Safety Science: M.P. Ibarrondo-Dávila, M. López-Alonso, M.C. Rubio-Gámez
Safety Science: M.P. Ibarrondo-Dávila, M. López-Alonso, M.C. Rubio-Gámez
Safety Science: M.P. Ibarrondo-Dávila, M. López-Alonso, M.C. Rubio-Gámez
Safety Science
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Article history: Managerial accounting can play an important role in supporting safety management in enterprises, by
Received 24 December 2014 systematically providing appropriate reports to support the decision-making process in the area of risk
Received in revised form 16 March 2015 prevention, benefiting both internal and external stakeholders.
Accepted 27 May 2015
In this paper, we first examine the weaknesses of current managerial accounting systems as regards the
provision of systematic information on the cost of measures to ensure health and safety in the workplace.
We then propose a model of management accounting to calculate, analyse and control these costs, with
particular reference to construction companies. Finally, we implement a case study in a Spanish construc-
Accidents prevention
Construction companies
tion company, focusing on two construction projects carried out in 2008 in Andalusia (Spain). This study
Management accounting reveals that health and safety costs are substantial and remain invisible to the company to a very large
Safety costs degree (more than 90%), because the items that make up this cost are dispersed within other accounting
Safety management entries, thus remaining unidentified on the income statement. Accordingly, construction companies need
to implement a management accounting system to get appropriate information about safety costs, to
guide their decisions in safety management.
Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1. Introduction extending the impact and scope of the methods and techniques
applied in this field. One such case is that of the management of
Rates of work-related injuries in the construction sector are safety risk in the workplace, where managerial accounting can pro-
much higher than in many other areas, as has been documented vide valuable information for decision-making by internal users
in various studies and reports (Agilés-Bosch et al., 2014; Chi and and for managing relationships with stakeholders.
Han, 2013; Fung et al., 2010; Manu et al., 2013; Martinez Aires As stated by Tappura et al. (2015), the management accounting
et al., 2010; Montero et al., 2009) and so companies in this field approach is an essential factor in managerial decision-making to
are exposed to the high costs associated with such accidents. safety work, especially to provide information for organisation,
These costs are diverse in nature, and include human costs (which when they make investment in safety.
are not directly quantifiable) and financial, for the companies in As observed by Bhimani (2009:2), the relationship between
the industry and for society as a whole (sick leave, medical treat- management accounting and risk management has been addressed
ment, etc.) (Abudayyeh et al., 2006; Dorman, 1997). In parallel, to a minimal extent in the academic literature. However, ‘‘the
other costs are associated with delays in project implementation potential of risk concepts to be made managerially actionable rests
times, damage to the company’s reputation or the loss of market on their capacity to be interpreted in technical, analytical and cal-
share (Gosselin, 2005; Jallon et al. 2011a,b). culable terms’’, and . . .‘‘enterprises seek not only to adopt risk con-
According to Rikhardsson (2005), managerial or management trols but also to make the deployment of such controls transparent
accounting is called upon to play an active role in project evalua- and visible to engender greater organisational legitimacy’’. Berry
tion, strategic planning and relationships with stakeholders, thus et al. (2009) raise relation between management control and risk
management as an emerging theme in management control
research. In this sense, Esmaeili and Hallowell (2012) propose
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of
new research areas that may enhance safety performance, as inte-
Economics and Business Studies, University of Granada, C/Campus Universitario de
gration of safety data into building information models and utilis-
Cartuja, s/n, 18071 Granada, Spain. Tel.: +34 651 95 22 10, +34 958 24 96 20.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.P. Ibarrondo-Dávila), [email protected] ing leading indicators of safety performance, among others
(M. López-Alonso), [email protected] (M.C. Rubio-Gámez). (Hallowell et al., 2013; Hassanein and Hanna, 2008; Ikpe et al.,
0925-7535/Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M.P. Ibarrondo-Dávila et al. / Safety Science 79 (2015) 116–125 117
2012; Ku and Mills, 2010). In addition, research into the cost effec- In any case, the above authors all concur that health and safety
tiveness of safety practices would help practitioners to build strong costs do exist and that they are substantial. However, they also
programs with limited budgets (Hinze et al., 2013). agree that such costs are not so onerous for financial motivations
According to Cullen et al. (2013), taking a management to be considered the sole reason for a company deciding to invest
accounting practice perspective, researches can innovate and lead in health and safety.
the way to practitioners. Such research is important in terms of Various authors have highlighted the lack of consensus as to
both theoretical contribution and practical relevance. how the costs of health and safety should be addressed in company
Zou et al. (2014:325) have observed that there may be a gap accounts. Reasons for this include the difficulty encountered in
between the knowledge generated by researchers and the practical expressing employees’ health in money terms (Andreoni, 1986),
needs in the construction industry, about safety. These authors the limitation of dealing with normal market economy mecha-
have advocated the greater use of mixed methods research design nisms, the question of safety and health as a public good (Bailey
to integrate the realms of theory and practice to improve the rela- et al., 1995) and the widespread underestimation of these costs
tionships between researchers and practitioners in construction by companies (Brody et al., 1990).
safety. ‘‘By adopting this approach, it is expected that research Other possible causes of this shortcoming in business manage-
findings will become more relevant and useful to construction ment are the extra workload perceived, the reluctance to change
industry and practitioners, while at the same time contributing established accounting methods or the limited importance granted
to the advancement of conceptual understanding and theory to health and safety departments within companies (Jallon et al.
development’’. 2011a,b). According to Gosselin (2005), the calculation methods
From this perspective, our paper seeks to provide an illustration proposed by researchers for assessing the indirect costs of health
of management accounting practice and its importance to improve and safety measures in the workplace are neither universal nor
safety risk management systems in companies. As suggested by generalizable.
Cullen et al. (2013), this paper is raised as an interventionist These considerations lead us to conclude that there is little
research, undertaken by interdisciplinary research teams (manage- interest among companies in identifying the costs concerning
ment accountants and engineers, as researchers, and risk preven- health and safety at work. This belief is confirmed by the results
tion managers, as practitioners of construction companies). obtained in Spain by the National Survey on the Management of
In this sense, taking into account the above considerations, this Health and Safety at Work (INSHT, 2009) in relation to companies
paper describes the background to the management of health and in the construction sector.
safety costs in the workplace, highlighting the difficulties faced and The above conclusion is corroborated by empirical research
the reluctance of companies to include these items systematically based on questionnaires concerning 40 construction sites in
in their accounts. We then propose an accounting model for the Andalusia between 2007 and 2008, addressed to various compa-
calculation, analysis and control of safety costs in companies, nies in this sector. Our analysis makes it clear that safety costs
which could be incorporated into their information systems, with are not calculated, and therefore are not controlled, by these
particular reference to construction companies. This model is the companies.
outcome of the research study of a sample of 40 construction sites From this perspective, construction firms would be more likely
in Andalusia (Spain), at different stages of progress, in 2008. to invest in improving their workplace health and safety systems if
Finally, we present a case study in a Spanish construction company they had an information system based on a model for the calcula-
concerning two of these construction projects that were taking tion, analysis and control of safety costs, and which highlighted the
place when the data were compiled. benefits to be derived from investing in safety, as recommended by
the National Institute for Health and Safety at Work (INSHT, 1999).
In order to manage safety costs, it is necessary to take into
2. Background account the activities that influence them. However, under stan-
dard accounting practice in construction companies, the items that
Workplace accidents (including incidents and minor accidents) comprise these costs are not identified. Most of the concepts
can have severe financial consequences for companies (Feng et al., involved are included in different accounting items, and the impact
2015; Hinze and Appelgate, 1991), as well as impacting on society of each one on the income statement remains unknown (Aaltonen
and on the workers concerned. et al., 1996; Argilés-Bosch et al., 2014; Oxenburgh and Marlow,
Investment in health and safety is usually made in response to a 2005; Riel and Imbeau, 1996; Rikhardsson, 2004).
specific motivation. According to Heinrich (1930), employers have Managerial accounting, as an information system for manage-
two reasons for seeking to prevent accidents: firstly, a moral and ment, can play a vital role in this respect, by systematically provid-
legal obligation related to accident insurance; and secondly, con- ing appropriate reports to support the decision-making process in
tractual obligations with their employees. In the same vein, Brody the area of health and safety at work. These data are valuable not
et al. (1990) identify three motivations for investing in health and only for those responsible for safety management in the company,
safety measures: a voluntary motivation, aimed at improving work but also for managing relations with diverse stakeholders, such as
procedures; a motivation related to Social Security incentives, such the company’s employees and public institutions in the field of
as insurance premium discounts available to companies presenting health and safety.
low rates of workplace accidents; and a coercive motivation, related Awareness of the nature and dimension of safety costs is of
to penalties imposed under labour law and regulations. great importance for risk management within companies.
Other authors, however, believe that the most important moti-
vation for companies to invest in health and safety is that of the
high cost of accidents (Laufer, 1987; Levitt and Parker, 1976; 3. Methodology
Simmonds and Grimaldi, 1963). In contrast, Dorman (2000) argues
that construction companies meet the costs of health and safety 3.1. Designing a model for managing safety costs in construction
measures not only to improve working conditions and to reduce projects: HSC_PEI2012
accident rates, but also to avoid sanctions, to obtain social benefits,
to enhance the corporate image and for the sake of other future In order to design a model for managing safety costs, it is first
benefits. necessary to define the categories of safety cost that constitute
118 M.P. Ibarrondo-Dávila et al. / Safety Science 79 (2015) 116–125
useful cost objects for decision making in the area of risk preven- performance indices to measure their impact on the firm.
tion. When appropriate items have been obtained, the company’s Intangible costs include damage to the company’s reputation,
accounting information system should be adapted accordingly so low morale among employees, labour disputes and loss of mar-
that data may be compiled and information provided on the cost ket share (Gosselin, 2005).
objects in question. Extraordinary costs: this category includes the losses generated
With respect to cost categories, there are strong parallels by events that cannot be controlled by technical or human man-
between managing quality-control costs and managing health agement in construction projects, or that are unavoidable, such
and safety costs, although the latter present certain special as natural disasters. In our view, this cost category should
characteristics. include all cost items that are outside the scope and control
In this respect, our proposed classification, following Andreoni of management, and so they are configured as uncontrollable
(1986) and Brody et al. (1990), distinguishes between the costs costs, not to be included in a structured model aimed at the con-
incurred in implementing risk prevention measures in the work- trol of costs related to safety in the workplace.
place and those caused by the absence of such measures and by
accidents, i.e. what the latter authors term prevention cost and acci- Tables 1–4 describe the different concepts that could be
dent cost. However, a more profound analysis of the cost elements included in the categories of Prevention Costs, Evaluation and
that make up each of the above categories leads us to propose a dif- Monitoring Costs and Non-Safety Costs, in the case of a construc-
ferent approach to the delimitation and classification of workplace tion company.
safety costs. In each of the health and safety cost categories identified as dis-
In this study, the costs related to health and safety for construc- tinct cost objects, direct and indirect costs may be incurred,
tion companies are defined as the consumption value of factors of depending on the nature of the item in question, on the character-
production (goods and services) required by the company to istics of the company’s accounting information system and on the
improve working conditions and to reduce accident rates on con- inherent limitations of the data collection process. Furthermore,
struction sites, together with the costs derived from the occurrence the basic unit of analysis, taken as a reference for calculating the
of incidents and/or accidents. health and safety cost impact on construction companies, is each
The costs related to workplace health and safety are classified as construction project planned and/or executed.
3.2. Allocation of safety costs
Safety costs: the costs incurred to ensure health and safety in the
workplace, differentiating between prevention costs, i.e. the pre- After identifying appropriate categories of health and safety
ventive measures necessary to ensure appropriate health and costs, with respect to the cost objects on which the cost allocation
safety conditions, and evaluation and monitoring costs, derived process will be focused, we propose a methodology, based on eco-
from the actions taken by the company to inspect and maintain nomic and accounting reasoning, and especially on the principles
the health and safety measures implemented in the workplace. of cost accounting, with which to identify, measure and quantify
Non-safety costs: the costs of failing to ensure health and safety the different cost items that make up each of the cost objects we
in the workplace, i.e. the costs to the company that arise from have defined, namely prevention costs, evaluation and monitoring
incidents and accidents, and/or from breaches of safety rules. costs and tangible non-safety costs.
In turn, we distinguish between tangible costs, produced directly This proposal does not address the question of calculating the
by a specific accident, and which can be quantified by conven- intangible cost of accidents. The initial basic model considers the
tional calculation methods, and intangible costs, which are not safety costs that can be identified by applying traditional cost
measurable in financial terms or for which there are no suitable accounting methods. Once the model is running and information
Table 1
Prevention costs in construction companies.
Table 2
Evaluation and monitoring costs in construction companies.
Table 3
Tangible Non-safety costs in construction companies.
Table 4
Intangible non-safety costs in construction companies.
is being obtained on a regular, systematic basis, the company could 3.2.2. Cost allocation to safety cost objects
incorporate the estimation of intangible safety costs into the sys- Direct costs can be identified to each of the categories defined
tem. In this respect, some studies have been performed, such as by developing a protocol for data collection within the company,
that conducted by the National Institute for Health and Safety at clearly setting out the procedures to be followed, in each case, to
Work (INSHT, 2003). identify cost items with the corresponding cost object. The number
of resource units applied and their unit cost should be specified,
3.2.1. Direct and indirect costs and the use made of these resources will be the safety cost object
From the standpoint of cost allocation, a distinction is made in question (prevention cost, evaluation and monitoring cost or
between direct costs and indirect costs. tangible non-safety cost).
The direct cost of safety corresponds to the consumption of On the other hand, indirect costs must be allocated to cost
goods and services that can reasonably – in technical and financial objects using a pro-rata criterion. In this respect, the application
terms – be identified with the cost object. In other words, it reflects of methodologies developed for responsibility centre models of
the cost entry whose final impact on the cost object within each of cost calculation provides a satisfactory solution. In these models,
the safety cost categories can be determined, in relation to each cost centres, which constitute the organisational structure of the
construction project. In order to determine this cost, it must be company, facilitate the allocation of indirect costs to cost objects
possible to establish a clear cause-effect relationship between the and enable managers to monitor the company’s activities in gen-
consumption of resources and the corresponding safety cost cate- eral and prevention activities in particular.
gory. But in addition, the company’s information system and data The area of the company that is most clearly related to a safety
collection procedure must be designed in such a way as to facilitate cost object is the Risk Prevention Department. Therefore, we must
the identification of such cause-effect relationships. Some safety analyse the composition of this department and the role it plays
cost concepts are readily identifiable with the corresponding cost within the company, in order to highlight the relationship between
category, and can thus be considered direct costs concerning the its activities and the safety cost categories defined in relation to
cost object for which a cause-effect relationship is known. each construction project.
On the other hand, indirect safety costs are those which must be In performing its functions, the Risk Prevention Department
attributed to cost categories on a pro-rata basis, because it is not generates a cost derived from the various productive factors
possible to directly determine their specific impact on the constitu- required for this activity. Accordingly, the costs incurred by the
tion of safety costs. department must be identified. Basically, these correspond to its
To illustrate the above distinction, the direct costs of the cate- own staff, the materials used, the external services received, the
gory prevention costs for a construction project might include the stores consumed and the computer equipment needed. Having
cost of installing huts for changing and toilet facilities for the work- identified these costs, they are then charged to specific cost
ers, or those arising from the application of collective protection objects, depending on the unit of measurement of the depart-
measures. In both situations, this is assuming that the measures ment’s activity considered to be most representative of the cost
in question are implemented by contracting an external service incurred.
to this effect, in which case the cost of the service received would The diversity of functions performed by the Risk Prevention
be clearly identified on the invoice issued by the company provid- Department makes it difficult to determine a homogeneous unit
ing the service, and would thus constitute a prevention cost of measurement that is representative of all the various activities
directly assignable to the site at which the contracted services carried out. In practice, each company must conduct its own study
are provided. of the costs incurred by this department and of the possible units
If an accident occurred, the direct costs of this event would of measurement to assess its activity over a prolonged period, in
include certain tangible cost items, such as the work time lost by order to choose the unit that best correlates with these costs.
the victim or by other workers, the cost of equipment repairs car- Possible units for this purpose include the number of hours worked
ried out by an external service, or the cost of products damaged in by senior departmental managers, the number of reports issued,
the accident. the number of incidents responded to, the number of accidents
An example of indirect costs would be, in the case of prevention investigated, etc.
costs, those related to training, which spans many different areas, Once the cost of the Risk Prevention Department has been cal-
such as awareness campaigns, the cost of external training aimed culated, and a suitable unit of measurement of its activity chosen,
at all the company’s employees, or the cost of the training depart- the cost of the activity unit can be determined, as the ratio
ment itself. None of these items arise from a preventive measure between the department’s costs and the number of activity units
directly attributable to a specific project, but to the company as a corresponding to the calculation period, according to the following
whole, and therefore the risk prevention cost for each project formula: kPD = TKPd/UPD, where kPD = cost of the activity unit chosen
requires a pro-rata criterion to be applied. for the Risk Prevention Department in the period; TKPD = total cost
Similarly, indirect evaluation and monitoring costs would include calculated for the Risk Prevention Department in the period; and
some of the costs of site visits by technicians employed by internal UPD = number of activity units employed during the period.
risk prevention services, such as those relating to the risk preven- Finally, the cost corresponding to the Risk Prevention
tion department itself, as its activity is not directed exclusively at Department is assigned to the different safety cost objects deter-
any specific project, but at all those performed by the company. mined for each project, by multiplying the number of activity mea-
Accordingly, in this case, too, a pro-rata calculation must be made. surement units, consumed by each of the cost objects identified, by
M.P. Ibarrondo-Dávila et al. / Safety Science 79 (2015) 116–125 121
the unit cost of the activity unit in the period considered. Thus, for 4. A case study. Application of the HSC_PEI2012 model to a
cost object i, corresponding to project j, the cost for a particular Spanish company: construction projects CE/28/1/2-10 and MA/1/
period, for the activity carried out on its behalf by the Risk 8/30-07-07
Prevention Department, would be obtained from the following
expression: Ki,j = ui,j kDP, where Ki,j = cost assigned to safety cost In this section we address, as a case study, the application of the
object i, corresponding to project j, for the activity carried out on proposed model for the calculation, analysis and control of safety
its behalf by the Risk Prevention Department; and ui,j = the number costs in construction companies to Project No. CE/28/1/2-10, which
of activity units received from the Risk Prevention Department by forms part of the sample considered in an empirical study
safety cost object i, corresponding to project j. conducted in Andalusia (Spain), and presents the following
If the company has an advanced information system that pro- characteristics:
vides reliable data, broken down by areas, activity-based costing
could be used to allocate indirect health and safety costs among Public-sector building construction project.
the different activities identified in relation to the risk prevention Implementation period: 48 months.
system, or to the occurrence of an accident, as proposed by Contract award discount: 12.2%.
Rikhardsson and Impgaard (2004) and by Riel and Imbeau (1995, Implementation budget: €47,781,947.03.
1996, 1998). Number of accidents: 12.
3.3. Indicators and reports for health and safety management The following tables present an analysis of safety costs, compar-
ing the data obtained by the company’s present management sys-
The fundamental aim of the model proposed for the calculation, tem with the information that could be derived from the proposed
analysis and control of safety costs in construction companies is to model for the calculation, analysis and control of these costs.
obtain information, primarily financial in nature, on health and This calculations have been got applying the proposed model.
safety costs in each project undertaken, and to make this informa- The input data have been obtained directly from the worksites.
tion available to company managers with responsibilities in this The information was available in different sections in the account-
area, in order to support the decision-making process and to facil- ing system. Based on this information, we have been able to esti-
itate relationships with stakeholders. mate an important part of prevention costs, evaluating and
Tables 5 and 6 show a standard report format; the first of these monitoring costs and other tangible costs as it was defined in
concerns safety costs (prevention, and evaluation and monitoring), Tables 1–3. However, to get the appropriate data to calculate total
and the second refers to tangible and intangible non-safety costs. safety costs, it would have been first necessary implement the
With respect to the development of health and safety indica- model in the economic information system of the company, by
tors, for maximum effectiveness these should be designed jointly applying the methodology shown in Section 3.2.
by workers or their representatives, specialists in health and safety Specifically, Table 8 compares the prevention costs identified by
at work, financial experts and decision-takers at different levels of the current system and the costs that could be identified under the
responsibility. The information summarised by these indicators proposed model. Table 9 presents a similar comparison of monitor-
should be understandable, straightforward and manageable, to ing and evaluation costs. These analyses are based on the data
facilitate its communication at all levels of the business organisa- obtained from a survey conducted at the construction site in ques-
tion and to contribute to its subsequent development (Miyakawa tion and on the elements of the model proposed. The tangible costs
et al., 2011). of accidents were calculated using the model proposed by the
Table 7 shows, as an example of this, a series of indicators, both Navarre Institute of Occupational Health (INSL, 2003), based on
monetary and non-monetary, depending on whether they relate to Risk Prevention Technical Note 273 published by the National
variables that can be measured in monetary units or not, that are Institute for Safety and Health at Work (INSHT, 1991), which has
applicable in the field of workplace health and safety in construc- been used as a benchmark by several studies carried out in
tion companies. Spain, at an overview level, including work by the INSHT
Table 5
Monthly summary report of safety costs.
Table 6
Monthly summary report of non-safety costs.
Table 7
Health and safety indicators.
National Centre for Working Conditions (2001), the Basque Furthermore, in this application of the proposed model to the con-
Institute of Occupational Health (OSALAN, 2005) and the La Rioja struction project described, we were unable to quantify many of
Institute of Occupational Health (IRSAL, 2008). the concepts in the area of safety costs, due to the absence of
In relation to the tangible non-safety costs, the present eco- appropriate data. This issue would be resolved with the implemen-
nomic information system used by the company does not identify tation of a model for the analysis, calculation and control of safety
the various cost items arising from the occurrence of an accident. costs in the company, such as that proposed in this study.
In contrast, the proposed model, as shown in Table 3, provides In order to be able to compare with another case, Table 11
detailed information on the various cost items related to the acci- shows other construction project, where we have applied the
dent. Its application to the project considered, according to the HSC_PEI2012 model. The selected project has been
information obtained in the survey, would produce a cost in this MA/1/08/30-07-2007, that belongs to the same sample from the
respect of €21,448.85. research study previously carried out in Andalusia (Spain). The
Table 10 summarises the calculations made relating to safety descriptors of this construction project were the following:
costs, in the project considered for this purpose, showing the dif-
ference between the total safety cost produced by the economic Private construction of one-family houses.
information system currently used by the company and that which Completion time: 22 months.
would be obtained by the proposed model. The real differences Contract award discount: 0.0%.
would probably be significantly greater, taking into account that Budget implementation: 35.844.000, 00 €.
most of the cost obtained by the present system corresponds to Number of accidents: 8.
the costs allocated by the company’s central services, an allocation
that is made arbitrarily, based on a percentage established by As shown in Table 11, the results are similar to the previous
senior management, regardless of the cause-effect relationships case, shown in Table 10, where more than 90% of the total safety
pertaining to the cost of risk prevention in the company. costs remain invisible to company managers.
M.P. Ibarrondo-Dávila et al. / Safety Science 79 (2015) 116–125 123
Table 8
Prevention cost. Application of the proposed model to Project No. CE/28/1/2-10.
Prevention cost Costs identified by the present economic information system Costs identified using the proposed model
Training of workers Training costs Training costs
Risk Prevention In the present economic information system, the cost of this In the proposed model, the specific cost of the Training Department
Department department is distributed as a percentage applied equally to all would be calculated and its distribution would be based on the
projects. This percentage is applied to the costs of central services, activity unit in question. No information is available on this
including the Training Department, and varies between 4% and 6% of calculation for the project specified. In addition, the cost for the
the project implemented during the month. In the case in question, training hours dedicated to each worker would be computed. No
the amount was €39818.29 information is available on this calculation for the project specified
Health and Safety Risk Prevention Department costs Risk Prevention Department costs.
Measures: hygiene
and welfare facilities
Individual protective In the present economic information system, the cost of this In the proposed model, the specific cost of this department would be
equipment department is distributed as a percentage applied equally to all calculated and its distribution would be based on the activity unit in
projects. This percentage is applied to the costs of central services, question. No information is available on this calculation for the
including the Risk Prevention Department, and varies between 4% project specified
and 6% of the project implemented during the month. In the case in
question, it is included in ‘‘% of local management costs’’, quantified
at 2.5% of the production achieved during the month, and amounted
to €24886.43
Collective protective Other items (Health and safety measures; individual and collective Health and Safety Measures
equipment protective equipment, . . .)
Health and safety signs No further detailed economic information is available. The cost is The proposed model would provide differentiated information in this
dispersed among various entries in the income statement for the respect. In the present project, rented site huts are installed, at a
project or at the overall company level. monthly cost of €43350.00
Supplies and overheads Individual protective equipment
Health and safety The proposed model would provide differentiated cost information
personnel costs in this respect. The invoice amount in question is €73585.61
Health and safety Collective protective equipment
administration costs
Health monitoring The proposed model would provide differentiated cost information
in this respect. The invoice amount in question is €851010.94
Social security, civil Other items
liability and
workers’ insurance
Monitoring and The proposed model would provide differentiated cost information
organisation of in this respect. For direct costs, via the data compilation protocol. For
business activities indirect costs, on a pro-rata basis. No information is available on this
calculation for the project specified.
Total prevention cost 64704.72 967946.55
Table 9
Evaluation and Monitoring costs. Application of the proposed model to Project No. CE/28/1/2-10.
Evaluation and Costs identified by the present economic information system Costs identified using the proposed model
monitoring costs
Visits by Risk Prevention Cost of administrative sanctions for non-compliance Cost of administrative sanctions for non-compliance
Views by the Labour In this case, two administrative sanctions were recorded, of In this case, two administrative sanctions were recorded, of €6010.12 and
Inspectorate €6010.12 and €3600.00, respectively €3600.00, respectively
Visits by other public- Other items Other items
sector technicians
Visits by Health and No further detailed economic information is available. The The proposed model would provide differentiated cost information in this
Safety Coordinators cost is dispersed among various entries in the income respect. For direct costs, via the data compilation protocol. For indirect
statement for the project costs, basically through the Risk Prevention Department (the specific cost of
the Department would be calculated and this would then be allocated
according to the activity unit in question)
Equipment maintenance No information is available on this calculation for the project specified
Preparation of technical
Sanctions for the
absence of health and
safety measures
Studies of working
conditions, surveys,
workshops, etc.
Total evaluation & 9610.12 9610.12
monitoring costs
124 M.P. Ibarrondo-Dávila et al. / Safety Science 79 (2015) 116–125
Table 10
Safety costs. Application of the proposed model to Project No. CE/28/1/2-10.
Table 11
Safety costs. Application of the proposed model to Project No. MA/1/8/30-07-07.
5. Discussion 6. Conclusions
The tradition of utilising methods of Management Accounting is Among other functions, management accounting should pro-
not well-established in safety management of organisations vide, in a systematic fashion, appropriate reports to facilitate the
(Tappura et al., 2015). However, construction firms would be more decision-making process regarding risk prevention, for both exter-
likely to invest in improving their workplace health and safety sys- nal and internal stakeholders.
tems if they had an information system based on a model for the For this purpose, the first step is to design an appropriate man-
calculation, analysis and control of safety costs, and which high- agement accounting model, that it be able to provide reliable and
lighted the benefits to be derived from investing in safety. usable information about safety costs. In designing a system of
In order to manage safety costs, it is necessary to take into managerial accounting to control costs related to health and safety
account the activities that influence them. However, under stan- at work, we must first determine the cost objects that are useful for
dard accounting practice in construction companies, the items that decision making in this field. Accordingly, we propose the follow-
comprise these costs are not identified. Most of the concepts ing cost classification:
involved are included in different accounting items, and the impact
of each one on the income statement remains unknown (Aaltonen Safety costs, consisting of two components: prevention costs and
et al., 1996; Argilés-Bosch et al., 2014; Oxenburgh and Marlow, monitoring and evaluation costs.
2005; Riel and Imbeau, 1996; Rikhardsson, 2004). The case study Non-safety costs, also consisting of two components: tangible
presented in this work shows some examples of these costs, such and intangible costs.
as the health and safety measures or the individual and collective
protective equipment, as indicated in Table 8. Each of the safety cost categories identified as distinct cost
As Argilés-Bosch et al. (2014) recommend, firms have to devote objects may include direct and/or indirect costs, depending on
resources and management accounting techniques for assessing the nature of the item in question, the characteristics of the com-
the true economic consequences of labour accidents. Moreover, pany’s accounting information system and the limitations of the
this information could contribute to provide a picture of the firm’s data collection process.
social responsibility and its implication with occupational health The direct cost for each of the categories defined could be
safety, providing relevant information for stakeholders. identified through the development of a data collection protocol
On the other hand, Feng (2013) found that safety investments for the company, clearly setting out the procedures to be followed,
have a stronger positive effect on accident prevention under a in each case, to identify the cost items with the corresponding cost
higher safety culture level. In this sense, an appropriate safety objects.
management information system could be a good opportunity for The indirect costs, on the other hand, could be allocated to the
enhancing safety culture in organisations (Fenández-Muñiz et al., cost objects by applying the methodology derived from responsi-
2009). Fernández-Muñiz et al. (2009) found that safety manage- bility centre accounting.
ment system has a positive effect on competitiveness performance. When appropriate cost items have been defined and a suitable
Likewise, the more developed the system is, the higher the produc- cost allocation methodology adopted, the necessary modifications
tivity, as a consequence of the reduction in costs caused by acci- must be made to the accounting information system, for data com-
dents. Furthermore, they found that the more advanced the pilation and the provision of information on the selected cost
management system implemented, the more satisfied the organi- objects.
sations are with their economic indicators. The application of the management accounting model proposed
Managerial accounting, as an information system for manage- to a case study in a Spanish company, in two construction projects,
ment, can play a vital role in this respect, by systematically provid- has shown that companies face substantial health and safety costs
ing appropriate reports to support the decision-making process in and that to a very large extent these remain invisible to company
the area of health and safety at work (Argilés-Bosch et al., 2014; managers. In the construction projects examined here, these hid-
Tappura et al., 2015). Awareness of the nature and dimension of den costs represent more than 90% of the total safety costs.
safety costs is of great importance for risk management within Model HSC_PEI2012 provides quantitative information that is of
companies. great value for decision-making in the company in relation to the
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