Minerals: Linatex Rubber Products

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Linatex® Rubber Products

Linatex® Premium Rubber is a
unique combination of the strength and resilience
of natural rubber, enhanced by our twenty-first
century manufacturing expertise.

The Linatex® rubber range provides unmatched
wear performance in the toughest abrasion environments.

At Weir Minerals our rubber experts are Our sustained performance advantage
acknowledged around the world as the in the rubber industry lies in our well-
foremost authority in the use of premium proven, proprietary manufacturing
natural rubber for abrasion, impact and process. Our unique process creates
corrosion resistance. a product that provides superior
performance when compared to other
With a history dating back to the first
wear materials.
processing of commercial rubber in
Malaysia, Bernard Wilkinson’s invention Linatex® rubber products are extremely
of Linatex® rubber in the 1920s strong, tough and resilient. When this
revolutionised the industry. is combined with the excellent tear, cut
and abrasion resistance, our rubber
Linatex® premium rubber is a
products are irreplaceable in abrasion
proprietary vulcanised natural gum
trouble spots.
rubber, produced through a unique
compounding process, using high By using the highest quality natural latex
quality natural latex. It exhibits direct from local rubber plantations,
outstanding strength, resilience, combined with our proprietary
and resistance to cutting and tearing, manufacturing process, we deliver
giving superior performance in wet reduced operational down time and lower
abrasion conditions. total ownership costs.

Linatex® rubber products have been developed to meet the
demanding performance requirements of a variety of industries.
Our scientists continue to develop new and improved materials,
helping us to deliver unparalleled value and performance.

Sheet Rubber The Linard® Range The Linagard® Range

Our global presence combined The Linard® range has been developed The Linagard® range of rubber
with our vast experience across a for applications where heavy duty impact products has been developed for
variety of industries allows us to and wear resistance is required. applications where more than just
confidently provide a complete solution resistance to wear is required.
Linard® 60: A silica reinforced natural
to your needs.
rubber product uniquely designed to Linagard® NBR: A Nitrile based rubber
The Linatex® Range provide high resilience with good cut, reinforced with silica fillers specifically
tear and abrasion resistance. These formulated to give unmatched wear
Linatex® Premium: A 95% natural
qualities come together to make Linard® performance. Suitable for applications
rubber product manufactured using a
60 the perfect solution for many hard to where there is the presence of oils,
proprietary liquid phase compounding
solve problems. Suitable for moderate chemicals and/or high temperature.
process that exhibits outstanding
impact, wear, skirting applications and
resilience, strength and resistance to Linagard® BB: A Bromo Butyl rubber
where sticking is an issue.
cutting, tearing and abrasion. There is specifically formulated to provide
no equivalent. Linard® HD and HDS Range: Natural excellent protection where resistance to
and synthetic rubber blends specifically acids, alkalis and corrosion is required to
The Linacure® Range designed to exhibit exceptional prolong service life. Suitable for rubber
The Linacure® range has been developed toughness without compromising natural lining of acid tanks or in applications
to give our customers the high elasticity. The range includes: where protection against high
performance they have come to expect temperature, ozone or UV is required.
• Linard® HD60
from using Linatex® rubber products in
Linagard® FG: A natural rubber
applications where uncured rubber is • Linard® HD70
compound that offers outstanding wear
• Linard® HDS resistance. Manufactured from FDA
Linacure 40: An uncured natural
EU approved ingredients, Linagard®
Formulated to withstand severe abrasion
rubber with proven differentiated wear FG rubber is recommended for a wide
in heavy duty applications. Suitable for
performance when compared to other range of applications including general
primary screen decks and underpans,
uncured natural rubber products. linings in areas of food processing,
heavy duty transfer chute lining and
Specifically designed for slurry pharmaceutical and cosmetic
heavy duty impact applications.
applications where hot bonding manufacturing.
is preferred.
Linagard® OSR: A high performance
Linacure® 60: A silica reinforced rubber compound designed to provide
uncured natural rubber that provides resistance to oils, wet abrasion and
the toughness you have come to expect elevated temperatures. Initially designed
from Linard® 60 in applications where hot to meet the rigorous demands of the oil
bonding is preferred. sands industry, the unique properties of
Linagard® OSR rubber make it suitable
for many other applications.

Lining and Fabricated Products Performance Components
The Linatex® rubber range is extremely (Moulded Products)
versatile and suitable as protective lining At Weir Minerals we manufacture high
for a variety of surfaces to minimise wear quality and complex mouldings utilising
and corrosion of the base structure. some of the largest presses commercially
available. These facilities are strategically
Typical lining applications include:
located across the globe to ensure local
• Chute lining access to our product range.

• Pipe lining Our highly experienced engineers

continually develop innovative
• Vessel lining
new moulds that utilise the unique
• Hose construction properties of the Linatex® rubber range.
This produces a final product that
In addition to it’s versatility, Linatex®
is precise and delivers exceptional
rubber products are lighter and more
performance. All of our moulded
flexible than other wear liner materials
components are specifically designed
such as steel and ceramics. This aids
to meet exacting fit and process
with installation, that can be completed
requirements across an extensive range
at one of our many service centres or
of industries and applications.
on site. Linatex® rubber can be bonded
quickly and permanently using our The range of performance components
proprietary range of adhesives. Both consists of replacement wear parts
our cured and uncured rubber products for use in process equipment across
are manufactured in sheet form of all elements of mining and industrial
varying thicknesses, allowing it to be cut processes. This includes pumps,
or configured into any shape that the hydrocyclones, flotation cells, screens
application may require. (moulded deck panels), conveyor
systems, material handling systems and
Supported by a worldwide network
grinding mills.
of technical experts and service
centres, Weir Minerals’ distributors We believe that our proven track
and applicators are fully trained record combined with our well
and qualified to complete rubber developed industry experience and
linings and fabrications to suit your knowledge is what differentiates our
specific requirements. moulding capabilities from other
moulding competitors around the globe.

What Makes Linatex® Premium Rubber Better?
Natural rubber is an outstanding abrasion resistant material, particularly for handling
slurries. The inherent properties of strength, resilience and cut resistance have a
direct effect on wear performance.
Wear properties are at their best straight from the tree. The more work that is put into
mixing the rubber, the more these properties are destroyed by the shearing and the
breaking up of the long molecular chains.
Conventional dry processing is based on shearing the rubber during mixing.
This reduces the average molecular weight distribution and leads to a significant
drop off in properties and performance. The effect is similar to starting out with a
perfectly good elastic band, cutting it up into short lengths then trying to join it back
together again.
In contrast, our proprietary liquid compounding method gently blends the latex,
causing minimal damage to the microstructure of the rubber. This results in a product
fundamentally as nature intended; strong, resilient and resistant to abrasion.

Conventional Rubber: long chain

molecules are broken up during
mixing, reducing wear performance

Linatex® Premium Rubber: retains the

essential properties of raw natural rubber
giving excellent abrasion resistance

Raw Natural Rubber: typical

Number (Frequency)

bimodal weight distribution curve

103 104 105 106 107 108

shorter molecular chains Molecular Weight longer molecular chains

Our commitment to our customers is simple - we aim to provide
best-in-field performance and lowest cost of ownership. We do
this by using the best quality natural rubber and by processing it
with leading edge technology.

Cost of Wear Technology Benefits Our state of the art rubber processing
Linatex natural rubbers demonstrate
The processing of natural rubber from facility achieves three key aims:
exceptional performance over time in natural latex encompasses two distinct 1. A 100% commitment to the
both wet and dry applications. operations. The compounding and preservation of superior natural
coagulation of the latex into uncured rubber properties.
The charts below illustrate typical
rubber crepe, and the pressing and
performance/replacement timelines 2. High technology automated
curing of the uncured rubber into
for Linatex® premium rubber in processes, allowing improvements
finished sheets.
comparison to other rubbers. in volume and output.
For decades these processes have been
Although the initial upfront costs of using 3. Continuous processing, allowing
accomplished by processing individual
Linatex® rubber might be slightly higher, better control, higher tolerances
batches of product that, even with the
the superior performance of Linatex® and improved consistency over
utmost care, increases the potential for
rubber products results in a lower total batch processing.
batch to batch variation.
cost of ownership. Meaning Linatex®
rubber products pay for themselves over
and over again.

Linatex® Premium Rubber vs Substitute Products The Linatex® Advantage Over Normal Rubber
in Wet Abrasion Environment

low wearmediummedium
low wear wear wearhigh wear high wear
sand & aggregates
sand & aggregates mining mining
Linatex® Linatex®
Premium Premium
Rubber Rubber

cost other rubbers
other rubbers
return on investment

return on investment

large savings
large savings
Premium normal
Rubber rubber normal
duration of use
duration of use application
When using Linatex® rubber products, experience
proves that the more aggressive the wear
environment, the greater the return on investment.

PLEASE NOTE: Graphical representation for illustrative purposes only. Actual performance and cost savings may differ depending on factors such as the
type, size, velocity and density of particles within the slurry that the rubber is exposed to.

Selecting the Appropriate Rubber
To select the most appropriate compound for an application, many factors need to be taken into account. Understanding the
following factors is critical to making the right selection:

Particle Size and Weight However, if the particle momentum is too Angle of Impact and Sliding Wear
In order to achieve the best possible great relative to the rubber thickness, the The angle of impact of the particle
operating economy and the longest impact force cannot be absorbed and the relative to the wear surface is of great
service life, it is usual to increase rubber rubber may cut or tear. importance in designing chutes, hoppers
thickness within certain limits to cope and rubber linings in general. The effect
with larger and heavier particles. of different angles on wear rate can
In impact and sliding abrasion situations be significant.
Impact of particles from increasing there is a critical speed above which
height also requires increased rubber elastomers are unable to recover At 90° impact angle, resilience is the
thickness to absorb compressive forces. and absorb energy. In this case, the major factor in resisting wear, but as the
product’s resilience cannot be used impact angle reduces to around 50°, tear
As the particle hits the surface, the
to its full extent and the surface may resistance becomes more important.
rubber deforms, absorbing the kinetic
deteriorate more rapidly. At very low impact angles, slurries are
energy of the particle. The resilient nature
best handled by flat Linatex® sheet. This
of rubber returns most of this energy For velocities above 10m/s (30ft/s) consult applies to pulley lagging and applications
to the particle, causing it to rebound. your Weir Minerals representative. involving general sliding wear, where the
There will be little or no wear and no
abrasive force is tangential or in-plane to
permanent deformation.
the surface.

This diagram demonstrates the reason rubber outperforms steel in many abrasive Rubber Hardness and
environments. It is the ability of the rubber to absorb an impact and then return the Physical Properties
energy from the impact back to the particle that results in higher wear performance. In broad terms, harder rubbers such
as the Linard® range are preferred for
combating high impact/cutting forces
that often occur when handling coarse
materials. Linatex® premium rubber, a
low durometer rubber, gives excellent
results when used in abrasive slurry
service or sliding abrasion where fine to
medium particles are being handled.
Other physical properties can often
Abrasive particle striking non-elastic metal surface. Conversion of kinetic energy into
impact, friction and noise.
play a significant role in optimising
performance. For example, good
resilience is required when screening
sticky materials. Rubber elongation
is the important factor in the design
of fabricated seals and bellows. The
key to specifying the correct rubber is
in selecting the best combination of
properties to suit the application.
We will work with you to select
the optimum rubber for your
Abrasive particle striking resilient rubber surface. Rubber deforms under load and specific application.
returns most of kinetic energy to the particle without rate of wear experienced above.

Temperature Chemical Environment
The temperature of the application Different rubber compounds exhibit
in which the rubber will be used is varying degrees of resistance to
important. The temperature limits of chemicals. Natural rubber, for example,
Linatex® rubber compounds vary. For is unsuitable for use in contact with
example, natural rubbers are generally hydrocarbons. In this situation, Linagard®
not recommended in applications rubber is more suited.
above 70°C/158°F, whereas synthetic
We offer a range of rubber materials
rubber compounds such as Linagard®
that maximise potential applications
BB and Linagard® NBR can be used in
in chemical environments. A chemical
applications where temperatures exceed
resistance reference chart for the
Linatex® range is available upon request.
It is also important to take into account The chemical composition of the slurry
the temperature limits of the adhesive or application should always be verified
Noise and Vibration
system being used if rubber lining is to confirm that the rubber being selected
taking place. Most rubber adhesive is suitable. Occupational health and safety
systems are limited to temperatures up regulations in many countries require
to 90°C/194°F. 90° that industry complies with specific
80° noise level standards for the protection
70 of employees.
° Rubber lined structures and fabrications
play a prominent role in creating a more
° CT comfortable working environment. This
50 PA E
IM NGL is done by reducing noise and vibrations,

often with the additional benefit of
controlling dust dispersion. Weir Minerals

CT IMPACT LINERS has a large list of Linatex® rubber

IM GLE reference sites on which to draw their
expertise and can advise the optimum
30 °

design of rubber lining and estimate noise

OU and vibration reduction for your project.
20 °





If you have any questions, please

contact your local Weir Minerals


representative and/or the relevant

SHEET product specification sheet.

Selection Criteria for Impact Angle and Sliding Wear

Our engineering experts work closely with our global customer
support and local service teams, creating an unrivalled support
network to meet all of your unique needs.

The Complete Solution We appreciate that the correct application We have facilities in most of the
Many companies may claim to provide of rubber is just as critical to success as major mining regions around the
a rubber solution, however we deliver the quality of the rubber employed. We world, supported by an extensive list
on this claim. We have over 90 years utilise high quality proprietary adhesives of distributors. This gives you
experience in the production, testing and employ highly capable rubber the reassurance that when you
and application of rubber products into liners. This ensures the high level of purchase our products, expert support
many industries. As both a supplier and performance that customers have come is close by.
applicator of our rubber products, we to expect from Linatex® rubber products
take full responsibility for all facets of the every time.
lining project.

Which Linatex® Rubber Product?

Sliding or Slurry Wet/Damp Dry Impact Diverse

Abrasion Impact Abrasion Abrasion Applications

-40° to 70° C -20° to 110° C -40° to 70° C -40° to 75° C -40° to 75° C - chemicals
(-40° to 158° F) (-4° to 230° F) (-40° to 158° F) (-40° to 167° F) (-40° to 167° F) - high temps
- ignition risk
- sealing
- specialist
& fabrication
Smaller particles
Presence of Sticking/binding Larger particle Larger particle
and/or various
oil/solvents problem size size & cutting

Weir Minerals

Food/ Ozone
hygiene exposure

Linatex® Linagard® FG Linagard® OZ Linagard® NBR Linard® 60 Linard® HD 60 Linard® HDS

Linagard® OSR Linard® HD 70

PLEASE NOTE: This chart indicates basic specifications only. Please consult Weir Minerals for specific applications.

Linatex® Rubber Range
Technical Specifications
Linatex® Premium Rubber 12
Linard 60
Linard HD Range
Linagard BB
Linagard® NBR 16
Linagard® OSR 17
Linagard® FG 18
Linagard OZ
Linacure® 40 20
Linacure® 60 21
Linatex® HM 22
Comparison of Typical Physical Properties 23

PLEASE NOTE: Dimensions and sizes indicated in this brochure are for reference only. Please contact your Weir Minerals
representative for more information.

Linatex® Premium Rubber
Technical Specifications

Proven superior abrasion resistance

Design Features
• Proven superior performance in
fine slurry abrasion Linatex® premium rubber is a 95% natural rubber that exhibits outstanding resilience,
strength and resistance to cutting, tearing and abrasion. The rubber of choice for over
• Excellent resistance to cutting 90 years in the handling of aggressive materials, Linatex® premium rubber is still the
and tearing premium wear resistant rubber for sliding or wet abrasion service.
• High resilience and low modulus It is our unique, proprietary manufacturing process that gives Linatex® premium
• Resistance to a wide range rubber its extraordinary physical properties and outstanding performance. Our
of chemicals process, unlike other processes, causes minimal mechanical disturbance to the
molecular structure of the finished rubber, resulting in significant cost benefits to the
Applications user. With Linatex® premium rubber there is no equivalent when it comes to
wet abrasion.
The uses of Linatex® premium rubber
are almost unlimited:
• Pipe lining • Pumps
Typical Physical Properties
• Chute Lining • Hoses
• Tank Linings • Valve Liners LINATEX® PREMIUM
• Hydrocyclones • Belting
Polymer Type Natural Rubber
Size/Availability Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 38
• Standard sheet size:
Modulus @ 500% (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 2.0
9.25m x 1.23m nominal
(approx. 30ft x 4ft) Tensile Strength (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 25 (3618 psi)

• Part sheets available to order Elongation at Break (%) ISO 37 – 2011 830%
• Standard thickness range: Tear Strength (N/mm) ASTM D624-00 - 2012 44 (250 lbsf/in)
1.5mm to 30.0mm
(approx. 1∕16” to 1 3∕16”) Specific Gravity ISO 2781 - 2008 0.96

• Moulded components available Resilience (%) BS 903. Part A8 1990 83%

from stock and made to order Operating Temperatures - 4 0 °C to +70 °C/
(continuous use) - 4 0 °F to +158 °F

Linard® 60
Technical Specifications

The resilient rubber for tough applications

Design Features
• Excellent anti-sticking and
anti-build up properties Linard® 60 rubber is a silica-reinforced natural rubber product uniquely designed to
provide high resilience with good cut, tear and abrasion resistance. The development
• Unsurpassed flexibility for a hard of Linard® 60 rubber specifically set out to produce a rubber that retains the natural
rubber compound strength and nerve of latex, together with the toughness needed for handling coarse
• Excellent resistance to cutting by materials.
sharp-edged products The unique combination of high resilience, resistance to deformation and wear
• Good wet abrasion resistance makes Linard® 60 rubber the perfect solution for many hard to solve problems.

Applications These characteristics also combine to give Linard® 60 rubber exceptional anti-stick
and anti-build up properties.
• Hose linings
• Screen panels
Typical Physical Properties
• Skirting rubber
• Abrasive environments where PROPERTY TEST STANDARD LINARD® 60
sticking and/or build up are Polymer Type Natural Rubber
major issues
Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 60
• Standard Sheet size: Modulus @ 500% (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 9.5
9.25m x 1.23m nominal Tensile Strength (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 27 (3916 psi)
(approx. 30ft x 4ft)
Elongation at Break (%) ISO 37 – 2011 690%
• Part sheets available to order
Tear Strength (N/mm) ASTM D624-00 - 2012 103 (588 lbsf/in)
• Standard thickness range:
3.0mm to 30.0mm Specific Gravity ISO 2781 - 2008 1.10
(approx. 1∕8” to 1 3∕16”) Resilience (%) BS 903. Part A8 1990 70%
• Moulded components available Operating Temperatures -40°C to +75°C/
from stock and made to order (continuous use) -40°F to +167°F

Linard® HD Range
Technical Specifications

Where only the toughest and hardest

Design Features
• Superior strength and resilience for
rubbers survive
severe abrasion
• Exceptional resistance to chunking The Linard® HD range of products are natural/synthetic rubber blends specifically
and gouging designed to exhibit exceptional toughness without compromising natural elasticity.
Linard® HD products are particularly suited to high impact applications or the
• Suited for dry or damp applications handling of coarse aggregates, where cutting and gouging play a major part in the
where there is heavy impact abrasive force.
Applications The Linard® HD range includes Linard® HD60, Linard® HD70 and Linard® HDS. Linard®
• Dredge hose or duties where HD60 rubber is ideally suited for the aqueous applications involving aggregates, in
aggressive abrasion and/or large which sliding abrasion is the major concern. In applications such as primary screen
coarse angular particles are a decks and heavy duty transfer chutes, where cutting and slashing by sharp edged
major problem heavy particles is the leading cause of abrasion, Linard® HDS and Linard® HD70
rubbers are the recommended solutions within the Linatex® family.
• Screen decks and underpans for
severe applications in the mining Formulated to withstand severe abrasion in dry or humid applications, the Linard®
extractive industries HD range provides superior protection to plant and machinery, guarding against
premature failure and unscheduled maintenance.
• Transfer chutes in which heavy
duty impact due to particle size is a
major problem
Size/Availability Typical Physical Properties
• Sheet size (to 30mm thickness): LINARD® LINARD® LINARD®
9.25m x 1.23m nominal PROPERTY TEST STANDARD
(approx. 30ft x 4ft)
Natural / Natural / Natural /
Polymer Type
• Sheet size (>30mm thickness): Synthetic Synthetic Synthetic
3.05m x 1.23m nominal Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 60 70 70
(approx. 10ft x 4ft)
 odulus @ 500%
ISO 37 – 2011 16.0 17.0 10.0
• Part sheets available to order (MPa)

• Standard thickness range: Tensile Strength 21.4 21.4 22.8

ISO 37 – 2011
3.0mm to 50mm (approx. 1∕8” to 2.0”) (MPa) (3100 psi) (3100 psi) (3300 psi)
Elongation at Break (%) ISO 37 – 2011 470% 450% 580%
90 96 100
Tear Strength (N/mm) ASTM D624-00 - 2012
(513 lbsf/in) (548 lbsf/in) (570 lbsf/in)
Specific Gravity ISO 2781 - 2008 1.09 1.14 1.14

Resilience (%) BS 903. Part A8 1990 55% 54% 57%

-40°C to -40°C to -40°C to
75°C / 75°C / 75°C /
-40°F to -40°F to -40°F to
(continuous use)
+167°F +167°F +167°F

Linagard® BB
Technical Specifications

Cost effective solutions for aggressive

Design Features
• Excellent resistance to
chemical applications
inorganic chemicals
• Excellent UV and ozone resistance Linagard® BB rubber is a bromo butyl based rubber that has been specifically
formulated to provide a cost effective lining solution for aggressive chemical
• Excellent resistance to applications involving acids, alkalis and high temperatures.
high temperatures
The wide range of experience we have gained in the supply and installation of rubber
• Low gas permeability lining for a diverse range of chemical applications has played a pivotal role in the
Applications development of Linagard® BB rubber.

• Acid leach tanks It is a product that provides exceptional chemical and corrosion protection with
unmatched mechanical properties.
• Chemical storage tanks
• Thickener tank linings
• Pipe lining Typical Physical Properties
• Standard sheet size:
Halogenated Butyl
9.25m x 1.23m nominal Polymer Type
(approx. 30ft x 4ft)
Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 58
• Part sheets available to order
Modulus @ 500% (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 5.0
• Standard thickness range:
3.0mm to 30.0mm Tensile Strength (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 7.0 (1016 psi)
(approx. 1∕8” to 1 3∕16”)
Elongation at Break (%) ISO 37 – 2011 400%
• Moulded components available
Tear Strength (N/mm) ASTM D624-00 - 2012 35 (210 lbsf/in)
from stock and made to order
Specific Gravity ISO 2781 - 2008 1.58

Resilience (%) BS 903. Part A8 1990 27%

Operating Temperatures -40°C to +120°C /
(continuous use) -40°F to +248°F

Linagard® NBR
Technical Specifications

Nitrile: Resistance to organic oils and chemicals

Design Features
• Resistant to mineral/vegetable oils
Specifying the right lining material for oil or chemical service used to be a
• Resistant to chemicals, greases and compromise. Natural rubber gives good abrasion resistance, but is not suitable for oil
aliphatic hydrocarbons immersion. Normal nitrile-based rubbers offer excellent oil resistance, but their poor
• Excellent resistance to high wear performance limits their use in high abrasion applications.
temperature, thermal ageing Linagard® NBR rubber is a nitrile based rubber specifically formulated to give good
and fatigue abrasion resistance in the presence of oils and chemicals. Linagard® NBR rubber also
• Good resistance to wear exhibits excellent high temperature service and can be used up to 110°C (230°F) with
suitable adhesives, or where mechanical fixing is employed.
• Low permeability to gases
• Linings for mining applications, Typical Physical Properties
fertiliser works and sand processing
circuits where oil-based reagents PROPERTY TEST STANDARD LINAGARD® NBR
are used
Polymer Type NBR
• Pump linings and impellers for
the chemical industry Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 55

• Rubber coating for Modulus @ 500% (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 4.0

transmission belts Tensile Strength (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 11.8 (1711 psi)

Size/Availability Elongation at Break (%) ISO 37 – 2011 660%

• Standard Sheet size: Tear Strength (N/mm) ASTM D624-00 - 2012 19.2 (110 lbsf/in)
9.25m x 1.23m nominal
(approx. 30ft x 4ft) Specific Gravity ISO 2781 - 2008 1.08

• Part sheets available to order Resilience (%) BS 903. Part A8 1990 45%

• Standard thickness range: Operating Temperatures -20°C to +110°C /

3.0mm to 30.0mm (continuous use) -4°F to +230°F
(approx. 1∕8” to 1 3∕16”)
• Moulded components available
from stock and made to order

Linagard® OSR
Technical Specifications

The new generation of rubber for the

Design Features
• Exceptional abrasion resistance
oil sands industry
• Oil resistant
Linagard® OSR rubber is a high quality rubber compound that provides resistance to
• Chemical resistant
oils, specific chemicals and weathering.
• Weather resistant
Linagard® OSR rubber has been specifically designed to meet the needs of the oil
Applications sands industry.
• Oil sands What differentiates Linagard® OSR rubber from other polychloroprene compounds
• Mining hose is that it provides oil, chemical and weather resistance in addition to unmatched
abrasion resistance.
• Tank lining
Linagard® OSR rubber is available in both cured sheet format and as an uncured
Size/Availability rubber compound.
• Standard sheet size:
9.25m x 1.23m nominal
(approx. 30ft x 4ft)
Typical Physical Properties
• Standard thickness range:
(approx. 1∕8” to 1∕2”)
Polymer Type Polychloroprene
• Moulded components available
Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 58
from stock and made to order
Modulus @ 500% (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 15.6

Tensile Strength (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 19.1 (2770 psi)

Elongation at Break (%) ISO 37 – 2011 554%

Tear Strength (N/mm) ASTM D624-00 - 2012 35 (200 lbsf/in)

Specific Gravity ISO 2781 - 2008 1.37

Resilience (%) BS 903. Part A8 1990 55%

Operating Temperatures -40°C to +100°C /
(continuous use) -40°F to +212°F

Linagard® FG
Technical Specifications

A natural rubber for food contact applications

Design Features
• Food safe
Linagard® FG rubber is a high quality natural rubber compound manufactured to meet
• Non-marking the regulatory requirements for ingredients and migration testing of both:
• Excellent resistance to wet abrasion • FDA (USA Food & Drug Administration CFR 21 177.2600) and;
• Excellent cut and tear resistance • European Union (EU regulations 1935/2004, 2023/2006).
Manufactured to deliver outstanding wear resistance, Linagard® FG rubber is
designed for use as a covering for process equipment and for belt coverings that
• Lining in areas of food processing come into temporary contact with food.
• Pharmaceuticals and Linagard® FG rubber is suitable for handling of aqueous and dry foods. It is not
cosmetics industry suitable for use with food oils, fatty foods or foods with free oil on their surface.
• Hose and valve manufacture
• Gasket industry

Size/Availability Typical Physical Properties

9.25m x 1.23m nominal
(approx. 30ft x 4ft) Polymer Type Natural Rubber

• Part sheets available to order Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 38

• Standard thickness range: Modulus @ 500% (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 2.5

1.5mm to 30.0mm Tensile Strength (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 20 (2900 psi)
(approx. 1∕16” to 1 3∕16”)
Elongation at Break (%) ISO 37 – 2011 810 %
• Moulded components available
from stock and made to order Tear Strength (N/mm) ASTM D624-00 - 2012 45 (256 lbsf/in)

Specific Gravity ISO 2781 - 2008 0.99

Resilience (%) BS 903. Part A8 1990 82 %

Operating Temperatures - 4 0 °C to + 70 °C/
(continuous use) - 4 0 °F to 158 °F

Linagard® OZ
Technical Specifications

Excellent resistance to abrasion,

Design Features
• Excellent weathering and ozone,
UV light and ozone attack
sliding abrasion and electrical
resistance, and resistant to most Linagard® OZ rubber is a natural rubber vulcanisate formulated for excellent
inorganic chemicals resistance to abrasion, UV light and ozone attack.
• Produced with the addition of Linatex® premium rubber is well known for its properties of resilience, abrasion
antiozonant agents resistance and vibration and noise absorption.
• High resilience In certain applications however, where high levels of ozone or UV light are present,
• Remarkable cut and tear strength unprotected pure natural rubber may be subject to surface deterioration. Linagard®
OZ overcomes this potential limitation. Linagard® OZ rubber offers excellent
• Low permanent set and high flexibility resistance to sliding or slurry abrasion in combination with resistance to prolonged
• Good sound absorption and vibration exposure to sunlight and high ozone concentrations.
dampening properties No additional surface painting or shielding is necessary with Linagard® OZ rubber,
Applications as the rubber leaches it’s own ‘antiozonant’ for protection. This makes it ideal for
exposed wet-dry applications that are prone to scuffing and abrasions.
• Linings for hydrocyclones and hoses
handling dry powder
• Where static electricity build-up may
cause increased ozone levels
Typical Physical Properties
• Fabricated or moulded components
that are frequently exposed to sunlight PROPERTY TEST STANDARD LINAGARD® OZ

Size/Availability Polymer Type Natural Rubber

• Standard sheet size: Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 40

9.25 m x 1.23 m nominal
Modulus @ 500% (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 6.7
(approx. 30ft x 4ft)
Tensile Strength (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 21 (3103 psi)
• Part sheets available to order
Elongation at Break (%) ISO 37 – 2011 750%
• Standard thickness range:
1.5 mm to 30.0 mm Tear Strength (N/mm) ASTM D624-00 - 2012 45 (257 lbsf/in)
(approx. 1∕16” to 1 3∕16”)
Specific Gravity ISO 2781 - 2008 0.98
• Moulded components available from
stock and made to order Resilience (%) BS 903. Part A8 1990 83%
Operating Temperatures -40°C to +70°C /
(continuous use) -40°F to +158°F

Linacure® 40
Technical Specifications

Wear resistant uncured rubber for fine

Design Features
• Superior wear performance in fine
slurry applications
slurry abrasion
• Suitable for hot bonding Linacure® 40 rubber is an uncured natural rubber compound designed specifically
for use in fine slurry applications where hot bonding is the preferred method
• Delivers lowest cost of ownership of installation.
• Ideally suited for autoclave curing Using the same formulation principles employed in our industry standard Linatex®
and compression molding premium rubber, we have created a product that extensive tests confirm provides
• 6 month shelf life a differentiated wear performance when compared to competitor uncured natural
rubber compounds.
• Pipelines • Chutes
• Tank linings • Hoses
Typical Physical Properties
Standard Sheet dimensions will PROPERTY TEST STANDARD LINACURE® 40
vary within each Weir global region. Polymer Type Natural Rubber
Please contact your local Weir
Minerals office to confirm. Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 40

• Standard thickness range: Modulus @ 500% (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 3.2

3.0mm to 12.0mm Tensile Strength (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 21.5 (3118 psi)
(approx. 1∕8” to 1∕2”)
Elongation at Break (%) ISO 37 – 2011 750%
The shelf life of the Linacure® 40 Tear Strength (N/mm) ASTM D624-00 - 2012 43 (245 lbsf/in)
compound is dependent upon the Specific Gravity ISO 2781 - 2008 0.95
temperature at which the compound
is stored. Resilience (%) BS 903. Part A8 1990 83%

6 months at or below 40°C / 104°F. Operating Temperatures -40°C to +70°C /

(continuous use) -40°F to +158°F
Do not store under direct heat
or sunlight.

Linacure® 60
Technical Specifications

Wear resistant, uncured rubber for

Design Features
• Excellent anti-sticking and anti-build
tough slurry applications
up properties
• Excellent resistance to cutting by Linacure® 60 rubber is a silica-reinforced natural rubber uniquely designed
sharp-edged products to provide high resilience with good cut, tear and abrasion resistance. The
development of Linacure® 60 rubber specifically set out to produce a rubber that
• Good wet abrasion resistance retains the natural strength and nerve of latex, together with the toughness needed
Applications for handling coarse materials.

• Hose linings Linacure® 60 rubber provides the performance benefits of Linard® 60 rubber in
applications where hot bonding is the preferred method of installation. Linacure®
• Pipe lining
60 rubber provides excellent abrasion resistance in course slurry applications. It’s
• Abrasive environments where inherent flexibility creates a rubber that has good anti-sticking and anti-build up
sticking and/or build up are properties making it an ideal solution for many hard to solve problems.
major issues
Standard sheet dimensions will vary
Typical Physical Properties
within each Weir global region. Not
available in some global locations. PROPERTY TEST STANDARD LINACURE® 60
Please contact your local Weir Minerals
office to confirm. Polymer Type Natural Rubber

• Standard thickness range: Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 60

3.0mm to 12.0mm
Modulus @ 500% (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 9.5
(approx. 1∕8” to 1∕2”)
Storage Tensile Strength (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 23 (3335 psi)

The shelf life of the Linacure® 60 Elongation at Break (%) ISO 37 – 2011 680%
compound is dependant upon the
Tear Strength (N/mm) ASTM D624-00 - 2012 103 (587 lbsf/in)
temperature at which the compound
is stored. Specific Gravity ISO 2781 - 2008 1.1

6 months at or below 40°C / 104°F. Resilience (%) BS 903. Part A8 1990 70%
Do not store under direct heat Operating Temperatures -40°C to +75°C /
or sunlight. (continuous use) -40°F to +167°F

Linatex® HM
Technical Specifications

The new generation of rubber

Design Features
• Excellent resistance to
wet abrasion Linatex® HM rubber has been specifically developed for the rubber belting industry
as a product that exhibits the excellent performance features of Linatex® premium
• High resilience rubber with the additional benefit of dry abrasion resistance.
• Outstanding cut and tear resistance Made from natural latex, Linatex® HM rubber is produced using a unique
manufacturing process ensuring superior abrasion resistant performance.
• Low permanent set
Linatex® HM rubber is not classed as an oil rubber compound, however this product
• Resistance to a wide range
exhibits superior resistance to oils and organics. Linatex® HM rubber has up to four
of chemicals including oils
times the kerosene resistance of Linatex® premium rubber.
and organics
Linatex® HM rubber is a high quality solution for applications where Linatex®
premium rubber may not be considered.
• Specifically developed for the
rubber belting industry
• Standard sheet size: Typical Physical Properties
9.25m x 1.23m nominal

• Standard thickness range: Polymer Type Natural Rubber

1.5mm to 30.0mm Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 40
(approx. 1∕16” to 1 3∕16”)
Modulus @ 500% (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 3.0
• Moulded components available
from stock and made to order Tensile Strength (MPa) ISO 37 – 2011 24 (3480 psi)

Elongation at Break (%) ISO 37 – 2011 750%

Tear Strength (N/mm) ASTM D624-00 - 2012 44 (250 lbsf/in)

Specific Gravity ISO 2781 - 2008 0.95

Resilience (%) BS 903. Part A8 1990 83%

Operating Temperatures -40°C to +70°C /
(continuous use) -40°F to +158°F

Comparison of Typical Physical Properties

Natural Natural Natural Halogenated Natural Natural Natural Natural
Polymer Synthetic Synthetic Synthetic NBR Polychloroprene
Rubber Rubber Rubber Butyl Rubber Rubber Rubber Rubber Rubber
Rubber Rubber Rubber

Hardness (IRHD) ISO 48 - 2010 38 40 60 60 70 70 58 55 58 38 40 40 60

Modulus @ 500%
ISO 37 - 2011 2 3 9.5 16 17 10 5 4 15.6 2.5 6.7 3.2 9.5

Tensile Strength
ISO 37 - 2011 25 24 27 21.4 21.4 22.8 7 11.8 19.1 20 21 21.5 23

Elongation at Break % ISO 37 - 2011 830% 750% 690% 470% 450% 580% 400% 660% 554% 810 750% 750% 680%

Tear Strength ASTM D624-00

44 44 103 90 96 100 35 19.2 35 45 45 43 103
(N/mm) - 2012

ISA 2781
Specific Gravity 0.96 0.95 1.1 1.09 1.14 1.14 1.58 1.08 1.37 0.99 0.98 0.95 1.1
- 2008

BS 903.
Resilience (%) 83% 83% 70% 55% 54% 57% 27% 45% 55% 82% 83% 83% 70%
Part A8 1990

-40°C to -40°C to -40°C to -40°C to -40°C to -40°C to -40°C to -20°C to -40°C to -40°C to -40°C to -40°C to
Operating Temp (°C) -40°C to 100°C
70°C 70°C 75°C 75°C 75°C 75°C 120°C 110°C 70°C 70°C 70°C 75°C

-40°F to -40°F to -40°F to -40°F to -40°F to -40°F to -40°F to -4°F to -40°F to -40°F to -40°F to -40°F to
Operating Temp (°F) -40°F to 212°F
158°F 158°F 167°F 167°F 167°F 167°F 248°F 230°F 158°F 158°F 158°F 167°F

Bonding Systems and Installation

Specifically designed two part bonding systems are available from Weir Minerals. Please consult your local representative for advice on the most suitable bonding method.


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Copyright © 2015, Weir Minerals Australia Ltd. All rights reserved. WEIR and WEIR (logo) are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Weir Engineering Services Limited. LINATEX, LINARD, LINAGARD, LINACURE, and
the LINATEX RED COLOUR are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Linatex Ltd. DIV0010/072015

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