Yeremian Dec
Yeremian Dec
Yeremian Dec
30-2019-01044791-CU-OE-CXC - ROA # 144 - DAVID H. YAMASAKI, Clerk of the Court By Olga Lopez, Deputy Clerk.
1/2/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.8 Attend meeting with client regarding client documents and further
intake questions
1/11/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.3 Review client file and draft/transcribe notes regarding
conversation with client as to further intake
1/11/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.8 Begin drafting of the Complaint
1/14/2019 Haro v TW Services 4.1 Continue Drafting of the Complaint
1/15/2019 Haro v TW Services 4.3 Finish drafting of the Complaint; multiple email correspondences
with Mr. Yeremian regarding further revisions to be made
1/15/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Begin drafting of the LWDA letter regarding PAGA
1/16/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Further revisions to the Complaint; email correspondence to Ms.
Bermudes for filing
1/16/2019 Haro v TW Services 3.6 Finish drafting LWDA letter regarding PAGA; email correspondence
to Mr. Yeremian for his review
1/22/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondence between client regarding status of the case;
the filed Complaint; and potential additional allegations he would
like to bring forward
3/5/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.7 Prepare for and attend telephonic meet and confer with opposing
counsel regarding the status of the case and informal discovery v
formal discovery
3/7/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.7 Draft Joint Case Management Statement; email correspondece to
opposing counsel regarding the same and informal discovery
3/18/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to opposing counsel regarding status of the
Joint Report
3/19/2019 Haro v TW Services Draft of PAGA only Complaint
4/2/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.9 Prepare for and attend Initial Status Conference
4/2/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Prepare Notice of Further Status Conference; email
correspondence to Ms. Bermudes for service and filing
4/2/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Email correspondences to Ms. Rizzuto regarding the status of the
hearing and meeting and conferring in advance of the Joint Report
filing deadline
4/5/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Prepare for and attend meet and confer with opposing counsel in
advance of Joint Report deadline
4/5/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Telephone conversation with client regarding expanding
allegations to different facilities and reaching out to other potential
class members for declarations
4/8/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.9 Prepare a draft of a Joint Report in advance of the Case
Management Conference; email correspondence to opposing
counsel for the same
Date Matter Time Descrption
4/8/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.1 Research into TW Services multiple locations and our clients
statements that he worked at multiple locations, though they are
under a different name
4/8/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Mr. Yeremian regarding our clients
wrongful termination claim
4/10/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Review of Defendant's portion of the Joint Report; email
correspondence to Ms. Bermudes for filing of the same
4/10/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Defendant regarding needing to obtain
Defendant's portion of the Joint Report by noon for filing
4/10/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondence to Ms. Rizzuto regarding ESI data points in
an alternative to going the Belaire-West notice route for informal
discovery in advance of mediation
4/17/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.8 Prepare for and attend Further Case Management hearing
4/17/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Telephone conversation with Ms. Rizzuto regarding Plaintiff's last
day of employment; follow up email correspondence with Walter
Haines office regarding the same; attempt to reach client regarding
the same to further discuss
4/17/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Draft Belaire-West Notice
4/17/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to client regarding his last day of
employment with Defendants and any other potential class
members we could contact regarding his case
4/17/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondence to Ms. Rizzuto regarding the Belaire-West
Notice and mediator suggestions, along with a representative
sample to proceed informally
4/17/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Begin drafting discovery requests
4/18/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Further drafting of Plaintiff's discovery requests to Defendant
4/22/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Telephone conversation with Ms. Rizzuto regarding the PAGA
element and early mediation; follow up with Mr. Yeremian
regarding the same
4/23/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Continue working on propounding discovery, Request for
Admissions (Set 1)
4/24/2019 Haro v TW Services 2.8 Finish drafting Discovery to propound to Defendant (Form
Interrogatories General/Employment), Special Interrogatories,
Request for Admission, Request for Production; email
correspondence to Ms. Bermudes for service of the same
4/24/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Prepare Notice of Deposition of PMK; email correspondence to Ms.
Bermudes regarding service of the same
4/25/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Draft Deposition Notice regarding Human Resources; email
correspondence to Ms. Bermudes of service of the same
5/1/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Telephone conversation with client and potential new class
representative regarding allegations in the Complaint
5/6/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence with Ms. Rizzuto regarding deposition dates
and the status of the Belaire-West Notice
5/7/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Multiple email correspondences with Ms. Rizzuto regarding CPT
Group as the Belaire-West administrator
Date Matter Time Descrption
5/8/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Reach out to Sean at ILYM regarding a quote for the Belaire-West
Notice; follow up with Ms. Rizzuto regarding the same
5/10/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Discussion with Mr. Yeremian regarding status of case
5/14/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.7 Prepare Request for Production of Documents (Set 2); email
correspondence to Ms. Zambrano for service of the same
5/15/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review deadlines
5/15/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Attempt to reach client to further discuss the case with him
5/17/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondence to Farrah from ILYM regarding the Belaire
west notice and its circulation
5/20/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondences with opposing counsel regarding the status
of deposition dates and PMK availability
5/20/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review of the finalized Belaire West Notice as sent by ILYM; follow
up regarding the same
5/21/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence between Ms. Rizzuto regarding the class list
being served to ILYM on this date
5/21/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondences between Mr. Becker regarding PMK
deposition date availability; follow up with Mr. Yeremian regarding
the same
5/22/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Follow up with Mr. Yeremian regarding deposition date availability
5/24/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Telephonic meet and confer with opposing counsel (Mr. Becker)
regarding the status of the case, discovery, and scheduling an in-
person meet and confer to discuss early mediation options
5/24/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Multiple email correspondences with Mr. Becker regarding staying
the current case until the in-person meet and confer and an
agreement to not seek class waivers and arbitration agreements in
the meantime
5/24/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Detailed email correspondence to Mr. Yeremian regarding the
conversation between Mr. Becker and Mr. Rothman and
proceeding with the case
5/30/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence with Mr. Yeremian regarding mediation
6/25/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondence to client regarding status of case
6/26/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Review case in advance of meet and confer with opposing counsel
6/27/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.1 Prepare for meet and confer with Mr. Becker; review client
documents and documents responsive to discovery requests
6/27/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.6 Meeting with Mr. Becker regarding regarding the case, explaining
the different work sites and pay structures, and mediation
7/2/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Draft Joint Report in Advance of Further Status Conference; email
correspondence to opposing counsel for their review of the same
for filing
7/8/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Further revisions to the Joint Report; multiple email
correspondences with Ms. Rizzuto regarding the Joint Report
Date Matter Time Descrption
8/16/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondence to Mr. Becker regarding scheduling a time to
meet and confer over Defendants informatl discovery production;
follow up regarding the same
8/21/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Mr. Becker regarding rescheduling the
conference call to later in the day
8/21/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Meet and confer with Mr. Becker regarding creating an informal
discovery timeline and data to be produced
8/22/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Review Defendants informal discovery production; follow up email
correspondence with Mr. Yeremian to discuss
9/4/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Brief review of informal document data points
9/9/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Review informal document production produced thus far;
discussion with Mr. Yeremian regarding the same and data analysis
9/9/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Mr. Becker regarding the informal
document production and scheduling a time to discuss further
9/12/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.7 Prepare for and attend telephonic meet and confer over informal
discovery in advance of mediation
9/19/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review of potential sub classes
9/19/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Email correspondence to Mr. Becker regarding informal echange of
information in advance of mediation along with data points to be
dicussed; further discussion on potential sub classes
9/20/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Prepare for and attend telephonic meet and confer with opposing
counsel regarding informal discovery in advanc eof mediation
10/17/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Follow up email correspondences with Mr. Becker regarding the
informal discovery already produced and too be produced
10/17/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.7 Review of a portion of Defendants informal discovery in advance of
10/21/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Multiple email correspondences between Mr. Rothman and Mr.
Becker regarding Informal Discovery in advance of mediation and
Defendants production of such
10/21/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Brief review of Defendants informal discovery produced so far
10/23/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Email correspondence to Mr. Gorlick regarding data analysis and
10/24/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Telephone conversation with Mr. Gorlick regarding data analysis
and theories of case; follow up regarding the same
10/25/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Multiple telephone conversations with Mr. Gorlick regarding data
10/25/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Telephone conversation with Mr. Becker regarding informal
discovery and additional data points necessary for mediation
10/28/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Discussion with Mr. Yeremian regarding mediation
10/28/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Further telephonic call with Mr. Gorlick regarding data analysis
10/28/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Mr. Becker regarding additional data
necessary for in advance of mediation
Date Matter Time Descrption
10/28/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.7 Begin researching regarding drafting of Mediation Brief and claims
of Defendants
10/28/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Further e-mail correspondence between Mr. Becker regarding
additional data necessary for mediation
10/28/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review Mr. Gorlick's damage analysis
10/28/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Begin drafting mediation brief
10/29/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Follow up email correspondence to Mr. Gorlick regarding aspects
of the damage model and exposure
10/29/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.3 Continue researching In re Certified Tires and similar cases, along
with legal theories
10/29/2019 Haro v TW Services 4.1 Continue drafting mediation brief and pulling exhibits
10/29/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Ms. Khayat regarding status of mediation
10/30/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.8 Further review and revisions to mediation brief
10/31/2019 Haro v TW Services 2.3 Further review and revisions to mediation brief; follow up with Ms.
Khayat regarding the same
10/31/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Multiple email correspondences to Mr. Yeremian regarding
mediation brief and factual analysis
10/31/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.0 Multiple discussions with Mr. Yeremian regarding mediation brief
and fatcual allegations
11/1/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.3 Multiple email correspondeces to Mr. Yeremian regarding
upcoming mediation and factual and legal allegations
11/4/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.6 Additional review and research into allegations being brought
fourth in Plaintiff's mediation brief
11/5/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.4 Continue researching legal theories of the case; multiple email
correspondences to Mr. Yeremian regarding the same
11/6/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.7 Further legal research into the claims alleged in the Complaint for
purposes of mediation
11/7/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Multiple attempts to reach client; follow up with Walter Haines
office regarding the same
11/7/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Additional research for purposes of mediation
11/8/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Multiple email correspondences between client to schedule a time
to discuss his case further
11/8/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Telephone conversation with client regarding status of settlement
at mediation
11/11/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Review Memorandum of Understanding; contact client regarding
the same document being sent to him for his electronic signature
11/11/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review Mr. Haro's email regarding the memorandum of
11/12/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Multiple email correspondences with client to schedule a time to
meet and confer over settlement
11/12/2019 Haro v TW Services 3.9 Prepare for and attend in-person meet and confer with client over
settlement; follow up with Mr. Yeremian regarding the same
Date Matter Time Descrption
11/13/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Discussion with Mr. Yeremian regarding Mr. Haro's signature on
the memorandum of understanding
11/13/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Telephone message to Mr. Haro, following up on yesterdays in-
person meeting regarding settlement
11/13/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Mr. Haro, following up on yesterday's in-
person meeting regarding settlement
11/13/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Further attempts to contact client by e-mail and telephone
11/15/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Discussion with Mr. Yeremian regarding status of case
11/18/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Multiple discussions with Mr. Yeremian regarding status of Mr.
Haro as an adequate class representative
11/18/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondences to client regarding client file
11/19/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Discussion with Mr. Yeremian regarding clients adequacy as a class
11/19/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.8 Research class representative adequacy requirements
11/20/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Draft letter correspondence to client regarding class representative
11/21/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Multiple email correspondences to client regarding his request for
his client file
11/21/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondence to Ms. Bermudes regarding documents to
copy for Mr. Haro regarding his request for his personnel file
11/22/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.7 Meeting with Mr. Yeremian regarding regarding clients request for
file and obtaining a new class repesentative
11/22/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.9 Further discussions with Mr. Yeremian regarding Mr. Haro, the
class action settlement, and clients fiduciary duty to the class
11/22/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Multiple email correspondeces with Mr. Haro regarding status of in
person meet and confer over settlement
11/25/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Multiple email correspondences with client regarding status of
settlement and his clientele file
11/25/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Telephone conversation with Mr. Yeremian regarding status of
11/26/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Mr. Haro regarding status of signature on
Memorandum of Understanding and his request to review client
11/27/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Further email correspondences with client regarding meeting and
conferring in person about his case
11/27/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Prepare for meeting and confer with client
12/2/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Draft Joint Report; email correspondence to Mr. Becker regarding
his review of the same
12/2/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Further Review of Joint Report; email correspondence to Ms.
Bermudes for filing of of the same
12/2/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review signed Memorandum of Understanding; email
correspondence to Mr. Becker regarding the same
12/2/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Draft Joint Report regarding the PAGA action; email
correspondence to Mr. Becker for his review of the same
12/2/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Discussion with Mr. Yeremian regarding clients follow up questions
pertaining to his client file
Date Matter Time Descrption
12/2/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Discussion with Mr. Yeremian regarding the long form settlement
12/3/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Discussion with Ms. Zambrano regarding Mr. Haro's email and
status as class representative
12/3/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Review Mr. Haro's email; follow up email correspondence to Mr.
Yeremian regarding the same
12/9/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review Mr. Yeremian e-mail to Mr. Haro regarding the status of
12/10/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review Mr. Yeremian's email correspondence to Mr. Haro; follow
up discussion with Mr. Yeremian regarding the same
12/13/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Discussion with Mr. Yeremian regarding drafting of the Stipulation
regarding Settlement
12/13/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Begin drafting Stipulation regarding settlement
12/16/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.9 Draft Stipulation regarding Settlement; email correspondence to
Mr. Yeremian regarding his review of the same
12/16/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Multiple email correspondences to CPT Claims Administrator
regarding preparing a bid for the claims administration process
12/17/2019 Haro v TW Services 1.6 Further revisions to Stipulation regarding Settlement and Class
Notice; email correspondence to Mr. Yeremian regarding the same
for his review
12/18/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review CPT Bid; follow up email correspondence regarding the
12/31/2019 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Review revisions to Long Form Settlement Agreement; follow up
email correspondence to Mr. Lindsay regarding the same
1/2/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Multiple email correspondences with ILYM Group regarding
competitive bids for claim administration; review of bids
1/2/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.9 Further review and revisions to the Stipulation regarding
settlement; email correspondence to Mr. Becker for his review of
the same
1/3/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence with CPt Claims administrator regarding
status of case
1/6/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondence to Mr. Becker regarding claims
administration and monthly payments to the Qualified Settlement
1/15/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Begin reviewing Mr. Beckers revisions to the Stipulation regarding
1/17/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Review and revisions to the Stipulation regarding settlement; email
correspondence to Mr. Becker regarding the same for his review
1/20/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Further revisions to the Stipulation regarding Settlement; email
correspondence to Mr. Yeremian regarding the same
1/29/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Prepare email to Mr. Haro regarding Stipulation of Settlement for
Mr. Yeremian's delivery
2/5/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Meet and confer with Mr. Yeremian regarding status of case
3/12/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondences with Mr. Yeremian regarding proceeding
with a motion to name a new class representative
Date Matter Time Descrption
3/16/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Mr. Yeremian regarding status of
Stipulation re new class representitive and settlement
3/17/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Draft Joint Report in advance of Further Status Conference; email
correspondence to Mr. Becker regarding the same for his review
3/18/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review Court Order regarding continuance of hearing; email
correspondence to Ms. Bermudes regarding the same
3/18/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Revise and prepare First Amended Complaint
3/19/2020 Haro v TW Services 1.9 Draft First Amended Complaint
3/19/2020 Haro v TW Services 1.2 Draft Joint Stipulation to Amend the Complaint, Draft Proposed
Order regarding the same
3/19/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Revise Long Form Settlement Agreement
3/26/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Telephonic discussion with Ms. Bermudes regarding status of case
3/30/2020 Haro v TW Services 1.1 Draft LWDA Letter regarding PAGA for Jesus Rodriguez; multiple
follow up email correspondences to Mr. Yeremian regarding the
4/3/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Revisions to Jesus Rodriguez PAGA notice letter; email
correspondeence to Ms. Bermudes for filing of the same
4/21/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Telephonic discussion with Mr. Yeremian regarding the case
4/22/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence with Mr. Becker regarding the case and the
further status conference amid COVID-19
4/22/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Review and revise Stipulation regarding First Amended Complaint
4/22/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Review Proposed Order and First Amended Complaint
5/6/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Revise First Amended Complaint to include PAGA Allegations
5/13/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Mr. Yeremian regarding the Stipulation
and [Proposed] Order to file a First Amended Complaint
5/13/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review Stipulation to file Second Amended Complaint; email
correspondence to Mr. Beecker regarding the same for his
5/18/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Review [Proposed Order; email correspondence to Mr. Yeremian
regarding the same for his review
5/20/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondnce with Ms. Bermudes regarding rescheduling of
hearings for the Class Action and PAGA matter
7/7/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Ms. Bermudes regarding filing of ther
First Amended Complaint
7/8/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Follow up with Ms. Bermudes regarding filing of the First Amended
7/8/2020 Haro v TW Services 1.9 Review case files and e-mails; draft letter to Mr. Haro regarding
Stipulation for Settlement and duties of class representative; follow
up with Mr. Yeremian regarding the same
7/8/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Review and revisions to Stipulation regarding Settlement; follow up
with Mr. Yeremian and Mr. Becker regarding the same
Date Matter Time Descrption
7/8/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Furtehr review of client files; follow up email correspondence to
Mr. Yeremian regarding the same
7/10/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Draft Joint Report; follow up email correspondence to Mr. Becker
regarding the same and scheduling a time to meet and confer
7/13/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Multiple email correspondences with M. Yeremian regarding
timeline of events
7/13/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review and revise Joint Report; email correspondence to Ms.
Bermudes to file the same
7/15/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Review revisions to Settlement Agreement; finalize and circulate to
all counsel for signatures
7/20/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Prepare for and attend Further Status Conference
7/20/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email and telephonic conference with Mr. Becker regarding the
class period; follow up email with Mr. Yeremian regarding the
7/27/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondence to Ms. Bermudes regarding the case; follow
up with Mr. Yeremian regarding the same
7/30/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Review letter to Mr. Rodriguez; follow up email correspondence to
Mr. Yeremian regarding the same
8/3/2020 Haro v TW Services 1.9 Research Preliminary Approval before Judge Claster; begin
drtafting Preliminary Approval regarding the same
8/5/2020 Haro v TW Services 3.8 Continue researching and drafting Preliminary Approval moving
papers; follow up with Mr. Becker regarding the same
8/6/2020 Haro v TW Services 4.2 Continue drafting Preliminary approval moving papers
8/7/2020 Haro v TW Services 5.1 Finish drafting Preliminary Approval and all supporting motions;
email correspondence to Mr. Yeremian regarding the same for his
8/10/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Review preliminary approval Declaration of David Yeremian
8/11/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Telephonic conversation with Mr. Yeremian regarding Preliminary
Approval; follow up with Mr. Becker regarding the same
8/12/2020 Haro v TW Services 1.1 Review changes; further revisions to Preliminary Approval moving
8/13/2020 Haro v TW Services 2.8 Further revisions to Preliminary Approval and all supporting
moving documents; follow up with mr. Yeremian regarding the
8/14/2020 Haro v TW Services 1.3 Further review and revisions to Preliminary Approval; follow up
with Mr. Yeremian and Mr. Becker regarding the same before filing
8/17/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondence to Ms. Bermudes regarding scheduling a
hearing date for Preliminary Approval moving papers
8/17/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondences with Ms. Bermudes regarding Preliminary
Approval moving paperes; follow telephonic conversation
regarding thee same
8/18/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Mr. Yeremian regarding the status of
Preliminary Approval hearing
Date Matter Time Descrption
8/26/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.4 Draft Joint Report in advance of Further Status conference; follow
up with Mr. Becker regarding the same
8/28/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Finalize Joint Report; email correspondence to Ms. Bermudes
regarding the same for filing
9/9/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Check tenative ruling regarding preliminary approval; follow up
with Mr. Yeremian regarding the same
9/10/2020 Haro v TW Services Check docket for Tentative; review tentative; follow up with Mr.
Yeremian and Mr. Becker regarding the same
9/11/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Mr. Yeremian regarding Supplemental
Briefing regarding Preliminary Approval
9/14/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review courts preliminary approval tentative
9/14/2020 Haro v TW Services 1.1 Telephonic meet and confer with Mr. Yeremian regarding the
court's preliminary approval tentative
9/15/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Telephonic meet and confer with Mr. Yeremian regarding status of
the case and Preliminary Approval revisions
9/16/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Communication with Mr. Yeremian regarding revising the
settlement agreement and changign the cy pres award designation
9/16/2020 Haro v TW Services 3.7 Begin working on Supplememtal Preliminary Approval briefing
9/17/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Continuing working on Supplemental Preliminary Approval briefing
10/7/2020 Haro v TW Services 4.2 Further review and revisions to Supplemental preliminary approval
moving papers, all exhibits, and [proposed] order; follow up
telephone conversation with Ms. Bermudes regarding the same for
10/22/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Review court's tentative regarding preliminary approval
Date Matter Time Descrption
10/22/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Draft Declaration of David Yeremian in Support of Preliminary
Approval; follow up email correspondence to Mr. Yeremian
regarding the same
11/2/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Multiple email correspondences with Mr. Yeremian regarding
Supplemental Preliminary Approval revisisions
11/9/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Review and revise the Declaration of David Yeremian in Support of
Preliminary Approval; email correspondence to Mr. Becker
regarding the same
11/10/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Review and finalize Decalration of David Yeremian in Support of
Preliminary Approval; follow up with Msl Bermudes regarding filing
of the same
11/20/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.5 Review and revise [Proposed] Order regardng Preliminary
Approval; email correspondence to Ms. Bermudes regarding filing
of the same
11/30/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Ms. Bermudes regarding filing a proof of
service for the proposed order approvbing preliminary approval of
the settlement
12/2/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to Mr. Becker and Sean from ILYm regarding
claim administration process
12/2/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Email correspondence to claim administration regarding class
notice materials
12/15/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 check docket regarding signed order for Preliminary Approval
12/15/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondences to ILYM Claim Administration regardinfg
the signed order, class notice, and settlement agreement
12/15/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review mailing timeline; follow up email correspondence to claim
administrator regarding the same
12/28/2020 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Review of Class Notice before mailing; follow up email
correspondence to claim administrator regarding suggested
changes to be made
1/4/2021 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review Opt Out Notice and Notice of Settlement Share; follow up
with claim administrator regarding the same
1/18/2021 Haro v TW Services 0.9 Review timeline of case through receipt and filing of Complaint
along with statute of limitations; multiple follow up's with Mr.
Yeremian regarding the same
1/20/2021 Haro v TW Services 0.2 Review court order regarding new hearing date; follow up with Ms.
Bermudes regarding the same
3/31/2021 Haro v TW Services 0.6 Draft Declaration of Walter Haines ISO Final Approval; follow up
with Walter Haines regarding the same
3/31/2021 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Review and revise claim administration declaration ISO Final
Approval; follow up with Claim Administrator regarding the same
3/31/2021 Haro v TW Services 1.1 Begin drafting Final Approval moving papers
4/5/2021 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Email correspondence to claim administrator regarding their
declaration in support of final approval
4/5/2021 Haro v TW Services 0.3 Conversation with Mr. Yeremian regarding Final Approval
Date Matter Time Descrption
4/5/2021 Haro v TW Services 1.8 Draft Declaration of David Yeremian in support of Final Approval
4/5/2021 Haro v TW Services 0.9 Draft [Proposed] Order and Judgment Granting Final Approval
Total 160.7
Report for HARO v. TW SERVICES, INC. File No: 2759
25 Natalia Bermudes