CCP Final Report - Smart Solutions Consulting Group

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Share Your Love Campaign

Proposed by: Smart Solutions

Nick Kirkorian
Jenna DeFazio
Ryan Shenefiel
Patrick Kanapeaux
Blake Ellison

Date: May 19th, 2021

April 25th, 2021

Jennifer Grier
Chief Clinical Officer
Rebekah Children’s Services
290 IOOF Ave
Gilroy, California 95020

Dear Jennifer and members of the Rebekah Children’s Services:

Smart Solutions is very grateful for the opportunity to work with you on this project. We are
excited to collaborate with such an amazing organization committed to serving the community
and supporting kids in foster care and families.

The purpose of this proposal is to help you drive traffic to the organization’s website and
generate awareness for foster care recruitment. We understand the difficulties of marketing
outreach, especially during a time of uncertainty due to the pandemic. In order to mitigate these
challenges, Smart Solutions has devised a plan to reach a wider audience and increase
engagement among our targeted demographic. First, our team will develop a week-long social
media marketing campaign, called “Share Your Love Campaign.” This campaign will run in the
month of May, during National Foster Care month. To support this campaign, we will actively
engage in community outreach by utilizing Facebook groups, email, and various other platforms.

With this plan, we are confident that the combination of these two techniques will result in an
increase in website traffic and clicks, while also sparking word of mouth referrals. This project is
important to Smart Solutions and we hope to make a positive impact for your organization.

We are looking forward to your feedback and comments on our proposal. Please reach out to
Nick Kirkorian, our outreach and networking specialist, at [email protected] if you have any
further questions or concerns. Thank you again and we appreciate your time and consideration.

Best Regards,

Nick Kirkorian, Jenna DeFazio, Ryan Shenefiel, Patrick Kanapeaux, Blake Ellison

Smart Solutions

Table of Contents
Executive Summary……………………...……………………………………………….……3


Project Rationale………………………………………………………………………….……5

Deliverables …………………………………………………………………………….………6

Cost Analysis…………………………………………………………………………….…..….7

Delivery Schedule………………………………………………………………………........ 8-9

Success Metrics……………………………………………………………………….……….10







Executive Summary
About Us
Smart Solutions was founded in 2021 by five undergraduate students at Santa Clara University
looking to specialize in consulting for non-profit community organizations. Our goal is to
provide efficient and effective consulting, while offering our clients a range of unique solutions.
We are confident in our ability to demonstrate our effectiveness through data-driven strategies
and creating quality relationships with our clients.

Helping Our Clients

For Rebekah Children’s Services, the problem we will be addressing is the lack of public
awareness and access to accurate information regarding the foster care system. Through our
work, we will boost the online attention Rebekah Children’s Services website receives, along
with raising community awareness surrounding the foster care and adoption processes.
Completing our goal will mean that we have increased the number of people who visit Rebekah
Children’s Services website, ideally leading to an increase in formal inquiries to the organization.

Objective #1: Create a Specialized Marketing Campaign

❏ We will be launching a one week social media campaign during May, which is National
Foster Care Awareness Month, titled “Share Your Love Campaign.”
❏ We will develop original content that informs the public about the foster care and
adoption processes using statistics and facts to dispel common myths.
❏ We will also release specialized anecdotal material juxtaposed with alarming statistics to
draw people’s attention to the adverse trends rampant within the foster care system.

Objective #2: Virtual Community Outreach

❏ Community outreach will be through social media platforms like FaceBook Groups and
foster care related communities/blogs, email, and various other platforms.
❏ This will be aimed at driving site traffic to as well as spur word of mouth

Objective #3: Draw Prospective Foster Parents to Rebekah Children’s Services Site
❏ We will use google adwords and social media data to analyze the effect of our campaign
on helping spread awareness of Rebekah Children’s Services.

Foster Care in Santa Clara County
According to the most recent data from regarding the number of children in the
foster care system, as of 2018 Santa Clara County has a rate of 2.1 children per 1000 that are in
the foster care system. With over 400,000 children under the age of eighteen residing in Santa
Clara county, that figure would equate to approximately 840 children, just in Santa Clara County,
that are looking for homes. With the global pandemic taking a financial toll on families, it is now
more pertinent than ever to increase the awareness of the pressures on the foster care system and
to help Rebekah Children’s Services continue to raise awareness for these children in need.

Rebekah Children’s Services

Rebekah Children's Services is a foster care and adoption service. It was founded in 1897 as an
orphanage serving five kids, since 1987 Rebekah Children’s services has been operating as a
foster care service. Today they serve over 3,000 children annually. Their goal is to provide
quality service to both their children and families.

Current Issues
According to the article, There is a Shortage of Foster Families, by John Moore, there is
currently a shortage of Foster Care families in the United States, this disparity will only grow as
the pandemic comes to an end. With the new “normal” of at-home quarantines, children are now
suffering abuse and neglect behind closed doors. According to the article, “Child welfare
officials and advocates are predicting that once restrictions are lifted, there will be a substantial
increase in child abuse and neglect referrals” (Moore, 2020). Not only do we need an effective
foster care system in place, but we also need loving and caring families that can return normalcy
to these developing children’s lives.

In order to achieve this we will use our campaign to not only spread awareness about this issue,
but we will actively design marketing material to encourage referrals from current and past foster
parents in an attempt to find people willing and able to become foster parents so that we can have
a positive impact on these children's lives.

Project Rationale
Our goal is to increase the access to accurate foster care information and subsequently the
amount of formal inquiries made to Rebekah’s Children Services for foster/adoptive processes.
With COVID-19 creating obstacles in everyone’s lives, there is a visible and disproportionate
effect on those in the foster care system. Interest in becoming foster parents is declining while
children who are in need of foster/adoptive parents continue to increase. We are aiming to
address the many myths and ill-placed barriers in becoming foster parents. These myths create
unfounded hesitation in prospective parents which needs to be addressed.

In order to achieve these goals, we plan to do the following:

❏ Develop a marketing campaign for National Foster Care Month under social media
outlets connected with Rebekah’s Children Services which will include:
❏ A one-week campaign in May called “Share Your Love Campaign” that delivers
daily “Foster Facts,” stories, and other useful information
❏ Community outreach through online groups
❏ Live analysis and feedback will help us gauge community reception and allow us to make
necessary adjustments in our campaign
❏ This will be quantitatively measured by click through rates to their website, post
interactions, and the increase in formal inquiries to the non-profit about the

❏ Feedback delay in our campaign as inquiries likely require deliberation which may be
hard to attribute increased (or decreased) inquiries to our campaign

❏ Current remote nature of the foster/adoption creates additional barriers to the process

❏ Our target demographic likely is less present on social media, thus campaign must
organically spur subsequent inquiries through word of mouth advertising and organic

“Share Your Love Campaign”
❏ This marketing campaign will include five individual and unique posts:
❏ Post 1: The first of our #fosterfacts that will address an astounding fact of the
foster care system to spark conversation about the issue.
❏ Post 2: A post aimed at dispelling a common myth around the foster care system
to address barriers keeping prospective foster parents from inquiring.
❏ Post 3: A narrative of a foster story that may provide inspiration for those
interested in becoming a foster/adoptive parent.
❏ Post 4: The second edition of our #fosterfacts to provide additional information
that ideally leads to increased awareness and reach of our client.
❏ Post 5: The final post of our campaign that aims at driving foster/adoptive
inquiries to the Rebekah Children's Services site, and word of mouth referrals.

Community Outreach
❏ We are aware that our target demographic may not have social media profiles. Thus, we
will provide community outreach to Facebook groups that have members consisting of
our targeted demographic encouraging word of mouth referrals and organic marketing.
❏ This will ideally lead to indirect exposure and word of mouth referrals to the RCS site in
a more targeted manner.

Framework for Foster Advertisement

❏ This campaign may act as a template for RCS to deliver information in the future via
reusable Canva templates and social media formatting formulas.
❏ This will save RCS marketing staff time and effort in designing formats for releasing
additional periodic campaigns looking to drive site traffic and formal inquiries.

Cost Analysis
The Second Chance at Life campaign is a low-cost marketing campaign centered around social
media outreach. The only cost is the labor, being at a rate of $18.00 per hour of work. Each
employee is scheduled for 10 hours of work. The total price is calculated by the hourly wage
multiplied by the hours of work per employee. Next, each of those costs has been summated to a
total of $900.00, as shown below.

There is no additional cost for the making of the social media campaign. The software and
design applications are free of charge. This project aims to be of reasonable price while raising
donations and awareness of Rebekah Children’s Services.

Members Work Descriptions Hours Totals

Patrick Kanapeaux Writer 10 $ 180.00

Nick Kirkorian Outreach 10 $ 180.00

Ryan Shenefiel Quantitative 10 $ 180.00

Blake Ellison Project Manager 10 $ 180.00

Jenna DeFazio Media and Design 10 $ 180.00

Total $ 900.00

Delivery Schedule

Date Deliverable Accountability

Each team member is

responsible for providing their
April 25th Proposal relative expertise.

Nick Kirkorian will be in contact

with clients for samples of foster
April 26th Outreach for Foster Story stories.

Ryan Shenefield will be

researching striking facts and
Foster Facts & Myth myths to dispel about foster care
April 26th Research systems to attract interest.

Jenna DeFazio will be heading

development and completion of
May 2nd-7th Development of Deliverables marketing deliverables.

All team members to collect

feedback and finalize
May 3rd-7th Scheduled meeting with client deliverables.

Jenna DeFazio will implement

May 24th #fosterfacts (1) the social media campaign.

Patrick Kanapeaux will provide
May 25th Dispelling Myths research of #FosterFacts.

Nick Kirkorian will be providing

background and writing of the
May 26th Foster Story Foster Story.

Ryan Shenefiel will be providing

quantitative data for
May 27th #fosterfacts (2) deliverables.

Nick Kirkorian will be providing

and implementing a second
May 28th Foster Story Foster Story.

Blake Ellison will be in charge of

May 28-June 3rd Inquiries editing and tracking metrics.

Success Metrics
“Share Your Love Campaign”
For National Foster Care Awareness Month, our team will develop a marketing campaign to be
released through different social media outlets and various other platforms. By connecting with
Rebekah Children’s Services, our success will be quantitatively gauged by interactive metrics
related to their website and media profiles. We aim to identify and deliver information to
prospective foster/adoptive parents, thus making our intended audience want to learn more. We
also expect an increase in formal inquiries to the non-profit about the process to help measure
our success.

Our objective is to provide more awareness of Rebekah Children Services, and break down the
ill-placed barriers to becoming foster parents. Serena Misley, the Director of Foster Care and
Adoptions, will provide historical data on the amount of click rates on the website, amount of
new adoptions, and the amount of new foster parents. We will be able to compare the new data
from May to the past years, to measure our success and see if our campaign made a difference.

The Metrics
The change in these metrics on a Month over Month basis will help us gauge the effectiveness of
our campaign:

❏ Likes: The amount of users who “like” a post. Provides us with a general sentiment and
the reception of our campaign.
❏ Reach: The total number of unique users who see our campaign. Gives us an idea of our
active reach at a moment in time.
❏ Shares: The amount of users who forward our posts or updates. This is key in identifying
the subsequent organic growth trajectory of our campaign.
❏ Click-Through Rates: The ratio of users who see links in our campaign to the total of
those who view our campaign
❏ Formal Inquiries: The amount of individual inquiries to RCS for additional information
in the foster/adoption process. This is the ultimate metric we are looking for success in
and will be what we use to gauge our consulting strategy’s success.


Jenna DeFazio

Team Role: Media and Design

Responsibilities: Designing team logo
Major: Marketing
Work Experience: Marketing Specialist at FireCracker
Math, Event Coordinator Intern at Events by Pins &
Petals, and Sales & Social Media Coordinator at Drift
Email: [email protected]

Patrick Kanapeaux

Team Role: Writer

Responsibilities: Research, writing and editing
Major: Finance
Work Experience: Head of Sales and Marketing at
Snap Services
Email: [email protected]

Blake Ellison

Team Role: Project Manager

Responsibilities: Managing timelines; Serving as
liaison with professor and SCU
Major: Finance
Work Experience: Private Equity, Investment Banking,
Corporate Development, Software Consulting
Email: [email protected]

Nick Kirkorian

Team Role: Outreach

Responsibilities: Connecting with organization.
Major: Finance
Work Experience: Consultant, analyst and
maintenance member at Kirkorian Enterprises.
Email: [email protected]

Ryan Shenefiel

Team Role: Quantitative Analysis

Responsibilities: Compiling and analyzing the data
that our marketing campaign produces
Major: Finance
Work Experience: Operations Assistant at Cinnabar
Hills Golf Club
Email: [email protected]

Implementation Summary
In our work with Rebekah’s Children’s Services, we completed our marketing campaign content
and subsequent data collection. Our campaign’s content was designed through Canva and did not
deviate from our proposed content. These posts were then signed off on by the RCS team and
then posted over the span of five days. After the posts went live, we sought to repost them in
community groups on facebook to grow the reach, which proved a difficult task.

A week after the posts had been live, we extracted data from them to gauge our campaign's
success among our target audience. We created a benchmark set of data from previous posts in
order to create figures that would be specifically relative to previous National Foster Care
Awareness posts. However, on Instagram the earliest posts we could collect data from were more
recent due to the page's recent incorporation as a “business” profile.

We reached 2,591 accounts in the last 30 days, +948% on Instagram and 9,995 accounts,
+375% on FaceBook.

It was clear that FaceBook was the most useful tool in engaging an audience, especially one that
represented our defined age demographic. However, it was interesting to see that the average
Instagram users were 40-50 years old, higher than what we initially hypothesized.

When breaking down the posts individually, the most successful was our “My Name is Jen” post
outlining the narrative of a young girl’s story surrounding the foster care system. On FaceBook,
this post received 114 likes/loves and a reach of 2382 people. The likes/loves represented a
figure nearly 6 times higher than the previous National Foster Care Awareness posts averaged,
with a reach that was almost 3 times higher. On Instagram, the likes were nearly 9 times higher.

“Share Your Love Campaign” Relative to Benchmarked Posts

Likes/Loves Reach Shares Click-Throughs

FaceBook 1.97x 1.60x 0.55x 7.60x

Instagram 4.35x 2.75x 2.60x N/A


People respond highly to emotion. When designing this marketing campaign we had three key
aspects of the audience in mind when designing our content: Empathy, Logic, and Awareness.
We designed each post to engage with one of these aspects in order to spur connection and
spread Rebekah’s Children’s Services message. Empathy was key to this connection, with our
third post, titled “My Name is Jen,” garnering a massive reach and post engagement.

We also can conclude that the use of our selected hashtags, such as #shareyourlove #fosterfacts
#adoption and #foster, resulted in a higher engagement via Instagram, whereas shares were key
in higher engaged posts on FaceBook.

Our use of reposting to FaceBook groups is inconclusive in terms of takeaways. It was not clear
that this is a successful way of marketing a post as the process of admission into FaceBook
groups have strict requirements.

Data Collection
The method employed for data collection had some holes that would need to be addressed upon a
second iteration of such a project. The use of paid promotions, a constant in both our campaign
and the benchmarked, provided access to an inorganic audience that we cannot, to any extent,
fathom their interest in becoming a foster parent. Also, by sharing posts to groups ourselves, we
contaminate data collection by becoming a statistic we are trying to quantify, thus we must
subtract our own shares in the future to not be counting our deliberate actions.

Assessment of Outcomes:

Audience Focused Marketing

Based on this project, we can argue that future content designs should be cognizant of the
audience we are attempting to reach. That means approaching people through emotion and
empathy when looking to maximize engagement. It was clear that our narratives were the most
helpful in raising awareness for this organization. We can also argue that the designs that were
used on Canva to deliver the content were clearly successful in garnering engagement. Soft
colors with simple and modern designs was a clear and concise way to deliver meaningful
messages that did not detract from what was being stated.

Post Accessories
Our use of hashtags appeared to be a successful aspect of this implementation. Hashtags are a
great way to allow users to find posts on certain topics easily. Some users may find that the use
of hashtags are overbearing. Therefore, in the future, we may have the hashtags be posted as a
follow up comment. This way the original caption is clean of extraneous information, however,
the post will become visible in each hashtag’s respective channel.

The outcomes of the engagement spurred via community outreach is too sparse to accurately
assess. We can see that some posts were liked after they saw it shared, meaning that it was from
our community engagement efforts or via other users sharing to feeds, but proportionately
(~20% average) this was much lower than likes seen on the original post. Thus, this conclusion
makes it easy to recommend not attempting to jump through the difficult hoops of FaceBook
group sharing in the future.

Data Collection
In general, we were able to draw many useful conclusions from the data provided. The outcomes
of the process all point to the clear success of our campaign in all aspects except the FaceBook
share figures that interestingly saw a 50% decline compared to our benchmarked posts. Despite
this, we can conclude that each iteration of campaign implementation will have better results in
data collection and analysis as the accumulation of data points enables us to draw better

Social Media Campaign Design
Getting access to the organization’s Canva was more challenging than expected. Once we got
access to the Canva account, only one person was allowed to make the designs, which made it
difficult for our team to all work cohesively to create engaging content for Instagram and

Community Outreach
In regard to community outreach using Facebook groups, it was hard to spread awareness to
private groups since we did not meet the requirements in order to gain permission to post or join
the group. For that reason, it was tough to maximize community outreach due to these strict

Length of Time
Since Santa Clara University is on the quarter system, the required assignments and projects
were all due throughout the ten weeks. Due to the quarter system being so fast paced, it was
challenging to communicate to Rebekah Children’s Services and obtain feedback and comments
in a timely manner, therefore resulting in pushing back our delivery schedule.

Data Collection
Follower count differentials between the benchmark post dates and our campaigns leave the data
analysis subject to an unfair comparison. In the future, it would be useful to compare posts that
were of similar dates, so as to represent the follower counts more accurately. However, due to the
nature of Rebekah Children’s Services’ posts, we sought to compare posts based on content,
specifically National Foster Care Awareness Month, as more useful in terms of drawing

Recommendations & Next Steps:
Due to the fact that Rebekah Children’s Services is constantly looking for new ways to spread
awareness and make an impact, we would like to recommend this organization to future SCU
students. In order for this project to be improved and replicated in some way, the following
recommendations are listed below.

Form a Partnership
A partnership can be established between SCU and Rebekah Children’s Services where they can
actively recruit students to help with marketing efforts, spreading awareness among the
community, or boosting donations. Many college students are seeking ways to volunteer or gain
experience with marketing techniques, thus this partnership will be beneficial for both parties.

Hold Weekly Meetings

Throughout the quarter which we were working diligently with Rebekah Children’s Services,
there were a few times where communication was misunderstood or delayed. These
communication mishaps delayed our reviewal process for our CCP Proposal and our social
media marketing campaign. In order to avoid any type of miscommunication, Smart Solutions
suggests holding weekly meetings over Zoom in order to communicate effectively and

Create an Effective Marketing Campaign

In order to implement an effective marketing campaign, the campaign slogan needs to be catchy
and heartfelt. Continuing the “Share Your Love” campaign at Rebekah Children’s Services
would be a great way to spread awareness about the foster care community. The campaign slogan
ideas are endless, but for the next iteration, make sure to choose a campaign that is not offensive
or can be taken the wrong way.

Appendix A: Team Resumes

Patrick Kanapeaux
Phone: 503.828.6659
E-mail: [email protected]

Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University
Currently enrolled, expected graduation 2022
● Currently pursuing a degree in Finance, that will provide mobility in the job market as
well as a strong fundamental understanding of business.
Lakeridge High School, Lake Oswego, Oregon
2014 - 2018

Head of Sales and Marketing - Snap Services CA
June 2020 - Present
● Management of sales team, which includes recruitment, hiring, training, and payroll
● Conduct market research and client outreach
● Construction of our current customer database and financial tracking
Busser for La Provence Restaurant
June 2019- December 2019
● Bussing services, general cleaning and customer service
Competitive Junior Tennis player
● Student at Portland High Performance Tennis, ranked top 25 in the Pacific Northwest
division, College invitational recruit

● High school academic honor roll (3.9 GPA)
● International business competition qualifier (ICDC)
● DECA state champion in marketing division (business competition)

Volunteer Experience
● PDX Summer School (Portland Public Schools)
● Lake Oswego Public Library

Interests / Activities
● High school varsity tennis
● Lakeridge DECA Vice President (business club)
● Portland High Performance Tennis student

● Brandon Davis, Manager, La Provence (503)-327-5840
● Rollin Bell, Founder and CEO, Snap Services, (301)-221-6661

Nicholas Kirkorian
14411 Shannon Rd, Los Gatos, CA|408-656-1666|[email protected]
Santa Clara University|Expected Graduation June 2022                                     
Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Minor in RealEstate                                                                          
Relevant Coursework: Financial Accounting; Investments, Microeconomics; Macroeconomics;
Business Statistical Analysis; Business Calculus; Technology, Business & Society; Business Ethics;
Business Law.
Involvement: Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity

Kirkorian Enterprises LLC.
Los Gatos, CA
A privately-owned company that provides real estate services. The company owns and operates
shopping centers and other commercial properties.
Maintenance/Property Manager May.-Aug.
● Electrician, Painter, Plumber, and Roofer for a 252-room apartment complex and shopping
centers in Cambell, Los Gatos, Redding & Salinas, CA and Las Vegas, NV.
Intern Financial Analyst
Jun. 2020-Present
Three Sons Ranch
Los Gatos, CA
Privately owned 25-acre property with pastures, stables, and an arena.
May.-Sept. 2018
● Looked after 7 full-grown horses and 25-acre property. Performed a number of tasks from feeding
horses, riding horses, cleaning, grooming, mowing, weed whacking, and grating the arena


Kirkorian Family Foundation
Los Gatos, CA
Research Assitant
May. 2019-Present
● Assisted with researching charitable and non-profit organizations that the foundation would
potentially donate to and/or support.
Boys Team Charity
Los Gatos, CA
Vice President

● Volunteered all over Los Gatos to support those in need, and schedule meetings for my team.
Received the award for highest community service hours in a year out of the Boys Team Charity
based in Los Gatos.
● House of Hope- Food Drive
● Shining Stars- Serving children with special needs and their families
● Loaves and Fishes- Supporting and providing resources to families and children in need


● Leadership & Teamwork
● Computer and Technology Skills (Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, & Powerpoint)
● Analytical research
● Constructing & building
● Other Skills: adaptability, dexterity, collaboration, & strong work ethic

Activities & Interests

Interests: Traveling, Hiking, Sports, Family/Friends, Water Skiing, Fitness, Motorcycles, and Animals
Activities: Intramural College Sports: Flag-Football, Ultimate Frisbee, and Basketball

Appendix B: Team Logo

Appendix C: Address Information
Smart Solutions
JNRPB Consulting Group
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA, 95053

Appendix D: Client Contract

Appendix E: References

Moore, J. (2020, December 11). There is a Shortage of Foster Families. Focus on the Family.


Population Reference Bureau. (2021). Santa Clara County Summary.

“Rebekah Children's Services.” Rebekah Children's Services, 10 July 2020,

Appendix F: Data


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