Assignment # 01: Civil Engineering Disaster Risk Assesment and Evaluation Engr - Dr.Muneeb Ali 28-03-2019
Assignment # 01: Civil Engineering Disaster Risk Assesment and Evaluation Engr - Dr.Muneeb Ali 28-03-2019
Assignment # 01: Civil Engineering Disaster Risk Assesment and Evaluation Engr - Dr.Muneeb Ali 28-03-2019
Project Members
Date: 28-03-2019
The present study explains the various concepts used in disaster
management. The concepts explained include: Disaster, Hazard,
Vulnerability, Capacity, Risk and Disaster Management Cycle. In
addition to the terminologies, the study also seeks to explain various
types of disasters. It also gives a detail of various disasters occurred in
Pakistan (Islamabad) as well their management and mitigation strategies.
The paper also discusses disaster management policy at national level as
well as disaster management and national plans in Pakistan especially
for islamabad.
Keywords: Natural Hazards, Disaster Management, Pakistan
Mehmood et al. 2015 published Country report of Pakistan
Due to geo-physical conditions, climatic extremes, and high degrees of
exposure and vulnerability, Pakistan is a disaster-prone country. Pakistan’s
exposure to natural hazards and disasters could be ranked between
moderate to severe.
Pakistan frequently suffers from earthquakes. Northern and Western parts
are particularly vulnerable to earthquakes. The Indus River is known as
flood-prone area especially in July and August. High priority hazards in
terms of their frequency and scale of impact are: earthquakes, flooding,
droughts, wind storms and landslides that have caused widespread
damage and losses in the past.
Pakistan lies in a seismic belt and therefore suffers from frequent
earthquakes of small magnitudes. Earthquakes normally occur along the
Himalayas, Karakorums and partly Hindu Kush ranges in the north,
Koh-e-Sulaiman range in the west with Chaman fault line along Quetta,
and Mekran fault line along the sea coast. Their occurrence is normally
associated with the dynamics associated with the Indian plate exerting
continuous pressure on the Eurasian land mass.
In 1935 an earthquake of above 6.5 on Richter Scale intensity rocked
Quetta leaving 35,000 dead.
From 1974 to 1990, approximately 5669 people were killed due to
earthquakes in the Northern Areas (NA), NWFP and Balochistan.
There was a significant earthquake that occurred in February 2004, in
NWFP resulting in 24 deaths and over 129,000 people were affected.
Pakistan is known to be vulnerable to a wide array of natural and man
instigated disasters, but October 2005 earthquake was the worst natural
disaster that the nation has experienced in the recent history.
Post October 2005 earthquake studies confirm country’s continued
vulnerability to the hazard in these regions.
WCDR (2005) A Re view of Disaster Management Policies and Systems in Pakistan, Islamabad,
January 2005.
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) (2006), Draft National Disaster Management
Framework, pp 14-17.
Pakistan Metrological Department and Norstar Norway, (2006), Seismic hazard analysis for the
Cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, February.