Dictation Sentences: Short Vowels: Basic Review
Dictation Sentences: Short Vowels: Basic Review
Dictation Sentences: Short Vowels: Basic Review
Name Sentences
1. The farmer has a good corn crop this year. 15. I made the toy cars crash.
2. I plan to get my homework done early. 16. Please serve the dish of carrots.
3. Did you pack your game and other thing in 17. The frog hopped in the pond.
the bag? 18. I ate a sweet plum.
4. The roses have a nice smell.
5. Please shut the door. CHALLENGE
6. The glue is still sticky. 19. What are you planning to do this
7. Dad spent five dollars on a book. Saturday?
8. I am hungry for lunch. 20. Runners sprint to the finish line.
9. The pumpkin is huge! 21. The wedge of cheese looks delicious.
10. The clock says it is one o’clock. 22. I will solve this simple math problem.
11. I gave a gift to my Mom.
12. There are twenty children in the class.
13. It is fun to skip along the path at the park.
14. I like to swing high in the air.
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Name Sentences
1. I spoke to Grandma on the phone. 15. Dad spent five dollars on a book.
2. My house is one mile away from school. 16. I like to swing at the playground.
3. A shortcut will save you time. 17. There are twenty children in the class.
4. Please excuse my absence. 18. I am hungry for lunch.
5. I like my ice cream in a cone.
6. How many people will you invite to CHALLENGE
dinner? 19. I got a great surprise on my birthday.
7. The box is in the shape of a cube. 20. When did you decide to get a puppy?
8. What is the price of these shoes? 21. I picked out clothes to wear.
9. Be sure to erase your mistakes neatly. 22. There is a strange smell in the kitchen.
10. The banana is too ripe for me.
11. The vase fell and broke.
12. Blow out the candle flame.
13. May you have a happy life.
14. What is the rule for crossing the street?
Grade 3 Printable
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Name Sentences
1. You can lay the book on your desk. 15. You can erase those sentences from
2. That apple isn’t real; it’s fake! the board.
3. Stay on the trail when you go hiking. 16. How many people did you invite to
4. Flowers have a sweet scent. the party?
5. You are at school today. 17. Please excuse my absence.
6. The alarm woke me from a good dream. 18. I spoke to Grandma on the phone.
7. My cat likes to sleep in the sun.
8. Do you like iced tea? CHALLENGE
9. Mom gave us a nice treat. 19. What flavor of juice do you like best?
10. Tim is afraid of spiders. 20. Divide the piles so that they are even.
11. I have to leave right now. 21. The dog hid between two chairs.
12. Use bait to catch the fish. 22. Pavement is usually made of concrete or
13. Planes move at a high speed. asphalt.
14. Ava was chosen to lead the group.
Grade 3 Printable
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Name Sentences
1. I will load my soccer gear into the van. 15. This is the trail we take to the boat pond.
2. Please open the garage door. 16. Amir is afraid he didn’t do well on the
3. Joe told the class about his vacation. spelling test.
4. I gave my mother a yellow rose for 17. Children need about eight hours of sleep
her birthday. each night.
5. If you soak the shirt, the stain will 18. It is my dream to visit Italy this summer.
come out.
6. On sunny days, my shadow follows me CHALLENGE
wherever I go. 19. Has your family chosen their new
7. The doe and her fawn moved quietly home yet?
through the forest. 20. Sarah showed us how to approach a horse
8. Follow this road to get to my house. for riding.
9. Her cheeks have a healthy glow. 21. I like studying for a test alone in my room.
10. I sold my old toys at the sale. 22. I hung my picture below the cabinet.
11. Please open the window to feel the
cool breeze.
12. I have almost finished my homework.
13. Our coaches boast about winning the
soccer game.
14. Maria stubbed her toe on the rock.
Grade 3 Printable
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Name Sentences
1. There is a slight chance it will rain today. 15. You can follow this recipe to bake a cake.
2. This salsa has a mild taste. 16. Glenda stubbed her toe and hopped
3. Emily hid Dad’s surprise birthday present around in pain.
out of sight. 17. The proud girl liked to boast about her
4. Which kind of pie do you like best? good grades.
5. Do you mind if I sit next to you? 18. Please close that open window!
6. Josh will tie a knot in the rope.
7. A pilot needs lots of training before she CHALLENGE
can fly a plane. 19. A loud noise may frighten the cat.
8. You might want to practice running before 20. The audience was silent as the play began.
the race. 21. The magician did an amazing trick to
9. It doesn’t pay to lie because the truth will excite the crowd.
come out. 22. If we combine our money, we can buy a
10. If the shoes are too tight, you need a video game.
larger size.
11. A blind person may have an assistance dog.
12. People sometimes fight when they are
angry with each other.
13. What is the height of the Empire State
14. The clock strikes twelve times at midnight.
Grade 3 Printable
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Name Sentences
1. We solve problems in math. 15. There is a slight scratch on the door.
2. I like toast for breakfast. 16. The pilot flew the plane.
3. The dance was easy to learn. 17. I am the same height as my sister.
4. I wore thick socks to keep my feet warm. 18. Would you mind if I borrow your pencil?
5. After Friday comes the weekend.
6. There is a lot of stuff in Ray’s backpack. CHALLENGE
7. Tila paid five dollars for a ticket to 19. We always watch the holiday parade.
the show. 20. The doctor will see you in a moment.
8. Do you want cheese on your sandwich? 21. I am eager to find out the surprise.
9. Lin’s big brother turned eighteen. 22. The flower blossom smells sweet.
10. I scraped my elbow when I fell down.
11. We put on a music program for
our parents.
12. The baby tried to grab the shiny necklace.
13. We raked leaves into piles.
14. The candy made my fingers sticky.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. The ducks like to splash in the pond. 15. Skiing is not as easy as it looks!
2. It would be strange to see a tiger at school. 16. The big rig has eighteen wheels.
3. It’s hard not to scratch a poison ivy rash. 17. Ray got a sharp pain when he bumped
4. Mom gave Lea’s hand a squeeze before her his elbow.
dance recital. 18. Aisha goes to an arts program after school.
5. Listen to those pet mice squeak in their
6. The pigs in the barn squeal loudly. 19. If you straddle the line, you have a foot on
7. Do you want to watch a video on the each side.
computer screen? 20. I’ll splurge and eat at a fancy restaurant.
8. We can split this grapefruit and each have 21. Pedro had to quickly scrawl the phone
half. message.
9. Marco’s ice cream cone fell on the ground 22. Look at that squirrel run up the tree!
with a splat.
10. Put ice on your ankle if you sprain it.
11. Betty will sprint to cross the finish line.
12. I’ll use this strip of paper as a bookmark.
13. The strap on Rick’s sandal broke.
14. He tossed the scrap of paper into the trash.
Grade 3 Printable
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Dictation Sentences:
Words with /j/, /k/, and /kw/
> Directions to the Teacher: Read aloud each boldfaced spelling word,
followed by the sentence, and then repeat the word. Have students write
the spelling word.
1. Ralph set the plants on the ledge so they 15. Paula got a scratch from the rosebush.
would get some sun. 16. I heard a big splash when our dog Max
2. If I doze off, give me a nudge. jumped into the pool.
3. The dog leaves a smudge on the window 17. When you sprint, you run as fast as
with her nose. you can.
4. That couch is so heavy it won’t budge. 18. Jia let out a squeal when she won
5. There is a good view from the top of the contest.
the ridge.
6. Cut a wedge of cheese to go with the CHALLENGE
crackers. 19. Look at the puppy quiver when you hold
7. It is very quiet in the library. out a toy!
8. The class went on a field trip to the circus. 20. There is constant noise at the airport.
9. February is the second month of the year. 21. My family makes a budget so we can save
10. We need a quart of milk from the store. for vacation.
11. Do you know a quick way to make pasta? 22. Teasing can enrage anyone.
12. Should there be a comma after this phrase
in the sentence?
13. The actors gathered on the stage to
rehearse the play.
14. How much does that huge pumpkin weigh?
Grade 3 Printable
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1. We won’t let bad weather wreck our 15. Tuan ate a wedge of apple pie.
vacation. 16. My friend lives on the second floor.
2. Fen can bounce a soccer ball on her knee. 17. How many cups are in a quart?
3. I’ll wrap the gift in tissue paper. 18. Mr. Wilson spoke to the students from
4. Who can get the knot out of this shoelace? the stage.
5. The knife was too dull to cut the pumpkin.
6. It’s a good idea to write in a journal. CHALLENGE
7. Please wring out the wet towel. 19. I kneel on the floor to play with my baby
8. Bianca knew the poem by memory. cousin.
9. Did you hear a knock at the door? 20. What kind of hat are you knitting?
10. The knight wore a suit of armor. 21. We hung a wreath of spring flowers on
11. Don’t drive down the street the wrong way! the door.
12. I will wrap the birthday gift for my sister. 22. Miguel unwrapped his birthday present.
13. Aunt Rita wears a pretty bracelet on
her wrist.
14. I’d like to know who wrote that song.
Grade 3 Printable
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Dictation Sentences:
Spelling the /ch/ Sound
> Directions to the Teacher: Read aloud each boldfaced spelling word,
followed by the sentence, and then repeat the word. Have students write
the spelling word.
1. My dog will fetch the ball if you throw it. 15. The waves will wreck our sand castle!
2. It’s important to stretch before running. 16. Marta heard a knock at the door.
3. A roach is a small, brownish insect. 17. George wears a watch on his left wrist.
4. Each person on the team wears a uniform. 18. The teacher marked the wrong answers
5. Would you like a pear or a peach? with a red pen.
6. The truck stopped with a screech of its
7. It’s not polite to snatch a toy from 19. There is a stretcher in the ambulance for
someone else. injured people.
8. All chicks hatch from eggs. 20. Do you mind switching seats with me?
9. A robin sits on the tree branch. 21. Scientists plan to launch the rocket in a
10. Clutch the railing when you walk up the icy week.
steps. 22. Try not to slouch when you sit.
11. The workers dug a trench for the
underground pipe.
12. Gary thinks it’s a cinch to play the drums.
13. “Ouch,” yelled Pam when she stubbed her
14. Do you sit on the couch to watch TV?
Grade 3 Printable
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Dictation Sentences:
Vowel Sound in town
> Directions to the Teacher: Read aloud each boldfaced spelling word,
followed by the sentence, and then repeat the word. Have students write
the spelling word.
1. The clown entertains the children at 15. You can take a nap on the couch.
the party. 16. Is that peach ripe yet?
2. A soccer ball is round. 17. Touching your toes is one way to stretch.
3. The actor took a bow at the end of the play. 18. Dig a trench around the rosebush to
4. That cloud looks like it could bring rain. collect water.
5. The lights went out when we lost power.
6. The queen’s crown has many diamonds. CHALLENGE
7. More than a thousand passengers ride the 19. The hikers follow a trail up the mountain.
train each day. 20. The principal will announce the award
8. The crowd cheered for the home team. winners.
9. Do you like the sound of thunder? 21. A vowel sound can be short or long.
10. Please count the number of people in 22. A bully is a coward!
the room.
11. The snow was as dry as powder.
12. Sandy wore a white blouse with her skirt.
13. Why do you have a frown on your face?
14. There are sixteen ounces in one pound.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. Jasper likes to talk on the phone. 15. That city is a thousand miles from here.
2. Look both ways before you cross the street. 16. The laundry detergent is a powder.
3. Karen thought the movie was awful. 17. A white blouse is part of the school
4. There is a law about wearing a seat belt in uniform.
the car. 18. You might frown if you feel sad.
5. Mom used a cloth to cover the table.
6. How much does that game cost? CHALLENGE
7. The baby is learning to crawl. 19. The chickens in the coop squawk loudly.
8. We can make chalk drawings on the 20. My bad decision will haunt me for a
sidewalk. long time!
9. My sister’s class also went on a field trip. 21. Corn grows on a stalk.
10. Should we cook this raw shrimp for dinner? 22. Red sauce on pasta is delicious.
11. Those chips have a lot of salt!
12. Denny hung a painting on the wall.
13. Do you need to mow the lawn today?
14. Why does the bus driver always honk
the horn?
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Dictation Sentences:
Vowel Sound in joy
> Directions to the Teacher: Read aloud each boldfaced spelling word,
followed by the sentence, and then repeat the word. Have students write
the spelling word.
1. My mother beamed with joy. 15. Always buckle your seatbelt in the car.
2. Please point to the correct word. 16. The baby learned how to crawl.
3. Anita has a lovely singing voice. 17. What is that awful smell?
4. The car engine needs oil. 18. Can Marco and Connor also join the game?
5. Kim will join our book club.
6. Did you find the coin I dropped? CHALLENGE
7. Trucks can make a lot of noise. 19. The morning dew left moisture on
8. The milk will spoil if you leave it out the grass.
on a warm day. 20. Wouldn’t it be amazing to make a voyage
9. The dog plays with a rubber toy. around the world?
10. An elbow is a joint of your arm. 21. To avoid traffic, don’t take the highway
11. That boy is in the fourth grade. at rush hour.
12. Sonia planted seeds in the soil. 22. The birthday party was a joyful
13. It is sometimes hard to make a choice. celebration.
14. Dad will boil water for soup.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. There is a hole in my pocket. 15. Anita has a lovely singing voice.
2. I ate the whole orange. 16. Trucks can make a lot of noise.
3. The cat licks its paw. 17. My mother beamed with joy.
4. It’s raining outside! 18. The milk will spoil if you leave it out on
5. I hear my mother calling. a hot day.
6. Stand here next to me.
7. We won the game! CHALLENGE
8. Six plus one equals seven. 19. I would like a piece of pie.
9. Our teacher is the best. 20. Stop arguing so that we can have
10. We played outside for an hour. some peace!
11. Their school is bigger than ours. 21. Try not to waste water.
12. There is more juice for everyone. 22. Kiara wore a belt around her waist.
13. The bunny has soft fur.
14. The fir tree is green.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. I’d like a glass of water, please. 15. Did Max eat the whole pizza?
2. Why aren’t there enough seats for everyone? 16. The students hung up their backpacks.
3. We haven’t had dinner yet. 17. The bunny has soft fur.
4. This doesn’t look like my coat. 18. I can hear crickets chirping.
5. He hadn’t missed a day of school.
6. You would’ve enjoyed camping. CHALLENGE
7. I wouldn’t eat that if I were you. 19. We shouldn’t play on the broken
8. I should’ve practiced the songs for the play. playground equipment.
9. We’d better hurry before we miss the bus. 20. The cat won’t go in the water.
10. Weren’t you excited we won the game? 21. A contraction always has an apostrophe.
11. It hasn’t rained in weeks. 22. The proper placement for a period is at the
12. Tran couldn’t hear the phone ringing. end of a sentence.
13. David said he’d missed school because he
was sick.
14. They’d received a blue ribbon for their
group science project.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. Give the horse a carrot. 15. This doesn’t look like my coat.
2. Mark the spot with an X. 16. Why weren’t there enough seats for
3. The tree blew over in the storm. everyone?
4. Farmers bring vegetables to the market. 17. Tran couldn’t hear the phone ringing.
5. The squirrel found an acorn in the leaves. 18. The girls were friends since they’d first met.
6. The large dog weighed more than me!
7. March is a windy month. CHALLENGE
8. The river flows north. 19. The car has a 170 horsepower engine.
9. My dog’s barking is loud. 20. Wash your hands before you eat.
10. The stork has a very long beak. 21. The artist painted a new picture.
11. The rose’s stem has a sharp thorn. 22. Dad will carve the turkey.
12. We hiked through the forest.
13. One chore I do is make my bed.
14. Can you restore our old car?
Grade 3 Printable
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1. The doctor asked the nurse for help. 15. We hiked through the forest.
2. Deidre got up early to go to work. 16. Farmers bring vegetables to the market.
3. My shirt has green stripes. 17. The tree blew over in the storm.
4. Ramon fell and hurt his arm. 18. Give the horse a carrot.
5. Birds chirp in the morning.
6. How do you spell that word? CHALLENGE
7. The cafeteria will serve lunch at noon. 19. The ocean waves were churning after
8. My sister has curly hair. the storm.
9. Troy planted seeds in the dirt. 20. The bus driver had to swerve to avoid a
10. I worry about my sick cat. branch in the road.
11. Go straight and then turn left. 21. Look at those worms squirm.
12. May I stir the soup? 22. Dancers were twirling on the dance floor.
13. Daniel has a firm handshake.
14. Pia wore a purple skirt.
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. The air outside is cool. 15. I worry about my sick cat.
2. I need to wear a jacket because it’s cool. 16. The doctor asked the nurse for help.
3. Please sit in this chair. 17. The cafeteria will serve lunch at noon.
4. I have a fear of heights. 18. Daniel has a firm handshake.
5. My feet were bare after I took off my socks.
6. The bear lived in the forest. CHALLENGE
7. Brush your hair. 19. The farmer will begin shearing the wool
8. I don’t care if it rains today. from the sheep today.
9. My favorite fruit is a pear. 20. The movers blocked the stairway as they
10. She has a pair of tennis shoes. moved the couch.
11. The children share their toys. 21. I felt bleary after a night of little sleep.
12. The swings are near the slide. 22. A careless person dropped some litter in
13. She shed a tear when she got a tear in the park.
her new shirt.
14. My dad has a curly beard.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. I will be ten years old on my next birthday. 15. Mira sat in her chair.
2. Can anyone use the library? 16. I ate a pear for a snack.
3. I have practice at four o’clock this 17. My dad has a curly beard.
afternoon. 18. Many people have a fear of heights.
4. My uncle flies an airplane.
5. Your grandmother is your parent’s mother. CHALLENGE
6. The moon is a faraway place. 19. It is dark in the nighttime.
7. There is only one hour of daylight left. 20. His granddaughter is his child’s daughter.
8. Mr. Carter is our teacher. 21. Jordan has good eyesight.
9. My neighbor is Mrs. Sanchez. 22. Worms live underground.
10. Will you send this message to Ms. Yee?
11. Marley has a checkup with Dr. Gupta.
12. I live on Dean Rd.
13. Take Elm St. to get to the school.
14. There are lots of cars on Melburne Ave.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. That plant has an oval leaf. 15. There are lots of cars on Melburne Ave.
2. Leaves fall from the trees in autumn. 16. Can anyone use the library?
3. The baker made a loaf of bread. 17. The moon is a faraway place.
4. Loaves of fresh bread were stacked in the 18. Will you send this message to Ms. Yee?
bakery window.
5. I used a knife to spread butter. CHALLENGE
6. Sharp knives can be dangerous. 19. Your calves are parts of your lower legs.
7. The sparrow picked a louse from its 20. Two oxen pulled the plow.
feathers. 21. There are many shelves of books in our
8. Lice can live on birds and mammals. classroom.
9. The lone wolf howled at the moon. 22. We heard our echoes after we shouted in
10. A group of wolves is a pack. the cave.
11. The goose made a honking sound.
12. A flock of geese flew south for the winter.
13. The fastest woman won the race.
14. Several women were elected to City
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. Ana is in a happy mood. 15. A group of wolves is a pack.
2. I got a wooden toy horse. 16. Several women were elected to City
3. Children drew pictures of cats. Council.
4. The stone is flat and smooth. 17. Leaves fall from the trees in autumn.
5. One cloud floated in a blue sky. 18. Sharp knives can be dangerous.
6. Tie the balloon to your wrist.
7. Tell me whether this is true or false. CHALLENGE
8. Your hat is on crooked. 19. The simple directions were foolproof.
9. Will the dog chew the bone? 20. Add a spoonful of honey to the recipe.
10. Quinn is missing his front tooth. 21. I used a footstool to reach the high shelf.
11. A horse has four hooves. 22. You can keep a scrapbook of your
12. Wear a sweater on a cool day. memories.
13. The little pooch sat in my lap.
14. The neighbors had a feud over who owned
the fence.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. I like swimming in the pool. 15. I got a wooden toy horse.
2. Drumming keeps a marching band in step. 16. The stone is flat and smooth.
3. I keep dropping the slippery cup. 17. Your hat is on crooked.
4. David is sitting in the red chair. 18. Will the dog chew the bone?
5. Mandy is taping the box shut.
6. Who is invited to the party? CHALLENGE
7. I am saving money to buy a toy. 19. I admired Maria’s artwork.
8. We smiled for the camera. 20. We scrapped our outdoor plans when it
9. We planned our trip. started raining.
10. Marissa is changing her clothes. 21. I keep forgetting my jacket at school.
11. My joking made Mom laugh. 22. Cars were skidding on the slippery road.
12. I loved yesterday’s lunch!
13. The baby gripped my hand.
14. That peach tasted sweet.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. Unfold your napkin and put it on your lap. 15. Who is invited to the party?
2. Marci was happy to rejoin her class after 16. We planned our trip.
her long illness. 17. Drumming keeps a marching band in step.
3. You can reheat the leftovers for dinner. 18. Marissa is changing her clothes.
4. It’s unfair if everyone doesn’t get an
equal chance. CHALLENGE
5. Please rewrite your report. 19. Offer forgiveness to those who have done
6. We watched Grandpa unwrap his presents. you wrong.
7. The shot was almost painless. 20. He made hitting a home run look effortless.
8. A newborn kangaroo is helpless without 21. Dad had to reawaken me after I fell back
its mother. to sleep.
9. It’s good to show kindness to others. 22. Are the two pieces of pie unequal?
10. That pilot is a fearless flier!
11. Charities rely on the goodness of others.
12. My desk is spotless.
13. Feel the softness of the lamb’s wool.
14. Darkness fell as the sun set.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. I visited two cities. 15. The lost bunny hopped to rejoin his
2. The baby cries when he is hungry. mother.
3. I saw puppies at the animal shelter. 16. We watched Grandpa unwrap his presents.
4. Sylvia hurried to catch the bus. 17. I felt the softness of the lamb’s wool.
5. I like to read funny stories. 18. It’s good to show kindness to others.
6. A hawk flies in the sky.
7. The store sells balloons for parties. CHALLENGE
8. I tried to open the window. 19. I have to get to school earlier on mornings
9. I put the pennies in a jar. when I have band practice.
10. Spending time with good friends can cause 20. We recalled many memories as we looked
a feeling of happiness. at the old photos.
11. I carried my books to the library. 21. Mom grows the loveliest flowers.
12. The twin babies are napping. 22. The man denied that he had told a lie.
13. I spied Jeremy in the crowd.
14. Three ponies stood in the field.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. The popular singer sold out the concert 15. Elsie hurried so she wouldn’t be late
in minutes. to school.
2. The clock on the wall ticked loudly. 16. Some big cities have subways.
3. We had a joyful family reunion. 17. I like to read stories about animals.
4. The teacher is in charge of the class. 18. The police officer carried a walkie-talkie.
5. A fighter may have lots of enemies.
6. Would you check my report closely CHALLENGE
for mistakes? 19. The ranger needs to be watchful in
7. It’s good to be prepared before a the forest.
powerful storm. 20. Vicente saw a delightful cartoon movie
8. What crops does that farmer grow on about ants.
his land? 21. The rain fell steadily all morning.
9. The rabbit hops quickly across the field. 22. Please put the leftovers in this container.
10. You need to be careful with matches.
11. The children were friendly to the new
student in class.
12. The speaker will give a talk on dinosaurs.
13. Have a wonderful birthday!
14. You should tell us what you truly think.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. Mr. Mack taught me how to play the piano. 15. Bart ran inside quickly when it started
2. We thought the clown was very silly. to rain.
3. The tiny boat struggled in the rough seas. 16. The powerful wind knocked down trees.
4. You never laugh at my jokes! 17. Ms. Pat is friendly to all the
5. Luis bought a TV on sale. neighborhood children.
6. Cover your mouth when you cough. 18. The singer learns new songs all the time.
7. Vanna ought to spend more time on her
homework. CHALLENGE
8. The bear caught a fish in the stream. 19. Please put the wet laundry in the dryer.
9. Who fought in that famous battle? 20. The naughty puppy chewed Nina’s shoes!
10. Mr. Harris helped his daughter pack for 21. Because of Mom’s forethought, we were
her trip. ready for the storm.
11. Shoveling snow is a tough job. 22. There is a smell of baking bread
12. May I read that book when you are throughout the house.
through with it?
13. We have enough food for the class picnic.
14. Mary brought a chess set to school.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. You will need a jacket on a cool day. 15. Ali thought the book was very interesting.
2. You can erase your writing if you use 16. The cat caught a mouse.
a pencil. 17. The bark of the tree is rough.
3. The students sat in a circle to play 18. My neighbor has one son and
the game. one daughter.
4. Is there a bank in the center of town?
5. The giant trees shaded the park. CHALLENGE
6. Doesn’t that gentle rain sound soothing? 19. Tyler’s aunt is a general in the air force.
7. The basketball player is bouncing the ball. 20. Please put the garbage in the bin.
8. That is the largest snake I have ever seen! 21. Tori wears a gold necklace and bracelet.
9. Nothing on Earth is unchanging. 22. I do my best studying when there is silence
10. Will Jeff replace the watch he lost? in the room.
11. The lion roars fiercely.
12. Carmen thought the test was a cinch.
13. Tulips emerge in the spring.
14. Teeth are connected to the jawbone.
Grade 3 Printable
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1. My aunt is a kind person. 15. Roger needs to sharpen his pencil.
2. Wear a helmet when you ride your bike. 16. Do you like bouncing on a trampoline?
3. The library is open until eight o’clock. 17. Alex zipped up his jacket.
4. Look at the thick carpet on the floor. 18. The nurse spoke in a gentle voice.
5. Monday is the first day of the school week.
6. We enjoy going on picnics. CHALLENGE
7. Don’t forget to do your homework! 19. The train passed through the tunnel.
8. Felipe is trying to solve the math problem. 20. The campers used the light of the lantern
9. Can we meet at the mall on Sunday? to see at night.
10. What does Gran grow in her garden? 21. A donkey can carry a heavy burden.
11. Miki will order a cup of tea. 22. Perhaps it will rain tomorrow.
12. Pearl made a mistake on the test.
13. The umpire called the batter “out.”
14. Belinda went to the playground by herself.
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. Uma ate a peanut butter and 15. The carpet feels soft on bare feet.
jelly sandwich. 16. The mechanic will fix the problem with
2. Please place the book on the bottom shelf. the car.
3. Mom put a pillow on the bed. 17. The party won’t start until seven.
4. A fire drill could happen at any time. 18. If you make a mistake, you can fix it.
5. Walter spread butter on his toast.
6. Some stories teach a lesson. CHALLENGE
7. There is a cherry on the sundae. 19. When will you arrive for a visit?
8. The group had a sudden change of plans. 20. The shadows made a pattern on the floor.
9. The arrow on the sign shows which way 21. Alicia felt sorrow when her friend
to go. moved away.
10. Do you have a dollar for four quarters? 22. Do you suppose we will go on a field trip?
11. Our neighbor stopped by to say hello.
12. The rabbit likes to eat carrots.
13. Victor wrote a letter from camp.
14. She sewed a button on her coat.
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. Bryce picks an apple from the tree. 15. How did the accident happen?
2. There is a bridge over the river. 16. I take a piano lesson from my
3. A mouse is a little animal. music teacher.
4. October is the tenth month of the year. 17. Mom will buy two bananas for a dollar.
5. The firefighters have a tall ladder on the 18. Nat’s name is at the bottom of this list.
fire truck.
6. Do you like to go to the beach in CHALLENGE
the summer? 19. The referee blows her whistle.
7. The sky looked purple at sunset. 20. Watch the men struggle to lift the
8. Will you clean your room later today? heavy box.
9. Thanksgiving is in November. 21. The squirrels gather nuts in the fall.
10. I heard the boy giggle over the 22. Wolves wander in the woods.
funny picture.
11. Sue’s uncle has a job at the airport.
12. The weather can be frigid in the winter.
13. Is there a bookstore in the center of
the city?
14. Many roads have double yellow lines.
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. Lift the latch to open the gate. 15. My favorite uncle is my mother’s brother.
2. Ben needs to stitch the rip in his jeans. 16. May I have a double helping of mashed
3. My leaky pen left an ink blotch on potatoes?
the page. 17. Thanksgiving is in November.
4. In olden days people often traveled 18. Dad uses a ladder to reach the
by stagecoach. high window.
5. Watch her snatch the ball out of the air.
6. Do you enjoy watching sunsets? CHALLENGE
7. It was a joyful celebration. 19. Children played noisily in the yard.
8. A spring is a metal coil. 20. Countless ants attacked our picnic basket.
9. The ground was moist after the rain. 21. We sat down at the kitchen table to eat
10. Wrap your leftovers in foil. breakfast.
11. The farmer uses a plow in the field. 22. Always approach an unfamiliar
12. We don’t allow running near the dog carefully.
swimming pool.
13. She kept her coins in a pouch.
14. Dan went ahead to scout for a good
camping spot.
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. The cheese is on the shelf below the milk 15. Please approach the horse slowly.
in the refrigerator. 16. My leaky pen made an ink blotch
2. The book is about pirates. on the page.
3. To whom does this jacket belong? 17. Dad will allow us to go fishing
4. He ran around the racetrack. with Uncle Jed tomorrow.
5. She asked to go on the slide again. 18. She kept her coins in a pouch.
6. I like to read when I am alone.
7. We went to the cafeteria because it was CHALLENGE
time for lunch. 19. Beware of that broken step!
8. An airplane flew above us in the sky. 20. Misfortune had befallen the man
9. The tree grew between two rocks. who tried to cheat his friend.
10. I water the plant to keep it alive. 21. Rosa won an award for spelling.
11. James stood behind Sofia in line. 22. I adore kittens!
12. What time does the play begin?
13. The puppy tagged along behind us.
14. Come inside before it rains!
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. The leopard has spotted fur. 15. We went to the cafeteria because
2. I’ll be with you in a moment. it was time for lunch.
3. Building model cars is my hobby. 16. James stood behind Irma in line.
4. Use a ruler to measure the square. 17. The book is about pirates.
5. A kitten is a baby cat. 18. An airplane flew above us in
6. The tiny ant lifted a large pebble. the sky.
7. I’ve read up to chapter three in the book.
8. The hikers stopped at a cabin in the woods. CHALLENGE
9. Denise is a member of the choir. 19. The tunnel goes under the river.
10. I never leave the house before I make 20. The extra work is a burden to me.
my bed. 21. Washington D.C. is the capital city
11. The hotel can hold 300 guests. of our nation.
12. A lemon is a yellow citrus fruit. 22. Modern technology helps us
13. Divide the teams so that they are even. communicate.
14. The speed limit is thirty miles per hour.
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. You can control the toy car with a 15. Wendy’s hobby is playing
remote device. the guitar.
2. A lizard is a reptile. 16. Rowan is a member of the
3. Two friends chatted about school. swim team.
4. Malcolm cut and pasted a sentence in 17. It will only take a moment to fix
his report. that problem.
5. Dad uses wrapping paper for the gifts. 18. The speed limit is thirty miles
6. You need soapy water to wash the dishes. an hour.
7. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
8. A fable teaches a lesson. CHALLENGE
9. Was Josie invited to the party? 19. Can you suggest a good book
10. The library is a silent place. to read?
11. Do you suppose it might snow today? 20. They prefer dogs to cats.
12. Each person needs a ticket for the movie. 21. Water is a basic human need.
13. A lawyer gives advice about the law. 22. The house was built with bricks
14. It’s hard to sleep on a stormy night. and timber.
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. The thickness of the blanket kept 15. Jenna is wrapping a towel around
Marcy warm. the shivering puppy.
2. Wash your hands to stop the spread 16. Do you suppose we can meet
of sickness. for lunch?
3. Simon has a fondness for chocolate. 17. You might use salt to add flavor
4. A doctor can prescribe medicine for illness. to the soup.
5. Franco had stiffness in his neck after 18. The lizard sat on a rock in the sun.
sleeping without a pillow.
6. People may feel hopeless after losing a job. CHALLENGE
7. Bartel made a careless mistake on the 19. It’s a good idea to ask forgiveness
spelling quiz. for a mistake.
8. A fearless person might climb Mount 20. The cloudiness in the sky meant
Everest. we couldn’t see the eclipse.
9. An umbrella with holes is useless. 21. The closeness of our families
10. Amanda was speechless at her makes it easy to visit.
surprise party. 22. Silvia was so forgetful she started
11. Do you know a peaceful place to read? writing notes to herself.
12. Gloria is skillful at playing video games.
13. Pierce tracked the movement of the comet
across the sky.
14. Khalil owes a payment for the shoes
he bought.
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. Can you untie the knot in a rope? 15. A baseball glove will lose its
2. We were unlucky when it rained on stiffness over time.
our picnic. 16. A tiger is a fearless predator.
3. Ask about the directions if they seem 17. June made a payment of ten
unclear. dollars for the toy.
4. Rick is unsure about the answer to the 18. They planned a peaceful vacation
question. camping in the woods.
5. The girl fell, but she was unhurt.
6. I repaid the money I borrowed. CHALLENGE
7. They reuse bags when they shop at 19. A turtle is unable to fly.
the store. 20. It’s dishonest to cheat in a game.
8. He went to recheck that the door 21. Get some rest or you may restrain
was locked. your sore legs.
9. Don’t forget to rewind the garden hose. 22. It’s not a disgrace to lose a game
10. Josh wanted me to replay the same song when you try your best.
over and over.
11. The sisters dislike having their photo taken.
12. We can disagree and still be friends.
13. Please don’t displace the books.
14. There is no reason to distrust a new
Grade 3 Printable
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.