DLL For November 6-10, 2017 Q3 W2 All Subjects
DLL For November 6-10, 2017 Q3 W2 All Subjects
DLL For November 6-10, 2017 Q3 W2 All Subjects
LC- The learner V- The learner demonstrates RC – The learner G – The learner SS – The learner demonstrates
demonstrates an an understanding that word demonstrates an demonstrates an an understanding of library
understanding of the meaning can be derived from understanding of text understanding of English skills to research on a variety
elements of literary and different sources elements to comprehend grammar and usage in of topics
A. CONTENT informational texts for A – The learner demonstrates various texts speaking and writing WC – The learner
STANDARDS comprehension an understanding of demonstrates an
OL – The learner nonverbal cues to ORF –The learner understanding of the
demonstrates an communicate with others demonstrates an importance of using varied
understanding of verbal understanding that English is sources of information to
cues for clear expression of stress-timed language to support writing. The learner
ideas achieve accuracy and demonstrates an
automaticity understanding of writing as a
LC – The learner recalls V – The learner uses different RC – The learner uses G – The learner uses the SS – The learner uses library
B. PERFORMANCE details, sequence of events, sources to find word meaning knowledge of text types to classes of words aptly oral or skills to gather appropriate
STANDARDS and shares ideas on texts A - The learner uses correctly distinguish literary written discourse and relevant information
listened to paralanguage and nonverbal from informational texts WC – The learner uses a
OL – The learner actively cues to respond ORF – The learner reads variety of strategies to write
creates and participates in appropriately aloud text with accuracy, informational and literary
oral theme-based activities automaticity, and prosody compositions
C. Learning Competencies/ LC – Note details from news V – Use context clues RC – Note details in G – Identify and use words SS – Take note of relevant
Objectives. Write the LC report/sections listened to (synonym and antonym) to informational text that show degrees of information from a given text
Code for each EN4LC-IIIb-25 find meaning of unfamiliar EN4RC-IIIb-35 comparison of adjectives in EN4SS-IIIb-11
OL – Use appropriate words EN4V-IIIb-13.2 ORF –Read grade level text sentences WC – Write/Compose a news
expression to talk about A – Show love for reading by with appropriate speed, EN4G-IIIb-14 story
famous events listening attentively during accuracy, and proper EN4WC-IIIb-27
EN4OL-IIIa-b-14 story reading and making expression
comments or reactions EN4F-IIIb-15
III.LEARNING RESOURCES Chart, Pictures, PPTx, Flashcards, Chart, paper Chart, flashcards, PPTx, Pictures, chart, flashcards, Chart, PPTx, foldables,
foldables, stories strips, PPTx, dictionary stories PPTx, stories, foldables pictures
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages TG pp 198 - 199 TG pp. TG pp. TG pp. 226-227 TG pp. 198 - 199
2.Learner’s Materials pages LM pp. 219-221 LM pp. LM pp. LM pp. 240 - 2243 LM pp. 230-231
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Resources from
Learning Resources (LR)
SMART English 4 txpp 291- Skill Builders for Efficient SMART English 4 tx pp. 237- Trailblazers 4 tx pp. 218-224
B. Other Learning Resources 292 Reading 4 tx pp 128 - 131 238
A. Review previous lesson or Let the pupils recall the Let the pupils answer the Let the pupils give words Let the pupils read the Let the pupils know about
presenting the new lesson. news structure following. Choose the with the same meaning and consonant blends /pl/ and /fl/ writing a news article. What
The news should be able to answers from the box words with opposite /pl/ /fl/ are the things to be
answer the question wh-, Summer farm meaning. Call some of them Plant flag remembered?
what, where, when, why Whole ten to recite. Plate flow 1.Write the who, what,
and how. Plug flute where, when, why and if
My parents always take us Plot flower possible how of the events in
away during the ______ Place flip the opening
vacation. This year, they told Read the following phrases. sentence.2.Follow up with
us we were going to Red flag smooth flow details.
Grandpa’s ________ in the Long flute big plate
barrio. We would stay there Small plant far place
for a ______ week.
B. Establishing the purpose What section of the news According to Richard and Let the pupils open their LM Let the teacher show the Let the pupils read the news
to the lesson. paper do you read as soon Patricia Brande (1978), there books on tx.pp. 235-236. Exercise 1 in Try and Learn LM article from the Philippine
as you hold it? are three levels of skills in Show pictures of a lamp and p. 240 daily Inquirer
context clues. You can guess a fire. What do these pictures Analyze the Set A , Set B, Number 1 rating takes toll
the meaning of new words by show? Set C pictures. on Kiko’s Frankie
studying the surrounding Do you have any story to tell Francis “Kiko”
words in a sentence. these about the pictures? Pangilinan, who topped the
three types of levels or Have you heard or read an latest survey on senatorial
exercises help develop the anecdote about the moth preferences, admitted that
ability to: 1.select among and the flame of our being number 1 in the poll
alternatives Philippine national hero, Dr. did not come easy, especially
2.predict sequence of Jose Rizal? to members of his family.
thought or events; and He said the youngest
3.infer meaning of unfamiliar ”casualty” was six-year-old
words from context. Frankie, who at first could
not understand why he was
often not around.
“This is what breaks my
heart. Ten days ago, Frankie
was suddenly being difficult.
She did not obey her ‘yaya’,
or her mom,” Kiko said.
He sat down with
Frankie to find out exactly
what was bothering her. He
soon realized that it was his
absence that was causing his
daughter much pain
C. Presenting examples/ Let the pupils listen to the Let the pupils read the Let the pupils answer the Show Exercise 2 on LM p. 241. Let the pupils answer the
instances of the new lesson news article about the examples the teacher will unlocking of difficulties on Let the pupils answer. questions based on the news
weather the teacher will show on meta cards/strips. LM pp. 236 – 237. article.
tell. My cousin Ronnie is a Find out in the anecdote if 1.Who was the political
Southern Mindanao will seaman. One night, he told there is obedience. candidate in the article?
experience mostly cloudy his family a tale about huge Let the pupils read it on LM 2.Why did the candidate say
skies with scattered rain white whale that he saw in pp. 235 – 236. that being no.1 in the poll did
showers and isolated the Atlantic Ocean. In the THE MOTH AND THE FLAME not come easy?
thunderstorms. The rest of sentence, tale means______ 3.What was the difficulty that
the country will be partly Poem secret story lie the candidate experienced?
cloudy to at times cloudy Last Christmas, Randy’s Let the pupils answer the 4.If you were the candidate,
with isolated rain showers godfather gave him a new questions on Talk about it LM how would you resolve the
or thunderstorms. bicycle. Randy is delighted pp. 236 ( 1 – 5 ) situation?
Moderate to strong with his shiny and colorful
winds blowing from the bicycle. He rides it every day.
northeast and east will In this sentence, delighted
prevail over Eastern Luzon means____
and its coastal waters will Proud bright happy sad
be moderate to rough.
Elsewhere, winds will be
light to moderate blowing
from the northeast and east
with light to moderate seas.
D. Discussing new concepts Ask the following questions: Let the pupils read the short Do you know that TV Let the pupils do Do and Learn Let the pupils read the news
and practicing new skills # 1 What part of the country prayer watching can make you sick? LM p. 241. Complete the article on LM pp. 219.
will experience mostly A PRAYER TO THE HOLY Find this out as you read the table.
cloudy skies with scattered SPIRIT article.
rain showers and Come Holy Spirit, Replace the CAN TV GIVE YOU THE FITS?
thunderstorms? tension within us with a holy You must have heard your
What will prevail over relaxation. Replace the parents tell you not to sit
Eastern Luzon? turbulence within us with a close to the TV set, and you
Based on the weather sacred calm. Replace the must have wondered why. A
report listened to, describe anxiety within us with strong couple of years ago in Japan,
the weather condition in the faith. Replace the bitterness a television broadcast
following areas: within us with the sweetness resulted in “epileptic-like fits”
Southern Mindanao of grace. among Japanese viewers
Luzon Eastern Luzon Encircle the words in the numbering to about 700.
lines that are antonyms and Most of its viewers were
draw a line to connect these children. Although the case is
words. still under study, Japanese
Antonyms are words with parents are taking the
opposite meaning. warning seriously.
a. Who were the
victims of violence
shown on the tv
b. What happened two
years ago?
E. Discussing new concepts Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice
and practicing new skills # 2 Let the pupils listen to the Let the pupils answer the Let the pupils read the article Group I - Write the Let them answer the group
news report the teacher will antonyms in each line . and answer the questions by comparative and superlative activity on LM p220
tell. Answer the questions Replace the darkness within group. forms of the following
after. (Note: The teacher us with the gentle light. Very bright lights of red and adjectives using –er and –est.
may use the previous Replace the coldness within blue flashed after each other Dirty -________-________
selection from the LM book) us with a loving warmth. for about 5 seconds in Young-_______-________
Replace the night within us Pokemon animated episodes Loud-________ - ________
with your light. on television. Within minutes Wide- ________- _______
Choose the correct synonyms of that scene, young viewers Deep ________- ________
in each sentence. experienced seizures, nausea, Group II – Write the
1.Mayor Malabanan had a headaches, and dizziness. comparative and superlative
big party in his house last Several viewers were forms of the following
Saturday. It was so crowded affected by these adjectives.
that some people couldn’t disturbances. Fresh _______-________
find a place to sit.Crowded 1.What is the title of the Close _______-________
means_______ animated tv show? Fast _______- ________
Full dark small big 2.What was the cause of the Group III – Use less and least
2.the spacemen were about children’s illness? in the comparative and
to start on their journey to 3.What did the children see superlative forms of the
the moon. They inquired at when the “vaccine bomb” adjectives below.
the space center to find out if exploded on the screen? Common
their rocket was ready. Beautiful
Inquired means______ Necessary
opened proceeded took Skillful
off asked helpful
F. Developing Mastery Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice
(Leads to Formative Let the pupils listen to the Encircle the antonyms in the Let the pupils do this and Underline the correct answer. Let them do the Do and
Assessment 3) news report the teacher will following passage. answer the questions. 1.Of all the rivers in the Learn on LM pp. 221
tell. Then let them answer 1. Straighten our Medical authorities in country, Pasig River is the
the questions. (The teacher crookedness. Japan think that these must (polluted, more polluted, most
may use previous selection) 2. Fill our emptiness. have been the effects of a polluted)
For the first half of the 3. Dull the edge of our combination of high strobe 2.Pollution is the (serious,
race, Joe is on the lead. pride. rate, picture brightness, more serious, most serious)
Laura and Tom are neck to 4. Sharpen the edge of stimulation from the red environmental problem in our
neck not so far behind. Joe is our humility. color, and nearness to the tv country today.
running as fast , as he can, 5. Quench the flame of set. 3.The smog looks(dark,
careful to keep ahead of the our lust. Japanese children stay darker, darkest) in the
others. There’s now Tom Underline the correct closer to the tv set than the morning than in the
rather fast, approaching the synonyms. Americans. In Japan, children afternoon.
two. Laura has been pacing 1.The boy wanted to ride on stay 3 to 7 feet away from 4.It is (less, least) difficult to
herself quite well. She picks a back of a huge gray the tv screen, while the ask for donations in December
speed and moves ahead. elephant. The owner helped United States viewers stay than in November.
She seems to keep a the boy get on the elephant’s about 7 to 12 feet away. 5.The (less, least) number of
constant speed and not back. Huge means ( cute, 1.What is the average migrating birds is in October.
exhaust herself too early in long, large, happy) viewing distance in Japan? In
the race. 2. Linda’s room in the the United States?
Suddenly, Tom stumbles! hospital was painted pink. It
Oh, no, he is beginning to was filled with beautiful
have cramps in his legs. Joe plants and flowers. Linda
seemingly follows. His legs stays in an attractive room.
feel somewhat like lead. It ‘s Attractive means____(funny,
still a race for Laura… beautiful, healthy, plain)
G. Finding practical What are the things you In our lives there are good Informational texts are very We can compare things with We hear and watch news in
applications of concepts and should remember in things and bad things that we important in our daily lives. other things. our every day’s life. News is
skills in daily living listening to a news like in TV experienced everyday. very important to us.
Patrol or 24 Oras?
H. Making generalizations In noting details, one should Antonyms are words with Noting details is merely An adjective has three degrees News report should be able
and abstractions about the always remember to answer opposite meaning. answering who, what, where, of comparison, namely: to answer the question wh,
lesson the WH questions. Synonyms are words with the when and why questions. positive degree, comparative what, where, when, who,
same meaning. degree, and superlative why and how. The news
degree. should be able to answer at
least four of these questions.
However, all news must
answer the who and what
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Listen to the Directions: Underline the Directions: Read the Directions: Underline the Directions: Write a news
selection the teacher will correct answer. informational text answer correct answer. article about the following
read. Answer questions 1.When I play with my baby the questions that follows. 1.For me, the weather in June information.
after. sister, I move her very gently. “Pokemon” still appears is (more, most) beautiful than 1.Deafness Awareness Week
( See attached news article ) She cries if I am quite rough on television, but the in May. Opened at the Peace Bell,
or careless. Gently means producers promise that they 2.What is the ( more, most) Quezon City
(loudly, carefully, gladly, will not put in video popular tourist spot in our With Ecumenical service
quickly) pyrotechnics. Researchers country? November 18,2016
2. My house is near while his also believe that a well- 3.Smog is the (thick, thicker, With Quezon City mayor
house is ( far, few, fast, lighted room can minimize thickest) in that place than in Herbert bautista
funny) etc. the effects of brightness and the park. Other dignitaries in
strobe lights on the screen. 4. I hope that we can all work attendance
1.What can minimize the together to make our
effects of brightness and environment ( clean, cleaner,
storbing? cleanest).
2.What are the things the tv
producers will do?
J. Additional activities for Bring pictures Bring pictures showing the
application or remediation comparative degree of
adjectives. Bring newspaper.
A. Number of pupils who
earned 80% in the
B. Number of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who score
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
got caught up in the lesson
D. Number of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategy worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. what innovation or
localized materials did I used
to discover which I wish to
share with the teachers.
Paaralan Antas Four
Grades 1-12 Guro Asignatura ESP
Daily Lesson Log Linggo/Petsa Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Oras Binigyang pansin ni
C. MGA KASANAYAN SA Nakapagpapakita ng kawilihan sa pakikinig o pagbabasa ng mga pamanang kulturang material (hal. Kwentong bayan, alamat, mga epiko) at di-materyal (hal.
PAGKATUTO mga magagandang kaugalian, pagpapahalaga sa mga nakakatanda at iba pa) (EsP4PPP-IIIa-b-19)
(Isulat ang code ng bawat
(Ang nilalaman ay ang mga aralin sa bawat linggo. Ito ang paksang nilalayong ituro ng guro mula sa Gabay sa Kurikulum. Maaari itong tumagal ng isa
II. NILALAMAN hanggang dalawang linggo.)
Aralin 2: Kultura Ko, Ipinagmamalaki Kong Tunay
III. KAGAMITANG PANTURO (Itala ang mga Kagamitang Panturo na gagamitin sa bawat araw. Gumamit ng iba’t ibang kagamitan upang higit na mapukaw ang interes at pagkatuto
ng mga mag-aaral.)
A. Sanggunian
1. Mga pahina sa Gabay ng
Guro 111-113 113-115 115-116 116 116-117
2. Mga pahina sa
Pang-Mag-aaral 181-183 183-187 187-189 189-190 190-193
3. Mga pahina sa Teksbuk
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan
mula sa
portal ng Learning
B. Iba pang Kagamitang scrap materials na maaaring i-recycle tulad ng butones, beads, lumang magasin; tape o video ng mga awiting “Sa Ugoy ng Duyan” at “Dandansoy” (kung wala
Panturo ay aawitin na lamang ito ng guro at pagkatapos ay gaganyakin ang lahat na makisabay sa pag-awit); mga bagay na maaaring gawan ng bugtong o alamat; bond
paper, oslo paper o lumang folder na maaari pang pagguhitan at sulatan, kuwaderno, sagutang papel
IV. PAMAMARAAN (Gawin ang pamamaaang ito ng buong linggo at tiyakin na may gawain sa bawat araw. Para sa holistikong pagkahubog, gabayan ang mga mag-aaral
gamit ang mga istratehiya ng formative assessment. Magbigay ng maraming pagkakataon sa pagtuklas ng bagong kaalaman, mag-isip ng anatikal, at
kusang magtaya ng dating kaalaman na inuugnay sa kanilang pang-araw-aaw na karanasan.)
A. Balik-aral sa nakaraang *Ano ang kultura? Paano nyo Balik-aralan ang awiting 1. Pagsagot sa ilang bugtong Pagbabahagi ng ilang Pagpapakitang muli ng mga
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng ipapakita ang pagpapahalaga Dandansoy. Ano ang 2. Pagbasa ng ilang kuwentong sinaliksik. likhang sining na ginawa.
bagong aralin sa kultura ng bansa? mensahe ng awitin? salawikain at pagpapaliwanag
(paunawa sa mga mag-aaral
na bilang
mga Pilipino, dapat nilang
tangkilikin ang sariling sining
at panitikan.)
*Bakit mahalagang pag-
aralan ito?
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng 1.May alam ba kayong 1. Itanong: 1.Itanong: May napag-aralan Magpakita ng ilang Hayaan ang mga bata na
aralin katutubong *Alam nyo ba kung ano ang na ba kayong mga kuwento, halimbawa ng likhang sining sabihing muli ang kahulugan
awit o sayaw, o may mga bugtong at salawikain? sayaw, awit, at produktong ng mga Pilipino. at halimbawa ng kultura.
natatandaang bugtong, * Para saan kaya ang mga sining ng mga Pilipino? Anu- *Paano kaya nila ito
salawikain o mga kuwentong ito? ano ang mga ito? isinagawa?
alamat? (Maaaring ipaawit 2. Ipaliwanag muli na ang *Ano kaya ang katangiang
ang sagot kung itoay alam.) mga ito ay bahagi ng ipinakita nila sa paggawa
2. Sabihin sa mga mag-aaral kulturang Pilipino. nito?
na ang pamanang kultura
natin ay masasalamin sa
sining (pag-awit, pagsayaw,
pagguhit ,
pagtatanghal) at panitikan
(kuwento, sanaysay, tula,
salawikain, salaysay).
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga 1. Tanungin kung may Magpakita ng isang 1. Ilahad ang mga sumusunod 1. Ipaliwanang na ang mga Hayaan ang mga batang
halimbawa sa bagong aralin nakaaalam sa kanila ng halimbawa ng: na salita: (pabula, alamat, likhang sining na ito ay ilan sabihing muli ang mga paraan
“Dandansoy”. 1. Bugtong maikling kuwento, sayaw, lamang sa nagpapayaman ng ng
2. Pagbibigay ng paunang Tapat kong kaibigan, kasama awit o himig) kulturang Pilipino. pagpapahalaga/pagpapaunlad
impormasyon: Sabihin na ang ko kahit saan. (Sagot: anino). 2. Hayaan ang mga batang 2. Sabihin: Lahat ng tao ay ng kultura.
awit ay isinulat sa Hiligaynon. 2. Salawikain magbigay ng opinyon o maaaring gumawa ng isang
Ito ang diyalekto ng mga Kapag may isinuksok, may halimbawa ng mga ito. bagay na makakatulong sa
Ilonggo. Ang mga Ilonggo na madudukot. (Kahulugan: 3. Sabihin na ang mga ito ay pagpapaunlad ng kultura.
karaniwang Kapag natutong mag-impok, bahagi ng ating mayamang
matatagpuan sa rehiyon ng sa panahon ng kagipitan ay sining at panitikan.
Kanlurang Bisaya (Iloilo, may mapagkukunan).
Capiz) ay
kilalang palakaibigan,
malambing at mapagmahal.
3. Pakikinig at Pagsabay sa
D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Pagsuri sa awit gamit ang Pagtatalakay 1. Ilahad at ipaliwanag ang 1. Ipaliwanag ang gawain sa Hayaang muli ang mga bata
konsepto at paglalahad ng mga tanong: (LM p. 183) 1.Bugtong: mga gawain sa LM p. 187-188 p. 189 ng LM na ipaliwanag ang
bagong kasanayan #1 * Ano sa palagay mo ang *Ano kaya ang naisip ng mga 2. Ibigay ang mga 2. Pagsasagawa ng gawain kahalagahan ng pagbasa ng
damdaming inilalarawan sa unang Pilipino nang lumikha pamantayan sa pagganap o (Paggawa ng mga likhang mga kuwento, bugtong,
awit? sila ng mga bugtong? kraytirya para sa sining) salawikain, pagsayaw,
* Ano kaya ang ibig sabihin ebalwasyon ng performans o paggawa ng mga likhang
ng “Dandansoy”? Pangalan 2. Salawikain ginawa. sining.
kaya ito *Ano ang mensahe o 3. Pagsasagawa sa mga
ng lugar o tao? ipinahihiwatig ng salawikain? gawain sa p. 187-188
*Ano sa palagay mo ang *Bakit kaya ito ginawa ng (Pagpapangkat)
mensahe ng awit? Atbp. mga Pilipino?
E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong *Patingnan ang larawan sa Iproseso ang sagot ng mga 1. Pagtalakay sa nilalaman ng Pagpapakita at
konsepto at paglalahad ng Kagamitan ng Mag-aaral, p. mag-aaral. Gamit ang gawain pagpapaliwanag sa ginawa
bagong kasanayan #2 182 teoryang 2. Pagproseso sa
(Maaaring ipakita o gamitin konstruktibismo, itanong: presentasyon ng bawat
na lamang angtranslation ng *Ano ang napansin nyo sa pangkat
awit at ganyakin ang mga pagkakalahad ng mga
mag-aaral na suriin ang ibig bugtong? salawikain?
sabihn nito.) (Maaaring Sagot)
1. Kung tunay na minamahal Bugtong: (Maaaring sagot:
ni “Dandansoy” ang umawit, nakakatawa, kailangan mong
ano mag-isip na mabuti kung ano
ang gagawin niya? ang tinutukoy).
2. Anong kaugalian ang Salawikain: (Matalinghaga,
ipinakikita ng awitin? may tugma ang mga salita
kaya magandang pakinggan o
1. Para sa mga bugtong,
bigyang-pokus ang cue words
o mga salitang maaaring
magbigay sa atin ng clue o
gabay para mahulaan
2. Kung minsan gumagamit
ng analohiya ang mga
salawikain. Ibig sabihin,
inihahambing nila sa
isang bagay ang isang
pangyayaring maaaring
maranasan ng tao
School Grade Four
Grades 1-12 Teacher Learning Area: Science
Daily Lesson Log Week/Teaching Date Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Time Checked by:
1.Teacher’s Guide pages 222-223 224-225 226-228 228-231 231-232
2.Learner’s Materials Pages 177-179 177-179 182-183 184-185
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B.Other Learning Resources Power point presentation Video presentation Power point presentation Video Presentation
Power point presentation
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Review about applying Inviting a resource person Review on the different What are the materials that
presenting the new lesson force to an object. inside the class like fire safety measures when at can be attracted by
officer, policemen or home and in school magnets.
somebody working in in the
Phil Red Cross with
complete uniform.
B.Establishing a purpose for the - Showing pictures of They talk about their work Answering a puzzle on TG Posting pictures (TG p. 228).
lesson children doing different and their role in keeping page 226. Arrange the events in the
physical activities like everyone safe. story.
running, climbing, riding a
- Describe what each child
in the picture
C. Presenting examples/instances of What physical activity do After their task, pupils are What are the words you Present the correct
the new lesson you like to do? encourage to ask questions produced? sequence of the photos.
to the guest to learn more Emphasize the people
about their work. behind the discovery of
magnet and other principles
of magnetism.
E.Discussing new concepts and Divide the class into four Give additional discussion Group activity.. Show a magnet. Tell
practicing new skills #1 groups. on keeping one’s self safe in Divide the class into 4 something what you know
Do lesson 47 activity 1 & 2: doing physical activities. groups. about this magnet.
LM Activity pp. 177-178 and Do lesson 49, activity 1- (emphasize to the class that
Allow the pupils to share what objects are Attracted magnet has 2 poles)
their answers and results of by Magnets?
the different activities Prepare for a group output
F.Discussing new concepts and Discuss group outputs. Discuss safety at school and Group presentations. Group activity.
practicing new skills #2 Giving feedback. at home on LM pages 179- Give of feedbacks. Divide the class into 3
180. groups.
Do lesson 50, activity 1.
Group presentation.
G..Developing mastery Answering the different What are the reminders to Discuss the key ideas about Discuss about the force
(Leads to formative assessment) guide questions in the keep you safe in school and magnets. exerted by a magnet.
activity. at home?
What will you do if you see Write a slogan on the What are the materials we Are magnets important?
H.Finding practical/applications of
a signage “please fall in importance of safety used at home that attracts Cite situations in our daily
concepts and skills in daily living
line”? measures in performing by magnets? lives showing importance of
physical activities. magnets.
I. Making generalizations and What are you going to do What are the safety What are magnets? What is magnetism? If 2
abstractions about the lesson when doing activities? reminders to make What are the several types magnets are put near each
ourselves safe when at of magnets? other:
home and school? What are the objects If the poles are different,
attracted by magnets? then they will ______.
If the poles are the same,
then they will _______.
What are the tips to Write A if the situation Write check (/) if the ff True or False
remember when in public shows practicing safety objects attracted by 1. All magnets have 2 north
playgrounds? measures and B if not. magnets and cross(X) if not. poles.
1. Skateboarding in a busy 1. Spoon 2. If you break a magnet
street 2. Table into 2 pieces, you will
2. Wearing industrial 3. Book have 2 mgnets with the
gloves in bending iron 4. Slipper same poles.
J. Evaluating Learning rods 5. Thumbtacks 3. The pulling or pushing
3. Ironing clothes with wet force is strongest at the
clothes north pole.
4. Turning LPG tank before 4. Most objects with iron
going to bed are attracted to
5. Playing with old magnets.
batteries 5. Magnet can repel an
object made of paper.
What are the safety tips What are the safety List down materials found How compass work?
K. Additional activities for application when at home? reminders when crossing a in school that can be Research it in any science
or remediation street? attracted by magnets book or in the internet.
Draw an example.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned 80% of
the formative assessment
B.No. of learners who require
additional activities to remediation
C.Did the remedial lessons work?No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E.Which of my teaching strategies
worked well?Why did these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized
material did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Paaralan Antas Four
Grades 1-12 Daily Guro Asignatura: Araling Panlipunan
Lesson Log Petsa Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Oras: Binigyang pansin ni :
A. Alkalde A. Pangulo
B. Barangay B. Ispiker
C. Kapitan C. Punong Mahistrado
IV. PANLINANG NA Pangganyak na tanong: Tumawag ng ilang mag-aaral Iugay ang mga tanong sa aralin. Iugay ang mga tanong sa aralin. Pagbasa at pagsagot
GAWAIN Paano gumawa ng kalamansi upang magbigay ng sa lingguhang
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga juice? halimbawa nito gamit sa Ipabasa ang Basahin Mo, KM, Ipabasa ang Basahin Mo, KM, pagsususlit ng
halimbawa sa Ipabasa ang Basahin Mo, KM, pangungusap. p. 103-104. p. 103-104. matahimik.
bagong aralin p. 103-104. Itanong: Ano-ano ang Itanong: Tungkol saan ang Itanong: Tungkol saan ang
D. Pagtalakay ng Itanong: Ano ang mga hakbang sa paggawa ng binasang pamamaraan? Ano- binasang pamamaraan? Ano-
bagong konsepto at sangkap na ginamit sa juice? Ipabasa ang mga ano ang bahagi ng resipi? ano ang bahagi ng resipi?
paglalahad ng paggawa ng juice? Ano-ano hakbang na nakasulat sa strip Ano ang nakasulat sa Ano ang nakasulat sa
bagong kasanayan ang hakbang sa paggawa nito? ng papel. pmagat? Layunin? Sangkap? pmagat? Layunin? Sangkap? Pagsususri ng
E. Pagtalakay ng Ano-ano ang bahagi ng isang Itanong: Ano ang salitang Mga Hakbang? Malinaw bas a Mga Hakbang? Malinaw bas a tamang sagot sa
Bagong Konsepto resipi? Ano ang dapat tandaan kilos na ginamit sa unang inyo ang nabasang inyo ang nabasang lingguhang
sa pagbibigay ng mga hakbang hakbang? Pangalawa? pamamaraan? Bakit? pamamaraan? Bakit? pagsususlit.
ng isang gawain? Pangatlo? Pang-apat? Magagawa mo ba ang mga Magagawa mo ba ang mga
Makagagawa ka rin ban g Panlima? Pang-anim? Anong hakbang na nabasa? hakbang na nabasa? Pagrerekord ng
Calamansi juice gamit ang salita ang puwede nating Matapos na makagawa ang Matapos na makagawa ang nakuhang iskor sa
resipi na binasa? Paano? idagdag sa unang hakbang mga mag-aaral ng Calamansi mga mag-aaral ng Calamansi pagsususlit.
Anong uri ng pandiwa ang upang mailarawan kung juice, itanong: juice, itanong:
ginagamit dito? Ano-ano ang paano ito dapat gawain? Sa Nakasunod ba nang maayos? Nakasunod ba nang maayos?
bahagi ng isang resipi? Bakit ikalawa? Pangatlo? Pang- Bakit? Ano ang dapat taglayin Bakit? Ano ang dapat taglayin
mahalaga ang bawat isa? apat? Panlima? Pang-anim? ng isang panuto upang maging ng isang panuto upang maging
Ipabasa sa mga mag-aaral malinaw ito at makasunod agad malinaw ito at makasunod
ang panibagong mga ang makababasa nito? agad ang makababasa nito?
hakbang sa paggawa ng
Calamansi juice.
Itanong: Ano ang tawag sa
mga salitang idinagdag sa
pangungusap? Ano ang
nagawa nito sa ating mga
F. Pagtataya Isulat ang tamang Sumulat ng limang hakbang Sagutin ang mga tanong sa Sagutin ang mga tanong sa
pagsasagawa ng kalamansi kung paano isagawa ang gawaing ibibigay ng guro. gawaing ibibigay ng guro.
juice. paboritong inumin.
Salungguhitan ang mga pang-
abay na ginamit.
G. Mga Tala
H. Pagninilay
Grade 4 School Grade Four
Daily Lesson Teacher Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
Log Week/Teaching Date Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Time Checked by:
I. OBJECTIVES Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of parallel and perpendicular lines, angles, triangles and quadrilaterals
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Objective Construct and describe parallel and perpendicular lines, angles, triangles and quadrilaterals in designs, drawings and models
C. Learning Competencies/ Describes the attributes/ Describes the attributes/ Identifies and describes Identifies and describes triangles
Objectives Properties of triangles and Properties of triangles and triangles according to sides according to sides and angles
( Write the LC code for quadrilaterals using concrete quadrilaterals using concrete and angles M4GE-IIIb-15
each) objects or models objects or models M4GE-IIIb-15
M4GE-IIIb-15 M4GE-IIIb-15 Summative Test/
CONTENT Describing Triangles and Describing Triangles and Identifying and Describing Identifying and Describing Weekly Test
( Subject Matter) Quadrilaterals Quadrilaterals Triangles Triangles
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages 211 – 213 211 – 213 213 – 216 213 – 216
2. Learners Material Pages 160 – 161 160 – 161 162 – 163 162 – 163
B. Other Learning Resources Flashcards and drawings of Flashcards and drawings of Recycled cardboards, Recycled cardboards, recycled
the different kinds of lines the different kinds of lines recycled cloth, picture and cloth, picture and cutouts of
and angles and their and angles and their cutouts of different triangular different triangular objects
definitions, line segments, definitions, line segments, objects, Philippine flag
geoboard geoboard
A. Reviewing past lesson or Group pupils into six teams. Who am I? Drill: “Feeling Quiz Bee” Divide the class into 4.
Presenting the new lesson Provide each group with the -I am a closed figure made up (Kinds of lines and angles) Show cutouts of different
definition of the different of several line segments. triangles. Instruct pupils what
kinds of lines and angles. -I am a three-sided polygon. Review: Let pupils recall the kinds of triangles are they by
Flash the cards with drawings -I am a four-sided polygon relationship of a quadrilateral writing their answers on the
one at a time and let pupils and a triangle. Let them give metacards.
post the meaning on the the description of each.
B. Establishing a purpose of Let them look around. Ask Group pupils into four. Show the Philippine flag. Ask: Process the activity by asking
the new lesson what shapes they can see. Distribute geoboards/ What can you see in the flag? questions.
Elicit the idea that everything graphing paper. Tell them to What plane figures can you
around us has shapes. form a triangle or a see?
quadrilateral. Let them say Ask the different ways of
something about their showing respect to the flag.
output. Elicit the value of patriotism.
C. Presenting Examples/ Present this problem. Present this situation to the Let pupils answer Get Moving
instances of the new The Math class of Mr. class. on LM p, 163.
lesson Reposas draws two kinds of Miss Fina assigned some of
polygons. Two girls showed her pupils to bring different
their drawings. Dioleta drew objects with the shape of a
Let pupils answer Get
a 3-sided polygon, while triangle. Benilda brought a
Moving on LM p, 159
Lolita had a 4-sided polygon. picture of a house, Grace
showed the picture of a
traffic sign and Jocelyn
prepared a triangular flaglet.
Let pupils analyze the
problem by asking questions
D. Discussing new concepts Show the drawings made by Show the pictures of the Let pupils answer Keep Moving
and practicing new skills the two girls. Ask: What do Let pupils answer Keep
different objects mentioned. on LM p, 163.
no.1. you call the first drawing? Ask: Observe the different
Moving on LM p, 161
How about the second one? triangular objects? How will
you describe the different
triangular objects?
E. Discussing new concepts What is a polygon? (A Let pupils do the Performing Let pupils do Apply Your Skills
and practicing new skills polygon is a closed figure the Activities on TG p. 214. on LM p, 163
no.2 made up of several line
Give a game on identifying
segments that are joined
triangles and quadrilaterals.
together? What do you call a
3-sided polygon? What about
a 4-sided polygon?
F. Developing Mastery Paste cut outs of triangles Group pupils into 6. Let them Do the Processing the Name Game.
(Leads to Formative Assessment and form a quadrilateral if their Activity on TG p. 215 Let pupils name objects that
3.) Quadrilaterals. Let pupils answer to the question is yes have triangular shapes. Let them
group them according to and form a triangle if their defend why they are isosceles,
number of sides and let them answer is no. right, etc.
give the name of each group. -Do all quadrilaterals have
four sides and angles?
-Do all quadrilaterals can be
divided into 2 triangles?
-Is any 3-sided polygon a
-Is any 4-sided polygon a
G. Finding practical Allow pupils to name objects Give cutouts of different Matching game.
application of concepts that have a triangle and a triangles. Let them identify Call volunteers. One will hold
Let pupils do Apply Your
and skills in daily living quadrilateral shapes. what kind of angles are they. the strips with descriptions of
Skills on LM p, 161
They can use ruler or triangles and the other one with
protractor. the illustration. At the signal, let
them match each other.
H. Making Generalization What is a polygon? Ask these questions to lead What are the different How are triangles classified?
and abstraction about the Describe a triangle and a pupils give the following triangles according to sides?
lesson quadrilateral. generalizations: According to angles?
What is a triangle?
What is a Quadrilateral?
I. Evaluating learning Identify if the illustrations Draw a triangle if the object A. Identify the triangles Name the triangle described in
below are triangles or mentioned represents a according to sides. each item.
quadrilaterals. triangle. Draw a quadrilateral 1. It is a triangle which has the
if it is not. right angle.
1. Abe is reading a book. 2. It is a triangle which has an
2. Ian is using a tripod in B. Identify the triangles obtuse angle.
doing his experiment. according to angles. 3. It is a triangle which has 3
3. Amado is opening the acute angles.
door. 4. It is a triangle which has 2
4. Gani is holding an ice equal sides.
cream cone. 5. It is a triangle which has no
5. Rafael is writing on the equal sides.
J. Additional activities for Draw 3 different triangles Give the Home Activity on TG Cutouts examples of triangles Give the Home Activity on TG p.
application and and 3 different quadrilaterals p. 213. according to sides and 216.
remediation angles.
A. No. of learner who earned
B .No. of learner who scored
below 80% ( needs
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share w/other teacher?
Grade 4 School Grade Four
Daily Lesson Teacher Learning Area: MAPEH
Log Week/Teaching Date Quarter: Third
Time Checked by:
I.LAYUNIN Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding
A. Pamantayang of of shapes and colors and the of participation in and of the proper use of medicines of participation in and
Pangnilalaman musical phrases, and the uses principles of repetition, assessment of physical to prevent misuse and harm assessment of physical
and meaning of musical contrast, and emphasis activities and physical fitness to the body activities and physical fitness
terms in form. through printmaking
B.Pamantayan sa Pagganap Perform similar and Creates relief and found Participates and assesses Practices the proper use of Participates and assesses
contrasting musical phrases. objects prints using ethnic performance in physical medicines. performance in physical
designs. activities. activities.
Presents research on relief
prints created by other Assesses physical fitness Assesses physical fitness
cultural communities in the
C.Mga Kasanayan sa MU4FOIIIa-1 A4EL-IIIa PE4PF-IIIa-16 H4S-IIIa-1 PE4PF-IIIa-16
Pagkatuto Identifies aurally and visually The learner explores the Describes the Philippines Describes uses of medicines Describes the Philippines
( Isulat ang code sa bawat the introduction and coda texture of each material and physical activity pyramid physical activity pyramid
kasanayan) (ending) of a musical piece describe its characteristics.
ARALIN 1: Ang Introduction ARALIN 1: Testura ( Texture) ARALIN 1: Balik-tanaw sa ARALIN 1: Tamang Gamit, ARALIN 1: Balik-tanaw sa
II. NILALAMAN at Coda ng isang Awitin mga Sangkap ng Physical Iwas Sakit mga Sangkap ng Physical
( Subject Matter) Fitness Fitness
(Cardiovascular Endurance, (Cardiovascular Endurance,
Lakas ng Kalamnan, Lakas ng Kalamnan,
Tatag ng Kalamnan, at Tatag ng Kalamnan, at
Flexibility) Flexibility)
C. Sanggunian
3. Mga pahina sa Gabay sa TG p.90-93 TG p. 263-267 TG p.41-45 TG p. 158 - 161 TG p.41-45
4. Mga pahina sa Kagamitang LM p.68-70 LM p. 208-2011 LM p.118 - 128 LM p. 324- 329 LM p.118 - 128
Pang Mag-aaral
5. Mga pahina sa Teksbuk
6. Karagdagang kagamitan
D. Iba pang Kagamitang Larawan, aklat, laptop, cardboard, gunting, pandikit, Larawan, aklat, tsart Larawan, tsart, aklat Larawan, aklat, tsart
Panturo speaker, tsart butones, hairclip, barbecue hula hoop, lubid, baton, hula hoop, lubid, baton,
sticks, barya ng iba’t ibang palaruan palaruan
halaga, mga dahon na iba’t
ibang hugis at testura,
acrylic paint, paint brush,
diyaryo, at lumang plastic
B. Balikan
Awitin at alamin kung ang
direksiyon ng tono ay
pahakbang o palaktaw na
pataas o pababa.
L. Paghahabi sa layunin ng Iparinig ang awiting May mga inihandang B. Panimulang Gawain Magpakita ng mga larawan ng B. Panimulang Gawain
aralin “Paruparong Bukid” sa mga kagamitan ang guro na Ipakita sa mga bata ang mga gamot o videoclip tungkol sa Ipakita sa mga bata ang mga
(Motivation) bata. nakalagay sa isang kahon. nakatalang gawaing pisikal sa mga gamot . nakatalang gawaing pisikal sa
Bakit kaya dumarapo ang Tatawag ng mga bata at bahay, sa paaralan at sa labas bahay, sa paaralan at sa labas
mga paruparo sa mga kukuha ng isa habang siya ay ng tahanan. Ipatukoy rin Ipakita ang medicine cabinet ng tahanan. Ipatukoy rin
bulaklak? May alam ba nakapiit. kung gaano nila kadalas na sa mga bata. kung gaano nila kadalas na
kayong awitin tungkol sa Hayaang hawakan ng mga ginagawa ang mga ito at ang Tawagin ang mga bata at isa- ginagawa ang mga ito at ang
paruparo? bata at tukuyin kung anong fitness component na isahin ang laman nito. fitness component na
testura ng mga ito. napapaunlad ng gawain. napapaunlad ng gawain.
a. bato
b. bola Ipasagot ang “Suriin Natin” Ipasagot ang “Suriin Natin”
c. bulak na nasa KM, p. 120 na nasa KM, p. 120
d. unan
Itanong: Ipaliwanag ang kahulugan ng Ipaliwanag ang kahulugan ng
1. Ano ang ginawa sa bawat kanilang puntos na nakatala kanilang puntos na nakatala
kagamitan? sa kasunod na pahina. sa kasunod na pahina.
2. Anu – ano ang masasabi
mo sa mga testura nito?
3. Paano nyo natukoy ang
M. Pag- uugnay ng mga Gawain I Pagsusuri ng Larawan Panlinangna Gawain: Panlinangna Gawain:
halimbawa sa bagong aralin Ipaskil sa pisara ang tsart ng Magkaroon ng Gawain na Talakayin: Magkaroon ng Gawain na
( Presentation) lunsarang awit. Awitin ito o nagtataglay ng Physical Ano ang nakikita sa loob ng nagtataglay ng Physical
iparinig sa mga bata gamit fitness. (invasion game- kabinet? fitness. (invasion game-
ang CD player. Agawang Panyo) Nasa aling bahagi ng kabinet Agawang Panyo)
(Paligsahan sa Pagbibigay ng ang mga gamot na maaaring (Paligsahan sa Pagbibigay ng
Ang “Ohoy Alibangbang” ay mga Gabay o tuntunin ng inumin? Alin ang maaaring mga Gabay o tuntunin ng
awiting bayan ng Hiligaynon. laro) panlinis o pamahid lamang? laro)
Ipatukoy ang mga Kilala ba ninyo ang mga gamot Ipatukoy ang mga
KM, p. 69 kasanayang nililinang sa na ito? kasanayang nililinang sa
Gawain at itanong ang Kailan kayo umiinom o Gawain at itanong ang
kahalagahan ng pakikilahok gumagamit nito? kahalagahan ng pakikilahok
sa mga gawaing katulad nito. (Hikayatin ng mga bata upang sa mga gawaing katulad nito.
magbahagi sa kanilang mga
karanasan sa pag-inom ng
R.Paglalahat ng Aralin Ano ano ang introduction? Ano ang napapansin ninyo sa Pagnilayan Natin
( Generalization) Ang introduction ay himig na mga testura ng mga bagay sa Paano malilinang ang mga 1. Ipagawa ang Gawain sa Paano malilinang ang mga
tinutugtog o inaawit bilang paligid? sangkap ng physical fitness? Kompletuhin Mo Ito. sangkap ng physical fitness?
paghahanda sa pagawit. Ang mga bagay sa paligid ay 2. Kompletuhin ang kaisapang
Ano ang coda? nagtataglay ng testura. Ito ay Tandaan Natin, KM , p. 127 nasa scroll graphic organizer Tandaan Natin, KM , p. 127
Ang coda ( ) ay bahagi ng maaaring may magaspang, upang makabuo ng isang
isang awit o tugtugin na malambot, at makinis na malinaw na mensahe sa LM.
nagsisilbing panapos o testura. (Sumangguni KM,p. 328)
pangwakas ng komposisyon.
Tandaan, KM, p. 210
S. Pagtataya ng Aralin Panuto: Awitin ang Sumangguni sa KM, GAWIN Ipasadula ang gawain sa Mam Sumangguni sa KM, GAWIN
“Paruparong Bukid”. Bilugan -Sumanggunisa LM, SURIIN p. NATIN p.127-28 Sir Ano ang Dapat Bibilhin? NATIN p.127-28
ang introduction at ikahon 210 - 211 (Sumangguni KM,p. 328)
ang coda sa tsart ng awit na
nasa pisara.
KM, p. 71
T.Karagdagang gawain para sa Maghanap ng musical score o Magsaliksik ng mga Ipakopya sa isang malinis na Gumawa ng sariling islogan na Ipakopya sa isang malinis na
takdang aralin( Assignment) piyesa ng isang awitin na halimbawa ng ethnic designs. papel o bond paper ang nagpapakita kung bakit papel o bond paper ang
napag-aralan na at bilugan Iguhit ito sa papel at ihanda Talaan ng Isang Linggong kailangan nating uminom ng Talaan ng Isang Linggong
ang introduction at ikahon para sa susunod na aralin. Physical Activity na nasa LM. gamot. Physical Activity na nasa LM.
ang coda. Ipasulat o ipalarawan sa mga Ipasulat o ipalarawan sa mga
bata ang kanilang paboritong bata ang kanilang paboritong
gawaing pisikal sa loob ng gawaing pisikal sa loob ng
isang linggo at lagdaan ito. isang linggo at lagdaan ito.
Ipapasa ang talaan sa Ipapasa ang talaan sa
susunod na pagkikita sa PE. susunod na pagkikita sa PE.
V. Mga Tala
VI. Pagninilay
A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sa
B . Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba pang
gawaing remediation
C. Nakakatulong ba ang
remedia? Bilang ng mag aaral
na nakaunawa sa aralin
G. Anong gagamitang
ang aking nadibuho na nais
ibahagi sa mga kapwa ko
GRADE 1 to 12 Paaralan Baitang/ Antas 4
(Pang-araw-araw na Petsa/ Oras WEEK 1 Markahan IKALAWA
Tala ng Pagtuturo)