who’s
doing what in the global automotive industry

: De

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Tesla Roadster
Company: Tesla Motors
Cost: Over US$100,000
Batteries: Custom microprocessor-controlled lithium-ion battery
pack with 6,831 individual cells
Range: 354km (220 miles)
Charging: Full charge in less than four hours
Power output: 248bhp, 375Nm of torque
Top speed: 201km/h (125mph)
0-100km/h: Around 4.1 seconds
Weight: 1,113kg
We say: Tesla is an interesting case. The company benefited
from a lot of media attention a few years ago, but over-ambitious
growth plans along with technical issues with the Roadster have
hampered progress. E&H went to test the Roadster toward the
end of 2008 and the car failed to start due to onboard diagnostic
problems. Despite this, a second product, the Model S, is due
soon and it could be key to future growth for the company

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


Z.E. Concept
Company: Renault
Batteries: Lithium-ion pack produced by the Automotive Electric
Supply Corporation, a joint-venture company between Nissan
and NEC. The battery pack comprises 48 modules, each of
which incorporates four elementary cells
Range: Around 60km (37 miles)
Charging: Full charge in eight hours
Power output: 95bhp electric motor with 226Nm of torque
We say: Renault’s take on emissions reduction and enhanced
fuel economy is simple: further optimization of IC engines along
with the full development of EVs. The French car maker will
have no fewer than three EV products on the market
within six years, one of which will be heavily based
on this concept

Company: GEM (owned by Chrysler)
Cost: Around US$8,000
Batteries: 72V system
Range: 48km (30 miles)
Charging: Full charge in eight hours
Power output: 15bhp
Top speed: 40km/h (25mph)
Weight: 517kg
We say: Despite Chrysler’s recent plight, the US car maker is
standing firm over its support of GEM. Chrysler’s Pea-Pod EV
concept harnesses many technologies from GEM

TH!NK City
Company: TH!NK
Cost: Around US$23,000
Batteries: Lithium-ion pack
Range: 170km (106 miles)
Charging: 80% in eight hours
Power output: 40bhp
Top speed: 96km/h (60mph)
0-100km/h: Over 17 seconds
Weight: 1,113kg
We say: Rumors earlier this year indicated that TH!NK was about
to embark on a collaboration with a large OEM to develop a
four-seater electric vehicle in sedan format, but such a deal has
not yet materialized. Plans are in motion, however, to roll out the
current TH!NK City range to nearly all European markets and
North America

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

Smart ED
Company: Mercedes-Benz
The product: Expect a full market launch within two years
Batteries: Lithium-ion pack
Range: Around 115km (71 miles)
Charging: Full charge in eight hours
Power output: 55kW from the motor and inverter
Top speed: 120km/h (75mph)
0-100km/h: Around seven seconds
We say: Mercedes-Benz and Smart have become serious
players in EV development. Fleet trials are currently taking place
in Berlin and London, and the German OEM looks likely to
become an early European leader in this field. Suppliers involved
in the Smart project include Zytek and Continental. Mercedes-
Benz also has an electric A-Class in development

Company: Venturi
Cost: Over US$250,000
Batteries: 31 modules of lithium-ion batteries placed in a T
formation in a central unit. The battery pack weighs around
248kg and is liquid-cooled
Range: 250km (155 miles)
Charging: Full charge in three hours
Power output: Electric motor produces 180kW and 220Nm of
We say: Developed and produced in Monaco, Venturi is an EV
for the super-rich. The worry is that it might be surpassed by
Fisker Automotive’s Karma (see page 20), Tesla’s Roadster, and
Lightning Car Company’s Lightning GT. Watch this space

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July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

The electric surge
Mega City 2-Seater
Company: Nice
Cost: US$19,750
Batteries: Lead acid
Range: 97km (60 miles)
Charging: Full charge in eight hours
Power output: 4kW from the motor
Top speed: 88km/h (55mph)
Weight: 750kg
We say: Nice is one of the few EV developers championing lead
acid batteries. The general feeling is that the company is being
left behind by its rivals, such as TH!NK

Company: Zap
Cost: Around US$35,000
Batteries: Lithium-ion pack
Range: Over 161km (100 miles)
Charging: Full charge thought to be around eight hours
Top speed: 241km/h (150mph)
0-100km/h: Around six seconds
Weight: 733kg
Nissan Electric Vehicle We say: The Robin Reliant of the EV world, but there’s more to
Company: Nissan Zap vehicles than just the three-wheel design. The Alias is a
The product: The production version of Nissan’s various EV futuristic-looking car that’s raised the profile of the company, but
concepts is due to be launched in late 2010 will Zap ever manage to branch out from its super niche market?
Cost: Expected to be around US$25,000
Batteries: Lithium-ion batteries developed in conjunction
with NEC
Range: Around 160km (99 miles)
Charging: Nissan engineers are intent on realizing an 80%
charge in 15 minutes. This could be a major breakthrough
Power output: 80kW from the motor and inverter
We say: Like its Alliance partner Renault, Nissan also
sees a future for electric vehicles. The Japanese
OEM’s EV program dates back to the mid-
1990s, and this concept is more than
just a tech demonstrator. The
batteries, motor, and many
subsystems will be used in
Nissan’s production
EV in 2010

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology

the electric surge
Lightning GT
Company: Lightning Car Company
Cost: Around US$175,000
Batteries: NanoSafe. Lightning says that unlike standard lithium-
ion, NanoSafe batteries don’t need to be kept cool when
charged/used or heated to get them to perform in subzero
temperatures. It’s something different to the rest of the field
Range: The aim is 300km (186 miles)
Charging: Full charge in around three hours
Power output: The Hi-Pa Drive technology is made up of four
120kW permanent magnet brushless motors. The battery pack is
good for 36kW
Top speed: At least 209km/h (130mph)
0-100km/h: Around five seconds, but a real-world sprint time of
4.5 seconds is realistic
We say: The UK’s answer to Tesla. There’s a great deal of Mini E
innovation taking place at this company, but it is likely to remain a
Company: BMW
niche player until cheaper, mass-produced models are rolled out
Cost: US$850 a month to lease
Batteries: Lithium-ion pack with 35kWh and 5,008 cells grouped
in 48 modules
Range: 241km (150 miles)
Charging: Full charge in eight hours, but owners will be able to
decrease this time to just over two hours if they have Mini’s high-
voltage wallbox fitted in their garage
Power output: 204bhp, 220Nm of torque
Top speed: 153km/h (95mph)
0-100km/h: 8.5 seconds
Weight: 1,465kg
We say: This is a project to watch. BMW is seriously considering
EVs as a solution to long-term sustainable transportation, and
the Mini E might be in dealerships by 2013. The flaw with this
product is the enormous battery pack; it’s so big that the Mini E
is a two-seater

Reva (G-Wiz in the UK)

Company: Reva Electric Car Company
Cost: Around US$14,800
Batteries: Lead acid
Range: 80km (50 miles)
Charging: 80% in under three hours
Power output: Reva makes use of a three-phase AC induction
motor with torque of 52Nm. The motor can run at a high speed
of 8,000rpm
Top speed: 80km/h (50mph)
Weight: 750kg
We say: The biggest challenge for the Indian company is now to
create an actual electric vehicle. The G-Wiz, for example, is
classified as a quadricycle (category L7e) under European law

Company: Subaru
Cost: Around US$17,500, but this price will probably drop to
around US$13,000 by 2013
Batteries: Lithium-ion pack
Range: 200km (124 miles)
Charging: Full charge in eight hours
Power output: 40bhp
Top speed: 104km/h (65mph)
We say: Although not quite yet ready to deliver a production EV,
Subaru is hot on the heels of Mitsubishi and the i MiEV product.
The R1e will be ready for market launch by 2011. A testing
program is currently being undertaken in the USA

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

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The multiple operation modes of the Dynamic All-Wheel-Drive Hybrid System from Giant Lion. The technology has been designed to make use of reliable, low-cost components

ARCHITECTURE combination with the clutches in the
powertrain can be used to realize different
An advanced powertrain technology has been released operation modes of the system.
There are numerous driving modes
that incorporates a wide range of hybrid functionality available. An integrated control system
that is connected to the clutch and brake
■ Giant Lion Know-How has developed a efficiency levels. In particular, it is not actuators, as well as to the automatic
hybrid powertrain architecture designed for advisable to use an IC engine for propulsion gearbox control, has been developed to
use in SUVs, small trucks and logistic under part load, as the electric machine reliably regulate those driving modes.
vehicles. The Dynamic All-Wheel-Drive offers a much higher efficiency level. DAHS offers the flexibility to choose a
Hybrid System (DAHS) is a four-wheel- A powertrain layout has to be designed driving mode that is suitable for the
drive technology that includes a hybrid in such a way that both machines can be situation at hand and accommodates input
powertrain and incorporates a range of operated and combined very efficiently. The from the driver. It is possible to run in
hybrid functionality, yet maintains a simple DAHS system provides the opportunities to four-wheel-drive hybrid mode, thus using
layout. It has been designed as a system achieve that goal. both machines for optimal traction and
that is easy to manufacture and to assemble The IC engine is connected to a driving performance. If the all-wheel drive
and uses reliable, low-cost components conventional automatic gearbox and can be is not required, the front axle can be
that are readily available off the shelf. A decoupled from the rest of the powertrain decoupled from the rest of the powertrain
sophisticated operating strategy uses the by a friction clutch. An intermediate so that friction losses occurring at that axle
implemented hybrid functions and realizes transmission distributes the power to the are avoided. By opening the clutch, the
a considerable mileage improvement. rear and front axles, both of which can be vehicle runs in a force-addition hybrid
A hybrid system consists of two different disconnected by two additional friction mode, using the electric motor to power
energy converters and storage systems. In clutches. However, the electric motor is the rear axle and the IC engine for the front
this case, an IC engine has been coupled attached through a differential gear, axle. All those three hybrid modes offer
with an electric machine. The main goal realizing a speed increase for the motor and start-stop operation of the IC engine, load
is to avoid those regions of operation in the engine. Friction brakes on two of the fencing, recuperative braking and boosting.
which the IC engine shows very poor three terminals of the differential in A driving mode with locally emission-free

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


The technical layout of the inner working of the Dynamic All-Wheel-Drive Hybrid System from Giant Lion in Taiwan

propulsion can be chosen with the pure A sophisticated powertrain model has Operating points of the IC engine are
electric rear-wheel drive. For driving been used in order to assess the total fuel shown for both base and hybrid powertrain
scenarios where the hybrid functions would saving potential and the performance configurations. It can be clearly seen that
not net a fuel benefit, such as on more characteristics of the DAHS. In addition during hybrid mode the IC engine is
long-distance journeys, it is possible to to this, it is possible to employ a rapid- operating at a much higher efficiency than
disconnect the electric motor entirely from control prototyping process using software a conventional system. In addition to this,
the system and use only the IC engine for modeling so that the control strategy can the IC engine is shut off during the start
propulsion of the vehicle. be tuned, tested, and verified. For the and stop phases, thus resulting in a
The operation strategy for the DAHS simulation, vehicle parameters have been reduction of idling losses.
has been optimized to minimize fuel extracted from the SUV Ford Escape, which DAHS presents a way to easily add
consumption in urban driving scenarios is powered by a 2.3-liter engine. An electric hybrid functionality in a four-wheel drive
with a high degree of start-stop operation. motor has been modeled according to a powertrain. By adding an electric motor
The basic strategy focuses on stopping the commercially available motor model. The and a multiway terminal battery pack
IC engine when it would run under part- permanently synchronous motor has been consisting of a low-cost, high-reliability
load conditions, and thus with a low- designed for a peak power output of 30kW. VRLA battery, and by implementing the
efficiency level. During those phases, the A lead-acid multiway power battery pack electrical components into the mechanical
vehicle uses the electric motor for propulsion. designed by Giant Lion Know-How with a powertrain via a differential, it is possible
In the event of a power demand that capacity of 90AH(3c) at 72V normal voltage to achieve a great improvement in fuel
exceeds the electric motor’s capabilities, is being used as the energy storage. Power economy and acceleration capability.
the IC engine has to be started again. This density is rated at 470W/kg (>soc 40%). Simulation runs have been conducted,
decision is based on driver input as Internationally standardized driving using standardized testing methods such
indicated by the pedal position and the cycles such as the NEDC and Federal Test as the NEDC and FTP regulations. Those
vehicle speed. An additional control layer Procedure (FTP) have been used as inputs simulations have been run with a
ensures the safety of the electric storage for the simulation runs. Results of the simulation model of a conventionally
device and alters the IC engine switching NEDC simulation are shown on the next propelled reference vehicle and with the
points based on the state of charge of the page, comparing the DAHS vehicle and the modified hybrid vehicle. During test
battery pack. Ford Escape 2.3-liter reference vehicle. simulation runs, the operation strategy of

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


The PPS hybrid powertrain system, jointly
studied by Giant Lion and fka mbH,
integrates the electrical driving capability
into a conventional powertrain by a
clutching unit and two electrical machinery
units that provide much less power
capacity then the onboard internal
combustion engine. The operating principle
of the PPS powertrain is simple: while the
engine is running at a low efficiency region,
the clutching unit is disengaged. The
mechanical power output from the IC
engine fully drives the generator to
generate the electrical energy to the
traction motor for vehicle motion. While
the vehicle is driving at high speed, the
clutching unit is engaged, with the
mechanical power of the engine running at
a high efficiency level to drive the vehicle
directly. The switch condition of the
clutching unit is based on vehicle speed
and the sensor signal of engine torque
value. The main feature of the PPS system
is that it does not use a main-battery pack,
which eliminates the dependence on main
battery pack of hybrid powertrain, and
avoids the induced problems on cost and
The technical layout of PPS hybrid powertrain system, which has been jointly developed by Giant Lion and fka system reliability.

the technology has been gradually and

continuously tuned and improved. The
results of the simulation runs have been
assessed and analyzed with a focus on the
fuel economy behavior of the system. A
close examination of the operational
behavior of the IC engine has been
performed, and the hybrid functionality of
the powertrain layout has been confirmed
and its effect on the fuel economy has been
quantified. In addition to this, the
improvement in acceleration capability has
been proved and quantified. In the two
driving cycles mentioned above, the DAHS
vehicle has shown an increase in mpg of
22-33%. Depending on the driving
situation, these mileage figures are bound
to vary, but the acceleration capability rises
by approximately 40% for the 0-60km/h
sprint. E&H The total fuel economy enhancement that the innovative Dynamic All-Wheel-Drive Hybrid System can realize


Giant Yang at Giant Lion
✆ +886 2 2731 8811
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 501

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

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Left: A&D Technology and moving

the vehicle into the test cell

The development of HEVs represents a

unique set of challenges. For example, in
many cases the complicated hybrid control
system is developed in parallel with the
physical system itself. As a result, the
complete HEV system is typically not
available when the vehicle controller is
ready to be tested, and this sometimes is
due to limited component availability. An
advanced energy storage device is a prime
example of a component that has an
extensive development and validation
phase that may not allow the component to
be a part of the early hybrid control system
development activity.
In an ideal engineering scenario, where
key system components such as the hybrid
control unit and the complete system exist,
engineers are faced with the challenge of
test condition repeatability. The dynamics
of an HEV can make it difficult to perform

TEST AUTOMATION repeatable tests, so if a problem is identified,

it can take a considerable amount of time to
first determine the cause of failure, and
A new system can help OEMs with HEV development, boosting then validate that it has been resolved. HiL
simulation provides a test environment that
design efficiency with hardware-in-the-loop simulation is consistently repeatable without risk of
human error, and a capability to address
product-to-product variation.
■ The design of the modern vehicle has as many as 70 in high-end vehicles such as Another challenge in HEV development
dramatically changed, as have the processes the Mercedes S-Class and BMW 7 Series. As is that electrical systems have higher
by which it is developed – driven by the number of ECU modules increases with bandwidth than mechanical systems, and
governmental regulations and market the deployment of HEV architectures, the therefore command smaller simulation time
demand for improved quality and fuel needs on the in-vehicle network start to steps. Such small time steps sometimes
economy. Vehicle development strategies change dynamically: in essence, they need require special solvers and interpolation
have traditionally focused on reducing to be faster and more deterministic. techniques to ensure accurate results. More
emissions and fuel consumption without a For these reasons, the techniques and problems occur when simulating power
compromise in power, but today’s modern tools that engineers use to develop and test devices, such as a DC-DC inverter, because
vehicle has evolved from a mostly HEVs needs to evolve. Finding an optimal of their normally high switching
mechanical system to include complex operation strategy for the HEV is a very frequencies in terms of the simulation
electronics and software algorithms. This complicated and complex process. HiL sampling frequency. This sampling must
shift has given car makers the opportunity testing techniques provide a virtual reality have microsecond precision, and in order
to enhance vehicle drivability through the in which to simulate the vehicle dynamics to obtain high simulation speed, it is
use of computer-based optimization of today’s advanced hybrid electric important to incorporate faster processors
systems, specifically HiL simulation. powertrains, reducing the number of and simplified models, which is where HiL
Electronics have promised to play a prototype units (such as components, simulation becomes a necessary tool.
bigger role as car makers move to more subsystems and vehicles) required for To meet these challenges, A&D
innovation in hybridization and improved testing and validation. This reduction in the Technology offers the Andromeda system to
vehicle properties. For example, the complexity and variation of the number of enable HiL simulation capability at a test
number of ECU modules in a standard test units yields a direct benefit in both bench level. The core of the Andromeda
passenger vehicle has climbed from three to development cost and resource reduction. system is a high-speed, real-time controller

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Left: A&D Technology’s real-time

HiL and simulation system

enables drivability assessment and

development to become a part of the
vehicle creation process at a much earlier
stage than is seen today.
NextGen Research forecasts that the
that runs the vehicle simulation models as different concepts (including parallel, market for consumer hybrid vehicles will
well as the algorithms to control the series, and split powertrain designs), and grow at a 28% annual rate from 2008,
primary testing equipment such as the component sizes of the hybrid electric when 550,000 HEVs were sold worldwide,
dynamometer, drive, battery simulator, vehicle powertrain in respect to fuel to sales of 1.9 million by 2013. The car
battery load devices and related power consumption and exhaust-gas emissions. makers who successfully address the
electronics. As the HEV system evolves with In the path to hybridization, it is clear influences of comfort, pedal response, and
new parts, the virtual components such as that HiL simulation is critical to the uniformity in acceleration and gear shifting
transmissions, energy storage devices, and development and test phase in order to while neutralizing the negative impacts of
electric motors/generators can then be maintain reliability and time-to-market oscillation, torque variation, noise, and
exchanged within the simulation. This requirements in a highly cost-sensitive vibration will have the most to gain in this
flexibility makes it possible to investigate world. Implementing HiL simulation projected HEV market. E&H


Lisa Mahoney at A&D Technology
✆ +1 734 822 9558
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 502

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Left and below: Images of the electromagnetic cores

stock utilization are linear designs. These
would include ‘slinky’ strips and linear,
formable stators, with the most efficient of
these being nested in the strip. Such

PRODUCTION designs can keep offal to a low of 15-20%,

depending on the lamination’s design.
Linear strips that cannot be nested consume
Are lamination die systems the answer for motor designers more material, perhaps up to 40% offal.
By comparison, most typical rotor/stator
seeking complete freedom with 3D part geometry? progressive straight-strip layouts have offal
percentages of well over 50%. Material
■ ‘Green’ and ‘energy-efficient’ are two consumption may be reduced in nested
terms used to describe all sorts of new multi-row layouts or through the use of
products. The advertiser hopes consumers ‘zigzag’ contoured coil stock. There are
will assume that the product is good for great advantages to this more traditional
society and the environment, but this is style of lamination/core production.
often not the case, resulting in many For example, through the interlocking of
consumers becoming skeptical. laminations, coupled with the automatic
If a product or process is ever truly skewing and stack rotation, finished cores
green, it is when its manufacture is miserly are produced with the best possible
in the use of raw materials and labor, and parallelism and perpendicularity. No
when the final product performs with secondary operations are required.
energy efficiency. LH Industries wants to Regardless of the method chosen, the
explore this, especially in relation to the production of high-efficiency motor designs
manufacture of electric motors. Above: Lamination strips nested for material savings requires consistently precise rotor and/or
The design engineer of an electric motor stator cores. Control of the stamping and
has the challenging responsibility of interlocking process becomes increasingly
striking an optimum balance with factors stamping techniques for producing important as motor cores get longer
such as core design, winding specification, laminations/cores that bring to realization (making taller stack heights).
mechanical componentry, and a precise and the engineers’ performance goals and The alignment and concentricity of the
compact assembly. She/he aims to achieve consume electrical steel economically. final motor assembly system depends on
the sometimes incompatible goals of energy Keeping the amount of raw material in the the quality of the cores on which the entire
efficiency, cool and quiet operation, product to an absolute minimum saves assembly is constructed. The precise
reliability, and longevity – all at a highly money and ensures greenness. measurement of coil stock entering the
competitive price. A combination of efficient motor design lamination die is another technique the
The rotor and stator cores are at the and the efficient use of lamination steel is, company uses to assure close control of
beginning of this process. One of the fortunately, not contradictory. Generally, the stack height and to save on material use.
company’s missions is to consider die and stator designs with the highest level of Control of stack height to a range of less

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


than ± one lam thickness is consistently

The motor designer has other important
considerations: envelope-size constraints,
precise mounting requirements, winding
specifications with high-percentage slot fills,
and insulation. An economical lamination-
strip configuration, coupled with advanced
technology such as LH Carbide’s Varilok,
may extend material, manufacturing and
space savings, through eliminating parts
Above: State-of-the-art multi-row lamination stamping systems on offer from LH Industries in the USA
from the final assembly.
If mounting features are added as an
integral part of the stator core, material and By providing lamination die systems of motor possible, resulting in improved
labor can be saved and the accuracy of the such impressive capability, LH Industries operating economy, performance, quality,
final assembly can be improved. Varilok can give automotive motor designer’s and accuracy – all at the lowest
techniques can be applied to linear, complete freedom with 3D-part geometry, manufacturing cost. Such a process is green
formable stators and the more conventional allowing him/her to apply advanced by any definition, and is a great beginning
interlocked rotor/stator designs. techniques to produce the most efficient for efficient motor design. E&H


Tom Neuenschwander at LH Industries Corp
✆ +1 260 432 5563 ext: 1251
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 503


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An innovative demonstrator project has shown that it’s possible
to combine high fuel efficiency with a fun-to-drive element
Above: AVL built its Turbo-Hybrid powertrain last ■ Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions start) have less potential; this can be gained
year and applied it to a BMW 3 Series. The engine reduction will remain the key challenge for only by a hybrid system. The overall
was developed in cooperation with Bosch and LUK
the automotive industry for many years due powertrain has to be optimized in order to
to legislative, social, environmental and achieve the maximum fuel reduction.
economic reasons. However, for most Downsizing the combustion engine and
vehicle classes, this can’t be the only focus downspeeding by wide ratio spread and
as customer expectations regarding proper final drive ratio leads to a
drivability and the fun-to-drive element tremendous increase in fuel efficiency. The
also have to be met. If two vehicles show impact on drivability due to these measures
the same fuel consumption, in most cases is compensated or even over-compensated
the one that will be purchased will be the by the additional use of an electric drive. To
product that offers sporty characteristics or avoid suffering a low battery, which would
high comfort levels. disable the torque support from the e-drive,
A detailed analysis of the fuel economy Austria-based AVL has developed and
potential offered by hybridization of a patented a special strategy to guarantee a
gasoline engine shows that the shifting of high level of battery charge. Energy needed
the operation points of the IC engine is a for support at low engine speeds is gained
major effect. The classical hybrid functions back at higher speeds by using the
(brake energy recuperation and idle stop/ overboost capability of the turbocharged

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


Right: AVL’s Turbo Hybrid powertrain realizes high fuel

efficiency and an outstanding fun-to-drive aspect

combustion engine. Under full load requirements of lowest NVH levels, smallest of the specific drivetrain system layout, the
conditions, a reloading of the battery is package space, high power/weight ratio, electrical system and the internal
possible. Thus, the Turbo-Hybrid was born. system integration, and competitive combustion engine can be optimized for
In 2008, AVL built its Turbo-Hybrid production costs. single point operation. All the range
powertrain in a BMW 3 Series demo vehicle To reduce costs and vehicle weight, the extender functionalities are integrated in a
in cooperation with Bosch and LUK. In battery size and output are optimized for modular package to minimize interfaces
comparison to a 2008 reference vehicle, a the majority of driving schedules. Longer with the vehicle.
fuel reduction of 10% in the NEDC could driving distances, which are driven less The AVL range extender solution can be
be demonstrated, and the overall driving frequently, will not be covered by the tailored to meet specific customer vehicle
performance and fun-to-drive aspect is battery alone. For these longer distances, a requirements. There are also benefits from a
improved. The strategy of recharging user needs to extend vehicle driving range. reduced development effort due to the
the battery by engine overboost was The AVL range extender is an independent reduced system complexity and optimum
successfully demonstrated on the test track auxiliary power unit added to pure electric system efficiency with minimum fuel
and in real-world operation. With moderate drive vehicles to extend the operational consumption in addition to a production
add-on costs for the combustion engine, driving range beyond what is possible in volume design.
the required add-on costs for the electric pure electric mode. Based on highly integrated core
components can be reduced, resulting in The modular design of the AVL range competencies in powertrain engineering,
lower drivetrain costs and a better benefit- extender has focused on the acoustics, testing, and simulation, AVL’s specific range
to-cost ratio than other hybrid systems. weight, and packaging space, with extender services encompass concept
The driving range of electric vehicles is a competitive production costs and development and simulation to technical
fundamental element in market acceptance system efficiency for the required output. specification development, IC engine and
and success. An intelligent system approach Depending on the specific application, electronic system integration, model-based
using new range-extender technologies the internal combustion engine can be component optimization, operation
addresses this primary requirement. AVL designed as a two- or four-stroke piston strategies, and controls, up to verification
has developed an innovative range extender engine, or, for the lowest NVH and and prototype and production
technology demonstrator to meet the compactness, as a rotary engine. Because development. E&H

Left: The range extender is a unique system

that provides efficiency at an optimized cost

Contact the author

Klaus-Peter Zeyen at AVL
4 Reader Enquiry Card No. 504

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


More: Less:
25% fuel savings Fueling stops

The Hydraulic Hybrid from Rexroth reduces fuel costs by up to 25%.

The Hydrostatic Regenerative Braking System HRB from Rexroth helps you bring fuel con-
sumption under control. Virtually complete recovery of braking energy makes HRB especially
effective for stop-and-go driving. Heavy vehicles like refuse trucks, buses, or fork lifts can
achieve reductions of up to 25% in fuel costs and up to 40% in brake wear – protecting both:
the environment and your budget. Bosch Rexroth. The Drive & Control Company

Bosch Rexroth AG

8609_M13en_210x297.indd 1 02.07.09 10:25


Figure 1: Design challenges have

been overcome with HybridKit2

development of the HybridPACK module

family both to the connection of the
bonding wires on the chip surface and to
the solder joints between base plate and
substrate, satisfying the requirements of
most liquid-cooled systems.
The design of HybridPACK2 is geared to
the requirements of an 80kW drive and
temperature measurement via the NTC
elements of HybridPACK2.

Designed for a junction operation
temperature at 150°C, the module
accommodates a six-pack configuration of
third-generation Trench-Field-Stop IGBT

OPTIMIZATION and matching emitter controlled diodes. It

is rated up to 800A/650V and offers lowest
conduction and switching losses.
A complete three-phase inverter design kit that can handle HybridKIT also includes the DC-link
capacitor B25655J4507K from the
power up to 80kW is set to take the (H)EV sector by storm company Epcos AG. It is electrically and
mechanically matched, resulting in a
■ HEVs and pure EVs are already playing Implementation of a complete set of compact design with low stray inductance.
a key role in the reduction of energy control, monitoring, evaluation, security It is adapted and tested to ensure a perfect
consumption and CO2 emissions in and protection functions on the driver and fit to HybridPACK2. For applications
personal transportation. Infineon now control board involves concept design requiring a higher power or operating
offers a complete three-phase inverter including component selection, schematics temperature, a water cooling element is
system – the HybridKIT – which supports design and determination of a layout that included, which can be screwed directly to
designers in minimizing efforts during the ensures a good EMC performance and the IGBT module using an integrated
development of (H)EV architecture and in includes the necessary clearance and rubber gasket for proper sealing. All design
evaluating Infineon’s HybridPACK2, an creepage distances. Furthermore, software parameters are optimized for a compact
IGBT power module designed for has to be developed, tested and fully body and long lifetime.
applications up to 80kW. debugged. A great effort has to be made to The six-channel IGBT driver board has
The HybridKIT for HybridPACK2 build an inverter system that will play an been designed to be electrically and
features a typical three-phase inverter important part in (H)EV architectures. mechanically optimized for HybridPACK2.
design. A DC-link capacitor is used in The design challenges have been taken Main features include: a DC/DC power
inverter systems to decouple the battery care of completely in the HybridKIT supply, which ensures proper isolation of
and the module, with film capacitors package (Figure 1). Therefore, a smart the six different drivers; an isolated DC-link
being the most appropriate choice in this solution is offered to the industry, enabling voltage measurement; and temperature
context. The most important parameters an easy and fast development of the measurement via the NTC elements.
to be dimensioned are working voltage, inverter and complete (H)EV architecture The logic board contains all parts for the
allowed ripple voltage and RMS current. In design. Time to market can be optimized as control of the driver board. It offers the
order to achieve a low stray inductance of a result of quick evaluation. The HybridKIT interface for all the others elements that
the complete system, the module and technology not only represents a reference build a complete inverter system: motor
capacitor have to be matched mechanically. design, but also enables early system tests interface; current sense interface and
Power losses occurring in the module when included in a hardware-in-the-loop communication (CAN and RS232). The
have to be dissipated to ensure they do (HiL) or first in-vehicle packaging studies. onboard Infineon microcontroller
not exceed the maximum permissible Infineon’s power module HybridPACKM2, (TC1767) enables easy implementation. As
temperature specified in the manufacturer’s as the first important block of HybridKIT, the HybridKIT comes with a documentation
module data sheet. As a result, the design fulfills special requirements with regard to which includes parts list, circuit design and
of the cooling system is of great importance thermal cycle stability in an automobile. layout data, it enables an accelerated start
to achieve best performance. Great improvements were made during the towards your (H)EV system. E&H


Carlos Castro and André Wankelmuth at Infineon
✆ +49 89 2340
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 505

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Left: Comparison of adhesion

SCS Parylene C Adhesion promoter performance
Below: The Parylene is applied
via a room temperature
Autoclave 125 C vacuum deposition process
(1 hr)
Test Conditions

48 hrs @ 50% RH

24 hrs @ 50% RH

Adhesion test per ASTM 3359 tape test method (0=Poor; 5=Excellent)

CONFORMAL elastomer, glass and paper is commonly

COATINGS achieved with a treatment of A-174 silane.

A solution for designers that face material
challenges in the design of their products is
Advanced, new coatings and adhesion technologies are playing AdPro Plus, an adhesion technology
developed by Specialty Coating Systems
an ever-important role in the latest automotive applications that improves adhesion of Parylene coatings
to challenging substrates including
titanium, stainless steel, gold, chromium,
■ To meet consumer demands for safety Parylene conformal coatings are inert, Santoprene, polyimide and solder mask.
and efficiency, and legislative demands for pinhole-free coatings that are applied via a AdPro Plus enables Parylene coatings to
a cleaner, more efficient operation, the room temperature, vapor-phase deposition protect the wide range of materials that are
transportation industry must continue to process. Parylene has been used in the auto used in today’s complex technologies.
advance drivetrain, battery storage, electric industry for nearly 40 years due to the Finally, as environments continue to
motor, fuel cell and renewable fuel source excellent chemical, moisture and dielectric become more extreme, components must
technologies. As these advanced systems barrier protection they provide. Parylene survive rising operating temperatures,
become more sophisticated and complex, coatings are ultra-thin and lightweight, and exposure to corrosive fluids, chemicals
new challenges are met along the way. as a result they do not add much mass to and gases, and exposure to UV light.
First, designers are being tasked with delicate, critical components. Their ultra- Many traditional coatings crack or split
increasing the functionality of electronic thin nature enables Parylene coatings to after such exposure, causing premature
packages while decreasing their emissions penetrate even the smallest of crevices, failure of components, which in turn
footprint. This dynamic leads to compact resulting in complete encapsulation. creates expensive warranty claims for
packages that function at a high level, but Second, materials such as glass, silicon, manufacturers.
also produce more heat than older designs. plastics and carbon fiber are making their Parylene HT, engineered by Specialty
Additionally, components must decrease in way into these electronics designs, and at Coating Systems, offers unmatched
size in order to fit, so they are often delicate times present a material challenge of their protection in high-temperature
and complex in nature. own. Adhesion of a coating to a substrate is environments (up to 350°C long term,
For many years now, automotive critical to the effectiveness of the coating. 450°C short term), making it an ideal
manufacturers have relied on conformal Without good coating adhesion, moisture conformal coating to protect parts such
coatings to protect components from can pass through the coating and deposit as MEMS, sensors, fuel cells, hybrid
automotive elements including on the substrate, creating blisters (bubbles), components and circuit assemblies used in
temperatures and exposure to moisture, corrosion and electrical failure. With new leading-edge technologies. Parylene HT also
chemicals and gases. However, some materials and substrates being used in provides excellent dielectric protection and
common conformal coating formulations automotive applications, adhesion superior UV stability. In addition, AdPro
fail because they cannot survive the technologies must also improve to meet the Plus has demonstrated improved stability at
operating environment; are too heavy to new demands of these materials. elevated temperatures, making it an
coat delicate components; or their uneven Optimal adhesion of Parylene to a wide excellent adhesion tool for applications in
nature results in voids that create failures. variety of substrates such as metal, plastic, automotive harsh environments. E&H


Alan Hardy at Specialty Coating Systems
✆ +1 317 244 1200 ext. 261
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 506

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


Left and below: Completely sealed

brushless motor fan offers IP68 and
IP6K9K waterproof protection

The ever-increasing need to equip vehicles with energy-efficient
components is being catered for by a leading Italian supplier
■ Reducing total vehicle energy demand sine-wave sensorless drive, the SBL 300 can the overall motor dimensions and weight
and managing its energy consumption reach a remarkable electrical efficiency of are greatly reduced so that the SBL300
better is increasingly important as energy 85%. This makes it one of the most efficient can offer a 650g weight saving over other
becomes an evermore precious commodity. motors in the 300W power range. This is motors of comparable power.
The value of a vehicle’s energy-efficient further sustained by the use of dedicated Another important aspect that has been
system or components is gaining high-performance fan designs that optimize taken into account during the design of the
importance due to the rising cost of fluid dynamic performance. The result is SBL300 is the need to operate with a low
traditional fossil fuels and the increasing high airside performance at minimum NVH, given the reduced noise levels of an
investment in alternative propulsion electrical load. electrically driven vehicle. The low inertia
systems to produce low-emission and The SBL300 is IP68 and IP6K9K rotor greatly reduces mechanical unbalance,
zero-emission vehicles. compliant, and that means that the motor is and an optimized fan design further reduces
SPAL, a technology leader in the field of fully sealed and can operate in the presence mechanical and air-rush noise.
electric ventilation systems, has analyzed of any aggressive or hazardous substance. For the highest overall system efficiency,
the growing needs of vehicles equipped The integrated power and control it is important not to waste energy. The
with hybrid, electric, and fuel-cell-based electronics are separated within the motor SBL300 is continuously regulated by a
propulsion systems. The Italian supplier to ensure the control electronics operate at PWM signal, which enables the fan to run
has worked closely with leading vehicle lower surface temperature levels, this at the ideal speed to perform the required
manufacturers to design and develop a greatly increasing durability and overall function. Personalized advance control
series of key functions for the vehicle product reliability. strategies are available at a customer’s
cooling system. The SBL300 has a double-sealed ball request, and the onboard diagnostic
The company’s new range of brushless bearing design, guaranteeing an impressive capabilities and built-in protection features
motors equips axial fans and centrifugal product life of more than 30,000 hours. are readily available.
blowers for applications such as energy Compact vehicle designs and the need As a company that continues to expand,
storage cooling, engine cooling, and HVAC to contain vehicle weight require small, SPAL addresses the ventilation needs of the
– including the SBL300 sealed brushless lightweight components. An innovative upcoming hybrid, electric and fuel-cell
motor that features a wide range of benefits. inner rotor design uses rare-earth magnets vehicle applications, new-generation
Because of the use of high-energy in place of traditional ferrite magnets and internal combustion engines, and advanced
rare-earth magnets, and a state-of-the-art an all-aluminum body construction. Both HVAC systems. E&H

✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 507

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Left: Valence’s battery management system

adds value with one unit per system
handling up to 100 modules or 800V

new class of lithium phosphate cathode

materials: lithium iron magnesium
phosphate (LFMP); lithium vanadium
phosphate (LVP); and lithium vanadium
fluorophosphate (LVPF). These are very
stable under all extreme conditions, and at
high temperatures. Using LFMP chemistry,
Valence has commercially marketed large
format battery packs since 2005. It has an
unblemished safety record.
The life of most LFMP cells is 1,000-
2,000 cycles at 80% initial capacity. To
address the slightly lower specific capacity

POWER SOLUTIONS density of LFMP, Valence has developed

proprietary LVP cathode powder, rivaling
the capacity density of LCO.
A new class of phosphate chemistry cathode materials has been Valence was a pioneer in developing large
format prismatic cells in the 1990s, and has
pioneered that could drive forward the international EV market successfully marketed portable power packs
using prismatic 5Ah cells. Its new energy-
■ Automotive manufacturers are actively match these parameters as closely as cell design, the prismatic single 10Ah
developing and marketing several types of possible. This places great demands on the cell, is a large capacity format with an
EVs, such as HEVs, PHEVs and BEVs. The battery system. Figure 1 shows the typical impressive power rate up to 10C, and it
vehicles differ through their respective battery pack performance requirement also has exceptional safety properties. These
drivetrains, a combination of the IC engine needed to meet these parameters. batteries could meet both PHEV and BEV
and electric motor powered with large To be competitive, the batteries have to applications with only a simple air-cooling
battery packs, ranging from 10-80kWh. be easily recycled, completely safe, and system. This has the advantage of making
For more than two decades, Valence achieve a long-term cost target of powertrain design simpler.
Technology has been developing battery approximately US$0.25/Wh. Batteries also The company has also successfully
electrode-cathode materials and large need to have a useful service life of around commercialized its U-Charge range of large
format battery-cell technologies to help 10 years, and work within operating battery packs. This includes standalone
meet the varied demands of safety, temperatures of -30°C to +50°C. packs with voltages from 12-19V and
temperature stability, long life and a wide Valence has focused on developing four capacities of 40-138Ah. The company’s
range of charge/discharge from 1-30C that key areas for large-format large-capacity EV battery management system (BMS) protects
drivetrain power demands. battery technologies: cathode electrode the packs and provides effective balancing
The IC engine has dominated road materials, large-format cells, battery pack of the component cells during charging.
transport for more than 100 years. It has and battery management system The batteries can be linked in series or
evolved into a low-cost, reliable machine electronics. It has made important and parallel to form a large battery bank – an
for lifestyle comfort, convenience and innovative advances in each area. example would be a 700V pack for an HEV
good performance. Society has grown To reduce the fire hazard posed by the bus application. The packs show a long and
accustomed to the operational parameters earlier lithium-ion cells, such as lithium stable life of 2,800 cycles at 80% remaining
of a typical mid-range IC engine vehicle, cobalt oxide cathode (LCO) materials, at capacity.
and to gain public acceptance, the EV must high temperature, Valence has pioneered a A new class of phosphate chemistry
cathode materials pioneered by Valence
Battery capacity Discharge C-rate Battery pack weight could provide the critical impetus to kick-
HEV 10kWh 10-30 150 lb start the EV market. With its commercial
PHEV 20kWh 10-20 250 lb experience of large battery packs and BMS
EV 40kWh 10 550 lb electronics, Valence is well positioned to
meet EV battery demands on safety, life
Figure 1: Performance requirements of the battery pack and what’s needed to meet such challenging parameters cycle, and power rating. E&H


Dr K. C. Lim at Valence Technology
✆ +44 28 9084 5401
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 508

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


Main image: Modular battery

pack showing 30V battery
units with connected
communications buses
Left: Modular battery showing
internals and finished battery

BATTERY PACKS eight, using a custom, printed circuit

The battery pack is the heart of any electric vehicle, and getting board that positioned them with a small
expansion gap in-between and connected
it right is essential to provide satisfactory vehicle performance them in series. These modules were housed
in a PVC box with an elastomeric filler to
cushion the individual cells.
■ Governments in Europe and North management was crucial here because Li- As each battery cell needed to be
America are aggressively driving industry to ion batteries need to be kept within a individually monitored, this would have
electrify personal transport. There are recommended voltage range – going above meant at least 144 cables going to the
grants and tax benefits for OEMs, and tax or below that voltage range shortens the life individual cells. Lithium Balance engineers
breaks for EV drivers to encourage the of the battery cells dramatically, and with were able to avoid this cable spaghetti by
change. The pressure on the OEMs has some Li-ion chemistries, overcharging using a modular battery management
been passed on to suppliers and incurs a fire risk. system in which local monitoring units
engineering consultancies to deliver the The batteries all need to be charged to (LMUs) take care of the individual up to
required systems and componentry to make the same level and discharged at the same eight cells/LMU with a central management
viable FEVs, HEVs and PHEVs. rate to prevent individual cells operating unit (BMCU) managing the whole pack.
Battery pack technology is critical. OEMs outside their specified range and being The LMUs were daisy-chained in series to
will succeed or fail by the safety, reliability damaged as a result. This is more difficult reduce the cabling to a single four-strand
and performance of the battery packs used than it seems as factory-supplied batteries cable that ran from LMU to LMU before
in their vehicles. Depending on powertrain are not identical and will start to diverge in terminating in the BMCU, which, in turn,
configuration – FEV, HEV or PHEV – there terms of state of charge (SOC) after a few interfaced with the vehicle CANbus.
are differing requirements. charge/discharge cycles. To prevent this, the In this way, Lithium Balance could add
The HEV requires higher power density battery pack needs to be balanced so that an LMU to each individual battery module,
to deliver and absorb large amounts of the individual battery cells are charged and making the system modular with building
energy into a relatively small battery pack discharged equally. blocks made up of eight-cell (30V) batteries.
(<5kWh). This requires different Many of the high-performance Li-ion All that remained was to make a suitable
characteristics to an FEV, which has a larger batteries for EVs and HEVs come as main switch box – a key feature in modern
battery pack (up to 80kWh), and energy prismatic cells, metalized, flexible plastic battery packs as the high voltage and power
density takes priority. Plug-in hybrids lie rectangular sacks with two electrodes densities of modern battery packs mean
somewhere in-between, typically much emerging from them. These batteries need engineers cannot simply use mechanical
closer to hybrids (10-30kWh), depending to be mounted and protected before they switches or solid-state switches alone.
on their EV-mode driving range. can be safely used. The prismatic cell Instead, Lithium Balance made use of
When requested to deliver a 600V design benefits from low weight and has semiconductor and mechanical switches in
battery system for an FEV, Lithium Balance provision for expansion if the cell heats up, combination. The end result was a simple
took the opportunity to see how intelligent delaying cell rupture. and tidy arrangement of the battery system
a battery system its engineers could To make a practical battery pack out of with a minimum of wires, which provides
develop. To achieve the target voltage, 144 these cells, Lithium Balance started by the necessary performance to the
cells had to be connected in series, battery grouping individual cells in batches of satisfaction of all concerned. E&H


Adetunji Adebusuyi at Lithium Balance
✆ +45 58 51 50 12
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 509

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Left: Aker Wade has developed

several fast chargers for leading EV
makers and network implementers

Having supplied the forklift market with fast-charging units
for over a decade, Aker Wade is now turning its focus to EVs
it can take 10-30 minutes for a full charge
using current battery technologies. For fast
n Fast-charging systems for EVs are not of battery swapping have embraced fast charging to be adopted across the world,
a new concept. They first began to be charging to reduce their battery inventory.” BMS and connector standards are critical.
adopted for electric forklift fleets more than Aker Wade has developed several fast Aker Wade is working with several
10 years ago, and today, tens of thousands chargers for leading EV makers and organizations to advance these standards,
of forklifts are fast charged. Many of these network implementers. It is also adapting and its fast chargers are being designed to
chargers come from Aker Wade Power their chargers into Level 3 DC fast-charging charge EVs from most major US, Japanese
Technologies, based in Virginia, USA. stations. These have the ability to charge and European car makers.
The company has now launched a full Li-ion batteries in as little as 10-15 minutes, “The eventual goal is for all manufacturers
line of intelligent fast chargers, developed similar to the time to pump gas. of EVs to adopt a common connection
by its power electronics engineers and “People are already comfortable buying standard worldwide,” explains Aker. “We’re
industrial software specialists. With wireless and pumping gas and the EV fast-charging working to make sure that happens soon.”
networking and web-interface capability, experience should be no different to that,” So what role will fast charging play in the
they have alerted the forklift industry to says Aker. future? Proponents are convinced it is one
the value of a smarter, faster charger. The company’s EV charger technology is of the keys to EV adoption.
Aker Wade rose to the top end of the similar to that used in their industrial “Fast charging means we can provide
industry through a better technology and chargers. The major difference is that, with consumers with what they want – a quick
a simple business model. CEO Bret Aker forklifts, the charger dictates the power in-and-out – using off-peak energy, stored
states, “We only build fast chargers.” output, based on feedback from the battery. locally,” says Aker.
The EV world is waking up to the need Charge rates for EVs are usually controlled “Electrical energy can be distributed,
for fast charging, and the company is ready. by a battery management system (BMS) that stored, and used much as hydrocarbon
Aker explains, “Fast chargers will play a comes with each battery. fuels are today,” he adds.
pivotal role in the adoption of EVs. “The BMS tells our charger how much “This is a ‘win-win-win’ situation as the
“Although the majority of infrastructure power to deliver,” says Aker. “Lithium-ion economics are attractive for the consumer,
will be for standard-rate chargers, fast chemistries vary, and they each need to be the energy provider and also the energy
charging solves a variety of problems for charged differently. ” reseller. By shifting the load to the grid at
different users including those wanting to One of the major implications here is night, we save money, and avoid adding
travel long distances and fleet operators that the speed of the charge is driven by the load to the electricity grid when power is in
with heavy usage vehicles. Even proponents BMS. Depending on the battery chemistry, high demand.” E&H

Contact the company

4 Reader Enquiry Card No. 510

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


Left: Total driveline energy analysis begins

with a top-level driveline overview

Below: Detailed energy methods blend

seamlessly with driveline analysis expertise
Tank IC Engine Gearbox

Consider the following scenario: an

engineer develops, analyzes, and optimizes
Electric Hydraulic a vehicle driveline for a specific set of
Engine Pump conditions – such as the vehicle weight,
drive cycle, and the power demand of the
auxiliaries. In the real world, however, it is
Auxiliaries and Additional Electric rarely so predictable that it fits a predefined
Hybrid Auxiliaries Vehicle System operating condition, and so, for example,
aspects such as what happens when the
vehicle weight changes, the driving route
Traction differs, or the air-conditioning is running
at maximum power need to be taken into
full consideration. The fuel consumption
readings will change, but the key question
is, do the automotive engineers understand
why it has changed?
Romax’s fuel stack-up method monitors

DRIVELINE ENERGY exactly what happens when use of the

driveline changes. The energy change at
source is relatively easy to understand,
but this would have a knock-on effect
Understanding energy flow in hybridized vehicles is not easy, throughout the rest of the driveline. The
first connected component, for example,
but there’s now a program on the market to help engineers would see a change in the demand for
energy coming from it. This has two effects:
■ Romax Technology continues to with the capability to subdivide those one, if more energy out is needed, then
expand its hybrid vehicle expertise with the energy flows into different operating states. more energy in is required. Yet that change
further development of advanced driveline This immediately opened up the ‘black box’ in energy flow through the component
analysis capabilities for hybrid vehicles. that is the complex interaction and flow of will, more than likely, affect the efficiency
Latest developments include the detailed energy within a hybrid vehicle, showing of that component. This adds a secondary
reactions of all driveline elements to how and where all the energy is distributed. contribution to the amount of energy
changes in vehicle use typical of real-world Given the number of possible hybrid demand required by that component. The
driving scenarios, and the subsequent vehicle driveline configurations and control two are therefore intrinsically linked.
optimization opportunities that such strategies, the search for the optimum is This is the situation across only one
knowledge permits. truly the crux of the matter. Romax’s latest component, but what then happens in a
The ongoing concerns over vehicle optimization development is a detailed complete vehicle driveline, across a chain of
emissions and the cost of energy continues fuel stack-up analysis, with which engineers many components and subsystems? What
to drive the industry toward more efficient can understand exactly how and why the happens when there is more than one
solutions, with hybridization and the energy demand is as it is – covering aspects source change in total energy demand?
electrification of vehicles seen as the natural such as efficiency losses in parts, subsequent Suddenly, the contributions to and reasons
progression. Having recognized this trend, energy demands that these place on other for changes in overall energy and hence fuel
Romax Technology has, over the past few components, and how these change with consumption can grow out of proportion.
years, developed technical capabilities and different modes of vehicle driving. To understand exactly what is happening, it
solutions that give engineers a detailed is essential to understand how and why the
analysis of energy use throughout the overall fuel consumption has changed, and
hybrid vehicle driveline, the related therefore to make an optimized vehicle
behavior of the components within driveline that is robust to a broad range of
that driveline, and hence a thorough perceived operating conditions.
understanding of the contributions to, By adding this feature to its portfolio,
and effects on, overall fuel use. Romax Technology has moved another step
Initial development work showed forward in offering complete hybrid vehicle
detailed energy flows through all energy design and optimization capabilities in the
flow paths in the vehicle driveline, within growing field of hybrid and electrified
all subcomponents of that driveline, and vehicle drivelines. E&H


Lindsey Jones at Romax Technology
✆ +44 115 951 8836
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 511

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

2164 Romax Technology AD 27/5/09 09:06 Page 1

Improve Fuel Consumption

with Romax Hybrid
Engineering Services
Finding the right hybrid concept is definitely challenging.
With Romax hybrid engineering services, it doesn’t have to be.
We can help you to:
• Compare and contrast different hybrid driveline structures with our advanced
energy flow analysis
• Predict efficiencies of driveline sub-systems
• Modify and optimise driveline layout and operation
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Engine Technology
International goes digital!
l l l# : c \ ^ c Z IZ X ] c d a d \ n > c i Z g c V i ^ d c V a # X d b

Left: The modelica simulation model of

the inner workings of an electric vehicle

Below: The measured temperature

distribution of a battery module

testing services for electric drives and

VIRTUAL VEHICLES electric components for new, alternative

powered vehicles.
For several years now, AIT Mobility
Innovative development tools and technologies for the Department has gained crucial experience
in applications dealing with innovative
efficient design and production of hybrid and electric vehicles drive concepts throughout the different
types of vehicle structures such as cars,
motorcycles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles
■ The need for lower fuel consumption fine-tuned hybrid drives. Yet, a minimal and construction machinery.
and reduced exhaust emissions has meant input of development time and costs is Both the modeling and simulation
the automotive industry has had to steadily also essential. Vehicle simulation plays an environments developed at AIT Mobility
increase efforts to realize optimized hybrid important role in this, because it enables an Department is based on Modelica/Dymola,
and electric cars. The latest developments evaluation of different concepts as well as as this environment offers multi-physical
in the field of advanced electrical energy flexible parameter specification of different simulations of complex systems. By means
storage technologies and innovative drivetrain components at an early stage. of numerous developed libraries such as the
electromechanical propulsion concepts, As a result, the simulation of hybrid and SmartElectricDrives Library for controlled
with the appropriate control, open up new electric vehicle concepts is a major tool electric drives, the SmartPowerTrain Library
perspectives for vehicles via improved in the overall development process of key for longitudinal simulations and the
performance and reliability. components in vehicles. SmartCooling Library for thermal
Sophisticated drive components with To meet these challenging requirements, processes, AIT Mobility Department
reduced losses offer the possibility of advanced development tools and modern provides tools for simulations on the
advancing the energy efficiency of the entire technologies are needed. The Mobility vehicle systems level. These libraries are
drivetrain. Serial, parallel and combined Department of the Austrian Institute of constantly updated due to further
hybrid-electric concepts reduce exhaust Technology (AIT) provides modern development and validation processes.
and acoustic emissions down to zero and simulation and testing environments for Results gained from vehicle simulations
increase driving comfort and pleasure by advanced electric and hybrid-electric can be used directly to determine, for
optimizing the interaction between the key vehicle technologies. As a development example, the size and capacity of the
components during appropriate operation partner to the automotive industry, AIT battery or the type and power of the
modes. This may be turning off the Mobility Department offers modeling, electric machine that best suit the
combustion engine during intermittent simulation, designing, prototyping and requirements for that individual
periods or standstill, driving in electric application. Furthermore, these results
mode only, or supporting the combustion deliver important inputs for designing
engine during acceleration. prototypes for power electronic devices or
The design and development of key control units that can be tested in an HIL
electrical components are challenges that environment or, in the final stage of the
need to be overcome if alternative vehicles design process, in real prototype vehicles.
are to be realized. Engineering hurdles AIT Mobility Department sets a high
aside, the advantages of such vehicles are value on safety aspects and therefore offers
promising. Due to the high complexity standardized tests on batteries and electric
of hybrid drivetrains, comprehensive machines as well as mechanical and
investigations during the concept and electrical abuse tests to ensure the greatest
design phase of the entire drivetrain are safety possible in all types of automotive
Above: Graphic data of the measured and simulated
essential to realize highly optimized and battery voltage levels in a real life driving cycle
applications. E&H


Dr Christian Grabner at AIT Mobility Department
✆ +43 50 550 6328
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 512

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

Europe’s most important dedicated trade fair for powertrain design,
production, components and technology!

2010 for 2010!

22, 23, 24 June 2010

Messe Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Book your stand now - contact Tim Sandford

For more information contact Tim Sandford on +44 (0)1306 743744
or email |

Left: FEV EREV Dodge Caliber with

40 mile AER utilizing a 21kWh Li-Ion
battery, UQM PP145 traction motor
and APU with a three cylinder IC
engine and UQM PP75 generator

voltage, current and power. FEV

has more than two decades’
experience designing,
implementing, integrating and
testing advanced technology
powertrains in a variety of industries.
FEV has had the foresight to expand the
company’s engine testing capabilities to
include equipment required for EREV and
EV powertrain testing in the company’s

Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Development
Center (HEVDC) in Auburn Hills,
Michigan. This center includes: hybrid
powertrain test cells capable of testing

FOR EVs AND HEVs either APUs or hybrid powertrains, E-motor

test rigs and transmission test rigs capable
of generating and absorbing the necessary
As the auto industry evolves, the need for development programs torque at the full speed range of an
electrified powertrain, and a hybrid-capable
that cater for new eco-friendly technologies continues to grow four-wheel drive chassis dynamometer.
Each of the mentioned facilities has battery
emulators capable of generating and
■ In the emerging hybrid and electric coupled to an electric generator. When absorbing the required voltage and current
vehicle market, OEMs are in the position of engine development is nearing production levels necessary for EREVs and EVs. By
providing new and innovative powertrains intent design, testing is used for calibration using the facilities of the HEVDC, along
to the consumer. But concerns regarding refinement, safety and making fuel with the experience of FEV’s highly trained
the long-term reliability and durability economy and emissions predictions. All personnel, the company is able to offer
of EREVs and all other EVs remain. As a testing is conducted at the vehicle level. high-quality services from concept to
result of this, it is critical for powertrain The torque and speed responses from an production development of electrified
developers to revise their test plans and electric motor are very different from that of powertrains and vehicles.
equipment to address the characteristics of an IC engine. One of the key benefits of a FEV converted a production Dodge
advanced electric powertrains. Testing as hybrid powertrain is the traction motor’s Caliber SE to a plug-in EREV. The revised
early as possible in the design cycle enables ability to provide instantaneous maximum powertrain includes: an APU (a 1-liter,
developers to discover issues and provide torque at low speeds (which a conventional three-cylinder gasoline engine coupled to a
higher quality at a lower cost. However, powertrain cannot do), plus the added UQM PP75 generator); UQM PP145
traditional powertrain test equipment has benefit of it acting as a generator during traction motor; DC/DC converter; and a
been sized for the characteristics of an IC braking conditions. As a result, test cells 21kWh Li-ion battery pack. The test plan
engine and is not always appropriate for need to have dynamometers capable of for integrating the new powertrain into the
electrified powertrains. both absorbing and generating low-end vehicle began with testing the APU in one
In the early phase of a program, engine torque, as well as having bi-directional of FEV’s hybrid powertrain test cells. This
testing is used to make development operation up to 15,000rpm. enabled calibration of the highest efficiency
decisions. It is focused on the individual The test cells have to be flexible enough operating points for the APU. Additional
components, their boundary conditions, to provide either bi-directional battery subsystems were also tested independently.
and potential failure modes. Once the emulation or support for the energy storage Once preliminary calibration was complete,
powertrain design is relatively mature, systems (ESS) in the cell. ESS refinement is the powertrain was integrated into the
the test plan is refined to collect data for continuing, and is likely to do so into the vehicle. FEV then used the hybrid chassis
controls development, requirements foreseeable future. With the advent of dynamometer to refine calibration and
validation, durability and preliminary different Li-ion chemistries, as well as the determine range and fuel economy.
calibration. At this point, testing will be use of ultracapacitors, ESS can take on Additional testing, development, and
performed on the powertrain subsystems, many forms, and requires a battery refinement are ongoing using FEV’s HEVDC
such as the APU, which is an IC engine emulation system with broad ranges of in Auburn Hills. E&H


Kevin Rzemien at FEV
✆ +1 248 373 6000 ext: 2254
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 513

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

Engine Expo 2010 will host its first-ever Pavilion
exclusively for suppliers and developers of electric, hybrid and fuel cell technologies

EXPO 2010
22, 23, 24 June 2010
Messe Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Book your stand now – contact Tim Sandford

For more information contact Tim Sandford on +44 (0)1306 743744
or email |

Left and below: The LiFeBATT approach to

battery solutions has been to partner with
vehicle manufacturers that use innovative
techniques to bring their vehicles to market

of development, Martin Rees. “Producers

must realize that there should be no
premium put on green technology, and
until we see a raft of new designs at
affordable prices, commercial EVs will
struggle to be widely accepted.”
As a result, BBIG has advanced its

NEXT-GENERATION thinking into the adoption of viable cost

options for batteries.
“We see a great opportunity for battery
producers, such as our partner, LiFeBATT,

CELL SYSTEMS to bring new ideas on energy provision to

the EV world,” continues Rees. “It is no
longer acceptable just to sell or lease
A Taiwanese company has taken the covers off its new cell expensive batteries to customers who need
to run their commercial operations on a
technology, which boasts a 50% increase in energy density mileage rate similar to what they currently
use with diesel or petrol, and we are
■ LiFeBATT, a leading Taiwanese energy team first came to prominence with its fortunate to have LiFeBATT working with
solution provider, has just released its development and race engineering of the us to bring new initiatives to market in the
second generation of cell technology that electric Bluebird land speed record car, very near future.”
boasts a 50% increase in energy density which attained several speed records in BBIG has recently launched its second
while retaining its high discharge rate 1998-2000 and was awarded a Millennium generation QEV model, which the group
capability and long life. In addition to Design Award in 2000. claims will be truly cost competitive with
enhancing the energy density of the new Following the success of the Bluebird regular diesel models of the same weight-
cells, fast charge characteristics of project, the BBIG team went on to design a carrying capability (3.5 tons).
LiFeBATT’s next-generation technology highly innovative and technologically With an entry level price of just under
have also been increased, allowing a 50% advanced commercial vehicle, the XDV, for US$32,000, the QEV-2 looks set to take the
state of charge (SOC) increase in six minutes. its client, Express Dairies, although this world by storm. LiFeBATT UK CEO, Ian
The new cells are available in energy and vehicle has yet to enter production. The Goodman, is equally optimistic: “We are
power-type powders, and they are already XDV was one of the first electric vehicles to very excited to be working with BBIG. It
proving to be very popular with OEMs fully endorse ‘hot swap’ battery interchange has a long history of design innovation and
around the world. Several companies now and champion the belief that the future we look forward to bringing new initiatives
have prototype vehicles with the system, design of electric vehicles has to engineer to market with BBIG and its vehicles.” E&H
and through its international technical in lightness and efficiency at a competitive
sales network, LiFeBATT is growing quickly cost in order for EVs to become fully
and bucking the credit crunch trend. commercially viable, particularly in the
The LiFeBATT approach to battery hard-nosed logistics and home-delivery
solutions has been to partner with vehicle business sectors.
manufacturers that use innovative BBIG maintains that the future of
techniques to bring their vehicles to commercial EVs has to be commercially
market. One such organization is the Blue viable to succeed.
Bird Innovation Group (BBIG) which “We see too many manufacturers
has over a decade of innovation and producing overly complex and overweight
technological development in both electric vehicles, which are entering the market at
vehicle and infrastructure design. The BBIG ridiculously high prices,” says BBIG’s head


Ian Goodman at LiFeBATT
✆ +44 1702 527883
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 514

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

Heavy Duty Contact Technology for
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For more informtion on Adventec’s „ with pilot contacts
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Anode / Cathode PFISTERER Kontaktsysteme GmbH & Co. KG
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Connector for Lithium Battery



Left and above: MES-DEA supplies parts and

batteries to electric vehicle manufacturers
around the world, including TH!NK

fluid heaters and current converters,

designed for EVs, are also available.
Such experience makes MES-DEA one of
the most widely acknowledged competence
centers for EV development in the world.

INNOVATIVE Fiat Brazil used the company for the

development of Palio electric vehicle, now
manufactured in Brazil by FIASA and
Itaipu. Work on the design and assembly

COMPONENTS of the first prototypes was undertaken

successfully by MES-DEA in its high-tech
facility in Stabio.
From advanced AC three-phase electric motors to new Zebra Highlighting the progress MES-DEA has
made, the electric Berlingo, powered by
battery technology, a Swiss supplier is pushing the boundaries Venturi, is equipped with ZEBRA batteries
and an array of MES-DEA components and
■ Swiss company MES-DEA, based near MES-DEA also supplies ZEBRA batteries has been selected by the French postal
the Swiss-Italian border, has extensive and components to EV manufacturers service (La Poste), as one of the final
experience in the design, development and around the world. There are more than supplier. A possible order of 500 units will
manufacture of components for electric 3,200 vehicles fitted with innovative follow. In another case, MES-DEA was
vehicles. Its wide-ranging production ZEBRA battery systems, saving more than called to support a customer with
capabilities include AC induction motor 6,000 tonnes of CO2 over 10 million development of EVs, and provided
and inverters, AC/DC and DC/DC kilometers (over six million miles). knowledge and technical support, as well as
converters, battery chargers, fluid heaters But MES-DEA is not resting on its laurels a customized solution of the ZEBRA battery
for cockpit heating, vacuum pumps for in its search for new technologies to help and the Powertrain Supervisor package.
break circuit assistance, and the high- realize sustainable transportation. For The company is helping customers
energy ZEBRA battery. example, AC three-phase electric motors around the world, including: Norwegian
MES-DEA started out as a company specifically designed for EVs make use of car manufacturer TH!NK for its A306;
specializing in components design and special materials, such as copper wires, Tecnobus in Italy with its 6m-long fully
production, but has grown over the past that are suitable for high-frequency voltage. electric bus; and Mercedes-Benz UK with
decade to offer the industry a complete These electric motors feature three levels its 100 Smart London project. It is also
design of solutions that convert of insulating enamel coating, and special helping Altra-IVECO to develop the fully
conventional cars to electric power. manufacturing process, including autoclave electric Daily, fitted with a complete
Following the acquisition of ZEBRA drying and epoxy-resin covering to prevent MES-DEA electrification kit, including two
technology in 1999, MES-DEA began a humidity formation. Nominal power varies or three ZEBRA batteries, a 200-330kW
program focusing on the electrification of a from 4-40kW (100kW peak power), and motor (40kW nominal power, 100kW
small fleet of electric Renault Twingos to they have air or water cooling. peak power), a TIM600W inverter, and a
test the components. The results were so A new inverter has also been designed for BC-278-Z-3-A battery charger.
good that the company decided to produce EV applications. This technology presents MES-DEA’s activity is now focused on
a small series of electric Twingo models, a very innovative solution, focusing on improving the ZEBRA battery and
followed by production of electric Smart vectorial motor control. The firmware is developing its phase battery charger to
and Panda models, produced in Italy by updated and the proprietary software reduce recharging time. In response to
ATEA. So far 66 Twingo and 50 Panda units package, Powertrain Supervisor, has been demand the company is designing more
have been manufactured, and this fleet of developed to provide a friendly interface to powerful AC three-phase induction motors
vehicles has covered more than one million customers for the parameters that need to with a copper cage rotor and a permanent
kilometers (621,370 miles). be established. Different types of pumps, magnet synchronous motor. E&H


✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 515

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


Left: The new product complements

Flybrid’s existing mechanical hybrid system
Below: High-speed flywheel spins at up to
60,000rpm inside an evacuated chamber

NEW FLYWHEEL systems shows that high-speed flywheel

technology can be engineered to meet the
required standards for road vehicles.

CAPACITOR UPDATE High-speed flywheels are smaller, lighter,

more efficient, and safer than current
generation batteries, and are also recyclable
A development direction for Formula One may herald a and very low cost.
“The flywheel capacitor is an interesting
breakthrough in electrical energy storage for hybrid vehicles new direction for us,” says Hilton. “We
look forward to realizing the physical test
■ Italian Motorsport electronics specialist batteries, and the first to be developed results. We are expecting a similar level of
Magneti Marelli and British high-speed will have a specification of 60kW power efficiency as our existing mechanical hybrid
flywheel specialist Flybrid Systems have and 600kJ total storage capacity (this system products that use a continuously
announced a collaboration to develop a specification can be readily adapted to any variable transmission to connect the
new energy storage solution for the kinetic vehicle requirements). Both partners will flywheel to the vehicle.
energy recovery system (KERS) used in draw upon extensive experience with their “We expect that the existing mechanical
Formula One. The product will deliver a own KERS products to deliver a working systems will have a size and weight benefit
high-power electrical storage system for prototype before the end of June 2009. for high-power applications and that the
hybrid racing cars. It is capable of deep The electric motor and flywheel will new electric drive solution might be better
depths of discharge with no performance rotate at up to 60,000rpm and the flywheel suited for smaller classes of car and vehicles
degradation, and a long service life. will sit inside an evacuated chamber that where the packaging space around the
The flywheel capacitor consists of includes special containment features to drivetrain is tight.”
a high-speed carbon fiber flywheel ensure complete safety. A small electric The new flywheel capacitor product will
(incorporating Flybrid technology) pump will occasionally top up the vacuum be commercially available for motorsport
connected to a high-speed electric motor so that no regular maintenance is required. applications from Magneti Marelli and
generator using systems from Magneti State-of-the-art magnetic design of the Flybrid Systems. Both companies will
Marelli, all of which are managed by motor generator along with high-efficiency continue to further develop, manufacture,
Magneti Marelli’s control electronics. electronics are expected to deliver round- and distribute their own existing KERS
The device works by applying the trip storage efficiencies of approximately products. E&H
recovered electrical energy captured from 80%. The device has a low cooling
the vehicle during braking events to the requirement and contains no flammable
electric motor generator. The energy is materials. The complete flywheel capacitor,
stored in the flywheel capacitor by speeding including the associated electronics, is
up the flywheel. During acceleration, the expected to weigh just 20kg.
stored energy is returned to the vehicle by Commenting on the suitability of this
transforming the kinetic energy of the product for mainstream road vehicles,
flywheel into electrical energy using the Flybrid Systems managing partner Jon
motor generator. Hilton says, “The work we already have
The flywheel capacitor will not use underway with a number of major car The flywheel capacitor will use a high-speed electric
energy storage systems based on chemical makers on our fully mechanical hybrid motor that’s supplied by Magneti Marelli in Italy


Jon Hilton at Flybrid Systems LLP
✆ +44 1327 855 190
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 516

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

Rapid Control Prototyping Real-Time Simulation Full Integrated with
Hardware-in-the-Loop Multi-Rate Simulation MATLAB/Simulink®
ECU Development & Testing Co-Simulation

Rapid Prototype, Simulate and Real-Time

Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Power Electronics, Electric Drive Systems
Accessories Energy Management Body Chassis Fuel Tank
Opal-RT products meet the Real-Time & System Controls
Simulation, Rapid Control Prototyping Find out why companies like General
and Testing needs of engineers and Motors, Renault, Ford, Delphi, Tata
researchers - from university researchers Motors and Toyota, as well as countless
studying alternative energy sources to universities and research facilities,
automakers seeking ways to test and count on Opal-RT Real-Time Digital
simulate the growing number of Simulators and ECU Testers.
electrical and power electronic systems
found in today’s hybrid electric vehicles. Contact us to find out how Opal-RT
is changing the way engineers design,
simulate, and test tomorrow’s vehicles
And, all Opal-RT Real-Time Simulators
and power systems.
are fully integrated with MATLAB/
Simulink® from The MathWorks
Thermal Hybrid Power Traction Motor Energy Storage Unit
Management Unit
Real-Time Digital Simulators
Powered by

Opal-RT Technologies
From Imagination to Real-Time ECU Development & Testing Platform

Left and below: UQM motor and controller systems

address the growing demand for hybrid electric vehicles

hybrid-electric powertrains. “By

introducing this powerful yet easier-
to-package system, we hope that more
customers will be able to take advantage
of our technology,” adds Roberts.

This philosophy is in line with UQM’s
history of dedication to hybrid and electric
vehicle development. Roberts addresses the
legacy by saying, “We are typically known

TECHNOLOGY as providers of high-performance but

expensive systems. To address system-cost
constraints we have to decrease the size and
A powerful new compact and lightweight vehicle propulsion weight of the systems while maintaining or
improving performance. This is not an easy
technology offers the power and torque of heavier-duty drives task, but the PowerPhase 145 shows that
we are heading in the right direction.”
■ In keeping with its history of producing negative effects on system efficiency. As a Dana Friedman, the company’s marketing
cutting-edge electric propulsion systems, result, the new system shares many of the coordinator, explains that the new system
UQM recently enhanced its vehicle same dimensions with its smaller brothers was developed to address the entire
propulsion line-up by introducing the (PowerPhase 75 and 125), except for length passenger vehicle market, not just the one
PowerPhase 145 system. and weight. Motor length was increased important OEM. “The 280mm diameter
Like the other vehicle propulsion systems from 252mm to 279mm, and weight is up systems have always been a popular choice
offered by UQM, the PowerPhase 145 is slightly to 50kg, although the controller for passenger vehicles due to packaging
extremely power-dense and compact, weight stays the same at 16kg. constraints,” states Friedman. “Now we can
producing 145kW/194bhp and 400Nm, The introduction of the PowerPhase 145 offer our customers the power and torque
and measuring only 280mm in diameter is an example of the way in which UQM is found in our heavy-duty drives in a smaller,
and 279mm in length. The system was addressing the increased demand for lighter, and less expensive package.” E&H
developed to meet the needs of a high-
profile OEM that required the power of the
company’s PowerPhase 150 system, but
could not package the larger drive in its
vehicle application.
“Our customer was visiting our facility
because they were interested in using our
PowerPhase 75 system as a generator in
their new series-hybrid vehicle,” explains
Andrew Roberts, UQM’s sales engineer.
“They liked the size of the system, but for
the propulsion side they needed more
power than even our PowerPhase 125
could provide.”
After a few moments of deliberation, the
company’s veteran motor engineers, Jon
Lutz and Josh Ley, determined that more
power could be obtained by extending the
motor length by about 25mm without any A UQM controller that’s been installed in a vehicle. The PowerPhase 145 is extremely power-dense and compact


Dana Friedman at UQM
✆ +1 303 215 34 72
✔ Reader Enquiry Card No. 517

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


TM4 delivers electric drivetrains for electric and

hybrid vehicle manufacturers. Clean, affordable and
highly efficient, the company’s advanced permanent
magnet electric motors, coupled with power-dense elec-
tronic inverters and control software, can be adapted to
optimize the performance of automotive applications while
lowering overall integrating costs. TM4 has the skills and
resources to assist you throughout the vehicle integration
of the electric traction system and supply you in volume.




Left: Location of Western Lithium’s Nevada lithium deposit

Below: Samples of lithium-containing clay core

from Western Lithium’s Nevada lithium deposit

Below left: Jay Chmelauskas, president of Western Lithium,

says lithium will play a key role in the further development
of electric and hybrid vehicles around the globe

secure Lithium for differentiates the Nevada deposit as one

that will be able to increase production,
scaling up to a size capable of meeting new

better vehicles
demand and maintaining market share as
the market expands.
The exceptional growth in lithium
demand has come from developments in
A lithium deposit in Nevada promises secure supplies to new lithium-ion battery technology over
the past decade. Lithium-ion has replaced
support a new generation of hybrid and electric vehicles almost all other battery technology for
small electronics over the past 10 years.
n The downturn of the global automotive further developing its Kings Valley lithium Today’s lithium supply goes into batteries
industry makes it clear that it is imperative deposit – one of the world’s largest known for portable electronic equipment, alloys
to come up with a new business model deposits of lithium – in Nevada, USA. Its that make lighter metals, and industrial
based on electric vehicles. strategy is to enter the market as a major use in the area of ceramics, aluminum,
“We see that the economic recession has long-term supplier of high-quality lithium and lubricants.
actually forced governments, corporations, carbonate. Western Lithium’s Nevada lithium
and consumers to make decisions that At the moment the company is deposit was first discovered in the 1970s
will return future benefits with respect to positioning itself to be the next large-scale, by the US Geological Survey. Chevron
profitability and sustainability,” says Jay high-quality supplier of battery-grade Resources took an interest in the project
Chmelauskas, president of Western lithium carbonate for the emerging and spent several years drilling the deposit
Lithium. “We believe lithium is the building automotive lithium-battery industry. The and advancing metallurgical and various
block for better performing company’s target is to produce over 10% of economic studies. The historical Chevron
and green transportation the world’s lithium supply by 2013. The work identified approximately 11 million
and electrification timing of production is planned to meet tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent, but
technology, and that anticipated growth of the lithium market. the size of the market at that time did not
our lithium project in Most of the global supply of lithium warrant further work. The US Bureau
the USA is positioned currently comes from salt brines in Chile of Mines began studying the deposit in
to benefit during this and Argentina. However, hard rock mines the mid-1980s and carried out its own
shift toward electric in Australia and China also supply the metallurgical and economic studies. It
transportation, lithium market. New salt brine producers advanced the project to a pilot plant using
renewable energy, in South America and China are expected a conventional process.
and smart grids.” to push production costs higher into Western Lithium is now looking to
Through various technically and geographically more conventional technology to progress
engineering challenging production. engineering work in 2009 and 2010 toward
studies Western Lithium expects that the a construction decision by the end of 2010.
with URS economics from mining its Nevada Over the coming months, the company
Corp, hectorite clays will compete favorably with expects the engineering feasibility studies to
Western these potential new brine and hard-rock be completed, and that, in turn, is likely to
Lithium producers. The location of the deposit in increase interest from major industrial
is now the USA is a major benefit and its size groups. E&H

Contact the author

Cindy Burnett at Western Lithium Corp
✆ +1 604 639 2144
4 Reader Enquiry Card No. 518

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009


X Prize Electric Vehicle


Thinking about electric

propulsion, hybrid or
fuel cell vehicles?

Westfield Electric
Race Car
Hydrogen Reformer Controller

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We’ve been doing it

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Simulation x Control x System & Safety Engineering x Energy Management

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Arbin Instruments Digatron / Firing Circuits
@ ✆ +49 241 168 090
: :
■ Arbin Instruments is one of the fastest-growing ■ Digatron / Firing Circuits is a leading supplier of computer controlled
manufacturers of energy-related testing equipment. test and formation equipment. The company’s core strengths include the
Combining the global talents of electrochemists, development and production of custom-configured test stands for HEV testing
expert electronic and software engineers and and battery pack end-of-line (EOL) testing applications. The EVT and BS Series
an exceptional customer support staff, Arbin products incorporate IGBT technology providing ultra-fast, dynamic regulation
Instruments has helped revolutionize the automated combined with high-speed data acquisition capabilities.
testing instrumentation market. The company offers The Digatron / Firing Circuits HEV and EOL testing products employs a
standard and customized testing solutions for a wide dynamic 4Q inverter consisting of IGBT hardware and HIL software to test both
variety of energy-storage devices such as batteries, energy storage devices and hybrid electric drive systems.
supercapacitors and fuel cells. Arbin’s focus is Digatron / Firing Circuits offers the 4Q inverter with voltage ranges up to 900V
exceptional quality, performance and very high and current ranges to 1,200A. Units can be paralleled to achieve up to 480kW.
reliability levels. The 4Q technology allows for sinusoidal energy feedback to the grid with very
The company’s instruments provide scientists and low total harmonic distortion. The power factor approaches unity (1.0).
engineers with tools for performing R&D, quality There are a variety of additional input channels available supporting 16 bit cell/
control, production and characterization in various module voltage monitoring, temperature and pressure monitoring and there are
sectors including hybrid electric vehicles, medical inputs for other analogue or digital signals.
Arbin Instruments’ EVTS is an
applications, telecom technologies, and alternative automatic system designed The 4Q inverter is equipped with CANbus interfaces to facilitate integration
energy products. for testing high power EVs with custom test stands and to establish communication to external battery
management systems (BMS) for control or data collection.
Turnkey solutions for HEV test stands and EOL testing are custom engineered
to satisfy even the most demanding specifications. Each project is directed by
TEST SERVICES FOR EVS experienced Digatron / Firing Circuits Project and Engineering personnel.
EVB Technology Digatron / Firing Circuits headquarters is located in Aachen, Germany. There
: are two additional Digatron / Firing Circuits facilities – in Shelton, Connecticut,
: USA, and Qingdao, China.
■ EVB Technology, a wholly owned subsidiary of GP Batteries International,
has manufactured batteries for electric vehicle applications since 1993 with full
license from Ovonic Battery Company on Ni-MH batteries. The company also SAFE AND SPEEDY RECHARGING
began mass production of lithium-ion batteries in 2008. EVB’s production facility Park and Power
attained both TS16949 and TL9000 certification. :
The Toyota Prius Plug-In conversion is one key project that engineers at EVB ✔ ONLINE READER ENQUIRY CARD NO. 522
has undertaken this year. The conversion from Plug-In Conversions Corporation
(PICC – an affiliate company of GP Batteries) in San Diego, California, is made ■ Park and Power has been developing its systems with the primary drivers
possible by using the same Ni-MH battery technology as the original and it being - safety and speed of recharge.
replaces the factory pack with a five times larger EVB battery pack while retaining To help ensure safety and speed of recharge Park and Power is using a well-
all original HV safety, control and monitoring systems. The mileage enhancement tried and tested paddle plug and socket device that has been used in outdoor
system component enables electric-only operation at speeds up to 70mph with challenging environments since 1992. The solution delivers control pilot signals
fuel economy in the 175mpg range on the highway (charge depletion mode) as to ensure bi-directional data flow between the vehicle and the recharge system.
measured by tests at the US Argonne National Laboratories. To enable a faster power delivery, Park and Power’s new recharge systems
Hybridization of a gantry crane (RTGC) for a harbor terminal is another offer the ability to deliver single and three-phase power from the same recharge
signature project in 2009 for EVB. The company’s Ni-MH batteries will be serving unit. In addition – and to help compatibility – both single- and three-phase power
one of the world’s busiest seaports, lifting and loading 40 ton containers and can be delivered using the same plug and socket.
giving a saving of 40% on fuel. A new addition to their product line is the ‘at home or office, lite’ version that
In addition to batteries, EVB provides a full turnkey solution to a wide range of enables the same connector and socket to deliver 240V at 13-32A. Mark Knight,
automotive and industrial applications from scooters, sedans, buses, commercial director at Park and Power says, “The ability to deliver a faster recharge via a
and industrial vehicles, UPS, energy storage and solar applications. safe system ensures that our solution delivers more miles per minute.”

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009



REAP Systems
✆ +44 2380 31 2944
■ REAP Systems specializes in the large, lithium-ion battery systems used in
electric vehicles and stationary systems. The company provides standard battery
management modules and accessories, bespoke products, consultancy and
complete battery systems.
The REAP standard battery management module incorporates over five
years experience of designing and manufacturing modules for a wide range of
applications. It provides full closed-loop control of each cell during both charging
and power delivery to maximize performance and prolong system life. In
addition, there is a separate hardware level safety system to provide a second
level of protection. Bespoke products offered include tailored versions of the
standard battery-management modules and customer-specific designs.
Consultancy services include design of battery systems and complete electric
vehicle systems; system integration to get all the subsystems in the vehicle REAP Systems is helping to bring future EVs to market with advanced lithium-ion batteries
working together; and commissioning and tuning to produce optimum performance.
The company offers a complete design and build service for prototype battery vehicles, high-performance electric road vehicles, armored fighting vehicles,
systems plus on-site installation and commissioning support. high-tech bus projects and hybrid taxi systems.
REAP has provided battery management solutions for a wide range of vehicle The company was founded in 2003 and its success is due to its unique
projects. Confidentiality agreements prohibit the publicizing of individual projects, combination of practical implementation experience together with academic
but projects include: formula student electric racing cars, mainstream motorsport depth and rigor.


The EV Network EVO Electric
@ ✆ +44 1483 745 010
: :

■ The Electric Vehicle (EV) Network exists to document electric vehicle ■ EVO Electric Limited was established in June 2007 to commercialize a
charge points in the UK and to encourage provision of such facilities. Prior to new design of Axial Flux permanent magnet synchronous AC motor/generator
the formation of EV Network in 2007, such charge point information was divided developed by researchers at Imperial College, London targeting electric and
between numerous different web sites such as those of local authorities or grant- hybrid vehicle applications.
making bodies, but no sites were comprehensive – they listed only the charge Axial Flux machines have inherently higher torque and lower costs than
points provided by this local authority in the UK or that grant-making body. conventional radial flux machines due to the greater availability of active
The EV Network allows electric vehicle users to find charge points by several electromagnetic area per unit of volume. EVO has taken this promising concept
means including a searchable online database; interactive maps; and point of from lab to market through innovations in machine cooling, winding and
interest files for satellite navigation systems. Using a suitable satellite navigation, manufacturing. For example, increasing the surface area for cooling has enabled
a user can locate charge points by proximity to their current or any other position higher currents and hence even higher continuous power and torque than
or plan a route via charge points. previous Axial Flux designs. The ultra-light and compact EVO design also
Although the UK public charge point network is in its infancy, it is easily enables a very high peak torque. The 380mm diameter and 40kg model
exceeded by the relatively small numbers of electric vehicles in use. There are produces 400Nm for 45 seconds and up to 600Nm in short bursts, thus
more privately-owned locations than public ones where electric vehicles are eliminating the need for gearboxes in many applications and facilitating
charged since, uniquely in the alternative fuels sector, electric vehicle users can hybridization of existing vehicle models. The short axial length and flat mounting
normally easily refuel their vehicles at their own homes or businesses. faces make the machine very suitable for direct mounting onto a combustion
In addition to documenting public charge points, the EV Network also uniquely engine, low material costs give EVO motor/generators a cost advantage over
provides a membership scheme giving access to a larger private network of conventional motor/generator designs.
charge points provide by other members. These charge points are offered on an EVO is now working with a number of strategic partners to build and
exchange basis as EV users cooperate to extend the use of their vehicles. demonstrate advanced hybrid and electric vehicles based on this technology.

Visit today.

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology



D&V Electronics VOGT Electronic Components
@ ✆ +49 8591 17 322
■ D&V Electronics is a leader in automated test equipment for EVs. The ■ The inductive rotor-position-sensor (RPS) developed by VOGT
company offers the global automotive industry a wide range of services and Electronic Components serves to determine the angular position of the rotor
technologies for hybrid vehicle electrical systems including testing EV and in synchronous motors (SM and PMSM).
hybrid motors, generators, controllers and batteries; laboratory, endurance, The sensor system was developed to work in automotive powertrain
dynamometers and production test machines for micro, mild and full hybrid and applications and has been refined in close cooperation with automotive system
EV systems; customer machine design, manufacturing, electronics, software suppliers and car makers all the way to mass production starting in 2009.
and firmware development. The working principle based on eddy current offers significant advantages in
D&V Electronics has several state-of-the-art technologies to offer to the the harsh automotive environment. It is proved to be immune against magnetic
industry, such as the ST-66 engine simulator; RS02 resolver simulator with interference, thus the RPS can work right inside the motor without additional
measurement and simulation modes; battery simulator with high power bi- magnetic shielding.
directional DC-DC power converter, 120-800kW; and the DCX-286 direct-drive The rotating target trace is formed by a thin layer of conductive material,
high-speed durability dynamometer for full hybrid motor-generators with thermal such as copper or aluminum integrally fixed onto the rotor body. Typically the
chamber and oil or liquid cooling systems. multiplication factor of the RPS corresponds with the number of pole-pairs of
the motor, without lowering resolution and accuracy of the output signal. Even
at 16 or more pole-pairs and large rotor diameters (300mm), the sensor module
remains at small dimensions, covering only a segment of the target ring. This
LITHIUM BATTERY HEAT MEASUREMENT makes the RPS suitable to work with outer-rotor motors, hollow-shaft motors
Thermal Hazard Technology and in-wheel motors. The system works within a viable airgap-range and shows
✆ +44 1908 646 800 good robustness to mechanical tolerances, such as eccentricity and runout.
: The Sin/Cos output signals are transmitted via demodulated, analogue,
✔ ONLINE READER ENQUIRY CARD NO. 527 single-ended voltage signals. Only four lead-wires are required including 5V
■ The effect of heat upon batteries, and the amount of heat released by DC supply and GND.
batteries, is best quantified by calorimetry. As lithium batteries are used in
automotive applications, new issues occur, such as very fast discharge and
large modules/packs.
Thermal Hazard Technology (THT), a world leader in battery calorimetry and
heat measurement, has expanded and modified its product range to meet these
challenges. For example, the battery performance calorimeter will accept
module/small pack-size samples and the multipoint option allows up to 24
thermocouples to measure surface distribution of temperature.
Calorimetry offers great stability levels and highest sensitivity and the original
THT world benchmark accelerating rate calorimeter is now complemented with
large calorimeters for large batteries (as a company, THT also offer high
sensitivity isothermal calorimeters).
Using an inbuilt cycler or hybrid test system, the battery can be tested under
charge/discharge, drive simulation conditions with simultaneous voltage and
current measurement. Tests can now be carried out appropriate to automotive
applications. Overvoltage and short circuit-abuse tests can be performed and
pressure output (internal or external) with gas collection for analysis is also
possible. Testing can be carried out from below -50°C to above 300°C.
With offices in the UK , USA and Asia, THT manufactures, sells and supports
the complete calorimeter product range and offers a comprehensive battery test
service for all thermal management issues. This includes a consultancy service The rotor position sensor from VOGT has been designed so that it can determine the
where requested, to make available calorimetry to all working in this area. angular position of the rotor in synchronous motors – including both SM and PMSM

In addition to the current topics related to fast developments in EV’s,

PHEV ’09 will deal specifically with the challenges of operating EV’s
in extreme climate conditions, remote communities and in military
applications. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet your international
colleagues at this Montreal, Canada event, September 28 to 30, 2009.

Visit for full details

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

Consilium Group R&D Vehicle Systems
✆ +44 1386 835 910 @
: :
■ R&D Vehicle Systems, along with its sister company R&D Vehicle
■ Consilium Group (UK) provides a unique, dedicated and comprehensive Components, are leaders in the field of electric & hybrid vehicle systems
recruitment service to HEV and EV organizations and professionals both in the integration and high voltage power distribution.
UK and on an international scale. Building on a long history of whole vehicle electrical system design and
Due to the sustained growth within this technology sector, and the projected powertrain transplants, in markets as diverse as sports cars and military vehicles,
future demand, the competition for qualified and experienced professionals is RDVS moved into the EV field four years ago, growing strongly in the process.
very high. The company’s experience now includes the electrical leadership of OEM EV
With more than 10 years HEV and EV experience, Consilium Group is projects, whole electrical system design and bespoke component designs in key
established as a market leader on a global scale. Consilium Group’s enviable areas – HV power distribution and control systems; CAN-based controls and
database and network of both candidates and vacancies provide a unique interfaces. All components are designed and manufactured in house in both
ability to match the most technical roles with industry specialists. prototype and production volumes.
Consilium Group recruiters are
degree qualified in engineering with
actual real-world industry experience,
so whether the client is looking to fill
a role or find a new job, Consilium
Group recruiters can talk technically,
whatever the discipline.
Consilium Group services cover
the full range of technology from
vehicle manufacturers to electric
motors, from batteries to systems
integration. This is supported with a
long and successful record of building
complete teams of engineers for
major international clients, through to
one-off placements at small design

TorLab AB

■ TorLab AB in Gothenburg,
Sweden, provides electronics product
development and services.
Concept studies, auto electronics
including power electronics and
software development are areas that
Tor Anderson, founder of TorLab, has
been working in for over 20 years,
starting with the development of
electric hybrid vehicles in 1982.
Most technologies exist today for
building different types of hybrid car
configurations. But developing hybrid
technologies is quite costly and not
easy to achieve. The weight of the
electrical system with batteries and
the cooling of the electric components
are challenging factors.
The Swedish Energy Agency is
supporting 17 Swedish research
projects, and the goal is to reduce
emissions and fuel consumption in
light and heavy vehicles. TorLab AB
is participating in a Rear Axle Hybrid
Project for cars, and other members in
the project include OEMs, universities,
supplier Haldex Traction AB and
development companies QRtech.

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


Engine Technology
International goes digital!
l l l# : c \ ^ c Z IZ X ] c d a d \ n > c i Z g c V i ^ d c V a # X d b

Sustainable Vehicle Engineering Centre, Oxford Brookes University
■ Householders across Oxfordshire in the UK will soon get the chance to feedback, allowing experts from the University’s Sustainable Vehicle Engineering
find out just what it’s like to own an electric car thanks to an exciting project run Centre (SVEC)), based in the School of Technology at Oxford Brookes University,
by BMW and Oxford Brookes University. to gauge the feasibility of the commercial roll-out of electric vehicles.
But will a 40-strong fleet of battery-powered Minis mark the next step in the Professor Allan Hutchinson, Head of the SVEC, says of the project: “It is
evolution? BMW, Scottish and Southern Energy, Oxford Brookes University and essential that the environmental challenges facing the global automotive industry
SEEDA, who are together running the ambitious Mini E Research Project, are tackled now. Car makers are increasingly looking at ways to replace
certainly hope so. The project represents a hugely exciting moment for the conventional engines with low- or zero-emission alternatives and help meet
fledgling UK electric car industry as, for the first time, company bosses and climate change targets.”
academics will discover exactly how a large number of zero-emission vehicles Both the academics and BMW bosses want the Mini Es to be treated just
cope with the demands of day-to-day driving. like any other family car to discover how running one of these battery-powered
The project is centred around Oxford and will look at the way 80 volunteers vehicles fits in with lifestyles today. Carefully assessing user attitudes to, and
drive their electric Minis in two back-to-back six month trials. The year-long trial their experiences of, these electric cars will give the best indicator of future public
will produce data both from the battery-powered cars and in terms of driver acceptance of low carbon vehicles. Subjective feedback, gleaned by a team of
Brookes’ psychologists, will provide one of the best insights yet into public
attitudes toward electric vehicles.
Engineers, mathematicians and statisticians from the SVEC will collect and
analyze all the technical data and subjective driver feedback, supported by
the psychologists from the School of Social Sciences and Law. This panel will
study the fleet of electric Minis across their disciplines from both a technical
and lifestyle standpoint.
SVEC’s industry network, DRIVENet, is hosting a two-day Whole Life Vehicle
Conference at Turweston Aerodrome from November 18-19, 2009, at which there
will be an opportunity to test drive the latest electric and low carbon vehicles.
SVEC is at the forefront of developing new technologies to help the motor
industry meet the sustainability challenges of the future. Its research is
concerned with the whole lifecycle of the motor vehicle from raw materials, to
design, powertrain, alternative fuels, manufacture, disassembly, recycling and
reuse of components and materials. The Centre also specializes in forecasting,
Engineers and mathematicians from the Oxford Brookes University’s Sustainable Vehicle strategy, business models and the implications of new legislation for the
Engineering Centre will collect and analyze all technical data from the Mini E project automotive industry.


PFISTERER Midtronics
: :
■ PFISTERER presents a new range of high voltage plug-in connectors for the ■ Midtronics is focused on the development of innovative technologies for
automotive field. At the heart is the HVC8 high voltage plug-in connector which battery management solutions. For preventative maintenance, professional
is equipped with the patented HICCON II connector system. In a version with service, and warranty management, the company’s battery and electrical
angled cable outlet it is only 36mm high and is thus around 40% lower than diagnostic equipment is the required standard at vehicle dealers, service centers
current versions. The two- or three-pole plug-in connector with protection level and battery retailers worldwide.
IP6k9k is designed to be used for traction motors and converters, in the Midtronics’ focus on custom-solutions fosters close, direct relationships in
underfloor area itself or directly on the wheel hub. Among other attributes it is order to fully understand its customers’ battery related opportunities. The
characterized by a high temperature range of up to 180°C. Virtually unique in the company creates value by providing unique, innovative solutions using superior
high voltage segment is the fact that the plug-in connector is suitable for use diagnostic platforms, technologies and creativity.
with two wire cross sections: for 35mm² and 50mm². This developers additional In 2008, Midtronics worked with General Motors to launch the SPS
scope for the cable layout. The product family is designed according to a programming support tool, EL-49642, which is based on the Midtronics PSC/
modular design principle and thus allows a large degree of flexibility. CX-PRO power supply charger series. The EL-49642 is required for two-mode
PFISTERER is the specialist for contact systems in energy networks. In the hybrid vehicle SPS programming.
field of energy technology the company has been setting standards for over 80 In November 2008, Midtronics introduced its first hybrid vehicle-battery test
years, and for the past 10 years high-current plug-in connectors have been used routine at the AAPEX show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Incorporating a wireless
to drive electrical trains and transfer energy in motor vehicles. The German convergence module that communicates information from the vehicle to the
family-owned enterprise manufactures products on three continents in its own EXP-1200 analyzer, this new test routine combines the capability to test the
production facilities. external auxiliary battery with onboard diagnostics to perform an interactive
road test of the hybrid battery pack for the Toyota Prius. The test process
includes individual voltage and conductance battery pack-block measurements
as well as algorithms to identify hybrid-pack issues. The diagnostic process can
be performed as a full system test, or as separate diagnostic routines, including
reading and clearing trouble codes.
Midtronics Battery and Electrical Diagnostic Platforms include the award
winning inGEN IDR electrical diagnostic data recorders, GR series battery and
electrical diagnostic stations, EXP series expandable electrical diagnostic
platforms, and the PSC/CX-PRO power-supply charger series.

July 2009 | Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology


Larger battery cell formats

International Battery
n Over the coming years, energy consumption for homes, offices, and By providing a balance of short-term power and long-term energy, the large
transportation is expected to double from 15 terawatts to more than 30 format battery cell approach provides a very attractive energy storage solution
terawatts. To meet this staggering increase in demand – without ravaging our for demanding electric vehicle and stationary smart grid applications.
environment or becoming increasingly reliant on foreign energy sources – society One of the greatest concerns with lithium-ion battery-cells lies in the heavy
will need to reinvent how energy is generated, distributed, stored and consumed. use of organic solvents frequently used to produce them: critics argue that these
Innovative energy storage will be key in ensuring the efficient use of electricity, chemicals merely create a different type of environmental hazard. To address
especially given the intermittent nature of wind and solar power as energy sources. such concerns, new state-of-the-art production facilities, such as IB’s facility in
Some companies, such as International Battery (IB), are rising to this challenge Allentown, Pennsylvania – the first large-format lithium-ion production plant in the
by producing large-format lithium-ion battery cells. This large, commercial-grade USA – employ an all-aqueous production process. This approach not only
format allows a reduction in the number of cells required by 10-50 times, thus greatly reduces the use and emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs),
increasing reliability by minimizing overall system complexity. but dramatically reduces both energy use and production costs.

Large format battery cells for electric vehicles today come in a wide variety of both shapes and sizes, including the nested (left), the slim (center), and the wide (right) module formats

A&D Technology..................................outside back cover EV Network..................................................................77 Pfisterer Kontaktsysteme...........................................103
Adventec Manufacturing Inc..................................9, 103 EVB Technology / Gold Peak Batteries..........................86 Pihsiang Energy Technology Co Ltd.......inside back cover
Aker Wade...................................................................53 EVO Electric Ltd...........................................................46 Potenza Technology...................................................111
Arbin Instruments........................................................23 R&D Vehicle Systems Ltd.............................................77
Arsenal Research.........................................................11 REAP Systems.............................................................65
Automotive Testing Expo North America 2009..............61 FEV..............................................................................66 Ridek Systems...........................................................119
AVL List GmbH...............................................................3 Finnish Electric Vehicle Technologies Ltd......................69 Rinehart Motion Systems...........................................116
Bitrode Corporation......................................................36 Flybrid Systems...........................................................36 Romax Technology.......................................................97
Bosch Rexroth AG........................................................89 Giant Lion Know-How..................................................54 Scientific Climate Systems Ltd.....................................77
Conductix Wampfler.....................................................81 Hybrid Design Services................................................83 SPAL Automotive..........................................................13
Consilium Group..........................................................53 Impact Automotive Technologies................................119 Specialty Coating Systems...........................................62
D&V Electronics...........................................................58 Infineon Technologies AG.............................................19 Stridsberg Powertrain..................................................49
Danfoss Silicon Power GmbH.......................................61 International Battery Inc...............................................65 Swedish Hybrid Centre................................................74
Design Investment.....................................................115 Isabellenhutte Heusler.................................................73 Tawas Inc....................................................................23
Digatron Firing Circuits..............................................103 LH Industries........................................inside front cover Thermal Hazard Technology.......................................119
DRIVENet / Oxford Brookes University..........................25 LiFeBatt.......................................................................17 TM4...........................................................................109
Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology International Li-Tec Battery............................................................107 Torlab..........................................................................65
Online Reader Enquiry Service...............................81 Lithium Balance...........................................................25 UQM Technologies Inc..................................................58
Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA)...........86 Maccor Inc.................................................................105 Valence Technology Inc................................................21
Electric Mobility Canada.............................................114 MES-DEA.....................................................................46 VOGT Electronic Components GmbH..............................7
Engine Expo 2010................................................99, 101 Midtronics...................................................................46 Western Lithium Corporation........................................39, 97, 116 Opal-RT.....................................................................107
EV America..................................................................15 Park and Power...........................................................36

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

can get HOT!
measure imprOve cOnTrOL
THT, the world leading supplier of the Accelerating Rate Calorimeter
and battery test calorimeters (cycler incorporated)
to study at cell, module, pack level...
as required by FreedomCar and other Protocols
Measures under worst case adiabatic (no heat loss) conditions
• Temperature
• Pressure
• Voltage
• Current
• Sub 0°C to 300°C plus
Implementing in situ conditions
appropriate for batteries
• Charge/discharge cycling
• Rapid discharge &EV cycle
• Abuse; shorting overvoltage
crush penetration
• Thermal stability with surface
Results can be applied to
many aspects of
• Thermal Management
• Efficiency
• Lifecycle
• Safety
Accelerating Rate Calorimeters, Battery Calorimeters
and Battery Test and Consultancy Services
THT HQ (Milton Keynes UK) THT USA (Piscataway NJ)
THT Asia (Shanghai China & Tokyo Japan)
For all thermal battery issues contact the experts...
1 North House Bond Avenue Bletchley MK1 1SW England
Email: web ph +44 1908 646800
Credit: Adrian Higgins

Combustion engines will still

be around in 15 years’ time.
Some people predict that
PROFILE the IC engine will be dead
Name: Raf Schuermans
Job title: Senior manager, drivetrain design by then, but I disagree
Company: Toyota Motor Europe

What career did you want when you straight-six. I suppose for Europe, a diesel engine is really an attractive
were growing up? product because it enables the driver to get a good range on a single
As I child, I spent lots of time playing tank. I think the industry has made very good progress over the past
with Lego and Fischertechnik. I few years in terms of the performance of diesel powertrains.
suppose I’ve always had an interest in
technical stuff and it became pretty What do you think is the best engine that has ever been produced?
clear from a young age that I wanted I think one of the best is the four-cylinder multivalve engine that was
to study mechanical engineering. in the Corolla GT. That 1.6-liter, naturally-aspirated, twincam four-
The OEM I worked for was Volvo cylinder was named 4A-GE, and it was really famous. It was impossible
and I was with them for 10 years. to break it. You could do whatever you wanted to it and many people
I’ve been with Toyota for 12 years. used it in rally motorsports.

When did you first start playing Which manufacturers do you have particular respect for in terms of
around with powertrains? their engine development, and why?
It all began when I was around 15 It’s accepted that BMW develops very good powertrains. But for me, the
years old. My friend’s older brother great thing about BMW is its consistency across all its engines.
was replacing an engine on his car,
which was very old. They lived What is the proudest achievement of your career so far?
around 5km from where we lived. I It’s not that I’m proud of any one specific product that I’ve helped to
took a wheelbarrow, walked the 5km develop, it’s more to do with getting people together to take part in
to collect the old engine and then I teamwork across the board. I’m very proud of establishing a drivetrain
disassembled it in my backyard. design section at Toyota Motor Europe.

What are the best and worst What personal career goals do you have for the future?
elements of your job? I’ve always been a powertrain guy. What we see now is that the
After 22 years in the industry, I’m powertrain world is in a transition phase – powertrains are starting to
pleased to say my job still enables me be electrified. So my next step will be to broaden my activities outside
to work with technology. Working for purely mechanical development. With all these hybrids coming, there
Toyota, we do not just sit at our desks will be interesting challenges ahead, especially at Toyota where we want
and design; we really get our hands to broaden efforts in this area.
dirty and actually work with the
parts. Because of the type of job it is, In your opinion, what will be powering passenger cars in the year
sometimes it can be stressful. I 2025?
suppose that, getting a bit older and Combustion engines will still be around in 15 years’ time. Some people
having a young family, it’s not always predict that the IC engine will be dead by then, but I disagree. It will
easy to find a balance between work be around for a few more decades because it is a reliable power source.
and life. I also think there is still scope for its development, as we have shown
with the third-generation Prius. The industry simply can’t switch to
What car do you currently drive? anything else overnight. What is becoming clear, however, is that the
A Toyota Avensis Wagon with a 2.2- IC engine will be supported in various degrees by electrical parts.
liter diesel engine.
What would you like to see the legislators and manufacturers do in
Emissions legislation aside, what the immediate future to improve engine efficiency?
would be your ideal engine design Incentives are an important tool. There are several countries in Europe
specification? that use them, and customer behavior really changes as a result. People
It all depends on the type of car. If buy certain cars because of governmental incentives. As engineers, we
I had the choice between a V8 or a like to be challenged, and the dynamics between the car maker and
straight-six, I’d have to go for a legislator will continue to push the boundaries even further. E&H

Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology | July 2009

The Best
Batteries for All
Available only from
WORLD PAT. C-LiFePO4 Battery

Pihsiang Energy Technology Co., Ltd. -- PHET® is maximizing her efforts to manufacture the World Pat. C-LiFePO4
based Lithium batteries. Until today PHET® is the only manufacturer mass producing consistent C-LiFePO4 batteries
in-house through fully automatic production lines including computer sorting. The World Pat. C-LiFePO4 cathode
material is licensed via a powder manufacturer from Hydro-Quebec, the University of Texas, CNRS, and University of

PHET® designs and manufactures EU / RoHS compliant battery products according to customers’ requests or given
specification which are either individual cells or complete packs with fault-tolerant DOSBAS® safety device. The
DOSBAS® safety device prevents high temperature rise caused by unexpected physical impact to the battery packs
and safeguards against internal short-circuiting.

Battery Electric Vehicle (EV) from PMMC

PMMC and PHET are ready to partner with your company using PHET® battery technology. If you are interested in
purchasing any of the components on the GREENRUNNER® EV, including PHET® World Pat. C-LiFePO4 DOSBAS®
safe Battery packs, dual mode charger, controller, traction motor, drive train, converter, inverter, contactor.., or would
like to discuss to manufacture the entire GREENRUNNER® EV in your country, please contact us and we will be
delighted to provide you with more information.

Please feel free to contact PHET ®

Pihsiang Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
g Pihsiang Machinery MFG. Co., LTD. (PMMC) is a publicly listed company on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (1729). PHET® is the subsidiary of PMMC.
g PHET® reserves all rights to change the wording and specification without prior notice.
Your Partner in
HEV Test & Simulation

● Battery / Fuel Cell ● Hardware-in-the-Loop

● Electric Motor ● Simulation
● Controller ● Research
● Hybrid Transmission ● Development
● Engine Power Pack ● Product Validation
● Complete Hybrid Drivetrain ● Production Quality

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