System Analysis & Design BCS1133

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BCS1133 Lecturer:
Azma Abdullah
[email protected]
Joseph S. Valacich,
Joey F. George-
Modern Systems
Analysis and
Kenneth E. Kendall,
Julie E.
Kendall.,“Systems Other Reliable
Analysis and Design
”, Pearson, 2014 Resources
Ref: [QA76.9.S88 K46
2014 ]
Announcement 1

27 November 2020 (week 6)

• Midterm Test (20%)
• Friday
• 2.00 PM -5.00 PM
Lecture 1: Foundation of
Systems Development
• The Systems Development Environment
• The Origins of Software
Part 1:
The Systems Development Environment
Learning Objectives

• Define information systems analysis & design

• Describe the information systems development lifecycle
• Explain RAD and CASE tool
• Describe agile methodologies and extreme programming
• Explain OOAD and RUP
• System Analysis and Design is a step by step process for
developing high quality information system.
• An Information System combines technology, people, and
data to provide support for business functions such as
accounting, human resources, inventory control and etc.
• Information Technology (IT) refers to the combination of
hardware, software, and services that people use to
manage, communicate, and share information.
Information System Components
SAD (Core Concepts)
• Analysis and design process usually
involves developing or acquiring
application software, which is
designed to support a specific
organizational function or process.
• An organizational approach to
systems analysis and design is driven
by methodologies, techniques and
Methodologies, Techniques and Tools

• Methodology is a sequence of step-by-step approaches that

help develop the information system
• Techniques are processes that need to be followed to help
ensure that the work is complete and comprehensible
• computer programs such as computer-aided software
engineering (CASE) tools, that make it easy to use specific
Methodology Techniques Tools
• Waterfall model • Project Management • Word processor/text
• Prototype model techniques editor
• RAD • Strategic planning • Project management
• Spiral model techniques application
• Extreme programming • User interview techniques • Drawing/graphic
• RUP • Software testing application
• Scrum techniques • Code generator tool
• etc • etc • etc

Create/draw model for system component

and development process
Example : flowchart, DFD, use case diagram,
gantt chart
Information System Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

An idea Planning and Design and operation, security

Analysis Implementation and support

What does the SDLC do?

• Systems Development Life Cycle was an attempt to

establish a structured approach to systems
• For management, each stage of the life cycle was a
milestone with an associated date and set of
Why do we need the SDLC?

• The software crisis of the late ‘60s and early ‘70s

• Systems were delivered years late
• They were over budget
• Unreliable
• Difficult to maintain
• Did not do what was required
Stages of the Cycle SDLC
• Problem definition
• Feasible study


Implementation Design
Activities and deliverables for each stage
Stage Content Deliverable

1. Problem Definition What is the problem? Problem Definition Report - statement of problems, scope
and objectives
objectives of new system
2. Feasibility Study Is there a feasible Feasibility Study Report - rough cost benefit analysis
solution – quick look - system scope and objectives cost benefit analysis
ahead to see if you can
do something about the problem

3. Analysis What must be done to Specification of Requirements –logical

solve the problem model of required system
4. Design How should the problem Technical Design Specification –includes program
be solved specifications, hardware specifications, cost estimates
and an implementation schedule

5. Implementation Do it Working system, includes program listings and

documentation, test plan, hardware, operating
procedures, clerical procedures
6. Maintenance Modify system as Working system - Operational system, modified and
necessary documented as required
1. SDLC-Traditional
• Traditionally pictured as a
waterfall model
– In waterfall model the result of
each phase, which is called
end product, flaws sequentially
into the next phase
– The adjacent phases interact,
as shown by lines
2. Iterative Model
3. Incremental Model

Will have more than

one team to develop the
Methodology/Model Description
Rapid Application • Incremental model for short development cycle (60-90 days)
Development (RAD) • Stress on client involvement/user feedback
• Core elements of RAD: business modeling, data modeling,
process modeling, application generation, testing and turn

Agile Methodology • Incremental model

• New changes are needed to implemented
eXtreme Programming • One of Agile model
• More focus on code rather than design
RUP • Iterative approach for OOAD
• Software development methodology from Rational based
on UML
eXtreme Programming
Part 2:
The Origins of Software
Learning Objectives
 Explain outsourcing.
 Describe six different sources of software.
 Discuss how to evaluate off-the-shelf software.
 Explain reuse and its role in software development.
Sources of Software
Sources of Software (Cont.)
Sources of Software Components
Selecting Off-the-Shelf Software

• 1. Cost: comparing the cost of developing the same

system in-house with the cost of purchasing or
licensing the software package
Selecting Off-the-Shelf Software (Cont.)

• 2. Functionality: the tasks that the software can

perform and the mandatory, essential, and desired
system features
Selecting Off-the-Shelf Software (Cont.)

• 3. Vendor support: whether and how much

support the vendor can provide and at what cost
Selecting Off-the-Shelf Software (Cont.)
• 5. Viability of vendor: can vendor continue to
adapt/update software to changes in systems
software and hardware
Selecting Off-the-Shelf Software (Cont.)

• 6. Flexibility: the ease with which software is

• 7. Documentation: understandable and up-to-date
user’s manual and technical documentation
Selecting Off-the-Shelf Software (Cont.)
• 8. Response time: how long it takes the software
package to respond to the user’s requests in an
interactive session
• 9. Ease of installation: a measure of the difficulty of
loading the software and making it operational
Request For Proposal (RFP)

• A request for proposal (RFP) is a document provided to

vendors to ask them to propose hardware and system
software that will meet the requirements of a new
• The use of previously written software resources,
especially objects and components, in new
• Commonly applied to two different development
– Object-oriented development
– Component-based development
Reuse (Cont.)
• Object-oriented development
– Object class encapsulates data and behavior of
common organizational entities (e.g. employees)
• Component-based development
– Components can be as small as objects or as large
as pieces of software that handle single business
Approaches to Reuse (Cont.)

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