Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution Index For Groundwater Around Jharia Coalfield Region, India
Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution Index For Groundwater Around Jharia Coalfield Region, India
Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution Index For Groundwater Around Jharia Coalfield Region, India
Binay Prakash Panigrahy, Prasoon Kumar Singh, Ashwani Kumar Tiwari, Bijendra
Kumar, Anjani kumar
Key words: Heavy Metal Pollution Index, Groundwater, Heavy Metals, Jharia coalfield.
Assessment of the seasonal variations of the groundwater with respect to heavy metals contamination. For this
purpose, 29 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for heavy metals such as cadmium, copper, iron,
manganese, lead and zinc of Jharia coalfield region. In majority of the samples, the analyzed heavy metals are
well within the desirable limits and water is potable for drinking purposes. However, concentration of the Fe and
Mn exceeding the desirable limits in many groundwater samples in both the seasons. The HPI of groundwater
was found 9.94 in pre-monsoon season and 5.24 in post-monsoon season. The HPI values of the samples within
study area are found below the critical pollution index (100) in both the seasons, which shows that the
groundwater was not polluted with respect of heavy metals.
*Corresponding Author: Binay Prakash Panigrahy [email protected]
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streams, a few perennials and the rest intermittent, Khudia, Jamuniya, Kumari and Bansjora etc. (Fig .1).
which drains the JCF from north to south to join the Detail location with latitude and longitutide of
Damodar River. They are Tisra, Chatkari, Katri, sampling given in Table 1.
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Representative, 29 groundwater samples were Where Mi is the monitored value of heavy metal of ith
collected from different mines of Lodna, Bastacolla, parameter, Ii is the ideal value of the ith parameter
Sijua, Western Jharia, Block-II, Barora, and mining and Si is the standard value of the ith parameter. The
area of the study area (Fig 1). Sampling has been done sign (−) indicates numerical difference of the two
for the month of May (summer) 2013 and December values, ignoring the algebraic sign.
(winter) 2013 to get an idea of the seasonal variation
of the heavy metal concentrations. All samples have Result and discussion
been digested, concentrated and prepared for analysis The concentration of six heavy metals in groundwater
by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) of Jharia coalfield region such as Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, Cd,
methods using model: M Series Thermo Fisher and Zn of pre-monsoon seasons is listed in table 2
(Arnold et al. 1992). Analysis of these metals were and post-monsoon season in table 3. The mean
performed by calibrating the instrument with concentrations of Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, Cd, , and Zn were
different dilutions of standard solutions and analysis 0.854, 0.033, 0.0056, 0.045, 0.00092, 0.092 mg/l,
of Cu, Mn, Pb, Fe, Cd, Zn and Cr was performed at for pre-monsoon and for post-monsoon 0.663,
324.7, 279.5, 217.0, 248.3, 228.8, 213.9 and 357.9 nm, 0.0231, 0.0053,0.049,0.00044 and 0.0676 mg/l
respectively. which include total twenty nine groundwater
sampling points for two seasons of the year. From the
Heavy metal pollution index results, it has been observed that concentrations of
Heavy metal pollution index (HPI) is a technique of heavy metals such as Cu, Pb, and Zn were well below
rating that provides the composite influence of the permissible limits of Indian drinking water
individual heavy metal on the overall quality of water. standard (IS: 10500). The concentration of Mn and
The rating is a value between zero and one, reflecting Fe has been found more than the highest desirable
the relative importance of individual quality limit of drinking water standard at many places, in
considerations and inversely proportional to the both the seasons. The concentration of Fe in summer
recommended standard (Si) for each parameter (Reza has exceeded the highest desirable value of 0.3 mg/l
& Singh, 2010; Prasad and Kumari, 2008; Mohan, at sampling points 4, 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 20.Excess iron is
Natalia & Reddy, 1996). In the present formula, unit an endemic water quality problem in many party of
weightages (Wi) is taken as value inversely India (Singh et al 2013b). Lowason 1993 reported
proportional to the recommended standard (Si) of the that in Jharia coalfield mineral pyrite (FeS2) found as
corresponding parameter. Iron, manganese, lead, a secondary mineral in the coal and associated
copper chromium and zinc have been monitored for sediment. It is observed high value of Fe due to
the model index application. The HPI model weathering of pyrites (Lowason et., al 1993). Since the
proposed is given by Mohan et al. (1996). weightages (Wi) given to Fe and Mn is very less, in
evaluation of HPI of groundwater, these parameters
do not contribute much on HPI value. Heavy metals
Where, Qi is the sub-index of the ith parameter. Wi is drinkingwater standard and they have been given
the unit weightage of ith parameter, and n is the high weightages (Wi) value in HPI calculation.
number of parameters considered. Concentration of Cu and Zn has not been found at any
sampling point in any season higher than the
The sub index (Qi) of the parameter is calculated by desirable limit of drinking water standard. The heavy
Eq. (2) metal pollution index is calculated for the season pre-
monsoon is 9.94 and for the post-monsoon 5.25,
which is well below the critical index value 100. This
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index value indicates that in general the groundwater sampling points of groundwater showing in table 4.
is not contaminated with respect to the heavy metal Post-monsoon season showing good quality of
pollution. The HPI calculated with mean groundwater in terms of heavy metal with compare to
concentration values of all metals including all pre-monsoon season.
Table 4. Calculation of Unit Weightages (Wi) and Standard Permissible Value (Si) based on the Indian
Standards (IS: 10500, 1993).
Mean Concentration(Vi) Unit weight Sub index(Qi)
Heavy metals values for Wi× Qi
(ppm) age(Wi) (ppm)
Summer(s) Winter (w) S W S W
Fe(mg/L) 0.854 0.663 1.0 0.0381 85.4 66.3 3.25 2.52
Cu(mg/L) 0.0049 0.0044 1.5 0.0253 0.32 0.29 0.0080 0.0007
Mn(mg/L) 0.033 0.023 0.3 0.1265 11.0 7.66 1.39 0.96
Zn(mg/L) 0.092 0.0676 15 0.0025 0.61 0.45 0.0015 0.0015
Pb(mg/L) 0.0056 0.0053 0.05 0.0758 11.12 10.6 0.842 0.803
cd(mg/L) 0.00092 0.0004 0.01 3.7939 9.2 4.5 34.90 17.07
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