Experiment 2 (Physics)
Experiment 2 (Physics)
Experiment 2 (Physics)
Physics Laboratory
Name:___________________________________ Date:_____________
Year and Section:__________________________ Ratings:___________
1. Objectives
The objective of this experiment is to find the equilibrant of one or more known forces
using a force table and compare the results to that obtained by analytical method.
2. Equipment
Force table
Weight holder
Meter stick
3. Procedure
Given two force vectors you
will determine the third force that will
produce equilibrium in the system.
This third force is known as the
equilibrant and it will be equal and
opposite to the resultant of the two
known forces.
You will use a force table as
shown in the figure, and work with
force vectors. Three strings are
attached to a central ring and then
each string is passed over a pulley.
Masses are added to the other end of
the strings.
2. You will be given two masses that are to be placed at any angle possible.
Remember that the weight holders have a mass and this needs to be included
as part of the hanging mass. You will determine the magnitude (in newtons)
and angle of the third force needed to balance the forces due to these two
3. Represent these forces as vectors on the diagram in the worksheet. Be sure to
include the axes. Each vector in the diagram should be drawn so that the
larger the vector the bigger the force it represents.
4. Calculate the x and y components (to the nearest thousandth of a newton) and
enter these values in Data Table 1 on the worksheet.
5. Find the x and y components of the resultant of the two vectors and enter
these values in Data Table 1 on the worksheet.
6. Now calculate the x and y components of the equilibrant of these two vectors
and enter these values on the worksheet.
7. Using the Pythagorean Theorem and SOHCAHTOA calculate the magnitude
and angle of the equilibrant. Enter these values on the worksheet. These are
the calculated value of the third force.
8. Add this vector to your diagram to represent the third force.
9. Position the third string at the angle you determined in step 6 and hang the
mass (including the holder mass) corresponding to the calculated third force to
represent the third force. Make adjustments (if needed) to the mass and the
angle until the ring is at the center. Record this value on the worksheet.
10. Compare the calculated and experimental values for the third force by
computing the percent difference between the two values.
11. Compare the calculated and experimental values of the angle for the third
force by computing the percent difference between the two angle values.
12. Hang a mass (including the weight holder) at any angle marking.
13. Choose values for the magnitude and angle of the second mass and enter this
value in Data Table 2 on the worksheet. You should only use weights in 10 g
increments. Values for F2 must be different from the ones used in Procedure
A. Think about symmetry when you choose the angle for F2.
14. Draw the force diagram for this setup in the space provided on the worksheet.
15. Complete Data Table 2 and determine the magnitude and angle for F3 needed
to produce equilibrium; i.e., to bring the ring to the center of the force table.
16. Now hang the two chosen masses at the chosen angles.
17. Adjust one or both of these masses as well as their angles, if necessary, so that
the ring is centered on the force table. Enter these values on the worksheet.
18. Compute the percent difference between the chosen values and the
experimental values for the magnitude of the two forces and record these on
the worksheet.
19. Compute the percent difference between the chosen values and the
experimental values for the angles of the two forces and record these on the
As you work through the steps in the lab procedures, record your experimental values and the
results on this worksheet. Use the exact values you record for your data to make later
Procedure A
Use the grid below to draw the force diagram. Label each force and angle appropriately.
Procedure B
Use the grid below to draw the force diagram. Label each force and angle appropriately.
Complete the table below
What is the calculated value of F3 (equilibrant) needed to balance the two forces F1 and F2?
Magnitude (F3,calc) = __________________
Direction (θ3,calc) = ___________________
What are the experimental values of F2 and F3?
Magnitude (F2,exp) = __________________
Direction (θ2,exp) = ___________________
Magnitude (F3,exp) = __________________
Direction (θ3,exp) = ___________________
What is the percent difference between the chosen and experimental values of the magnitude of
Percent difference = _______________
What is the percent difference between the chosen and experimental values of θ2?
Percent difference = _______________
What is the percent difference between the chosen and experimental values of the magnitude of
Percent difference = _______________
What is the percent difference between the chosen and experimental values of θ3?
Percent difference = _______________